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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "buf_net_base.h"
#include "listen_sock.h"
#include "buf_sock.h"
#include "net_log.h"
#include <list>
#include <set>
// POLL1 (ignore POLL comments)
namespace NLNET {
class CInetAddress;
class CBufServer;
* Common part of CListenTask and CServerReceiveTask
class CServerTask
/// Destructor
virtual ~CServerTask();
/// Tells the task to exit
void requireExit() { _ExitRequired = true; }
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/// Wake the thread up, when blocked in select (Unix only)
void wakeUp();
uint32 NbLoop;
/// Constructor
/// Returns true if the requireExit() has been called
bool exitRequired() const { return _ExitRequired; }
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/// Pipe for select wake-up (Unix only)
int _WakeUpPipeHandle [2];
volatile bool _ExitRequired;
* Code of listening thread
class CListenTask : public NLMISC::IRunnable, public CServerTask
/// Constructor
CListenTask( CBufServer *server ) : CServerTask(), _Server(server) {}
/// Begins to listen on the specified port (call before running thread)
void init( uint16 port, sint32 maxExpectedBlockSize );
/// Run (exits when the listening socket disconnects)
virtual void run();
/// Close listening socket
void close();
/// Returns the listening address
const CInetAddress& localAddr() { return _ListenSock.localAddr(); }
CBufServer *_Server;
CListenSock _ListenSock;
uint32 _MaxExpectedBlockSize;
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::IThread*> CThreadPool;
// Mode: Small server
// Big server
#define DEFAULT_STRATEGY SpreadSockets
// Small server
#define DEFAULT_STRATEGY FillThreads
* Server class for layer 1
* Listening socket and accepted connections, with packet scheme.
* The provided buffers are sent raw (no endianness conversion).
* By default, the size time trigger is disabled, the time trigger is set to 20 ms.
* Where do the methods take place:
* \code
* send(), -> send buffer -> update(), flush()
* bytesSent(), newBytesSent()
* receive(), dataAvailable(), <- receive buffer <- receive thread,
* dataAvailable(),
* bytesReceived(), newBytesReceived(),
* connection callback, disconnection callback
* \endcode
* \author Olivier Cado
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class CBufServer : public CBufNetBase
enum TThreadStategy { SpreadSockets, FillThreads };
/** Constructor
* Set nodelay to true to disable the Nagle buffering algorithm (see CTcpSock documentation)
* initPipeForDataAvailable is for Linux only. Set it to false if you provide an external pipe with
* setExternalPipeForDataAvailable().
CBufServer( TThreadStategy strategy=DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
uint16 max_threads=DEFAULT_MAX_THREADS,
uint16 max_sockets_per_thread=DEFAULT_MAX_SOCKETS_PER_THREADS,
bool nodelay=true, bool replaymode=false, bool initPipeForDataAvailable=true );
/// Destructor
virtual ~CBufServer();
/// Listens on the specified port
void init( uint16 port );
/** Disconnect a connection
* Set hostid to InvalidSockId to disconnect all connections.
* If hostid is not InvalidSockId and the socket is not connected, the method does nothing.
* If quick is true, any pending data will not be sent before disconnecting.
* If quick is false, a flush() will be called. In case of network congestion, the entire pending
* data may not be flushed. If this is a problem, call flush() multiple times until it returns 0
* before calling disconnect().
void disconnect( TSockId hostid, bool quick=false );
/// Sets callback for incoming connections (or NULL to disable callback)
void setConnectionCallback( TNetCallback cb, void* arg ) { _ConnectionCallback = cb; _ConnectionCbArg = arg; }
/** Send a message to the specified host, or to all hosts if hostid is InvalidSockId
//void send( const std::vector<uint8>& buffer, TSockId hostid );
void send( const NLMISC::CMemStream& buffer, TSockId hostid );
/** Checks if there is some data to receive. Returns false if the receive queue is empty.
* This is where the connection/disconnection callbacks can be called.
bool dataAvailable();
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/** Wait until the receive queue contains something to read (implemented with a select()).
* This is where the connection/disconnection callbacks can be called.
* If you use this method (blocking scheme), don't use dataAvailable() (non-blocking scheme).
