
623 lines
20 KiB

public init()
public loadAdminIndex()
public setAnnouncements()
public showCurrentVersion()
public checkUpdateAvailable()
public init()
public loadViewVersions
public swapOption(oSendingElement, sName)
public compareVersions(sCurrent, sTarget)
public determineVersions()
// Handle the JavaScript surrounding the admin and moderation center.
function smf_AdminIndex(oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
smf_AdminIndex.prototype.init = function ()
window.adminIndexInstanceRef = this;
var fHandlePageLoaded = function () {
smf_AdminIndex.prototype.loadAdminIndex = function ()
// Load the text box containing the latest news items.
if (this.opt.bLoadAnnouncements)
// Load the current SMF and your SMF version numbers.
if (this.opt.bLoadVersions)
// Load the text box that sais there's a new version available.
if (this.opt.bLoadUpdateNotification)
smf_AdminIndex.prototype.setAnnouncements = function ()
if (!('smfAnnouncements' in window) || !('length' in window.smfAnnouncements))
var sMessages = '';
for (var i = 0; i < window.smfAnnouncements.length; i++)
sMessages += this.opt.sAnnouncementMessageTemplate.replace('%href%', window.smfAnnouncements[i].href).replace('%subject%', window.smfAnnouncements[i].subject).replace('%time%', window.smfAnnouncements[i].time).replace('%message%', window.smfAnnouncements[i].message);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById(this.opt.sAnnouncementContainerId), this.opt.sAnnouncementTemplate.replace('%content%', sMessages));
smf_AdminIndex.prototype.showCurrentVersion = function ()
if (!('smfVersion' in window))
var oSmfVersionContainer = document.getElementById(this.opt.sSmfVersionContainerId);
var oYourVersionContainer = document.getElementById(this.opt.sYourVersionContainerId);
setInnerHTML(oSmfVersionContainer, window.smfVersion);
var sCurrentVersion = getInnerHTML(oYourVersionContainer);
if (sCurrentVersion != window.smfVersion)
setInnerHTML(oYourVersionContainer, this.opt.sVersionOutdatedTemplate.replace('%currentVersion%', sCurrentVersion));
smf_AdminIndex.prototype.checkUpdateAvailable = function ()
if (!('smfUpdatePackage' in window))
var oContainer = document.getElementById(this.opt.sUpdateNotificationContainerId);
// Are we setting a custom title and message?
var sTitle = 'smfUpdateTitle' in window ? window.smfUpdateTitle : this.opt.sUpdateNotificationDefaultTitle;
var sMessage = 'smfUpdateNotice' in window ? window.smfUpdateNotice : this.opt.sUpdateNotificationDefaultMessage;
setInnerHTML(oContainer, this.opt.sUpdateNotificationTemplate.replace('%title%', sTitle).replace('%message%', sMessage));
// Parse in the package download URL if it exists in the string.
document.getElementById('update-link').href = this.opt.sUpdateNotificationLink.replace('%package%', window.smfUpdatePackage);
oContainer.className = ('smfUpdateCritical' in window) ? 'errorbox' : 'noticebox';
function smf_ViewVersions (oOptions)
this.opt = oOptions;
this.oSwaps = {};
smf_ViewVersions.prototype.init = function ()
// Load this on loading of the page.
window.viewVersionsInstanceRef = this;
var fHandlePageLoaded = function () {
smf_ViewVersions.prototype.loadViewVersions = function ()
smf_ViewVersions.prototype.swapOption = function (oSendingElement, sName)
// If it is undefined, or currently off, turn it on - otherwise off.
this.oSwaps[sName] = !(sName in this.oSwaps) || !this.oSwaps[sName];
if (this.oSwaps[sName])
$("#" + sName).show(300);
$("#" + sName).hide(300);
// Unselect the link and return false.
return false;
smf_ViewVersions.prototype.compareVersions = function (sCurrent, sTarget)
var aVersions = aParts = new Array();
var aCompare = new Array(sCurrent, sTarget);
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// Clean the version and extract the version parts.
var sClean = aCompare[i].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '').replace(/2.0rc1-1/, '2.0rc1.1');
aParts = sClean.match(/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+|))?(?:\.)?(\d+|)(?:(alpha|beta|rc)(\d+|)(?:\.)?(\d+|))?(?:(dev))?(\d+|)/);
// No matches?
if (aParts == null)
return false;
// Build an array of parts.
aVersions[i] = [
aParts[1] > 0 ? parseInt(aParts[1]) : 0,
aParts[2] > 0 ? parseInt(aParts[2]) : 0,
aParts[3] > 0 ? parseInt(aParts[3]) : 0,
typeof(aParts[4]) == 'undefined' ? 'stable' : aParts[4],
aParts[5] > 0 ? parseInt(aParts[5]) : 0,
aParts[6] > 0 ? parseInt(aParts[6]) : 0,
typeof(aParts[7]) != 'undefined',
// Loop through each category.
