adding walk animation

This commit is contained in:
AleaJactaEst 2023-12-12 00:19:21 +01:00
parent 30a21b688a
commit cda9e76f79
8 changed files with 198 additions and 131 deletions

View file

@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ func _physics_process(_delta):
if !movement_script.input_is_moving:
Global.msg_info("Idle", [])
elif movement_script.gait == Global.GAIT.WALKING and movement_script.input_is_moving:
Global.msg_info("Walk", [])
#set("parameters/InAir/blend_amount" , 0.5)

View file

@ -315,18 +315,22 @@ var pose_warping_instance =
func _process(delta):
Global.msg_info("delta: %f", [delta])
var orientation_warping_condition = rotation_mode != Global.ROTATION_MODE.VELOCITY_DIRECTION and \
movement_state == Global.MOVEMENT_STATE.GROUNDED and \
movement_action == Global.MOVEMENT_ACTION.NONE and \
gait != Global.GAIT.SPRINTING and \
Global.msg_info("orientation_warping_condition:%s", [str(orientation_warping_condition)])
pose_warping_instance.orientation_warping( orientation_warping_condition,camera_root.HObject,animation_velocity,skeleton_ref,"Hips",["Spine","Spine1","Spine2"],0.0,delta)
func _physics_process(delta):
Global.msg_info("delta: %f", [delta])
aim_rate_h = abs((camera_root.HObject.rotation.y - previous_aim_rate_h) / delta)
previous_aim_rate_h = camera_root.HObject.rotation.y
@ -378,7 +382,16 @@ func _physics_process(delta):
#------------------ Gravity ------------------#
if is_flying == false and character_node is CharacterBody3D:
character_node.velocity.y = lerp(character_node.velocity.y,vertical_velocity.y - character_node.get_floor_normal().y,delta * gravity)
Global.msg_info("ID:%d velocity:%s", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity)])
var collided = character_node.move_and_slide()
Global.msg_info("ID:%d velocity:%s collided:%s" , [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity), str(collided)])
if character_node.velocity.x * character_node.velocity.x + character_node.velocity.z * character_node.velocity.z > 0.5:
input_is_moving = true
Global.msg_info("ID:%d distance^2:%s true", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity.x * character_node.velocity.x + character_node.velocity.z * character_node.velocity.z )])
input_is_moving = false
Global.msg_info("ID:%d distance^2:%s false", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity.x * character_node.velocity.x + character_node.velocity.z * character_node.velocity.z )])
if ground_check.is_colliding() and is_flying == false:
movement_state = Global.MOVEMENT_STATE.GROUNDED
@ -571,18 +584,22 @@ func add_movement_input(direction: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO, Speed: float = 0, Acc
if is_flying == false:
character_node.velocity.x = lerp(character_node.velocity.x,(direction*max_speed).x,Acceleration/(max_speed if max_speed != 0 else (abs(character_node.velocity.x) if character_node.velocity.x != 0 else 1.0))*get_physics_process_delta_time())
character_node.velocity.z = lerp(character_node.velocity.z,(direction*max_speed).z,Acceleration/(max_speed if max_speed != 0 else (abs(character_node.velocity.z) if character_node.velocity.z != 0 else 1.0))*get_physics_process_delta_time())
Global.msg_info("ID:%d velocity:%s", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity)])
character_node.velocity = character_node.velocity.lerp((direction*max_speed),Acceleration/(max_speed if max_speed != 0 else character_node.velocity.x if character_node.velocity.x != 0 else 1.0)*get_physics_process_delta_time())
var body_collided = character_node.move_and_slide()
Global.msg_info("ID:%d body_collided:%s", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(body_collided)])
# Get the velocity from the character node
Global.msg_info("ID:%d velocity:%s", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity)])
var character_node_velocity = character_node.velocity if character_node is CharacterBody3D else character_node.linear_velocity
input_velocity = direction*max_speed if character_node is CharacterBody3D else velocity
movement_direction = atan2(input_velocity.x,input_velocity.z)
input_is_moving = input_velocity.length() > 0.0
#input_is_moving = input_velocity.length() > 0.0
input_acceleration = Acceleration * direction * (1 if max_speed != 0 else -1)
Global.msg_info("ID:%d velocity:%s input_velocity:%s direction:%s input_acceleration:%s character_node_velocity:%s", [character_node.get_node("PlayerNetworkingComponent").id, str(character_node.velocity), str(input_velocity.length()), str(direction), str(input_acceleration), str(character_node_velocity)])
actual_acceleration = (character_node_velocity - PrevVelocity) / (get_physics_process_delta_time())
PrevVelocity = character_node_velocity
@ -601,6 +618,7 @@ func add_movement_input(direction: Vector3 = Vector3.ZERO, Speed: float = 0, Acc
func calc_animation_data(): # it is used to modify the animation data to get the wanted animation result
Global.msg_info("actual_velocity:%s" , [str(actual_velocity)])
animation_is_moving_backward_relative_to_camera = false if -actual_velocity.rotated(Vector3.UP,-camera_root.HObject.transform.basis.get_euler().y).z >= -0.1 else true
animation_velocity = actual_velocity
# a method to make the character' anim walk backward when moving left

