About Shared Library (shared) and Module Library (module) type of cmake target INSTALL command has different behaviour for ARCHIVE LIBRARY RUNTIME depending on the platform
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389 lines
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' nevrax_macros.dsm
' Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Nevrax. All rights reserved.
' The redistribution, use and modification in source or binary forms of
' this software is subject to the conditions set forth in the copyright
' document ("Copyright") included with this distribution.
' FILE DESCRIPTION: Nevrax Visual Studio macro file
' $Id: nevrax_macros.dsm,v 1.22 2005/01/03 14:46:02 cado Exp $
' *** NevraxNewClass ***
' NevraxInsertFileHeader
' Utility Sub for NevraxNewClass()
' Author : Olivier Cado
Sub NevraxInsertFileHeader( filename, productname )
ActiveDocument.Selection = _
"/** \file " + filename + vbLf + _
" *" + vbLf + _
" */" + vbLf + vbLf
End Sub
Function IsUpCase( str )
IsUpcase = ( str = Ucase(str) )
End Function
' NevraxClassNameToFileName
' Utility Function for NevraxNewClass()
' 1/08/2000 : now analyses the first character
' Author : Olivier Cado
Function NevraxClassNameToFileName( classname )
beginningpos = 1
first = left(classname,1)
if ((first="C") or (first="E") or (first="I")) then
if len(classname)>1 then
if IsUpCase( mid(classname,2,1) ) then
beginningpos = 2
end if
end if
end if
filename = lcase(mid(classname,beginningpos,1))
for i = beginningpos+1 to len( classname )
charact = mid(classname,i,1 )
if IsUpCase( charact ) then
if i+1 <= len( classname ) then
if not IsUpCase( mid(classname,i+1,1) ) then
filename = filename + "_"
end if
filename = filename + "_"
end if
end if
filename = filename + lcase(charact)
NevraxClassNameToFileName = filename
End Function
' NevraxProjectOpen
' Utility Function for NevraxNewClass()
' Author : Olivier Cado
Function NevraxProjectOpen( projname )
found = 0
dim proj
for i = 1 to Projects.Count
if Projects(i).Name = projname then
found = i
exit for
end if
NevraxProjectOpen = found
End Function
' Global variable
Dim CurrentDirectoryName
Dim CurrentProgrammerName
' NevraxNewClass
' DESCRIPTION: Wizard for new class creation
' 1/08/2000 : added input boxes for directories
' 7/09/2000 : added programmer's name dialog and test for file existence (dirs & files)
' 18/09/2000 : namespace, programmer's name saved in a file, file added to the right project
' 12/10/2000 : modified output
' Weird things :
' - CreateObject( Scripting.FileSystemObject ) doesn't work on Win 98, but on 2000
' - Projects.Item( string ) doesn't work. Using number instead
' Author : Olivier Cado
Sub NevraxNewClass()
' ** Input class name and file name
ClassName = InputBox( "Bienvenue dans l'assistant de cr<63>ation de classe." + vbLf + vbLf + _
"Nom de la nouvelle classe :", "Nouvelle classe (1)" )
if ClassName = "" then
Exit Sub
end if
Filename = NevraxClassNameToFileName( ClassName )
' Warning: do not enter an existing filename, or MsDev will crash when attempting to save
Filename = InputBox( "Nom de fichier sans l'extension:", "Nouvelle classe (2)", Filename )
if Filename = "" then
Exit Sub
end if
UniqueName = "NL_" + UCase( Filename ) + "_H"
HFilename = Filename + ".h"
CppFilename = Filename + ".cpp"
' Load configuration
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ConfigFileName = "R:\code\tool\visual_studio_macros\nevrax_new_class.cfg"
if fso.FileExists( ConfigFileName ) then
set f = fso.OpenTextFile( ConfigFileName, 1 ) ' 1 = ForReading
'if CurrentProgrammerName = "" then
CurrentProgrammerName = f.ReadLine
' CurrentProgrammerName = "Richard Stallman"
'end if
SrcDirectory = f.ReadLine
IncDirectory = f.ReadLine
end if
' ** Directories (NB: input boxes cannot be canceled in this part)
SrcDirectory = InputBox( "R<>pertoire racine (existant) des sources (.cpp)" + vbLf + "(ex: R:\code\nel\src pour NeL) :","Nouvelle classe (3)", SrcDirectory )
if SrcDirectory <> "" then
if right(SrcDirectory,1)<>"\" then
SrcDirectory = SrcDirectory + "\"
end if
IncDirectory = ""
end if
