20) obExit_cron(); } else $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] = 'HTTP/1.0'; // Load the most important includes. In general, a background should be loading its own dependencies. require_once($sourcedir . '/Errors.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Load.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Security.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php'); // Ensure we don't trip over disabled internal functions if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0', '>=')) require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Compat.php'); // Create a variable to store some SMF specific functions in. $smcFunc = array(); // This is our general bootstrap, a la SSI.php but with a few differences. unset ($db_show_debug); loadDatabase(); reloadSettings(); // Just in case there's a problem... set_error_handler('smf_error_handler_cron'); $sc = ''; $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = ''; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'] = FROM_CLI ? 'CLI cron.php' : $boardurl . '/cron.php'; // Now 'clean the request' (or more accurately, ignore everything we're not going to use) cleanRequest_cron(); // At this point we could reseed the RNG but I don't think we need to risk it being seeded *even more*. // Meanwhile, time we got on with the real business here. while ($task_details = fetch_task()) { $result = perform_task($task_details); if ($result) { $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}background_tasks WHERE id_task = {int:task}', array( 'task' => $task_details['id_task'], ) ); } } // If we have time, check the scheduled tasks. if (time() - TIME_START < ceil(MAX_CRON_TIME / 2)) { require_once($sourcedir . '/ScheduledTasks.php'); if (empty($modSettings['next_task_time']) || $modSettings['next_task_time'] < time()) AutoTask(); elseif (!empty($modSettings['mail_next_send']) && $modSettings['mail_next_send'] < time()) ReduceMailQueue(); } obExit_cron(); exit; /** * The heart of this cron handler... * * @return bool|array False if there's nothing to do or an array of info about the task */ function fetch_task() { global $smcFunc; // Check we haven't run over our time limit. if (microtime(true) - TIME_START > MAX_CRON_TIME) return false; // Try to find a task. Specifically, try to find one that hasn't been claimed previously, or failing that, // a task that was claimed but failed for whatever reason and failed long enough ago. We should not care // what task it is, merely that it is one in the queue, the order is irrelevant. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_task, task_file, task_class, task_data, claimed_time FROM {db_prefix}background_tasks WHERE claimed_time < {int:claim_limit} LIMIT 1', array( 'claim_limit' => time() - MAX_CLAIM_THRESHOLD, ) ); if ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { // We found one. Let's try and claim it immediately. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}background_tasks SET claimed_time = {int:new_claimed} WHERE id_task = {int:task} AND claimed_time = {int:old_claimed}', array( 'new_claimed' => time(), 'task' => $row['id_task'], 'old_claimed' => $row['claimed_time'], ) ); // Could we claim it? If so, return it back. if ($smcFunc['db_affected_rows']() != 0) { // Update the time and go back. $row['claimed_time'] = time(); return $row; } else { // Uh oh, we just missed it. Try to claim another one, and let it fall through if there aren't any. return fetch_task(); } } else { // No dice. Clean up and go home. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); return false; } } /** * This actually handles the task * * @param array $task_details An array of info about the task * @return bool|void True if the task is invalid; otherwise calls the function to execute the task */ function perform_task($task_details) { global $smcFunc, $sourcedir, $boarddir; // This indicates the file to load. if (!empty($task_details['task_file'])) { $include = strtr(trim($task_details['task_file']), array('$boarddir' => $boarddir, '$sourcedir' => $sourcedir)); if (file_exists($include)) require_once($include); } if (empty($task_details['task_class'])) { // This would be nice to translate but the language files aren't loaded for any specific language. log_error('Invalid background task specified (no class, ' . (empty($task_details['task_file']) ? ' no file' : ' to load ' . $task_details['task_file']) . ')'); return true; // So we clear it from the queue. } // All background tasks need to be classes. elseif (class_exists($task_details['task_class']) && is_subclass_of($task_details['task_class'], 'SMF_BackgroundTask')) { $details = empty($task_details['task_data']) ? array() : $smcFunc['json_decode']($task_details['task_data'], true); $bgtask = new $task_details['task_class']($details); return $bgtask->execute(); } else { log_error('Invalid background task specified: (class: ' . $task_details['task_class'] . ', ' . (empty($task_details['task_file']) ? ' no file' : ' to load ' . $task_details['task_file']) . ')'); return true; // So we clear it from the queue. } } // These are all our helper functions that resemble their big brother counterparts. These are not so important. /** * Cleans up the request variables * * @return void */ function cleanRequest_cron() { global $scripturl, $boardurl; $scripturl = $boardurl . '/index.php'; // These keys shouldn't be set...ever. if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_COOKIE['GLOBALS'])) die('Invalid request variable.'); // Save some memory.. (since we don't use these anyway.) unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS'], $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']); unset($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES'], $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_FILES']); unset($GLOBALS['_GET'], $GLOBALS['_POST'], $GLOBALS['_REQUEST'], $GLOBALS['_COOKIE'], $GLOBALS['_FILES']); } /** * The error handling function * * @param int $error_level One of the PHP error level constants (see ) * @param string $error_string The error message * @param string $file The file where the error occurred * @param int $line What line of the specified file the error occurred on * @return void */ function smf_error_handler_cron($error_level, $error_string, $file, $line) { global $modSettings; // Ignore errors that should not be logged. if (error_reporting() == 0) return; $error_type = 'cron'; log_error($error_level . ': ' . $error_string, $error_type, $file, $line); // If this is an E_ERROR or E_USER_ERROR.... die. Violently so. if ($error_level % 255 == E_ERROR) die('No direct access...'); } /** * The exit function */ function obExit_cron() { if (FROM_CLI) die(0); else { header('content-type: image/gif'); die("\x47\x49\x46\x38\x39\x61\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x21\xF9\x04\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B"); } } // We would like this to be defined, but we don't want to have to load more stuff than necessary. // Thus we declare it here, and any legitimate background task must implement this. /** * Class SMF_BackgroundTask */ abstract class SMF_BackgroundTask { /** * Constants for notification types. */ const RECEIVE_NOTIFY_EMAIL = 0x02; const RECEIVE_NOTIFY_ALERT = 0x01; /** * @var array Holds the details for the task */ protected $_details; /** * @var array Temp property to hold the current user info while tasks make use of $user_info */ private $current_user_info = array(); /** * The constructor. * * @param array $details The details for the task */ public function __construct($details) { global $user_info; $this->_details = $details; $this->current_user_info = $user_info; } /** * The function to actually execute a task * * @return mixed */ abstract public function execute(); /** * Loads minimal info for the previously loaded user ids * * @param array $user_ids * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function getMinUserInfo($user_ids = array()) { return loadMinUserInfo($user_ids); } public function __destruct() { global $user_info; $user_info = $this->current_user_info; } } ?>