Lancement du jeu impossible #2

opened 2021-09-09 17:33:51 +00:00 by yannk · 8 comments
yannk commented 2021-09-09 17:33:51 +00:00 (Migrated from

Client : Godot v3.3.3.stable.official[b973f997f]

Lorsque je fais F5 pour lancer le jeu, il ne se lance pas.

Mes logs :

--- Debugging process started ---
Godot Engine v3.3.3.stable.official.b973f997f -
XInput: Refreshing devices.
XInput: No touch devices found.
Detecting GPUs, set DRI_PRIME in the environment to override GPU detection logic.
Only one GPU found, using default.
VisualServerWrapMT: Creating render thread
VisualServerWrapMT: Starting render thread
Using GLES3 video driver
OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL ES Batching: ON
	max_join_item_commands 16
	colored_vertex_format_threshold 0.25
	batch_buffer_size 16384
	light_scissor_area_threshold 1
	item_reordering_lookahead 4
	light_max_join_items 32
	single_rect_fallback False
	debug_flash False
	diagnose_frame False
VisualServerWrapMT: Finished render thread
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context ready
PulseAudio: Detecting channels for device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
PulseAudio: detected 2 channels
PulseAudio: audio buffer frames: 512 calculated latency: 11ms
JoypadLinux: udev enabled and loaded successfully.
Loading resource: res://locale/fr.po
Loading resource: res://locale/en.po
Loading resource: res://default_bus_layout.tres
CORE API HASH: 15198786384277183696
EDITOR API HASH: 1752727588889334904
Loading resource: res://default_env.tres
Loading resource: res://ressources/scripts/config/
Loading resource: res://ressources/scripts/
Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/music_manager.tscn
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/play.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/previous.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/next.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/pause.png
Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/
Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/music_button.tscn
Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/buttons/del.png
Loading resource: res://assets/inte[...]
 [output overflow, print less text!]
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_10.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_3.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_6.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_13.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_7.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_7.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_0.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_4.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_2.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_1.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_3.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_6.png
Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_5.png
Loading resource: res://scenes/main/
Loading resource: res://map0-1.tres
--- Debugging process stopped ---
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene.
 Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'.
glTF: Total buffers: 1
glTF: Total buffer views: 77
glTF: Total accessors: 77
glTF: Total materials: 6
glTF: Parsing mesh: 0
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true.
glTF: Mesh has targets
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene.
 Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'.
glTF: Total buffers: 1
glTF: Total buffer views: 77
glTF: Total accessors: 77
glTF: Total materials: 6
glTF: Parsing mesh: 0
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true.
glTF: Mesh has targets
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene.
 Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'.
glTF: Total buffers: 1
glTF: Total buffer views: 77
glTF: Total accessors: 77
glTF: Total materials: 6
glTF: Parsing mesh: 0
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true.
glTF: Mesh has targets
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene.
 Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'.
glTF: Total buffers: 1
glTF: Total buffer views: 77
glTF: Total accessors: 77
glTF: Total materials: 6
glTF: Parsing mesh: 0
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true.
glTF: Mesh has targets
glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60
glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR
 core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing.
 Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'.
Client : Godot v3.3.3.stable.official\[b973f997f\] Lorsque je fais F5 pour lancer le jeu, il ne se lance pas. Mes logs : ``` --- Debugging process started --- Godot Engine v3.3.3.stable.official.b973f997f - XInput: Refreshing devices. XInput: No touch devices found. Detecting GPUs, set DRI_PRIME in the environment to override GPU detection logic. Only one GPU found, using default. VisualServerWrapMT: Creating render thread VisualServerWrapMT: Starting render thread Using GLES3 video driver OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL ES Batching: ON OPTIONS max_join_item_commands 16 colored_vertex_format_threshold 0.25 batch_buffer_size 16384 light_scissor_area_threshold 1 item_reordering_lookahead 4 light_max_join_items 32 single_rect_fallback False debug_flash False diagnose_frame False VisualServerWrapMT: Finished render thread PulseAudio: context other PulseAudio: context other PulseAudio: context other PulseAudio: context ready PulseAudio: Detecting channels for device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo PulseAudio: detected 2 channels PulseAudio: audio buffer frames: 512 calculated latency: 11ms JoypadLinux: udev enabled and loaded successfully. Loading resource: res://locale/fr.po Loading resource: res://locale/en.po Loading resource: res://default_bus_layout.tres CORE API HASH: 15198786384277183696 EDITOR API HASH: 1752727588889334904 Loading resource: res://default_env.tres Loading resource: res://ressources/scripts/config/ Loading resource: res://ressources/scripts/ Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/music_manager.tscn Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/play.