The file `` contains configuration informations about paths to sources, executables and to the building destinations. It details all the variables which can be set. Be aware that it shouldn’t be modified, as it can receive new variables in the future needed for the script to work and concerns only example files included with the script. Moreover it is handled by git for new versions and any changes you make would be erased by new pull of the script. To specify dedicated values to any variable, you should copy its line definition to a new file in the same folder, called ``. Like this, you will keep your local configuration files in the future with new versions of the script. You will have to do it at least to take in charge your personal data and not the `example` content given.
These are the adress of the substance automation toolkit binaries. Note you can use former variables defined sooner in the file, like it is done in the `--includes` section of MAKESBSAR.
This variable is needed to recognize the files created as bitmaps from the substance source, it must include all the identifiers used in all the graphs, separated by a pipe and no space. It is used as regexp rule in the script.
Theses are the places where the script will generate the final png files. It will be the main repository used as reference to fill hereafter all the targets needed in any package needed.
You have to define also a blender file directory where you will store the files used to generate previews of texturesets. They will be handled vie the `material_list.json` file indicated in the following section. They will have to be organized a special way to function, see later.
The `BLENDEREXEC` variable is the path to the binary used to generate the preview. It must be compatible with the version used to save the renders files.
The path to the json file used to manage all the metadata linked to texturesets and proper management of the content generated by the script. It must comply to a specific organisation and content to work properly.
-`type` is the subfolder name in `BLENDFILES_FOLDER` in the `` file the blender files used to generate the rpeviews are stored
-`format` is the format of the texture, square or rectangular, it must be either "10,10" for normal 1024x1024 files, "9,10" for 512x1024 and "10,9" for 1024x512
-`destination_1024` is the folders names list where to copy the generated textrues files in 1024x1024, it can be left with an empty field if non-relevant.
-`destination_512` is the folders names list where to copy the generated textrues files in 512x512, it can be left with an empty field if non-relevant.
-`destination_256` is the folders names list where to copy the generated textrues files in 256x256, it can be left with an empty field if non-relevant.