debug_level = $level !== null ? $level : error_reporting(); $this->trim = $auto_trim; // Is the data already parsed? if ($is_clone) { $this->array = $data; return; } // Is the input an array? (ie. passed from file()?) if (is_array($data)) $data = implode('', $data); // Remove any xml declaration or doctype, and parse out comments and CDATA. $data = preg_replace('//s', '', $this->_to_cdata(preg_replace(array('/^<\?xml.+?\?' . '>/is', '/]+?' . '>/s'), '', $data))); // Now parse the xml! $this->array = $this->_parse($data); } /** * Get the root element's name. * Example use: * echo $element->name(); * * @return string The root element's name */ public function name() { return isset($this->array['name']) ? $this->array['name'] : ''; } /** * Get a specified element's value or attribute by path. * Children are parsed for text, but only textual data is returned * unless get_elements is true. * Example use: * $data = $xml->fetch('html/head/title'); * * @param string $path The path to the element to fetch * @param bool $get_elements Whether to include elements * @return string The value or attribute of the specified element */ public function fetch($path, $get_elements = false) { // Get the element, in array form. $array = $this->path($path); if ($array === false) return false; // Getting elements into this is a bit complicated... if ($get_elements && !is_string($array)) { $temp = ''; // Use the _xml() function to get the xml data. foreach ($array->array as $val) { // Skip the name and any attributes. if (is_array($val)) $temp .= $this->_xml($val, null); } // Just get the XML data and then take out the CDATAs. return $this->_to_cdata($temp); } // Return the value - taking care to pick out all the text values. return is_string($array) ? $array : $this->_fetch($array->array); } /** Get an element, returns a new xmlArray. * It finds any elements that match the path specified. * It will always return a set if there is more than one of the element * or return_set is true. * Example use: * $element = $xml->path('html/body'); * * @param $path string The path to the element to get * @param $return_full bool Whether to return the full result set * @return xmlArray a new xmlArray. */ public function path($path, $return_full = false) { global $txt; // Split up the path. $path = explode('/', $path); // Start with a base array. $array = $this->array; // For each element in the path. foreach ($path as $el) { // Deal with sets.... if (strpos($el, '[') !== false) { $lvl = (int) substr($el, strpos($el, '[') + 1); $el = substr($el, 0, strpos($el, '[')); } // Find an attribute. elseif (substr($el, 0, 1) == '@') { // It simplifies things if the attribute is already there ;). if (isset($array[$el])) return $array[$el]; else { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($trace) && isset($trace[$i]['class']) && $trace[$i]['class'] == get_class($this)) $i++; $debug = ' (from ' . $trace[$i - 1]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[$i - 1]['line'] . ')'; // Cause an error. if ($this->debug_level & E_NOTICE) { loadLanguage('Errors'); trigger_error(sprintf($txt['undefined_xml_attribute'], substr($el, 1) . $debug), E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; } } else $lvl = null; // Find this element. $array = $this->_path($array, $el, $lvl); } // Clean up after $lvl, for $return_full. if ($return_full && (!isset($array['name']) || substr($array['name'], -1) != ']')) $array = array('name' => $el . '[]', $array); // Create the right type of class... $newClass = get_class($this); // Return a new xmlArray for the result. return $array === false ? false : new $newClass($array, $this->trim, $this->debug_level, true); } /** * Check if an element exists. * Example use, * echo $xml->exists('html/body') ? 'y' : 'n'; * * @param string $path The path to the element to get. * @return boolean Whether the specified path exists */ public function exists($path) { // Split up the path. $path = explode('/', $path); // Start with a base array. $array = $this->array; // For each element in the path. foreach ($path as $el) { // Deal with sets.... if (strpos($el, '[') !== false) { $lvl = (int) substr($el, strpos($el, '[') + 1); $el = substr($el, 0, strpos($el, '[')); } // Find an attribute. elseif (substr($el, 0, 1) == '@') return isset($array[$el]); else $lvl = null; // Find this element. $array = $this->_path($array, $el, $lvl, true); } return $array !