
8680 lines
455 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2015-11-05 08:30:56 +00:00

LanguageName [English]
//--------- R2ED -------------
// main containers
uiR2EDPalette [PALETTE]
uimR2EDMenuGroup [GROUP]
uimR2EDMenuUngroup [UNGROUP]
uimR2EDMenuDelete [DELETE]
uimR2EDMenuRotate [ROTATE]
uimR2EDMenuMove [MOVE]
uimR2EDMenuTeleport [TELEPORT]
uimR2EDMenuProperties [PROPERTIES]
uimR2EDMenuPickZone [WANDER]
uimR2EDMenuStandInPlace [STAND STILL]
uiR2EDMenuStandOnStartPoint [STAND AT START POINT]
uimR2EDMenuFollowRoute [FOLLOW ROUTE]
uimR2EDMenuPatrolRoute [PATROL]
uimR2EDMenuRepeatRoute [REPEAT ROUTE]
uimR2EDMenuSetAsGroupLeader [SET AS GROUP LEADER]
uimR2EDMenuDumpLuaTable [DUMP LUA TABLE]
uimR2EDMenuInspectLuaTable [INSPECT LUA TABLE]
uimR2EDMenuPermanentContent [PERMANENT]
uimR2EDMenuCurrentActContent [CURRENT ACT CONTENT]
uimR2EDMenuSaveDialogsAsText [DUMP DIALOGS AS TEXT]
uimR2EDMenuUpdateDialogsFromText [UPDATE DIALOGS FROM TEXT]
uiR2EdMissingRefsWarning [Warning: missing objects]
uiR2EDExportUserComponent [Save exported component as]
uiR2EDExportLoadUserComponent [Load a user component]
uiR2EDExportUnloadUserComponent [Unload a user component]
uimR2EDTooltipSelectMove [Select / Move]
uimR2EDTooltipSelectRotate [Select / Rotate]
uimR2EDTooltipUndo [Undo]
uimR2EDTooltipRedo [Redo]
uimR2EDTooltipTeleport [Teleport]
uimR2EDTooltipDisplayMode [Display Mode]
uimR2EDFreezeBotObjects [Freeze/Unfreeze bot objects]
uiR2EDLeftQuota [Left credit to add content to this act]
uiR2EDBaseAct [Permanent]
// palette entries
uiR2EDentities [Entities]
uiR2EDPlayers [Custom People]
uiR2EDNpc [People]
uiR2EDnpc [People]
uiR2EDNameBotObject [Bot object]
uiR2EDNameBotRoad [Route]
uiR2EDNameBotRegion [Place]
uiR2EDNameGroup [Group]
uiR2EDNameBandit [Bandit]
uiR2EDNameBanditCamp [Bandit's Group]
uiR2EDNameBanditCampFeature [Bandit's camp]
uiR2EDNameWanderRegion [Wander zone]
uiR2EDLowLevel [Low]
uiR2EDAverageLevel [Average]
uiR2EDHighLevel [High]
uiR2EDVeryHighLevel [Very High]
uiR2EDWalk [Walk]
uiR2EDRun [Run]
uiR2EDSpeed [Usual speed]
uiNPCguard1 [GUARD_1]
uiNPCguard2 [GUARD_2]
uiCampFire [CAMP FIRE]
uiBandit1 [BANDIT_1]
uiLuaInspector [LUA_INSPECTOR]
uiR2EDScenario [Scenario]
uiR2EDRules [Rules]
uiR2EDMastered [Mastered]
uiR2EDMasterless [Masterless]
uiR2EDRateTime [Time Rating Enabled]
uiR2EDRateScore [Score Rating Enabled]
uiR2EDAutostart [Autostart scoring]
uiR2EDTimeLimit [Time Limit]
//uiR2EDTabEntities [Entities]
//uiR2EDTabGeo [Geo]
//uiR2EDTabFeatures [Features]
//uiR2EDTabDebug [Debug]
uiR2EDTabEntities []
uiR2EDTabGeo []
uiR2EDTabFeatures []
uiR2EDTabDebug [Misc]
uiR2EDtooltipDrawRoad [Trace New Route]
uiR2EDtooltipDrawRegion [Trace New Place]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureBanditCamp [Bandit camp]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureZoneTrigger [Zone Trigger]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureKitinsLair [Create Kitin Lair]
uiR2EDProperties [Properties]
uiRE2DPropertiesOf [Properties of ]
// behavior
uimR2EDNewActivity [New activity]
//uimR2EDSelectBehavior [Set Initial Behaviour]
//uimR2EDSelectGroupBehavior [Set group Initial Behaviour]
uimR2EDStandingInPlace [Standing still]
uimR2EDFollowingRoad [Following route : ]
uimR2EDWanderingInRegion [Wandering in : ]
uimR2EDPatrolingRoute [Patroling : ]
uimR2EDRepeatRoad [Repeat route : ]
uimR2EDTooltipGoTest [Launch Test]
uimR2EDTooltipGoEdition [Return to edit mode]
uiR2EDConnexion [Connection]
uimR2EDGoToDMMode [Launching]
uimR2EDGoToEditingMode [Returning to Editor]
uiR2EDUploadScenario [Uploading]
uiR2EDR2StartTestError [Scenario Error]
uiR2EDR2WaitUploadScenario [Awaiting Upload]
uimR2EDSelectParent [Select : ]
uiR2EDbotObjects [Scenery Objects]
uiJar2 [Jar 2]
uiR2EDbotObjJar [jar]
uiR2EDbotObjJar3 [3 jars]
uiR2EDbotObjJarFallen [fallen jar]
uiR2EDbotObjChest [chest]
uiR2EDbotObjChestOld [old chest]
uiR2EDbotObjChariot [chariot]
uiR2EDbotObjChariotWorking [working chariot]
uiR2EDbotObjCampFire [camp fire]
uiR2EDbotObjCampfireOut [dead camp fire]
uiR2EDbotObjFireBase [fire base]
uiR2EDbotObjCounter [counter]
uiR2EDbotObjStreetLamp [street lamp]
uiR2EDbotObjStreetLampOff [street lamp off]
uiR2EDbotObjCampfireOff [dead camp fire]
uiR2EDbotObjflameCourage [flame of courage]
uiR2EDbotObjflameJustice [flame of justice]
uiR2EDbotObjflameDiscipline [flame of discipline]
uiR2EDbotObjflameTruth [flame of truth]
uiR2EDbotObjConstructionSite [building under construction]
uiR2EDbotObjGenericHall [small hall of fame]
uiR2EDbotObjBarrels3 [3 barrels]
uiR2EDbotObjBarrel1 [barrel]
uiR2EDbotObjCrate3 [3 crates]
uiR2EDbotObjCrate1 [crate]
uiR2EDbotObjBarrelBroken1 [broken barrels]
uiR2EDbotObjHallOfFame [hall of fame]
uiR2EDbotObjKamiWatchtowerOff [kami watchtower]
uiR2EDbotObjStatueMaduk [Ma Duk statue]
uiR2EDbotObjStatueJena [Jena statue]
uiR2EDbotObjTomb1 [tomb stone 1]
uiR2EDbotObjTomb2 [tomb stone 2]
uiR2EDbotObjTomb3 [tomb stone 3]
uiR2EDbotObjTomb4 [tomb stone 4]
uiR2EDbotObjTomb5 [tomb stone 5]
uiR2EDbotObjBagA [bag 1]
uiR2EDbotObjBagB [bag 2]
uiR2EDbotObjPack1 [pack 1]
uiR2EDbotObjPack2 [pack 2]
uiR2EDbotObjPack3 [pack 3]
uiR2EDbotObjPack4 [pack 4]
uiR2EDbotObjPack5 [pack 5]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantMeleeFyros [fyros melee sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRangeFyros [fyros range sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantArmorFyros [fyros armor sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRMFyros [fyros raw materials sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantToolFyros [fyros tool sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantFocusFyros [fyros focus sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantHaircutFyros [fyros haircut sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantTatooFyros [fyros tatoo sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBijouxFyros [fyros jewels sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantMeleeMatis [matis melee sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRangeMatis [matis range sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantArmorMatis [matis armor sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRMMatis [matis raw materials sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantToolMatis [matis tool sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantFocusMatis [matis focus sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantHaircutMatis [matis haircut sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantTatooMatis [matis tatoo sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBijouxMatis [matis jewels sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBarMatis [matis bar sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantMeleeTryker [tryker melee sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRangeTryker [tryker range sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantArmorTryker [tryker armor sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRMTryker [tryker raw materials sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantToolTryker [tryker tool sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantFocusTryker [tryker focus sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantHaircutTryker [tryker haircut sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantTatooTryker [tryker tatoo sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBijouxTryker [tryker jewels sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantMeleeZorai [zoraï melee sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRangeZorai [zoraï range sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantArmorZorai [zoraï armor sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantRMZorai [zoraï raw materials sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantToolZorai [zoraï tool sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantFocusZorai [zoraï focus sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantHaircutZorai [zoraï haircut sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantTatooZorai [zoraï tatoo sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBijouxZorai [zoraï jewels sign]
uiR2EDbotObjMerchantBarZorai [zoraï bar sign]
uiR2EDbotObjRoadsign [roadsign]
uiR2EDbotObjRoadsignFyros [fyros roadsign]
uiR2EDbotObjRoadsignZorai [zoraï roadsign]
uiR2EDbotObjRoadsignTryker [tryker roadsign]
uiR2EDbotObjMilestone [milestone]
uiR2EDbotObjTotemPachyderm [pachyderm totem]
uiR2EDbotObjTotemKitin [kitin totem]
uiR2EDbotObjTotemBird [bird totem]
uiR2EDbotObjRunicCircle [runic circle]
uiR2EDbotObjTent [tent]
uiR2EDbotObjTentFyros [fyros tent]
uiR2EDbotObjTentMatis [matis tent]
uiR2EDbotObjTentTryker [tryker tent]
uiR2EDbotObjTentZorai [zoraï tent]
uiR2EDbotObjTentCosmetics [cosmetics tent]
uiR2EDbotObjHut [hut]
uiR2EDbotObjPaddock [paddock]
uiR2EDbotObjStele [stele]
uiR2EDbotObjWindTurbine [wind turbine]
uiR2EDbotObjWatchTower [watch tower]
uiR2EDbotObjTowerRuin [tower ruin]
uiR2EDbotObjRuinWall [wall ruin 1]
uiR2EDbotObjRuinWallB [wall ruin 2]
uiR2EDbotObjHouseRuin [house ruin]
uiR2EDbotObjBannerKami [kami banner]
uiR2EDbotObjTotemKami [kami totem]
uiR2EDbotObjKamiStandard [kami standard]
uiR2EDbotObjKamiHut [kami hut]
uiR2EDbotObjKamiWatchtower [kami watchtower]
uiR2EDbotObjKamiAltar [kami altar]
uiR2EDbotObjBannerKaravan [karavan banner]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanStandard [karavan standard]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanTent [karavan tent]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanBigWall [karavan big wall]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanWall [karavan wall]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanMirador [karavan mirador]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanGateway [karavan gateway]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanDevice [karavan device]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanWatchtowerOff [karavan watchtower]
uiR2EDbotObjKaravanAltar [karavan altar]
uiR2EDbotObjKitinEgg [kitin egg]
uiR2EDbotObjSpotKitin [kitin mound]
uiR2EDbotObjSpotGoo [goo spot]
uiR2EDbotObjSpotGooOff [goo spot off]
uiR2EDbotObjStump [large stump]
uiR2EDbotObjLandslideDesert [desert landslide]
uiR2EDbotObjLandslideJungle [jungle landslide]
uiR2EDbotObjLandslideLake [lake landslide]
uiR2EDbotObjVegetableWall [living wall]
uiR2EDbotObjVegetableGateway [living gateway]
uiR2EDbotObjBarrier [barrier]
uiR2EDbotObjBarrierT [barrier(T)]
uiR2EDbotObjCarrionMammal [mammal carrion]
uiR2EDbotObjCarrionInsect [insect carrion]
uiR2EDbotObjGiantSkull [giant skull]
uiR2EDbotObjCarapaceBul [carapace 1]
uiR2EDbotObjCarapace2 [carapace 2]
uiR2EDbotObjBones [bones 1]
uiR2EDbotObjBonesB [bones 2]
uiR2EDbotObjBonesHominA [bones 1]
uiR2EDbotObjBonesHominB [bones 2]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyFyrosH [fyros body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyFyrosF [fyros body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyMatisH [matis body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyMatisF [matis body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyTrykerH [tryker body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyTrykerF [tryker body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyZoraiH [zoraï body]
uiR2EDbotObjHominBodyZoraiF [zoraï body]
uiR2EDbotObjFoMilestone [milestone]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBaobabA [botoga I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBaobabB [botoga II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBaobabC [botoga III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeA [bothaya I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeB [bothaya II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeC [bothaya III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeD [bothaya IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeGrowthA [bothaya growth I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyBurnedTreeGrowthB [bothaya growth II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyCoconutsA [olash I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyCoconutsB [olash II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyLoveJailA [loojine I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyLoveJailB [loojine II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyLoveJailC [loojine III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPalmTreeA [olansi I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPalmTreeB [olansi II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPalmTreeC [olansi III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPalmTreeD [olansi IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPalmTreeE [olansi V]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPapaLeafA [papalexi I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyPapaLeafB [papalexi II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFySavanTreeA [savaniel I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFySavanTreeB [savaniel II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFySavanTreeC [savaniel III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyTermitiereA [termitary I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyTermitiereB [termitary II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyTermitiereC [termitary III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFyTermitiereD [termitary IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoArbraGrelotA [salina I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoArbraGrelotB [salina II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoArbraGrelotC [salina III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoGiantTree [dorotea]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoGiantTrunk [dorotea trunk]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBigRootA [crolice I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBigRootB [crolice II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBigRootC [crolice III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBigTree [dorio]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoSpikeTree [alinea]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBirchA [angelio I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoBirchB [angelio II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoThornBush [irena]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoMushroomA [fongice I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoMushroomB [fongice II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoFern [arino]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeFoTree [salinerio]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuBambooA [bamboo I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuBambooB [bamboo II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuCanopyTree [dorao]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuBigTree [batao]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuYoungTree [jayazeng]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuBananaTree [alezao]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuBushTree [olao]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuDeadTree [stump]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuFanTree [faneng]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuFern [arino]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuPlant [araj]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuFatPlant [arinish]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeJuTree [salvo]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrBambooA [bamboo I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrBambooB [bamboo II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrKelpA [kelper I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrKelpB [kelper II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrFloatMush [fonger]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrLoknessA [weeding I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrLoknessB [weeding II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrLoknessC [weeding III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrMangroveA [manhart I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrMangroveB [manhart II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrNenuflyA [flyners I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrNenuflyB [flyners II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeA [olansi I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeB [olansi II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeC [olansi III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeD [olansi IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeE [olansi V]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrPalmTreeF [olansi VI]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrSailTree [saily]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrWigWeed [wigweed]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrAquaBoleA [deepers I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrAquaBoleB [deepers II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrAquaFeatherA [feater I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrAquaFeatherB [feater II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrAquaFeatherC [feater III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrFlowerA [flowy I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrFlowerB [flowy II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrFlowerC [flowy III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrTrumpetA [trumperer I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrTrumpetB [trumperer II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrTrumpetC [trumperer III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreeTrTrumpetD [trumperer IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrLumiseedA [lumindra I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrLumiseedB [lumindra II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrLumiseedC [lumindra III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrLumiseedD [lumindra IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrRotaFloreA [rotoa I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrRotaFloreB [rotoa II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrRotaFloreC [rotoa III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrMycotreeA [fungao I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrMycotreeB [fungao II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPlanipushesA [plun I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPlanipushesB [plun II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPlanipushesC [plun III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPlanipushesD [plun IV]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrToopetzA [topha I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrToopetzB [topha II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrToopetzC [topha III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrAmoebaA [dziku I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrAmoebaB [dziku II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrAmoebaC [dziku III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrCokamoolA [cocoa I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrCokamoolB [cocoa II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrCokamoolC [cocoa III]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPloomWeedA [plumash I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrPloomWeedB [plumash II]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrSmallLumiseedA [lulumindra I]
uiR2EDbotObjTreePrSmallLumiseedB [lulumindra II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFishe [fish]
uiR2EDbotObjFxCanyon [stone fall]
uiR2EDbotObjFxCricketA [crickets]
uiR2EDbotObjFxSandblastA [sandblast I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxSandblastB [sandblast II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBirdA [high flying birds]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFirewave [firewave]
uiR2EDbotObjFxDeFishes [fishes]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGeyser [geyser]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGeyserFumee [geyser smoke]
uiR2EDbotObjFxKrevette [shrimp]
uiR2EDbotObjFxDeScorpion2 [scorpion]
uiR2EDbotObjFxDeSerpent [serpent]
uiR2EDbotObjFxVapeurs [smoke]
uiR2EDbotObjFxVer [worm]
uiR2EDbotObjFxWaterSerpent [water serpent]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoBugsA [grey bugs]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoBugsB [fireflies]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoBugsC [small butterflies]
uiR2EDbotObjFxColibrisB [hummingbird]
uiR2EDbotObjFxPollen [yellow pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoSolbirthA [exploding pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoSolbirthB [blown leaves]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoSolbirthC [red pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTreeFallA [forest tree fall I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTreeFallB [forest tree fall II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTreeFallC [forest tree fall III]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTreeFallD [forest tree fall IV]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTreeFallE [forest tree fall V]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoFishes [fishes]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoFlower [flower]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoJuSerpent [serpent]
uiR2EDbotObjFxPollen2 [yellow pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxSandblastaDesert [sandblast I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxSandblastDesert [sandblast II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxScorpion [scorpion]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFeuForet [fire]
uiR2EDbotObjFxDeFlower [flower]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGooInsect [goo infested carcass I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGooMamal [goo infested carcass II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGooSmoke [goo smoke]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBatA [bats]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuBugsA [butterflies]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuBugsB [dragonflies I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxDragonfly [dragonflies II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGhostA [ghost I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGhostB [ghost II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuSolbirthA [fog]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuSolbirthB [light pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuSolbirthC [incandescent green pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuSolbirthD [colorful pollen]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuTreeFallA [jungle tree fall I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuTreeFallB [jungle tree fall II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuTreeFallC [jungle tree fall III]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuTreeFallD [jungle tree fall IV]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBibubirdB [bibubirds]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBirds [high flying birds]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBirdsB [high flying birds I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBirdsC [high flying birds II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBrumes [fog I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBrumesB [fog II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFee [faery]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGeyser4A [geyser I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGeyser4B [geyser II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGeyser4C [geyser III]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGrenouille3 [frogs I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGrenouille3B [frogs II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGrenouille3C [frogs III]
uiR2EDbotObjFxRatsC [rats]
uiR2EDbotObjFxRotasecte [rotasects I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxRotasecteB [rotasects II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuFoScorpion2 [scorpion]
uiR2EDbotObjFxFoTaupe [mole]
uiR2EDbotObjFxJuFoVent [wind]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaBirds [high flying birds I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaBirdsB [high flying birds II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaSerpent [snake I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaSerpentSub [snake II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaTaupe [mole]
uiR2EDbotObjFxLaVent [wind]
uiR2EDbotObjFxBibubirdB2 [bibubirds]
uiR2EDbotObjFxGrenouilleC3 [frogs]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrColibris [hummingbird]
uiR2EDbotObjFxCricketAqua [crickets]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrDragonflyA [dragonflies I]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrDragonflyB [dragonflies II]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrFishes [fish]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrFishesB [fish]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrFishesC [fish]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrSerpent [snake]
uiR2EDbotObjFxTrPollen [yellow pollen]
uiR2EDclutter [Clutter]
uiR2EDcivilian_clutter [Civilian Clutter]
uiR2EDgraveyard_clutter [Graveyard]
uiR2EDbags_and_packs [Bags and Packs]
uiR2EDroad_signs [Signs]
uiR2EDroad_signs_fyros [Fyros Signs]
uiR2EDroad_signs_matis [Matis Signs]
uiR2EDroad_signs_tryker [Tryker Signs]
uiR2EDroad_signs_zorai [Zoraï Signs]
uiR2EDroad_signs_others [Other Signs]
uiR2EDtotems [Totems]
uiR2EDtents [Tents]
uiR2EDbuildings [Buildings]
uiR2EDruins [Ruins]
uiR2EDkami [Kami]
uiR2EDkaravan [Karavan]
uiR2EDkitin [Kitin]
uiR2EDgoo [Goo]
uiR2EDobstacles [Obstacles]
uiR2EDcarcasses [Carcasses]
uiR2EDcarcasses_creature [Creatures]
uiR2EDcarcasses_homin [Homins]
uiR2EDfytrees [Desert Plants]
uiR2EDfotrees [Forest Plants]
uiR2EDjutrees [Jungle Plants]
uiR2EDtrtrees [Lakeland Plants]
uiR2EDprtrees [Prime Roots Plants]
uiR2EDenveffects [Environment Effects]
uiR2EDminilife [Micro-Life]
uiR2EDnpcbis [New bandits]
uiR2EDmaxtest [Test]
uiR2EDcivillight [Civils]
uiR2EDguard [Guards]
uiR2EDguardmelee [Melee]
uiR2EDguardranged [Ranged]
uiR2EDhealer [Healers]
uiR2EDlightmelee [Light Melee]
uiR2EDlightranged [Light Ranged]
uiR2EDmagicaoe [Area of Effect Magic]
uiR2EDmagicaoebasic [Basic Spells]
uiR2EDmagicaoeracial [Racial Spells]
uiR2EDmagiccurser [Cursers]
uiR2EDmagiccurseratysianaffliction [Atysian Affliction]
uiR2EDmagiccursercelestialaffliction [Celestial Affliction]
uiR2EDmagicdamagedealer [Magic Damage Dealer]
uiR2EDmagicdamagedealerbasic [Basic Spells]
uiR2EDmagicdamagedealerracial [Racial Spells]
uiR2EDmeleedamagedealer [Melee Damage Dealer]
uiR2EDmeleetank [Melee Tank]
uiR2EDrangeddamagedealer [Ranged Damage Dealer]
uiR2EDrangedtank [Ranged Tank]
//------------- NPC Palette Entries for R2 ---------------------
// uiR2EDnpc_fyros_f [female fyros]
// uiR2EDnpc_fyros_h [male fyros]
// uiR2EDnpc_matis_f [female matis]
// uiR2EDnpc_matis_h [male matis]
// uiR2EDnpc_tryker_f [female tryker]
// uiR2EDnpc_tryker_h [male tryker]
// uiR2EDnpc_zorai_f [female zoraï]
// uiR2EDnpc_zorai_h [male zoraï]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_h [fyros-dressed civilian]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_h [matis-dressed civilian]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_h [tryker-dressed civilian]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_h [zoraï-dressed civilian]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_f_f [female fyros cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_f_f [female fyros cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_f_f [female fyros cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_f_f [female fyros cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_f_f [female fyros cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_f_f [female fyros cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_f_h [male fyros cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_f_h [male fyros cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_f_h [male fyros cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_f_h [male fyros cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_f_h [male fyros cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_f_h [male fyros cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_m_f [female matis cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_m_f [female matis cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_m_f [female matis cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_m_f [female matis cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_m_f [female matis cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_m_f [female matis cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_m_h [male matis cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_m_h [male matis cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_m_h [male matis cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_m_h [male matis cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_m_h [male matis cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_m_h [male matis cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_t_f [female tryker cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_t_f [female tryker cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_t_f [female tryker cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_t_f [female tryker cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_t_f [female tryker cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_t_f [female tryker cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_t_h [male tryker cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_t_h [male tryker cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_t_h [male tryker cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_t_h [male tryker cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_t_h [male tryker cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_t_h [male tryker cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_z_f [female zoraï cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_a_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_a_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (a)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_b_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_melee_c_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_b_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_cuthroat_b_range_c_z_h [male zoraï cut throat (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_b_f [female fyros light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_b_h [male fyros light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_c_f [female fyros light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_c_h [male fyros light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_d_f [female fyros light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_d_h [male fyros light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_e_f [female fyros light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_e_h [male fyros light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_f_f [female fyros light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_fyros_guard_l_f_h [male fyros light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_b_f [female matis light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_b_h [male matis light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_c_f [female matis light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_c_h [male matis light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_d_f [female matis light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_d_h [male matis light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_e_f [female matis light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_e_h [male matis light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_f_f [female matis light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_matis_guard_l_f_h [male matis light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_b_f [female tryker light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_b_h [male tryker light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_c_f [female tryker light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_c_h [male tryker light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_d_f [female tryker light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_d_h [male tryker light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_e_f [female tryker light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_e_h [male tryker light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_f_f [female tryker light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_tryker_guard_l_f_h [male tryker light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_b_f [female zoraï light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_b_h [male zoraï light guard (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_c_f [female zoraï light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_c_h [male zoraï light guard (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_d_f [female zoraï light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_d_h [male zoraï light guard (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_e_f [female zoraï light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_e_h [male zoraï light guard (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_f_f [female zoraï light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_zorai_guard_l_f_h [male zoraï light guard (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_mature_b [mature cute (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_mature_c [mature cute (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_mature_d [mature cute (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_mature_e [mature cute (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_mature_f [mature cute (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_venerable_b [venerable cute (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_venerable_c [venerable cute (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_venerable_d [venerable cute (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_venerable_e [venerable cute (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_venerable_f [venerable cute (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_weapon_b [weapon cute (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_weapon_c [weapon cute (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_weapon_d [weapon cute (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_weapon_e [weapon cute (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_cute_weapon_f [weapon cute (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_ancient_b [ancient frahar (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_ancient_c [ancient frahar (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_ancient_d [ancient frahar (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_ancient_e [ancient frahar (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_ancient_f [ancient frahar (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_patriarchal_b [patriarchal frahar (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_patriarchal_c [patriarchal frahar (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_patriarchal_d [patriarchal frahar (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_patriarchal_e [patriarchal frahar (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_patriarchal_f [patriarchal frahar (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_weapon_b [weapon frahar (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_weapon_c [weapon frahar (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_weapon_d [weapon frahar (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_weapon_e [weapon frahar (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_frahar_weapon_f [weapon frahar (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_old_b [old gibbaï (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_old_c [old gibbaï (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_old_d [old gibbaï (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_old_e [old gibbaï (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_old_f [old gibbaï (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_weapon_b [weapon gibbaï (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_weapon_c [weapon gibbaï (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_weapon_d [weapon gibbaï (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_weapon_e [weapon gibbaï (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_weapon_f [weapon gibbaï (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_wise_b [wise gibbaï (b)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_wise_c [wise gibbaï (c)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_wise_d [wise gibbaï (d)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_wise_e [wise gibbaï (e)]
