2385 lines
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2385 lines
75 KiB
* Simple Machines Forum (SMF)
* @package SMF
* @author Simple Machines http://www.simplemachines.org
* @copyright 2011 Simple Machines
* @license http://www.simplemachines.org/about/smf/license.php BSD
* @version 2.0
if (!defined('SMF'))
die('Hacking attempt...');
/* ManagePermissions handles all possible permission stuff. The following
functions are used:
void ModifyPermissions()
- calls the right function based on the given subaction.
- checks the permissions, based on the sub-action.
- called by ?action=managepermissions.
- loads the ManagePermissions language file.
void PermissionIndex()
- sets up the permissions by membergroup index page.
- called by ?action=managepermissions
- uses the permission_index template of the ManageBoards template.
- loads the ManagePermissions language and template.
- creates an array of all the groups with the number of members and permissions.
void SetQuickGroups()
- handles permission modification actions from the upper part of the
permission manager index.
// !!!
void ModifyMembergroup()
// !!!
void ModifyMembergroup2()
// !!!
void GeneralPermissionSettings()
- a screen to set some general settings for permissions.
void setPermissionLevel(string level, int group, int profile = 'null')
- internal function to modify permissions to a pre-defined profile.
// !!!
void loadAllPermissions()
- internal function to load permissions into $context['permissions'].
// !!!
void loadPermissionProfiles()
// !!!
void EditPermissionProfiles()
// !!!
void init_inline_permissions(array permissions)
- internal function to initialise the inline permission settings.
- loads the ManagePermissions language and template.
- loads a context variables for each permission.
- used by several settings screens to set specific permissions.
void theme_inline_permissions(string permission)
- function called by templates to show a list of permissions settings.
- calls the template function template_inline_permissions().
save_inline_permissions(array permissions)
- general function to save the inline permissions sent by a form.
- does no session check.
void updateChildPermissions(array parent, int profile = null)
// !!!
void loadIllegalPermissions()
// !!!
void loadIllegalGuestPermissions()
- loads the permissions that can not be given to guests.
- stores the permissions in $context['non_guest_permissions'].
void ModifyPostModeration()
// !!!
function ModifyPermissions()
global $txt, $scripturl, $context;
// Format: 'sub-action' => array('function_to_call', 'permission_needed'),
$subActions = array(
'board' => array('PermissionByBoard', 'manage_permissions'),
'index' => array('PermissionIndex', 'manage_permissions'),
'modify' => array('ModifyMembergroup', 'manage_permissions'),
'modify2' => array('ModifyMembergroup2', 'manage_permissions'),
'quick' => array('SetQuickGroups', 'manage_permissions'),
'quickboard' => array('SetQuickBoards', 'manage_permissions'),
'postmod' => array('ModifyPostModeration', 'manage_permissions'),
'profiles' => array('EditPermissionProfiles', 'manage_permissions'),
'settings' => array('GeneralPermissionSettings', 'admin_forum'),
$_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : (allowedTo('manage_permissions') ? 'index' : 'settings');
// Create the tabs for the template.
$context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array(
'title' => $txt['permissions_title'],
'help' => 'permissions',
'description' => '',
'tabs' => array(
'index' => array(
'description' => $txt['permissions_groups'],
'board' => array(
'description' => $txt['permission_by_board_desc'],
'profiles' => array(
'description' => $txt['permissions_profiles_desc'],
'postmod' => array(
'description' => $txt['permissions_post_moderation_desc'],
'settings' => array(
'description' => $txt['permission_settings_desc'],
function PermissionIndex()
global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $settings, $modSettings, $smcFunc;
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permissions_title'];
// Load all the permissions. We'll need them in the template.
// Also load profiles, we may want to reset.
// Are we going to show the advanced options?
$context['show_advanced_options'] = empty($context['admin_preferences']['app']);
// Determine the number of ungrouped members.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_group = {int:regular_group}',
'regular_group' => 0,
list ($num_members) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request);
// Fill the context variable with 'Guests' and 'Regular Members'.
$context['groups'] = array(
-1 => array(
'id' => -1,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_guests'],
'num_members' => $txt['membergroups_guests_na'],
'allow_delete' => false,
'allow_modify' => true,
'can_search' => false,
'href' => '',
'link' => '',
'is_post_group' => false,
'color' => '',
'stars' => '',
'children' => array(),
'num_permissions' => array(
'allowed' => 0,
// Can't deny guest permissions!
'denied' => '(' . $txt['permissions_none'] . ')'
'access' => false
0 => array(
'id' => 0,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'],
'num_members' => $num_members,
'allow_delete' => false,
'allow_modify' => true,
'can_search' => false,
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=viewgroups;sa=members;group=0',
'is_post_group' => false,
'color' => '',
'stars' => '',
'children' => array(),
'num_permissions' => array(
'allowed' => 0,
'denied' => 0
'access' => false
$postGroups = array();
$normalGroups = array();
// Query the database defined membergroups.
$query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, id_parent, group_name, min_posts, online_color, stars
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups' . (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_postgroups']) ? '
WHERE min_posts = {int:min_posts}' : '') . '
ORDER BY id_parent = {int:not_inherited} DESC, min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name',
'min_posts' => -1,
'not_inherited' => -2,
'newbie_group' => 4,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query))
// If it's inherited, just add it as a child.
if ($row['id_parent'] != -2)
if (isset($context['groups'][$row['id_parent']]))
$context['groups'][$row['id_parent']]['children'][$row['id_group']] = $row['group_name'];
$row['stars'] = explode('#', $row['stars']);
$context['groups'][$row['id_group']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_group'],
'name' => $row['group_name'],
'num_members' => $row['id_group'] != 3 ? 0 : $txt['membergroups_guests_na'],
'allow_delete' => $row['id_group'] > 4,
'allow_modify' => $row['id_group'] > 1,
'can_search' => $row['id_group'] != 3,
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=moderate;area=viewgroups;sa=members;group=' . $row['id_group'],
'is_post_group' => $row['min_posts'] != -1,
'color' => empty($row['online_color']) ? '' : $row['online_color'],
'stars' => !empty($row['stars'][0]) && !empty($row['stars'][1]) ? str_repeat('<img src="' . $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $row['stars'][1] . '" alt="*" />', $row['stars'][0]) : '',
'children' => array(),
'num_permissions' => array(
'allowed' => $row['id_group'] == 1 ? '(' . $txt['permissions_all'] . ')' : 0,
'denied' => $row['id_group'] == 1 ? '(' . $txt['permissions_none'] . ')' : 0
'access' => false,
if ($row['min_posts'] == -1)
$normalGroups[$row['id_group']] = $row['id_group'];
$postGroups[$row['id_group']] = $row['id_group'];
// Get the number of members in this post group.
if (!empty($postGroups))
$query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_post_group AS id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_members
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_post_group IN ({array_int:post_group_list})
GROUP BY id_post_group',
'post_group_list' => $postGroups,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query))
$context['groups'][$row['id_group']]['num_members'] += $row['num_members'];
if (!empty($normalGroups))
// First, the easy one!
