
1015 lines
28 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
// Includes //
#include "cdb_branch.h"
#include "cdb_leaf.h"
#include "game_share/xml_auto_ptr.h"
//#include <iostream.h>
#include "interface_v3/interface_manager.h"
// Namespaces //
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace std;
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/debug.h"
#include "nel/misc/file.h"
#include "nel/misc/i_xml.h"
#include "nel/misc/progress_callback.h"
#include <libxml/parser.h>
//#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo *CCDBNodeBranch::_FirstNotifiedObs[2] = { NULL, NULL };
CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo *CCDBNodeBranch::_LastNotifiedObs[2] = { NULL, NULL };
CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo *CCDBNodeBranch::_CurrNotifiedObs = NULL;
CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo *CCDBNodeBranch::_NextNotifiedObs = NULL;
uint CCDBNodeBranch::_CurrNotifiedObsList = 0;
// Mapping from server database index to client database index (first-level nodes)
vector<uint> CCDBNodeBranch::_CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping [NB_CDB_BANKS];
// Mapping from client database index to TCDBBank (first-level nodes)
vector<TCDBBank> CCDBNodeBranch::_UnifiedIndexToBank;
// Last index mapped
uint CCDBNodeBranch::_CDBLastUnifiedIndex = 0;
// Number of bits for first-level branches, by bank
uint CCDBNodeBranch::_FirstLevelIdBitsByBank [NB_CDB_BANKS];
extern const char *CDBBankNames[INVALID_CDB_BANK+1];
// reset all static data
void CCDBNodeBranch::reset()
for ( uint b=0; b<NB_CDB_BANKS; ++b )
_CDBLastUnifiedIndex = 0;
_FirstNotifiedObs[0] = NULL;
_FirstNotifiedObs[1] = NULL;
_LastNotifiedObs[0] = NULL;
_LastNotifiedObs[1] = NULL;
_CurrNotifiedObsList = 0;
_CurrNotifiedObs = NULL;
_NextNotifiedObs = NULL;
// Internal use only. First-level bank-mapping.
void CCDBNodeBranch::mapNodeByBank( ICDBNode * /* node */, const string& bankStr, bool /* clientOnly */, uint /* nodeIndex */ )
/*if ( clientOnly )
//nldebug( "CDB: Unified.%u is ClientOnly", _CDBLastUnifiedIndex );
_UnifiedIndexToBank.push_back( CDBPlayer );
else*/ // now clientOnly indices are known by the server as well
for ( uint b=0; b!=INVALID_CDB_BANK; ++b )
if ( string(CDBBankNames[b]) == bankStr )
//nldebug( "CDB: Mapping %s.%u to Unified.%u", CDBBankNames[b], _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping[b].size(), _CDBLastUnifiedIndex );
_CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping[b].push_back( _CDBLastUnifiedIndex );
_UnifiedIndexToBank.push_back( (TCDBBank)b );
// init
static /*inline*/ void addNode( ICDBNode *newNode, std::string newName, CCDBNodeBranch* parent,
std::vector<ICDBNode *> &nodes, std::vector<ICDBNode *> &nodesSorted,
xmlNodePtr &child, const string& bankName,
bool atomBranch, bool clientOnly,
NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack,
bool mapBanks )
nodes.back()->setAtomic( parent->isAtomic() || atomBranch );
nodes.back()->init(child, progressCallBack);
// Setup bank mapping for first-level node
if ( mapBanks && (parent->getParent() == NULL) )
if ( ! bankName.empty() )
CCDBNodeBranch::mapNodeByBank( newNode, bankName, clientOnly, (uint)nodes.size()-1 );
//nldebug( "CDB: Mapping %s for %s (node %u)", newName.c_str(), bankName.c_str(), nodes.size()-1 );
nlerror( "Missing bank for first-level node %s", newName.c_str() );
void CCDBNodeBranch::init( xmlNodePtr node, NLMISC::IProgressCallback &progressCallBack, bool mapBanks )
xmlNodePtr child;
_Sorted = false;
// look for other branches within this branch
uint countNode = CIXml::countChildren (node, "branch") + CIXml::countChildren (node, "leaf");
uint nodeId = 0;
for (child = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "branch"); child; child = CIXml::getNextChildNode (child, "branch"))
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.progress ((float)nodeId/(float)countNode);
