2017-12-29 15:51:59 +01:00

62 lines
2 KiB

Tagging System
Version 1.0
//Tags text strings
$txt['smftags_tags'] = 'Tags';
$txt['smftags_tagtosuggest'] = 'Tag To Suggest:';
$txt['smftags_popular'] = 'Popular Tags';
$txt['smftags_latest'] = 'Latest Tagged Posts';
$txt['smftags_resultsfor'] = 'Results for ';
$txt['smftags_suggest'] = 'Suggest Tag';
$txt['smftags_addtag'] = '[Add Tag]';
$txt['smftags_deletetag'] = '[Delete Tag]';
$txt['smftags_addtag2'] = 'Add Tag';
$txt['smftags_tagtoadd'] = 'Tag to Add';
//Tags Admin Settings
$txt['smftags_set_mintaglength'] = 'Minimum Tag Length';
$txt['smftags_set_maxtaglength'] = 'Maximum Tag Length';
$txt['smftags_set_maxtags'] = 'Max number of tags per topic';
$txt['smftags_tagcloud_settings'] = 'Tag Cloud Settings';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_tags_to_show'] = 'Number of tags to show in tag cloud';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_tags_per_row'] = 'Number of tags to show per row';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_max_font_size_precent'] = 'Max tag cloud font size in percent';
$txt['smftags_set_cloud_min_font_size_precent'] = 'Min tag cloud font size in percent';
$txt['smftags_err_deletetag'] = 'You do not have permission to delete the tag.';
$txt['smftags_err_notopic'] = 'No topic selected.';
$txt['smftags_err_notag'] = 'You need to enter a tag.';
$txt['smftags_err_mintag'] = 'The tag is smaller than the minimum tag length of ';
$txt['smftags_err_maxtag'] = 'The tag is greater than the maximum tag length of ';
$txt['smftags_err_toomaxtag'] = 'Tag limit per topic exceeded.';
$txt['smftags_err_permaddtags'] = 'You are not allowed to add tags to that topic.';
$txt['smftags_err_alreadyexists'] = 'That tag for that topic already exists.';
$txt['smftags_settings'] = 'Tags Settings';
$txt['smftags_pages'] = 'Pages: ';
$txt['smftags_savesettings'] = 'Save Settings';
///Results Display
$txt['smftags_subject'] = 'Subject';
$txt['smftags_startedby'] = 'Started by';
$txt['smftags_replies'] = 'Replies';
$txt['smftags_views'] = 'Views';
$txt['smftags_guest'] = 'Guest';
$txt['smftags_topictag'] = 'Tag';