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
// Is there something for us to calculate?
if (aVersions[0][i] != aVersions[1][i])
// Dev builds are a problematic exception.
// (stable) dev < (stable) but (unstable) dev = (unstable)
if (i == 3)
return aVersions[0][i] < aVersions[1][i] ? !aVersions[1][6] : aVersions[0][6];
else if (i == 6)
return aVersions[0][6] ? aVersions[1][3] == 'stable' : false;
// Otherwise a simple comparison.
return aVersions[0][i] < aVersions[1][i];
// They are the same!
return false;
smf_ViewVersions.prototype.determineVersions = function ()
var oHighYour = {
Sources: '??',
Default: '??',
Languages: '??',
Templates: '??',
Tasks: '??'
var oHighCurrent = {
Sources: '??',
Default: '??',
Languages: '??',
Templates: '??',
Tasks: '??'
var oLowVersion = {
Sources: false,
Default: false,
Languages: false,
Templates: false,
Tasks: false
var sSections = [
for (var i = 0, n = sSections.length; i < n; i++)
// Collapse all sections.
var oSection = document.getElementById(sSections[i]);
if (typeof(oSection) == 'object' && oSection != null) = 'none';
// Make all section links clickable.
var oSectionLink = document.getElementById(sSections[i] + '-link');
if (typeof(oSectionLink) == 'object' && oSectionLink != null)
oSectionLink.instanceRef = this;
oSectionLink.sSection = sSections[i];
oSectionLink.onclick = function () {
this.instanceRef.swapOption(this, this.sSection);
return false;
if (!('smfVersions' in window))
window.smfVersions = {};
for (var sFilename in window.smfVersions)
if (!document.getElementById('current' + sFilename))
var sYourVersion = getInnerHTML(document.getElementById('your' + sFilename));
var sCurVersionType;
for (var sVersionType in oLowVersion)
if (sFilename.substr(0, sVersionType.length) == sVersionType)
sCurVersionType = sVersionType;
if (typeof(sCurVersionType) != 'undefined')
if ((this.compareVersions(oHighYour[sCurVersionType], sYourVersion) || oHighYour[sCurVersionType] == '??') && !oLowVersion[sCurVersionType])
oHighYour[sCurVersionType] = sYourVersion;
if (this.compareVersions(oHighCurrent[sCurVersionType], smfVersions[sFilename]) || oHighCurrent[sCurVersionType] == '??')
oHighCurrent[sCurVersionType] = smfVersions[sFilename];
if (this.compareVersions(sYourVersion, smfVersions[sFilename]))
oLowVersion[sCurVersionType] = sYourVersion;
document.getElementById('your' + sFilename).className = 'alert';
else if (this.compareVersions(sYourVersion, smfVersions[sFilename]))
oLowVersion[sCurVersionType] = sYourVersion;
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('current' + sFilename), smfVersions[sFilename]);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('your' + sFilename), sYourVersion);
if (!('smfLanguageVersions' in window))
window.smfLanguageVersions = {};
for (sFilename in window.smfLanguageVersions)
for (var i = 0; i < this.opt.aKnownLanguages.length; i++)
if (!document.getElementById('current' + sFilename + this.opt.aKnownLanguages[i]))
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('current' + sFilename + this.opt.aKnownLanguages[i]), smfLanguageVersions[sFilename]);
sYourVersion = getInnerHTML(document.getElementById('your' + sFilename + this.opt.aKnownLanguages[i]));
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('your' + sFilename + this.opt.aKnownLanguages[i]), sYourVersion);
if ((this.compareVersions(oHighYour.Languages, sYourVersion) || oHighYour.Languages == '??') && !oLowVersion.Languages)
oHighYour.Languages = sYourVersion;
if (this.compareVersions(oHighCurrent.Languages, smfLanguageVersions[sFilename]) || oHighCurrent.Languages == '??')