$query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_members
FROM {db_prefix}members
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:normal_group_list})
GROUP BY id_group',
'normal_group_list' => $normalGroups,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query))
$context['groups'][$row['id_group']]['num_members'] += $row['num_members'];
// This one is slower, but it's okay... careful not to count twice!
$query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT mg.id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_members
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.additional_groups != {string:blank_string}
AND mem.id_group != mg.id_group
AND FIND_IN_SET(mg.id_group, mem.additional_groups) != 0)
WHERE mg.id_group IN ({array_int:normal_group_list})
GROUP BY mg.id_group',
'normal_group_list' => $normalGroups,
'blank_string' => '',
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($query))
$context['groups'][$row['id_group']]['num_members'] += $row['num_members'];
foreach ($context['groups'] as $id => $data)
if ($data['href'] != '')
$context['groups'][$id]['link'] = '<a href="' . $data['href'] . '">' . $data['num_members'] . '</a>';
if (empty($_REQUEST['pid']))
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_permissions, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}permissions
' . (empty($context['hidden_permissions']) ? '' : ' WHERE permission NOT IN ({array_string:hidden_permissions})') . '
GROUP BY id_group, add_deny',
'hidden_permissions' => !empty($context['hidden_permissions']) ? $context['hidden_permissions'] : array(),
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if (isset($context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]) && (!empty($row['add_deny']) || $row['id_group'] != -1))
$context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]['num_permissions'][empty($row['add_deny']) ? 'denied' : 'allowed'] = $row['num_permissions'];
// Get the "default" profile permissions too.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_profile, id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_permissions, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:default_profile}
' . (empty($context['hidden_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:hidden_permissions})') . '
GROUP BY id_profile, id_group, add_deny',
'default_profile' => 1,
'hidden_permissions' => !empty($context['hidden_permissions']) ? $context['hidden_permissions'] : array(),
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if (isset($context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]) && (!empty($row['add_deny']) || $row['id_group'] != -1))
$context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]['num_permissions'][empty($row['add_deny']) ? 'denied' : 'allowed'] += $row['num_permissions'];
$_REQUEST['pid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['pid'];
if (!isset($context['profiles'][$_REQUEST['pid']]))
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
// Change the selected tab to better reflect that this really is a board profile.
$context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'profiles';
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_profile, id_group, COUNT(*) AS num_permissions, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:current_profile}
GROUP BY id_profile, id_group, add_deny',
'current_profile' => $_REQUEST['pid'],
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if (isset($context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]) && (!empty($row['add_deny']) || $row['id_group'] != -1))
$context['groups'][(int) $row['id_group']]['num_permissions'][empty($row['add_deny']) ? 'denied' : 'allowed'] += $row['num_permissions'];
$context['profile'] = array(
'id' => $_REQUEST['pid'],
'name' => $context['profiles'][$_REQUEST['pid']]['name'],
// We can modify any permission set apart from the read only, reply only and no polls ones as they are redefined.
$context['can_modify'] = empty($_REQUEST['pid']) || $_REQUEST['pid'] == 1 || $_REQUEST['pid'] > 4;
// Load the proper template.
$context['sub_template'] = 'permission_index';
function PermissionByBoard()
global $context, $modSettings, $txt, $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $cat_tree, $boardList, $boards;
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permissions_boards'];
$context['edit_all'] = isset($_GET['edit']);
// Saving?
if (!empty($_POST['save_changes']) && !empty($_POST['boardprofile']))
$changes = array();
foreach ($_POST['boardprofile'] as $board => $profile)
$changes[(int) $profile][] = (int) $board;
if (!empty($changes))
foreach ($changes as $profile => $boards)
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}boards
SET id_profile = {int:current_profile}
WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:board_list})',
'board_list' => $boards,
'current_profile' => $profile,
$context['edit_all'] = false;
// Load all permission profiles.
// Get the board tree.
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php');
// Build the list of the boards.
$context['categories'] = array();
foreach ($cat_tree as $catid => $tree)
$context['categories'][$catid] = array(
'name' => &$tree['node']['name'],
'id' => &$tree['node']['id'],
'boards' => array()
foreach ($boardList[$catid] as $boardid)
if (!isset($context['profiles'][$boards[$boardid]['profile']]))
$boards[$boardid]['profile'] = 1;
$context['categories'][$catid]['boards'][$boardid] = array(
'id' => &$boards[$boardid]['id'],
'name' => &$boards[$boardid]['name'],
'description' => &$boards[$boardid]['description'],
'child_level' => &$boards[$boardid]['level'],
'profile' => &$boards[$boardid]['profile'],
'profile_name' => $context['profiles'][$boards[$boardid]['profile']]['name'],
$context['sub_template'] = 'by_board';
function SetQuickGroups()
global $context, $smcFunc;
// Make sure only one of the quick options was selected.
if ((!empty($_POST['predefined']) && ((isset($_POST['copy_from']) && $_POST['copy_from'] != 'empty') || !empty($_POST['permissions']))) || (!empty($_POST['copy_from']) && $_POST['copy_from'] != 'empty' && !empty($_POST['permissions'])))
fatal_lang_error('permissions_only_one_option', false);
if (empty($_POST['group']) || !is_array($_POST['group']))
$_POST['group'] = array();
// Only accept numeric values for selected membergroups.
foreach ($_POST['group'] as $id => $group_id)
$_POST['group'][$id] = (int) $group_id;
$_POST['group'] = array_unique($_POST['group']);
if (empty($_REQUEST['pid']))
$_REQUEST['pid'] = 0;
$_REQUEST['pid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['pid'];
// Fix up the old global to the new default!
$bid = max(1, $_REQUEST['pid']);
// No modifying the predefined profiles.
if ($_REQUEST['pid'] > 1 && $_REQUEST['pid'] < 5)
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
// Clear out any cached authority.
updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
// No groups where selected.
if (empty($_POST['group']))
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
// Set a predefined permission profile.
if (!empty($_POST['predefined']))
// Make sure it's a predefined permission set we expect.
if (!in_array($_POST['predefined'], array('restrict', 'standard', 'moderator', 'maintenance')))
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
foreach ($_POST['group'] as $group_id)
if (!empty($_REQUEST['pid']))
setPermissionLevel($_POST['predefined'], $group_id, $_REQUEST['pid']);
setPermissionLevel($_POST['predefined'], $group_id);
// Set a permission profile based on the permissions of a selected group.
elseif ($_POST['copy_from'] != 'empty')
// Just checking the input.
if (!is_numeric($_POST['copy_from']))
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
// Make sure the group we're copying to is never included.
