'PackageServers', 'add' => 'PackageServerAdd', 'browse' => 'PackageGBrowse', 'download' => 'PackageDownload', 'remove' => 'PackageServerRemove', 'upload' => 'PackageUpload', ); // Now let's decide where we are taking this... if (isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']])) $context['sub_action'] = $_REQUEST['sa']; // We need to support possible old javascript links... elseif (isset($_GET['pgdownload'])) $context['sub_action'] = 'download'; else $context['sub_action'] = 'servers'; // We need to force the "Download" tab as selected. $context['menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id']]['current_subsection'] = 'packageget'; // Now create the tabs for the template. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => $txt['package_manager'], //'help' => 'registrations', 'description' => $txt['package_manager_desc'], 'tabs' => array( 'browse' => array( ), 'packageget' => array( 'description' => $txt['download_packages_desc'], ), 'perms' => array( 'description' => $txt['package_file_perms_desc'], ), 'options' => array( 'description' => $txt['package_install_options_ftp_why'], ), ), ); call_integration_hook('integrate_package_get', array(&$subActions)); call_helper($subActions[$context['sub_action']]); } /** * Load a list of package servers. */ function PackageServers() { global $txt, $context, $sourcedir, $packagesdir, $modSettings, $smcFunc; // Ensure we use the correct template, and page title. $context['sub_template'] = 'servers'; $context['page_title'] .= ' - ' . $txt['download_packages']; // Load the list of servers. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_server, name, url FROM {db_prefix}package_servers', array( ) ); $context['servers'] = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $context['servers'][] = array( 'name' => $row['name'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'id' => $row['id_server'], ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); $context['package_download_broken'] = !is_writable($packagesdir); if ($context['package_download_broken']) { smf_chmod($packagesdir, 0777); } $context['package_download_broken'] = !is_writable($packagesdir); if ($context['package_download_broken']) { if (isset($_POST['ftp_username'])) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Class-Package.php'); $ftp = new ftp_connection($_POST['ftp_server'], $_POST['ftp_port'], $_POST['ftp_username'], $_POST['ftp_password']); if ($ftp->error === false) { // I know, I know... but a lot of people want to type /home/xyz/... which is wrong, but logical. if (!$ftp->chdir($_POST['ftp_path'])) { $ftp_error = $ftp->error; $ftp->chdir(preg_replace('~^/home[2]?/[^/]+?~', '', $_POST['ftp_path'])); } } } if (!isset($ftp) || $ftp->error !== false) { if (!isset($ftp)) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Class-Package.php'); $ftp = new ftp_connection(null); } elseif ($ftp->error !== false && !isset($ftp_error)) $ftp_error = $ftp->last_message === null ? '' : $ftp->last_message; list ($username, $detect_path, $found_path) = $ftp->detect_path($packagesdir); if ($found_path || !isset($_POST['ftp_path'])) $_POST['ftp_path'] = $detect_path; if (!isset($_POST['ftp_username'])) $_POST['ftp_username'] = $username; $context['package_ftp'] = array( 'server' => isset($_POST['ftp_server']) ? $_POST['ftp_server'] : (isset($modSettings['package_server']) ? $modSettings['package_server'] : 'localhost'), 'port' => isset($_POST['ftp_port']) ? $_POST['ftp_port'] : (isset($modSettings['package_port']) ? $modSettings['package_port'] : '21'), 'username' => isset($_POST['ftp_username']) ? $_POST['ftp_username'] : (isset($modSettings['package_username']) ? $modSettings['package_username'] : ''), 'path' => $_POST['ftp_path'], 'error' => empty($ftp_error) ? null : $ftp_error, ); } else { $context['package_download_broken'] = false; $ftp->chmod('.', 0777); $ftp->close(); } } addInlineJavaScript(' $(\'.new_package_content\').hide(); $(\'.download_new_package\').on(\'click\', function() { var collapseState = $(\'.new_package_content\').css(\'display\'); var icon = $(\'.download_new_package\').children(\'span\'); var collapsedDiv = $(\'.new_package_content\'); if (collapseState == \'none\') { collapsedDiv.show(\'slow\'); icon.removeClass(\'toggle_down\').addClass(\'toggle_up\'); icon.prop(\'title\', ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['hide']) . '); } else { collapsedDiv.hide(\'slow\'); icon.removeClass(\'toggle_up\').addClass(\'toggle_down\'); icon.prop(\'title\', ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['show']) . '); } });', true); } /** * Browse a server's list of packages. */ function PackageGBrowse() { global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $smcFunc; if (isset($_GET['server'])) { if ($_GET['server'] == '') redirectexit('action=admin;area=packages;get'); $server = (int) $_GET['server']; // Query the server list to find the current server. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT name, url FROM {db_prefix}package_servers WHERE id_server = {int:current_server} LIMIT 1', array( 'current_server' => $server, ) ); list ($name, $url) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // If the server does not exist, dump out. if (empty($url)) fatal_lang_error('couldnt_connect', false); // If there is a relative link, append to the stored server url. if (isset($_GET['relative'])) $url = $url . (substr($url, -1) == '/' ? '' : '/') . $_GET['relative']; $the_version = SMF_VERSION; if (!empty($_SESSION['version_emulate'])) $the_version = $_SESSION['version_emulate']; // Sub out any variables we support in the url. $url = strtr($url, array( '{SMF_VERSION}' => urlencode($the_version) )); // Clear any "absolute" URL. Since "server" is present, "absolute" is garbage. unset($_GET['absolute']); } elseif (isset($_GET['absolute']) && $_GET['absolute'] != '') { // Initialize the requried variables. $server = ''; $url = $_GET['absolute']; $name = ''; $_GET['package'] = $url . '/packages.xml?language=' . $context['user']['language']; // Clear any "relative" URL. Since "server" is not present, "relative" is garbage. unset($_GET['relative']); $token = checkConfirm('get_absolute_url'); if ($token !== true) { $context['sub_template'] = 'package_confirm'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_servers']; $context['confirm_message'] = sprintf($txt['package_confirm_view_package_content'], $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_GET['absolute'])); $context['proceed_href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=browse;absolute=' . urlencode($_GET['absolute']) . ';confirm=' . $token; return; } } // Minimum required parameter did not exist so dump out. else fatal_lang_error('couldnt_connect', false); // Attempt to connect. If unsuccessful... try the URL. if (!isset($_GET['package']) || file_exists($_GET['package'])) $_GET['package'] = $url . '/packages.xml?language=' . $context['user']['language']; // Check to be sure the packages.xml file actually exists where it is should be... or dump out. if ((isset($_GET['absolute']) || isset($_GET['relative'])) && !url_exists($_GET['package'])) fatal_lang_error('packageget_unable', false, array($url . '/index.php')); // Might take some time. @set_time_limit(600); // Read packages.xml and parse into xmlArray. (the true tells it to trim things ;).) require_once($sourcedir . '/Class-Package.php'); $listing = new xmlArray(fetch_web_data($_GET['package']), true); // Errm.... empty file? Try the URL.... if (!$listing->exists('package-list')) fatal_lang_error('packageget_unable', false, array($url . '/index.php')); // List out the packages... $context['package_list'] = array(); $listing = $listing->path('package-list[0]'); // Use the package list's name if it exists. if ($listing->exists('list-title')) $name = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($listing->fetch('list-title')); // Pick the correct template. $context['sub_template'] = 'package_list'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_servers'] . ($name != '' ? ' - ' . $name : ''); $context['package_server'] = $server; // By default we use an unordered list, unless there are no lists with more than one package. $context['list_type'] = 'ul'; $instmods = loadInstalledPackages(); $installed_mods = array(); // Look through the list of installed mods... foreach ($instmods as $installed_mod) $installed_mods[$installed_mod['package_id']] = $installed_mod['version']; // Get default author and email if they exist. if ($listing->exists('default-author')) { $default_author = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($listing->fetch('default-author')); if ($listing->exists('default-author/@email') && filter_var($listing->fetch('default-author/@email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) $default_email = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($listing->fetch('default-author/@email')); } // Get default web site if it exists. if ($listing->exists('default-website')) { $default_website = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($listing->fetch('default-website')); if ($listing->exists('default-website/@title')) $default_title = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($listing->fetch('default-website/@title')); } $the_version = SMF_VERSION; if (!empty($_SESSION['version_emulate'])) $the_version = $_SESSION['version_emulate']; $packageNum = 0; $packageSection = 0; $sections = $listing->set('section'); foreach ($sections as $i => $section) { $context['package_list'][$packageSection] = array( 'title' => '', 'text' => '', 'items' => array(), ); $packages = $section->set('title|heading|text|remote|rule|modification|language|avatar-pack|theme|smiley-set'); foreach ($packages as $thisPackage) { $package = array( 'type' => $thisPackage->name(), ); if (in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'text'))) $context['package_list'][$packageSection][$package['type']] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('.')); // It's a Title, Heading, Rule or Text. elseif (in_array($package['type'], array('heading', 'rule'))) $package['name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('.')); // It's a Remote link. elseif ($package['type'] == 'remote') { $remote_type = $thisPackage->exists('@type') ? $thisPackage->fetch('@type') : 'relative'; if ($remote_type == 'relative' && substr($thisPackage->fetch('@href'), 0, 7) != 'http://' && substr($thisPackage->fetch('@href'), 0, 8) != 'https://') { if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) $current_url = $_GET['absolute'] . '/'; elseif (isset($_GET['relative'])) $current_url = $_GET['relative'] . '/'; else $current_url = ''; $current_url .