uiR2EDnpc_npc_gibbay_wise_f [wise gibbaï (f)]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_b [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_c [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_d [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_e [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_f [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_2_g [Hairy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_b [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_c [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_d [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_e [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_f [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_3_g [Spectral Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_b [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_c [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_d [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_e [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_f [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_4_g [Ardent Genius]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_b [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_c [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_d [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_e [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_f [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guardian_k_g [Mossy Colossus]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_guide_k_g [spiritual guide]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_b [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_c [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_d [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_e [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_f [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_2_g [Obscure Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_b [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_c [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_d [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_e [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_f [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_3_g [Diaphanous Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_b [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_c [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_d [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_e [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_f [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_4_g [Burning Salamander]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_b [Horned Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_c [Horned Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_d [Horned Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_e [Horned Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_kami_preacher_f [Horned Faun]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f_b [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f_c [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f_d [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f_e [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_f_f [protector]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h_b [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h_c [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h_d [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h_e [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_guard_k_h_f [guard]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f_b [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f_c [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f_d [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f_e [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_f_f [voice of Jena]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h [emissary]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h_b [emissary]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h_c [emissary]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h_d [emissary]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h_e [emissary]
uiR2EDnpc_karavan_emissary_h_f [emissary]
uiR2EDcuthroats [Cut Throats]
uiR2EDfyros_cutthroats [Fyros Cut Throats]
uiR2EDmatis_cutthroats [Matis Cut Throats]
uiR2EDtryker_cutthroats [Tryker Cut Throats]
uiR2EDzorai_cutthroats [Zoraï Cut Throats]
uiR2EDguards [Guards]
uiR2EDfyros_guards [Fyros Guards]
uiR2EDmatis_guards [Matis Guards]
uiR2EDtryker_guards [Tryker Guards]
uiR2EDzorai_guards [Zoraï Guards]
uiR2EDprimitives [Primitive]
uiR2EDcute [Cute]
uiR2EDfrahar [Frahar]
uiR2EDgibbai [Gibbaï]
uiR2EDkami1 [Kami 1]
uiR2EDkami2 [Kami 2]
uiR2EDkami3 [Kami 3]
uiR2EDkami4 [Kami 4]
uiR2EDkaravan1 [Karavan 1]
uiR2EDkaravan2 [Karavan 2]
uiR2EDkaravan3 [Karavan 3]
uiR2EDkaravan4 [Karavan 4]
uiR2EDkaravan5 [Karavan 5]
uiR2EDkaravan6 [Karavan 6]
uiR2EDgenericNpcs [Civilians]
uiR2EDgenericFyrosNpcs1 [Generic Fyros NPCs 1]
uiR2EDgenericFyrosNpcs2 [Generic Fyros NPCs 2]
uiR2EDgenericFyrosNpcs3 [Generic Fyros NPCs 3]
uiR2EDgenericMatisNpcs1 [Generic Matis NPCs 1]
uiR2EDgenericMatisNpcs2 [Generic Matis NPCs 2]
uiR2EDgenericMatisNpcs3 [Generic Matis NPCs 3]
uiR2EDgenericTrykerNpcs1 [Generic Tryker NPCs 1]
uiR2EDgenericTrykerNpcs2 [Generic Tryker NPCs 2]
uiR2EDgenericTrykerNpcs3 [Generic Tryker NPCs 3]
uiR2EDgenericZoraiNpcs1 [Generic Zoraï NPCs 1]
uiR2EDgenericZoraiNpcs2 [Generic Zoraï NPCs 2]
uiR2EDgenericZoraiNpcs3 [Generic Zoraï NPCs 3]
uiR2EDgenericUndressedNpcs [Generic Undressed NPCs]
// ---------- NPC Equipment ------------
uiR2EDequipment_none [none]
// Low Quality
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ab [fyros autolaunch ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ap [fyros autolaunch ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2as [fyros autolaunch ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bp [fyros bowgun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bs [fyros bowgun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gb [fyros grenade ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gp [fyros grenade ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lb [fyros launcher ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lp [fyros launcher ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ls [fyros launcher ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bb [fyros pistolarc ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bp [fyros pistolarc ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bs [fyros pistolarc ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pb [fyros pistol ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pp [fyros pistol ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb [fyros bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1ps [fyros pistol ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rb [fyros rifle ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rs [fyros rifle ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hb [fyros harpoongun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hp [fyros harpoongun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hs [fyros harpoongun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ab [matis autolaunch ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ap [matis autolaunch ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2as [matis autolaunch ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bb [matis bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bp [matis bowgun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bs [matis bowgun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gb [matis grenade ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gp [matis grenade ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gs [matis grenade ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lb [matis launcher ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lp [matis launcher ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ls [matis launcher ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bb [matis pistolarc ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bp [matis pistolarc ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bs [matis pistolarc ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pb [matis pistol ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pp [matis pistol ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1ps [matis pistol ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rb [matis rifle ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rp [matis rifle ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rs [matis rifle ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hb [matis harpoongun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hp [matis harpoongun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hs [matis harpoongun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ab [tryker autolaunch ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ap [tryker autolaunch ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2as [tryker autolaunch ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bb [tryker bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bp [tryker bowgun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bs [tryker bowgun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gb [tryker grenade ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gp [tryker grenade ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gs [tryker grenade ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lb [tryker launcher ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lp [tryker launcher ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ls [tryker launcher ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bb [tryker pistolarc ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bp [tryker pistolarc ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bs [tryker pistolarc ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pb [tryker pistol ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pp [tryker pistol ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1ps [tryker pistol ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rb [tryker rifle ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rp [tryker rifle ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rs [tryker rifle ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hb [tryker harpoongun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hp [tryker harpoongun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hs [tryker harpoongun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ab [zoraï autolaunch ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ap [zoraï autolaunch ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2as [zoraï autolaunch ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bb [zoraï bowgun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bp [zoraï bowgun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bs [zoraï bowgun ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gb [zoraï grenade ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gp [zoraï grenade ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gs [zoraï grenade ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lb [zoraï launcher ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lp [zoraï launcher ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ls [zoraï launcher ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bb [zoraï pistolarc ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bp [zoraï pistolarc ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bs [zoraï pistolarc ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pb [zoraï pistol ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pp [zoraï pistol ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1ps [zoraï pistol ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rb [zoraï rifle ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rp [zoraï rifle ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rs [zoraï rifle ammo slashing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hb [zoraï harpoongun ammo blunt]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hp [zoraï harpoongun ammo piercing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hs [zoraï harpoongun ammo slashing]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahb [Kostom Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahg [Kostom Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahh [Kostom Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahp [Kostom Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahs [Kostom Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahv [Kostom Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalb [Hoben Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalg [Hoben Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalp [Hoben Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfacp [Droge Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfals [Hoben Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalv [Hoben Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamb [Rilon Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamg [Rilon Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamp [Rilon Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfams [Rilon Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamv [Rilon Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahb [Parok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahg [Parok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahh [Parok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahp [Parok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahs [Parok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahv [Parok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalb [Wiva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalg [Wiva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalp [Wiva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmacp [Vestini Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmals [Wiva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalv [Wiva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamb [Striva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamg [Striva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamp [Striva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmams [Striva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamv [Striva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahb [Tashok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahg [Tashok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahh [Tashok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahp [Tashok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahs [Tashok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahv [Tashok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalb [Tissan Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalg [Tissan Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalp [Tissan Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictacp [Lithen Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictals [Tissan Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalv [Tissan Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamb [Fabren Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamg [Fabren Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamp [Fabren Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictams [Fabren Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamv [Fabren Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahb [Tan-ko Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahg [Tan-ko Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahh [Tan-ko Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahp [Tan-ko Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahs [Tan-ko Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahv [Tan-ko Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalb [Nin-ka Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalg [Nin-ka Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalp [Nin-ka Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczacp [Lin-ko Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczals [Nin-ka Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalv [Nin-ka Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamb [Shaï-don Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamg [Shaï-don Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamp [Shaï-don Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczams [Shaï-don Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamv [Shaï-don Vest]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraba [refugee boots black]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabe [refugee boots beige]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabu [refugee boots blue]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabg [refugee boots green]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabr [refugee boots red]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabt [refugee boots turquoise]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabv [refugee boots violet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabw [refugee boots white]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrage [refugee gloves beige]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraga [refugee gloves black]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragu [refugee gloves blue]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragg [refugee gloves green]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragr [refugee gloves red]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragt [refugee gloves turquoise]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragv [refugee gloves violet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragw [refugee gloves white]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrape [refugee pants beige]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapa [refugee pants black]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapu [refugee pants blue]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapg [refugee pants green]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapr [refugee pants red]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapt [refugee pants turquoise]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapv [refugee pants violet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapw [refugee pants white]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrase [refugee sleeves beige]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasa [refugee sleeves black]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasu [refugee sleeves blue]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasg [refugee sleeves green]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasr [refugee sleeves red]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrast [refugee sleeves turquoise]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasv [refugee sleeves violet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasw [refugee sleeves white]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrave [refugee vest beige]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrava [refugee vest black]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravu [refugee vest blue]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravg [refugee vest green]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravr [refugee vest red]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravt [refugee vest turquoise]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravv [refugee vest violet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravw [refugee vest white]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfja [fyros anklet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjb [fyros bracelet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjd [fyros diadem]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfje [fyros earing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjp [fyros pendant]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjr [fyros ring]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmja [matis anklet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjb [matis bracelet]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjd [matis diadem]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmje [matis earing]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjp [matis pendant]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjr [matis ring]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictja [tryker anklet]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjb [tryker bracelet]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjd [tryker diadem]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictje [tryker earing]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjp [tryker pendant]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjr [tryker ring]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczja [zoraï anklet]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjb [zoraï bracelet]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjd [zoraï diadem]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczje [zoraï earing]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjp [zoraï pendant]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjr [zoraï ring]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2sa [Retch Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2pp [Punnel Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2bm [Hamp Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ss [Stavon Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1sa [Cleven Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1pd [Jab Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ps [Kronk Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bm [Masson Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bs [Talus Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ss [Blam Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2sa [Klout Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2pp [Krop Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2bm [Gondo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ss [Slathe Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1sa [Haque Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1pd [Limmel Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ps [Palor Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bm [Bristo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bs [Battoni Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ss [Klyde Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2sa [Weld Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2pp [Jak Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2bm [Gaffer Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ss [Flence Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1sa [Lopper Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1pd [Fyler Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ps [Pyker Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bm [Tumbler Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bs [Brok Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ss [Tanner Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2sa [Kra-cho Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2pp [Pukatoo Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2bm [Kanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ss [Matchata Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1sa [Chok Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1pd [Lam Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ps [Katoo Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bm [Nanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bs [Shopan Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ss [Kovan Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ms [Fyros Amplifier]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ms [Matis Amplifier]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ms [Tryker Amplifier]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ms [Zoraï Amplifier]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2a [fyros autolaunch]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2b [fyros bowgun]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2l [fyros launcher]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1p [fyros pistol]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1b [fyros pistolarc]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2r [fyros rifle]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2h [fyros harpoongun]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2a [matis autolaunch]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2b [matis bowgun]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2l [matis launcher]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1p [matis pistol]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1b [matis pistolarc]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2r [matis rifle]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2h [matis harpoongun]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2a [tryker autolaunch]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2b [tryker bowgun]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2l [tryker launcher]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1p [tryker pistol]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1b [tryker pistolarc]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2r [tryker rifle]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2h [tryker harpoongun]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2a [zoraï autolaunch]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2b [zoraï bowgun]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2l [zoraï launcher]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1p [zoraï pistol]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1b [zoraï pistolarc]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2r [zoraï rifle]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2h [zoraï harpoongun]
uiR2EDequipment_icfsb [Blok Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icfss [Stok Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_icmsb [Wod Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icmss [Takod Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_ictsb [Stilten Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_ictss [Parper Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_iczsb [Kastu Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_iczss [Pakmon Shield]
// Medium Quality
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ab_2 [fyros autolaunch ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ap_2 [fyros autolaunch ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2as_2 [fyros autolaunch ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bp_2 [fyros bowgun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bs_2 [fyros bowgun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gb_2 [fyros grenade ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gp_2 [fyros grenade ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lb_2 [fyros launcher ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lp_2 [fyros launcher ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ls_2 [fyros launcher ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bb_2 [fyros pistolarc ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bp_2 [fyros pistolarc ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bs_2 [fyros pistolarc ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pb_2 [fyros pistol ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pp_2 [fyros pistol ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_2 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1ps_2 [fyros pistol ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rb_2 [fyros rifle ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rs_2 [fyros rifle ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hb_2 [fyros harpoongun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hp_2 [fyros harpoongun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hs_2 [fyros harpoongun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ab_2 [matis autolaunch ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ap_2 [matis autolaunch ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2as_2 [matis autolaunch ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bb_2 [matis bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bp_2 [matis bowgun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bs_2 [matis bowgun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gb_2 [matis grenade ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gp_2 [matis grenade ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gs_2 [matis grenade ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lb_2 [matis launcher ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lp_2 [matis launcher ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ls_2 [matis launcher ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bb_2 [matis pistolarc ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bp_2 [matis pistolarc ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bs_2 [matis pistolarc ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pb_2 [matis pistol ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pp_2 [matis pistol ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1ps_2 [matis pistol ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rb_2 [matis rifle ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rp_2 [matis rifle ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rs_2 [matis rifle ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hb_2 [matis harpoongun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hp_2 [matis harpoongun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hs_2 [matis harpoongun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ab_2 [tryker autolaunch ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ap_2 [tryker autolaunch ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2as_2 [tryker autolaunch ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bb_2 [tryker bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bp_2 [tryker bowgun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bs_2 [tryker bowgun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gb_2 [tryker grenade ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gp_2 [tryker grenade ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gs_2 [tryker grenade ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lb_2 [tryker launcher ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lp_2 [tryker launcher ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ls_2 [tryker launcher ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bb_2 [tryker pistolarc ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bp_2 [tryker pistolarc ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bs_2 [tryker pistolarc ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pb_2 [tryker pistol ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pp_2 [tryker pistol ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1ps_2 [tryker pistol ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rb_2 [tryker rifle ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rp_2 [tryker rifle ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rs_2 [tryker rifle ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hb_2 [tryker harpoongun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hp_2 [tryker harpoongun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hs_2 [tryker harpoongun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ab_2 [zoraï autolaunch ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ap_2 [zoraï autolaunch ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2as_2 [zoraï autolaunch ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bb_2 [zoraï bowgun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bp_2 [zoraï bowgun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bs_2 [zoraï bowgun ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gb_2 [zoraï grenade ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gp_2 [zoraï grenade ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gs_2 [zoraï grenade ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lb_2 [zoraï launcher ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lp_2 [zoraï launcher ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ls_2 [zoraï launcher ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bb_2 [zoraï pistolarc ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bp_2 [zoraï pistolarc ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bs_2 [zoraï pistolarc ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pb_2 [zoraï pistol ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pp_2 [zoraï pistol ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1ps_2 [zoraï pistol ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rb_2 [zoraï rifle ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rp_2 [zoraï rifle ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rs_2 [zoraï rifle ammo slashing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hb_2 [zoraï harpoongun ammo blunt 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hp_2 [zoraï harpoongun ammo piercing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hs_2 [zoraï harpoongun ammo slashing 2]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahb_2 [Kostomus Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahg_2 [Kostomus Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahh_2 [Kostomus Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahp_2 [Kostomus Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahs_2 [Kostomus Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahv_2 [Kostomus Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalb_2 [Hobenus Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalg_2 [Hobenus Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalp_2 [Hobenus Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfacp_2 [Drogeus Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfals_2 [Hobenus Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalv_2 [Hobenus Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamb_2 [Rilonus Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamg_2 [Rilonus Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamp_2 [Rilonus Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfams_2 [Rilonus Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamv_2 [Rilonus Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahb_2 [Modi Parok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahg_2 [Modi Parok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahh_2 [Modi Parok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahp_2 [Modi Parok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahs_2 [Modi Parok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahv_2 [Modi Parok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalb_2 [Modi Wiva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalg_2 [Modi Wiva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalp_2 [Modi Wiva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmacp_2 [Modi Vestini Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmals_2 [Modi Wiva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalv_2 [Modi Wiva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamb_2 [Modi Striva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamg_2 [Modi Striva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamp_2 [Modi Striva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmams_2 [Modi Striva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamv_2 [Modi Striva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahb_2 [Lor-Tashok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahg_2 [Lor-Tashok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahh_2 [Lor-Tashok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahp_2 [Lor-Tashok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahs_2 [Lor-Tashok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahv_2 [Lor-Tashok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalb_2 [Lor-Tissan Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalg_2 [Lor-Tissan Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalp_2 [Lor-Tissan Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictacp_2 [Lor-Lithen Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictals_2 [Lor-Tissan Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalv_2 [Lor-Tissan Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamb_2 [Lor-Fabren Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamg_2 [Lor-Fabren Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamp_2 [Lor-Fabren Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictams_2 [Lor-Fabren Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamv_2 [Lor-Fabren Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahb_2 [Li'Tan-ko Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahg_2 [Li'Tan-ko Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahh_2 [Li'Tan-ko Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahp_2 [Li'Tan-ko Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahs_2 [Li'Tan-ko Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahv_2 [Li'Tan-ko Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalb_2 [Li'Nin-ka Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalg_2 [Li'Nin-ka Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalp_2 [Li'Nin-ka Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczacp_2 [Li'Lin-ko Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczals_2 [Li'Nin-ka Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalv_2 [Li'Nin-ka Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamb_2 [Li'Shaï-don Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamg_2 [Li'Shaï-don Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamp_2 [Li'Shaï-don Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczams_2 [Li'Shaï-don Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamv_2 [Li'Shaï-don Vest]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraba_2 [refugee boots black 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabe_2 [refugee boots beige 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabu_2 [refugee boots blue 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabg_2 [refugee boots green 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabr_2 [refugee boots red 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabt_2 [refugee boots turquoise 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabv_2 [refugee boots violet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabw_2 [refugee boots white 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrage_2 [refugee gloves beige 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraga_2 [refugee gloves black 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragu_2 [refugee gloves blue 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragg_2 [refugee gloves green 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragr_2 [refugee gloves red 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragt_2 [refugee gloves turquoise 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragv_2 [refugee gloves violet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragw_2 [refugee gloves white 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrape_2 [refugee pants beige 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapa_2 [refugee pants black 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapu_2 [refugee pants blue 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapg_2 [refugee pants green 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapr_2 [refugee pants red 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapt_2 [refugee pants turquoise 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapv_2 [refugee pants violet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapw_2 [refugee pants white 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrase_2 [refugee sleeves beige 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasa_2 [refugee sleeves black 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasu_2 [refugee