== false; } /** * Count the number of occurrences of a path. * Example use: * echo $xml->count('html/head/meta'); * * @param string $path The path to search for. * @return int The number of elements the path matches. */ public function count($path) { // Get the element, always returning a full set. $temp = $this->path($path, true); // Start at zero, then count up all the numeric keys. $i = 0; foreach ($temp->array as $item) { if (is_array($item)) $i++; } return $i; } /** * Get an array of xmlArray's matching the specified path. * This differs from ->path(path, true) in that instead of an xmlArray * of elements, an array of xmlArray's is returned for use with foreach. * Example use: * foreach ($xml->set('html/body/p') as $p) * * @param $path string The path to search for. * @return xmlArray[] An array of xmlArray objects */ public function set($path) { // None as yet, just get the path. $array = array(); $xml = $this->path($path, true); foreach ($xml->array as $val) { // Skip these, they aren't elements. if (!is_array($val) || $val['name'] == '!') continue; // Create the right type of class... $newClass = get_class($this); // Create a new xmlArray and stick it in the array. $array[] = new $newClass($val, $this->trim, $this->debug_level, true); } return $array; } /** * Create an xml file from an xmlArray, the specified path if any. * Example use: * echo $this->create_xml(); * * @param string $path The path to the element. (optional) * @return string Xml-formatted string. */ public function create_xml($path = null) { // Was a path specified? If so, use that array. if ($path !== null) { $path = $this->path($path); // The path was not found if ($path === false) return false; $path = $path->array; } // Just use the current array. else $path = $this->array; // Add the xml declaration to the front. return '' . $this->_xml($path, 0); } /** * Output the xml in an array form. * Example use: * print_r($xml->to_array()); * * @param string $path The path to output. * @return array An array of XML data */ public function to_array($path = null) { // Are we doing a specific path? if ($path !== null) { $path = $this->path($path); // The path was not found if ($path === false) return false; $path = $path->array; } // No, so just use the current array. else $path = $this->array; return $this->_array($path); } /** * Parse data into an array. (privately used...) * * @param string $data The data to parse * @return array The parsed array */ protected function _parse($data) { // Start with an 'empty' array with no data. $current = array( ); // Loop until we're out of data. while ($data != '') { // Find and remove the next tag. preg_match('/\A<([\w\-:]+)((?:\s+.+?)?)([\s]?\/)?' . '>/', $data, $match); if (isset($match[0])) $data = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($match[0], '/') . '/s', '', $data, 1); // Didn't find a tag? Keep looping.... if (!isset($match[1]) || $match[1] == '') { // If there's no <, the rest is data. if (strpos($data, '<') === false) { $text_value = $this->_from_cdata($data); $data = ''; if ($text_value != '') $current[] = array( 'name' => '!', 'value' => $text_value ); } // If the < isn't immediately next to the current position... more data. elseif (strpos($data, '<') > 0) { $text_value = $this->_from_cdata(substr($data, 0, strpos($data, '<'))); $data = substr($data, strpos($data, '<')); if ($text_value != '') $current[] = array( 'name' => '!', 'value' => $text_value ); } // If we're looking at a with no start, kill it. elseif (strpos($data, '<') !== false && strpos($data, '<') == 0) { if (strpos($data, '<', 1) !== false) { $text_value = $this->_from_cdata(substr($data, 0, strpos($data, '<', 1))); $data = substr($data, strpos($data, '<', 1)); if ($text_value != '') $current[] = array( 'name' => '!', 'value' => $text_value ); } else { $text_value = $this->_from_cdata($data); $data = ''; if ($text_value != '') $current[] = array( 'name' => '!', 'value' => $text_value ); } } // Wait for an actual occurance of an element. continue; } // Create a new element in the array. $el = &$current[]; $el['name'] = $match[1]; // If this ISN'T empty, remove the close tag and parse the inner data. if ((!isset($match[3]) || trim($match[3]) != '/') && (!isset($match[2]) || trim($match[2]) != '/')) { // Because PHP 5.2.0+ seems to croak using regex, we'll have to do this the less fun way. $last_tag_end = strpos($data, ''); if ($last_tag_end === false) continue; $offset = 0; while (1 == 1) { // Where is the next start tag? $next_tag_start = strpos($data, '<' . $match[1], $offset); // If the next start tag is after the last end tag then we've found the right close. if ($next_tag_start === false || $next_tag_start > $last_tag_end) break; // If not then find the next ending tag. $next_tag_end = strpos($data, '', $offset); // Didn't find one? Then just use the last and sod it. if ($next_tag_end === false) break; else { $last_tag_end = $next_tag_end; $offset = $next_tag_start + 1; } } // Parse the insides. $inner_match = substr($data, 0, $last_tag_end); // Data now starts from where this section ends. $data = substr($data, $last_tag_end + strlen('')); if (!empty($inner_match)) { // Parse the inner data. if (strpos($inner_match, '<') !