job ID name * noms français ia da p pia pda IreFighter Ire Fighter guerrier fou an the Ire Fighters the Swashbuckler Swashbuckler bretteur a the Swashbucklers the KamicFist Kamic Fist poing kamique a the Kamic Fists the BladeBearer Blade Bearer porte lame a the Blade Bearers the WindChild Wind Child enfant des vents a the Wind Children the Runner Runner courreur a the Runners the Scout Scout éclaireur a the Scouts the FireLance Fire Lancer lance-feu a the Fire Lancers the Witherer Witherer fletrisseur a the Witherers the Fouler Fouler pestilent a the Foulers the Disturber Disturber troubleur d'esprit a the Disturbers the KamicFury Kamic Fury furie kamique a the Kamic Furies the SpiritualShield Spiritual Shield bouclier spirituel a the Spiritual Shields the Faker Faker trompeur a the Fakers the WindGuardian Wind Guardian gardien des vents a the Wind Guardians the KamicGuardian Kamic Guardian bouclier kamique a the Kamic Guardians the SecondBreath Second Breath second souffle a the Second Breaths the LifeStealer Life Stealer voleur de vie a the Life Stealers the SecondLife Second Life seconde vie a the Second Lives the SapCristal Sap Crystal cristal de sève a the Sap Crystals the ScarletHunter Scarlet Hunter chasseur écarlate a the Scarlet Hunters the GreenHunter Green Hunter chasseur vert a the Green Hunters the ShadowHunter Shadow Hunter chasseur de l'ombre a the Shadow Hunters the AtysGuardian Atys Guardian gardien d'atys an the Atys Guardians the SandCaravanner Sand Karavanner caravanier des sables a the Sand Karavanners the ImperialSupplier Imperial Supplier pourvoyeur impérial an the Imperial Suppliers the Steward Steward intendants a the Stewards the Hawker Hawker colporteurs a the Hawkers the FireMaster Fire Master maitre du feu a the Fire Masters the FlowerMaster Flower Master maitre des fleurs a the Flower Masters the LakeMaster Lake Master maitre des lacs a the Lake Masters the SapMaster Sap Master maitre de la sève a the Sap Masters the