sleeves blue 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasg_2 [refugee sleeves green 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasr_2 [refugee sleeves red 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrast_2 [refugee sleeves turquoise 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasv_2 [refugee sleeves violet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasw_2 [refugee sleeves white 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrave_2 [refugee vest beige 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrava_2 [refugee vest black 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravu_2 [refugee vest blue 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravg_2 [refugee vest green 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravr_2 [refugee vest red 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravt_2 [refugee vest turquoise 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravv_2 [refugee vest violet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravw_2 [refugee vest white 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfja_2 [fyros anklet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjb_2 [fyros bracelet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjd_2 [fyros diadem 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfje_2 [fyros earing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjp_2 [fyros pendant 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjr_2 [fyros ring 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmja_2 [matis anklet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjb_2 [matis bracelet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjd_2 [matis diadem 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmje_2 [matis earing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjp_2 [matis pendant 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjr_2 [matis ring 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictja_2 [tryker anklet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjb_2 [tryker bracelet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjd_2 [tryker diadem 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictje_2 [tryker earing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjp_2 [tryker pendant 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjr_2 [tryker ring 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczja_2 [zoraï anklet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjb_2 [zoraï bracelet 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjd_2 [zoraï diadem 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczje_2 [zoraï earing 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjp_2 [zoraï pendant 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjr_2 [zoraï ring 2]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2sa_2 [Retchus Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2pp_2 [Punnelus Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2bm_2 [Hampus Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ss_2 [Stavonus Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1sa_2 [Clevenus Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1pd_2 [Jabus Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ps_2 [Kronkus Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bm_2 [Massonus Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bs_2 [Talusus Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ss_2 [Blamus Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2sa_2 [Modi Klout Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2pp_2 [Modi Krop Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2bm_2 [Modi Gondo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ss_2 [Modi Slathe Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1sa_2 [Modi Haque Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1pd_2 [Modi Limmel Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ps_2 [Modi Palor Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bm_2 [Modi Bristo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bs_2 [Modi Battoni Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ss_2 [Modi Klyde Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2sa_2 [Lor-Weld Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2pp_2 [Lor-Jak Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2bm_2 [Lor-Gaffer Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ss_2 [Lor-Flence Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1sa_2 [Lor-Lopper Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1pd_2 [Lor-Fyler Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ps_2 [Lor-Pyker Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bm_2 [Lor-Tumbler Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bs_2 [Lor-Brok Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ss_2 [Lor-Tanner Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2sa_2 [Li'Kra-cho Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2pp_2 [Li'Pukatoo Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2bm_2 [Li'Kanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ss_2 [Li'Matchata Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1sa_2 [Li'Chok Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1pd_2 [Li'Lam Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ps_2 [Li'Katoo Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bm_2 [Li'Nanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bs_2 [Li'Shopan Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ss_2 [Li'Kovan Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ms_2 [Fyros Amplifier II]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ms_2 [Matis Amplifier II]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ms_2 [Tryker Amplifier II]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ms_2 [Zoraï Amplifier II]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2a_2 [fyros autolaunch 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2b_2 [fyros bowgun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2l_2 [fyros launcher 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1p_2 [fyros pistol 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1b_2 [fyros pistolarc 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2r_2 [fyros rifle 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2h_2 [fyros harpoongun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2a_2 [matis autolaunch 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2b_2 [matis bowgun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2l_2 [matis launcher 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1p_2 [matis pistol 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1b_2 [matis pistolarc 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2r_2 [matis rifle 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2h_2 [matis harpoongun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2a_2 [tryker autolaunch 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2b_2 [tryker bowgun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2l_2 [tryker launcher 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1p_2 [tryker pistol 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1b_2 [tryker pistolarc 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2r_2 [tryker rifle 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2h_2 [tryker harpoongun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2a_2 [zoraï autolaunch 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2b_2 [zoraï bowgun 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2l_2 [zoraï launcher 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1p_2 [zoraï pistol 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1b_2 [zoraï pistolarc 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2r_2 [zoraï rifle 2]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2h_2 [zoraï harpoongun 2]
uiR2EDequipment_icfsb_2 [Blokus Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icfss_2 [Stokus Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_icmsb_2 [Modi Wod Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icmss_2 [Modi Takod Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_ictsb_2 [Lor-Stilten Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_ictss_2 [Lor-Parper Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_iczsb_2 [Li'Kastu Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_iczss_2 [Li'Pakmon Shield]
// High Quality
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ab_3 [fyros autolaunch ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ap_3 [fyros autolaunch ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2as_3 [fyros autolaunch ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bp_3 [fyros bowgun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bs_3 [fyros bowgun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gb_3 [fyros grenade ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1gp_3 [fyros grenade ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lb_3 [fyros launcher ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2lp_3 [fyros launcher ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2ls_3 [fyros launcher ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bb_3 [fyros pistolarc ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bp_3 [fyros pistolarc ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1bs_3 [fyros pistolarc ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pb_3 [fyros pistol ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1pp_3 [fyros pistol ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2bb_3 [fyros bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp1ps_3 [fyros pistol ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rb_3 [fyros rifle ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2rs_3 [fyros rifle ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hb_3 [fyros harpoongun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hp_3 [fyros harpoongun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfp2hs_3 [fyros harpoongun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ab_3 [matis autolaunch ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ap_3 [matis autolaunch ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2as_3 [matis autolaunch ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bb_3 [matis bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bp_3 [matis bowgun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2bs_3 [matis bowgun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gb_3 [matis grenade ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gp_3 [matis grenade ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1gs_3 [matis grenade ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lb_3 [matis launcher ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2lp_3 [matis launcher ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2ls_3 [matis launcher ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bb_3 [matis pistolarc ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bp_3 [matis pistolarc ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1bs_3 [matis pistolarc ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pb_3 [matis pistol ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1pp_3 [matis pistol ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp1ps_3 [matis pistol ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rb_3 [matis rifle ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rp_3 [matis rifle ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2rs_3 [matis rifle ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hb_3 [matis harpoongun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hp_3 [matis harpoongun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmp2hs_3 [matis harpoongun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ab_3 [tryker autolaunch ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ap_3 [tryker autolaunch ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2as_3 [tryker autolaunch ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bb_3 [tryker bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bp_3 [tryker bowgun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2bs_3 [tryker bowgun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gb_3 [tryker grenade ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gp_3 [tryker grenade ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1gs_3 [tryker grenade ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lb_3 [tryker launcher ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2lp_3 [tryker launcher ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2ls_3 [tryker launcher ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bb_3 [tryker pistolarc ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bp_3 [tryker pistolarc ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1bs_3 [tryker pistolarc ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pb_3 [tryker pistol ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1pp_3 [tryker pistol ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp1ps_3 [tryker pistol ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rb_3 [tryker rifle ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rp_3 [tryker rifle ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2rs_3 [tryker rifle ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hb_3 [tryker harpoongun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hp_3 [tryker harpoongun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictp2hs_3 [tryker harpoongun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ab_3 [zoraï autolaunch ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ap_3 [zoraï autolaunch ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2as_3 [zoraï autolaunch ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bb_3 [zoraï bowgun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bp_3 [zoraï bowgun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2bs_3 [zoraï bowgun ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gb_3 [zoraï grenade ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gp_3 [zoraï grenade ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1gs_3 [zoraï grenade ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lb_3 [zoraï launcher ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2lp_3 [zoraï launcher ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2ls_3 [zoraï launcher ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bb_3 [zoraï pistolarc ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bp_3 [zoraï pistolarc ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1bs_3 [zoraï pistolarc ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pb_3 [zoraï pistol ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1pp_3 [zoraï pistol ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp1ps_3 [zoraï pistol ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rb_3 [zoraï rifle ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rp_3 [zoraï rifle ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2rs_3 [zoraï rifle ammo slashing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hb_3 [zoraï harpoongun ammo blunt 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hp_3 [zoraï harpoongun ammo piercing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczp2hs_3 [zoraï harpoongun ammo slashing 3]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahb_3 [Kostomyx Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahg_3 [Kostomyx Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahh_3 [Kostomyx Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahp_3 [Kostomyx Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahs_3 [Kostomyx Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfahv_3 [Kostomyx Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalb_3 [Hobenyx Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalg_3 [Hobenyx Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalp_3 [Hobenyx Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfacp_3 [Drogyx Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfals_3 [Hobenyx Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfalv_3 [Hobenyx Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamb_3 [Rilonyx Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamg_3 [Rilonyx Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamp_3 [Rilonyx Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icfams_3 [Rilonyx Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icfamv_3 [Rilonyx Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahb_3 [Kara Parok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahg_3 [Kara Parok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahh_3 [Kara Parok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahp_3 [Kara Parok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahs_3 [Kara Parok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmahv_3 [Kara Parok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalb_3 [Kara Wiva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalg_3 [Kara Wiva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalp_3 [Kara Wiva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmacp_3 [Kara Vestini Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmals_3 [Kara Wiva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmalv_3 [Kara Wiva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamb_3 [Kara Striva Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamg_3 [Kara Striva Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamp_3 [Kara Striva Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_icmams_3 [Kara Striva Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_icmamv_3 [Kara Striva Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahb_3 [Ry-Tashok Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahg_3 [Ry-Tashok Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahh_3 [Ry-Tashok Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahp_3 [Ry-Tashok Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahs_3 [Ry-Tashok Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictahv_3 [Ry-Tashok Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalb_3 [Ry-Tissan Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalg_3 [Ry-Tissan Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalp_3 [Ry-Tissan Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictacp_3 [Ry-Lithen Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictals_3 [Ry-Tissan Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictalv_3 [Ry-Tissan Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamb_3 [Ry-Fabren Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamg_3 [Ry-Fabren Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamp_3 [Ry-Fabren Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_ictams_3 [Ry-Fabren Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_ictamv_3 [Ry-Fabren Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahb_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahg_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahh_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Helmet]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahp_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahs_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczahv_3 [Zo'Tan-ko Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalb_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalg_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalp_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczacp_3 [Zo'Lin-ko Robe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczals_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczalv_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Vest]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamb_3 [Zo'Nin-ka Boots]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamg_3 [Zo'Shaï-don Gloves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamp_3 [Zo'Shaï-don Pants]
uiR2EDequipment_iczams_3 [Zo'Shaï-don Sleeves]
uiR2EDequipment_iczamv_3 [Zo'Shaï-don Vest]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraba_3 [refugee boots black 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabe_3 [refugee boots beige 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabu_3 [refugee boots blue 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabg_3 [refugee boots green 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabr_3 [refugee boots red 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabt_3 [refugee boots turquoise 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabv_3 [refugee boots violet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrabw_3 [refugee boots white 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrage_3 [refugee gloves beige 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icraga_3 [refugee gloves black 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragu_3 [refugee gloves blue 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragg_3 [refugee gloves green 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragr_3 [refugee gloves red 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragt_3 [refugee gloves turquoise 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragv_3 [refugee gloves violet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icragw_3 [refugee gloves white 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrape_3 [refugee pants beige 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapa_3 [refugee pants black 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapu_3 [refugee pants blue 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapg_3 [refugee pants green 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapr_3 [refugee pants red 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapt_3 [refugee pants turquoise 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapv_3 [refugee pants violet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrapw_3 [refugee pants white 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrase_3 [refugee sleeves beige 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasa_3 [refugee sleeves black 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasu_3 [refugee sleeves blue 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasg_3 [refugee sleeves green 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasr_3 [refugee sleeves red 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrast_3 [refugee sleeves turquoise 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasv_3 [refugee sleeves violet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrasw_3 [refugee sleeves white 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrave_3 [refugee vest beige 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icrava_3 [refugee vest black 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravu_3 [refugee vest blue 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravg_3 [refugee vest green 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravr_3 [refugee vest red 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravt_3 [refugee vest turquoise 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravv_3 [refugee vest violet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icravw_3 [refugee vest white 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfja_3 [fyros anklet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjb_3 [fyros bracelet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjd_3 [fyros diadem 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfje_3 [fyros earing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjp_3 [fyros pendant 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfjr_3 [fyros ring 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmja_3 [matis anklet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjb_3 [matis bracelet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjd_3 [matis diadem 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmje_3 [matis earing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjp_3 [matis pendant 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmjr_3 [matis ring 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictja_3 [tryker anklet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjb_3 [tryker bracelet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjd_3 [tryker diadem 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictje_3 [tryker earing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjp_3 [tryker pendant 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictjr_3 [tryker ring 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczja_3 [zoraï anklet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjb_3 [zoraï bracelet 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjd_3 [zoraï diadem 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczje_3 [zoraï earing 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjp_3 [zoraï pendant 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczjr_3 [zoraï ring 3]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2sa_3 [Retchyx Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2pp_3 [Punnelyx Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2bm_3 [Hampyx Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ss_3 [Stavonyx Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1sa_3 [Clevenyx Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1pd_3 [Jabyx Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ps_3 [Kronkyx Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bm_3 [Massonyx Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1bs_3 [Talusyx Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm1ss_3 [Blamyx Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2sa_3 [Kara Klout Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2pp_3 [Kara Krop Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2bm_3 [Kara Gondo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ss_3 [Kara Slathe Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1sa_3 [Kara Haque Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1pd_3 [Kara Limmel Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ps_3 [Kara Palor Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bm_3 [Kara Bristo Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1bs_3 [Kara Battoni Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm1ss_3 [Kara Klyde Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2sa_3 [Ry-Weld Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2pp_3 [Ry-Jak Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2bm_3 [Ry-Gaffer Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ss_3 [Ry-Flence Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1sa_3 [Ry-Lopper Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1pd_3 [Ry-Fyler Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ps_3 [Ry-Pyker Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bm_3 [Ry-Tumbler Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1bs_3 [Ry-Brok Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm1ss_3 [Ry-Tanner Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2sa_3 [Zo'Kra-cho Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2pp_3 [Zo'Pukatoo Pike]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2bm_3 [Zo'Kanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ss_3 [Zo'Matchata Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1sa_3 [Zo'Chok Axe]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1pd_3 [Zo'Lam Dagger]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ps_3 [Zo'Katoo Spear]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bm_3 [Zo'Nanka Mace]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1bs_3 [Zo'Shopan Staff]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm1ss_3 [Zo'Kovan Sword]
uiR2EDequipment_icfm2ms_3 [Fyros Amplifier III]
uiR2EDequipment_icmm2ms_3 [Matis Amplifier III]
uiR2EDequipment_ictm2ms_3 [Tryker Amplifier III]
uiR2EDequipment_iczm2ms_3 [Zoraï Amplifier III]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2a_3 [fyros autolaunch 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2b_3 [fyros bowgun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2l_3 [fyros launcher 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1p_3 [fyros pistol 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr1b_3 [fyros pistolarc 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2r_3 [fyros rifle 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icfr2h_3 [fyros harpoongun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2a_3 [matis autolaunch 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2b_3 [matis bowgun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2l_3 [matis launcher 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1p_3 [matis pistol 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr1b_3 [matis pistolarc 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2r_3 [matis rifle 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_icmr2h_3 [matis harpoongun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2a_3 [tryker autolaunch 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2b_3 [tryker bowgun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2l_3 [tryker launcher 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1p_3 [tryker pistol 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr1b_3 [tryker pistolarc 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2r_3 [tryker rifle 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_ictr2h_3 [tryker harpoongun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2a_3 [zoraï autolaunch 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2b_3 [zoraï bowgun 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2l_3 [zoraï launcher 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1p_3 [zoraï pistol 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr1b_3 [zoraï pistolarc 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2r_3 [zoraï rifle 3]
// uiR2EDequipment_iczr2h_3 [zoraï harpoongun 3]
uiR2EDequipment_icfsb_3 [Blokyx Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icfss_3 [Stokyx Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_icmsb_3 [Kara Wod Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_icmss_3 [Kara Takod Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_ictsb_3 [Ry-Stilten Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_ictss_3 [Ry-Parper Shield]
uiR2EDequipment_iczsb_3 [Zo'Kastu Buckler]
uiR2EDequipment_iczss_3 [Zo'Pakmon Shield]
// Spells
uiR2EDequipment_acid [Acid Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_cold [Cold Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_rot [Rot Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_poison [Poison Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_fire [Fire Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_electricity [Electricity Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_shockwave [Shockwave Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_root [Root Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_blind [Blind Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_snare [Snare Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_slow [Slow Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_fear [Fear Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_stun [Stun Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_sleep [Sleep Spells]
uiR2EDequipment_madness [Madness Spells]
// ---------- New NPC Bandits ------------------
uiR2EDnpc_max_test [fyros healer]
uiR2EDnpc_max_test2 [fyros damage dealer]
uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd [desert armsman]
uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd [forest armsman]
uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd [lakeland armsman]
uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd [jungle armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd_20 [desert armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd_20 [forest armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd_20 [lakeland armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd_20 [jungle armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd_70 [desert armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd_70 [forest armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd_70 [lakeland armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd_70 [jungle armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd_120 [desert armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd_120 [forest armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd_120 [lakeland armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd_120 [jungle armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd_170 [desert armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd_170 [forest armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd_170 [lakeland armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd_170 [jungle armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_dd_220 [desert armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_dd_220 [forest armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_dd_220 [lakeland armsman]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_dd_220 [jungle armsman]
uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank [desert warrior]
uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank [forest warrior]
uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank [lakeland warrior]
uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank [jungle warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank_20 [desert warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank_20 [forest warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank_20 [lakeland warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank_20 [jungle warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank_70 [desert warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank_70 [forest warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank_70 [lakeland warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank_70 [jungle warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank_120 [desert warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank_120 [forest warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank_120 [lakeland warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank_120 [jungle warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank_170 [desert warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank_170 [forest warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank_170 [lakeland warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank_170 [jungle warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_melee_tank_220 [desert warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_melee_tank_220 [forest warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_melee_tank_220 [lakeland warrior]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_melee_tank_220 [jungle warrior]
uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee [desert milicia]
uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee [forest milicia]
uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee [lakeland milicia]
uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee [jungle milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee_20 [desert milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee_20 [forest milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee_20 [lakeland milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee_20 [jungle milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee_70 [desert milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee_70 [forest milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee_70 [lakeland milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee_70 [jungle milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee_120 [desert milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee_120 [forest milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee_120 [lakeland milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee_120 [jungle milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee_170 [desert milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee_170 [forest milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee_170 [lakeland milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee_170 [jungle milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_light_melee_220 [desert milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_light_melee_220 [forest milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_light_melee_220 [lakeland milicia]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_light_melee_220 [jungle milicia]
uiR2EDnpc_f_healer [desert life giver]
uiR2EDnpc_m_healer [forest life giver]
uiR2EDnpc_t_healer [lakeland life giver]
uiR2EDnpc_z_healer [jungle life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_healer_20 [desert life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_healer_20 [forest life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_healer_20 [lakeland life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_healer_20 [jungle life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_healer_70 [desert life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_healer_70 [forest life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_healer_70 [lakeland life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_healer_70 [jungle life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_healer_120 [desert life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_healer_120 [forest life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_healer_120 [lakeland life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_healer_120 [jungle life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_healer_170 [desert life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_healer_170 [forest life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_healer_170 [lakeland life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_healer_170 [jungle life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_healer_220 [desert life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_healer_220 [forest life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_healer_220 [lakeland life giver]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_healer_220 [jungle life giver]
uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer [desert elementalist]
uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer [forest elementalist]
uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer [lakeland elementalist]
uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer [jungle elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer_20 [desert elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer_20 [forest elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer_20 [lakeland elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer_20 [jungle elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer_70 [desert elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer_70 [forest elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer_70 [lakeland elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer_70 [jungle elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer_120 [desert elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer_120 [forest elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer_120 [lakeland elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer_120 [jungle elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer_170 [desert elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer_170 [forest elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer_170 [lakeland elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer_170 [jungle elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_damage_dealer_220 [desert elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_damage_dealer_220 [forest elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_damage_dealer_220 [lakeland elementalist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_damage_dealer_220 [jungle elementalist]
uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe [desert devastator]
uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe [forest devastator]
uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe [lakeland devastator]
uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe [jungle devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe_20 [desert devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe_20 [forest devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe_20 [lakeland devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe_20 [jungle devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe_70 [desert devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe_70 [forest devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe_70 [lakeland devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe_70 [jungle devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe_120 [desert devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe_120 [forest devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe_120 [lakeland devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe_120 [jungle devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe_170 [desert devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe_170 [forest devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe_170 [lakeland devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe_170 [jungle devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_aoe_220 [desert devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_aoe_220 [forest devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_aoe_220 [lakeland devastator]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_aoe_220 [jungle devastator]
uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser [desert tormentor]
uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser [forest tormentor]
uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser [lakeland tormentor]
uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser [jungle tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser_20 [desert tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser_20 [forest tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser_20 [lakeland tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser_20 [jungle tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser_70 [desert tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser_70 [forest tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser_70 [lakeland tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser_70 [jungle tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser_120 [desert tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser_120 [forest tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser_120 [lakeland tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser_120 [jungle tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser_170 [desert tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser_170 [forest tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser_170 [lakeland tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser_170 [jungle tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_atysian_curser_220 [desert tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_atysian_curser_220 [forest tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_atysian_curser_220 [lakeland tormentor]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_atysian_curser_220 [jungle tormentor]
uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser [desert illusionist]
uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser [forest illusionist]
uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser [lakeland illusionist]
uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser [jungle illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser_20 [desert illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser_20 [forest illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser_20 [lakeland illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser_20 [jungle illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser_70 [desert illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser_70 [forest illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser_70 [lakeland illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser_70 [jungle illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser_120 [desert illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser_120 [forest illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser_120 [lakeland illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser_120 [jungle illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser_170 [desert illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser_170 [forest illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser_170 [lakeland illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser_170 [jungle illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_f_mage_celestial_curser_220 [desert illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_m_mage_celestial_curser_220 [forest illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_t_mage_celestial_curser_220 [lakeland illusionist]
//uiR2EDnpc_z_mage_celestial_curser_220 [jungle illusionist]
uiR2EDnpc_f_guard [desert guard]
uiR2EDnpc_m_guard [forest guard]
uiR2EDnpc_t_guard [lakeland guard]
uiR2EDnpc_z_guard [jungle guard]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_b1 [civil light melee blunt b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_b2 [civil light melee blunt b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_b3 [civil light melee blunt b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_b4 [civil light melee blunt b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_c1 [civil light melee blunt c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_c2 [civil light melee blunt c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_c3 [civil light melee blunt c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_c4 [civil light melee blunt c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_d1 [civil light melee blunt d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_d2 [civil light melee blunt d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_d3 [civil light melee blunt d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_d4 [civil light melee blunt d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_e1 [civil light melee blunt e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_e2 [civil light melee blunt e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_e3 [civil light melee blunt e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_e4 [civil light melee blunt e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_f1 [civil light melee blunt f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_f2 [civil light melee blunt f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_f3 [civil light melee blunt f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_blunt_f4 [civil light melee blunt f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_b1 [civil light melee pierce b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_b2 [civil light melee pierce b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_b3 [civil light melee pierce b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_b4 [civil light melee pierce b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_c1 [civil light melee pierce c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_c2 [civil light melee pierce c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_c3 [civil light melee pierce c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_c4 [civil light melee pierce c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_d1 [civil light melee pierce d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_d2 [civil light melee pierce d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_d3 [civil light melee pierce d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_d4 [civil light melee pierce d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_e1 [civil light melee pierce e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_e2 [civil light melee pierce e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_e3 [civil light melee pierce e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_e4 [civil light melee pierce e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_f1 [civil light melee pierce f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_f2 [civil light melee pierce f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_f3 [civil light melee pierce f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_pierce_f4 [civil light melee pierce f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_b1 [civil light melee slash b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_b2 [civil light melee slash b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_b3 [civil light melee slash b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_b4 [civil light melee slash b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_c1 [civil light melee slash c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_c2 [civil light melee slash c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_c3 [civil light melee slash c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_c4 [civil light melee slash c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_d1 [civil light melee slash d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_d2 [civil light melee slash d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_d3 [civil light melee slash d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_d4 [civil light melee slash d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_e1 [civil light melee slash e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_e2 [civil light melee slash e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_e3 [civil light melee slash e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_e4 [civil light melee slash e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_f1 [civil light melee slash f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_f2 [civil light melee slash f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_f3 [civil light melee slash f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_civil_light_melee_slash_f4 [civil light melee slash f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_b1 [guard melee tank blunt b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_b2 [guard melee tank blunt b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_b3 [guard melee tank blunt b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_b4 [guard melee tank blunt b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_c1 [guard melee tank blunt c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_c2 [guard melee tank blunt c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_c3 [guard melee tank blunt c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_c4 [guard melee tank blunt c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_d1 [guard melee tank blunt d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_d2 [guard melee tank blunt d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_d3 [guard melee tank blunt d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_d4 [guard melee tank blunt d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_e1 [guard melee tank blunt e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_e2 [guard melee tank blunt e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_e3 [guard melee tank blunt e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_e4 [guard melee tank blunt e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_f1 [guard melee tank blunt f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_f2 [guard melee tank blunt f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_f3 [guard melee tank blunt f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_blunt_f4 [guard melee tank blunt f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_b1 [guard melee tank pierce b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_b2 [guard melee tank pierce b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_b3 [guard melee tank pierce b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_b4 [guard melee tank pierce b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_c1 [guard melee tank pierce c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_c2 [guard melee tank pierce c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_c3 [guard melee tank pierce c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_c4 [guard melee tank pierce c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_d1 [guard melee tank pierce d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_d2 [guard melee tank pierce d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_d3 [guard melee tank pierce d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_d4 [guard melee tank pierce d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_e1 [guard melee tank pierce e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_e2 [guard melee tank pierce e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_e3 [guard melee tank pierce e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_e4 [guard melee tank pierce e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_f1 [guard melee tank pierce f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_f2 [guard melee tank pierce f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_f3 [guard melee tank pierce f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_pierce_f4 [guard melee tank pierce f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_b1 [guard melee tank slash b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_b2 [guard melee tank slash b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_b3 [guard melee tank slash b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_b4 [guard melee tank slash b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_c1 [guard melee tank slash c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_c2 [guard melee tank slash c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_c3 [guard melee tank slash c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_c4 [guard melee tank slash c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_d1 [guard melee tank slash d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_d2 [guard melee tank slash d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_d3 [guard melee tank slash d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_d4 [guard melee tank slash d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_e1 [guard melee tank slash e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_e2 [guard melee tank slash e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_e3 [guard melee tank slash e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_e4 [guard melee tank slash e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_f1 [guard melee tank slash f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_f2 [guard melee tank slash f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_f3 [guard melee tank slash f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_melee_tank_slash_f4 [guard melee tank slash f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_b1 [guard ranged tank blunt b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_b2 [guard ranged tank blunt b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_b3 [guard ranged tank blunt b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_b4 [guard ranged tank blunt b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_c1 [guard ranged tank blunt c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_c2 [guard ranged tank blunt c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_c3 [guard ranged tank blunt c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_c4 [guard ranged tank blunt c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_d1 [guard ranged tank blunt d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_d2 [guard ranged tank blunt d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_d3 [guard ranged tank blunt d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_d4 [guard ranged tank blunt d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_e1 [guard ranged tank blunt e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_e2 [guard ranged tank blunt e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_e3 [guard ranged tank blunt e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_e4 [guard ranged tank blunt e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_f1 [guard ranged tank blunt f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_f2 [guard ranged tank blunt f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_f3 [guard ranged tank blunt f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_blunt_f4 [guard ranged tank blunt f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_b1 [guard ranged tank pierce b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_b2 [guard ranged tank pierce b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_b3 [guard ranged tank pierce b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_b4 [guard ranged tank pierce b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_c1 [guard ranged tank pierce c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_c2 [guard ranged tank pierce c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_c3 [guard ranged tank pierce c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_c4 [guard ranged tank pierce c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_d1 [guard ranged tank pierce d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_d2 [guard ranged tank pierce d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_d3 [guard ranged tank pierce d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_d4 [guard ranged tank pierce d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_e1 [guard ranged tank pierce e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_e2 [guard ranged tank pierce e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_e3 [guard ranged tank pierce e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_e4 [guard ranged tank pierce e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_f1 [guard ranged tank pierce f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_f2 [guard ranged tank pierce f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_f3 [guard ranged tank pierce f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_pierce_f4 [guard ranged tank pierce f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_b1 [guard ranged tank slash b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_b2 [guard ranged tank slash b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_b3 [guard ranged tank slash b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_b4 [guard ranged tank slash b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_c1 [guard ranged tank slash c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_c2 [guard ranged tank slash c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_c3 [guard ranged tank slash c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_c4 [guard ranged tank slash c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_d1 [guard ranged tank slash d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_d2 [guard ranged tank slash d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_d3 [guard ranged tank slash d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_d4 [guard ranged tank slash d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_e1 [guard ranged tank slash e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_e2 [guard ranged tank slash e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_e3 [guard ranged tank slash e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_e4 [guard ranged tank slash e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_f1 [guard ranged tank slash f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_f2 [guard ranged tank slash f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_f3 [guard ranged tank slash f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_guard_ranged_tank_slash_f4 [guard ranged tank slash f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_b1 [healer b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_b2 [healer b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_b3 [healer b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_b4 [healer b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_c1 [healer c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_c2 [healer c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_c3 [healer c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_c4 [healer c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_d1 [healer d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_d2 [healer d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_d3 [healer d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_d4 [healer d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_e1 [healer e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_e2 [healer e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_e3 [healer e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_e4 [healer e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_f1 [healer f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_f2 [healer f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_f3 [healer f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_f4 [healer f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_b1 [healer ot b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_b2 [healer ot b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_b3 [healer ot b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_b4 [healer ot b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_c1 [healer ot c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_c2 [healer ot c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_c3 [healer ot c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_c4 [healer ot c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_d1 [healer ot d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_d2 [healer ot d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_d3 [healer ot d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_d4 [healer ot d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_e1 [healer ot e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_e2 [healer ot e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_e3 [healer ot e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_e4 [healer ot e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_f1 [healer ot f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_f2 [healer ot f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_f3 [healer ot f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_healer_ot_f4 [healer ot f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_b1 [light melee blunt b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_b2 [light melee blunt b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_b3 [light melee blunt b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_b4 [light melee blunt b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_c1 [light melee blunt c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_c2 [light melee blunt c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_c3 [light melee blunt c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_c4 [light melee blunt c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_d1 [light melee blunt d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_d2 [light melee blunt d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_d3 [light melee blunt d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_d4 [light melee blunt d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_e1 [light melee blunt e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_e2 [light melee blunt e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_e3 [light melee blunt e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_e4 [light melee blunt e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_f1 [light melee blunt f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_f2 [light melee blunt f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_f3 [light melee blunt f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_blunt_f4 [light melee blunt f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_b1 [light melee pierce b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_b2 [light melee pierce b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_b3 [light melee pierce b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_b4 [light melee pierce b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_c1 [light melee pierce c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_c2 [light melee pierce c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_c3 [light melee pierce c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_c4 [light melee pierce c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_d1 [light melee pierce d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_d2 [light melee pierce d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_d3 [light melee pierce d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_d4 [light melee pierce d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_e1 [light melee pierce e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_e2 [light melee pierce e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_e3 [light melee pierce e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_e4 [light melee pierce e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_f1 [light melee pierce f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_f2 [light melee pierce f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_f3 [light melee pierce f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_pierce_f4 [light melee pierce f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_b1 [light melee slash b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_b2 [light melee slash b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_b3 [light melee slash b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_b4 [light melee slash b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_c1 [light melee slash c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_c2 [light melee slash c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_c3 [light melee slash c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_c4 [light melee slash c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_d1 [light melee slash d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_d2 [light melee slash d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_d3 [light melee slash d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_d4 [light melee slash d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_e1 [light melee slash e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_e2 [light melee slash e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_e3 [light melee slash e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_e4 [light melee slash e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_f1 [light melee slash f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_f2 [light melee slash f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_f3 [light melee slash f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_melee_slash_f4 [light melee slash f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_b1 [light ranged blunt b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_b2 [light ranged blunt b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_b3 [light ranged blunt b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_b4 [light ranged blunt b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_c1 [light ranged blunt c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_c2 [light ranged blunt c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_c3 [light ranged blunt c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_c4 [light ranged blunt c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_d1 [light ranged blunt d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_d2 [light ranged blunt d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_d3 [light ranged blunt d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_d4 [light ranged blunt d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_e1 [light ranged blunt e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_e2 [light ranged blunt e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_e3 [light ranged blunt e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_e4 [light ranged blunt e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_f1 [light ranged blunt f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_f2 [light ranged blunt f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_f3 [light ranged blunt f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_blunt_f4 [light ranged blunt f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_b1 [light ranged pierce b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_b2 [light ranged pierce b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_b3 [light ranged pierce b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_b4 [light ranged pierce b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_c1 [light ranged pierce c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_c2 [light ranged pierce c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_c3 [light ranged pierce c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_c4 [light ranged pierce c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_d1 [light ranged pierce d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_d2 [light ranged pierce d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_d3 [light ranged pierce d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_d4 [light ranged pierce d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_e1 [light ranged pierce e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_e2 [light ranged pierce e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_e3 [light ranged pierce e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_e4 [light ranged pierce e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_f1 [light ranged pierce f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_f2 [light ranged pierce f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_f3 [light ranged pierce f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_pierce_f4 [light ranged pierce f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_b1 [light ranged slash b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_b2 [light ranged slash b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_b3 [light ranged slash b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_b4 [light ranged slash b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_c1 [light ranged slash c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_c2 [light ranged slash c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_c3 [light ranged slash c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_c4 [light ranged slash c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_d1 [light ranged slash d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_d2 [light ranged slash d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_d3 [light ranged slash d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_d4 [light ranged slash d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_e1 [light ranged slash e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_e2 [light ranged slash e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_e3 [light ranged slash e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_e4 [light ranged slash e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_f1 [light ranged slash f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_f2 [light ranged slash f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_f3 [light ranged slash f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_light_ranged_slash_f4 [light ranged slash f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_b1 [magic aoe acid b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_b2 [magic aoe acid b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_b3 [magic aoe acid b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_b4 [magic aoe acid b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_c1 [magic aoe acid c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_c2 [magic aoe acid c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_c3 [magic aoe acid c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_c4 [magic aoe acid c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_d1 [magic aoe acid d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_d2 [magic aoe acid d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_d3 [magic aoe acid d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_d4 [magic aoe acid d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_e1 [magic aoe acid e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_e2 [magic aoe acid e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_e3 [magic aoe acid e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_e4 [magic aoe acid e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_f1 [magic aoe acid f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_f2 [magic aoe acid f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_f3 [magic aoe acid f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_acid_f4 [magic aoe acid f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_b1 [magic aoe cold b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_b2 [magic aoe cold b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_b3 [magic aoe cold b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_b4 [magic aoe cold b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_c1 [magic aoe cold c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_c2 [magic aoe cold c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_c3 [magic aoe cold c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_c4 [magic aoe cold c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_d1 [magic aoe cold d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_d2 [magic aoe cold d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_d3 [magic aoe cold d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_d4 [magic aoe cold d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_e1 [magic aoe cold e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_e2 [magic aoe cold e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_e3 [magic aoe cold e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_e4 [magic aoe cold e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_f1 [magic aoe cold f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_f2 [magic aoe cold f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_f3 [magic aoe cold f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_cold_f4 [magic aoe cold f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_b1 [magic aoe electricity b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_b2 [magic aoe electricity b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_b3 [magic aoe electricity b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_b4 [magic aoe electricity b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_c1 [magic aoe electricity c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_c2 [magic aoe electricity c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_c3 [magic aoe electricity c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_c4 [magic aoe electricity c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_d1 [magic aoe electricity d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_d2 [magic aoe electricity d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_d3 [magic aoe electricity d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_d4 [magic aoe electricity d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_e1 [magic aoe electricity e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_e2 [magic aoe electricity e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_e3 [magic aoe electricity e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_e4 [magic aoe electricity e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_f1 [magic aoe electricity f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_f2 [magic aoe electricity f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_f3 [magic aoe electricity f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_electricity_f4 [magic aoe electricity f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_b1 [magic aoe fire b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_b2 [magic aoe fire b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_b3 [magic aoe fire b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_b4 [magic aoe fire b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_c1 [magic aoe fire c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_c2 [magic aoe fire c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_c3 [magic aoe fire c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_c4 [magic aoe fire c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_d1 [magic aoe fire d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_d2 [magic aoe fire d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_d3 [magic aoe fire d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_d4 [magic aoe fire d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_e1 [magic aoe fire e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_e2 [magic aoe fire e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_e3 [magic aoe fire e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_e4 [magic aoe fire e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_f1 [magic aoe fire f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_f2 [magic aoe fire f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_f3 [magic aoe fire f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_fire_f4 [magic aoe fire f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_b1 [magic aoe poison b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_b2 [magic aoe poison b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_b3 [magic aoe poison b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_b4 [magic aoe poison b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_c1 [magic aoe poison c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_c2 [magic aoe poison c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_c3 [magic aoe poison c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_c4 [magic aoe poison c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_d1 [magic aoe poison d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_d2 [magic aoe poison d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_d3 [magic aoe poison d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_d4 [magic aoe poison d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_e1 [magic aoe poison e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_e2 [magic aoe poison e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_e3 [magic aoe poison e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_e4 [magic aoe poison e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_f1 [magic aoe poison f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_f2 [magic aoe poison f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_f3 [magic aoe poison f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_poison_f4 [magic aoe poison f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_b1 [magic aoe rot b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_b2 [magic aoe rot b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_b3 [magic aoe rot b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_b4 [magic aoe rot b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_c1 [magic aoe rot c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_c2 [magic aoe rot c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_c3 [magic aoe rot c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_c4 [magic aoe rot c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_d1 [magic aoe rot d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_d2 [magic aoe rot d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_d3 [magic aoe rot d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_d4 [magic aoe rot d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_e1 [magic aoe rot e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_e2 [magic aoe rot e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_e3 [magic aoe rot e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_e4 [magic aoe rot e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_f1 [magic aoe rot f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_f2 [magic aoe rot f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_f3 [magic aoe rot f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_rot_f4 [magic aoe rot f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_b1 [magic aoe shockwave b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_b2 [magic aoe shockwave b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_b3 [magic aoe shockwave b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_b4 [magic aoe shockwave b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_c1 [magic aoe shockwave c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_c2 [magic aoe shockwave c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_c3 [magic aoe shockwave c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_c4 [magic aoe shockwave c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_d1 [magic aoe shockwave d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_d2 [magic aoe shockwave d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_d3 [magic aoe shockwave d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_d4 [magic aoe shockwave d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_e1 [magic aoe shockwave e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_e2 [magic aoe shockwave e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_e3 [magic aoe shockwave e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_e4 [magic aoe shockwave e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_f1 [magic aoe shockwave f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_f2 [magic aoe shockwave f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_f3 [magic aoe shockwave f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_aoe_shockwave_f4 [magic aoe shockwave f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_b1 [magic curser blind b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_b2 [magic curser blind b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_b3 [magic curser blind b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_b4 [magic curser blind b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_c1 [magic curser blind c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_c2 [magic curser blind c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_c3 [magic curser blind c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_c4 [magic curser blind c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_d1 [magic curser blind d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_d2 [magic curser blind d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_d3 [magic curser blind d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_d4 [magic curser blind d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_e1 [magic curser blind e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_e2 [magic curser blind e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_e3 [magic curser blind e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_e4 [magic curser blind e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_f1 [magic curser blind f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_f2 [magic curser blind f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_f3 [magic curser blind f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_blind_f4 [magic curser blind f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_b1 [magic curser fear b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_b2 [magic curser fear b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_b3 [magic curser fear b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_b4 [magic curser fear b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_c1 [magic curser fear c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_c2 [magic curser fear c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_c3 [magic curser fear c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_c4 [magic curser fear c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_d1 [magic curser fear d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_d2 [magic curser fear d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_d3 [magic curser fear d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_d4 [magic curser fear d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_e1 [magic curser fear e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_e2 [magic curser fear e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_e3 [magic curser fear e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_e4 [magic curser fear e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_f1 [magic curser fear f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_f2 [magic curser fear f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_f3 [magic curser fear f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_fear_f4 [magic curser fear f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_b1 [magic curser madness b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_b2 [magic curser madness b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_b3 [magic curser madness b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_b4 [magic curser madness b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_c1 [magic curser madness c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_c2 [magic curser madness c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_c3 [magic curser madness c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_c4 [magic curser madness c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_d1 [magic curser madness d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_d2 [magic curser madness d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_d3 [magic curser madness d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_d4 [magic curser madness d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_e1 [magic curser madness e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_e2 [magic curser madness e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_e3 [magic curser madness e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_e4 [magic curser madness e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_f1 [magic curser madness f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_f2 [magic curser madness f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_f3 [magic curser madness f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_madness_f4 [magic curser madness f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_b1 [magic curser root b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_b2 [magic curser root b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_b3 [magic curser root b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_b4 [magic curser root b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_c1 [magic curser root c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_c2 [magic curser root c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_c3 [magic curser root c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_c4 [magic curser root c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_d1 [magic curser root d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_d2 [magic curser root d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_d3 [magic curser root d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_d4 [magic curser root d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_e1 [magic curser root e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_e2 [magic curser root e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_e3 [magic curser root e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_e4 [magic curser root e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_f1 [magic curser root f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_f2 [magic curser root f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_f3 [magic curser root f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_root_f4 [magic curser root f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_b1 [magic curser sleep b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_b2 [magic curser sleep b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_b3 [magic curser sleep b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_b4 [magic curser sleep b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_c1 [magic curser sleep c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_c2 [magic curser sleep c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_c3 [magic curser sleep c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_c4 [magic curser sleep c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_d1 [magic curser sleep d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_d2 [magic curser sleep d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_d3 [magic curser sleep d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_d4 [magic curser sleep d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_e1 [magic curser sleep e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_e2 [magic curser sleep e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_e3 [magic curser sleep e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_e4 [magic curser sleep e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_f1 [magic curser sleep f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_f2 [magic curser sleep f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_f3 [magic curser sleep f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_sleep_f4 [magic curser sleep f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_b1 [magic curser slow b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_b2 [magic curser slow b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_b3 [magic curser slow b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_b4 [magic curser slow b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_c1 [magic curser slow c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_c2 [magic curser slow c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_c3 [magic curser slow c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_c4 [magic curser slow c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_d1 [magic curser slow d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_d2 [magic curser slow d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_d3 [magic curser slow d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_d4 [magic curser slow d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_e1 [magic curser slow e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_e2 [magic curser slow e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_e3 [magic curser slow e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_e4 [magic curser slow e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_f1 [magic curser slow f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_f2 [magic curser slow f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_f3 [magic curser slow f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_slow_f4 [magic curser slow f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_b1 [magic curser snare b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_b2 [magic curser snare b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_b3 [magic curser snare b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_b4 [magic curser snare b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_c1 [magic curser snare c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_c2 [magic curser snare c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_c3 [magic curser snare c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_c4 [magic curser snare c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_d1 [magic curser snare d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_d2 [magic curser snare d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_d3 [magic curser snare d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_d4 [magic curser snare d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_e1 [magic curser snare e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_e2 [magic curser snare e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_e3 [magic curser snare e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_e4 [magic curser snare e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_f1 [magic curser snare f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_f2 [magic curser snare f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_f3 [magic curser snare f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_snare_f4 [magic curser snare f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_b1 [magic curser stun b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_b2 [magic curser stun b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_b3 [magic curser stun b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_b4 [magic curser stun b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_c1 [magic curser stun c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_c2 [magic curser stun c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_c3 [magic curser stun c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_c4 [magic curser stun c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_d1 [magic curser stun d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_d2 [magic curser stun d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_d3 [magic curser stun d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_d4 [magic curser stun d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_e1 [magic curser stun e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_e2 [magic curser stun e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_e3 [magic curser stun e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_e4 [magic curser stun e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_f1 [magic curser stun f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_f2 [magic curser stun f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_f3 [magic curser stun f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_curser_stun_f4 [magic curser stun f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_b1 [magic damage dealer acid b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_b2 [magic damage dealer acid b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_b3 [magic damage dealer acid b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_b4 [magic damage dealer acid b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_c1 [magic damage dealer acid c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_c2 [magic damage dealer acid c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_c3 [magic damage dealer acid c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_c4 [magic damage dealer acid c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_d1 [magic damage dealer acid d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_d2 [magic damage dealer acid d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_d3 [magic damage dealer acid d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_d4 [magic damage dealer acid d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_e1 [magic damage dealer acid e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_e2 [magic damage dealer acid e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_e3 [magic damage dealer acid e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_e4 [magic damage dealer acid e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_f1 [magic damage dealer acid f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_f2 [magic damage dealer acid f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_f3 [magic damage dealer acid f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_acid_f4 [magic damage dealer acid f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_b1 [magic damage dealer cold b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_b2 [magic damage dealer cold b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_b3 [magic damage dealer cold b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_b4 [magic damage dealer cold b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_c1 [magic damage dealer cold c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_c2 [magic damage dealer cold c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_c3 [magic damage dealer cold c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_c4 [magic damage dealer cold c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_d1 [magic damage dealer cold d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_d2 [magic damage dealer cold d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_d3 [magic damage dealer cold d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_d4 [magic damage dealer cold d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_e1 [magic damage dealer cold e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_e2 [magic damage dealer cold e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_e3 [magic damage dealer cold e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_e4 [magic damage dealer cold e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_f1 [magic damage dealer cold f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_f2 [magic damage dealer cold f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_f3 [magic damage dealer cold f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_cold_f4 [magic damage dealer cold f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_b1 [magic damage dealer electricity b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_b2 [magic damage dealer electricity b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_b3 [magic damage dealer electricity b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_b4 [magic damage dealer electricity b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_c1 [magic damage dealer electricity c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_c2 [magic damage dealer electricity c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_c3 [magic damage dealer electricity c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_c4 [magic damage dealer electricity c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_d1 [magic damage dealer electricity d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_d2 [magic damage dealer electricity d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_d3 [magic damage dealer electricity d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_d4 [magic damage dealer electricity d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_e1 [magic damage dealer electricity e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_e2 [magic damage dealer electricity e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_e3 [magic damage dealer electricity e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_e4 [magic damage dealer electricity e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_f1 [magic damage dealer electricity f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_f2 [magic damage dealer electricity f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_f3 [magic damage dealer electricity f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_electricity_f4 [magic damage dealer electricity f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_b1 [magic damage dealer fire b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_b2 [magic damage dealer fire b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_b3 [magic damage dealer fire b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_b4 [magic damage dealer fire b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_c1 [magic damage dealer fire c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_c2 [magic damage dealer fire c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_c3 [magic damage dealer fire c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_c4 [magic damage dealer fire c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_d1 [magic damage dealer fire d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_d2 [magic damage dealer fire d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_d3 [magic damage dealer fire d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_d4 [magic damage dealer fire d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_e1 [magic damage dealer fire e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_e2 [magic damage dealer fire e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_e3 [magic damage dealer fire e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_e4 [magic damage dealer fire e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_f1 [magic damage dealer fire f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_f2 [magic damage dealer fire f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_f3 [magic damage dealer fire f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_fire_f4 [magic damage dealer fire f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_b1 [magic damage dealer poison b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_b2 [magic damage dealer poison b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_b3 [magic damage dealer poison b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_b4 [magic damage dealer poison b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_c1 [magic damage dealer poison c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_c2 [magic damage dealer poison c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_c3 [magic damage dealer poison c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_c4 [magic damage dealer poison c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_d1 [magic damage dealer poison d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_d2 [magic damage dealer poison d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_d3 [magic damage dealer poison d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_d4 [magic damage dealer poison d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_e1 [magic damage dealer poison e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_e2 [magic damage dealer poison e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_e3 [magic damage dealer poison e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_e4 [magic damage dealer poison e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_f1 [magic damage dealer poison f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_f2 [magic damage dealer poison f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_f3 [magic damage dealer poison f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_poison_f4 [magic damage dealer poison f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_b1 [magic damage dealer rot b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_b2 [magic damage dealer rot b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_b3 [magic damage dealer rot b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_b4 [magic damage dealer rot b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_c1 [magic damage dealer rot c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_c2 [magic damage dealer rot c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_c3 [magic damage dealer rot c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_c4 [magic damage dealer rot c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_d1 [magic damage dealer rot d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_d2 [magic damage dealer rot d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_d3 [magic damage dealer rot d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_d4 [magic damage dealer rot d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_e1 [magic damage dealer rot e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_e2 [magic damage dealer rot e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_e3 [magic damage dealer rot e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_e4 [magic damage dealer rot e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_f1 [magic damage dealer rot f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_f2 [magic damage dealer rot f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_f3 [magic damage dealer rot f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_rot_f4 [magic damage dealer rot f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_b1 [magic damage dealer shockwave b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_b2 [magic damage dealer shockwave b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_b3 [magic damage dealer shockwave b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_b4 [magic damage dealer shockwave b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_c1 [magic damage dealer shockwave c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_c2 [magic damage dealer shockwave c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_c3 [magic damage dealer shockwave c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_c4 [magic damage dealer shockwave c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_d1 [magic damage dealer shockwave d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_d2 [magic damage dealer shockwave d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_d3 [magic damage dealer shockwave d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_d4 [magic damage dealer shockwave d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_e1 [magic damage dealer shockwave e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_e2 [magic damage dealer shockwave e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_e3 [magic damage dealer shockwave e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_e4 [magic damage dealer shockwave e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_f1 [magic damage dealer shockwave f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_f2 [magic damage dealer shockwave f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_f3 [magic damage dealer shockwave f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_magic_damage_dealer_shockwave_f4 [magic damage dealer shockwave f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_b1 [melee damage dealer blunt b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_b2 [melee damage dealer blunt b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_b3 [melee damage dealer blunt b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_b4 [melee damage dealer blunt b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_c1 [melee damage dealer blunt c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_c2 [melee damage dealer blunt c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_c3 [melee damage dealer blunt c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_c4 [melee damage dealer blunt c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_d1 [melee damage dealer blunt d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_d2 [melee damage dealer blunt d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_d3 [melee damage dealer blunt d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_d4 [melee damage dealer blunt d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_e1 [melee damage dealer blunt e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_e2 [melee damage dealer blunt e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_e3 [melee damage dealer blunt e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_e4 [melee damage dealer blunt e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_f1 [melee damage dealer blunt f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_f2 [melee damage dealer blunt f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_f3 [melee damage dealer blunt f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_blunt_f4 [melee damage dealer blunt f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_b1 [melee damage dealer pierce b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_b2 [melee damage dealer pierce b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_b3 [melee damage dealer pierce b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_b4 [melee damage dealer pierce b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_c1 [melee damage dealer pierce c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_c2 [melee damage dealer pierce c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_c3 [melee damage dealer pierce c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_c4 [melee damage dealer pierce c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_d1 [melee damage dealer pierce d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_d2 [melee damage dealer pierce d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_d3 [melee damage dealer pierce d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_d4 [melee damage dealer pierce d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_e1 [melee damage dealer pierce e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_e2 [melee damage dealer pierce e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_e3 [melee damage dealer pierce e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_e4 [melee damage dealer pierce e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_f1 [melee damage dealer pierce f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_f2 [melee damage dealer pierce f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_f3 [melee damage dealer pierce f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_pierce_f4 [melee damage dealer pierce f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_b1 [melee damage dealer slash b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_b2 [melee damage dealer slash b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_b3 [melee damage dealer slash b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_b4 [melee damage dealer slash b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_c1 [melee damage dealer slash c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_c2 [melee damage dealer slash c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_c3 [melee damage dealer slash c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_c4 [melee damage dealer slash c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_d1 [melee damage dealer slash d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_d2 [melee damage dealer slash d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_d3 [melee damage dealer slash d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_d4 [melee damage dealer slash d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_e1 [melee damage dealer slash e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_e2 [melee damage dealer slash e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_e3 [melee damage dealer slash e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_e4 [melee damage dealer slash e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_f1 [melee damage dealer slash f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_f2 [melee damage dealer slash f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_f3 [melee damage dealer slash f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_damage_dealer_slash_f4 [melee damage dealer slash f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_b1 [melee tank blunt b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_b2 [melee tank blunt b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_b3 [melee tank blunt b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_b4 [melee tank blunt b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_c1 [melee tank blunt c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_c2 [melee tank blunt c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_c3 [melee tank blunt c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_c4 [melee tank blunt c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_d1 [melee tank blunt d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_d2 [melee tank blunt d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_d3 [melee tank blunt d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_d4 [melee tank blunt d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_e1 [melee tank blunt e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_e2 [melee tank blunt e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_e3 [melee tank blunt e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_e4 [melee tank blunt e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_f1 [melee tank blunt f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_f2 [melee tank blunt f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_f3 [melee tank blunt f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_blunt_f4 [melee tank blunt f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_b1 [melee tank pierce b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_b2 [melee tank pierce b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_b3 [melee tank pierce b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_b4 [melee tank pierce b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_c1 [melee tank pierce c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_c2 [melee tank pierce c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_c3 [melee tank pierce c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_c4 [melee tank pierce c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_d1 [melee tank pierce d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_d2 [melee tank pierce d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_d3 [melee tank pierce d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_d4 [melee tank pierce d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_e1 [melee tank pierce e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_e2 [melee tank pierce e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_e3 [melee tank pierce e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_e4 [melee tank pierce e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_f1 [melee tank pierce f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_f2 [melee tank pierce f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_f3 [melee tank pierce f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_pierce_f4 [melee tank pierce f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_b1 [melee tank slash b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_b2 [melee tank slash b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_b3 [melee tank slash b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_b4 [melee tank slash b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_c1 [melee tank slash c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_c2 [melee tank slash c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_c3 [melee tank slash c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_c4 [melee tank slash c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_d1 [melee tank slash d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_d2 [melee tank slash d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_d3 [melee tank slash d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_d4 [melee tank slash d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_e1 [melee tank slash e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_e2 [melee tank slash e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_e3 [melee tank slash e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_e4 [melee tank slash e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_f1 [melee tank slash f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_f2 [melee tank slash f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_f3 [melee tank slash f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_melee_tank_slash_f4 [melee tank slash f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_b1 [ranged damage dealer blunt b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_b2 [ranged damage dealer blunt b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_b3 [ranged damage dealer blunt b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_b4 [ranged damage dealer blunt b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_c1 [ranged damage dealer blunt c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_c2 [ranged damage dealer blunt c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_c3 [ranged damage dealer blunt c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_c4 [ranged damage dealer blunt c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_d1 [ranged damage dealer blunt d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_d2 [ranged damage dealer blunt d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_d3 [ranged damage dealer blunt d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_d4 [ranged damage dealer blunt d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_e1 [ranged damage dealer blunt e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_e2 [ranged damage dealer blunt e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_e3 [ranged damage dealer blunt e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_e4 [ranged damage dealer blunt e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_f1 [ranged damage dealer blunt f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_f2 [ranged damage dealer blunt f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_f3 [ranged damage dealer blunt f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_blunt_f4 [ranged damage dealer blunt f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_b1 [ranged damage dealer pierce b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_b2 [ranged damage dealer pierce b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_b3 [ranged damage dealer pierce b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_b4 [ranged damage dealer pierce b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_c1 [ranged damage dealer pierce c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_c2 [ranged damage dealer pierce c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_c3 [ranged damage dealer pierce c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_c4 [ranged damage dealer pierce c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_d1 [ranged damage dealer pierce d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_d2 [ranged damage dealer pierce d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_d3 [ranged damage dealer pierce d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_d4 [ranged damage dealer pierce d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_e1 [ranged damage dealer pierce e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_e2 [ranged damage dealer pierce e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_e3 [ranged damage dealer pierce e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_e4 [ranged damage dealer pierce e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_f1 [ranged damage dealer pierce f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_f2 [ranged damage dealer pierce f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_f3 [ranged damage dealer pierce f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_pierce_f4 [ranged damage dealer pierce f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_b1 [ranged damage dealer slash b1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_b2 [ranged damage dealer slash b2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_b3 [ranged damage dealer slash b3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_b4 [ranged damage dealer slash b4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_c1 [ranged damage dealer slash c1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_c2 [ranged damage dealer slash c2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_c3 [ranged damage dealer slash c3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_c4 [ranged damage dealer slash c4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_d1 [ranged damage dealer slash d1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_d2 [ranged damage dealer slash d2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_d3 [ranged damage dealer slash d3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_d4 [ranged damage dealer slash d4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_e1 [ranged damage dealer slash e1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_e2 [ranged damage dealer slash e2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_e3 [ranged damage dealer slash e3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_e4 [ranged damage dealer slash e4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_f1 [ranged damage dealer slash f1]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_f2 [ranged damage dealer slash f2]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_f3 [ranged damage dealer slash f3]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_damage_dealer_slash_f4 [ranged damage dealer slash f4]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_b1 [ranged tank blunt b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_b2 [ranged tank blunt b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_b3 [ranged tank blunt b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_b4 [ranged tank blunt b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_c1 [ranged tank blunt c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_c2 [ranged tank blunt c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_c3 [ranged tank blunt c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_c4 [ranged tank blunt c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_d1 [ranged tank blunt d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_d2 [ranged tank blunt d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_d3 [ranged tank blunt d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_d4 [ranged tank blunt d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_e1 [ranged tank blunt e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_e2 [ranged tank blunt e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_e3 [ranged tank blunt e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_e4 [ranged tank blunt e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_f1 [ranged tank blunt f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_f2 [ranged tank blunt f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_f3 [ranged tank blunt f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_blunt_f4 [ranged tank blunt f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_b1 [ranged tank pierce b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_b2 [ranged tank pierce b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_b3 [ranged tank pierce b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_b4 [ranged tank pierce b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_c1 [ranged tank pierce c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_c2 [ranged tank pierce c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_c3 [ranged tank pierce c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_c4 [ranged tank pierce c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_d1 [ranged tank pierce d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_d2 [ranged tank pierce d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_d3 [ranged tank pierce d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_d4 [ranged tank pierce d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_e1 [ranged tank pierce e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_e2 [ranged tank pierce e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_e3 [ranged tank pierce e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_e4 [ranged tank pierce e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_f1 [ranged tank pierce f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_f2 [ranged tank pierce f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_f3 [ranged tank pierce f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_pierce_f4 [ranged tank pierce f4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_b1 [ranged tank slash b1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_b2 [ranged tank slash b2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_b3 [ranged tank slash b3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_b4 [ranged tank slash b4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_c1 [ranged tank slash c1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_c2 [ranged tank slash c2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_c3 [ranged tank slash c3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_c4 [ranged tank slash c4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_d1 [ranged tank slash d1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_d2 [ranged tank slash d2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_d3 [ranged tank slash d3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_d4 [ranged tank slash d4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_e1 [ranged tank slash e1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_e2 [ranged tank slash e2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_e3 [ranged tank slash e3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_e4 [ranged tank slash e4 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_f1 [ranged tank slash f1 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_f2 [ranged tank slash f2 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_f3 [ranged tank slash f3 ]
uiR2EDnpc_ring_ranged_tank_slash_f4 [ranged tank slash f4 ]
// Creatures Newbie Land
uiR2EDcreature_chdfa1 [Suckling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfa2 [Weanling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfa1 [Suckling Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfa2 [Weanling Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfa1 [Suckling Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfa2 [Weanling Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefa1 [Weeny Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefa2 [Puny Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafa1 [Weeny Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafa2 [Puny Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfa1 [Weeny Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_chdda1 [Suckling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdda2 [Weanling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbda1 [Fledgling Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbda2 [Lesser Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_chcda1 [Suckling Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcda2 [Weanling Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_ccada1 [Weeny Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccada2 [Puny Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_cccda1 [Weeny Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccda2 [Puny Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhda1 [Weeny Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_chdla1 [Suckling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdla2 [Weanling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chfla1 [Suckling Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfla2 [Weanling Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcla1 [Fledgling Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcla2 [Lesser Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cccla1 [Weeny Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccla2 [Puny Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbla1 [Weeny Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbla2 [Puny Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhla1 [Weeny Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_chdja1 [Suckling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdja2 [Weanling Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chhja1 [Suckling Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhja2 [Weanling Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbja1 [Fledgling Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbja2 [Lesser Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjja1 [Fledgling Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjja2 [Lesser Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_cceja1 [Weeny Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceja2 [Puny Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhja1 [Weeny Kipee]
// Passive creatures (birds & carnivores)
uiR2EDcreatures_passive [Herbivores]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadc1 [Vigilant Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadc2 [Hungry Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadc3 [Scavenging Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadc4 [Leering Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadd1 [Vicious Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadd2 [Malignant Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadd3 [Mocking Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbadd4 [Carrion Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagb1 [Nauseous Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagb2 [Stinking Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagb3 [Morbid Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagb4 [Poisoned Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagc1 [Plagued Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagc2 [Sickly Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagc3 [Putrescent Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagc4 [Virulent Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagd1 [Ravaged Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagd2 [Festering Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagd3 [Pestiferous Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagd4 [Raving Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbage1 [Pustulous Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbage2 [Seeping Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbage3 [Foaming Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbage4 [Revolting Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagf1 [Demented Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagf2 [Frenzied Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagf3 [Fiendish Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbagf4 [Lethal Kazoar]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajb4 [Prime Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajd1 [Vicious Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajd2 [Malignant Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajd3 [Mocking Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajd4 [Carrion Igara]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdb1 [Gorged Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdb2 [Vulgar Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdb3 [Bloated Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdb4 [Prime Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdd4 [Carrion Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjb1 [Gorged Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjb2 [Vulgar Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjb3 [Bloated Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjb4 [Prime Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjc1 [Vigilant Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjc2 [Hungry Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjc3 [Scavenging Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbjc4 [Leering Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbblc1 [Vigilant Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbblc2 [Hungry Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbblc3 [Scavenging Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbblc4 [Leering Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbld1 [Vicious Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbld2 [Malignant Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbld3 [Mocking Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbld4 [Carrion Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpd1 [Vicious Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpd2 [Malignant Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpd3 [Mocking Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpd4 [Carrion Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpe4 [Rapacious Izam]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgb1 [Nauseous Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgb2 [Stinking Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgb3 [Morbid Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgb4 [Poisoned Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgc1 [Plagued Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgc2 [Sickly Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgc3 [Putrescent Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgc4 [Virulent Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgd1 [Ravaged Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgd2 [Festering Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgd3 [Pestiferous Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgd4 [Raving Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcge1 [Pustulous Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcge2 [Seeping Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcge3 [Foaming Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcge4 [Revolting Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgf1 [Demented Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgf2 [Frenzied Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgf3 [Fiendish Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcgf4 [Lethal Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcjc1 [Vigilant Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcjc2 [Hungry Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcjc3 [Scavenging Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcjc4 [Leering Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclb1 [Gorged Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclb2 [Vulgar Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclb3 [Bloated Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclb4 [Prime Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclc1 [Vigilant Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclc2 [Hungry Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclc3 [Scavenging Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclc4 [Leering Yber]
uiR2EDcreature_chadc1 [Robust Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chadc2 [Wary Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chadc3 [Gluttonous Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chadc4 [Grunting Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafd1 [Gruff Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafd2 [Obstinate Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafd3 [Rooting Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafd4 [Scrounging Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafe1 [Nettled Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafe2 [Vicious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafe3 [Feral Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chafe4 [Violent Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chajf1 [Furious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chajf2 [Fierce Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chajf3 [Ferocious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chajf4 [Voracious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chale1 [Nettled Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chale2 [Vicious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chale3 [Feral Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chale4 [Violent Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chalf1 [Furious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chalf2 [Fierce Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chalf3 [Ferocious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chalf4 [Voracious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chapd1 [Gruff Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chapd2 [Obstinate Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chapd3 [Rooting Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chapd4 [Scrounging Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chape1 [Nettled Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chape2 [Vicious Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chape3 [Feral Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chape4 [Violent Arma]
uiR2EDcreature_chbdc1 [Robust Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbdc2 [Wary Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbdc3 [Gluttonous Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbdc4 [Grunting Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfb1 [Timorous Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfb2 [Roaming Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfb3 [Scampering Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfb4 [Sprightly Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfc1 [Robust Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfc2 [Wary Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfc3 [Gluttonous Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfc4 [Grunting Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbje1 [Nettled Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbje2 [Vicious Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbje3 [Feral Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbje4 [Violent Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbld1 [Gruff Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbld2 [Obstinate Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbld3 [Rooting Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbld4 [Scrounging Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpd1 [Gruff Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpd2 [Obstinate Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpd3 [Rooting Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpd4 [Scrounging Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpe1 [Nettled Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpe2 [Vicious Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpe3 [Feral Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpe4 [Violent Bodoc]
uiR2EDcreature_chcdb1 [Timorous Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcdb2 [Roaming Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcdb3 [Scampering Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcdb4 [Sprightly Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfb1 [Timorous Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfb2 [Roaming Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfb3 [Scampering Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcfb4 [Sprightly Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcjd1 [Gruff Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcjd2 [Obstinate Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcjd3 [Rooting Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcjd4 [Scrounging Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chclc1 [Robust Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chclc2 [Wary Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chclc3 [Gluttonous Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chclc4 [Grunting Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chcld4 [Scrounging Capryni]
uiR2EDcreature_chddb1 [Timorous Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chddb2 [Roaming Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chddb3 [Scampering Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chddb4 [Sprightly Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfb1 [Timorous Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfb2 [Roaming Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfb3 [Scampering Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfb4 [Sprightly Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdjb1 [Timorous Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdjb2 [Roaming Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdjb3 [Scampering Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdjb4 [Sprightly Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdlb1 [Timorous Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdlb2 [Roaming Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdlb3 [Scampering Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chdlb4 [Sprightly Yubo]
uiR2EDcreature_chegb1 [Nauseous Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegb2 [Stinking Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegb3 [Morbid Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegb4 [Poisoned Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegc1 [Plagued Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegc2 [Sickly Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegc3 [Putrescent Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegc4 [Virulent Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegd1 [Ravaged Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegd2 [Festering Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegd3 [Pestiferous Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegd4 [Raving Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chege1 [Pustulous Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chege2 [Seeping Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chege3 [Foaming Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chege4 [Revolting Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegf1 [Demented Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegf2 [Frenzied Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegf3 [Fiendish Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chegf4 [Lethal Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_cheld1 [Gruff Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_cheld2 [Obstinate Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_cheld3 [Rooting Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_cheld4 [Scrounging Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chele4 [Violent Cray]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgb1 [Nauseous Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgb2 [Stinking Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgb3 [Morbid Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgb4 [Poisoned Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgc1 [Plagued Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgc2 [Sickly Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgc3 [Putrescent Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgc4 [Virulent Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgd1 [Ravaged Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgd2 [Festering Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgd3 [Pestiferous Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgd4 [Raving Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfge1 [Pustulous Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfge2 [Seeping Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfge3 [Foaming Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfge4 [Lethal Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgf1 [Demented Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgf2 [Frenzied Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgf3 [Fiendish Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfgf4 [Lethal Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjc1 [Robust Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjc2 [Wary Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjc3 [Gluttonous Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjc4 [Grunting Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjd1 [Gruff Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjd2 [Obstinate Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjd3 [Rooting Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjd4 [Scrounging Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chflb1 [Timorous Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chflb2 [Roaming Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chflb3 [Scampering Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chflb4 [Sprightly Messab]
uiR2EDcreature_chgdd1 [Gruff Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgdd2 [Obstinate Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgdd3 [Rooting Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgdd4 [Scrounging Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgde1 [Nettled Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgde2 [Vicious Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgde3 [Feral Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgde4 [Violent Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggb1 [Nauseous Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggb2 [Stinking Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggb3 [Morbid Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggb4 [Poisoned Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggc1 [Plagued Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggc2 [Sickly Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggc3 [Putrescent Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggc4 [Virulent Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggd1 [Ravaged Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggd2 [Festering Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggd3 [Pestiferous Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggd4 [Raving Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgge1 [Pustulous Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgge2 [Seeping Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgge3 [Foaming Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgge4 [Revolting Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggf1 [Demented Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggf2 [Frenzied Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggf3 [Fiendish Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chggf4 [Lethal Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd1 [Gruff Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd2 [Obstinate Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd3 [Rooting Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd4 [Scrounging Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf1 [Furious Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf2 [Fierce Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf3 [Ferocious Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf4 [Voracious Lumper]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdd1 [Gruff Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdd2 [Obstinate Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdd3 [Rooting Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdd4 [Scrounging Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfc1 [Robust Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfc2 [Wary Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfc3 [Gluttonous Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfc4 [Grunting Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfd1 [Gruff Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfd2 [Obstinate Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfd3 [Rooting Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhfd4 [Scrounging Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhjb1 [Timorous Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhjb2 [Roaming Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhjb3 [Scampering Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhjb4 [Sprightly Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhle1 [Nettled Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhle2 [Vicious Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhle3 [Feral Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhle4 [Violent Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf1 [Furious Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf2 [Fierce Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf3 [Ferocious Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf4 [Voracious Mektoub]
uiR2EDcreature_chidb2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chidc2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chidd2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chide2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chidf2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chifb2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chifc2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chifd2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chife2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chiff2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chijb2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chijc2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chijd2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chije2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chijf2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chilb2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chilc2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_child2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chile2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chilf2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chipd2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chipe2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chipf2 [Mektoub Mount]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdb2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdb3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdc2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdc3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdd2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdd3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjde2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjde3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdf2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjdf3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfb2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfb3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfc2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfc3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfd2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfd3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfe2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjfe3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjff2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjff3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjb2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjb3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjc2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjc3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjd2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjd3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjje2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjje3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjf2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjjf3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlb2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlb3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlc2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlc3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjld2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjld3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjle2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjle3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlf2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjlf3 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjpd2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjpe2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chjpf2 [Mektoub Packer]
uiR2EDcreature_chkde1 [Nettled Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkde2 [Vicious Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkde3 [Feral Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkde4 [Violent Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkdf1 [Furious Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkdf2 [Fierce Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkdf3 [Ferocious Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkdf4 [Voracious Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgb1 [Nauseous Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgb2 [Stinking Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgb3 [Morbid Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgb4 [Poisoned Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgc1 [Plagued Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgc2 [Sickly Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgc3 [Putrescent Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgc4 [Virulent Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgd1 [Ravaged Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgd2 [Festering Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgd3 [Pestiferous Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgd4 [Raving Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkge1 [Pustulous Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkge2 [Seeping Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkge3 [Foaming Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkge4 [Revolting Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgf1 [Demented Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgf2 [Frenzied Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgf3 [Fiendish Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkgf4 [Lethal Ryzoholo]