$_POST['group'] = array_diff($_POST['group'], array($_POST['copy_from']));
// No groups left? Too bad.
if (empty($_POST['group']))
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
if (empty($_REQUEST['pid']))
// Retrieve current permissions of group.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:copy_from}',
'copy_from' => $_POST['copy_from'],
$target_perm = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$target_perm[$row['permission']] = $row['add_deny'];
$inserts = array();
foreach ($_POST['group'] as $group_id)
foreach ($target_perm as $perm => $add_deny)
// No dodgy permissions please!
if (!empty($context['illegal_permissions']) && in_array($perm, $context['illegal_permissions']))
if ($group_id == -1 && in_array($perm, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
if ($group_id != 1 && $group_id != 3)
$inserts[] = array($perm, $group_id, $add_deny);
// Delete the previous permissions...
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:group_list})
' . (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:illegal_permissions})'),
'group_list' => $_POST['group'],
'illegal_permissions' => !empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? $context['illegal_permissions'] : array(),
if (!empty($inserts))
// ..and insert the new ones.
'permission' => 'string', 'id_group' => 'int', 'add_deny' => 'int',
array('permission', 'id_group')
// Now do the same for the board permissions.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:copy_from}
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'copy_from' => $_POST['copy_from'],
'current_profile' => $bid,
$target_perm = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$target_perm[$row['permission']] = $row['add_deny'];
$inserts = array();
foreach ($_POST['group'] as $group_id)
foreach ($target_perm as $perm => $add_deny)
// Are these for guests?
if ($group_id == -1 && in_array($perm, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
$inserts[] = array($perm, $group_id, $bid, $add_deny);
// Delete the previous global board permissions...
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:current_group_list})
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_group_list' => $_POST['group'],
'current_profile' => $bid,
// And insert the copied permissions.
if (!empty($inserts))
// ..and insert the new ones.
array('permission' => 'string', 'id_group' => 'int', 'id_profile' => 'int', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('permission', 'id_group', 'id_profile')
// Update any children out there!
updateChildPermissions($_POST['group'], $_REQUEST['pid']);
// Set or unset a certain permission for the selected groups.
elseif (!empty($_POST['permissions']))
// Unpack two variables that were transported.
list ($permissionType, $permission) = explode('/', $_POST['permissions']);
// Check whether our input is within expected range.
if (!in_array($_POST['add_remove'], array('add', 'clear', 'deny')) || !in_array($permissionType, array('membergroup', 'board')))
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
if ($_POST['add_remove'] == 'clear')
if ($permissionType == 'membergroup')
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:current_group_list})
AND permission = {string:current_permission}
' . (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:illegal_permissions})'),
'current_group_list' => $_POST['group'],
'current_permission' => $permission,
'illegal_permissions' => !empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? $context['illegal_permissions'] : array(),
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:current_group_list})
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}
AND permission = {string:current_permission}',
'current_group_list' => $_POST['group'],
'current_profile' => $bid,
'current_permission' => $permission,
// Add a permission (either 'set' or 'deny').
$add_deny = $_POST['add_remove'] == 'add' ? '1' : '0';
$permChange = array();
foreach ($_POST['group'] as $groupID)
if ($groupID == -1 && in_array($permission, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
if ($permissionType == 'membergroup' && $groupID != 1 && $groupID != 3 && (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) || !in_array($permission, $context['illegal_permissions'])))
$permChange[] = array($permission, $groupID, $add_deny);
elseif ($permissionType != 'membergroup')
$permChange[] = array($permission, $groupID, $bid, $add_deny);
if (!empty($permChange))
if ($permissionType == 'membergroup')
array('permission' => 'string', 'id_group' => 'int', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('permission', 'id_group')
// Board permissions go into the other table.
array('permission' => 'string', 'id_group' => 'int', 'id_profile' => 'int', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('permission', 'id_group', 'id_profile')
// Another child update!
updateChildPermissions($_POST['group'], $_REQUEST['pid']);
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_REQUEST['pid']);
function ModifyMembergroup()
global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $sourcedir;
if (!isset($_GET['group']))
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
$context['group']['id'] = (int) $_GET['group'];
// Are they toggling the view?
if (isset($_GET['view']))
$context['admin_preferences']['pv'] = $_GET['view'] == 'classic' ? 'classic' : 'simple';
// Update the users preferences.
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php');
$context['view_type'] = !empty($context['admin_preferences']['pv']) && $context['admin_preferences']['pv'] == 'classic' ? 'classic' : 'simple';
// It's not likely you'd end up here with this setting disabled.
if ($_GET['group'] == 1)
if ($context['group']['id'] > 0)
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT group_name, id_parent
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
'current_group' => $context['group']['id'],
list ($context['group']['name'], $parent) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
// Cannot edit an inherited group!
if ($parent != -2)
elseif ($context['group']['id'] == -1)
$context['group']['name'] = $txt['membergroups_guests'];
$context['group']['name'] = $txt['membergroups_members'];
$context['profile']['id'] = empty($_GET['pid']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['pid'];
// If this is a moderator and they are editing "no profile" then we only do boards.
if ($context['group']['id'] == 3 && empty($context['profile']['id']))
// For sanity just check they have no general permissions.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:moderator_group}',
'moderator_group' => 3,
$context['profile']['id'] = 1;
$context['permission_type'] = empty($context['profile']['id']) ? 'membergroup' : 'board';
$context['profile']['can_modify'] = !$context['profile']['id'] || $context['profiles'][$context['profile']['id']]['can_modify'];
// Set up things a little nicer for board related stuff...
if ($context['permission_type'] == 'board')
$context['profile']['name'] = $context['profiles'][$context['profile']['id']]['name'];
$context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'profiles';
// Fetch the current permissions.
$permissions = array(
'membergroup' => array('allowed' => array(), 'denied' => array()),
'board' => array('allowed' => array(), 'denied' => array())
// General permissions?
if ($context['permission_type'] == 'membergroup')
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}',
'current_group' => $_GET['group'],
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
$permissions['membergroup'][empty($row['add_deny']) ? 'denied' : 'allowed'][] = $row['permission'];
// Fetch current board permissions...
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_group' => $context['group']['id'],
'current_profile' => $context['permission_type'] == 'membergroup' ? 1 : $context['profile']['id'],
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))
$permissions['board'][empty($row['add_deny']) ? 'denied' : 'allowed'][] = $row['permission'];
// Loop through each permission and set whether it's checked.
foreach ($context['permissions'] as $permissionType => $tmp)
foreach ($tmp['columns'] as $position => $permissionGroups)
foreach ($permissionGroups as $permissionGroup => $permissionArray)
foreach ($permissionArray['permissions'] as $perm)
// Create a shortcut for the current permission.
