*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../'); define('NOSESSION', true); define('DOKU_DISABLE_GZIP_OUTPUT', 1); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/init.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/auth.php'); $ID = $_REQUEST['id']; /** @var $plugin helper_plugin_captcha */ $plugin = plugin_load('helper', 'captcha'); if($plugin->getConf('mode') != 'audio' && $plugin->getConf('mode') != 'svgaudio') { http_status(404); exit; } $rand = $plugin->decrypt($_REQUEST['secret']); $code = strtolower($plugin->_generateCAPTCHA($plugin->_fixedIdent(), $rand)); // prepare an array of wavfiles $lc = dirname(__FILE__).'/lang/'.$conf['lang'].'/audio/'; $en = dirname(__FILE__).'/lang/en/audio/'; $wavs = array(); $lettercount = $plugin->getConf('lettercount'); if($lettercount > strlen($code)) $lettercount = strlen($code); for($i = 0; $i < $lettercount; $i++) { $file = $lc.$code{$i}.'.wav'; if(!@file_exists($file)) $file = $en.$code{$i}.'.wav'; $wavs[] = $file; } header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=captcha.wav'); echo joinwavs($wavs); /** * Join multiple wav files * * All wave files need to have the same format and need to be uncompressed. * The headers of the last file will be used (with recalculated datasize * of course) * * @link http://ccrma.stanford.edu/CCRMA/Courses/422/projects/WaveFormat/ * @link http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread3770.html */ function joinwavs($wavs) { $fields = join( '/', array( 'H8ChunkID', 'VChunkSize', 'H8Format', 'H8Subchunk1ID', 'VSubchunk1Size', 'vAudioFormat', 'vNumChannels', 'VSampleRate', 'VByteRate', 'vBlockAlign', 'vBitsPerSample' ) ); $data = ''; foreach($wavs as $wav) { $fp = fopen($wav, 'rb'); $header = fread($fp, 36); $info = unpack($fields, $header); // read optional extra stuff if($info['Subchunk1Size'] > 16) { $header .= fread($fp, ($info['Subchunk1Size'] - 16)); } // read SubChunk2ID $header .= fread($fp, 4); // read Subchunk2Size $size = unpack('vsize', fread($fp, 4)); $size = $size['size']; // read data $data .= fread($fp, $size); } return $header.pack('V', strlen($data)).$data; }