View file

func map_range_clamped(value,InputMin,InputMax,OutputMin,OutputMax):
value = clamp(value,InputMin,InputMax)
return ((value - InputMin) / (InputMax - InputMin) * (OutputMax - OutputMin) + OutputMin)
func get_time_text() -> String:
var time = Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system()
return "%s/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % [
time['year'], time['month'], time['day'],
time['hour'], time['minute'], time['second'],
func get_time_only_text() -> String:
var time = Time.get_datetime_dict_from_system()
return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % [
time['hour'], time['minute'], time['second'],
func msg_debug(format_string:String, array_text:Array) -> void:
var formattage = "%s DEBUG [%s:%d] " + format_string
var frame = get_stack()[1]
var param = [get_time_text(), frame.source, frame.line]
print( formattage % param )
func msg_info(format_string:String, array_text:Array) -> void:
var formattage = "%s INFO [%s:%d] " + format_string
var frame = get_stack()[1]
var param = [get_time_text(), frame.source, frame.line]
print( formattage % param )
func msg_error(format_string:String, array_text:Array) -> void:
var formattage = "%s ERROR [%s:%d] " + format_string
var frame = get_stack()[1]
var param = [get_time_text(), frame.source, frame.line]
print( formattage % param )

View file

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ func _physics_process(_delta):
direction = Vector3(Input.get_action_strength("ui_right") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_left"),
remap(v_rotation,-PI/2,PI/2,-1.0,1.0) if character_component.is_flying == true else 0.0,
Input.get_action_strength("ui_down") - Input.get_action_strength("ui_up"))
Global.msg_debug("h_rotation:%s", [str(h_rotation)])
direction = direction.rotated(Vector3.UP,h_rotation).normalized()
if character_component.gait == Global.GAIT.SPRINTING :
character_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_component.current_movement_data.sprint_speed,character_component.current_movement_data.sprint_acceleration)

View file

@ -12,30 +12,14 @@ class_name PlayerNetworkingComponent
@export var player_ref:CharacterBody3D
#var sync_camera_h_transform : Transform3D
#var sync_camera_v_transform : Transform3D
#var sync_view_mode : Global.VIEW_MODE = Global.VIEW_MODE.THIRD_PERSON
#var sync_CameraHOffset : float
#var sync_position : Vector3:
# set(value):
# sync_position = value
# processed_position = false
#var sync_mesh_rotation : Vector3
#var sync_direction : Vector3
#var sync_input_is_moving : bool
#var sync_gait : Global.GAIT = Global.GAIT.WALKING
#var sync_rotation_mode : Global.ROTATION_MODE = Global.ROTATION_MODE.VELOCITY_DIRECTION
#var sync_stance : Global.STANCE = Global.STANCE.STANDING
#var sync_movement_state : Global.MOVEMENT_STATE = Global.MOVEMENT_STATE.GROUNDED
#var sync_movement_action : Global.MOVEMENT_ACTION = Global.MOVEMENT_ACTION.NONE
#var sync_velocity : Vector3
#var processed_position : bool
var save_rot:Vector3
var tick:int = 0
var jump:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var tickjump: int = 0
var target_pos:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var target_rot:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var target_vol:Vector3 = Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
@export var id:int = 0:
@ -44,11 +28,6 @@ var tickjump: int = 0
id = value
func _ready():
func set_id(value:int) -> void:
id = value
@ -58,46 +37,47 @@ func is_local_authority() -> bool:
return true
return id == Multi.get_id()
#return str(get_parent().name).to_int() == Multi.get_id()
# if multiplayer.multiplayer_peer is OfflineMultiplayerPeer:
# return true
# else:
# return str(get_parent().name).to_int() == multiplayer.get_unique_id()
#sync player on clients
func _physics_process(_delta):
# if !is_local_authority():
# if not processed_position:
# PlayerRef.character_node.position = sync_position
# processed_position = true
# PlayerRef.mesh_ref.rotation = sync_mesh_rotation
# PlayerRef.input_direction = sync_direction
# PlayerRef.gait = sync_gait
# PlayerRef.stance = sync_stance
# PlayerRef.rotation_mode = sync_rotation_mode
# PlayerRef.camera_root.VObject.transform = sync_camera_v_transform
# PlayerRef.camera_root.HObject.transform = sync_camera_h_transform
# PlayerRef.camera_root.view_mode = sync_CameraHOffset
# PlayerRef.camera_root.CameraHOffset = sync_CameraHOffset
# PlayerRef.movement_state = sync_movement_state
# PlayerRef.movement_action = sync_movement_action
## PlayerRef.velocity = sync_velocity
# PlayerRef.input_is_moving = sync_input_is_moving
# return
# sync_position = PlayerRef.character_node.position
# sync_mesh_rotation = PlayerRef.mesh_ref.rotation
# sync_direction = PlayerRef.input_direction
# sync_gait = PlayerRef.gait
# sync_stance = PlayerRef.stance
# sync_rotation_mode = PlayerRef.rotation_mode
# sync_camera_h_transform = PlayerRef.camera_root.HObject.transform
# sync_camera_v_transform = PlayerRef.camera_root.VObject.transform
# sync_movement_state = PlayerRef.movement_state
# sync_movement_action = PlayerRef.movement_action
# sync_input_is_moving = PlayerRef.input_is_moving
# sync_view_mode = PlayerRef.camera_root.view_mode
# sync_CameraHOffset = PlayerRef.camera_root.CameraHOffset
func _process(delta):
