
140 lines
8.6 KiB

// Version: 2.1.0; ManageMembers
global $context;
$txt['groups'] = 'Groups';
$txt['viewing_groups'] = 'Viewing Membergroups';
$txt['membergroups_title'] = 'Manage Membergroups';
$txt['membergroups_description'] = 'Membergroups are groups of members that have similar permission settings, appearance, or access rights. Some membergroups are based on the amount of posts a user has made. You can assign someone to a membergroup by selecting their profile and changing their account settings.';
$txt['membergroups_modify'] = 'Modify';
$txt['membergroups_add_group'] = 'Add group';
$txt['membergroups_regular'] = 'Regular groups';
$txt['membergroups_post'] = 'Post count based groups';
$txt['membergroups_guests_na'] = 'n/a';
$txt['membergroups_group_name'] = 'Membergroup name';
$txt['membergroups_new_board'] = 'Visible Boards';
$txt['membergroups_new_board_desc'] = 'Boards the membergroup can see';
$txt['membergroups_new_board_post_groups'] = '<em>Note: normally, post groups don\'t need access because the group the member is in will give them access.</em>';
$txt['membergroups_new_as_inherit'] = 'inherit from';
$txt['membergroups_new_as_type'] = 'by type';
$txt['membergroups_new_as_copy'] = 'based off of';
$txt['membergroups_new_copy_none'] = '(none)';
$txt['membergroups_can_edit_later'] = 'You can edit them later.';
$txt['membergroups_can_manage_access'] = 'This group can see all boards because they have the power to manage boards.';
$txt['membergroups_cannot_delete_paid'] = 'This group cannot be deleted, it is currently in use by the following paid subscription(s): %1$s';
$txt['membergroups_edit_group'] = 'Edit Membergroup';
$txt['membergroups_edit_name'] = 'Group name';
$txt['membergroups_edit_inherit_permissions'] = 'Inherit permissions';
$txt['membergroups_edit_inherit_permissions_desc'] = 'Select &quot;No&quot; to enable group to have own permission set.';
$txt['membergroups_edit_inherit_permissions_no'] = 'No - Use unique permissions';
$txt['membergroups_edit_inherit_permissions_from'] = 'Inherit from';
$txt['membergroups_edit_hidden'] = 'Visibility';
$txt['membergroups_edit_hidden_no'] = 'Visible';
$txt['membergroups_edit_hidden_boardindex'] = 'Visible - Apart from in group key';
$txt['membergroups_edit_hidden_all'] = 'Invisible';
// Do not use numeric entities in the below string.
$txt['membergroups_edit_hidden_warning'] = 'Are you sure you want to disallow assignment of this group as a users primary group?\\n\\nDoing so will restrict assignment to additional groups only, and will update all current &quot;primary&quot; members to have it as an additional group only.\\n\\nIt will also remove the group as moderator from any boards it is currently assigned to moderate.';
$txt['membergroups_edit_desc'] = 'Group description';
$txt['membergroups_edit_group_type'] = 'Group type';
$txt['membergroups_edit_select_group_type'] = 'Select Group type';
$txt['membergroups_group_type_private'] = 'Private <span class="smalltext">(Membership must be assigned)</span>';
$txt['membergroups_group_type_protected'] = 'Protected <span class="smalltext">(Only administrators can manage and assign)</span>';
$txt['membergroups_group_type_request'] = 'Requestable <span class="smalltext">(User may request membership)</span>';
$txt['membergroups_group_type_free'] = 'Free <span class="smalltext">(User may leave and join group at will)</span>';
$txt['membergroups_group_type_post'] = 'Post Based <span class="smalltext">(Membership based on post count)</span>';
$txt['membergroups_min_posts'] = 'Required posts';
$txt['membergroups_online_color'] = 'Color in online list';
$txt['membergroups_icon_count'] = 'Number of icon images';
$txt['membergroups_icon_image'] = 'Icon image filename';
$txt['membergroups_icon_image_note'] = 'You can upload custom images to the forum\'s default theme directory to be able to select them here. Different images can be used in different themes, just give them the same name.';
$txt['membergroups_icon_image_size'] = 'Max size allowed 128x32px';
$txt['membergroups_max_messages'] = 'Max personal messages';
$txt['membergroups_max_messages_note'] = '0 = unlimited';
$txt['membergroups_tfa_force'] = 'Force Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA) for this membergroup';
$txt['membergroups_tfa_force_note'] = 'Be sure to warn your users before you activate this!';
$txt['membergroups_edit_save'] = 'Save';
$txt['membergroups_delete'] = 'Delete';
$txt['membergroups_confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this group?';
$txt['membergroups_confirm_delete_mod'] = 'This group is assigned to moderate one or more boards. Are you sure you want to delete it?';
$txt['membergroups_swap_mod'] = 'This group is assigned to moderate one or more boards. Changing it to a post group will result in that group being dropped as moderator of those boards.';
$txt['membergroups_members_title'] = 'Viewing Group';
$txt['membergroups_members_group_members'] = 'Group Members';
$txt['membergroups_members_no_members'] = 'This group is currently empty';
$txt['membergroups_members_add_title'] = 'Add a member to this group';
$txt['membergroups_members_add_desc'] = 'List of Members to Add';
$txt['membergroups_members_add'] = 'Add Members';
$txt['membergroups_members_remove'] = 'Remove from Group';
$txt['membergroups_members_last_active'] = 'Last Active';
$txt['membergroups_members_additional_only'] = 'Add as additional group only.';
$txt['membergroups_members_group_moderators'] = 'Group Moderators';
$txt['membergroups_members_description'] = 'Description';
// Use javascript escaping in the below.