$curPerm = &$context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$position][$permissionGroup]['permissions'][$perm['id']];
if ($tmp['view'] == 'classic')
if ($perm['has_own_any'])
$curPerm['any']['select'] = in_array($perm['id'] . '_any', $permissions[$permissionType]['allowed']) ? 'on' : (in_array($perm['id'] . '_any', $permissions[$permissionType]['denied']) ? 'denied' : 'off');
$curPerm['own']['select'] = in_array($perm['id'] . '_own', $permissions[$permissionType]['allowed']) ? 'on' : (in_array($perm['id'] . '_own', $permissions[$permissionType]['denied']) ? 'denied' : 'off');
$curPerm['select'] = in_array($perm['id'], $permissions[$permissionType]['denied']) ? 'denied' : (in_array($perm['id'], $permissions[$permissionType]['allowed']) ? 'on' : 'off');
$curPerm['select'] = in_array($perm['id'], $permissions[$permissionType]['denied']) ? 'denied' : (in_array($perm['id'], $permissions[$permissionType]['allowed']) ? 'on' : 'off');
$context['sub_template'] = 'modify_group';
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permissions_modify_group'];
function ModifyMembergroup2()
global $modSettings, $smcFunc, $context;
$_GET['group'] = (int) $_GET['group'];
$_GET['pid'] = (int) $_GET['pid'];
// Cannot modify predefined profiles.
if ($_GET['pid'] > 1 && $_GET['pid'] < 5)
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
// Verify this isn't inherited.
if ($_GET['group'] == -1 || $_GET['group'] == 0)
$parent = -2;
$result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_parent
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
'current_group' => $_GET['group'],
list ($parent) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result);
if ($parent != -2)
$givePerms = array('membergroup' => array(), 'board' => array());
// Guest group, we need illegal, guest permissions.
if ($_GET['group'] == -1)
$context['illegal_permissions'] = array_merge($context['illegal_permissions'], $context['non_guest_permissions']);
// Prepare all permissions that were set or denied for addition to the DB.
if (isset($_POST['perm']) && is_array($_POST['perm']))
foreach ($_POST['perm'] as $perm_type => $perm_array)
if (is_array($perm_array))
foreach ($perm_array as $permission => $value)
if ($value == 'on' || $value == 'deny')
// Don't allow people to escalate themselves!
if (!empty($context['illegal_permissions']) && in_array($permission, $context['illegal_permissions']))
$givePerms[$perm_type][] = array($_GET['group'], $permission, $value == 'deny' ? 0 : 1);
// Insert the general permissions.
if ($_GET['group'] != 3 && empty($_GET['pid']))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
' . (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:illegal_permissions})'),
'current_group' => $_GET['group'],
'illegal_permissions' => !empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? $context['illegal_permissions'] : array(),
if (!empty($givePerms['membergroup']))
array('id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_group', 'permission')
// Insert the boardpermissions.
$profileid = max(1, $_GET['pid']);
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_group' => $_GET['group'],
'current_profile' => $profileid,
if (!empty($givePerms['board']))
foreach ($givePerms['board'] as $k => $v)
$givePerms['board'][$k][] = $profileid;
array('id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int', 'id_profile' => 'int'),
array('id_group', 'permission', 'id_profile')
// Update any inherited permissions as required.
updateChildPermissions($_GET['group'], $_GET['pid']);
// Clear cached privs.
updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
redirectexit('action=admin;area=permissions;pid=' . $_GET['pid']);
// Screen for modifying general permission settings.
function GeneralPermissionSettings($return_config = false)
global $context, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $txt, $scripturl, $smcFunc;
// All the setting variables
$config_vars = array(
array('title', 'settings'),
// Inline permissions.
array('permissions', 'manage_permissions'),
// A few useful settings
array('check', 'permission_enable_deny', 0, $txt['permission_settings_enable_deny'], 'help' => 'permissions_deny'),
array('check', 'permission_enable_postgroups', 0, $txt['permission_settings_enable_postgroups'], 'help' => 'permissions_postgroups'),
if ($return_config)
return $config_vars;
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permission_settings_title'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings';
// Needed for the inline permission functions, and the settings template.
require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php');
// Don't let guests have these permissions.
$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=permissions;save;sa=settings';
$context['permissions_excluded'] = array(-1);
// Saving the settings?
if (isset($_GET['save']))
// Clear all deny permissions...if we want that.
if (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_deny']))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE add_deny = {int:denied}',
'denied' => 0,
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE add_deny = {int:denied}',
'denied' => 0,
// Make sure there are no postgroup based permissions left.
if (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_postgroups']))
// Get a list of postgroups.
$post_groups = array();
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE min_posts != {int:min_posts}',
'min_posts' => -1,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$post_groups[] = $row['id_group'];
// Remove'em.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:post_group_list})',
'post_group_list' => $post_groups,
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:post_group_list})',
'post_group_list' => $post_groups,
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}membergroups
SET id_parent = {int:not_inherited}
WHERE id_parent IN ({array_int:post_group_list})',
'post_group_list' => $post_groups,
'not_inherited' => -2,
// Set the permission level for a specific profile, group, or group for a profile.
function setPermissionLevel($level, $group, $profile = 'null')
global $smcFunc, $context;
// Levels by group... restrict, standard, moderator, maintenance.
$groupLevels = array(
'board' => array('inherit' => array()),
'group' => array('inherit' => array())
// Levels by board... standard, publish, free.
$boardLevels = array('inherit' => array());
// Restrictive - ie. guests.
$groupLevels['global']['restrict'] = array(
$groupLevels['board']['restrict'] = array(
// Standard - ie. members. They can do anything Restrictive can.
$groupLevels['global']['standard'] = array_merge($groupLevels['global']['restrict'], array(
$groupLevels['board']['standard'] = array_merge($groupLevels['board']['restrict'], array(
// Moderator - ie. moderators :P. They can do what standard can, and more.
$groupLevels['global']['moderator'] = array_merge($groupLevels['global']['standard'], array(
$groupLevels['board']['moderator'] = array_merge($groupLevels['board']['standard'], array(
// Maintenance - wannabe admins. They can do almost everything.
$groupLevels['global']['maintenance'] = array_merge($groupLevels['global']['moderator'], array(
$groupLevels['board']['maintenance'] = array_merge($groupLevels['board']['moderator'], array(
// Standard - nothing above the group permissions. (this SHOULD be empty.)
$boardLevels['standard'] = array(
// Locked - just that, you can't post here.
$boardLevels['locked'] = array(
// Publisher - just a little more...
$boardLevels['publish'] = array_merge($boardLevels['locked'], array(
// Free for All - Scary. Just scary.