progressCallBack.pushCropedValues ((float)nodeId/(float)countNode, (float)(nodeId+1)/(float)countNode);
CXMLAutoPtr name((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"name"));
CXMLAutoPtr count((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"count"));
CXMLAutoPtr bank((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"bank"));
CXMLAutoPtr atom((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"atom"));
CXMLAutoPtr clientonly((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"clientonly"));
string sBank, sAtom, sClientonly;
if ( bank ) sBank = bank.getDatas();
if ( atom ) sAtom = (const char*)atom;
if ( clientonly ) sClientonly = clientonly.getDatas();
nlassert((const char *) name != NULL);
if ((const char *) count != NULL)
// dealing with an array of entries
uint countAsInt;
fromString((const char*) count, countAsInt);
for (uint i=0;i<countAsInt;i++)
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.progress ((float)i/(float)countAsInt);
progressCallBack.pushCropedValues ((float)i/(float)countAsInt, (float)(i+1)/(float)countAsInt);
// nlinfo("+ %s%d",name,i);
string newName = string(name.getDatas())+toString(i);
addNode( new CCDBNodeBranch(newName), newName, this, _Nodes, _NodesByName, child, sBank, sAtom=="1", sClientonly=="1", progressCallBack, mapBanks );
// nlinfo("-");
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.popCropedValues ();
// dealing with a single entry
// nlinfo("+ %s",name);
string newName = string(name.getDatas());
addNode( new CCDBNodeBranch(newName), newName, this, _Nodes, _NodesByName, child, sBank, sAtom=="1", sClientonly=="1", progressCallBack, mapBanks );
// nlinfo("-");
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.popCropedValues ();
// look for leaves of this branch
for (child = CIXml::getFirstChildNode (node, "leaf"); child; child = CIXml::getNextChildNode (child, "leaf"))
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.progress ((float)nodeId/(float)countNode);
progressCallBack.pushCropedValues ((float)nodeId/(float)countNode, (float)(nodeId+1)/(float)countNode);
CXMLAutoPtr name((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"name"));
CXMLAutoPtr count((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"count"));
CXMLAutoPtr bank((const char*)xmlGetProp (child, (xmlChar*)"bank"));
string sBank;
if ( bank ) sBank = bank.getDatas();
nlassert((const char *) name != NULL);
if ((const char *) count != NULL)
// dealing with an array of entries
uint countAsInt;
fromString((const char *) count, countAsInt);
for (uint i=0;i<countAsInt;i++)
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.progress ((float)i/(float)countAsInt);
progressCallBack.pushCropedValues ((float)i/(float)countAsInt, (float)(i+1)/(float)countAsInt);
// nlinfo(" %s%d",name,i);
string newName = string(name.getDatas())+toString(i);
addNode( new CCDBNodeLeaf(newName), newName, this, _Nodes, _NodesByName, child, sBank, false, false, progressCallBack, mapBanks );
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.popCropedValues ();
// nlinfo(" %s",name);
string newName = string(name.getDatas());
addNode( new CCDBNodeLeaf(newName), newName, this, _Nodes, _NodesByName, child, sBank, false, false, progressCallBack, mapBanks );
// Progress bar
progressCallBack.popCropedValues ();
// count number of bits required to store the id
if ( (mapBanks) && (getParent() == NULL) )
nlassertex( _UnifiedIndexToBank.size() == countNode, ("Mapped: %u Nodes: %u", _UnifiedIndexToBank.size(), countNode) );
_IdBits = 0;
for ( uint b=0; b!=NB_CDB_BANKS; ++b )
uint nbNodesOfBank = (uint)_CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping[b].size();
uint idb = 0;
if ( nbNodesOfBank > 0 )
for ( idb=1; nbNodesOfBank > unsigned(1<<idb) ; idb++ ) {}
_FirstLevelIdBitsByBank[b] = idb;
if ( _Nodes.size() > 0 )
for ( _IdBits=1; _Nodes.size() > unsigned(1<<_IdBits) ; _IdBits++ ) {}
_IdBits = 0;
find(""); // Sort !
