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2014-02-07 21:31:37 +00:00

2014-02-07 20:54:02 +00:00
// sentences related to ring rewards
RRP_GAIN(int ptsNow, int sessionType, int ptsTotal)
(sessionType = 0) rrp_gain_novice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Novice RRP]
(sessionType = 1) rrp_gain_apprentice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Apprentice RRP]
(sessionType = 2) rrp_gain_confirmed [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Confirmed RRP]
(sessionType = 3) rrp_gain_advanced [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Advanced RRP]
(sessionType = 4) rrp_gain_expert [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Expert RRP]
(sessionType = 5) rrp_gain_master [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Master RRP]
RRP_GAIN2(int ptsNow, int sessionType, int nbPlayers, int time)
(sessionType = 0) rrp_gain_novice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Novice RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
(sessionType = 1) rrp_gain_apprentice [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Apprentice RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
(sessionType = 2) rrp_gain_confirmed [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Confirmed RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
(sessionType = 3) rrp_gain_advanced [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Advanced RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
(sessionType = 4) rrp_gain_expert [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Expert RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
(sessionType = 5) rrp_gain_master [&XP&You earn $ptsNow$ Master RRP (with $nbPlayers$ players after $time$ seconds of activity)]
RRP_BONUS(int ptsBonus, int sessionType, int ptsTotal)
(sessionType = 0) rrp_bonus_novice [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Novice RRP]
(sessionType = 1) rrp_bonus_apprentice [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Apprentice RRP]
(sessionType = 2) rrp_bonus_confirmed [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Confirmed RRP]
(sessionType = 3) rrp_bonus_advanced [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Advanced RRP]
(sessionType = 4) rrp_bonus_expert [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Expert RRP]
(sessionType = 5) rrp_bonus_master [&XP&You have gained a BONUS of $ptsBonus$ Master RRP]
RRP_BAD_ACTION(int xpValue)
rrp_bad_action[&XP&Action ignored because too easy (equivalent to $xpValue$ xp)]
RRP_BAD_SKILL(int sessionType)
(sessionType = 0) rrp_bad_skill_novice [&XP&Action below Novice level ignored]
(sessionType = 1) rrp_bad_skill_apprentice [&XP&Action below Apprentice level ignored]
(sessionType = 2) rrp_bad_skill_confirmed [&XP&Action below Confirmed level ignored]
(sessionType = 3) rrp_bad_skill_advanced [&XP&Action below Advanced level ignored]
(sessionType = 4) rrp_bad_skill_expert [&XP&Action below Expert level ignored]
(sessionType = 5) rrp_bad_skill_master [&XP&Action below Master level ignored]
rrp_session_limit_reached[&XP&No more RRP points can be gained this session as you have reached the limit]
RRP_PROGRESS(int xpSoFar, int xpRequired, int xpValue)
rrp_progress[&XP&Ring progress $xpSoFar$/$xpRequired$ of next reward points (equivalent to $xpValue$ xp)]
rrp_no_progress[&XP&Next ring reward point not yet available ($time$ seconds to go)]
rrp_generate_ignored[&ITM&You cannot generate ring rewards at this time]
rrp_too_few_active_players[&XP&There are too few active players for you to earn Ring Reward Points]
RRP_GENERATE_LACK_POINTS(int sessionType,int ptsRequired,int ptsHeld)
(sessionType = 0) rrp_generate_lack_points_novice [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Novice RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
(sessionType = 1) rrp_generate_lack_points_apprentice [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Apprentice RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
(sessionType = 2) rrp_generate_lack_points_confirmed [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Confirmed RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
(sessionType = 3) rrp_generate_lack_points_advanced [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Advanced RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
(sessionType = 4) rrp_generate_lack_points_expert [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Expert RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
(sessionType = 5) rrp_generate_lack_points_master [&ITM&You require at least $ptsRequired$ Master RRP to be worthy of a reward but you only have $ptsHeld$]
RRP_GENERATE_REWARD(int nb, item i, int level)
(nb > 1)
rrp_generate_reward_pl [&ITM&You obtain $nb$ $i.p$ of quality $level$ as a Ring Reward]
(nb = 1)
rrp_generate_reward_1 [&ITM&You obtain one $i$ of quality $level$ as a Ring Reward]
rrp_generate_inventory_full[&ITM&Your inventory is too full to add any more ring rewards]