2017-12-29 15:51:59 +01:00

336 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable file

if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../').'/');
define('NOSESSION', 1);
* Easily manage DokuWiki git repositories
* @author Andreas Gohr <>
class GitToolCLI extends DokuCLI {
* Register options and arguments on the given $options object
* @param DokuCLI_Options $options
* @return void
protected function setup(DokuCLI_Options $options) {
"Manage git repositories for DokuWiki and its plugins and templates.\n\n".
"$> ./bin/gittool.php clone gallery template:ach\n".
"$> ./bin/gittool.php repos\n".
"$> ./bin/gittool.php origin -v"
'Command to execute. See below',
'Tries to install a known plugin or template (prefix with template:) via git. Uses the '.
'plugin repository to find the proper git repository. Multiple extensions can be given as parameters'
'name of the extension to install, prefix with \'template:\' for templates',
'The same as clone, but when no git source repository can be found, the extension is installed via '.
'name of the extension to install, prefix with \'template:\' for templates',
'Lists all git repositories found in this DokuWiki installation'
'Any unknown commands are assumed to be arguments to git and will be executed in all repositories '.
'found within this DokuWiki installation'
* Your main program
* Arguments and options have been parsed when this is run
* @param DokuCLI_Options $options
* @return void
protected function main(DokuCLI_Options $options) {
$command = $options->getCmd();
if(!$command) $command = array_shift($options->args);
switch($command) {
case '':
echo $options->help();
case 'clone':
case 'install':
case 'repo':
case 'repos':
$this->cmd_git($command, $options->args);
* Tries to install the given extensions using git clone
* @param array $extensions
public function cmd_clone($extensions) {
$errors = array();
$succeeded = array();
foreach($extensions as $ext) {
$repo = $this->getSourceRepo($ext);
if(!$repo) {
$this->error("could not find a repository for $ext");
$errors[] = $ext;
} else {
if($this->cloneExtension($ext, $repo)) {
$succeeded[] = $ext;
} else {
$errors[] = $ext;
echo "\n";
if($succeeded) $this->success('successfully cloned the following extensions: '.join(', ', $succeeded));
if($errors) $this->error('failed to clone the following extensions: '.join(', ', $errors));
* Tries to install the given extensions using git clone with fallback to install
* @param array $extensions
public function cmd_install($extensions) {
$errors = array();
$succeeded = array();
foreach($extensions as $ext) {
$repo = $this->getSourceRepo($ext);
if(!$repo) {
$this->info("could not find a repository for $ext");
if($this->downloadExtension($ext)) {
$succeeded[] = $ext;
} else {
$errors[] = $ext;
} else {
if($this->cloneExtension($ext, $repo)) {
$succeeded[] = $ext;
} else {
$errors[] = $ext;
echo "\n";
if($succeeded) $this->success('successfully installed the following extensions: '.join(', ', $succeeded));
if($errors) $this->error('failed to install the following extensions: '.join(', ', $errors));
* Executes the given git command in every repository
* @param $cmd
* @param $arg
public function cmd_git($cmd, $arg) {
$repos = $this->findRepos();
$shell = array_merge(array('git', $cmd), $arg);
$shell = array_map('escapeshellarg', $shell);
$shell = join(' ', $shell);
foreach($repos as $repo) {
if(!@chdir($repo)) {
$this->error("Could not change into $repo");
echo "\n";
$this->info("executing $shell in $repo");
$ret = 0;
system($shell, $ret);
if($ret == 0) {
$this->success("git succeeded in $repo");
} else {
$this->error("git failed in $repo");
* Simply lists the repositories
public function cmd_repos() {
$repos = $this->findRepos();
foreach($repos as $repo) {
echo "$repo\n";
* Install extension from the given download URL
* @param string $ext
* @return bool|null
private function downloadExtension($ext) {
/** @var helper_plugin_extension_extension $plugin */
$plugin = plugin_load('helper', 'extension_extension');
if(!$ext) die("extension plugin not available, can't continue");
$url = $plugin->getDownloadURL();
if(!$url) {
$this->error("no download URL for $ext");
return false;
$ok = false;
try {
$this->info("installing $ext via download from $url");
$ok = $plugin->installFromURL($url);
} catch(Exception $e) {
if($ok) {
$this->success("installed $ext via download");
return true;
} else {
$this->success("failed to install $ext via download");
return false;
* Clones the extension from the given repository
* @param string $ext
* @param string $repo
* @return bool
private function cloneExtension($ext, $repo) {
if(substr($ext, 0, 9) == 'template:') {
$target = fullpath(tpl_incdir().'../'.substr($ext, 9));
} else {
$target = DOKU_PLUGIN.$ext;
$this->info("cloning $ext from $repo to $target");
$ret = 0;
system("git clone $repo $target", $ret);
if($ret === 0) {
$this->success("cloning of $ext succeeded");
return true;
} else {
$this->error("cloning of $ext failed");
return false;
* Returns all git repositories in this DokuWiki install
* Looks in root, template and plugin directories only.
* @return array
private function findRepos() {
$this->info('Looking for .git directories');
$data = array_merge(
glob(DOKU_INC.'.git', GLOB_ONLYDIR),
glob(fullpath(tpl_incdir().'../').'/*/.git', GLOB_ONLYDIR)
if(!$data) {
$this->error('Found no .git directories');
} else {
$this->success('Found '.count($data).' .git directories');
$data = array_map('fullpath', array_map('dirname', $data));
return $data;
* Returns the repository for the given extension
* @param $extension
* @return false|string
private function getSourceRepo($extension) {
/** @var helper_plugin_extension_extension $ext */
$ext = plugin_load('helper', 'extension_extension');
if(!$ext) die("extension plugin not available, can't continue");
$repourl = $ext->getSourcerepoURL();
if(!$repourl) return false;
// match github repos
if(preg_match('/github\.com\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/i', $repourl, $m)) {
$user = $m[1];
$repo = $m[2];
return ''.$user.'/'.$repo.'.git';
// match gitorious repos
if(preg_match('/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)?/i', $repourl, $m)) {
$user = $m[1];
$repo = $m[2];
if(!$repo) $repo = $user;
return ''.$user.'/'.$repo.'.git';
// match bitbucket repos - most people seem to use mercurial there though
if(preg_match('/bitbucket\.org\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/i', $repourl, $m)) {
$user = $m[1];
$repo = $m[2];
return ''.$user.'/'.$repo.'.git';
return false;
// Main
$cli = new GitToolCLI();