// attachChild
void CCDBNodeBranch::attachChild( ICDBNode * node, string nodeName )
if (node)
_Nodes.push_back( node );
//nldebug ( "CDB: Attaching node" );
_NodesByName.push_back( node );
_Sorted = false;
} // attachChild //
// getLeaf
CCDBNodeLeaf *CCDBNodeBranch::getLeaf( const char *id, bool bCreate )
// get the last name piece
const char *last = strrchr( id, ':' );
if( !last )
return NULL;
ICDBNode *pNode = find( &last[1] );
if( !pNode && bCreate )
pNode = new CCDBNodeLeaf( id );
_Nodes.push_back( pNode );
_NodesByName.push_back( pNode );
_Sorted = false;
return dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeLeaf *>(pNode);
// getNode
ICDBNode * CCDBNodeBranch::getNode (const CTextId& id, bool bCreate)
// lookup next element from textid in my index => idx
const string &str = id.readNext();
ICDBNode *pNode = find(str);
// If the node do not exists
if ( pNode == NULL )
if (bCreate)
// Yoyo: must not be SERVER or LOCAL, cause definied through xml.
// This may cause some important crash error
ICDBNode *newNode;
if (id.getCurrentIndex() == id.size() )
newNode= new CCDBNodeLeaf (str);
newNode= new CCDBNodeBranch (str);
_Nodes.push_back( newNode );
_NodesByName.push_back( newNode );
_Sorted = false;
pNode = newNode;
return NULL;
// get property from child
if (!id.hasElements())
return pNode;
return pNode->getNode( id, bCreate );
} // getNode //
// getNode
ICDBNode * CCDBNodeBranch::getNode( uint16 idx )
if ( idx < _Nodes.size() )
return _Nodes[idx];
return NULL;
} // getNode //
// write
void CCDBNodeBranch::write( CTextId& id, FILE * f)
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < _Nodes.size(); i++ )
id.push (*_Nodes[i]->getName());
} // write //
// getProp
sint64 CCDBNodeBranch::getProp( CTextId& id )
// lookup next element from textid in my index => idx
const string &str = id.readNext();
ICDBNode *pNode = find( str );
nlassert( pNode != NULL );
// get property from child
return pNode->getProp( id );
} // getProp //
// setProp :
// Set the value of a property (the update flag is set to true)
// \param id is the text id of the property/grp
// \param name is the name of the property
// \param value is the value of the property
// \return bool : 'true' if property found.
bool CCDBNodeBranch::setProp( CTextId& id, sint64 value )
// lookup next element from textid in my index => idx
const string &str = id.readNext();
ICDBNode *pNode = find( str );
// Property not found.
if(pNode == NULL)
nlwarning("Property %s not found in %s", str.c_str(), id.toString().c_str());
return false;
// set property in child
// Done
return true;
}// setProp //
* Update the database from the delta, but map the first level with the bank mapping (see _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping)
void CCDBNodeBranch::readAndMapDelta( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, NLMISC::CBitMemStream& s, TCDBBank bank )
nlassert( ! isAtomic() ); // root node mustn't be atomic
// Read index
uint32 idx;
s.serial( idx, _FirstLevelIdBitsByBank[bank] );
// Translate bank index -> unified index
idx = _CDBBankToUnifiedIndexMapping[bank][idx];
if (idx >= _Nodes.size())
throw Exception ("idx %d > _Nodes.size() %d ", idx, _Nodes.size());
// Display the Name if we are in verbose mode
if ( VerboseDatabase )
string displayStr = string("Reading: ") + *(_Nodes[idx]->getName());
//CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getChatOutput()->addTextChild( ucstring( displayStr ),CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
nlinfo( "CDB: %s%s %u/%d", (!getParent())?"[root] ":"-", displayStr.c_str(), idx, _IdBits );
// Apply delta to children nodes
_Nodes[idx]->readDelta( gc, s );
// readDelta
void CCDBNodeBranch::readDelta( NLMISC::TGameCycle gc, CBitMemStream & f )
if ( isAtomic() )
