///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // sentences related to combat ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMBAT_ACTOR_HIT(entity e, int damage, int maxDamage) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage > 1) combat_actor_hit_p [&DGM&You inflict $damage$ damage points on $e.da$ $e$.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage=1) combat_actor_hit_1 [&DGM&You inflict one damage point on $e$.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage=0) combat_actor_hit_0 [&DGM&You hit $e$ but do no damage.] (damage>1) combat_actor_hit_pm [&DGM&You inflict $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage points on $e.da$ $e$.] (damage=1) combat_actor_hit_1m [&DGM&You inflict one damage ($maxDamage$) point on $e.da$ $e$.] (damage=0) combat_actor_hit_0m [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$ but do no damage ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_ACTOR_HIT_LOC(entity e, int damage, int maxDamage, bodypart b) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage > 1) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_p [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for $damage$ points of damage.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage = 1) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_1 [&DGM&You You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for 1 point of damage.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage = 0) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_0 [&DGM&You You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ but inflict no damage.] (damage>1) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_pm [&DGM&You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) points of damage.] (damage=1) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_1m [&DGM&You You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ for 1 ($maxDamage$) point of damage.] (damage=0) combat_actor_hit_test_loc_0m [&DGM&You You hit $e.da$ $e$'s $b$ but inflict no damage ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_DEFENDER_HIT(entity e, int damage, int maxDamage) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage > 0) combat_defender_hit [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you for $damage$ damage.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage = 0) combat_defender_hit_0 [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you but does no damage.] (damage>0) combat_defender_hit_m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] (damage=0) combat_defender_hit_0m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits you but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_DEFENDER_HIT_LOC(entity e, int damage, int maxDamage, bodypart b) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage>0) combat_defender_hit_loc [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ for $damage$ damage.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage=0) combat_defender_hit_loc_0 [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ but does no damage.] (damage>0) combat_defender_hit_loc_m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] (damage=0) combat_defender_hit_loc_0m [&DG&$e.da$ $e$ hits your $b$ but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_HIT(entity actor, entity defender, int damage, int maxDamage) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage>0) combat_spectator_hit [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ for $damage$ damage.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage=0) combat_spectator_hit_0 [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ but does no damage.] (damage>0) combat_spectator_hit_m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ for $damage$ ($maxDamage$) damage.] (damage=0) combat_spectator_hit_0m [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ hits $defender.da$ $defender$ but does no damage ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_ACTOR_HIT_SELF(int damage, int maxDamage) { (maxDamage = 0 & damage > 1) combat_actor_hit_self_p [&DG&Vous vous blessez, infligeant $damage$ points de dégâts.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage = 1) combat_actor_hit_self_1 [&DG&Vous vous blessez, infligeant 1 point de dégâts.] (maxDamage = 0 & damage = 0) combat_actor_hit_self_0 [&DG&Vous vous blessez mais n'infligez pas de dégâts.] (damage>1) combat_actor_hit_self_pm [&DG&Vous vous blessez, infligeant $damage$ ($maxDamage$) points de dégâts.] (damage=1) combat_actor_hit_self_1m [&DG&Vous vous blessez, infligeant 1 ($maxDamage$) point de dégâts.] (damage=0) combat_actor_hit_self_0m [&DG&Vous vous blessez mais n'infligez pas de dégâts ($maxDamage$).] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_HIT_SELF_CREATURE(creature e, int damage) { (damage>0) combat_spectator_hit_self_creature [&DGM&$e$ hits itself for $damage$ damage.] (damage=0) combat_spectator_hit_self_creature_0 [&DGM&$e$ hits itself but does no damage.] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_HIT_SELF_PLAYER(player p, int damage) { (damage>0 & p.gender = male) combat_spectator_hit_self_player_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself for $damage$ damage.] (damage>0 & p.gender = female) combat_spectator_hit_self_player_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself for $damage$ damage.] (damage=0 & p.gender = male) combat_spectator_hit_self_player_0_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself but does no damage.] (damage=0 & p.gender = female) combat_spectator_hit_self_player_0_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself but does no damage.] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_HIT_SELF_NPC(bot p, int damage) { (damage>0 & p.gender = male) combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself for $damage$ damage.] (damage>0 & p.gender = female) combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself for $damage$ damage.] (damage=0 & p.gender = male) combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_0_m [&DGM&$p$ hits himself but does no damage.] (damage=0 & p.gender = female) combat_spectator_hit_self_bot_0_f [&DGM&$p$ hits herself but does no damage.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_ACTOR(entity e, int i) { combat_lose_sta_actor [&SPLM&You make $e.da$ $e$ lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_TARGET(entity e, int i) { combat_lose_sta_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes you lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_SPECTATORS(entity actor, entity target, int i) { combat_lose_sta_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_SELF(int i) { combat_lose_sta_self [&SPL&You make yourself lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_SELF_SPECTATORS_PLAYER(player p, int i) { (p.gender = male) combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_pm [&SPLM&$p$ makes himself lose $i$ stamina points.] (p.gender = female) combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_pf [&SPLM&$p$ makes herself lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_SELF_SPECTATORS_NPC(bot b, int i) { (b.gender = male) combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_bm [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes himself lose $i$ stamina points.] (b.gender = female) combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_bf [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes herself lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_STA_SELF_SPECTATORS_CREATURE(creature c, int i) { combat_lose_sta_self_spectators_c [&SPLM&$c.da$ $c$ makes itself lose $i$ stamina points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_ACTOR(entity e, int i) { combat_lose_sap_actor [&SPLM&You make $e.da$ $e$ lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_TARGET(entity e, int i) { combat_lose_sap_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes you lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_SPECTATORS(entity actor, entity target, int i) { combat_lose_sap_spectators [&SYS&$actor.da$ $actor$ makes $target.da$ $target$ lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_SELF(int i) { combat_lose_sap_self [&SPL&You make yourself lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_SELF_SPECTATORS_PLAYER(player p, int i) { (p.gender = male) combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_pm [&SPLM&$p$ makes himself lose $i$ sap points.] (p.gender = female) combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_pf [&SPLM&$p$ makes herself lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_SELF_SPECTATORS_NPC(bot b, int i) { (b.gender = male) combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_bm [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes himself lose $i$ sap points.] (b.gender = female) combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_bf [&SPLM&$b.da$ $b$ makes herself lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_LOSE_SAP_SELF_SPECTATORS_CREATURE(creature c, int i) { combat_lose_sap_self_spectators_c [&SPLM&$c.da$ $c$ makes itself lose $i$ sap points.] } COMBAT_ACTOR_MISS(entity e) { combat_actor_miss [&MISM&You miss $e$.] } COMBAT_DEFENDER_MISS(entity e) { combat_defender_miss [&MIS&$e$ misses you.] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_MISS(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_spectator_miss [&SYS&$actor$ misses $defender$.] } COMBAT_ACTOR_CRITICAL_HIT(entity e) { combat_actor_critical_hit [&SPLM&You perform a critical strike on $e$.] } COMBAT_DEFENDER_CRITICAL_HIT(entity e) { combat_defender_critical_hit [&SPL&$e$ performs a critical strike on you.] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_CRITICAL_HIT(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_spectator_critical_hit [&SYS&$actor$ performs a critical strike on $defender$.] } COMBAT_ACTOR_FUMBLE() { combat_actor_fumble [&MISM&You fumble.] } COMBAT_DEFENDER_FUMBLE(entity e) { combat_defender_fumble [&MIS&$e$ fumbles.] } COMBAT_SPECTATOR_FUMBLE(entity actor) { combat_spectator_fumble [&MIS&$actor$ fumbles.] } COMBAT_ATTACK_ACTOR(entity e) { combat_attack_actor [&SYS&You attack $e$.] } COMBAT_ATTACK_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_attack_defender [&SYS&$e$ attacks you.] } COMBAT_ATTACK_SPECTATOR(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_attack_spectator [&SYS&$actor$ attacks $defender$.] } COMBAT_LEAVE_ACTOR(entity e) { combat_leave_actor [&SYS&You stop attacking $e$.] } COMBAT_LEAVE_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_leave_defender [&SYS&$e$ leaves combat.] } COMBAT_LEAVE_SPECTATOR(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_leave_spectator [&SYS&$actor$ stops attacking $defender$.] } COMBAT_DODGE_ATTACKER(entity e) { combat_dodge_attacker [&MISM&$e.da$ $e$ has dodged your attack.] } COMBAT_DODGE_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_dodge_defender [&MIS&You dodged $e.da$ $e$'s attack.] } COMBAT_DODGE_SPECTATOR(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_dodge_spectator [&SYS&$defender.ia$ $defender$ has dodged $actor.ia$ $actor$'s attack.] } COMBAT_PARRY_ATTACKER(entity e) { combat_parry_attacker [&MISM&$e.da$ $e$ has parried your attack.] } COMBAT_PARRY_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_parry_defender [&MIS&You parry $e.da$ $e$'s attack.] } COMBAT_PARRY_SPECTATOR(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_parry_spectator [&SYS&$defender.ia$ $defender$ has parried $actor.ia$ $actor$'s attack.] } COMBAT_MISS_ATTACKER(entity e) { combat_parry_attacker [&MISM& Vous avez raté $e.da$ $e$.] } COMBAT_MISS_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_parry_defender [&MIS&$e.da$ $e$ vous a raté.] } COMBAT_MISS_SPECTATOR(entity actor, entity defender) { combat_parry_spectator [&SYS&$actor.ia$ $actor$ a raté $defender.ia$ $defender$.] } // damage shield related COMBAT_DMG_SHIELD_ATTACKER(entity defender, int damage, int drain) { (drain > 0) combat_dmg_shield_attacker [&DMG&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts you $damage$ damage points and $defender.da$ $defender$ gains $drain$ hit points.] combat_dmg_shield_attacker_0 [&DMG&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts you $damage$ damage points.] } COMBAT_DMG_SHIELD_DEFENDER(entity attacker, int damage, int drain) { (drain > 0) combat_dmg_shield_defender [&DGM&Your damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$ and you gain $drain$ hit points.] combat_dmg_shield_defender_0 [&DGM&Your damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$.] } COMBAT_DMG_SHIELD_SPECTATORS(entity defender, entity attacker, int damage, int drain) { (drain > 0) combat_dmg_shield_spectators [&SYS&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$ and $defender.da$ $defender$ gains $drain$ hit points.] combat_dmg_shield_spectators_0 [&SYS&$defender.da$ $defender$'s damage shield inflicts $damage$ damage points to $attacker.da$ $attacker$.] } //Disarm COMBAT_DISARM_NO_ITEM(player p) { (p.gender = male) combat_disarm_no_item_m [&CHKCB&$p$ has no weapon equiped, so you cannot disarm him.] combat_disarm_no_item_f [&CHKCB&$p$ has no weapon equiped, so you cannot disarm her.] } COMBAT_DISARM_ATTACKER(player p) { combat_disarm_attacker [&SPLM&You have disarmed $p$.] } COMBAT_DISARM_DEFENDER(entity e) { combat_disarm_defender [&SPL&$e.pa$ $e$ disarmed you.] } // Feint COMBAT_FEINT_ACTOR(entity e) { combat_feint_actor [&SPLM&You make a successful feint against $e.da$ $e$.] } COMBAT_FEINT_TARGET(entity e) { combat_feint_target [&SPL&$e.da$ $e$ makes a successful feint against you.] } COMBAT_FEINT_INVALID(entity e) { combat_feint_invalid [&CHKCB&$e.da$ $e$ is not attacking you in melee combat, you cannot feint.] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// sentences used as error codes in combat system //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMBAT_INVALID_TARGET() { combat_invalid_target [&CHKCB&Invalid target.] } COMBAT_NOT_AN_ENEMY() { combat_not_an_enemy [&CHKCB&You can only enter combat with your enemies.] } COMBAT_NOT_ENOUGH_STA() { combat_not_enough_sta [&CHKCB&You do not have enough stamina for this action.] } COMBAT_CANNOT_USE_ACTION_YET() { combat_use_action_yet [&CHKCB&You cannot use a combat action yet.] } COMBAT_NOT_A_WEAPON() { combat_not_a_weapon [&CHKCB&You cannot fight with this item in your hand.] }