uiR2EDcreature_chkjd1 [Gruff Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkjd2 [Obstinate Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkjd3 [Rooting Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkjd4 [Scrounging Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkje1 [Nettled Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkje2 [Vicious Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkje3 [Feral Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chkje4 [Violent Timari]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf1 [Furious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf2 [Fierce Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf3 [Ferocious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf4 [Voracious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe1 [Nettled Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe2 [Vicious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe3 [Feral Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe4 [Violent Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlff1 [Furious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlff2 [Fierce Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlff3 [Ferocious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlff4 [Voracious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgb1 [Nauseous Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgb2 [Stinking Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgb3 [Morbid Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgb4 [Poisoned Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgc1 [Plagued Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgc2 [Sickly Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgc3 [Putrescent Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgc4 [Virulent Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgd1 [Ravaged Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgd2 [Festering Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgd3 [Pestiferous Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgd4 [Raving Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlge1 [Pustulous Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlge2 [Seeping Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlge3 [Foaming Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlge4 [Revolting Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgf1 [Demented Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgf2 [Frenzied Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgf3 [Fiendish Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlgf4 [Lethal Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlld1 [Gruff Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlld2 [Obstinate Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlld3 [Rooting Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlld4 [Scrounging Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlle1 [Nettled Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlle2 [Vicious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlle3 [Feral Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlle4 [Violent Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe1 [Nettled Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe2 [Vicious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe3 [Feral Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe4 [Violent Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf1 [Furious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf2 [Fierce Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf3 [Ferocious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf4 [Voracious Yelk]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd1 [Gruff Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd2 [Obstinate Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd3 [Rooting Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd4 [Scrounging Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmfc1 [Robust Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmfc2 [Wary Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmfc3 [Gluttonous Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chmfc4 [Grunting Raspal]
uiR2EDcreature_chnfd1 [Gruff Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnfd2 [Obstinate Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnfd3 [Rooting Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnfd4 [Scrounging Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnjc1 [Robust Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnjc2 [Wary Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnjc3 [Gluttonous Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chnjc4 [Grunting Bawaab]
uiR2EDcreature_chofc1 [Robust Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chofc2 [Wary Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chofc3 [Gluttonous Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chofc4 [Grunting Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogb1 [Nauseous Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogb2 [Stinking Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogb3 [Morbid Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogb4 [Poisoned Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogc1 [Plagued Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogc2 [Sickly Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogc3 [Putrescent Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogc4 [Virulent Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogd1 [Ravaged Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogd2 [Festering Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogd3 [Pestiferous Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogd4 [Raving Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_choge1 [Pustulous Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_choge2 [Seeping Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_choge3 [Foaming Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_choge4 [Revolting Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogf1 [Demented Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogf2 [Frenzied Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogf3 [Fiendish Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chogf4 [Lethal Frippo]
uiR2EDcreature_chpdc1 [Robust Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpdc2 [Wary Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpdc3 [Gluttonous Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpdc4 [Grunting Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpde4 [Violent Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpfd1 [Gruff Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpfd2 [Obstinate Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpfd3 [Rooting Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chpfd4 [Scrounging Rendor]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe1 [Nettled Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe2 [Vicious Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe3 [Feral Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe4 [Violent Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqlc1 [Robust Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqlc2 [Wary Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqlc3 [Gluttonous Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chqlc4 [Grunting Gnoof]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe1 [Nettled Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe2 [Vicious Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe3 [Feral Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe4 [Violent Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrlf1 [Furious Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrlf2 [Fierce Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrlf3 [Ferocious Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chrlf4 [Voracious Bolobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf1 [Furious Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf2 [Fierce Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf3 [Ferocious Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf4 [Voracious Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle1 [Nettled Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle2 [Vicious Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle3 [Feral Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle4 [Violent Shalah]
uiR2EDcreature_chtde1 [Nettled Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtde2 [Vicious Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtde3 [Feral Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtde4 [Violent Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf1 [Furious Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf2 [Fierce Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf3 [Ferocious Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf4 [Voracious Ploderos]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje1 [Nettled Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje2 [Vicious Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje3 [Feral Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje4 [Violent Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chulf1 [Furious Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chulf2 [Fierce Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chulf3 [Ferocious Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chulf4 [Voracious Wombai]
uiR2EDcreature_chvfe4 [Violent Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvff1 [Furious Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvff2 [Fierce Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvff3 [Ferocious Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvff4 [Voracious Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvje1 [Nettled Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvje2 [Vicious Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvje3 [Feral Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvje4 [Violent Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chvpf4 [Violent Madakam]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde1 [Nettled Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde2 [Vicious Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde3 [Feral Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde4 [Violent Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwff1 [Furious Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwff2 [Fierce Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwff3 [Ferocious Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chwff4 [Voracious Arana]
uiR2EDcreature_chxjf1 [Furious Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxjf2 [Fierce Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxjf3 [Ferocious Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxjf4 [Voracious Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe1 [Nettled Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe2 [Vicious Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe3 [Feral Gubani]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe4 [Violent Gubani]
// Predators (carnivores)
uiR2EDcreatures_predators [Predators]
uiR2EDcreature_ccadb1 [Vigorous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccadb2 [Growling Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccadb3 [Scowling Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccadb4 [Baying Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafb1 [Vigorous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafb2 [Growling Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafb3 [Scowling Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafb4 [Baying Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafc1 [Scary Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafc2 [Malicious Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafc3 [Dangerous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafc4 [Menacing Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafe4 [Huge Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagb1 [Nauseous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagb2 [Stinking Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagb3 [Morbid Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagb4 [Poisoned Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagc1 [Plagued Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagc2 [Sickly Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagc3 [Putrescent Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagc4 [Virulent Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagd1 [Ravaged Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagd2 [Festering Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagd3 [Pestiferous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagd4 [Raving Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccage1 [Pustulous Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccage2 [Seeping Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccage3 [Foaming Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccage4 [Revolting Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagf1 [Demented Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagf2 [Frenzied Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagf3 [Fiendish Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccagf4 [Lethal Chonari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccajd1 [Roaring Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccajd2 [Marauding Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccajd3 [Hunting Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccajd4 [Prowling Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccaje1 [Preying Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccaje2 [Raging Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccaje3 [Fearsome Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccaje4 [Huge Gingo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbdc1 [Scary Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbdc2 [Malicious Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbdc3 [Dangerous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbdc4 [Menacing Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgb1 [Nauseous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgb2 [Stinking Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgb3 [Morbid Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgb4 [Poisoned Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgc1 [Plagued Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgc2 [Sickly Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgc3 [Putrescent Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgc4 [Virulent Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgd1 [Ravaged Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgd2 [Festering Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgd3 [Pestiferous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgd4 [Raving Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbge1 [Pustulous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbge2 [Seeping Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbge3 [Foaming Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbge4 [Revolting Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgf1 [Demented Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgf2 [Frenzied Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgf3 [Fiendish Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbgf4 [Lethal Cococlaw]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblb1 [Vigorous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblb2 [Growling Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblb3 [Scowling Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblb4 [Baying Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblc1 [Scary Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblc2 [Malicious Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblc3 [Dangerous Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_ccblc4 [Menacing Clopper]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdb1 [Vigorous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdb2 [Growling Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdb3 [Scowling Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdb4 [Baying Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdc1 [Scary Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdc2 [Malicious Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdc3 [Dangerous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdc4 [Menacing Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdd4 [Prowling Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgb1 [Nauseous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgb2 [Stinking Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgb3 [Morbid Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgb4 [Poisoned Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgc1 [Plagued Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgc2 [Sickly Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgc3 [Putrescent Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgc4 [Virulent Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgd1 [Ravaged Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgd2 [Festering Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgd3 [Pestiferous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgd4 [Raving Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccge1 [Pustulous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccge2 [Seeping Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccge3 [Foaming Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccge4 [Revolting Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgf1 [Demented Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgf2 [Frenzied Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgf3 [Fiendish Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_cccgf4 [Lethal Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclb1 [Vigorous Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclb2 [Growling Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclb3 [Scowling Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclb4 [Baying Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclf4 [Great Goari]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfd1 [Roaring Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfd2 [Marauding Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfd3 [Hunting Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfd4 [Prowling Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe1 [Preying Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe2 [Raging Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe3 [Fearsome Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe4 [Huge Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgb1 [Nauseous Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgb2 [Stinking Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgb3 [Morbid Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgb4 [Poisoned Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgc1 [Plagued Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgc2 [Sickly Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgc3 [Putrescent Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgc4 [Lethal Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgd1 [Ravaged Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgd2 [Festering Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgd3 [Pestiferous Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgd4 [Lethal Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdge1 [Pustulous Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdge2 [Seeping Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdge3 [Foaming Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdge4 [Lethal Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgf1 [Demented Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgf2 [Frenzied Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgf3 [Fiendish Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdgf4 [Lethal Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjc1 [Scary Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjc2 [Malicious Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjc3 [Dangerous Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjc4 [Menacing Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjd1 [Roaring Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjd2 [Marauding Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjd3 [Hunting Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjd4 [Prowling Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle1 [Preying Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle2 [Raging Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle3 [Fearsome Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle4 [Huge Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdlf1 [Terrifying Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdlf2 [Awesome Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdlf3 [Horrific Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdlf4 [Great Torbak]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefb1 [Vigorous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefb2 [Growling Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefb3 [Scowling Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccefb4 [Baying Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceff4 [Great Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegb1 [Nauseous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegb2 [Stinking Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegb3 [Morbid Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegb4 [Poisoned Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegc1 [Plagued Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegc2 [Sickly Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegc3 [Putrescent Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegc4 [Virulent Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegd1 [Ravaged Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegd2 [Festering Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegd3 [Pestiferous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegd4 [Raving Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccege1 [Pustulous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccege2 [Seeping Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccege3 [Foaming Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccege4 [Revolting Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegf1 [Demented Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegf2 [Frenzied Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegf3 [Fiendish Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccegf4 [Lethal Regus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejb1 [Vigorous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejb2 [Growling Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejb3 [Scowling Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejb4 [Baying Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejc1 [Scary Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejc2 [Malicious Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejc3 [Dangerous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejc4 [Menacing Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccelc1 [Scary Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccelc2 [Malicious Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccelc3 [Dangerous Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccelc4 [Menacing Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceld1 [Roaring Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceld2 [Marauding Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceld3 [Hunting Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_cceld4 [Prowling Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccepf4 [Great Ragus]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgb1 [Nauseous Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgb2 [Stinking Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgb3 [Morbid Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgb4 [Poisoned Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgc1 [Plagued Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgc2 [Sickly Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgc3 [Putrescent Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgc4 [Virulent Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgd1 [Ravaged Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgd2 [Festering Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgd3 [Pestiferous Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgd4 [Raving Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfge1 [Pustulous Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfge2 [Seeping Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfge3 [Foaming Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfge4 [Revolting Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgf1 [Demented Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgf2 [Frenzied Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgf3 [Fiendish Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfgf4 [Lethal Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjd4 [Prowling Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfje1 [Preying Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfje2 [Raging Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfje3 [Fearsome Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfje4 [Huge Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjf1 [Terrifying Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjf2 [Awesome Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjf3 [Horrific Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjf4 [Great Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccflf1 [Terrifying Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccflf2 [Awesome Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccflf3 [Horrific Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccflf4 [Great Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfpe4 [Huge Najab]
uiR2EDcreature_ccggf1 [Demented Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccggf2 [Frenzied Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccggf3 [Fiendish Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccggf4 [Lethal Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf1 [Terrifying Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf2 [Awesome Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf3 [Horrific Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf4 [Great Vorax]
uiR2EDcreature_cchdd1 [Roaring Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchdd2 [Marauding Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchdd3 [Hunting Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchdd4 [Prowling Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde1 [Preying Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde2 [Raging Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde3 [Fearsome Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde4 [Huge Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgb1 [Nauseous Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgb2 [Stinking Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgb3 [Morbid Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgb4 [Poisoned Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgc1 [Plagued Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgc2 [Sickly Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgc3 [Putrescent Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgc4 [Virulent Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgd1 [Ravaged Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgd2 [Festering Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgd3 [Pestiferous Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgd4 [Raving Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchge1 [Pustulous Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchge2 [Seeping Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchge3 [Foaming Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchge4 [Revolting Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgf1 [Demented Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgf2 [Frenzied Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgf3 [Fiendish Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchgf4 [Lethal Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe1 [Roaring Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe2 [Marauding Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe3 [Hunting Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe4 [Prowling Varinx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd1 [Roaring Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd2 [Marauding Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd3 [Hunting Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd4 [Prowling Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidf1 [Terrifying Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidf2 [Awesome Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidf3 [Horrific Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidf4 [Great Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijf1 [Terrifying Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijf2 [Awesome Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijf3 [Horrific Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijf4 [Great Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccild1 [Roaring Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccild2 [Marauding Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccild3 [Hunting Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccild4 [Prowling Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccile1 [Preying Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccile2 [Raging Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccile3 [Fearsome Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccile4 [Huge Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd1 [Roaring Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd2 [Marauding Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd3 [Hunting Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd4 [Prowling Zerx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfc1 [Scary Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfc2 [Malicious Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfc3 [Dangerous Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfc4 [Menacing Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd1 [Vicious Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd2 [Malignant Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd3 [Hunting Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd4 [Prowling Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjjb1 [Vigorous Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjjb2 [Vulgar Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjjb3 [Bloated Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjjb4 [Prime Javing]
uiR2EDcreature_cckdf1 [Terrifying Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckdf2 [Awesome Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckdf3 [Horrific Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckdf4 [Great Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe1 [Preying Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe2 [Raging Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe3 [Fearsome Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe4 [Huge Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckff1 [Terrifying Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckff2 [Awesome Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckff3 [Horrific Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cckff4 [Great Cuttler]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde1 [Preying Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde2 [Raging Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde3 [Fearsome Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde4 [Huge Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclff1 [Terrifying Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclff2 [Awesome Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclff3 [Horrific Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclff4 [Great Ocyx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmff1 [Terrifying Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmff2 [Awesome Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmff3 [Horrific Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmff4 [Great Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgb1 [Nauseous Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgb2 [Stinking Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgb3 [Morbid Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgb4 [Poisoned Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgc1 [Plagued Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgc2 [Sickly Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgc3 [Putrescent Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgc4 [Virulent Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgd1 [Ravaged Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgd2 [Festering Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgd3 [Pestiferous Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgd4 [Raving Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmge1 [Pustulous Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmge2 [Seeping Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmge3 [Foaming Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmge4 [Revolting Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgf1 [Demented Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgf2 [Frenzied Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgf3 [Fiendish Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmgf4 [Lethal Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf1 [Terrifying Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf2 [Awesome Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf3 [Horrific Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf4 [Great Jugula]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnlf1 [Terrifying Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnlf2 [Awesome Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnlf3 [Horrific Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnlf4 [Great Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnpd1 [Roaring Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnpd2 [Marauding Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnpd3 [Hunting Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnpd4 [Prowling Horncher]
uiR2EDcreature_ccodf1 [Terrifying Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccodf2 [Awesome Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccodf3 [Horrific Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccodf4 [Great Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope1 [Preying Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope2 [Raging Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope3 [Fearsome Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope4 [Huge Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf1 [Terrifying Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf2 [Awesome Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf3 [Horrific Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf4 [Great Tyrancha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccpjf1 [Terrifying Yetin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccpjf2 [Awesome Yetin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccpjf3 [Horrific Yetin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccpjf4 [Great Yetin]
// plants