if is_local_authority():
var diffpos = target_pos - get_my_position()
if target_pos == get_my_position():
Global.msg_info("delta:%f diffpos:%s", [delta, str(diffpos)])
#character_movement_component.input_is_moving = false
Global.msg_info("delta:%f target_pos:%s get_my_position:%s diffpos:%s", [delta, str(target_pos), str(get_my_position), str(diffpos)])
#character_movement_component.input_is_moving = true
var diffrot = target_rot - get_my_rotation()
var direction = Vector3(diffpos.x,
#var h_rotation = -diffrot.y
#print(diffrot,", ", target_rot , ", ", get_my_rotation())
# .get_euler().y
# var hh:Basis = Basis.from_scale(diffrot)
# var h_rotation = hh.get_euler().y
# #print("hh:", hh, " -> ", h_rotation, " / ", diffrot)
# direction = direction.rotated(Vector3.UP,h_rotation).normalized()
#print("diffpos:", diffpos.x,", ", diffpos.z )
# if target_vol == Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0):
# var diffrot = target_rot - get_my_rotation()
# var h_rotation = diffrot.y
# direction = direction.rotated(Vector3.UP,h_rotation) #.normalized()
# print(diffrot,", ", target_rot , ", ", get_my_rotation())
# Rotation apply directly when we move the player on specific direction
if character_movement_component.gait == Global.GAIT.SPRINTING :
character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.sprint_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.sprint_acceleration)
elif character_movement_component.gait == Global.GAIT.RUNNING:
character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.run_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.run_acceleration)
character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.walk_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.walk_acceleration)
func get_my_position() -> Vector3:
#return $SpringArm3D/Camera3D.get_global_position()
@ -117,42 +97,68 @@ func update_player(ctick:int, pos:Vector3, rot:Vector3, extra:int, ctickjump:int
#print(tick, " - ", ctick)
if tick != ctick:
print("extra:", extra, " ctickjump:", ctickjump, " tickjump:", tickjump)
Global.msg_info("extra:%s ctickjump:%s tickjump:%s", [str(extra), str(ctickjump), str(tickjump)])
if extra & 1:
if tickjump == ctickjump:
print("Already Jump")
Global.msg_info("Already Jump", [])
tickjump = ctickjump - 1
print("Go Jump")
Global.msg_info("Go Jump", [])
elif tickjump == 0 or ground_check.is_colliding():
print("No Jump")
Global.msg_info("No Jump", [])
tickjump = 0
update_my_position(pos, rot)
print("Always Jump")
Global.msg_info("Always Jump", [])
tick = ctick
func set_my_position(pos:Vector3):
target_pos = pos
func set_my_position_onlyground(pos:Vector3):
var newpos:Vector3 = Vector3(pos.x, player_ref.get_global_position().y ,pos.z)
target_pos = newpos
func set_my_rotation(rot:Vector3):
save_rot = rot
print("Update ->" + str(rot), " ", mesh_ref.get_global_rotation())
Global.msg_info("Update %s %s", [str(rot), str(mesh_ref.get_global_rotation())])
#$CharacterMovementComponent.input_direction = rot
target_rot = rot
func update_my_position(pos:Vector3, rot:Vector3):
# if target_pos == pos:
# # input_is_moving
# character_movement_component.input_is_moving = false
# else:
# target_pos = pos
# character_movement_component.input_is_moving = true
target_pos = pos
target_rot = rot
# var diffpos = get_my_position() - pos
# var diffrot = get_my_rotation() - rot
# var direction = Vector3(diffpos.x,
# 0.0,
# diffpos.z)
# var h_rotation = 0.0 #diffrot.y
# direction = direction.rotated(Vector3.UP,h_rotation).normalized()
# if character_movement_component.gait == Global.GAIT.SPRINTING :
# character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.sprint_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.sprint_acceleration)
# elif character_movement_component.gait == Global.GAIT.RUNNING:
# character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.run_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.run_acceleration)
# else:
# character_movement_component.add_movement_input(direction, character_movement_component.current_movement_data.walk_speed,character_movement_component.current_movement_data.walk_acceleration)
# pass
func is_jump() -> bool:
return jump != Vector3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ var previous_direction : float
var orientation_direction : float
var cleared_override : bool = true
func orientation_warping(enabled:bool,CameraObject, Velocity:Vector3, skeleton_ref:Skeleton3D, Hip :String= "Hips", Spines :Array[String]= ["Spine","Spine1","Spine2"], Offset := 0.0, delta :float= 1.0, turn_rate :float= 10.0):
print("orientation_warping:", enabled, Velocity)
if !enabled and !cleared_override:
for bone in Spines:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ func orientation_warping(enabled:bool,CameraObject, Velocity:Vector3, skeleton_r
cleared_override = true
if is_equal_approx(Velocity.length(),0.0) or !enabled:
print("orientation_warping:", enabled, Velocity)
cleared_override = false
var CameraAngle :Quaternion = Quaternion(Vector3(0,1,0),atan2(-CameraObject.transform.basis.z.z, -CameraObject.transform.basis.z.x))
var VelocityAngle :Quaternion = Quaternion(Vector3(0,1,0),atan2(Velocity.z, Velocity.x))