$boardLevels['free'] = array_merge($boardLevels['publish'], array(
// Make sure we're not granting someone too many permissions!
foreach ($groupLevels['global'][$level] as $k => $permission)
if (!empty($context['illegal_permissions']) && in_array($permission, $context['illegal_permissions']))
if ($group == -1 && in_array($permission, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
if ($group == -1)
foreach ($groupLevels['board'][$level] as $k => $permission)
if (in_array($permission, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
// Reset all cached permissions.
updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
// Setting group permissions.
if ($profile === 'null' && $group !== 'null')
$group = (int) $group;
if (empty($groupLevels['global'][$level]))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
' . (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:illegal_permissions})'),
'current_group' => $group,
'illegal_permissions' => !empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? $context['illegal_permissions'] : array(),
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
AND id_profile = {int:default_profile}',
'current_group' => $group,
'default_profile' => 1,
$groupInserts = array();
foreach ($groupLevels['global'][$level] as $permission)
$groupInserts[] = array($group, $permission);
array('id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string'),
$boardInserts = array();
foreach ($groupLevels['board'][$level] as $permission)
$boardInserts[] = array(1, $group, $permission);
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group')
// Setting profile permissions for a specific group.
elseif ($profile !== 'null' && $group !== 'null' && ($profile == 1 || $profile > 4))
$group = (int) $group;
$profile = (int) $profile;
if (!empty($groupLevels['global'][$level]))
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group = {int:current_group}
AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_group' => $group,
'current_profile' => $profile,
if (!empty($groupLevels['board'][$level]))
$boardInserts = array();
foreach ($groupLevels['board'][$level] as $permission)
$boardInserts[] = array($profile, $group, $permission);
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group')
// Setting profile permissions for all groups.
elseif ($profile !== 'null' && $group === 'null' && ($profile == 1 || $profile > 4))
$profile = (int) $profile;
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_profile' => $profile,
if (empty($boardLevels[$level]))
// Get all the groups...
$query = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE id_group > {int:moderator_group}
ORDER BY min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name',
'moderator_group' => 3,
'newbie_group' => 4,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($query))
$group = $row[0];
$boardInserts = array();
foreach ($boardLevels[$level] as $permission)
$boardInserts[] = array($profile, $group, $permission);
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group')
// Add permissions for ungrouped members.
$boardInserts = array();
foreach ($boardLevels[$level] as $permission)
$boardInserts[] = array($profile, 0, $permission);
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group')
// $profile and $group are both null!
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
function loadAllPermissions($loadType = 'classic')
global $context, $txt, $modSettings;
// List of all the groups dependant on the currently selected view - for the order so it looks pretty, yea?
// Note to Mod authors - you don't need to stick your permission group here if you don't mind SMF sticking it the last group of the page.
$permissionGroups = array(
'membergroup' => array(
'simple' => array(
'classic' => array(
'board' => array(
'simple' => array(
'classic' => array(
/* The format of this list is as follows:
'membergroup' => array(
'permissions_inside' => array(has_multiple_options, classic_view_group, simple_view_group(_own)*, simple_view_group_any*),
'board' => array(
'permissions_inside' => array(has_multiple_options, classic_view_group, simple_view_group(_own)*, simple_view_group_any*),
$permissionList = array(
'membergroup' => array(
'view_stats' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'view_mlist' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'who_view' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'search_posts' => array(false, 'general', 'view_basic_info'),
'karma_edit' => array(false, 'general', 'moderate_general'),
'pm_read' => array(false, 'pm', 'use_pm_system'),
'pm_send' => array(false, 'pm', 'use_pm_system'),
'calendar_view' => array(false, 'calendar', 'view_basic_info'),
'calendar_post' => array(false, 'calendar', 'post_calendar'),
'calendar_edit' => array(true, 'calendar', 'post_calendar', 'moderate_general'),
'admin_forum' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'administrate'),
'manage_boards' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'administrate'),
'manage_attachments' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'administrate'),
'manage_smileys' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'administrate'),
'edit_news' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'administrate'),
'access_mod_center' => array(false, 'maintenance', 'moderate_general'),
'moderate_forum' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'moderate_general'),
'manage_membergroups' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'administrate'),
'manage_permissions' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'administrate'),
'manage_bans' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'administrate'),
'send_mail' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'administrate'),
'issue_warning' => array(false, 'member_admin', 'moderate_general'),
'profile_view' => array(true, 'profile', 'view_basic_info', 'view_basic_info'),
'profile_identity' => array(true, 'profile', 'edit_profile', 'moderate_general'),
'profile_extra' => array(true, 'profile', 'edit_profile', 'moderate_general'),
'profile_title' => array(true, 'profile', 'edit_profile', 'moderate_general'),
'profile_remove' => array(true, 'profile', 'delete_account', 'moderate_general'),
'profile_server_avatar' => array(false, 'profile', 'use_avatar'),
'profile_upload_avatar' => array(false, 'profile', 'use_avatar'),
'profile_remote_avatar' => array(false, 'profile', 'use_avatar'),'smftags_add' => array(false, 'smftags', 'smftags'),
'smftags_del' => array(false, 'smftags', 'smftags'),
'smftags_manage' => array(false, 'smftags', 'smftags'),
'subaccounts_create' => array(true, 'subaccounts', 'subaccounts', 'moderate_general'),
'subaccounts_delete' => array(true, 'subaccounts', 'subaccounts', 'moderate_general'),
'subaccounts_merge' => array(true, 'subaccounts', 'subaccounts', 'moderate_general'),
'subaccounts_split' => array(true, 'subaccounts', 'subaccounts', 'moderate_general'),
'board' => array(
'moderate_board' => array(false, 'general_board', 'moderate'),
'approve_posts' => array(false, 'general_board', 'moderate'),
'post_new' => array(false, 'topic', 'make_posts'),
'post_unapproved_topics' => array(false, 'topic', 'make_unapproved_posts'),
'post_unapproved_replies' => array(true, 'topic', 'make_unapproved_posts', 'make_unapproved_posts'),
'post_reply' => array(true, 'topic', 'make_posts', 'make_posts'),
'merge_any' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'split_any' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'send_topic' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'make_sticky' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'move' => array(true, 'topic', 'moderate', 'moderate'),
'lock' => array(true, 'topic', 'moderate', 'moderate'),
'remove' => array(true, 'topic', 'modify', 'moderate'),
'modify_replies' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'delete_replies' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'announce_topic' => array(false, 'topic', 'moderate'),
'delete' => array(true, 'post', 'modify', 'moderate'),
'modify' => array(true, 'post', 'modify', 'moderate'),
'report_any' => array(false, 'post', 'participate'),
'poll_view' => array(false, 'poll', 'participate'),
'poll_vote' => array(false, 'poll', 'participate'),
'poll_post' => array(false, 'poll', 'post_polls'),
'poll_add' => array(true, 'poll', 'post_polls', 'moderate'),
'poll_edit' => array(true, 'poll', 'modify', 'moderate'),
'poll_lock' => array(true, 'poll', 'moderate', 'moderate'),
'poll_remove' => array(true, 'poll', 'modify', 'moderate'),
'mark_any_notify' => array(false, 'notification', 'notification'),
'mark_notify' => array(false, 'notification', 'notification'),
'view_attachments' => array(false, 'attachment', 'participate'),
'post_unapproved_attachments' => array(false, 'attachment', 'make_unapproved_posts'),
'post_attachment' => array(false, 'attachment', 'attach'),
// All permission groups that will be shown in the left column on classic view.