== false) $el += $this->_parse($inner_match); elseif (trim($inner_match) != '') { $text_value = $this->_from_cdata($inner_match); if ($text_value != '') $el[] = array( 'name' => '!', 'value' => $text_value ); } } } // If we're dealing with attributes as well, parse them out. if (isset($match[2]) && $match[2] != '') { // Find all the attribute pairs in the string. preg_match_all('/([\w:]+)="(.+?)"/', $match[2], $attr, PREG_SET_ORDER); // Set them as @attribute-name. foreach ($attr as $match_attr) $el['@' . $match_attr[1]] = $match_attr[2]; } } // Return the parsed array. return $current; } /** * Get a specific element's xml. (privately used...) * * @param array $array An array of element data * @param null|int $indent How many levels to indent the elements (null = no indent) * @return string The formatted XML */ protected function _xml($array, $indent) { $indentation = $indent !== null ? ' ' . str_repeat(' ', $indent) : ''; // This is a set of elements, with no name... if (is_array($array) && !isset($array['name'])) { $temp = ''; foreach ($array as $val) $temp .= $this->_xml($val, $indent); return $temp; } // This is just text! if ($array['name'] == '!') return $indentation . ''; elseif (substr($array['name'], -2) == '[]') $array['name'] = substr($array['name'], 0, -2); // Start the element. $output = $indentation . '<' . $array['name']; $inside_elements = false; $output_el = ''; // Run through and recursively output all the elements or attrbutes inside this. foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 1) == '@') $output .= ' ' . substr($k, 1) . '="' . $v . '"'; elseif (is_array($v)) { $output_el .= $this->_xml($v, $indent === null ? null : $indent + 1); $inside_elements = true; } } // Indent, if necessary.... then close the tag. if ($inside_elements) $output .= '>' . $output_el . $indentation . ''; else $output .= ' />'; return $output; } /** * Return an element as an array * * @param array $array An array of data * @return string|array A string with the element's value or an array of element data */ protected function _array($array) { $return = array(); $text = ''; foreach ($array as $value) { if (!is_array($value) || !isset($value['name'])) continue; if ($value['name'] == '!') $text .= $value['value']; else $return[$value['name']] = $this->_array($value); } if (empty($return)) return $text; else return $return; } /** * Parse out CDATA tags. (htmlspecialchars them...) * * @param string $data The data with CDATA tags included * @return string The data contained within CDATA tags */ function _to_cdata($data) { $inCdata = $inComment = false; $output = ''; $parts = preg_split('~(|)~', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($parts as $part) { // Handle XML comments. if (!$inCdata && $part === '') $inComment = false; elseif ($inComment) continue; // Handle Cdata blocks. elseif (!$inComment && $part === '') $inCdata = false; elseif ($inCdata) $output .= htmlentities($part, ENT_QUOTES); // Everything else is kept as is. else $output .= $part; } return $output; } /** * Turn the CDATAs back to normal text. * * @param string $data The data with CDATA tags * @return string The transformed data */ protected function _from_cdata($data) { // Get the HTML translation table and reverse it. $trans_tbl = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_QUOTES)); // Translate all the entities out. $data = strtr( preg_replace_callback( '~&#(\d{1,4});~', function($m) { return chr("$m[1]"); }, $data ), $trans_tbl ); return $this->trim ? trim($data) : $data; } /** * Given an array, return the text from that array. (recursive and privately used.) * * @param array $array An aray of data * @return string The text from the array */ protected function _fetch($array) { // Don't return anything if this is just a string. if (is_string($array)) return ''; $temp = ''; foreach ($array as $text) { // This means it's most likely an attribute or the name itself. if (!isset($text['name'])) continue; // This is text! if ($text['name'] == '!') $temp .= $text['value']; // Another element - dive in ;). else $temp .