Deleted - ID:%1$d';
$txt['modlog_ac_add_warn_template'] = 'Added warning template: "{template}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_modify_warn_template'] = 'Edited the warning template: "{template}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_delete_warn_template'] = 'Deleted the warning template: "{template}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban'] = 'Added ban triggers:';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban_remove'] = 'Removed ban triggers:';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban_trigger_member'] = ' Member: {member}';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban_trigger_email'] = ' Email: {email}';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban_trigger_ip_range'] = ' IP: {ip_range}';
$txt['modlog_ac_ban_trigger_hostname'] = ' Hostname: {hostname}';
$txt['modlog_admin_log'] = 'Administration Log';
$txt['modlog_admin_log_desc'] = 'Below is a list of administration actions which have been logged on your forum.';
$txt['modlog_admin_log_no_entries_found'] = 'There are currently no administration log entries.';
$txt['modlog_admin_log_gdpr_no_delete'] = 'Also note: Entries for updates to the registration agreement and privacy policy cannot be removed from this log.';
// Admin type strings.
$txt['modlog_ac_upgrade'] = 'Upgraded the forum to version {version}';
$txt['modlog_ac_install'] = 'Installed version {version}';
$txt['modlog_ac_add_board'] = 'Added a new board: "{board}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_edit_board'] = 'Edited the "{board}" board';
$txt['modlog_ac_delete_board'] = 'Deleted the "{boardname}" board';
$txt['modlog_ac_add_cat'] = 'Added a new category, "{catname}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_edit_cat'] = 'Edited the "{catname}" category';
$txt['modlog_ac_delete_cat'] = 'Deleted the "{catname}" category';
$txt['modlog_ac_delete_group'] = 'Deleted the "{group}" group';
$txt['modlog_ac_add_group'] = 'Added the "{group}" group';
$txt['modlog_ac_edited_group'] = 'Edited the "{group}" group';
$txt['modlog_ac_added_to_group'] = 'Added "{member}" to the "{group}" group';
$txt['modlog_ac_removed_from_group'] = 'Removed "{member}" from the "{group}" group';
$txt['modlog_ac_removed_all_groups'] = 'Removed "{member}" from all groups';
$txt['modlog_ac_agreement_updated'] = 'Updated the {language} registration agreement';
$txt['modlog_ac_policy_updated'] = 'Updated the {language} privacy policy';
$txt['modlog_ac_remind_member'] = 'Sent out a reminder to "{member}" to activate their account';
$txt['modlog_ac_approve_member'] = 'Approved/Activated the account of "{member}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_newsletter'] = 'Sent Newsletter';
$txt['modlog_ac_install_package'] = 'Installed new package: "{package}", version {version}';
$txt['modlog_ac_upgrade_package'] = 'Upgraded package: "{package}" to version {version}';
$txt['modlog_ac_uninstall_package'] = 'Uninstalled package: "{package}", version {version}';
// Restore topic.
$txt['modlog_ac_restore_topic'] = 'Restored topic "{topic}" from "{board}" to "{board_to}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_restore_posts'] = 'Restored posts from "{subject}" to the topic "{topic}" in the "{board}" board.';
$txt['modlog_parameter_guest'] = 'Guest';
$txt['modlog_ac_approve_attach'] = 'Approved "{filename}" in "{message}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_remove_attach'] = 'Removed unapproved "{filename}" in "{message}"';
// Handling reports on posts
$txt['modlog_report'] = 'report';
$txt['modlog_ac_close_report'] = 'Closed {report} on "{message}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_ignore_report'] = 'Disregarded {report} on "{message}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_open_report'] = 'Reopened {report} on "{message}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_unignore_report'] = 'Undone disregard of {report} on "{message}"';
// Handling reports on users
$txt['modlog_ac_close_user_report'] = 'Closed {report} on profile of {member}';
$txt['modlog_ac_ignore_user_report'] = 'Disregarded {report} on profile of {member}';
$txt['modlog_ac_open_user_report'] = 'Reopened {report} on profile of {member}';
$txt['modlog_ac_unignore_user_report'] = 'Undone disregard of {report} on profile of {member}';
// Poll stuff
$txt['modlog_ac_add_poll'] = 'Added a poll to "{topic}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_edit_poll'] = 'Edited the poll in "{topic}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_lock_poll'] = 'Locked voting in the poll in "{topic}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_remove_poll'] = 'Removed the poll from "{topic}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_reset_poll'] = 'Reset votes in the poll in "{topic}"';
$txt['modlog_ac_unlock_poll'] = 'Unlocked voting in the poll in "{topic}"';