array('AdminRegister', 'moderate_forum'), 'agreement' => array('EditAgreement', 'admin_forum'), 'policy' => array('EditPrivacyPolicy', 'admin_forum'), 'reservednames' => array('SetReserved', 'admin_forum'), 'settings' => array('ModifyRegistrationSettings', 'admin_forum'), ); // Work out which to call... $context['sub_action'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : (allowedTo('moderate_forum') ? 'register' : 'settings'); // Must have sufficient permissions. isAllowedTo($subActions[$context['sub_action']][1]); // Loading, always loading. loadLanguage('Login'); loadTemplate('Register'); // Next create the tabs for the template. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => $txt['registration_center'], 'help' => 'registrations', 'description' => $txt['admin_settings_desc'], 'tabs' => array( 'register' => array( 'description' => $txt['admin_register_desc'], ), 'agreement' => array( 'description' => $txt['registration_agreement_desc'], ), 'policy' => array( 'description' => $txt['privacy_policy_desc'], ), 'reservednames' => array( 'description' => $txt['admin_reserved_desc'], ), 'settings' => array( 'description' => $txt['admin_settings_desc'], ) ) ); call_integration_hook('integrate_manage_registrations', array(&$subActions)); // Finally, get around to calling the function... call_helper($subActions[$context['sub_action']][0]); } /** * This function allows the admin to register a new member by hand. * It also allows assigning a primary group to the member being registered. * Accessed by ?action=admin;area=regcenter;sa=register * Requires the moderate_forum permission. * * @uses template_admin_register() */ function AdminRegister() { global $txt, $context, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $smcFunc; // Are there any custom profile fields required during registration? require_once($sourcedir . '/Profile.php'); loadCustomFields(0, 'register'); if (!empty($_POST['regSubmit'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-regc'); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) if (!is_array($_POST[$key])) $_POST[$key] = htmltrim__recursive(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $smcFunc['normalize']($_POST[$key]))); $regOptions = array( 'interface' => 'admin', 'username' => $_POST['user'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'password_check' => $_POST['password'], 'check_reserved_name' => true, 'check_password_strength' => false, 'check_email_ban' => false, 'send_welcome_email' => isset($_POST['emailPassword']) || empty($_POST['password']), 'require' => isset($_POST['emailActivate']) ? 'activation' : 'nothing', 'memberGroup' => empty($_POST['group']) || !allowedTo('manage_membergroups') ? 0 : (int) $_POST['group'], ); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php'); $memberID = registerMember($regOptions); if (!empty($memberID)) { // We'll do custom fields after as then we get to use the helper function! if (!empty($_POST['customfield'])) { require_once($sourcedir . '/Profile-Modify.php'); makeCustomFieldChanges($memberID, 'register'); } $context['new_member'] = array( 'id' => $memberID, 'name' => $_POST['user'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $memberID, 'link' => '' . $_POST['user'] . '', ); $context['registration_done'] = sprintf($txt['admin_register_done'], $context['new_member']['link']); } } // Load the assignable member groups. if (allowedTo('manage_membergroups')) { $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT group_name, id_group FROM {db_prefix}membergroups WHERE id_group != {int:moderator_group} AND min_posts = {int:min_posts}' . (allowedTo('admin_forum') ? '' : ' AND id_group != {int:admin_group} AND group_type != {int:is_protected}') . ' AND hidden != {int:hidden_group} ORDER BY min_posts, CASE WHEN id_group < {int:newbie_group} THEN id_group ELSE 4 END, group_name', array( 'moderator_group' => 3, 'min_posts' => -1, 'admin_group' => 1, 'is_protected' => 1, 'hidden_group' => 2, 'newbie_group' => 4, ) ); $context['member_groups'] = array(0 => $txt['admin_register_group_none']); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $context['member_groups'][$row['id_group']] = $row['group_name']; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } else $context['member_groups'] = array(); // Basic stuff. $context['sub_template'] = 'admin_register'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['registration_center']; createToken('admin-regc'); loadJavaScriptFile('register.js', array('defer' => false, 'minimize' => true), 'smf_register'); } /** * Allows the administrator to edit the registration agreement, and choose whether * it should be shown or not. It writes and saves the agreement to the agreement.txt * file. * Accessed by ?action=admin;area=regcenter;sa=agreement. * Requires the admin_forum permission. * * @uses template_edit_agreement() */ function EditAgreement() { // I hereby agree not to be a lazy bum. global $txt, $boarddir, $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $user_info; // By default we look at agreement.txt. $context['current_agreement'] = ''; // Is there more than one to edit? $context['editable_agreements'] = array( '' => $txt['admin_agreement_default'], ); // Get our languages. getLanguages(); // Try to figure out if we have more agreements. foreach ($context['languages'] as $lang) { if (file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $lang['filename'] . '.txt')) { $context['editable_agreements']['.' . $lang['filename']] = $lang['name']; // Are we editing this? if (isset($_POST['agree_lang']) && $_POST['agree_lang'] == '.' . $lang['filename']) $context['current_agreement'] = '.' . $lang['filename']; } } $agreement_lang = empty($context['current_agreement']) ? 