OpenNel pyManager project ========================= This projects does aim to make tools to manipulate the MMORPG Khanat. Khanat is open source and released under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License 3.0 (GNU/AGPLv3) for the source code and the Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA) for the art assets. Which means you can create your own game using Khanat OpenNel, for more information on doing so check out Creating Your Own Game Using Khanat OpenNel. Master: [![pipeline status](]( [![coverage report](]( Develop: [![pipeline status](]( [![coverage report](]( Prepare our environment ======================= # Install apt-get install python3 python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv python3-stdeb python3-all python3-coverage python3-pep8 python3-sphinx python3-pip graphviz python3-bcrypt apt-get install autogen autoconf automake fakeroot # Check cd opennel-pymanager make # Source package cd opennel-pymanager make sdist # result at ls dist/pymanager-*.tar.gz # Python package cd opennel-pymanager make bdist # result at ls dist/pymanager-*.tar.gz # Wheel package cd opennel-pymanager make bdist_wheel # result at ls dist/pymanager-*.whl # Test cd opennel-pymanager make test # Coverage cd opennel-pymanager make coverage # result at ls docs/coverage/ # Generate Html Documentation : cd opennel-pymanager make htmldoc # result at ls docs/build/ # Debian package : cd opennel-pymanager make builddeb # result at ls ../python3-opennel-pymanager_*_all.deb