oHighCurrent.Languages = smfLanguageVersions[sFilename];
if (this.compareVersions(sYourVersion, smfLanguageVersions[sFilename]))
oLowVersion.Languages = sYourVersion;
document.getElementById('your' + sFilename + this.opt.aKnownLanguages[i]).style.color = 'red';
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('yourSources'), oLowVersion.Sources ? oLowVersion.Sources : oHighYour.Sources);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('currentSources'), oHighCurrent.Sources);
if (oLowVersion.Sources)
document.getElementById('yourSources').className = 'alert';
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('yourDefault'), oLowVersion.Default ? oLowVersion.Default : oHighYour.Default);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('currentDefault'), oHighCurrent.Default);
if (oLowVersion.Default)
document.getElementById('yourDefault').className = 'alert';
if (document.getElementById('Templates'))
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('yourTemplates'), oLowVersion.Templates ? oLowVersion.Templates : oHighYour.Templates);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('currentTemplates'), oHighCurrent.Templates);
if (oLowVersion.Templates)
document.getElementById('yourTemplates').className = 'alert';
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('yourLanguages'), oLowVersion.Languages ? oLowVersion.Languages : oHighYour.Languages);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('currentLanguages'), oHighCurrent.Languages);
if (oLowVersion.Languages)
document.getElementById('yourLanguages').className = 'alert';
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('yourTasks'), oLowVersion.Tasks ? oLowVersion.Tasks : oHighYour.Tasks);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('currentTasks'), oHighCurrent.Tasks);
if (oLowVersion.Tasks)
document.getElementById('yourTasks').className = 'alert';
function addNewWord()
setOuterHTML(document.getElementById('moreCensoredWords'), '<div style="margin-top: 1ex;"><input type="text" name="censor_vulgar[]" size="30"> => <input type="text" name="censor_proper[]" size="30"><' + '/div><div id="moreCensoredWords"><' + '/div>');
function toggleBBCDisabled(section, disable)
elems = document.getElementById(section).getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
if (typeof(elems[i].name) == "undefined" || (elems[i].name.substr((section.length + 1), (elems[i].name.length - 2 - (section.length + 1))) != "enabledTags") || (elems[i].name.indexOf(section) != 0))
elems[i].disabled = disable;
document.getElementById("bbc_" + section + "_select_all").disabled = disable;
function updateInputBoxes()
curType = document.getElementById("field_type").value;
privStatus = document.getElementById("private").value;
document.getElementById("max_length_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("max_length_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("dimension_dt").style.display = curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("dimension_dd").style.display = curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("bbc_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("bbc_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("options_dt").style.display = curType == "select" || curType == "radio" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("options_dd").style.display = curType == "select" || curType == "radio" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("default_dt").style.display = curType == "check" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("default_dd").style.display = curType == "check" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("mask_dt").style.display = curType == "text" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("mask").style.display = curType == "text" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("can_search_dt").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" || curType == "select" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("can_search_dd").style.display = curType == "text" || curType == "textarea" || curType == "select" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("regex_div").style.display = curType == "text" && document.getElementById("mask").value == "regex" ? "" : "none";
document.getElementById("display").disabled = false;
// Cannot show this on the topic
if (curType == "textarea" || privStatus >= 2)
document.getElementById("display").checked = false;
document.getElementById("display").disabled = true;
function addOption()
setOuterHTML(document.getElementById("addopt"), '<br><input type="radio" name="default_select" value="' + startOptID + '" id="' + startOptID + '"><input type="text" name="select_option[' + startOptID + ']" value=""><span id="addopt"></span>');
//Create a named element dynamically - thanks to:
function createNamedElement(type, name, customFields)
var element = null;
if (!customFields)
customFields = "";
// Try the IE way; this fails on standards-compliant browsers
element = document.createElement("<" + type + ' name="' + name + '" ' + customFields + ">");
catch (e)
if (!element || element.nodeName != type.toUpperCase())
// Non-IE browser; use canonical method to create named element
element = document.createElement(type); = name;
return element;
function smfSetLatestThemes()
if (typeof(window.smfLatestThemes) != "undefined")
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById("themeLatest"), window.smfLatestThemes);
if (tempOldOnload)
function changeVariant(sVariant)
document.getElementById('variant_preview').src = oThumbnails[sVariant];
// The idea here is simple: don't refresh the preview on every keypress, but do refresh after they type.