= $thisPackage->fetch('@href'); if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=browse;absolute=' . $current_url; else $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=browse;server=' . $context['package_server'] . ';relative=' . $current_url; } else { $current_url = $thisPackage->fetch('@href'); $package['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=browse;absolute=' . $current_url; } $package['name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('.')); $package['link'] = '' . $package['name'] . ''; } // It's a package... else { if (isset($_GET['absolute'])) $current_url = $_GET['absolute'] . '/'; elseif (isset($_GET['relative'])) $current_url = $_GET['relative'] . '/'; else $current_url = ''; $server_att = $server != '' ? ';server=' . $server : ''; $package += $thisPackage->to_array(); if (isset($package['website'])) unset($package['website']); $package['author'] = array(); if ($package['description'] == '') $package['description'] = $txt['package_no_description']; else $package['description'] = parse_bbc(preg_replace('~\[[/]?html\]~i', '', $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($package['description']))); $package['is_installed'] = isset($installed_mods[$package['id']]); $package['is_current'] = $package['is_installed'] && ($installed_mods[$package['id']] == $package['version']); $package['is_newer'] = $package['is_installed'] && ($installed_mods[$package['id']] > $package['version']); // This package is either not installed, or installed but old. Is it supported on this version of SMF? if (!$package['is_installed'] || (!$package['is_current'] && !$package['is_newer'])) { if ($thisPackage->exists('version/@for')) $package['can_install'] = matchPackageVersion($the_version, $thisPackage->fetch('version/@for')); } // Okay, it's already installed AND up to date. else $package['can_install'] = false; $already_exists = getPackageInfo(basename($package['filename'])); $package['download_conflict'] = is_array($already_exists) && $already_exists['id'] == $package['id'] && $already_exists['version'] != $package['version']; $package['href'] = $url . '/' . $package['filename']; $package['link'] = '' . $package['name'] . ''; $package['download']['href'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=download' . $server_att . ';package=' . $current_url . $package['filename'] . ($package['download_conflict'] ? ';conflict' : '') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']; $package['download']['link'] = '' . $package['name'] . ''; if ($thisPackage->exists('author') || isset($default_author)) { if ($thisPackage->exists('author/@email') && filter_var($thisPackage->fetch('author/@email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) $package['author']['email'] = $thisPackage->fetch('author/@email'); elseif (isset($default_email)) $package['author']['email'] = $default_email; if ($thisPackage->exists('author') && $thisPackage->fetch('author') != '') $package['author']['name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('author')); else $package['author']['name'] = $default_author; if (!empty($package['author']['email'])) $package['author']['link'] = '' . $package['author']['name'] . ''; } if ($thisPackage->exists('website') || isset($default_website)) { if ($thisPackage->exists('website') && $thisPackage->exists('website/@title')) $package['author']['website']['name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('website/@title')); elseif (isset($default_title)) $package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_title; elseif ($thisPackage->exists('website')) $package['author']['website']['name'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('website')); else $package['author']['website']['name'] = $default_website; if ($thisPackage->exists('website') && $thisPackage->fetch('website') != '') $authorhompage = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($thisPackage->fetch('website')); else $authorhompage = $default_website; $package['author']['website']['href'] = $authorhompage; $package['author']['website']['link'] = '' . $package['author']['website']['name'] . ''; } else { $package['author']['website']['href'] = ''; $package['author']['website']['link'] = ''; } } $package['is_remote'] = $package['type'] == 'remote'; $package['is_title'] = $package['type'] == 'title'; $package['is_heading'] = $package['type'] == 'heading'; $package['is_text'] = $package['type'] == 'text'; $package['is_line'] = $package['type'] == 'rule'; $packageNum = in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'heading', 'text', 'remote', 'rule')) ? 