$leftPermissionGroups = array(
// We need to know what permissions we can't give to guests.
// Some permissions are hidden if features are off.
$hiddenPermissions = array();
$relabelPermissions = array(); // Permissions to apply a different label to.
$relabelGroups = array(); // As above but for groups.
if (!in_array('cd', $context['admin_features']))
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'calendar_view';
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'calendar_post';
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'calendar_edit';
if (!in_array('w', $context['admin_features']))
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'issue_warning';
// Post moderation?
if (!$modSettings['postmod_active'])
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'approve_posts';
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'post_unapproved_topics';
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'post_unapproved_replies';
$hiddenPermissions[] = 'post_unapproved_attachments';
// If we show them on classic view we change the name.
// Relabel the topics permissions
$relabelPermissions['post_new'] = 'auto_approve_topics';
// Relabel the reply permissions
$relabelPermissions['post_reply'] = 'auto_approve_replies';
// Relabel the attachment permissions
$relabelPermissions['post_attachment'] = 'auto_approve_attachments';
// Provide a practical way to modify permissions.
call_integration_hook('integrate_load_permissions', array(&$permissionGroups, &$permissionList, &$leftPermissionGroups, &$hiddenPermissions, &$relabelPermissions));
$context['permissions'] = array();
$context['hidden_permissions'] = array();
foreach ($permissionList as $permissionType => $permissionList)
$context['permissions'][$permissionType] = array(
'id' => $permissionType,
'view' => $loadType,
'columns' => array()
foreach ($permissionList as $permission => $permissionArray)
// If this is a guest permission we don't do it if it's the guest group.
if (isset($context['group']['id']) && $context['group']['id'] == -1 && in_array($permission, $context['non_guest_permissions']))
// What groups will this permission be in?
$own_group = $permissionArray[($loadType == 'classic' ? 1 : 2)];
$any_group = $loadType == 'simple' && !empty($permissionArray[3]) ? $permissionArray[3] : ($loadType == 'simple' && $permissionArray[0] ? $permissionArray[2] : '');
// First, Do these groups actually exist - if not add them.
if (!isset($permissionGroups[$permissionType][$loadType][$own_group]))
$permissionGroups[$permissionType][$loadType][$own_group] = true;
if (!empty($any_group) && !isset($permissionGroups[$permissionType][$loadType][$any_group]))
$permissionGroups[$permissionType][$loadType][$any_group] = true;
// What column should this be located into?
$position = $loadType == 'classic' && !in_array($own_group, $leftPermissionGroups) ? 1 : 0;
// If the groups have not yet been created be sure to create them.
$bothGroups = array('own' => $own_group);
$bothGroups = array();
// For guests, just reset the array.
if (!isset($context['group']['id']) || !($context['group']['id'] == -1 && $any_group))
$bothGroups['own'] = $own_group;
if ($any_group)
$bothGroups['any'] = $any_group;
foreach ($bothGroups as $group)
if (!isset($context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$position][$group]))
$context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$position][$group] = array(
'type' => $permissionType,
'id' => $group,
'name' => $loadType == 'simple' ? (isset($txt['permissiongroup_simple_' . $group]) ? $txt['permissiongroup_simple_' . $group] : '') : $txt['permissiongroup_' . $group],
'icon' => isset($txt['permissionicon_' . $group]) ? $txt['permissionicon_' . $group] : $txt['permissionicon'],
'help' => isset($txt['permissionhelp_' . $group]) ? $txt['permissionhelp_' . $group] : '',
'hidden' => false,
'permissions' => array()
// This is where we set up the permission dependant on the view.
if ($loadType == 'classic')
$context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$position][$own_group]['permissions'][$permission] = array(
'id' => $permission,
'name' => !isset($relabelPermissions[$permission]) ? $txt['permissionname_' . $permission] : $txt[$relabelPermissions[$permission]],
'show_help' => isset($txt['permissionhelp_' . $permission]),
'note' => isset($txt['permissionnote_' . $permission]) ? $txt['permissionnote_' . $permission] : '',
'has_own_any' => $permissionArray[0],
'own' => array(
'id' => $permission . '_own',
'name' => $permissionArray[0] ? $txt['permissionname_' . $permission . '_own'] : ''
'any' => array(
'id' => $permission . '_any',
'name' => $permissionArray[0] ? $txt['permissionname_' . $permission . '_any'] : ''
'hidden' => in_array($permission, $hiddenPermissions),
foreach ($bothGroups as $group_type => $group)
$context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$position][$group]['permissions'][$permission . ($permissionArray[0] ? '_' . $group_type : '')] = array(
'id' => $permission . ($permissionArray[0] ? '_' . $group_type : ''),
'name' => isset($txt['permissionname_simple_' . $permission . ($permissionArray[0] ? '_' . $group_type : '')]) ? $txt['permissionname_simple_' . $permission . ($permissionArray[0] ? '_' . $group_type : '')] : $txt['permissionname_' . $permission],
'help_index' => isset($txt['permissionhelp_' . $permission]) ? 'permissionhelp_' . $permission : '',
'hidden' => in_array($permission, $hiddenPermissions),
if (in_array($permission, $hiddenPermissions))
if ($permissionArray[0])
$context['hidden_permissions'][] = $permission . '_own';
$context['hidden_permissions'][] = $permission . '_any';
$context['hidden_permissions'][] = $permission;
// Check we don't leave any empty groups - and mark hidden ones as such.
foreach ($context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'] as $column => $groups)
foreach ($groups as $id => $group)
if (empty($group['permissions']))
$foundNonHidden = false;
foreach ($group['permissions'] as $permission)
if (empty($permission['hidden']))
$foundNonHidden = true;
if (!$foundNonHidden)
$context['permissions'][$permissionType]['columns'][$column][$id]['hidden'] = true;
// Initialize a form with inline permissions.
function init_inline_permissions($permissions, $excluded_groups = array())
global $context, $txt, $modSettings, $smcFunc;
$context['can_change_permissions'] = allowedTo('manage_permissions');
// Nothing to initialize here.
