
203 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# Note: `tool` is optional but without it there are no error reporting in the editor
# TODO Remove grid_ prefixes, context is already given by the script itself
# Performs a positive integer division rounded to upper (4/2 = 2, 5/3 = 2)
static func up_div(a, b):
if a % b != 0:
return a / b + 1
return a / b
# Creates a 2D array as an array of arrays.
# if v is provided, all cells will contain the same value.
# if v is a funcref, it will be executed to fill the grid cell per cell.
static func create_grid(w, h, v=null):
var is_create_func = typeof(v) == TYPE_OBJECT and v is FuncRef
var grid = []
for y in range(grid.size()):
var row = []
if is_create_func:
for x in range(row.size()):
row[x] = v.call_func(x,y)
for x in range(row.size()):
row[x] = v
grid[y] = row
return grid
# Creates a 2D array that is a copy of another 2D array
static func clone_grid(other_grid):
var grid = []
for y in range(0, grid.size()):
var row = []
var other_row = other_grid[y]
grid[y] = row
for x in range(0, row.size()):
row[x] = other_row[x]
return grid
# Resizes a 2D array and allows to set or call functions for each deleted and created cells.
# This is especially useful if cells contain objects and you don't want to loose existing data.
static func resize_grid(grid, new_width, new_height, create_func=null, delete_func=null):
# Check parameters
assert(new_width >= 0 and new_height >= 0)
assert(grid != null)
if delete_func != null:
assert(typeof(delete_func) == TYPE_OBJECT and delete_func is FuncRef)
var is_create_func = typeof(create_func) == TYPE_OBJECT and create_func is FuncRef
# Get old size (supposed to be rectangular!)
var old_height = grid.size()
var old_width = 0
if grid.size() != 0:
old_width = grid[0].size()
# Delete old rows
if new_height < old_height:
if delete_func != null:
for y in range(new_height, grid.size()):
var row = grid[y]
for x in range(0, row.size()):
var elem = row[x]
# Delete old columns
if new_width < old_width:
for y in range(0, grid.size()):
var row = grid[y]
if delete_func != null:
for x in range(new_width, row.size()):
var elem = row[x]
# Create new columns
if new_width > old_width:
for y in range(0, grid.size()):
var row = grid[y]
if is_create_func:
for x in range(old_width, new_width):
row[x] = create_func.call_func(x,y)
for x in range(old_width, new_width):
row[x] = create_func
# Create new rows
if new_height > old_height:
for y in range(old_height, new_height):
var row = []
grid[y] = row
if is_create_func:
for x in range(0, new_width):
row[x] = create_func.call_func(x,y)
for x in range(0, new_width):
row[x] = create_func
# Debug test check
assert(grid.size() == new_height)
for y in range(0, grid.size()):
assert(grid[y].size() == new_width)
# Retrieves the minimum and maximum values from a grid
static func grid_min_max(grid):
if grid.size() == 0 or grid[0].size() == 0:
return [0,0]
var vmin = grid[0][0]
var vmax = vmin
for y in range(0, grid.size()):
var row = grid[y]
for x in range(0, row.size()):
var v = row[x]
if v > vmax:
vmax = v
elif v < vmin:
vmin = v
return [vmin, vmax]
# Copies a sub-region of a grid as a new grid. No boundary check!
static func grid_extract_area(src_grid, x0, y0, w, h):
var dst = create_grid(w, h)
for y in range(0, h):
var dst_row = dst[y]
var src_row = src_grid[y0+y]
for x in range(0, w):
dst_row[x] = src_row[x0+x]
return dst
# Extracts data and crops the result if the requested rect crosses the bounds
static func grid_extract_area_safe_crop(src_grid, x0, y0, w, h):
# Return empty is completely out of bounds
var gw = src_grid.size()
if gw == 0:
return []
var gh = src_grid[0].size()
if x0 >= gw or y0 >= gh:
return []
# Crop min pos
if x0 < 0:
w += x0
x0 = 0
if y0 < 0:
h += y0
y0 = 0
# Crop max pos
if x0 + w >= gw:
w = gw-x0
if y0 + h >= gh:
h = gh-y0
return grid_extract_area(src_grid, x0, y0, w, h)
# Sets values from a grid inside another grid. No boundary check!
static func grid_paste(src_grid, dst_grid, x0, y0):
for y in range(0, src_grid.size()):
var src_row = src_grid[y]
var dst_row = dst_grid[y0+y]
for x in range(0, src_row.size()):
dst_row[x0+x] = src_row[x]
# Tests if two grids are the same size and contain the same values
static func grid_equals(a, b):
if a.size() != b.size():
return false
for y in range(0, a.size()):
var a_row = a[y]
var b_row = b[y]
if a_row.size() != b_row.size():
return false
for x in range(0, b_row.size()):
if a_row[x] != b_row[x]:
return false
return true
static func grid_get_or_default(grid, x, y, defval=null):
if y >= 0 and y < len(grid):
var row = grid[y]
if x >= 0 and x < len(row):
return row[x]
return defval