0 : $packageNum + 1; $package['count'] = $packageNum; if (!in_array($package['type'], array('title', 'text'))) $context['package_list'][$packageSection]['items'][] = $package; if ($package['count'] > 1) $context['list_type'] = 'ol'; } $packageSection++; } // Lets make sure we get a nice new spiffy clean $package to work with. Otherwise we get PAIN! unset($package); foreach ($context['package_list'] as $ps_id => $packageSection) { foreach ($packageSection['items'] as $i => $package) { if ($package['count'] == 0 || isset($package['can_install'])) continue; $context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_install'] = false; $packageInfo = getPackageInfo($url . '/' . $package['filename']); if (is_array($packageInfo) && $packageInfo['xml']->exists('install')) { $installs = $packageInfo['xml']->set('install'); foreach ($installs as $install) { if (!$install->exists('@for') || matchPackageVersion($the_version, $install->fetch('@for'))) { // Okay, this one is good to go. $context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_install'] = true; break; } // no install found for this version, lets see if one exists for another if ($context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_install'] === false && $install->exists('@for')) { $reset = true; // Get the highest install version that is available from the package foreach ($installs as $install) { $context['package_list'][$ps_id]['items'][$i]['can_emulate_install'] = matchHighestPackageVersion($install->fetch('@for'), $reset, $the_version); $reset = false; } } } } } } } /** * Download a package. */ function PackageDownload() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $packagesdir, $smcFunc; // Use the downloaded sub template. $context['sub_template'] = 'downloaded'; // Security is good... checkSession('get'); // To download something, we need a valid server or url. if (empty($_GET['server']) && (!empty($_GET['get']) && !empty($_REQUEST['package']))) fatal_lang_error('package_get_error_is_zero', false); if (isset($_GET['server'])) { $server = (int) $_GET['server']; // Query the server table to find the requested server. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT name, url FROM {db_prefix}package_servers WHERE id_server = {int:current_server} LIMIT 1', array( 'current_server' => $server, ) ); list ($name, $url) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // If server does not exist then dump out. if (empty($url)) fatal_lang_error('couldnt_connect', false); $the_version = SMF_VERSION; if (!empty($_SESSION['version_emulate'])) $the_version = $_SESSION['version_emulate']; // Sub out any variables we support in the url. $url = strtr($url, array( '{SMF_VERSION}' => urlencode($the_version) )); $url = $url . '/'; } else { // Initialize the requried variables. $server = ''; $url = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['byurl']) && !empty($_POST['filename'])) $package_name = basename($_REQUEST['filename']); else $package_name = basename($_REQUEST['package']); if (isset($_REQUEST['conflict']) || (isset($_REQUEST['auto']) && file_exists($packagesdir . '/' . $package_name))) { // Find the extension, change abc.tar.gz to abc_1.tar.gz... if (strrpos(substr($package_name, 0, -3), '.') !== false) { $ext = substr($package_name, strrpos(substr($package_name, 0, -3), '.')); $package_name = substr($package_name, 0, strrpos(substr($package_name, 0, -3), '.')) . '_'; } else $ext = ''; // Find the first available. $i = 1; while (file_exists($packagesdir . '/' . $package_name . $i . $ext)) $i++; $package_name = $package_name . $i . $ext; } // Use FTP if necessary. create_chmod_control(array($packagesdir . '/' . $package_name), array('destination_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;get;sa=download' . (isset($_GET['server']) ? ';server=' . $_GET['server'] : '') . (isset($_REQUEST['auto']) ? ';auto' : '') . ';package=' . $_REQUEST['package'] . (isset($_REQUEST['conflict']) ? ';conflict' : '') . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'crash_on_error' => true)); package_put_contents($packagesdir . '/' . $package_name, fetch_web_data($url . $_REQUEST['package'])); // Done! Did we get this package automatically? // @ TODO: These are usually update packages. Allowing both for now until more testing has been done. if (preg_match('~^https?://[\w_\-]+\.simplemachines\.org/~', $_REQUEST['package']) == 1 && strpos($_REQUEST['package'], 'dlattach') === false && isset($_REQUEST['auto'])) redirectexit('action=admin;area=packages;sa=install;package=' . $package_name); // You just downloaded a mod from SERVER_NAME_GOES_HERE. $context['package_server'] = $server; $context['package'] = getPackageInfo($package_name); if (!is_array($context['package'])) fatal_lang_error('package_cant_download', false); if (!isset($context['package']['type'])) $context['package']['install']['link'] = ''; else $context['package']['install']['link'] = '[ ' . (isset($txt['install_' . $context['package']['type']]) ? $txt['install_' . $context['package']['type']] : $txt['install_unknown']) . ' ]'; // Does a 3rd party hook want to do some additional