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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/block_memory.h"
#include "patch.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "quad_grid.h"
#include "visual_collision_mesh.h"
namespace NL3D
class CVisualCollisionEntity;
class CLandscapeCollisionGrid;
class IDriver;
class CShadowMap;
class CShadowMapProjector;
class CMaterial;
// ***************************************************************************
* Server to Client collision manager. Snap logic position to Visual position.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CVisualTileDescNode
/// If od the patchblock containing this tile.
uint16 PatchQuadBlocId;
/// id in this patchblock of the tile.
uint16 QuadId;
/// for the quadgrid of chain list of CVisualTileDescNode.
CVisualTileDescNode *Next;
// ***************************************************************************
* Server to Client collision manager. It is used for multiple purpose:
* - Snap logic entities position to Visual position (snap on landscape for instance).
* - Get precise camera collision with mesh instances
* - Used for ShadowMap receiving
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CVisualCollisionManager
class CMeshInstanceColInfo
CVisualCollisionMesh *Mesh;
const NLMISC::CMatrix *WorldMatrix;
const NLMISC::CAABBox *WorldBBox;
uint ID;
/// Constructor
/** setup the landscape used for this collision manager. ptr is kept, and manager and all entities must be cleared
* when the landscape is deleted.
void setLandscape(CLandscape *landscape);
/** create an entity. NB: CVisualCollisionManager do not owns this ptr for now, and you must delete it with deleteEntity().
* NB: CVisualCollisionEntity are no more valid when this manager is deleted.
CVisualCollisionEntity *createEntity();
/** delete an entity.
void deleteEntity(CVisualCollisionEntity *entity);
/** for CVisualCollisionEntity::getStaticLightSetup().
* \see CVisualCollisionEntity::getStaticLightSetup()
* Build a lighting table to remap sun contribution from landscape to sun contribution for objects.
* The value remap the landscape sun contribution (0 ~ 1) to an object sun contribution (0 ~1)
* using the following formula:
* objectSunContribution = min ( powf ( landscapeSunContribution / maxThreshold, power ), 1 );
* Default is 0.5 (=> sqrt) for power and 0.5 for maxThreshold.
void setSunContributionPower(float power, float maxThreshold);
/** Inform the VisualCollisionManager if the player is "inside" or "outside".
* set it to true if the player is not on Landscape.
* This is a tricky flag used for the IBBR problem: this is an issue with clusters and
* "interior building that can be bigger than reality"
* It is used at getCameraCollision(), and receiveShadowMap() time
void setPlayerInside(bool state);
/** Get Typical Camera 3rd person collision.
* For landscape, it is done only against TileFaces (ie only under approx 50 m)
* return a [0,1] value. 0 => collision at start. 1 => no collision.
* \param radius is the radius of the 'cylinder'
* \param cone if true, the object tested is a cone (radius goes to end)
float getCameraCollision(const CVector &start, const CVector &end, float radius, bool cone);
/** Get a Ray collision.
* For landscape, it is done only against TileFaces (ie only under approx 50 m)
* \return true if some collision found
bool getRayCollision(const NLMISC::CVector &start, const NLMISC::CVector &end, bool landscapeOnly= false);
/** Add a Mesh Instance to the collision manager. For now it is used only for Camera Collision
* \param mesh the collision mesh (keep a refptr on it)
* \param instanceMatrix the matrix instance to apply to this mesh
* \param avoidCollisionWhenInside special flag for the IBBR problem. if true this collision instance won't be tested if the player is "inside"
* \param avoidCollisionWhenOutside special flag for the IBBR problem. if true this collision instance won't be tested if the player is "outside"
* \return the id used for remove, 0 if not succeed
uint addMeshInstanceCollision(CVisualCollisionMesh *mesh, const CMatrix &instanceMatrix, bool avoidCollisionWhenInside, bool avoidCollisionWhenOutside);
/** Remove a Mesh from the collision manager.
void removeMeshCollision(uint id);
/** Use the MeshInstance Collision to rended a ShadowMap on them.
* NB: only the minimum faces touched by the shadowmap are rendered
* NB: the MeshInstance Collision use a fake lighting to avoid backface shadowing.
* - driver light setup must be reseted
* - light0 must be enabled
* - light0 setup is modified internally
* \see CTransform::receiveShadowMap() for more information
void receiveShadowMap(IDriver *drv, CShadowMap *shadowMap, const CVector &casterPos, CMaterial &shadowMat, CShadowMapProjector &smp);
// Get collision meshs instances that are inside the given box
void getMeshs(const NLMISC::CAABBox &aabbox, std::vector<CMeshInstanceColInfo> &dest);
// ***************************
/// The landscape used to generate tiles, and to snap position to tesselated ground.
NLMISC::CRefPtr<CLandscape> _Landscape;
/// Allocators.
CBlockMemory<CVisualTileDescNode> _TileDescNodeAllocator;
CBlockMemory<CPatchQuadBlock> _PatchQuadBlockAllocator;
// An instance of a Mesh collision
class CMeshInstanceCol
// A ref to the visual col mesh
CRefPtr<CVisualCollisionMesh> Mesh;
// The Matrix to apply to the mesh to get instance
CMatrix WorldMatrix;
// The World BBox
// The pos in Mesh Instance quadgrid
CQuadGrid<CMeshInstanceCol*>::CIterator QuadGridIt;
// see addMeshInstanceCollision for those special flags
bool AvoidCollisionWhenPlayerInside;
bool AvoidCollisionWhenPlayerOutside;
uint ID;
/// get collision with camera. [0,1] value
float getCameraCollision(class CCameraCol &camCol);
/// receive a shadow map
void receiveShadowMap(const CVisualCollisionMesh::CShadowContext &shadowContext);
// The map of Meshes Instance
typedef std::map<uint32, CMeshInstanceCol> TMeshColMap;
TMeshColMap _Meshs;
// The QuadGrid of Collision meshs
CQuadGrid<CMeshInstanceCol*> _MeshQuadGrid;
// The pool of id.
uint32 _MeshIdPool;
friend class CVisualCollisionEntity;
friend class CLandscapeCollisionGrid;
// Allocators.
CVisualTileDescNode *newVisualTileDescNode();
void deleteVisualTileDescNode(CVisualTileDescNode *ptr);
CPatchQuadBlock *newPatchQuadBlock();
void deletePatchQuadBlock(CPatchQuadBlock *ptr);
// setSunContributionPower Table.
uint8 _SunContributionLUT[256];
// PlayerInside state
bool _PlayerInside;
// Same IndexBuffer filled at each CVisalCollisionMesh::receiveShadowMap()
CIndexBuffer _ShadowIndexBuffer;
} // NL3D
/* End of visual_collision_manager.h */