= $this->_fetch($text); } // Return all the bits and pieces we've put together. return $temp; } /** * Get a specific array by path, one level down. (privately used...) * * @param array $array An array of data * @param string $path The path * @param int $level How far deep into the array we should go * @param bool $no_error Whether or not to ignore errors * @return string|array The specified array (or the contents of said array if there's only one result) */ protected function _path($array, $path, $level, $no_error = false) { global $txt; // Is $array even an array? It might be false! if (!is_array($array)) return false; // Asking for *no* path? if ($path == '' || $path == '.') return $array; $paths = explode('|', $path); // A * means all elements of any name. $show_all = in_array('*', $paths); $results = array(); // Check each element. foreach ($array as $value) { if (!is_array($value) || $value['name'] === '!') continue; if ($show_all || in_array($value['name'], $paths)) { // Skip elements before "the one". if ($level !== null && $level > 0) $level--; else $results[] = $value; } } // No results found... if (empty($results)) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); $i = 0; while ($i < count($trace) && isset($trace[$i]['class']) && $trace[$i]['class'] == get_class($this)) $i++; $debug = ' from ' . $trace[$i - 1]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[$i - 1]['line']; // Cause an error. if ($this->debug_level & E_NOTICE && !$no_error) { loadLanguage('Errors'); trigger_error(sprintf($txt['undefined_xml_element'], $path . $debug), E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; } // Only one result. elseif (count($results) == 1 || $level !== null) return $results[0]; // Return the result set. else return $results + array('name' => $path . '[]'); } } /** * Class ftp_connection * Simple FTP protocol implementation. * * @see */ class ftp_connection { /** * @var string Holds the connection response */ public $connection; /** * @var string Holds any errors */ public $error; /** * @var string Holds the last message from the server */ public $last_message; /** * @var boolean Whether or not this is a passive connection */ public $pasv; /** * Create a new FTP connection... * * @param string $ftp_server The server to connect to * @param int $ftp_port The port to connect to * @param string $ftp_user The username * @param string $ftp_pass The password */ public function __construct($ftp_server, $ftp_port = 21, $ftp_user = 'anonymous', $ftp_pass = '') { // Initialize variables. $this->connection = 'no_connection'; $this->error = false; $this->pasv = array(); if ($ftp_server !== null) $this->connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port, $ftp_user, $ftp_pass); } /** * Connects to a server * * @param string $ftp_server The address of the server * @param int $ftp_port The port * @param string $ftp_user The username * @param string $ftp_pass The password */ public function connect($ftp_server, $ftp_port = 21, $ftp_user = 'anonymous', $ftp_pass = '') { if (strpos($ftp_server, 'ftp://') === 0) $ftp_server = substr($ftp_server, 6); elseif (strpos($ftp_server, 'ftps://') === 0) $ftp_server = 'ssl://' . substr($ftp_server, 7); if (strpos($ftp_server, 'http://') === 0) $ftp_server = substr($ftp_server, 7); elseif (strpos($ftp_server, 'https://') === 0) $ftp_server = substr($ftp_server, 8); $ftp_server = strtr($ftp_server, array('/' => '', ':' => '', '@' => '')); // Connect to the FTP server. $this->connection = @fsockopen($ftp_server, $ftp_port, $err, $err, 5); if (!$this->connection) { $this->error = 'bad_server'; $this->last_message = 'Invalid Server'; return; } // Get the welcome message... if (!$this->check_response(220)) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; $this->last_message = 'Bad Response'; return; } // Send the username, it should ask for a password. fwrite($this->connection, 'USER ' . $ftp_user . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(331)) { $this->error = 'bad_username'; $this->last_message = 'Invalid Username'; return; } // Now send the password... and hope it goes okay. fwrite($this->connection, 'PASS ' . $ftp_pass . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(230)) { $this->error = 'bad_password'; $this->last_message = 'Invalid Password'; return; } } /** * Changes to a directory (chdir) via the ftp connection * * @param string $ftp_path The path to the directory we want to change to * @return boolean Whether or not the operation was successful */ public function chdir($ftp_path) { if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // No slash on the end, please... if ($ftp_path !== '/' && substr($ftp_path, -1) === '/') $ftp_path = substr($ftp_path, 0, -1); fwrite($this->connection, 'CWD ' . $ftp_path . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(250)) { $this->error = 'bad_path'; return false; } return true; } /** * Changes a files atrributes (chmod) * * @param string $ftp_file The file to CHMOD * @param int|string $chmod The value for the CHMOD operation * @return boolean Whether or not the operation was successful */ public function chmod($ftp_file, $chmod) { if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; if ($ftp_file == '') $ftp_file = '.'; // Do we have a file or a dir? $is_dir = is_dir($ftp_file); $is_writable = false; // Set different modes. $chmod_values = $is_dir ? array(0750, 0755, 0775, 0777) : array(0644, 0664, 0666); foreach ($chmod_values as $val) { // If it's writable, break out of the loop. if (is_writable($ftp_file)) { $is_writable = true; break; } else { // Convert the chmod value from octal (0777) to text ("777"). fwrite($this->connection, 'SITE CHMOD ' . decoct($val) . ' ' . $ftp_file . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(200)) { $this->error = 'bad_file'; break; } } } return $is_writable; } /** * Deletes a file * * @param string $ftp_file The file to delete * @return boolean Whether or not the operation was successful */ public function unlink($ftp_file) { // We are actually connected, right? if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // Delete file X. fwrite($this->connection, 'DELE ' . $ftp_file . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(250)) { fwrite($this->connection, 'RMD ' . $ftp_file . "\r\n"); // Still no love? if (!$this->check_response(250)) { $this->error = 'bad_file'; return false; } } return true; } /** * Reads the response to the command from the server * * @param string $desired The desired response * @return boolean Whether or not we got the desired response */ public function check_response($desired) { // Wait for a response that isn't continued with -, but don't wait too long. $time = time(); do $this->last_message = fgets($this->connection, 1024); while ((strlen($this->last_message) < 4 || strpos($this->last_message, ' ') === 0 || strpos($this->last_message, ' ', 3) !== 3) && time() - $time < 5); // Was the desired response returned? return is_array($desired) ? in_array(substr($this->last_message, 0, 3), $desired) : substr($this->last_message, 0, 3) == $desired; } /** * Used to create a passive connection * * @return boolean Whether the passive connection was created successfully */ public function passive() { // We can't create a passive data connection without a primary one first being there. if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // Request a passive connection - this means, we'll talk to you, you don't talk to us. @fwrite($this->connection, 'PASV' . "\r\n"); $time = time(); do $response = fgets($this->connection, 1024); while (strpos($response, ' ', 3) !== 3 && time() - $time < 5); // If it's not 227, we weren't given an IP and port, which means it failed. if (strpos($response, '227 ') !== 0) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; return false; } // Snatch the IP and port information, or die horribly trying... if (preg_match('~\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(?:,\s*(\d+))\)~', $response, $match) == 0) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; return false; } // This is pretty simple - store it for later use ;). $this->pasv = array('ip' => $match[1] . '.' . $match[2] . '.' . $match[3] . '.' . $match[4], 'port' => $match[5] * 256 + $match[6]); return true; } /** * Creates a new file on the server * * @param string $ftp_file The file to create * @return boolean Whether or not the file was created successfully */ public function create_file($ftp_file) { // First, we have to be connected... very important. if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // I'd like one passive mode, please! if (!$this->passive()) return false; // Seems logical enough, so far... fwrite($this->connection, 'STOR ' . $ftp_file . "\r\n"); // Okay, now we connect to the data port. If it doesn't work out, it's probably "file already exists", etc. $fp = @fsockopen($this->pasv['ip'], $this->pasv['port'], $err, $err, 5); if (!$fp || !$this->check_response(150)) { $this->error = 'bad_file'; @fclose($fp); return false; } // This may look strange, but we're just closing it to indicate a zero-byte upload. fclose($fp); if (!$this->check_response(226)) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; return false; } return true; } /** * Generates a directory listing for the current directory * * @param string $ftp_path The path to the directory * @param bool $search Whether or not to get a recursive directory listing * @return string|boolean The results of the command or false if unsuccessful */ public function list_dir($ftp_path = '', $search = false) { // Are we even connected...? if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // Passive... non-agressive... if (!