changes? call_integration_hook('integrate_package_download'); $context['package']['list_files']['link'] = '[ ' . $txt['list_files'] . ' ]'; // Free a little bit of memory... unset($context['package']['xml']); $context['page_title'] = $txt['download_success']; } /** * Upload a new package to the directory. */ function PackageUpload() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $packagesdir; // Setup the correct template, even though I'll admit we ain't downloading ;) $context['sub_template'] = 'downloaded'; // @todo Use FTP if the Packages directory is not writable. // Check the file was even sent! if (!isset($_FILES['package']['name']) || $_FILES['package']['name'] == '') fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_nofile', false); elseif (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['package']['tmp_name']) || (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && !file_exists($_FILES['package']['tmp_name']))) fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_failed', false); // Make sure it has a sane filename. $_FILES['package']['name'] = preg_replace(array('/\s/', '/\.[\.]+/', '/[^\w_\.\-]/'), array('_', '.', ''), $_FILES['package']['name']); $found_ext = preg_match('/\.(zip|tgz|tar\.gz)$/i', $_FILES['package']['name'], $match); if ($found_ext === 0) fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_supports', false, array('zip, tgz, tar.gz')); // We only need the filename... $packageName = substr($_FILES['package']['name'], 0, -strlen($match[0])); $packageFileName = package_unique_filename($packagesdir, $packageName, $match[1]) . $match[0]; // Setup the destination and throw an error if the file is already there! $destination = $packagesdir . '/' . $packageFileName; if (file_exists($destination)) fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_exists', false); // Now move the file. move_uploaded_file($_FILES['package']['tmp_name'], $destination); smf_chmod($destination, 0777); // If we got this far that should mean it's available. $context['package'] = getPackageInfo($packageFileName); $context['package_server'] = ''; // Not really a package, you lazy bum! if (!is_array($context['package'])) { @unlink($destination); loadLanguage('Errors'); $txt[$context['package']] = str_replace('{MANAGETHEMEURL}', $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=theme;sa=admin;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . '#theme_install', $txt[$context['package']]); fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_broken', false, array($txt[$context['package']])); } // Is it already uploaded, maybe? elseif ($dir = @opendir($packagesdir)) { while ($package = readdir($dir)) { if ($package == '.' || $package == '..' || $package == 'temp' || $package == $packageFileName || (!(is_dir($packagesdir . '/' . $package) && file_exists($packagesdir . '/' . $package . '/package-info.xml')) && substr(strtolower($package), -7) != '.tar.gz' && substr(strtolower($package), -4) != '.tgz' && substr(strtolower($package), -4) != '.zip')) continue; $packageInfo = getPackageInfo($package); if (!is_array($packageInfo)) continue; if ($packageInfo['id'] == $context['package']['id'] && $packageInfo['version'] == $context['package']['version']) { @unlink($destination); loadLanguage('Errors'); fatal_lang_error('package_upload_error_exists', false); } } closedir($dir); } if (!isset($context['package']['type'])) $context['package']['install']['link'] = ''; else $context['package']['install']['link'] = '[ ' . (isset($txt['install_' . $context['package']['type']]) ? $txt['install_' . $context['package']['type']] : $txt['install_unknown']) . ' ]'; // Does a 3rd party hook want to do some additional changes? call_integration_hook('integrate_package_upload'); $context['package']['list_files']['link'] = '[ ' . $txt['list_files'] . ' ]'; unset($context['package']['xml']); $context['page_title'] = $txt['package_uploaded_success']; } /** * Add a package server to the list. */ function PackageServerAdd() { global $smcFunc; // Validate the user. checkSession(); // If they put a slash on the end, get rid of it. if (substr($_POST['serverurl'], -1) == '/') $_POST['serverurl'] = substr($_POST['serverurl'], 0, -1); // Are they both nice and clean? $servername = trim($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['servername'])); $serverurl = trim($smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['serverurl'])); // Make sure the URL has the correct prefix. if (strpos($serverurl, 'http://') !== 0 && strpos($serverurl, 'https://') !== 0) $serverurl = 'http://' . $serverurl; $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}package_servers', array( 'name' => 'string-255', 'url' => 'string-255', ), array( $servername, $serverurl, ), array('id_server') ); redirectexit('action=admin;area=packages;get'); } /** * Remove a server from the list. */ function PackageServerRemove() { global $smcFunc; checkSession('get'); $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}package_servers WHERE id_server = {int:current_server}', array( 'current_server' => (int) $_GET['server'], ) ); redirectexit('action=admin;area=packages;get'); } ?>