if (!$context['can_change_permissions'])
// Load the permission settings for guests
foreach ($permissions as $permission)
$context[$permission] = array(
-1 => array(
'id' => -1,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_guests'],
'is_postgroup' => false,
'status' => 'off',
0 => array(
'id' => 0,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'],
'is_postgroup' => false,
'status' => 'off',
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, CASE WHEN add_deny = {int:denied} THEN {string:deny} ELSE {string:on} END AS status, permission
FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN (-1, 0)
AND permission IN ({array_string:permissions})',
'denied' => 0,
'permissions' => $permissions,
'deny' => 'deny',
'on' => 'on',
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$context[$row['permission']][$row['id_group']]['status'] = $row['status'];
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT mg.id_group, mg.group_name, mg.min_posts, IFNULL(p.add_deny, -1) AS status, p.permission
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}permissions AS p ON (p.id_group = mg.id_group AND p.permission IN ({array_string:permissions}))
WHERE mg.id_group NOT IN (1, 3)
AND mg.id_parent = {int:not_inherited}' . (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_postgroups']) ? '
AND mg.min_posts = {int:min_posts}' : '') . '
ORDER BY mg.min_posts, CASE WHEN mg.id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN mg.id_group ELSE 4 END, mg.group_name',
'not_inherited' => -2,
'min_posts' => -1,
'newbie_group' => 4,
'permissions' => $permissions,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
// Initialize each permission as being 'off' until proven otherwise.
foreach ($permissions as $permission)
if (!isset($context[$permission][$row['id_group']]))
$context[$permission][$row['id_group']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_group'],
'name' => $row['group_name'],
'is_postgroup' => $row['min_posts'] != -1,
'status' => 'off',
$context[$row['permission']][$row['id_group']]['status'] = empty($row['status']) ? 'deny' : ($row['status'] == 1 ? 'on' : 'off');
// Some permissions cannot be given to certain groups. Remove the groups.
foreach ($excluded_groups as $group)
foreach ($permissions as $permission)
if (isset($context[$permission][$group]))
// Show a collapsible box to set a specific permission.
function theme_inline_permissions($permission)
global $context;
$context['current_permission'] = $permission;
$context['member_groups'] = $context[$permission];
// Save the permissions of a form containing inline permissions.
function save_inline_permissions($permissions)
global $context, $smcFunc;
// No permissions? Not a great deal to do here.
if (!allowedTo('manage_permissions'))
// Almighty session check, verify our ways.
// Check they can't do certain things.
$insertRows = array();
foreach ($permissions as $permission)
if (!isset($_POST[$permission]))
foreach ($_POST[$permission] as $id_group => $value)
if (in_array($value, array('on', 'deny')) && (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) || !in_array($permission, $context['illegal_permissions'])))
$insertRows[] = array((int) $id_group, $permission, $value == 'on' ? 1 : 0);
// Remove the old permissions...
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE permission IN ({array_string:permissions})
' . (empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? '' : ' AND permission NOT IN ({array_string:illegal_permissions})'),
'illegal_permissions' => !empty($context['illegal_permissions']) ? $context['illegal_permissions'] : array(),
'permissions' => $permissions,
// ...and replace them with new ones.
if (!empty($insertRows))
array('id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_group', 'permission')
// Do a full child update.
updateChildPermissions(array(), -1);
// Just in case we cached this.
updateSettings(array('settings_updated' => time()));
function loadPermissionProfiles()
global $context, $txt, $smcFunc;
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_profile, profile_name
FROM {db_prefix}permission_profiles
ORDER BY id_profile',
$context['profiles'] = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
// Format the label nicely.
if (isset($txt['permissions_profile_' . $row['profile_name']]))
$name = $txt['permissions_profile_' . $row['profile_name']];
$name = $row['profile_name'];
$context['profiles'][$row['id_profile']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_profile'],
'name' => $name,
'can_modify' => $row['id_profile'] == 1 || $row['id_profile'] > 4,
'unformatted_name' => $row['profile_name'],
// Add/Edit/Delete profiles.
function EditPermissionProfiles()
global $context, $txt, $smcFunc;
// Setup the template, first for fun.
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permissions_profile_edit'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'edit_profiles';
// If we're creating a new one do it first.
if (isset($_POST['create']) && trim($_POST['profile_name']) != '')
$_POST['copy_from'] = (int) $_POST['copy_from'];
$_POST['profile_name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['profile_name']);
// Insert the profile itself.
'profile_name' => 'string',
$profile_id = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}permission_profiles', 'id_profile');
// Load the permissions from the one it's being copied from.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:copy_from}',
'copy_from' => $_POST['copy_from'],
$inserts = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$inserts[] = array($profile_id, $row['id_group'], $row['permission'], $row['add_deny']);
if (!empty($inserts))
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group', 'permission')
// Renaming?
elseif (isset($_POST['rename']))
// Just showing the boxes?
if (!isset($_POST['rename_profile']))
$context['show_rename_boxes'] = true;
foreach ($_POST['rename_profile'] as $id => $value)
$value = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($value);
if (trim($value) != '' && $id > 4)
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
UPDATE {db_prefix}permission_profiles
SET profile_name = {string:profile_name}
WHERE id_profile = {int:current_profile}',
'current_profile' => (int) $id,
'profile_name' => $value,
// Deleting?
elseif (isset($_POST['delete']) && !empty($_POST['delete_profile']))
$profiles = array();
foreach ($_POST['delete_profile'] as $profile)
if ($profile > 4)
$profiles[] = (int) $profile;
// Verify it's not in use...
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_board
FROM {db_prefix}boards
WHERE id_profile IN ({array_int:profile_list})
'profile_list' => $profiles,
if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) != 0)
fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
// Oh well, delete.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permission_profiles
WHERE id_profile IN ({array_int:profile_list})',
'profile_list' => $profiles,
// Clearly, we'll need this!
// Work out what ones are in use.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_profile, COUNT(id_board) AS board_count
FROM {db_prefix}boards
GROUP BY id_profile',
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if (isset($context['profiles'][$row['id_profile']]))
$context['profiles'][$row['id_profile']]['in_use'] = true;
$context['profiles'][$row['id_profile']]['boards'] = $row['board_count'];
$context['profiles'][$row['id_profile']]['boards_text'] = $row['board_count'] > 1 ? sprintf($txt['permissions_profile_used_by_many'], $row['board_count']) : $txt['permissions_profile_used_by_' . ($row['board_count'] ? 'one' : 'none')];
// What can we do with these?
$context['can_edit_something'] = false;
foreach ($context['profiles'] as $id => $profile)
// Can't delete special ones.
$context['profiles'][$id]['can_edit'] = isset($txt['permissions_profile_' . $profile['unformatted_name']]) ? false : true;
if ($context['profiles'][$id]['can_edit'])
$context['can_edit_something'] = true;
// You can only delete it if you can edit it AND it's not in use.