* \param usecMax Max time to wait in microsecond (up to 1 sec)
void sleepUntilDataAvailable( uint usecMax=100000 );
/** Receives next block of data in the specified (resizes the vector)
* You must call dataAvailable() or sleepUntilDataAvailable() before every call to receive()
void receive( NLMISC::CMemStream& buffer, TSockId* hostid );
/// Update the network (call this method evenly)
void update();
// Returns the size in bytes of the data stored in the send queue.
uint32 getSendQueueSize( TSockId destid );
void displaySendQueueStat( NLMISC::CLog *log = NLMISC::InfoLog, TSockId destid = InvalidSockId);
void displayThreadStat (NLMISC::CLog *log = NLMISC::InfoLog);
/** Sets the time flush trigger (in millisecond). When this time is elapsed,
* all data in the send queue is automatically sent (-1 to disable this trigger)
void setTimeFlushTrigger( TSockId destid, sint32 ms );
/** Sets the size flush trigger. When the size of the send queue reaches or exceeds this
* value, all data in the send queue is automatically sent (-1 to disable this trigger )
void setSizeFlushTrigger( TSockId destid, sint32 size );
/** Force to send data pending in the send queue now. If all the data could not be sent immediately,
* the returned nbBytesRemaining value is non-zero.
* \param destid The identifier of the destination connection.
* \param nbBytesRemaining If the pointer is not NULL, the method sets the number of bytes still pending after the flush attempt.
* \returns False if an error has occured (e.g. the remote host is disconnected).
* To retrieve the reason of the error, call CSock::getLastError() and/or CSock::errorString()
bool flush( TSockId destid, uint *nbBytesRemaining=NULL );
/// Returns the internet address of the listening socket
const CInetAddress& listenAddress() const { return _ListenTask->localAddr(); }
/// Returns the address of the specified host
const CInetAddress& hostAddress( TSockId hostid );
/// Returns the number of bytes pushed into the receive queue since the beginning (mutexed)
uint32 bytesDownloaded()
NLMISC::CSynchronized<uint32>::CAccessor syncbpi ( &_BytesPushedIn );
return syncbpi.value();
/// Returns the number of bytes downloaded since the previous call to this method
uint32 newBytesDownloaded();
/// Returns the number of bytes popped by receive() since the beginning
uint64 bytesReceived() const { return _BytesPoppedIn; }
/// Returns the number of bytes popped by receive() since the previous call to this method
uint64 newBytesReceived();
/// Returns the number of bytes pushed by send() since the beginning
uint64 bytesSent() const { return _BytesPushedOut; }
/// Returns the number of bytes pushed by send() since the previous call to this method
uint64 newBytesSent();
/// Returns the number of connections (at the last update())
uint32 nbConnections() const { return _NbConnections; }
friend class CServerBufSock;
friend class CListenTask;
friend class CServerReceiveTask;
/// Returns the TCP_NODELAY flag
bool noDelay() const { return _NoDelay; }
/** Binds a new socket and send buffer to an existing or a new thread (that starts)
* Note: this method is called in the listening thread.
void dispatchNewSocket( CServerBufSock *bufsock );
/// Returns the receive task corresponding to a particular thread
CServerReceiveTask *receiveTask( std::vector<NLMISC::IThread*>::iterator ipt )
return ((CServerReceiveTask*)((*ipt)->getRunnable()));
/// Pushes a buffer to the specified host's send queue and update (unless not connected)
/*void pushBufferToHost( const std::vector<uint8>& buffer, TSockId hostid )
if ( hostid->pushBuffer( buffer ) )
_BytesPushedOut += buffer.size() + sizeof(TBlockSize); // statistics
void pushBufferToHost( const NLMISC::CMemStream& buffer, TSockId hostid )
nlassert( hostid != InvalidSockId );
if ( hostid->pushBuffer( buffer ) )
_BytesPushedOut += buffer.length() + sizeof(TBlockSize); // statistics
// Creates a new task and run a new thread for it
void addNewThread( CThreadPool& threadpool, CServerBufSock *bufsock );
/// Returns the connection callback
TNetCallback connectionCallback() const { return _ConnectionCallback; }
/// Returns the argument of the connection callback
void* argOfConnectionCallback() const { return _ConnectionCbArg; }
/*/// Returns the synchronized number of bytes pushed into the receive queue
NLMISC::CSynchronized<uint32>& syncBytesPushedIn() { return _BytesPushedIn; }
typedef std::set<TSockId> TClientSet;
/// List of currently connected client
TClientSet _ConnectedClients;
/// Thread socket-handling strategy
TThreadStategy _ThreadStrategy;
/// Max number of threads
uint16 _MaxThreads;
/// Max number of sockets handled by one thread
uint16 _MaxSocketsPerThread;
/// Listen task
CListenTask *_ListenTask;
/// Listen thread
NLMISC::IThread *_ListenThread;
/* Vector of receiving threads.