$this->passive()) return false; // Get the listing! fwrite($this->connection, 'LIST -1' . ($search ? 'R' : '') . ($ftp_path == '' ? '' : ' ' . $ftp_path) . "\r\n"); // Connect, assuming we've got a connection. $fp = @fsockopen($this->pasv['ip'], $this->pasv['port'], $err, $err, 5); if (!$fp || !$this->check_response(array(150, 125))) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; @fclose($fp); return false; } // Read in the file listing. $data = ''; while (!feof($fp)) $data .= fread($fp, 4096); fclose($fp); // Everything go okay? if (!$this->check_response(226)) { $this->error = 'bad_response'; return false; } return $data; } /** * Determines the current directory we are in * * @param string $file The name of a file * @param string $listing A directory listing or null to generate one * @return string|boolean The name of the file or false if it wasn't found */ public function locate($file, $listing = null) { if ($listing === null) $listing = $this->list_dir('', true); $listing = explode("\n", $listing); @fwrite($this->connection, 'PWD' . "\r\n"); $time = time(); do $response = fgets($this->connection, 1024); while ($response[3] != ' ' && time() - $time < 5); // Check for 257! if (preg_match('~^257 "(.+?)" ~', $response, $match) != 0) $current_dir = strtr($match[1], array('""' => '"')); else $current_dir = ''; for ($i = 0, $n = count($listing); $i < $n; $i++) { if (trim($listing[$i]) == '' && isset($listing[$i + 1])) { $current_dir = substr(trim($listing[++$i]), 0, -1); $i++; } // Okay, this file's name is: $listing[$i] = $current_dir . '/' . trim(strlen($listing[$i]) > 30 ? strrchr($listing[$i], ' ') : $listing[$i]); if ($file[0] == '*' && substr($listing[$i], -(strlen($file) - 1)) == substr($file, 1)) return $listing[$i]; if (substr($file, -1) == '*' && substr($listing[$i], 0, strlen($file) - 1) == substr($file, 0, -1)) return $listing[$i]; if (basename($listing[$i]) == $file || $listing[$i] == $file) return $listing[$i]; } return false; } /** * Creates a new directory on the server * * @param string $ftp_dir The name of the directory to create * @return boolean Whether or not the operation was successful */ public function create_dir($ftp_dir) { // We must be connected to the server to do something. if (!is_resource($this->connection)) return false; // Make this new beautiful directory! fwrite($this->connection, 'MKD ' . $ftp_dir . "\r\n"); if (!$this->check_response(257)) { $this->error = 'bad_file'; return false; } return true; } /** * Detects the current path * * @param string $filesystem_path The full path from the filesystem * @param string $lookup_file The name of a file in the specified path * @return array An array of detected info - username, path from FTP root and whether or not the current path was found */ public function detect_path($filesystem_path, $lookup_file = null) { $username = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { if (preg_match('~^/home[2]?/([^/]+?)/public_html~', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $match)) { $username = $match[1]; $path = strtr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], array('/home/' . $match[1] . '/' => '', '/home2/' . $match[1] . '/' => '')); if (substr($path, -1) == '/') $path = substr($path, 0, -1); if (strlen(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) > 1) $path .= dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } elseif (strpos($filesystem_path, '/var/www/') === 0) $path = substr($filesystem_path, 8); else $path = strtr(strtr($filesystem_path, array('\\' => '/')), array($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] => '')); } else $path = ''; if (is_resource($this->connection) && $this->list_dir($path) == '') { $data = $this->list_dir('', true); if ($lookup_file === null) $lookup_file = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $found_path = dirname($this->locate('*' . basename(dirname($lookup_file)) . '/' . basename($lookup_file), $data)); if ($found_path == false) $found_path = dirname($this->locate(basename($lookup_file))); if ($found_path != false) $path = $found_path; } elseif (is_resource($this->connection)) $found_path = true; return array($username, $path, isset($found_path)); } /** * Close the ftp connection * * @return boolean Always returns true */ public function close() { // Goodbye! fwrite($this->connection, 'QUIT' . "\r\n"); fclose($this->connection); return true; } } ?>