// Read the atom bitfield
uint nbAtomElements = countLeaves();
nlinfo( "CDB/ATOM: %u leaves", nbAtomElements );
CBitSet bitfield( nbAtomElements );
f.readBits( bitfield );
if ( ! bitfield.getVector().empty() )
nldebug( "CDB/ATOM: Bitfield: %s LastBits:", bitfield.toString().c_str() );
f.displayLastBits( bitfield.size() );
// Set each modified property
uint atomIndex;
for ( uint i=0; i!=bitfield.size(); ++i )
if ( bitfield[i] )
nldebug( "CDB/ATOM: Reading prop[%u] of atom", i );
atomIndex = i;
CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf = findLeafAtCount( atomIndex );
if ( leaf )
leaf->readDelta( gc, f );
nlwarning( "CDB: Can't find leaf with index %u in atom branch %s", i, getParent()?getName()->c_str():"(root)" );
uint32 idx;
if (idx >= _Nodes.size())
throw Exception ("idx %d > _Nodes.size() %d ", idx, _Nodes.size());
// Display the Name if we are in verbose mode
if ( VerboseDatabase )
string displayStr = string("Reading: ") + *(_Nodes[idx]->getName());
//CInterfaceManager::getInstance()->getChatOutput()->addTextChild( ucstring( displayStr ),CRGBA(255,255,255,255));
nlinfo( "CDB: %s%s %u/%d", (!getParent())?"[root] ":"-", displayStr.c_str(), idx, _IdBits );
_Nodes[idx]->readDelta(gc, f);
}// readDelta //
// clear
// For old debug of random crash (let it in case it come back)
//static bool AllowTestYoyoWarning= true;
void CCDBNodeBranch::clear()
// TestYoyo. Track the random crash at exit
std::string name= getFullName();
nlinfo("** clear: %s", name.c_str());
vector<ICDBNode *>::iterator itNode;
for( itNode = _Nodes.begin(); itNode != _Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
// TestYoyo
//AllowTestYoyoWarning= false;
delete (*itNode);
//AllowTestYoyoWarning= true;
// must remove all branch observers, to avoid any problem in subsequent flushObserversCalls()
} // clear //
* Find the leaf which count is specified (if found, the returned value is non-null and count is 0)
CCDBNodeLeaf *CCDBNodeBranch::findLeafAtCount( uint& count )
vector<ICDBNode *>::const_iterator itNode;
for ( itNode = _Nodes.begin(); itNode != _Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
CCDBNodeLeaf *leaf = (*itNode)->findLeafAtCount( count );
if ( leaf )
return leaf;
return NULL;
* Count the leaves
uint CCDBNodeBranch::countLeaves() const
uint n = 0;
vector<ICDBNode *>::const_iterator itNode;
for ( itNode = _Nodes.begin(); itNode != _Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
n += (*itNode)->countLeaves();
return n;
void CCDBNodeBranch::display (const std::string &prefix)
nlinfo("%sB %s", prefix.c_str(), _DBSM->localUnmap(_Name).c_str());
string newPrefix = " " + prefix;
vector<ICDBNode *>::const_iterator itNode;
for ( itNode = _Nodes.begin(); itNode != _Nodes.end(); ++itNode )
void CCDBNodeBranch::removeNode (const CTextId& id)
// Look for the node
CCDBNodeBranch *pNode = dynamic_cast<CCDBNodeBranch*>(getNode(id,false));
if (pNode == NULL)
nlwarning("node %s not found", id.toString().c_str());
CCDBNodeBranch *pParent = pNode->_Parent;
if (pParent== NULL)
nlwarning("parent node not found");
// search index node unsorted
uint indexNode;
for (indexNode = 0; indexNode < pParent->_Nodes.size(); ++indexNode)
if (pParent->_Nodes[indexNode] == pNode)
if (indexNode == pParent->_Nodes.size())
nlwarning("node not found");
// search index node sorted
uint indexSorted;
for (indexSorted = 0; indexSorted < pParent->_NodesByName.size(); ++indexSorted)
if (pParent->_NodesByName[indexSorted] == pNode)
if (indexSorted == pParent->_NodesByName.size())
nlwarning("node not found");
// Remove node from parent
pParent->_Nodes.erase (pParent->_Nodes.begin()+indexNode);
pParent->_NodesByName.erase (pParent->_NodesByName.begin()+indexSorted);
pParent->_Sorted = false;
// Delete the node
delete pNode;
