
95 lines
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SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2024 Millions Missing FRANCE <>
namespace Modules\MMFCustomersGroups\Http\Controllers;
use Eventy;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;
use App\Email;
use Modules\MMFCustomersGroups\Entities\Customer;
use Modules\MMFCustomersGroups\Entities\CustomersGroup;
class CustomersGroupsController extends Controller {
public function list() {
// Get the list of Mailboxes the current User is allowed to access.
$user = auth()->user();
$mailboxes = $user->mailboxesIdsCanView();
// Get the list of Customers Groups, filtered by Mailbox.
$groups = CustomersGroup
::whereIn('mailbox_id', $mailboxes)
return view('mmfcustomersgroups::groups/list', [
'groups' => $groups,
public function create() {
$group = new CustomersGroup();
return $this->update($group);
public function update(CustomersGroup $group) {
// Get the list of Mailboxes the current User is allowed to access.
$user = auth()->user();
$mailboxes = $user->mailboxesCanView();
// Get the list of Customers that can be attached to a group.
$customers_query = Customer::with('emails');
// Set a hook so the query can be filtered by other modules.
$customers_query = Eventy::filter('mmfcustomergroups.groups.create.customers-query', $customers_query);
$customers = $customers_query->get();
// Get a list of Emails from the list of Customers.
$emails = $customers
// Group Emails by their first character.
// This is used to display them in collapsible groups.
$emails = $emails->mapToGroups(function ($email) {
$first_character = substr($email->email, $offset = 0, $length = 1);
return [ $first_character => $email ];
return view('mmfcustomersgroups::groups/edit', [
'mailboxes' => $mailboxes,
'customers' => $customers,
'emails' => $emails,
'group' => $group,
public function save(Request $request) {
// Get the Customer Group that should be updated,
// or create a new one.
$group = ( $request->customer_id ) ?
new CustomersGroup();
$group->name = $request->name;
$group->mailbox_id = $request->mailbox;
// Save early to set the Group id, before setting the relationships.
// Convert the list of Emails into a list of Customers.
foreach ( $request->emails as $email_id ) {
$email = Email::find($email_id);
$customers[] = $email->customer;
// Drop duplicates from the list of Customers.
$customers = collect($customers)->unique();
$customers_id = $customers->pluck('id');
return $this->list();