574 lines
15 KiB
574 lines
15 KiB
extends Node
const Painter = preload("./painter.gd")
const HTerrain = preload("../../hterrain.gd")
const HTerrainData = preload("../../hterrain_data.gd")
const Logger = preload("../../util/logger.gd")
const Brush = preload("./brush.gd")
const RaiseShader = preload("./shaders/raise.shader")
const SmoothShader = preload("./shaders/smooth.shader")
const LevelShader = preload("./shaders/level.shader")
const FlattenShader = preload("./shaders/flatten.shader")
const ErodeShader = preload("./shaders/erode.shader")
const Splat4Shader = preload("./shaders/splat4.shader")
const Splat16Shader = preload("./shaders/splat16.shader")
const SplatIndexedShader = preload("./shaders/splat_indexed.shader")
const ColorShader = preload("./shaders/color.shader")
const AlphaShader = preload("./shaders/alpha.shader")
const MODE_RAISE = 0
const MODE_LOWER = 1
const MODE_SMOOTH = 2
const MODE_FLATTEN = 3
const MODE_SPLAT = 4
const MODE_COLOR = 5
const MODE_MASK = 6
const MODE_DETAIL = 7
const MODE_LEVEL = 8
const MODE_ERODE = 9
const MODE_COUNT = 10
class ModifiedMap:
var map_type := 0
var map_index := 0
var painter_index := 0
signal flatten_height_changed
var _painters := []
var _brush := Brush.new()
var _color := Color(1, 0, 0, 1)
var _mask_flag := false
var _mode := MODE_RAISE
var _flatten_height := 0.0
var _detail_index := 0
var _detail_density := 1.0
var _texture_index := 0
var _slope_limit_low_angle := 0.0
var _slope_limit_high_angle := PI / 2.0
var _modified_maps := []
var _terrain : HTerrain
var _logger = Logger.get_for(self)
func _init():
for i in 4:
var p = Painter.new()
# The name is just for debugging
p.set_name(str("Painter", i))
p.connect("texture_region_changed", self, "_on_painter_texture_region_changed", [i])
func get_brush() -> Brush:
return _brush
func get_brush_size() -> int:
return _brush.get_size()
func set_brush_size(s: int):
# for p in _painters:
# p.set_brush_size(_brush_size)
func set_brush_texture(texture: Texture):
# for p in _painters:
# p.set_brush_texture(texture)
func get_opacity() -> float:
return _brush.get_opacity()
func set_opacity(opacity: float):
func set_flatten_height(h: float):
if h == _flatten_height:
_flatten_height = h
func get_flatten_height() -> float:
return _flatten_height
func set_color(c: Color):
_color = c
func get_color() -> Color:
return _color
func set_mask_flag(m: bool):
_mask_flag = m
func get_mask_flag() -> bool:
return _mask_flag
func set_detail_density(d: float):
_detail_density = clamp(d, 0.0, 1.0)
func get_detail_density() -> float:
return _detail_density
func set_detail_index(di: int):
_detail_index = di
func set_texture_index(i: int):
_texture_index = i
func get_texture_index() -> int:
return _texture_index
func get_slope_limit_low_angle() -> float:
return _slope_limit_low_angle
func get_slope_limit_high_angle() -> float:
return _slope_limit_high_angle
func set_slope_limit_angles(low: float, high: float):
_slope_limit_low_angle = low
_slope_limit_high_angle = high
func is_operation_pending() -> bool:
for p in _painters:
if p.is_operation_pending():
return true
return false
func has_modified_chunks() -> bool:
for p in _painters:
if p.has_modified_chunks():
return true
return false
func get_undo_chunk_size() -> int:
return Painter.UNDO_CHUNK_SIZE
func commit() -> Dictionary:
assert(_terrain.get_data() != null)
var terrain_data = _terrain.get_data()
assert(not terrain_data.is_locked())
var changes := []
var chunk_positions : Array
assert(len(_modified_maps) > 0)
for mm in _modified_maps:
#print("Flushing painter ", mm.painter_index)
var painter : Painter = _painters[mm.painter_index]
var info := painter.commit()
# Note, positions are always the same for each map
chunk_positions = info.chunk_positions
"map_type": mm.map_type,
"map_index": mm.map_index,
"chunk_initial_datas": info.chunk_initial_datas,
"chunk_final_datas": info.chunk_final_datas
var cs := get_undo_chunk_size()
for pos in info.chunk_positions:
var rect = Rect2(pos * cs, Vector2(cs, cs))
# This will update vertical bounds and notify normal map baker,
# since the latter updates out of order for preview
terrain_data.notify_region_change(rect, mm.map_type, mm.map_index, false, true)
# for i in len(_painters):
# var p = _painters[i]
# if p.has_modified_chunks():
# print("Painter ", i, " has modified chunks")
# `commit()` is supposed to consume these chunks, there should be none left
assert(not has_modified_chunks())
return {
"chunk_positions": chunk_positions,
"maps": changes
func set_mode(mode: int):
assert(mode >= 0 and mode < MODE_COUNT)
_mode = mode
func get_mode() -> int:
return _mode
func set_terrain(terrain: HTerrain):
if terrain == _terrain:
_terrain = terrain
# It's important to release resources here,
# otherwise Godot keeps modified terrain maps in memory and "reloads" them like that
# next time we reopen the scene, even if we didn't save it
for p in _painters:
p.set_image(null, null)