function setPreviewTimeout()
if (previewTimeout)
previewTimeout = null;
previewTimeout = window.setTimeout("refreshPreview(true); previewTimeout = null;", 500);
function toggleDuration(toChange)
if (toChange == 'fixed')
document.getElementById("fixed_area").style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById("flexible_area").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("fixed_area").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("flexible_area").style.display = "inline";
function calculateNewValues()
var total = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
total += parseInt(document.getElementById('weight' + i + '_val').value);
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('weighttotal'), total);
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
setInnerHTML(document.getElementById('weight' + i), (Math.round(1000 * parseInt(document.getElementById('weight' + i + '_val').value) / total) / 10) + '%');
function switchType()
document.getElementById("ul_settings").style.display = document.getElementById("method-existing").checked ? "none" : "";
document.getElementById("ex_settings").style.display = document.getElementById("method-upload").checked ? "none" : "";
function swapUploads()
$('.upload_more input').prop('disabled', function(i, v) { return !v; });
$('.upload_sameall input').prop('disabled', function(i, v) { return !v; });
function selectMethod(element)
document.getElementById("method-existing").checked = element != "upload";
document.getElementById("method-upload").checked = element == "upload";
function updatePreview(filename, filepath)
var currentImage = document.getElementById("preview");
var relative_url;
if (typeof filepath == 'undefined' || filepath == null || filepath == '')
relative_url = "/" + filename;
relative_url = "/" + filepath + "/" + filename;
// Make sure no sneaky people are trying to be sneaky
var regex = new RegExp("^/(" + smf_smiley_sets.split(",").join("|") + ")/[^.]+\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|tiff|svg)$");
var is_valid = relative_url.match(regex);
if (is_valid !== null)
currentImage.src = smf_smileys_url + relative_url;
function testFTP()
// What we need to post.
var oPostData = {
0: "ftp_server",
1: "ftp_port",
2: "ftp_username",
3: "ftp_password",
4: "ftp_path"
var sPostData = "";
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
sPostData = sPostData + (sPostData.length == 0 ? "" : "&") + oPostData[i] + "=" + escape(document.getElementById(oPostData[i]).value);
// Post the data out.
sendXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=admin;area=packages;sa=ftptest;xml;' + smf_session_var + '=' + smf_session_id, sPostData, testFTPResults);
function expandFolder(folderIdent, folderReal)
// See if it already exists.
var possibleTags = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
var foundOne = false;
for (var i = 0; i < possibleTags.length; i++)
if (possibleTags[i].id.indexOf("content_" + folderIdent + ":-:") == 0)
possibleTags[i].style.display = possibleTags[i].style.display == "none" ? "" : "none";
foundOne = true;
// Got something then we're done.
if (foundOne)
return false;
// Otherwise we need to get the wicked thing.
else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
getXMLDocument(smf_prepareScriptUrl(smf_scripturl) + 'action=admin;area=packages;onlyfind=' + escape(folderReal) + ';sa=perms;xml;' + smf_session_var + '=' + smf_session_id, onNewFolderReceived);
// Otherwise reload.
return true;
return false;
function dynamicExpandFolder()
expandFolder(this.ident, this.path);
return false;
function repeatString(sString, iTime)
if (iTime < 1)
return '';
return sString + repeatString(sString, iTime - 1);
function select_in_category(cat_id, elem, brd_list)
for (var brd in brd_list)
document.getElementById(elem.value + '_brd' + brd_list[brd]).checked = true;
elem.selectedIndex = 0;
* Attachments Settings
function toggleSubDir ()
var auto_attach = document.getElementById('automanage_attachments');
var use_sub_dir = document.getElementById('use_subdirectories_for_attachments');
var dir_elem = document.getElementById('basedirectory_for_attachments');
use_sub_dir.disabled = !Boolean(auto_attach.selectedIndex);
if (use_sub_dir.disabled)
{ = "none";
document.getElementById('setting_use_subdirectories_for_attachments') = "none"; = "none";
document.getElementById('setting_basedirectory_for_attachments') = "none";
{ = "";
document.getElementById('setting_use_subdirectories_for_attachments') = ""; = "";
document.getElementById('setting_basedirectory_for_attachments') = "";
function toggleBaseDir ()
var auto_attach = document.getElementById('automanage_attachments');
var sub_dir = document.getElementById('use_subdirectories_for_attachments');
var dir_elem = document.getElementById('basedirectory_for_attachments');
if (auto_attach.selectedIndex == 0)
dir_elem.disabled = 1;
dir_elem.disabled = !sub_dir.checked;