2010-05-06 02:08:41 +02:00

367 lines
12 KiB

// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
extern NLMISC::CVariable<bool> LogOutpostDebug;
class CFamilyProfileTribe;
/// outpost information
class COutpostInfo
:public NLMISC::CRefCount
COutpostInfo (CFamilyBehavior *const familyBehavior, const CFamilyProfileTribe *const familyProfileTribe, const CNpcZone*const zoneNpc)
static NLMISC::CSmartPtr<COutpostInfo> createOutpost (CFamilyBehavior *const familyBehavior, const CFamilyProfileTribe *const familyProfileTribe, const NLMISC::TStringId &outpostName)
const CNpcZone *const zoneNpc=familyBehavior->getOwner()->lookupNpcZoneByName(/*familyBehavior->getFamily(), */NLMISC::CStringMapper::unmap(outpostName));
if ( !zoneNpc
|| !familyProfileTribe
|| !familyBehavior)
return NULL;
return new COutpostInfo(familyBehavior, familyProfileTribe, zoneNpc);
typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CGroupNpc> > TGroupList;
virtual ~COutpostInfo()
for (TGroupList::iterator it=_FightGroup.begin(), itEnd=_FightGroup.end();it!=itEnd;++it)
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CGroupNpc> &dbgPtr=*it;
if (!dbgPtr.isNULL())
for (TGroupList::iterator it=_ContactGroups.begin(), itEnd=_ContactGroups.end();it!=itEnd;++it)
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CGroupNpc> &dbgPtr=*it;
if (!dbgPtr.isNULL())
if (!_BossGroup.isNULL())
void spawnBoss ();
void outpostEvent (ZCSTATE::TZcState state);
void updateOutPostInfo ();
void fightGroups(bool exist);
void bossGroups(bool exist);
void contactGroups(bool exist);
void addToDespawnGroupList (CSpawnGroupNpc *grpNpc)
grpNpc->activityProfile().setAIProfile(NULL); // remove comportment.
void checkDespawnGroupList ();
/// The npc zone for the outpost
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CNpcZone> _ZoneNpc;
/// The current outpost state.
ZCSTATE::TZcState _State;
TGroupList _ContactGroups;
/// Fight Groups.
TGroupList _FightGroup;
TGroupList _DespawnList;
/// Pointer on the boss group when present.
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CGroupNpc> _BossGroup;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CFamilyBehavior> _FamilyBehavior;
NLMISC::CDbgPtr<CFamilyProfileTribe> _FamilyProfileTribe;
bool _FightGroupExist;
bool _BossGroupExist;
bool _ContactGroupExist;
class CFamilyProfileTribe
:public NLMISC::CDbgRefCount<CFamilyProfileTribe>
,public IFamilyProfile
/// The zone that is used as camp for the tribe.
NLMISC::CSmartPtr<const CNpcZone> _CampZone; // smart to have a counter on NpcZone. (Bad but no time to do better).
/// The contact group in the camp
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CGroupNpc> _CampContact;
std::vector<uint32> _AggroGroupIds;
CFamilyProfileTribe (const CtorParam &ctorParam);
virtual ~CFamilyProfileTribe ()
CFamilyBehavior *getFamilyBehavior ()
return _FamilyBehavior;
/// The zone that is used as camp for the tribe.