$txt['membergroups_members_deadmin_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you wish to remove yourself from the Administration group?';
$txt['membergroups_postgroups'] = 'Post groups';
$txt['membergroups_settings'] = 'Membergroup Settings';
$txt['groups_manage_membergroups'] = 'Groups allowed to change membergroups';
$txt['membergroups_select_permission_type'] = 'Select permission profile';
$txt['membergroups_images_url'] = 'Themes/default/images/membericons/';
$txt['membergroups_select_visible_boards'] = 'Show boards';
$txt['membergroups_members_top'] = 'Members';
$txt['membergroups_name'] = 'Name';
$txt['membergroups_icons'] = 'Icons';
$txt['admin_browse_approve'] = 'Members whose accounts are awaiting approval';
$txt['admin_browse_approve_desc'] = 'From here you can manage all members who are waiting to have their accounts approved.';
$txt['admin_browse_activate'] = 'Members whose accounts are awaiting activation';
$txt['admin_browse_activate_desc'] = 'This screen lists all the members who have still not activated their accounts at your forum.';
$txt['admin_browse_awaiting_approval'] = 'Awaiting Approval (%1$d)';
$txt['admin_browse_awaiting_activate'] = 'Awaiting Activation (%1$d)';
$txt['admin_browse_username'] = 'Username';
$txt['admin_browse_email'] = 'Email Address';
$txt['admin_browse_ip'] = 'IP Address';
$txt['admin_browse_registered'] = 'Registered';
$txt['admin_browse_id'] = 'ID';
$txt['admin_browse_with_selected'] = 'With selected';
$txt['admin_browse_no_members_approval'] = 'No members currently await approval.';
$txt['admin_browse_no_members_activate'] = 'No members currently have not activated their accounts.';
// Don't use entities in the below strings, except the main ones. (lt, gt, quot.)
$txt['admin_browse_warn'] = 'all selected members?';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding_warn'] = 'all affected members?';
$txt['admin_browse_w_approve'] = 'Approve';
$txt['admin_browse_w_activate'] = 'Activate';
$txt['admin_browse_w_delete'] = 'Delete';
$txt['admin_browse_w_reject'] = 'Reject';
$txt['admin_browse_w_remind'] = 'Remind';
$txt['admin_browse_w_approve_deletion'] = 'Approve (Delete Accounts)';
$txt['admin_browse_w_email'] = 'and send email';
$txt['admin_browse_no_email'] = '(no email)';
$txt['admin_browse_w_approve_require_activate'] = 'Approve and require activation';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_by'] = 'Filter By';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_show'] = 'Displaying';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_type_0'] = 'Unactivated new accounts';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_type_2'] = 'Unactivated email changes';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_type_3'] = 'Unapproved new accounts';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_type_4'] = 'Unapproved account deletions';
$txt['admin_browse_filter_type_5'] = 'Unapproved underage accounts';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding'] = 'Outstanding Members';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding_days_1'] = 'With all members who registered longer than';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding_days_2'] = 'days ago';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding_perform'] = 'Perform the following action';
$txt['admin_browse_outstanding_go'] = 'Perform Action';
$txt['check_for_duplicate'] = 'Check for duplicates';
$txt['dont_check_for_duplicate'] = 'Don\'t check for duplicates';
$txt['duplicates'] = 'Duplicates';
$txt['not_activated'] = 'Not activated';