View file

@ -443,43 +443,43 @@ bones/0/name = "Hips"
bones/0/parent = -1
bones/0/rest = Transform3D(0.544576, -0.0348814, -0.837986, 0.0102475, 0.999337, -0.0349382, 0.838649, 0.0104393, 0.544573, -0.000172998, 0.901879, -0.00179914)
bones/0/enabled = true
bones/0/position = Vector3(0.00143195, 0.927915, -0.0079528)
bones/0/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0357771, -0.368661, -0.0133609, 0.928779)
bones/0/position = Vector3(0.00389837, 0.928049, -0.00602487)
bones/0/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0391011, -0.368189, -0.0150829, 0.928806)
bones/0/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/1/name = "Spine"
bones/1/parent = 0
bones/1/rest = Transform3D(0.99963, -0.0129189, 0.0239171, 0.01122, 0.997494, 0.0698543, -0.0247596, -0.0695601, 0.99727, 4.88944e-09, 0.0992349, -0.0122733)
bones/1/enabled = true
bones/1/position = Vector3(4.88944e-09, 0.0992349, -0.0122733)
bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0113365, 0.0401387, -0.00596219, 0.999112)
bones/1/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0108726, 0.0404716, -0.00604346, 0.999103)
bones/1/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/2/name = "Spine1"
bones/2/parent = 1
bones/2/rest = Transform3D(0.99985, -0.015446, 0.00786788, 0.0155655, 0.999761, -0.0153596, -0.00762876, 0.0154798, 0.999851, -2.79397e-09, 0.11732, 1.86265e-09)
bones/2/enabled = true
bones/2/position = Vector3(-2.79397e-09, 0.11732, 1.86265e-09)
bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.100411, 0.0813867, -0.00836724, 0.991577)
bones/2/rotation = Quaternion(0.0997442, 0.082279, -0.00839495, 0.99157)
bones/2/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/3/name = "Spine2"
bones/3/parent = 2
bones/3/rest = Transform3D(0.999844, -0.014346, 0.0103258, 0.0156141, 0.990645, -0.135571, -0.00828427, 0.135711, 0.990714, -2.79397e-09, 0.134588, -2.51457e-08)
bones/3/enabled = true
bones/3/position = Vector3(-2.79397e-09, 0.134588, -2.51457e-08)
bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(0.159068, 0.0809206, -0.0132913, 0.983856)
bones/3/rotation = Quaternion(0.159392, 0.081618, -0.0133636, 0.983745)
bones/3/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/4/name = "Neck"
bones/4/parent = 3
bones/4/rest = Transform3D(0.968778, 0.12654, 0.213204, -0.00181599, 0.863542, -0.504273, -0.247921, 0.488142, 0.836811, 2.48197e-07, 0.150325, 0.00792907)
bones/4/enabled = true
bones/4/position = Vector3(2.48197e-07, 0.150325, 0.00792907)
bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.112373, -0.0103904, 0.00222294, 0.993609)
bones/4/rotation = Quaternion(0.114919, -0.010178, 0.00468797, 0.993312)
bones/4/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/5/name = "Head"
bones/5/parent = 4
bones/5/rest = Transform3D(0.840773, 0.330252, 0.428993, -0.33245, 0.940342, -0.0723432, -0.427291, -0.0817944, 0.900406, 5.58794e-09, 0.107895, 5.21541e-08)
bones/5/enabled = true
bones/5/position = Vector3(5.58794e-09, 0.107895, 5.21541e-08)
bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0271052, 0.163333, -0.065691, 0.984008)
bones/5/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0363743, 0.166472, -0.065152, 0.983219)
bones/5/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/6/name = "HeadTop_End"
bones/6/parent = 5
@ -507,42 +507,42 @@ bones/9/parent = 3
bones/9/rest = Transform3D(-0.250988, 0.959361, -0.128958, 0.025503, -0.126623, -0.991623, -0.967654, -0.252174, 0.0073142, 0.0610582, 0.0911044, 0.00705553)
bones/9/enabled = true
bones/9/position = Vector3(0.0610582, 0.0911044, 0.00705553)
bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.497759, -0.513046, 0.57276, -0.401206)
bones/9/rotation = Quaternion(-0.490893, -0.51949, 0.572894, -0.401182)
bones/9/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/10/name = "LeftArm"
bones/10/parent = 9
bones/10/rest = Transform3D(0.845869, -0.51692, -0.131522, 0.093338, 0.386222, -0.917671, 0.52516, 0.763954, 0.374941, 7.45058e-09, 0.129223, 3.95812e-08)
bones/10/enabled = true
bones/10/position = Vector3(7.45058e-09, 0.129223, 3.95812e-08)
bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(0.515817, -0.0858509, 0.145402, 0.839894)
bones/10/rotation = Quaternion(0.522702, -0.0838034, 0.146062, 0.835718)
bones/10/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/11/name = "LeftForeArm"
bones/11/parent = 10
bones/11/rest = Transform3D(0.138967, -0.989426, 0.0415226, 0.989436, 0.140472, 0.0358277, -0.0412816, 0.0361051, 0.998495, -4.47035e-08, 0.274229, -7.45058e-09)
bones/11/enabled = true
bones/11/position = Vector3(-4.47035e-08, 0.274229, -7.45058e-09)
bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0124189, 0.0913592, 0.438829, 0.893828)
bones/11/rotation = Quaternion(-0.0124027, 0.0923965, 0.440783, 0.892759)
bones/11/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/12/name = "LeftHand"
bones/12/parent = 11
bones/12/rest = Transform3D(0.746359, -0.304314, 0.591895, 0.184003, 0.949028, 0.255908, -0.639601, -0.0820888, 0.764311, 6.0536e-09, 0.276326, -1.49012e-08)
bones/12/enabled = true
bones/12/position = Vector3(6.0536e-09, 0.276326, -1.49012e-08)
bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.162514, 0.123735, -0.00727958, 0.97889)
bones/12/rotation = Quaternion(-0.159065, 0.12474, -0.00591672, 0.979338)
bones/12/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/13/name = "LeftHandMiddle1"
bones/13/parent = 12
bones/13/rest = Transform3D(0.98654, 0.118644, -0.112532, -0.118809, 0.0472127, -0.991794, -0.112357, 0.991814, 0.0606732, -3.12924e-07, 0.127755, -7.63685e-08)
bones/13/enabled = true
bones/13/position = Vector3(-3.12924e-07, 0.127755, -7.63685e-08)
bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.13037, 0.00599438, -0.0844302, 0.987846)
bones/13/rotation = Quaternion(0.127762, 0.00538911, -0.0820117, 0.988394)
bones/13/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/14/name = "LeftHandMiddle2"
bones/14/parent = 13
bones/14/rest = Transform3D(0.980685, 0.110739, -0.161229, -0.112737, -0.353585, -0.928584, -0.159838, 0.928824, -0.334271, -7.45058e-09, 0.0361397, -5.21541e-08)
bones/14/enabled = true
bones/14/position = Vector3(-7.45058e-09, 0.0361397, -5.21541e-08)
bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.190038, -0.00131373, 0.0143656, 0.981671)
bones/14/rotation = Quaternion(0.192651, -0.00133348, 0.0146574, 0.981157)
bones/14/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/15/name = "LeftHandMiddle3"
bones/15/parent = 14
@ -563,14 +563,14 @@ bones/17/parent = 12
bones/17/rest = Transform3D(0.922249, -0.296379, 0.248225, 0.374682, 0.843413, -0.385056, -0.0952333, 0.448123, 0.888885, -0.0300309, 0.0378879, 0.0216701)
bones/17/enabled = true
bones/17/position = Vector3(-0.0300309, 0.0378879, 0.0216701)
bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(0.291686, 0.115333, 0.180333, 0.932254)
bones/17/rotation = Quaternion(0.285273, 0.112836, 0.189884, 0.932648)
bones/17/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/18/name = "LeftHandThumb2"
bones/18/parent = 17
bones/18/rest = Transform3D(0.793061, 0.491162, -0.360297, -0.562049, 0.818065, -0.121947, 0.234851, 0.299216, 0.924832, 1.19209e-07, 0.0474499, -2.44938e-07)
bones/18/enabled = true
bones/18/position = Vector3(1.19209e-07, 0.0474499, -2.44938e-07)
bones/18/rotation = Quaternion(-0.00411358, 0.00146638, -0.00217558, 0.999988)
bones/18/rotation = Quaternion(-0.00753822, 0.000718374, -0.000678567, 0.999971)
bones/18/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/19/name = "LeftHandThumb3"
bones/19/parent = 18
@ -591,14 +591,14 @@ bones/21/parent = 12
bones/21/rest = Transform3D(0.983723, 0.142189, -0.109869, -0.119058, 0.0577917, -0.991204, -0.134589, 0.988151, 0.0737798, -0.0282207, 0.122666, 0.00231682)
bones/21/enabled = true
bones/21/position = Vector3(-0.0282207, 0.122666, 0.00231682)
bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(0.0377731, -0.00650335, 0.059875, 0.99747)
bones/21/rotation = Quaternion(0.0348681, -0.00576536, 0.0612172, 0.997499)
bones/21/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/22/name = "LeftHandIndex2"
bones/22/parent = 21
bones/22/rest = Transform3D(0.978949, 0.10384, -0.175717, -0.111366, -0.44972, -0.8862, -0.171047, 0.887113, -0.428688, 1.11759e-07, 0.0389198, -5.96046e-08)
bones/22/enabled = true
bones/22/position = Vector3(1.11759e-07, 0.0389198, -5.96046e-08)
bones/22/rotation = Quaternion(0.143053, -0.000724524, -0.00683952, 0.989691)
bones/22/rotation = Quaternion(0.144788, -0.000764184, -0.0066249, 0.98944)
bones/22/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/23/name = "LeftHandIndex3"
bones/23/parent = 22
@ -619,14 +619,14 @@ bones/25/parent = 12
bones/25/rest = Transform3D(0.991492, 0.0540781, -0.118406, -0.118263, -0.00584495, -0.992965, -0.0543897, 0.99852, 0.000600219, 0.0221662, 0.12147, -9.90927e-05)
bones/25/enabled = true
bones/25/position = Vector3(0.0221662, 0.12147, -9.90927e-05)
bones/25/rotation = Quaternion(0.269868, -0.0131448, -0.128811, 0.954152)
bones/25/rotation = Quaternion(0.267954, -0.0146211, -0.12692, 0.954923)
bones/25/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/26/name = "LeftHandRing2"
bones/26/parent = 25
bones/26/rest = Transform3D(0.981497, 0.113181, -0.154445, -0.116659, -0.286137, -0.951061, -0.151835, 0.951481, -0.267639, -3.72529e-08, 0.036012, -1.11759e-07)
bones/26/enabled = true
bones/26/position = Vector3(-3.72529e-08, 0.036012, -1.11759e-07)
bones/26/rotation = Quaternion(0.275482, 0.00166645, 0.024367, 0.960996)
bones/26/rotation = Quaternion(0.278215, 0.00169665, 0.024531, 0.960204)
bones/26/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/27/name = "LeftHandRing3"
bones/27/parent = 26
@ -647,14 +647,14 @@ bones/29/parent = 12
bones/29/rest = Transform3D(0.991785, 0.0101279, -0.127516, -0.126197, -0.0855001, -0.988314, -0.0209122, 0.996287, -0.0835196, 0.0472581, 0.109082, 0.00226384)
bones/29/enabled = true
bones/29/position = Vector3(0.0472581, 0.109082, 0.00226384)
bones/29/rotation = Quaternion(0.293644, -0.0140354, -0.162692, 0.941864)
bones/29/rotation = Quaternion(0.293867, -0.0155742, -0.160387, 0.942166)
bones/29/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/30/name = "LeftHandPinky2"
bones/30/parent = 29
bones/30/rest = Transform3D(0.989305, 0.129006, -0.068066, -0.049097, -0.144898, -0.988228, -0.13735, 0.981001, -0.137015, -5.96046e-08, 0.0413669, -1.49012e-08)
bones/30/enabled = true
bones/30/position = Vector3(-5.96046e-08, 0.0413669, -1.49012e-08)
bones/30/rotation = Quaternion(0.336771, 0.0112496, 0.0499057, 0.940196)
bones/30/rotation = Quaternion(0.339094, 0.0113469, 0.0499297, 0.939358)
bones/30/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/31/name = "LeftHandPinky3"
bones/31/parent = 30
@ -675,42 +675,42 @@ bones/33/parent = 3
bones/33/rest = Transform3D(-0.214833, -0.949432, 0.228968, -0.0511495, -0.223182, -0.973434, 0.975311, -0.220837, -0.000616074, -0.061057, 0.0911053, 0.00705566)
bones/33/enabled = true
bones/33/position = Vector3(-0.061057, 0.0911053, 0.00705566)
bones/33/rotation = Quaternion(0.54632, -0.476333, 0.539727, 0.428178)
bones/33/rotation = Quaternion(0.545181, -0.477421, 0.54105, 0.426746)
bones/33/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/34/name = "RightArm"
bones/34/parent = 33
