2017-12-29 15:51:59 +01:00

87 lines
2 KiB

* Class and Function List:
* Function list:
* - pick_language()
* Classes list:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed.');
* Determines the language to use.
* This is called from the Codeigniter hook system.
* The hook is defined in application/config/hooks.php
function pick_language()
require APPPATH . '/config/language.php';
// Re-populate $_GET
parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $_GET);
// Lang set in URL via ?lang=something
if (!empty($_GET['lang']))
// Turn en-gb into en
$lang = strtolower(substr($_GET['lang'], 0, 2));
// Lang has already been set and is stored in a session
elseif (!empty($_SESSION['lang_code']))
$lang = $_SESSION['lang_code'];
// Lang has is picked by a user.
elseif (!empty($_COOKIE['lang_code']))
$lang = strtolower($_COOKIE['lang_code']);
// Still no Lang. Lets try some browser detection then
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']))
// explode languages into array
$accept_langs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
$supported_languages = $config['supported_languages'];
// Check them all, until we find a match
foreach ($accept_langs as $al)
// Check its in the array. If so, break the loop, we have one!
foreach ($supported_languages as $i => $l)
if ($al == $l['codes'][2])
$lang = $i;
// If no language has been worked out - or it is not supported - use the default
if (empty($lang) OR !array_key_exists($lang, $config['supported_languages']))
$lang = $config['language'];
// Whatever we decided the lang was, save it for next time to avoid working it out again
$_SESSION['lang_code'] = $lang;
// Load CI config class
$CI_config = & load_class('Config');
// Set the language config. Selects the folder name from its key of 'en'
$CI_config->set_item('language', $config['supported_languages'][$lang]['folder']);
// Sets a constant to use throughout ALL of CI.
define('AUTO_LANGUAGE', $lang);