tags // 'htmldiff' - diff as HTML table // 'html' - the full page rendered in XHTML $conf['rss_media'] = 'both'; //what should be listed? // 'both' - page and media changes // 'pages' - page changes only // 'media' - media changes only $conf['rss_update'] = 5*60; //Update the RSS feed every n seconds (defaults to 5 minutes) $conf['rss_show_summary'] = 1; //Add revision summary to title? 0|1 /* Advanced Settings */ $conf['updatecheck'] = 1; //automatically check for new releases? $conf['userewrite'] = 0; //this makes nice URLs: 0: off 1: .htaccess 2: internal $conf['useslash'] = 0; //use slash instead of colon? only when rewrite is on $conf['sepchar'] = '_'; //word separator character in page names; may be a // letter, a digit, '_', '-', or '.'. $conf['canonical'] = 0; //Should all URLs use full canonical http://... style? $conf['fnencode'] = 'url'; //encode filenames (url|safe|utf-8) $conf['autoplural'] = 0; //try (non)plural form of nonexisting files? $conf['compression'] = 'gz'; //compress old revisions: (0: off) ('gz': gnuzip) ('bz2': bzip) // bz2 generates smaller files, but needs more cpu-power $conf['gzip_output'] = 0; //use gzip content encodeing for the output xhtml (if allowed by browser) $conf['compress'] = 1; //Strip whitespaces and comments from Styles and JavaScript? 1|0 $conf['cssdatauri'] = 512; //Maximum byte size of small images to embed into CSS, won't work on IE<8 $conf['send404'] = 0; //Send a HTTP 404 status for non existing pages? $conf['broken_iua'] = 0; //Platform with broken ignore_user_abort (IIS+CGI) 0|1 $conf['xsendfile'] = 0; //Use X-Sendfile (1 = lighttpd, 2 = standard) $conf['renderer_xhtml'] = 'xhtml'; //renderer to use for main page generation $conf['readdircache'] = 0; //time cache in second for the readdir operation, 0 to deactivate. /* Network Settings */ $conf['dnslookups'] = 1; //disable to disallow IP to hostname lookups $conf['jquerycdn'] = 0; //use a CDN for delivering jQuery? // Proxy setup - if your Server needs a proxy to access the web set these $conf['proxy']['host'] = ''; $conf['proxy']['port'] = ''; $conf['proxy']['user'] = ''; $conf['proxy']['pass'] = ''; $conf['proxy']['ssl'] = 0; $conf['proxy']['except'] = ''; // Safemode Hack - read http://www.dokuwiki.org/config:safemodehack ! $conf['safemodehack'] = 0; $conf['ftp']['host'] = 'localhost'; $conf['ftp']['port'] = '21'; $conf['ftp']['user'] = 'user'; $conf['ftp']['pass'] = 'password'; $conf['ftp']['root'] = '/home/user/htdocs';