bones/34/rest = Transform3D(0.555382, 0.714901, -0.424814, -0.786414, 0.285417, -0.547804, -0.270377, 0.63832, 0.720724, -2.23517e-08, 0.129223, 9.12696e-08)
bones/34/enabled = true
bones/34/position = Vector3(-2.23517e-08, 0.129223, 9.12696e-08)
bones/34/rotation = Quaternion(0.505162, 0.0951769, 0.0782442, 0.854184)
bones/34/rotation = Quaternion(0.508153, 0.0927225, 0.0794923, 0.852563)
bones/34/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/35/name = "RightForeArm"
bones/35/parent = 34
bones/35/rest = Transform3D(-0.491194, 0.870247, -0.0374029, -0.870282, -0.488505, 0.0630281, 0.0365786, 0.0635101, 0.997311, 7.45058e-09, 0.274776, -3.72529e-08)
bones/35/enabled = true
bones/35/position = Vector3(7.45058e-09, 0.274776, -3.72529e-08)
bones/35/rotation = Quaternion(0.0511988, -0.0332968, -0.427183, 0.9021)
bones/35/rotation = Quaternion(0.050896, -0.0446304, -0.427534, 0.901461)
bones/35/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/36/name = "RightHand"
bones/36/parent = 35
bones/36/rest = Transform3D(0.953663, 0.121098, 0.275431, -0.18063, 0.962538, 0.202223, -0.240624, -0.242603, 0.939811, 7.45058e-09, 0.276868, 5.96046e-08)
bones/36/enabled = true
bones/36/position = Vector3(7.45058e-09, 0.276868, 5.96046e-08)
bones/36/rotation = Quaternion(0.0895564, -0.0133844, -0.0306963, 0.995419)
bones/36/rotation = Quaternion(0.108232, -0.0212631, -0.0664199, 0.991677)
bones/36/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/37/name = "RightHandMiddle1"
bones/37/parent = 36
bones/37/rest = Transform3D(0.986308, -0.119644, 0.1135, 0.119813, 0.0469439, -0.991686, 0.113321, 0.991706, 0.060636, 3.50177e-07, 0.127755, -8.9407e-08)
bones/37/enabled = true
bones/37/position = Vector3(3.50177e-07, 0.127755, -8.9407e-08)
bones/37/rotation = Quaternion(0.111048, 0.00852446, 0.0246454, 0.993473)
bones/37/rotation = Quaternion(0.111075, 0.00853949, 0.0245702, 0.993472)
bones/37/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/38/name = "RightHandMiddle2"
bones/38/parent = 37
bones/38/rest = Transform3D(0.980361, -0.111685, 0.162538, 0.114835, -0.346749, -0.930902, 0.160328, 0.931285, -0.327114, 6.70552e-08, 0.0361398, -1.02445e-07)
bones/38/enabled = true
bones/38/position = Vector3(6.70552e-08, 0.0361398, -1.02445e-07)
bones/38/rotation = Quaternion(0.263623, 0.00141069, -0.0170597, 0.964474)
bones/38/rotation = Quaternion(0.275223, 0.00146608, -0.0181236, 0.961208)
bones/38/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/39/name = "RightHandMiddle3"
bones/39/parent = 38
@ -731,14 +731,14 @@ bones/41/parent = 36
bones/41/rest = Transform3D(0.940404, 0.29207, -0.174168, -0.340048, 0.811489, -0.475239, 0.00253238, 0.506143, 0.862446, 0.0300309, 0.037888, 0.0216703)
bones/41/enabled = true
bones/41/position = Vector3(0.0300309, 0.037888, 0.0216703)
bones/41/rotation = Quaternion(0.20241, 0.0252121, -0.226323, 0.952456)
bones/41/rotation = Quaternion(0.202969, 0.0244192, -0.227887, 0.951985)
bones/41/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/42/name = "RightHandThumb2"
bones/42/parent = 41
bones/42/rest = Transform3D(0.793791, -0.608189, -0.00159446, 0.595053, 0.777184, -0.204689, 0.125729, 0.161531, 0.978826, -1.2666e-07, 0.0474498, -2.68221e-07)
bones/42/enabled = true
bones/42/position = Vector3(-1.2666e-07, 0.0474498, -2.68221e-07)
bones/42/rotation = Quaternion(0.00651027, 0.00153038, 0.182748, 0.983137)
bones/42/rotation = Quaternion(0.00486645, 0.00160173, 0.18191, 0.983302)
bones/42/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/43/name = "RightHandThumb3"
bones/43/parent = 42
@ -759,14 +759,14 @@ bones/45/parent = 36
bones/45/rest = Transform3D(0.978763, -0.172845, 0.110213, 0.120904, 0.0525683, -0.991271, 0.165542, 0.983545, 0.0723496, 0.0282207, 0.122666, 0.00231693)
bones/45/enabled = true
bones/45/position = Vector3(0.0282207, 0.122666, 0.00231693)
bones/45/rotation = Quaternion(0.0409998, 0.0101246, 0.00925276, 0.999065)
bones/45/rotation = Quaternion(0.0391944, 0.00984211, 0.0102551, 0.999131)
bones/45/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/46/name = "RightHandIndex2"
bones/46/parent = 45
bones/46/rest = Transform3D(0.978593, -0.104714, 0.177172, 0.106914, -0.476935, -0.872412, 0.175853, 0.872679, -0.45553, 1.49012e-07, 0.0389196, -8.75443e-08)
bones/46/enabled = true
bones/46/position = Vector3(1.49012e-07, 0.0389196, -8.75443e-08)
bones/46/rotation = Quaternion(0.147023, 0.000183992, 0.00969325, 0.989086)
bones/46/rotation = Quaternion(0.147248, 0.000201449, 0.0096723, 0.989052)
bones/46/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/47/name = "RightHandIndex3"
bones/47/parent = 46
@ -787,14 +787,14 @@ bones/49/parent = 36
bones/49/rest = Transform3D(0.991829, -0.0281871, 0.124419, 0.122843, -0.0520322, -0.991061, 0.0344089, 0.998247, -0.0481446, -0.0221661, 0.12147, -9.89214e-05)
bones/49/enabled = true
bones/49/position = Vector3(-0.0221661, 0.12147, -9.89214e-05)
bones/49/rotation = Quaternion(0.187197, -0.00854229, 0.0673535, 0.979973)
bones/49/rotation = Quaternion(0.193095, -0.00802056, 0.0665567, 0.978887)
bones/49/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/50/name = "RightHandRing2"
bones/50/parent = 49
bones/50/rest = Transform3D(0.982662, -0.117406, 0.143498, 0.122607, -0.169092, -0.977944, 0.139081, 0.978583, -0.151765, -7.45058e-09, 0.036012, 0)
bones/50/enabled = true
bones/50/position = Vector3(-7.45058e-09, 0.036012, 0)
bones/50/rotation = Quaternion(0.32012, -0.00234603, -0.0341757, 0.946758)
bones/50/rotation = Quaternion(0.326044, -0.00239119, -0.0346764, 0.944715)
bones/50/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/51/name = "RightHandRing3"
bones/51/parent = 50