# This may be called from an `_input` callback.
# Returns `true` if any change was performed.
func paint_input(position: Vector2, pressure: float) -> bool:
assert(_terrain.get_data() != null)
var data = _terrain.get_data()
assert(not data.is_locked())
if not _brush.configure_paint_input(_painters, position, pressure):
# Sometimes painting may not happen due to frequency options
return false
match _mode:
_paint_height(data, position, 1.0)
_paint_height(data, position, -1.0)
_paint_smooth(data, position)
_paint_flatten(data, position)
_paint_level(data, position)
_paint_erode(data, position)
# TODO Properly support what happens when painting outside of supported index
# var supported_slots_count := terrain.get_cached_ground_texture_slot_count()
# if _texture_index >= supported_slots_count:
# _logger.debug("Painting out of range of supported texture slots: {0}/{1}" \
# .format([_texture_index, supported_slots_count]))
# return
if _terrain.is_using_indexed_splatmap():
_paint_splat_indexed(data, position)
var splatmap_count := _terrain.get_used_splatmaps_count()
match splatmap_count:
_paint_splat4(data, position)
_paint_splat16(data, position)
_paint_color(data, position)
_paint_mask(data, position)
_paint_detail(data, position)
_logger.error("Unknown mode {0}".format([_mode]))
assert(len(_modified_maps) > 0)
return true
func _on_painter_texture_region_changed(rect: Rect2, painter_index: int):
var data = _terrain.get_data()
if data == null:
for mm in _modified_maps:
if mm.painter_index == painter_index:
# This will tell auto-baked maps to update (like normals).
data.notify_region_change(rect, mm.map_type, mm.map_index, false, false)
func _paint_height(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2, factor: float):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0, true)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
# When using sculpting tools, make it dependent on brush size
var raise_strength := 10.0 + float(_brush.get_size())
var delta := factor * (2.0 / 60.0) * raise_strength
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", delta)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_smooth(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0, true)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", (10.0 / 60.0))
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_flatten(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0, true)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_flatten_value", _flatten_height)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_level(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0, true)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", (10.0 / 60.0))
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_erode(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0, true)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_splat4(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT)
var texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT, 0, true)
var heightmap_texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0)
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
var splat = Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
splat[_texture_index] = 1.0;
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_splat", splat)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_normal_min_y", cos(_slope_limit_high_angle))
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_normal_max_y", cos(_slope_limit_low_angle) + 0.001)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_heightmap", heightmap_texture)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_splat_indexed(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var map_types = [
_modified_maps = []
var textures = []
for mode in 2:
textures.append(data.get_texture(map_types[mode], 0, true))
for mode in 2:
var image = data.get_image(map_types[mode])
var mm = ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = map_types[mode]
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = mode
var p : Painter = _painters[mode]
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_mode", mode)
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_index_map", textures[0])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_weight_map", textures[1])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_texture_index", _texture_index)
p.set_image(image, textures[mode])
func _paint_splat16(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
# Make sure required maps are present
while data.get_map_count(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT) < 4:
var splats := []
for i in 4:
splats.append(Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
splats[_texture_index / 4][_texture_index % 4] = 1.0
var textures := []
for i in 4:
textures.append(data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT, i, true))
var heightmap_texture = data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_HEIGHT, 0)
for i in 4:
var image : Image = data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT, i)
var texture : Texture = textures[i]
var mm := ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_SPLAT
mm.map_index = i
mm.painter_index = i
var p : Painter = _painters[i]
var other_splatmaps = []
for tex in textures:
if tex != texture:
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_splat", splats[i])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_other_splatmap_1", other_splatmaps[0])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_other_splatmap_2", other_splatmaps[1])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_other_splatmap_3", other_splatmaps[2])
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_normal_min_y", cos(_slope_limit_high_angle))
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_normal_max_y", cos(_slope_limit_low_angle) + 0.001)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_heightmap", heightmap_texture)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_color(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image := data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR)
var texture := data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR, 0, true)
var mm := ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
# There was a problem with painting colors because of sRGB
# https://github.com/Zylann/godot_heightmap_plugin/issues/17#issuecomment-734001879
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_color", _color)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_mask(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image := data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR)
var texture := data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR, 0, true)
var mm := ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_COLOR
mm.map_index = 0
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_value", 1.0 if _mask_flag else 0.0)
p.set_image(image, texture)
func _paint_detail(data: HTerrainData, position: Vector2):
var image := data.get_image(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL, _detail_index)
var texture := data.get_texture(HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL, _detail_index, true)
var mm := ModifiedMap.new()
mm.map_type = HTerrainData.CHANNEL_DETAIL
mm.map_index = _detail_index
mm.painter_index = 0
_modified_maps = [mm]
var p : Painter = _painters[0]
var c := Color(_detail_density, _detail_density, _detail_density, 1.0)
# TODO Don't use this shader
#p.set_brush_shader_param("u_factor", _opacity)
p.set_brush_shader_param("u_color", c)
p.set_image(image, texture)