* Thread: thread control
* Thread->Runnable: access to the CServerReceiveTask object
* Thread->getRunnable()->sock(): access to the socket
* The purpose of this list is to delete the objects after use.
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CThreadPool> _ThreadPool;
/// Connection callback
TNetCallback _ConnectionCallback;
/// Argument of the connection callback
void* _ConnectionCbArg;
/// Number of bytes pushed by send() since the beginning
uint64 _BytesPushedOut;
/// Number of bytes popped by receive() since the beginning
uint64 _BytesPoppedIn;
/// Previous number of bytes received
uint64 _PrevBytesPoppedIn;
/// Previous number of bytes sent
uint64 _PrevBytesPushedOut;
/// Number of connections (debug stat)
uint32 _NbConnections;
bool _NoDelay;
/// Replay mode flag
bool _ReplayMode;
/// Number of bytes pushed into the receive queue (by the receive threads) since the beginning.
NLMISC::CSynchronized<uint32> _BytesPushedIn;
/// Previous number of bytes received
uint32 _PrevBytesPushedIn;
typedef std::set<TSockId> CConnections;
// POLL2
* Code of receiving threads for servers.
* Note: the methods locations in the classes do not correspond to the threads where they are
* executed, but to the data they use.
class CServerReceiveTask : public NLMISC::IRunnable, public CServerTask
/// Constructor
CServerReceiveTask( CBufServer *server ) : CServerTask(), _Server(server), _Connections("CServerReceiveTask::_Connections"), _RemoveSet("CServerReceiveTask::_RemoveSet") {}
/// Run
virtual void run();
/// Returns the number of connections handled by the thread (mutexed on _Connections)
uint numberOfConnections()
uint nb;
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CConnections>::CAccessor connectionssync( &_Connections );
nb = (uint)connectionssync.value().size();
return nb;
/// Add a new connection into this thread (mutexed on _Connections)
void addNewSocket( TSockId sockid )
//nlnettrace( "CServerReceiveTask::addNewSocket" );
nlassert( sockid != InvalidSockId );
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CConnections>::CAccessor connectionssync( &_Connections );
connectionssync.value().insert( sockid );
// POLL3
// POLL4
/** Add connection to the remove set (mutexed on _RemoveSet)
* Note: you must not call this method within a mutual exclusion on _Connections, or
* there will be a deadlock (see clearClosedConnection())
void addToRemoveSet( TSockId sockid )
nlnettrace( "CServerReceiveTask::addToRemoveSet" );
nlassert( sockid != InvalidSockId );
// Three possibilities :
// - The value is inserted into the set.
// - The value is already present in the set.
// - The set is locked by a receive thread which is removing the closed connections.
// When the set gets unlocked, it is empty so the value is inserted. It means the
// value could be already in the set before it was cleared.
// Note: with a fonction such as tryAcquire(), we could avoid to enter the mutex
// when it is already locked
// See clearClosedConnections().
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CConnections>::CAccessor removesetsync( &_RemoveSet );
removesetsync.value().insert( sockid );
//LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: ic: %p - RemoveSet.size(): %d", ic, removesetsync.value().size() );
#ifdef NL_OS_UNIX
/// Delete all connections referenced in the remove list (mutexed on _RemoveSet and on _Connections)
void clearClosedConnections();
/// Access to the server
CBufServer *server() { return _Server; }
friend class CBufServer;
CBufServer *_Server;
/* List of sockets and send buffer.
* A TSockId is a pointer to a CBufSock object
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CConnections> _Connections;
// Connections to remove
NLMISC::CSynchronized<CConnections> _RemoveSet;
// POLL5
} // NLNET
#endif // NL_BUF_SERVER_H
/* End of buf_server.h */