void CCDBNodeBranch::flushObserversCalls()
H_AUTO ( RZ_Interface_flushObserversCalls )
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
_CurrNotifiedObs = _FirstNotifiedObs[_CurrNotifiedObsList];
while (_CurrNotifiedObs)
// modified node should now store them in other list when they're modified
_CurrNotifiedObsList = 1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList;
// switch list so that modified node are stored in the other list
while (_CurrNotifiedObs)
_NextNotifiedObs = _CurrNotifiedObs->NextNotifiedObserver[1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList];
if (_CurrNotifiedObs->Observer)
if (_CurrNotifiedObs) // this may be modified by the call (if current observer is removed)
_CurrNotifiedObs->unlink(1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList);
_CurrNotifiedObs = _NextNotifiedObs;
nlassert(_FirstNotifiedObs[1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList] == NULL);
nlassert(_LastNotifiedObs[1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList] == NULL);
// update triggered link
// examine other list to see if nodes have been registered
_CurrNotifiedObs = _FirstNotifiedObs[_CurrNotifiedObsList];
CInterfaceLink::updateTrigeredLinks(); // should call it at least once
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
void CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo::link(uint list, NLMISC::TStringId modifiedLeafName)
// If there a filter set?
if (!PositiveLeafNameFilter.empty())
// Don't link if modifiedLeafName is not in the filter
if (std::find(PositiveLeafNameFilter.begin(), PositiveLeafNameFilter.end(), modifiedLeafName) == PositiveLeafNameFilter.end())
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
nlassert(list < 2);
if (Touched[list]) return; // already inserted in list
Touched[list] = true;
if (!_FirstNotifiedObs[list])
_FirstNotifiedObs[list] = _LastNotifiedObs[list] = this;
_LastNotifiedObs[list]->NextNotifiedObserver[list] = this;
PrevNotifiedObserver[list] = _LastNotifiedObs[list];
_LastNotifiedObs[list] = this;
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
void CCDBNodeBranch::CDBBranchObsInfo::unlink(uint list)
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
nlassert(list < 2);
if (!Touched[list])
// not linked in this list
nlassert(PrevNotifiedObserver[list] == NULL);
nlassert(NextNotifiedObserver[list] == NULL);
if (PrevNotifiedObserver[list])
PrevNotifiedObserver[list]->NextNotifiedObserver[list] = NextNotifiedObserver[list];
// this was the first node
_FirstNotifiedObs[list] = NextNotifiedObserver[list];
if (NextNotifiedObserver[list])
NextNotifiedObserver[list]->PrevNotifiedObserver[list] = PrevNotifiedObserver[list];
// this was the last node
_LastNotifiedObs[list] = PrevNotifiedObserver[list];
PrevNotifiedObserver[list] = NULL;
NextNotifiedObserver[list] = NULL;
Touched[list] = false;
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
void CCDBNodeBranch::linkInModifiedNodeList(NLMISC::TStringId modifiedLeafName)
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
CCDBNodeBranch *curr = this;
for(TObsList::iterator it = curr->_Observers.begin(); it != curr->_Observers.end(); ++it)
it->link(_CurrNotifiedObsList, modifiedLeafName);
curr = curr->getParent();
// nlassert(_CrtCheckMemory());
// addObserver
bool CCDBNodeBranch::addObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer,CTextId& id)
//test if this node is the desired one, if yes, add the observer to all the children nodes
if ( id.getCurrentIndex() == id.size() )
for (uint i = 0; i < _Nodes.size(); ++i)
if (!_Nodes[i]->addObserver(observer,id))
return false;
return true;
// lookup next element from textid in my index => idx
const string &str = id.readNext();
ICDBNode *pNode = find( str );
// Property not found.