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/previous.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/next.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/music_manager/pause.png Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/ Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/music_button.tscn Loading resource: res://scenes/interfaces/music_manager/ Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/buttons/del.png Loading resource: res://assets/inte[...] [output overflow, print less text!] Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_10.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_3.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_6.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_13.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/loading_screen_7.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_7.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_0.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_4.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_2.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_1.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_3.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_6.png Loading resource: res://assets/interfaces/loading_screen/frames/echarpe_5.png Loading resource: res://scenes/main/ Loading resource: res://map0-1.tres --- Debugging process stopped --- Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene. Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'. glTF: Total buffers: 1 glTF: Total buffer views: 77 glTF: Total accessors: 77 glTF: Total materials: 6 glTF: Parsing mesh: 0 glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true. glTF: Mesh has targets glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene. Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'. glTF: Total buffers: 1 glTF: Total buffer views: 77 glTF: Total accessors: 77 glTF: Total materials: 6 glTF: Parsing mesh: 0 glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true. glTF: Mesh has targets glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene. Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'. glTF: Total buffers: 1 glTF: Total buffer views: 77 glTF: Total accessors: 77 glTF: Total materials: 6 glTF: Parsing mesh: 0 glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true. glTF: Mesh has targets glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. glTF: Importing file res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.gltf as scene. Can't open file from path 'res://assets/creatures/arche/arche.bin'. glTF: Total buffers: 1 glTF: Total buffer views: 77 glTF: Total accessors: 77 glTF: Total materials: 6 glTF: Parsing mesh: 0 glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 0 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 720 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type vec2 component type: Float stride: 8 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1440 total buffer len: 0 view len 480 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR glTF: type float component type: UShort stride: 2 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 1920 total buffer len: 0 view len 120 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR scene/resources/surface_tool.cpp:929 - Condition "!(format & Mesh::ARRAY_FORMAT_TEX_UV)" is true. glTF: Mesh has targets glTF: type vec3 component type: Float stride: 12 amount 60 glTF: accessor offset0 view offset: 2040 total buffer len: 0 view len 720 editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:669 - Condition "(int)(offset + buffer_end) > buffer.size()" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR editor/import/editor_scene_importer_gltf.cpp:1203 - Condition "size == 0" is true. Returned: ERR_PARSE_ERROR core/os/file_access.cpp:671 - Condition "!f" is true. Continuing. Cannot open file 'res://.import/arche.gltf-87a0437911a02add3dd8550b3740c363.scn'. ```
aleajactaest commented 2021-09-09 19:56:21 +00:00 (Migrated from

Incident reproduit

Incident reproduit
yannk commented 2021-09-09 20:01:14 +00:00 (Migrated from

Avec la résolution du bug #1 le jeu se lance mais bloque après que j’ai choisi « Jouer > Créer une nouvel créature »

Je peux néanmoins quitter sans problème avec F8

Avec la résolution du bug #1 le jeu se lance mais bloque après que j’ai choisi « Jouer > Créer une nouvel créature » Je peux néanmoins quitter sans problème avec F8
yannk commented 2021-09-09 20:23:41 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @aleajactaest

assigned to @aleajactaest
aleajactaest commented 2021-09-09 20:44:26 +00:00 (Migrated from

created merge request !2 to address this issue

created merge request !2 to address this issue
aleajactaest commented 2021-09-09 20:44:27 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in merge request !2

mentioned in merge request !2
aleajactaest commented 2021-09-09 20:46:09 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in merge request !3

mentioned in merge request !3
aleajactaest commented 2021-09-09 20:46:45 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit 1d9ec43b34

mentioned in commit 1d9ec43b348437fe702e02974472491949988a26
yannk commented 2021-10-06 18:12:40 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in merge request !7

mentioned in merge request !7
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