IncDirectory = InputBox( "R<>pertoire racine (existant) des include (.h)" + vbLf + "(ex: R:\code\nel\include\nel pour NeL ; cha<68>ne vide pour le m<>me r<>pertoire que les fichiers source ) :","Nouvelle classe (4)", IncDirectory )
if IncDirectory = "" then
IncDirectory = SrcDirectory
if (right(IncDirectory,1)<>"\") then
IncDirectory = IncDirectory + "\"
end if
end if
CurrentDirectoryName = InputBox( "Nom du r<>pertoire de travail (ex: misc)" + vbLf + "(existant dans " + SrcDirectory + _
" et dans " + IncDirectory + ")" + vbLf + "Ce nom restera m<>moris<69>" + vbLf + "(cha<68>ne vide pour pour un projet hors-NeL).", "Nouvelle classe (5)", CurrentDirectoryName )
if CurrentDirectoryName<>"" then
CurrentDirectoryDir = CurrentDirectoryName + "\"
Namesp = "NL" + ucase(CurrentDirectoryName)
end if
If InStr( IncDirectory, "nel" ) then
ProdName = "NEL"
ShortIncDir = "nel/" + CurrentDirectoryName + "/"
ProdName = "NeL Network Services" ' not Distributed Toolkit Components System anymore
end if
' ** Check for file existence
FinalCPPdir = SrcDirectory + CurrentDirectoryDir
FinalHdir = IncDirectory + CurrentDirectoryDir
if not fso.FolderExists( FinalHdir ) then
MsgBox "Erreur : le r<>pertoire " + FinalHdir + " n'existe pas !", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
end if
if not fso.FolderExists( FinalCPPdir ) then
MsgBox "Erreur : le r<>pertoire " + FinalCPPdir + " n'existe pas !", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
end if
FinalCPPfilename = FinalCPPdir + CppFilename
FinalHfilename = FinalHdir + HFilename
if fso.FileExists( FinalHfilename ) then
MsgBox "Erreur : le fichier " + FinalHfilename + " existe d<>j<EFBFBD> !", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
end if
if fso.FileExists( FinalCPPfilename ) then
MsgBox "Erreur : le fichier " + FinalCPPfilename + " existe d<>j<EFBFBD> !", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
end if
' ** Check for open project
if CurrentDirectoryName="" then
AddToProject = 0
AddToProject = NevraxProjectOpen( CurrentDirectoryName )
end if
' ** Programmer's name
CurrentProgrammerName = InputBox( "Votre pr<70>nom et votre nom (qui restera m<>moris<69> dans un fichier) :", "Nouvelle classe (6)", CurrentProgrammerName )
if CurrentProgrammerName = "" then
Exit Sub
end if
' Save configuration
set f = fso.OpenTextFile( ConfigFileName, 2, true ) ' 2 = ForWriting
f.WriteLine CurrentProgrammerName
f.WriteLine SrcDirectory
f.WriteLine IncDirectory
' ** Input ancestor class name and file name
NoAncestor = "NO BASE CLASS"
AncClassName = InputBox( "Nom de la classe de base :", "Nouvelle classe (7)", NoAncestor )
if AncClassName = "" then
Exit Sub
if AncClassName = NoAncestor then
AncClassName = ""
AncFilename = InputBox( "Nom de fichier (avec chemin) sans l'extension (ex: nel/misc/toto) :", "Nouvelle classe (8)" )
if AncFileName = "" then
Exit Sub
end if
AncHFilename = AncFilename + ".h"
'if not fso.FileExists( AncHFilename ) then
' MsgBox "Attention : le fichier " + AncHFilename + " n'existe pas encore.", vbInformation
'end if
end if
end if
' ** Now write .cpp
Documents.Add( "Text" )
NevraxInsertFileHeader CppFilename, ProdName
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "#include """ + ShortIncDir + HFilename + """" + vbLf + vbLf + vbLf
if ( CurrentDirectoryName<>"" ) then
ActiveDocument.Selection = "namespace " + Namesp + " {" + vbLf + vbLf + vbLf
end if
ActiveDocument.Selection = "/*" + vbLf + _
" * Constructor" + vbLf + _
" */" + vbLf + _
ClassName + "::" + ClassName + "()" + vbLf + _
"{" + vbLf + _
"}" + vbLf + vbLf + vbLf
if ( CurrentDirectoryName<>"" ) then
ActiveDocument.Selection = "} // " + Namesp + vbLf
end if
' Warning: ActiveDocument.Save raises an "Unknown error" if the directory does not exist"
ActiveDocument.Save( FinalCPPfilename )
if AddToProject=0 then
ActiveProject.AddFile( FinalCPPfilename )
Projects(AddToProject).AddFile( FinalCPPfilename )
end if
' ** Now write .h
Documents.Add( "Text" )
NevraxInsertFileHeader HFilename, ProdName
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "#ifndef " + UniqueName + vbLf + _