'default' : substr($context['current_agreement'], 1); $context['agreement'] = file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement' . $context['current_agreement'] . '.txt') ? str_replace("\r", '', file_get_contents($boarddir . '/agreement' . $context['current_agreement'] . '.txt')) : ''; if (isset($_POST['agreement']) && str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['agreement']) != $context['agreement']) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-rega'); $_POST['agreement'] = $smcFunc['normalize']($_POST['agreement']); // Off it goes to the agreement file. $to_write = str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['agreement']); $bytes = file_put_contents($boarddir . '/agreement' . $context['current_agreement'] . '.txt', $to_write, LOCK_EX); $agreement_settings['agreement_updated_' . $agreement_lang] = time(); if ($bytes == strlen($to_write)) $context['saved_successful'] = true; else $context['could_not_save'] = true; // Writing it counts as agreeing to it, right? $smcFunc['db_insert']('replace', '{db_prefix}themes', array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_theme' => 'int', 'variable' => 'string', 'value' => 'string'), array($user_info['id'], 1, 'agreement_accepted', time()), array('id_member', 'id_theme', 'variable') ); logAction('agreement_updated', array('language' => $context['editable_agreements'][$context['current_agreement']]), 'admin'); logAction('agreement_accepted', array('applicator' => $user_info['id']), 'user'); updateSettings($agreement_settings); $context['agreement'] = str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['agreement']); } $context['agreement_info'] = sprintf($txt['admin_agreement_info'], empty($modSettings['agreement_updated_' . $agreement_lang]) ? $txt['never'] : timeformat($modSettings['agreement_updated_' . $agreement_lang])); $context['agreement'] = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($context['agreement']); $context['warning'] = is_writable($boarddir . '/agreement' . $context['current_agreement'] . '.txt') ? '' : $txt['agreement_not_writable']; $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_agreement'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['registration_agreement']; createToken('admin-rega'); } /** * Set the names under which users are not allowed to register. * Accessed by ?action=admin;area=regcenter;sa=reservednames. * Requires the admin_forum permission. * * @uses template_edit_reserved_words() */ function SetReserved() { global $txt, $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc; // Submitting new reserved words. if (!empty($_POST['save_reserved_names'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-regr'); $_POST['reserved'] = $smcFunc['normalize']($_POST['reserved']); // Set all the options.... updateSettings(array( 'reserveWord' => (isset($_POST['matchword']) ? '1' : '0'), 'reserveCase' => (isset($_POST['matchcase']) ? '1' : '0'), 'reserveUser' => (isset($_POST['matchuser']) ? '1' : '0'), 'reserveName' => (isset($_POST['matchname']) ? '1' : '0'), 'reserveNames' => str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['reserved']) )); $context['saved_successful'] = true; } // Get the reserved word options and words. $modSettings['reserveNames'] = str_replace('\n', "\n", $modSettings['reserveNames']); $context['reserved_words'] = explode("\n", $modSettings['reserveNames']); $context['reserved_word_options'] = array(); $context['reserved_word_options']['match_word'] = $modSettings['reserveWord'] == '1'; $context['reserved_word_options']['match_case'] = $modSettings['reserveCase'] == '1'; $context['reserved_word_options']['match_user'] = $modSettings['reserveUser'] == '1'; $context['reserved_word_options']['match_name'] = $modSettings['reserveName'] == '1'; // Ready the template...... $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_reserved_words'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_reserved_set']; createToken('admin-regr'); } /** * This function handles registration settings, and provides a few pretty stats too while it's at it. * General registration settings and Coppa compliance settings. * Accessed by ?action=admin;area=regcenter;sa=settings. * Requires the admin_forum permission. * * @param bool $return_config Whether or not to return the config_vars array (used for admin search) * @return void|array Returns nothing or returns the $config_vars array if $return_config is true */ function ModifyRegistrationSettings($return_config = false) { global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $smcFunc; global $language, $boarddir; // This is really quite wanting. require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageServer.php'); // Do we have at least default versions of the agreement and privacy policy? $agreement = file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.' . $language . '.txt') || file_exists($boarddir . '/agreement.txt'); $policy = !empty($modSettings['policy_' . $language]); $config_vars = array( array('select', 'registration_method', array($txt['setting_registration_standard'], $txt['setting_registration_activate'], $txt['setting_registration_approval'], $txt['setting_registration_disabled'])), array('check', 'send_welcomeEmail'), '', array('check', 'requireAgreement', 'text_label' => $txt['admin_agreement'], 'value' => !empty($modSettings['requireAgreement'])), array('warning', empty($agreement) ? 