@ -815,14 +815,14 @@ bones/53/parent = 36
bones/53/rest = Transform3D(0.989897, 0.0602255, 0.128364, 0.133612, -0.0931972, -0.986642, -0.0474579, 0.993824, -0.100302, -0.047258, 0.109082, 0.00226358)
bones/53/enabled = true
bones/53/position = Vector3(-0.047258, 0.109082, 0.00226358)
bones/53/rotation = Quaternion(0.207007, -0.0111384, 0.0920153, 0.973939)
bones/53/rotation = Quaternion(0.207052, -0.0111279, 0.0918627, 0.973944)
bones/53/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/54/name = "RightHandPinky2"
bones/54/parent = 53
bones/54/rest = Transform3D(0.983236, -0.118306, 0.138749, 0.122507, -0.134994, -0.983244, 0.135054, 0.983758, -0.118237, -2.98023e-08, 0.0413665, 4.24334e-08)
bones/54/enabled = true
bones/54/position = Vector3(-2.98023e-08, 0.0413665, 4.24334e-08)
bones/54/rotation = Quaternion(0.348766, -0.0121456, -0.0690418, 0.934584)
bones/54/rotation = Quaternion(0.354908, -0.0124523, -0.0694377, 0.932236)
bones/54/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/55/name = "RightHandPinky3"
bones/55/parent = 54
@ -843,28 +843,28 @@ bones/57/parent = 0
bones/57/rest = Transform3D(-0.919821, -0.336213, -0.202214, 0.264978, -0.912457, 0.311783, -0.289337, 0.233202, 0.928386, -0.0912445, -0.0665637, -0.000553781)
bones/57/enabled = true
bones/57/position = Vector3(-0.0912445, -0.0665637, -0.000553781)
bones/57/rotation = Quaternion(-0.124061, 0.026977, 0.983664, 0.127621)
bones/57/rotation = Quaternion(-0.124566, 0.0210016, 0.983558, 0.129059)
bones/57/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/58/name = "RightLeg"
bones/58/parent = 57
bones/58/rest = Transform3D(0.997811, 0.0392429, -0.0532304, 0.00932048, 0.713425, 0.70067, 0.0654722, -0.699632, 0.711497, 4.84288e-08, 0.405994, 2.6077e-08)
bones/58/enabled = true
bones/58/position = Vector3(4.84288e-08, 0.405994, 2.6077e-08)
bones/58/rotation = Quaternion(-0.3095, 0.0725584, -0.0193742, 0.947929)
bones/58/rotation = Quaternion(-0.305176, 0.0720621, -0.0197872, 0.949359)
bones/58/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/59/name = "RightFoot"
bones/59/parent = 58
bones/59/rest = Transform3D(0.96994, -0.122934, 0.210008, 0.229929, 0.180407, -0.95634, 0.0796801, 0.975879, 0.20325, -1.02445e-08, 0.42099, 9.31323e-09)
bones/59/enabled = true
bones/59/position = Vector3(-1.02445e-08, 0.42099, 9.31323e-09)
bones/59/rotation = Quaternion(0.600101, 0.0606315, 0.111678, 0.789767)
bones/59/rotation = Quaternion(0.598038, 0.0613792, 0.11325, 0.791048)
bones/59/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/60/name = "RightToeBase"
bones/60/parent = 59
bones/60/rest = Transform3D(0.999367, 6.43255e-05, 0.0355612, 0.0227211, 0.768109, -0.639916, -0.027356, 0.640319, 0.767622, -5.51563e-09, 0.16432, -1.09159e-07)
bones/60/enabled = true
bones/60/position = Vector3(-5.51563e-09, 0.16432, -1.09159e-07)
bones/60/rotation = Quaternion(0.354125, 0.0196769, 0.00434708, 0.934981)
bones/60/rotation = Quaternion(0.353885, 0.0205579, 0.00394168, 0.935055)
bones/60/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/61/name = "RightToe_End"
bones/61/parent = 60
@ -878,28 +878,28 @@ bones/62/parent = 0
bones/62/rest = Transform3D(-0.893651, 0.403296, 0.196826, -0.227377, -0.785047, 0.576195, 0.386895, 0.470164, 0.793258, 0.0912445, -0.0665636, -0.000553777)
bones/62/enabled = true
bones/62/position = Vector3(0.0912445, -0.0665636, -0.000553777)
bones/62/rotation = Quaternion(0.0782661, 0.218495, 0.966774, -0.107158)
bones/62/rotation = Quaternion(0.0778373, 0.215804, 0.967562, -0.105802)
bones/62/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/63/name = "LeftLeg"
bones/63/parent = 62
bones/63/rest = Transform3D(0.99576, 0.0029921, 0.0919402, -0.056273, 0.810456, 0.583091, -0.0727688, -0.585792, 0.807188, 5.12227e-08, 0.405994, -2.04891e-08)
bones/63/enabled = true
bones/63/position = Vector3(5.12227e-08, 0.405994, -2.04891e-08)
bones/63/rotation = Quaternion(-0.312501, 0.120641, -0.0389791, 0.941419)
bones/63/rotation = Quaternion(-0.314354, 0.12035, -0.038413, 0.940862)
bones/63/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/64/name = "LeftFoot"
bones/64/parent = 63
bones/64/rest = Transform3D(0.977802, 0.128039, -0.165856, -0.209522, 0.59104, -0.778956, -0.00170929, 0.796415, 0.604748, -2.04891e-08, 0.42099, 6.98492e-09)
bones/64/enabled = true
bones/64/position = Vector3(-2.04891e-08, 0.42099, 6.98492e-09)
bones/64/rotation = Quaternion(0.487968, -0.0228955, -0.0415773, 0.87157)
bones/64/rotation = Quaternion(0.488526, -0.0219716, -0.0398565, 0.871361)
bones/64/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/65/name = "LeftToeBase"
bones/65/parent = 64
bones/65/rest = Transform3D(0.999367, -0.000945242, -0.0355486, -0.0227206, 0.752033, -0.658734, 0.0273564, 0.659125, 0.751536, 3.66616e-08, 0.16432, -1.10293e-07)
bones/65/enabled = true
bones/65/position = Vector3(3.66616e-08, 0.16432, -1.10293e-07)
bones/65/rotation = Quaternion(0.359234, 2.77888e-05, -0.0292011, 0.93279)
bones/65/rotation = Quaternion(0.35771, 0.00236595, -0.0283402, 0.9334)
bones/65/scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1)
bones/66/name = "LeftToe_End"
bones/66/parent = 65
@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_ludfp")
skin = SubResource("Skin_0b2ap")
[node name="BoneAttachment3D" type="BoneAttachment3D" parent="Armature/Skeleton3D"]
transform = Transform3D(0.997627, -0.0675678, 0.0131945, 0.0633788, 0.826565, -0.559261, 0.0268818, 0.558771, 0.828886, -0.0236411, 1.49497, 0.113328)
transform = Transform3D(0.997696, -0.0650221, 0.0193827, 0.0651317, 0.837776, -0.542116, 0.0190112, 0.542129, 0.84008, -0.0180246, 1.49546, 0.113051)
bone_name = "Head"
bone_idx = 5