"#define " + UniqueName + vbLf + vbLf
ActiveDocument.Selection = "#include ""nel/misc/types_nl.h""" + vbLf
if AncClassName <> "" then
ActiveDocument.Selection = "#include """ + AncHFilename + """" + vbLf
end if
if ( CurrentDirectoryName<>"" ) then
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + vbLf + "namespace " + Namesp + " {" + vbLf
end if
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + vbLf + _
"/**" + vbLf + _
" * <Class description>" + vbLf + _
" * \author " + CurrentProgrammerName + vbLf + _
" * \author Nevrax France" + vbLf + _
" * \date 2005" + vbLf + _
" */" + vbLf + _
"class " + ClassName
if AncClassName <> "" then
ActiveDocument.Selection = " : public " + AncClassName
end if
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + _
"{" + vbLf + _
"public:" + vbLf + vbLf + _
" /// Constructor" + vbLf + _
" " + ClassName + "();" + vbLf + vbLf + _
"};" + vbLf + vbLf
if ( CurrentDirectoryName<>"" ) then
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "} // " + Namesp + vbLf + vbLf
end if
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "#endif // " + UniqueName + vbLf
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "/* End of " + HFilename + " */" + vbLf
' Warning: ActiveDocument.Save raises an "Unknown error" if the directory does not exist"
ActiveDocument.Save( FinalHfilename )
if AddToProject=0 then
ActiveProject.AddFile( FinalHfilename )
Projects(AddToProject).AddFile( FinalHfilename )
end if
End Sub
' *** End of NevraxNewClass ***
' ** NevraxToggleHCPP
' NevraxToggleHCPP
' DESCRIPTION: Opens the .cpp or .h file (toggles) for the current document.
' TIP: Bind this macro to Ctrl+<
' Last modification : 22/05/2001
' Author : Olivier Cado
Sub NevraxToggleHCPP()
' ** Get filename extension and ensure it is .h or .cpp
ActFilename = ActiveDocument.FullName
pos = InstrRev( ActFilename, "." )
if ( pos <> 0 ) then
Ext = mid(ActFilename,pos)
if (Ext<>".h" and Ext<>".cpp") then
msgbox( "Error : Active document is not a .cpp or .h file" )
exit sub
end if
exit sub
end if
' ** Build the alternative filename
' The module name is the word between the two last backslashes of the path\filename
ModuleDir = left( ActFilename, InstrRev(ActFilename,"\")-1 )
ModuleDir = mid( ModuleDir, InstrRev(ModuleDir, "\")+1 ) + "\"
dim SearchDirs (4)
if ( Ext = ".cpp" ) then
SearchDirs(1) = "R:\code\nel\include\nel\" + ModuleDir
SearchDirs(2) = "R:\code\nel\include_private\nel\" + ModuleDir
SearchDirs(3) = left( ActFilename, InstrRev(ActFilename,"\") ) 'dir of the current file
NbDirs = 3
Ext = "h"
SearchDirs(1) = "R:\code\nel\src\" + ModuleDir
SearchDirs(2) = left( ActFilename, InstrRev(ActFilename,"\") ) 'dir of the current file
NbDirs = 2
Ext = "cpp"
end if
DirIndex = 1
FileFound = False
Dirs = ""
while (DirIndex <= NbDirs) and (FileFound = False)
' NeL directory scheme
if InStr(ActFilename,"nel")<>0 then
' Add the search path and the filename
NewFilename = SearchDirs(DirIndex)
ShortFilenameDot = mid( ActFilename, InstrRev(ActFilename,"\")+1 )
' The complete filename
ShortFilenameDot = ActFilename
end if
ShortFilenameDot = left( ShortFilenameDot, Instr(ShortFilenameDot,".") )
NewFilename = NewFilename + ShortFilenameDot + Ext
' ** Open the alternative file
dim fso
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fso.FileExists( NewFilename ) then
Documents.Open( NewFilename )
FileFound = True
Dirs = Dirs + SearchDirs(DirIndex) + vbLf
DirIndex = DirIndex + 1
end if
if FileFound <> True then
MsgBox "There is no file " + ShortFilenameDot + Ext + " in " + vbLf + Dirs
end if
End Sub
' ** NevraxToggleHCPP
' NevraxFormatMethodHeader
' DESCRIPTION: Edit a Doxygen .h style method header for a .cpp file.
' The caret must be a the beginning of the first line of the header.
' Author : Olivier Cado
Sub NevraxFormatMethodHeader()
ActiveDocument.Selection.Delete 2
ActiveDocument.Selection = "*" + vbLf + " *"
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + " */"
ActiveDocument.Selection = vbLf + "{" + vbLf + vbLf + "}" + vbLf
ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove,2
End Sub