const NLMISC::CSmartPtr<const CNpcZone> &getCampZone() const
return _CampZone;
void setCampZone (const CNpcZone *campZone)
void spawnBoss(NLMISC::TStringId outpostName);
void setDefaultProfile(const CNpcZone *const zone, CGroupNpc *grp);
typedef std::map<NLMISC::TStringId, NLMISC::CSmartPtr<COutpostInfo> > TOutpostContainer;
TOutpostContainer _OutpostInfos;
void fillOutpostNames(std::vector<NLMISC::TStringId> outpostNames)
for (TOutpostContainer::const_iterator first(_OutpostInfos.begin()), last(_OutpostInfos.end()); first != last; ++first)
void outpostAdd(NLMISC::TStringId outpostName);
void outpostRemove(NLMISC::TStringId outpostName);
void outpostEvent(NLMISC::TStringId outpostName, ZCSTATE::TZcState state)
TOutpostContainer::iterator it(_OutpostInfos.find(outpostName));
if (it==_OutpostInfos.end())
// nlassert(it != _OutpostInfos.end());
void spawnGroup();
/// The main update for the profile. Called aprox every 10 s (100 ticks)
void update();
extern IAiFactory<IFamilyProfile> *_ProfileTribe;
// CGrpProfileDynContact
class CGrpProfileDynContact
: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileDynContact(CProfileOwner *const owner, CFamilyProfileTribe *const familyProfile, COutpostInfo *const outPostInfo, bool isTheContactGroup=false)
// this group can't be despawnded
virtual ~CGrpProfileDynContact()
// virtual routines used to mange behaviour of bot
// note that this code is responsible for setting the 'nextActivity' bot property and may modify
// the 'activityTimer' property - may also set the 'nextTarget' property
// routine called when a bot starts to use a given profile
// note that bots have a data member called 'void *aiProfileData' reserved for the use of the profile code
// this data member should be setup here if it is to be used by the profile
virtual void beginProfile();
// routine called just before bot starts to use a new profile or when a bot dies
virtual void endProfile();
// routine called every time the bot is updated (frequency depends on player proximity, etc)
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
// routine used to build a debug string for detailed information on a bot's status (with respect to their aiProfile)
virtual std::string buildDebugString() const;
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const
void gotoZone(const CNpcZone *const zone, const AITYPES::CPropertySet &flags);
COutpostInfo *const _OutPostInfo;
CFamilyProfileTribe *const _FamilyProfile;
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CNpcZone> _CurrentZone;
const bool _isTheContactGroup;
// CGrpProfileDynHarvest
class CGrpProfileDynHarvest: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileDynHarvest(CProfileOwner *const owner, CFamilyProfileTribe *const familyProfile, const CNpcZone *const harvestZone, const CNpcZone *const currentZone)
virtual ~CGrpProfileDynHarvest()
// virtual routines used to mange behaviour of bot
// note that this code is responsible for setting the 'nextActivity' bot property and may modify
// the 'activityTimer' property - may also set the 'nextTarget' property
// routine called when a bot starts to use a given profile
// note that bots have a data member called 'void *aiProfileData' reserved for the use of the profile code
// this data member should be setup here if it is to be used by the profile
virtual void beginProfile();
// routine called just before bot starts to use a new profile or when a bot dies
virtual void endProfile();
// routine called every time the bot is updated (frequency depends on player proximity, etc)
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
void checkTargetsAround ();
// routine used to build a debug string for detailed information on a bot's status (with respect to their aiProfile)
virtual std::string buildDebugString() const;
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const
CAITimer _checkTargetTimer;
CFamilyProfileTribe *const _FamilyProfile;
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CNpcZone> _CurrentZone;
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CNpcZone> const _HarvestZone;
// CGrpProfileDynHarvest
// CGrpProfileDynFight
class CGrpProfileDynFight: public CGrpProfileNormal
CGrpProfileDynFight(CProfileOwner *const owner, CFamilyProfileTribe *const familyProfile, const CNpcZone*const zone, COutpostInfo *const outPostInfo)
virtual ~CGrpProfileDynFight()
// virtual routines used to mange behaviour of bot
// note that this code is responsible for setting the 'nextActivity' bot property and may modify
// the 'activityTimer' property - may also set the 'nextTarget' property
// routine called when a bot starts to use a given profile
// note that bots have a data member called 'void *aiProfileData' reserved for the use of the profile code
// this data member should be setup here if it is to be used by the profile
virtual void beginProfile();
// routine called just before bot starts to use a new profile or when a bot dies
virtual void endProfile();
// routine called every time the bot is updated (frequency depends on player proximity, etc)
virtual void updateProfile(uint ticksSinceLastUpdate);
// routine used to build a debug string for detailed information on a bot's status (with respect to their aiProfile)
virtual std::string buildDebugString() const;
virtual AITYPES::TProfiles getAIProfileType () const
void gotoZone(const CNpcZone *const zone, const AITYPES::CPropertySet &flags);
COutpostInfo *const _OutPostInfo;
CFamilyProfileTribe *const _FamilyProfile;
NLMISC::CstCDbgPtr<CNpcZone> _CurrentZone;