attr('action')) { $get = $_GET; if(isset($get['id'])) unset($get['id']); $self = wl($ID, $get, false, '&'); //attributes are escaped later $this->attr('action', $self); } // post is default if(!$this->attr('method')) { $this->attr('method', 'post'); } // we like UTF-8 if(!$this->attr('accept-charset')) { $this->attr('accept-charset', 'utf-8'); } // add the security token by default $this->setHiddenField('sectok', getSecurityToken()); // identify this as a new form based form in HTML $this->addClass('doku_form'); } /** * Sets a hidden field * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return $this */ public function setHiddenField($name, $value) { $this->hidden[$name] = $value; return $this; } #region element query function /** * Returns the numbers of elements in the form * * @return int */ public function elementCount() { return count($this->elements); } /** * Returns a reference to the element at a position. * A position out-of-bounds will return either the * first (underflow) or last (overflow) element. * * @param int $pos * @return Element */ public function getElementAt($pos) { if($pos < 0) $pos = count($this->elements) + $pos; if($pos < 0) $pos = 0; if($pos >= count($this->elements)) $pos = count($this->elements) - 1; return $this->elements[$pos]; } /** * Gets the position of the first of a type of element * * @param string $type Element type to look for. * @param int $offset search from this position onward * @return false|int position of element if found, otherwise false */ public function findPositionByType($type, $offset = 0) { $len = $this->elementCount(); for($pos = $offset; $pos < $len; $pos++) { if($this->elements[$pos]->getType() == $type) { return $pos; } } return false; } /** * Gets the position of the first element matching the attribute * * @param string $name Name of the attribute * @param string $value Value the attribute should have * @param int $offset search from this position onward * @return false|int position of element if found, otherwise false */ public function findPositionByAttribute($name, $value, $offset = 0) { $len = $this->elementCount(); for($pos = $offset; $pos < $len; $pos++) { if($this->elements[$pos]->attr($name) == $value) { return $pos; } } return false; } #endregion #region Element positioning functions /** * Adds or inserts an element to the form * * @param Element $element * @param int $pos 0-based position in the form, -1 for at the end * @return Element */ public function addElement(Element $element, $pos = -1) { if(is_a($element, '\dokuwiki\Form\Form')) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You can\'t add a form to a form'); if($pos < 0) { $this->elements[] = $element; } else { array_splice($this->elements, $pos, 0, array($element)); } return $element; } /** * Replaces an existing element with a new one * * @param Element $element the new element * @param int $pos 0-based position of the element to replace */ public function replaceElement(Element $element, $pos) { if(is_a($element, '\dokuwiki\Form\Form')) throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You can\'t add a form to a form'); array_splice($this->elements, $pos, 1, array($element)); } /** * Remove an element from the form completely * * @param int $pos 0-based position of the element to remove */ public function removeElement($pos) { array_splice($this->elements, $pos, 1); } #endregion #region Element adding functions /** * Adds a text input field * * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return InputElement */ public function addTextInput($name, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new InputElement('text', $name, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a password input field * * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return InputElement */ public function addPasswordInput($name, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new InputElement('password', $name, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a radio button field * * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return CheckableElement */ public function addRadioButton($name, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new CheckableElement('radio', $name, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a checkbox field * * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return CheckableElement */ public function addCheckbox($name, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new CheckableElement('checkbox', $name, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a dropdown field * * @param string $name * @param array $options * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return DropdownElement */ public function addDropdown($name, $options, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new DropdownElement($name, $options, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a textarea field * * @param string $name * @param string $label * @param int $pos * @return TextareaElement */ public function addTextarea($name, $label = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new TextareaElement($name, $label), $pos); } /** * Adds a simple button, escapes the content for you * * @param string $name * @param string $content * @param int $pos * @return Element */ public function addButton($name, $content, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new ButtonElement($name, hsc($content)), $pos); } /** * Adds a simple button, allows HTML for content * * @param string $name * @param string $html * @param int $pos * @return Element */ public function addButtonHTML($name, $html, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new ButtonElement($name, $html), $pos); } /** * Adds a label referencing another input element, escapes the label for you * * @param string $label * @param string $for * @param int $pos * @return Element */ public function addLabel($label, $for='', $pos = -1) { return $this->addLabelHTML(hsc($label), $for, $pos); } /** * Adds a label referencing another input element, allows HTML for content * * @param string $content * @param string|Element $for * @param int $pos * @return Element */ public function addLabelHTML($content, $for='', $pos = -1) { $element = new LabelElement(hsc($content)); if(is_a($for, '\dokuwiki\Form\Element')) { /** @var Element $for */ $for = $for->id(); } $for = (string) $for; if($for !== '') { $element->attr('for', $for); } return $this->addElement($element, $pos); } /** * Add fixed HTML to the form * * @param string $html * @param int $pos * @return HTMLElement */ public function addHTML($html, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new HTMLElement($html), $pos); } /** * Add a closed HTML tag to the form * * @param string $tag * @param int $pos * @return TagElement */ public function addTag($tag, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new TagElement($tag), $pos); } /** * Add an open HTML tag to the form * * Be sure to close it again! * * @param string $tag * @param int $pos * @return TagOpenElement */ public function addTagOpen($tag, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new TagOpenElement($tag), $pos); } /** * Add a closing HTML tag to the form * * Be sure it had been opened before * * @param string $tag * @param int $pos * @return TagCloseElement */ public function addTagClose($tag, $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new TagCloseElement($tag), $pos); } /** * Open a Fieldset * * @param string $legend * @param int $pos * @return FieldsetOpenElement */ public function addFieldsetOpen($legend = '', $pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new FieldsetOpenElement($legend), $pos); } /** * Close a fieldset * * @param int $pos * @return TagCloseElement */ public function addFieldsetClose($pos = -1) { return $this->addElement(new FieldsetCloseElement(), $pos); } #endregion /** * Adjust the elements so that fieldset open and closes are matching */ protected function balanceFieldsets() { $lastclose = 0; $isopen = false; $len = count($this->elements); for($pos = 0; $pos < $len; $pos++) { $type = $this->elements[$pos]->getType(); if($type == 'fieldsetopen') { if($isopen) { //close previous fieldset $this->addFieldsetClose($pos); $lastclose = $pos + 1; $pos++; $len++; } $isopen = true; } else if($type == 'fieldsetclose') { if(!$isopen) { // make sure there was a fieldsetopen // either right after the last close or at the begining $this->addFieldsetOpen('', $lastclose); $len++; $pos++; } $lastclose = $pos; $isopen = false; } } // close open fieldset at the end if($isopen) { $this->addFieldsetClose(); } } /** * The HTML representation of the whole form * * @return string */ public function toHTML() { $this->balanceFieldsets(); $html = '
attrs()) . '>'; foreach($this->hidden as $name => $value) { $html .= ''; } foreach($this->elements as $element) { $html .= $element->toHTML(); } $html .= '
'; return $html; } }