'error_no_agreement' : ''), array('check', 'requirePolicyAgreement', 'text_label' => $txt['admin_privacy_policy'], 'value' => !empty($modSettings['requirePolicyAgreement'])), array('warning', empty($policy) ? 'error_no_privacy_policy' : ''), '', array('int', 'coppaAge', 'subtext' => $txt['zero_to_disable'], 'onchange' => 'checkCoppa();'), array('select', 'coppaType', array($txt['setting_coppaType_reject'], $txt['setting_coppaType_approval']), 'onchange' => 'checkCoppa();'), array('large_text', 'coppaPost', 'subtext' => $txt['setting_coppaPost_desc']), array('text', 'coppaFax'), array('text', 'coppaPhone'), ); call_integration_hook('integrate_modify_registration_settings', array(&$config_vars)); if ($return_config) return $config_vars; // Setup the template $context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['registration_center']; if (isset($_GET['save'])) { checkSession(); // Are there some contacts missing? if (!empty($_POST['coppaAge']) && !empty($_POST['coppaType']) && empty($_POST['coppaPost']) && empty($_POST['coppaFax'])) fatal_lang_error('admin_setting_coppa_require_contact'); // Post needs to take into account line breaks. $_POST['coppaPost'] = str_replace("\n", '
', empty($_POST['coppaPost']) ? '' : $smcFunc['normalize']($_POST['coppaPost'])); call_integration_hook('integrate_save_registration_settings'); saveDBSettings($config_vars); $_SESSION['adm-save'] = true; redirectexit('action=admin;area=regcenter;sa=settings'); } $context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=regcenter;save;sa=settings'; $context['settings_title'] = $txt['settings']; // Define some javascript for COPPA. $context['settings_post_javascript'] = ' function checkCoppa() { var coppaDisabled = document.getElementById(\'coppaAge\').value == 0; document.getElementById(\'coppaType\').disabled = coppaDisabled; var disableContacts = coppaDisabled || document.getElementById(\'coppaType\').options[document.getElementById(\'coppaType\').selectedIndex].value != 1; document.getElementById(\'coppaPost\').disabled = disableContacts; document.getElementById(\'coppaFax\').disabled = disableContacts; document.getElementById(\'coppaPhone\').disabled = disableContacts; } checkCoppa();'; // Turn the postal address into something suitable for a textbox. $modSettings['coppaPost'] = !empty($modSettings['coppaPost']) ? preg_replace('~
~', "\n", $modSettings['coppaPost']) : ''; prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars); } // Sure, you can sell my personal info for profit (...or not) function EditPrivacyPolicy() { global $txt, $boarddir, $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc, $user_info; // By default, edit the current language's policy $context['current_policy_lang'] = $user_info['language']; // We need a policy for every language getLanguages(); foreach ($context['languages'] as $lang) { $context['editable_policies'][$lang['filename']] = $lang['name']; // Are we editing this one? if (isset($_POST['policy_lang']) && $_POST['policy_lang'] == $lang['filename']) $context['current_policy_lang'] = $lang['filename']; } $context['privacy_policy'] = empty($modSettings['policy_' . $context['current_policy_lang']]) ? '' : $modSettings['policy_' . $context['current_policy_lang']]; if (isset($_POST['policy'])) { checkSession(); validateToken('admin-regp'); // Make sure there are no creepy-crawlies in it $policy_text = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars'](str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['policy'])); $policy_settings = array( 'policy_' . $context['current_policy_lang'] => $policy_text, ); $policy_settings['policy_updated_' . $context['current_policy_lang']] = time(); // Writing it counts as agreeing to it, right? $smcFunc['db_insert']('replace', '{db_prefix}themes', array('id_member' => 'int', 'id_theme' => 'int', 'variable' => 'string', 'value' => 'string'), array($user_info['id'], 1, 'policy_accepted', time()), array('id_member', 'id_theme', 'variable') ); logAction('policy_updated', array('language' => $context['editable_policies'][$context['current_policy_lang']]), 'admin'); logAction('policy_accepted', array('applicator' => $user_info['id']), 'user'); if ($context['privacy_policy'] !== $policy_text) $context['saved_successful'] = true; updateSettings($policy_settings); $context['privacy_policy'] = $policy_text; } $context['privacy_policy_info'] = sprintf($txt['admin_agreement_info'], empty($modSettings['policy_updated_' . $context['current_policy_lang']]) ? $txt['never'] : timeformat($modSettings['policy_updated_' . $context['current_policy_lang']])); $context['sub_template'] = 'edit_privacy_policy'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['privacy_policy']; createToken('admin-regp'); } ?>