$context['profiles'][$id]['can_delete'] = $context['profiles'][$id]['can_edit'] && empty($profile['in_use']) ? true : false;
// This function updates the permissions of any groups based off this group.
function updateChildPermissions($parents, $profile = null)
global $smcFunc;
// All the parent groups to sort out.
if (!is_array($parents))
$parents = array($parents);
// Find all the children of this group.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_parent, id_group
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE id_parent != {int:not_inherited}
' . (empty($parents) ? '' : 'AND id_parent IN ({array_int:parent_list})'),
'parent_list' => $parents,
'not_inherited' => -2,
$children = array();
$parents = array();
$child_groups = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$children[$row['id_parent']][] = $row['id_group'];
$child_groups[] = $row['id_group'];
$parents[] = $row['id_parent'];
$parents = array_unique($parents);
// Not a sausage, or a child?
if (empty($children))
return false;
// First off, are we doing general permissions?
if ($profile < 1 || $profile === null)
// Fetch all the parent permissions.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:parent_list})',
'parent_list' => $parents,
$permissions = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
foreach ($children[$row['id_group']] as $child)
$permissions[] = array($child, $row['permission'], $row['add_deny']);
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:child_groups})',
'child_groups' => $child_groups,
// Finally insert.
if (!empty($permissions))
array('id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_group', 'permission')
// Then, what about board profiles?
if ($profile != -1)
$profileQuery = $profile === null ? '' : ' AND id_profile = {int:current_profile}';
// Again, get all the parent permissions.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_profile, id_group, permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:parent_groups})
' . $profileQuery,
'parent_groups' => $parents,
'current_profile' => $profile !== null && $profile ? $profile : 1,
$permissions = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
foreach ($children[$row['id_group']] as $child)
$permissions[] = array($child, $row['id_profile'], $row['permission'], $row['add_deny']);
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:child_groups})
' . $profileQuery,
'child_groups' => $child_groups,
'current_profile' => $profile !== null && $profile ? $profile : 1,
// Do the insert.
if (!empty($permissions))
array('id_group' => 'int', 'id_profile' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_group', 'id_profile', 'permission')
// Load permissions someone cannot grant.
function loadIllegalPermissions()
global $context;
$context['illegal_permissions'] = array();
if (!allowedTo('admin_forum'))
$context['illegal_permissions'][] = 'admin_forum';
if (!allowedTo('manage_membergroups'))
$context['illegal_permissions'][] = 'manage_membergroups';
if (!allowedTo('manage_permissions'))
$context['illegal_permissions'][] = 'manage_permissions';
// Load all the permissions that can not be given to guests.
function loadIllegalGuestPermissions()
global $context;
$context['non_guest_permissions'] = array(
// Present a nice way of applying post moderation.
function ModifyPostModeration()
global $context, $txt, $smcFunc, $modSettings;
// Just in case.
$context['page_title'] = $txt['permissions_post_moderation'];
$context['sub_template'] = 'postmod_permissions';
$context['current_profile'] = isset($_REQUEST['pid']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['pid'] : 1;
// Load all the permission profiles.
// Mappings, our key => array(can_do_moderated, can_do_all)
$mappings = array(
'new_topic' => array('post_new', 'post_unapproved_topics'),
'replies_own' => array('post_reply_own', 'post_unapproved_replies_own'),
'replies_any' => array('post_reply_any', 'post_unapproved_replies_any'),
'attachment' => array('post_attachment', 'post_unapproved_attachments'),
// Start this with the guests/members.
$context['profile_groups'] = array(
-1 => array(
'id' => -1,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_guests'],
'color' => '',
'new_topic' => 'disallow',
'replies_own' => 'disallow',
'replies_any' => 'disallow',
'attachment' => 'disallow',
'children' => array(),
0 => array(
'id' => 0,
'name' => $txt['membergroups_members'],
'color' => '',
'new_topic' => 'disallow',
'replies_own' => 'disallow',
'replies_any' => 'disallow',
'attachment' => 'disallow',
'children' => array(),
// Load the groups.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, group_name, online_color, id_parent
FROM {db_prefix}membergroups
WHERE id_group != {int:admin_group}
' . (empty($modSettings['permission_enable_postgroups']) ? ' AND min_posts = {int:min_posts}' : '') . '
ORDER BY id_parent ASC',
'admin_group' => 1,
'min_posts' => -1,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
if ($row['id_parent'] == -2)
$context['profile_groups'][$row['id_group']] = array(
'id' => $row['id_group'],
'name' => $row['group_name'],
'color' => $row['online_color'],
'new_topic' => 'disallow',
'replies_own' => 'disallow',
'replies_any' => 'disallow',
'attachment' => 'disallow',
'children' => array(),
elseif (isset($context['profile_groups'][$row['id_parent']]))
$context['profile_groups'][$row['id_parent']]['children'][] = $row['group_name'];
// What are the permissions we are querying?
$all_permissions = array();
foreach ($mappings as $perm_set)
$all_permissions = array_merge($all_permissions, $perm_set);
// If we're saving the changes then do just that - save them.
if (!empty($_POST['save_changes']) && ($context['current_profile'] == 1 || $context['current_profile'] > 4))
// Start by deleting all the permissions relevant.
$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
DELETE FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:current_profile}
AND permission IN ({array_string:permissions})
AND id_group IN ({array_int:profile_group_list})',
'profile_group_list' => array_keys($context['profile_groups']),
'current_profile' => $context['current_profile'],
'permissions' => $all_permissions,
// Do it group by group.
$new_permissions = array();
foreach ($context['profile_groups'] as $id => $group)
foreach ($mappings as $index => $data)
if (isset($_POST[$index][$group['id']]))
if ($_POST[$index][$group['id']] == 'allow')
// Give them both sets for fun.
$new_permissions[] = array($context['current_profile'], $group['id'], $data[0], 1);
$new_permissions[] = array($context['current_profile'], $group['id'], $data[1], 1);
elseif ($_POST[$index][$group['id']] == 'moderate')
$new_permissions[] = array($context['current_profile'], $group['id'], $data[1], 1);
// Insert new permissions.
if (!empty($new_permissions))
array('id_profile' => 'int', 'id_group' => 'int', 'permission' => 'string', 'add_deny' => 'int'),
array('id_profile', 'id_group', 'permission')
// Now get all the permissions!
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
SELECT id_group, permission, add_deny
FROM {db_prefix}board_permissions
WHERE id_profile = {int:current_profile}
AND permission IN ({array_string:permissions})
AND id_group IN ({array_int:profile_group_list})',
'profile_group_list' => array_keys($context['profile_groups']),
'current_profile' => $context['current_profile'],
'permissions' => $all_permissions,
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
foreach ($mappings as $key => $data)
foreach ($data as $index => $perm)
if ($perm == $row['permission'])
// Only bother if it's not denied.
if ($row['add_deny'])
// Full allowance?
if ($index == 0)
$context['profile_groups'][$row['id_group']][$key] = 'allow';
// Otherwise only bother with moderate if not on allow.
elseif ($context['profile_groups'][$row['id_group']][$key] != 'allow')
$context['profile_groups'][$row['id_group']][$key] = 'moderate';