View file

@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ func get_event_received():
#for i in range(56,74):
# var tick1:int = data.decode_u8(2+i)
# print("tick ", i, " :", tick1)
print("MyID:", id)
print("id:", id, " tick:", tick, " x:", x, " y:", y, " z:", z)
Global.msg_info("ME - id:%d tick:%d x:%d y:%d z:%d", [id, tick, x, y, z])
update_my_position.emit(tick, Vector3(x, y, z), Vector3(rx, ry, rz))
#self.set_player_position(Vector3(x, y, z))
@ -180,13 +179,14 @@ func get_event_received():
if mid == id:
#print("Me id:", mid, " x:", mx, " y:", my, " z:", mz)
print(" id:", mid, " tick:", tick, " x:", mx, " y:", my, " z:", mz, " rx:", rx, " ry:", ry, " rz:", rz, " tickjump:", tickjump, " vx:", vx, " vy:", vy, " vz:", vz)
Global.msg_info("OTHER - id:%d tick:%d mx:%d my:%d mz:%d rx:%d ry:%d rz:%d tickjump:%d vx:%d vy:%d vz:%d", [mid, tick, mx, my ,mz ,rx, ry ,rz, tickjump, vx, vy ,vz])
#print(" id:", mid, " tick:", tick, " x:", mx, " y:", my, " z:", mz, " rx:", rx, " ry:", ry, " rz:", rz, " tickjump:", tickjump, " vx:", vx, " vy:", vy, " vz:", vz)
update_player_position.emit(mid, tick, Vector3(mx, my, mz), Vector3(rx, ry, rz), extra, tickjump, Vector3(vx, vy, vz))
var nbuserremove:int = data.get_u8()
for i in nbuserremove:
var mid = data.get_u64()
if mid == id:
print("Try to remove me :", mid)
Global.msg_info("Try to remove me : %d", [mid])
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func send_account():
var packed_array = username.to_ascii_buffer()
data += packed_array
print(username, " -> size:", data.size(), " / " , len(username) )
Global.msg_debug("%s -> size:%s / %d ", [ username, data.size(), len(username)] )
errorEnet = dataEnet.send(1, data, 1)
if errorEnet != OK:
print("ERROR ENET: ", errorEnet)
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ func get_player_position():
if player_position.is_jump():
print("Jump Jump")
Global.msg_debug("Jump Jump", [])
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func get_player_position():
if errorEnet == ERR_UNCONFIGURED:
elif errorEnet != OK:
print("ERROR ENET: ", errorEnet)
Global.msg_error("ERROR ENET: %s", [str(errorEnet)])