if(pNode == NULL)
nlwarning(" Property %s not found", id.toString().c_str());
return false;
// set property in child
return true;
} // addObserver //
// removeObserver
bool CCDBNodeBranch::removeObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer, CTextId& id)
//test if this node is the desired one, if yes, remove the observer to all the children nodes
if ( id.getCurrentIndex() == id.size() )
for (uint i = 0; i < _Nodes.size(); ++i)
if (!_Nodes[i]->removeObserver(observer, id))
return false;
return true;
// lookup next element from textid in my index => idx
const string &str = id.readNext();
ICDBNode *pNode = find( str );
// Property not found.
if(pNode == NULL)
nlwarning(" Property %s not found", id.toString().c_str());
return false;
// remove observer in child
return true;
} // removeObserver //
void CCDBNodeBranch::addBranchObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer, const std::vector<std::string>& positiveLeafNameFilter)
CDBBranchObsInfo oi(observer, this, positiveLeafNameFilter);
void CCDBNodeBranch::addBranchObserver(const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver& observer, const char **positiveLeafNameFilter, uint positiveLeafNameFilterSize)
CCDBNodeBranch *branchNode;
if (dbPathFromThisNode[0] == '\0') // empty string
branchNode = this;
branchNode = safe_cast<CCDBNodeBranch*>(getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId(dbPathFromThisNode), false));
BOMB_IF (!branchNode, (*getName()) << ":" << dbPathFromThisNode << " branch missing in DB", return);
std::vector<std::string> leavesToMonitor(positiveLeafNameFilterSize);
for (uint i=0; i!=positiveLeafNameFilterSize; ++i)
leavesToMonitor[i] = string(positiveLeafNameFilter[i]);
branchNode->addBranchObserver(&observer, leavesToMonitor);
void CCDBNodeBranch::removeBranchObserver(const char *dbPathFromThisNode, ICDBNode::IPropertyObserver& observer)
CCDBNodeBranch *branchNode = safe_cast<CCDBNodeBranch*>(getNode(ICDBNode::CTextId(dbPathFromThisNode), false));
BOMB_IF (!branchNode, (*getName()) << ":" << dbPathFromThisNode << " branch missing in DB", return);
bool CCDBNodeBranch::removeBranchObserver(IPropertyObserver* observer)
bool found = false;
TObsList::iterator it = _Observers.begin();
while (it != _Observers.end())
if (it->Observer == observer)
it = _Observers.erase(it);
found = true;
return found;
void CCDBNodeBranch::removeAllBranchObserver()
TObsList::iterator it = _Observers.begin();
while (it != _Observers.end())
void CCDBNodeBranch::removeBranchInfoIt(TObsList::iterator it)
CDBBranchObsInfo *oi = &(*it);
// if this node is currenlty being notified, update iterators
if (oi == _CurrNotifiedObs)
_CurrNotifiedObs = NULL;
if (oi == _NextNotifiedObs)
nlassert(_CurrNotifiedObsList < 2);
_NextNotifiedObs = _NextNotifiedObs->NextNotifiedObserver[1 - _CurrNotifiedObsList];
// unlink observer from both update lists
// Useful for find
class CCDBNodeBranchComp : public std::binary_function<ICDBNode *, ICDBNode *, bool>
bool operator()(const ICDBNode * x, const ICDBNode * y) const
return *(x->getName()) < *(y->getName());
class CCDBNodeBranchComp2 : public std::binary_function<ICDBNode *, const string &, bool>
bool operator()(const ICDBNode * x, const string & y) const
return *(x->getName()) < y;
ICDBNode *CCDBNodeBranch::find(const std::string &nodeName)
if (!_Sorted)
_Sorted = true;
sort(_NodesByName.begin(), _NodesByName.end(), CCDBNodeBranchComp());
CCDBNodeLeaf tmp(nodeName);
vector<ICDBNode*>::iterator it = lower_bound(_NodesByName.begin(), _NodesByName.end(), &tmp, CCDBNodeBranchComp());
if (it == _NodesByName.end())
return NULL;
if (*(*it)->getName() == nodeName)
return *it;
return NULL;