uiR2EDcreatures_plants [Dangerous Plants]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagb1 [Nauseous Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagb2 [Stinking Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagb3 [Morbid Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagb4 [Poisoned Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagc1 [Plagued Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagc2 [Sickly Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagc3 [Putrescent Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagc4 [Virulent Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagd1 [Ravaged Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagd2 [Festering Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagd3 [Pestiferous Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagd4 [Raving Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpage1 [Pustulous Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpage2 [Seeping Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpage3 [Foaming Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpage4 [Revolting Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagf1 [Demented Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagf2 [Frenzied Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagf3 [Fiendish Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpagf4 [Lethal Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapd1 [Parched Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapd2 [Stalking Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapd3 [Rooting Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapd4 [Noxious Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpape1 [Vile Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpape2 [Unpredictable Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpape3 [Prickly Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpape4 [Rattled Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapf1 [Horrifying Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapf2 [Rapacious Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapf3 [Prodigeous Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapf4 [Devastating Jubla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgb1 [Nauseous Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgb2 [Stinking Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgb3 [Morbid Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgb4 [Poisoned Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgc1 [Plagued Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgc2 [Sickly Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgc3 [Putrescent Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgc4 [Virulent Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgd1 [Ravaged Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgd2 [Festering Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgd3 [Pestiferous Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgd4 [Raving Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbge1 [Pustulous Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbge2 [Seeping Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbge3 [Foaming Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbge4 [Revolting Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgf1 [Demented Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgf2 [Frenzied Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgf3 [Fiendish Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbgf4 [Lethal Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblb1 [Sluggish Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblb2 [Drowsy Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblb3 [Minor Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblb4 [Budding Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblc1 [Robust Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblc2 [Blooming Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblc3 [Dehydrated Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblc4 [Famished Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbld1 [Parched Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbld2 [Stalking Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbld3 [Rooting Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpbld4 [Noxious Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblf4 [Devastating Stinga]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfb1 [Sluggish Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfb2 [Drowsy Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfb3 [Minor Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfb4 [Budding Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfc1 [Robust Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfc2 [Blooming Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfc3 [Dehydrated Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfc4 [Famished Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgb1 [Nauseous Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgb2 [Stinking Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgb3 [Morbid Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgb4 [Poisoned Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgc1 [Plagued Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgc2 [Sickly Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgc3 [Putrescent Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgc4 [Virulent Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgd1 [Ravaged Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgd2 [Festering Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgd3 [Pestiferous Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgd4 [Raving Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcge1 [Pustulous Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcge2 [Seeping Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcge3 [Foaming Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcge4 [Revolting Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgf1 [Demented Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgf2 [Frenzied Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgf3 [Fiendish Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcgf4 [Lethal Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcjd1 [Parched Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcjd2 [Stalking Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcjd3 [Rooting Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcjd4 [Noxious Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcje1 [Vile Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcje2 [Unpredictable Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcje3 [Prickly Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcje4 [Rattled Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcpf4 [Rattled Psykopla]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdfe1 [Vile Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdfe2 [Unpredictable Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdfe3 [Prickly Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdfe4 [Rattled Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdff1 [Horrifying Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdff2 [Rapacious Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdff3 [Prodigeous Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdff4 [Devastating Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgb1 [Nauseous Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgb2 [Stinking Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgb3 [Morbid Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgb4 [Poisoned Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgc1 [Plagued Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgc2 [Sickly Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgc3 [Putrescent Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgc4 [Virulent Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgd1 [Ravaged Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgd2 [Festering Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgd3 [Pestiferous Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgd4 [Raving Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdge1 [Pustulous Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdge2 [Seeping Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdge3 [Foaming Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdge4 [Revolting Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgf1 [Demented Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgf2 [Frenzied Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgf3 [Fiendish Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdgf4 [Lethal Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjb1 [Sluggish Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjb2 [Drowsy Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjb3 [Minor Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjb4 [Budding Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjc1 [Robust Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjc2 [Blooming Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjc3 [Dehydrated Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdjc4 [Famished Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdje4 [Rattled Slaveni]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefd1 [Parched Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefd2 [Stalking Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefd3 [Rooting Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefd4 [Noxious Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefe1 [Vile Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefe2 [Unpredictable Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefe3 [Prickly Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefe4 [Rattled Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegb1 [Nauseous Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegb2 [Stinking Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegb3 [Morbid Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegb4 [Poisoned Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegc1 [Plagued Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegc2 [Sickly Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegc3 [Putrescent Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegc4 [Virulent Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegd1 [Ravaged Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegd2 [Festering Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegd3 [Pestiferous Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegd4 [Raving Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpege1 [Pustulous Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpege2 [Seeping Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpege3 [Foaming Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpege4 [Revolting Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegf1 [Demented Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegf2 [Frenzied Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegf3 [Fiendish Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpegf4 [Lethal Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpejf1 [Horrifying Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpejf2 [Rapacious Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpejf3 [Prodigeous Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpejf4 [Devastating Cratcha]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdb1 [Sluggish Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdb2 [Drowsy Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdb3 [Minor Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdb4 [Budding Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdc1 [Robust Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdc2 [Blooming Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdc3 [Dehydrated Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdc4 [Famished Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdd1 [Parched Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdd2 [Stalking Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdd3 [Rooting Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdd4 [Noxious Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdf4 [Devastating Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgb1 [Nauseous Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgb2 [Stinking Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgb3 [Morbid Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgb4 [Poisoned Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgc1 [Plagued Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgc2 [Sickly Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgc3 [Putrescent Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgc4 [Virulent Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgd1 [Ravaged Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgd2 [Festering Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgd3 [Pestiferous Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgd4 [Raving Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfge1 [Pustulous Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfge2 [Seeping Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfge3 [Foaming Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfge4 [Revolting Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgf1 [Demented Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgf2 [Frenzied Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgf3 [Fiendish Shooki]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfgf4 [Lethal Shooki]
// degens (primitive)
uiR2EDcreatures_degens [Primitive]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagb1 [Nauseous Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagb2 [Stinking Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagb3 [Morbid Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagb4 [Poisoned Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagc1 [Plagued Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagc2 [Sickly Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagc3 [Putrescent Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagc4 [Virulent Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagd1 [Ravaged Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagd2 [Festering Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagd3 [Pestiferous Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagd4 [Raving Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdage1 [Pustulous Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdage2 [Seeping Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdage3 [Foaming Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdage4 [Revolting Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagf1 [Demented Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagf2 [Frenzied Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagf3 [Fiendish Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdagf4 [Lethal Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdald1 [Savage Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdald2 [Seasoned Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdald3 [Veteran Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdald4 [Lurking Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdale1 [Creeping Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdale2 [Crabby Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdale3 [Belligerent Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdale4 [Frightening Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd1 [Savage Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd2 [Seasoned Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd3 [Veteran Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd4 [Lurking Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdape1 [Creeping Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdape2 [Crabby Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdape3 [Belligerent Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdape4 [Frightening Cute]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfd1 [Savage Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfd2 [Seasoned Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfd3 [Veteran Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfd4 [Lurking Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe1 [Creeping Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe2 [Crabby Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe3 [Belligerent Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe4 [Frightening Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgb1 [Nauseous Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgb2 [Stinking Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgb3 [Morbid Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgb4 [Poisoned Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgc1 [Plagued Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgc2 [Sickly Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgc3 [Putrescent Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgc4 [Virulent Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgd1 [Ravaged Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgd2 [Festering Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgd3 [Pestiferous Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgd4 [Raving Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbge1 [Pustulous Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbge2 [Seeping Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbge3 [Foaming Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbge4 [Revolting Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgf1 [Demented Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgf2 [Frenzied Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgf3 [Fiendish Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbgf4 [Lethal Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbjd1 [Savage Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbjd2 [Seasoned Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbjd3 [Veteran Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbjd4 [Lurking Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje1 [Creeping Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje2 [Crabby Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje3 [Belligerent Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje4 [Frightening Gibbaï]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd1 [Savage Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd2 [Seasoned Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd3 [Veteran Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd4 [Lurking Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcde1 [Creeping Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcde2 [Crabby Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcde3 [Belligerent Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcde4 [Frightening Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgb1 [Nauseous Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgb2 [Stinking Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgb3 [Morbid Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgb4 [Poisoned Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgc1 [Plagued Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgc2 [Sickly Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgc3 [Putrescent Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgc4 [Virulent Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgd1 [Ravaged Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgd2 [Festering Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgd3 [Pestiferous Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgd4 [Raving Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcge1 [Pustulous Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcge2 [Seeping Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcge3 [Foaming Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcge4 [Revolting Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgf1 [Demented Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgf2 [Frenzied Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgf3 [Fiendish Frahar]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcgf4 [Lethal Frahar]
// kitins
uiR2EDcreatures_kitins_passive [Passive Kitins]
uiR2EDcreatures_kitins [Kitins]
uiR2EDcreature_ckade1 [Nettled Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckade2 [Incensed Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckade3 [Mighty Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckade4 [Awesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckadf1 [Gruesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckadf2 [Lacerating Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckadf3 [Killer Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckadf4 [Great Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckafe1 [Nettled Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckafe2 [Incensed Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckafe3 [Mighty Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckafe4 [Awesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaff1 [Gruesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaff2 [Lacerating Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaff3 [Killer Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaff4 [Great Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagb1 [Nauseous Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagb2 [Stinking Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagb3 [Morbid Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagb4 [Poisoned Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagc1 [Plagued Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagc2 [Sickly Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagc3 [Putrescent Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagc4 [Virulent Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagd1 [Ravaged Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagd2 [Festering Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagd3 [Pestiferous Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagd4 [Raving Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckage1 [Pustulous Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckage2 [Seeping Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckage3 [Foaming Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckage4 [Revolting Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagf1 [Demented Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagf2 [Frenzied Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagf3 [Fiendish Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckagf4 [Lethal Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaje1 [Nettled Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaje2 [Incensed Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaje3 [Mighty Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaje4 [Awesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckajf1 [Gruesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckajf2 [Lacerating Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckajf3 [Killer Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckajf4 [Great Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckale1 [Nettled Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckale2 [Incensed Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckale3 [Mighty Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckale4 [Awesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckalf1 [Gruesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckalf2 [Lacerating Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckalf3 [Killer Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckalf4 [Great Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckape1 [Nettled Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckape2 [Incensed Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckape3 [Mighty Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckape4 [Awesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckapf1 [Gruesome Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckapf2 [Lacerating Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckapf3 [Killer Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckapf4 [Great Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbde1 [Nettled Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbde2 [Incensed Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbde3 [Mighty Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbde4 [Awesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbdf1 [Gruesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbdf2 [Lacerating Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbdf3 [Killer Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbdf4 [Great Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbfe1 [Nettled Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbfe2 [Incensed Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbfe3 [Mighty Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbfe4 [Awesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbff1 [Gruesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbff2 [Lacerating Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbff3 [Killer Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbff4 [Great Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgb1 [Nauseous Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgb2 [Stinking Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgb3 [Morbid Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgb4 [Poisoned Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgc1 [Plagued Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgc2 [Sickly Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgc3 [Putrescent Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgc4 [Virulent Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgd1 [Ravaged Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgd2 [Festering Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgd3 [Pestiferous Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgd4 [Raving Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbge1 [Pustulous Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbge2 [Seeping Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbge3 [Foaming Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbge4 [Revolting Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgf1 [Demented Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgf2 [Frenzied Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgf3 [Fiendish Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbgf4 [Lethal Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbje1 [Nettled Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbje2 [Incensed Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbje3 [Mighty Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbje4 [Awesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbjf1 [Gruesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbjf2 [Lacerating Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbjf3 [Killer Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbjf4 [Great Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckble1 [Nettled Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckble2 [Incensed Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckble3 [Mighty Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckble4 [Awesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckblf1 [Gruesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckblf2 [Lacerating Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckblf3 [Killer Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckblf4 [Great Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpe1 [Nettled Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpe2 [Incensed Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpe3 [Mighty Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpe4 [Awesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpf1 [Gruesome Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpf2 [Lacerating Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpf3 [Killer Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpf4 [Great Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcde1 [Nettled Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcde2 [Incensed Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcde3 [Mighty Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcde4 [Awesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcdf1 [Gruesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcdf2 [Lacerating Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcdf3 [Killer Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcdf4 [Great Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcfe1 [Nettled Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcfe2 [Incensed Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcfe3 [Mighty Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcfe4 [Awesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcff1 [Gruesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcff2 [Lacerating Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcff3 [Killer Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcff4 [Great Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgb1 [Nauseous Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgb2 [Stinking Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgb3 [Morbid Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgb4 [Poisoned Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgc1 [Plagued Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgc2 [Sickly Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgc3 [Putrescent Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgc4 [Virulent Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgd1 [Ravaged Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgd2 [Festering Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgd3 [Pestiferous Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgd4 [Raving Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcge1 [Pustulous Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcge2 [Seeping Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcge3 [Foaming Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcge4 [Revolting Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgf1 [Demented Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgf2 [Frenzied Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgf3 [Fiendish Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcgf4 [Lethal Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcje1 [Nettled Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcje2 [Incensed Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcje3 [Mighty Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcje4 [Awesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcjf1 [Gruesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcjf2 [Lacerating Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcjf3 [Killer Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcjf4 [Great Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcle1 [Nettled Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcle2 [Incensed Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcle3 [Mighty Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcle4 [Awesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckclf1 [Gruesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckclf2 [Lacerating Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckclf3 [Killer Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckclf4 [Great Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpe1 [Nettled Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpe2 [Incensed Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpe3 [Mighty Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpe4 [Awesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpf1 [Gruesome Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpf2 [Lacerating Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpf3 [Killer Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcpf4 [Great Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddd1 [Dreaded Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddd2 [Master Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddd3 [Veteran Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddd4 [Hungry Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdde1 [Nettled Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdde2 [Incensed Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdde3 [Mighty Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdde4 [Awesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddf1 [Gruesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddf2 [Lacerating Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddf3 [Killer Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddf4 [Great Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfd1 [Dreaded Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfd2 [Master Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfd3 [Veteran Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfd4 [Hungry Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe1 [Nettled Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe2 [Incensed Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe3 [Mighty Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe4 [Awesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdff1 [Gruesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdff2 [Lacerating Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdff3 [Killer Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdff4 [Great Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgb1 [Nauseous Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgb2 [Stinking Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgb3 [Morbid Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgb4 [Poisoned Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgc1 [Plagued Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgc2 [Sickly Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgc3 [Putrescent Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgc4 [Virulent Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgd1 [Ravaged Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgd2 [Festering Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgd3 [Pestiferous Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgd4 [Raving Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdge1 [Pustulous Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdge2 [Seeping Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdge3 [Foaming Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdge4 [Revolting Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgf1 [Demented Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgf2 [Frenzied Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgf3 [Fiendish Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdgf4 [Lethal Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjd1 [Dreaded Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjd2 [Master Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjd3 [Veteran Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjd4 [Hungry Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje1 [Nettled Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje2 [Incensed Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje3 [Mighty Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje4 [Awesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjf1 [Gruesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjf2 [Lacerating Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjf3 [Killer Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjf4 [Great Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdld1 [Dreaded Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdld2 [Master Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdld3 [Veteran Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdld4 [Hungry Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdle1 [Nettled Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdle2 [Incensed Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdle3 [Mighty Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdle4 [Awesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdlf1 [Gruesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdlf2 [Lacerating Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdlf3 [Killer Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdlf4 [Great Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpd1 [Dreaded Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpd2 [Master Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpd3 [Veteran Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpd4 [Hungry Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpe1 [Nettled Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpe2 [Incensed Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpe3 [Mighty Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpe4 [Awesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf1 [Gruesome Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf2 [Lacerating Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf3 [Killer Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf4 [Great Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede1 [Nettled Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede2 [Incensed Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede3 [Mighty Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede4 [Awesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckedf1 [Gruesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckedf2 [Lacerating Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckedf3 [Killer Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckedf4 [Great Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckefe1 [Nettled Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckefe2 [Incensed Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckefe3 [Mighty Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckefe4 [Awesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeff1 [Gruesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeff2 [Lacerating Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeff3 [Killer Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeff4 [Great Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegb1 [Nauseous Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegb2 [Stinking Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegb3 [Morbid Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegb4 [Poisoned Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegc1 [Plagued Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegc2 [Sickly Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegc3 [Putrescent Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegc4 [Virulent Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegd1 [Ravaged Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegd2 [Festering Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegd3 [Pestiferous Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegd4 [Raving Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckege1 [Pustulous Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckege2 [Seeping Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckege3 [Foaming Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckege4 [Revolting Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegf1 [Demented Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegf2 [Frenzied Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegf3 [Fiendish Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckegf4 [Lethal Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje1 [Nettled Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje2 [Incensed Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje3 [Mighty Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje4 [Awesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckejf1 [Gruesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckejf2 [Lacerating Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckejf3 [Killer Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckejf4 [Great Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckele1 [Nettled Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckele2 [Incensed Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckele3 [Mighty Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckele4 [Awesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckelf1 [Gruesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckelf2 [Lacerating Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckelf3 [Killer Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckelf4 [Great Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepe1 [Nettled Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepe2 [Incensed Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepe3 [Mighty Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepe4 [Awesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf1 [Gruesome Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf2 [Lacerating Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf3 [Killer Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf4 [Great Kipucka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfde1 [Nettled Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfde2 [Incensed Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfde3 [Mighty Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfde4 [Awesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfdf1 [Gruesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfdf2 [Lacerating Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfdf3 [Killer Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfdf4 [Great Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckffe1 [Nettled Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckffe2 [Incensed Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckffe3 [Mighty Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckffe4 [Awesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfff1 [Gruesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfff2 [Lacerating Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfff3 [Killer Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfff4 [Great Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje1 [Nettled Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje2 [Incensed Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje3 [Mighty Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje4 [Awesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfjf1 [Gruesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfjf2 [Lacerating Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfjf3 [Killer Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfjf4 [Great Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfle1 [Nettled Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfle2 [Incensed Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfle3 [Mighty Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfle4 [Awesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckflf1 [Gruesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckflf2 [Lacerating Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckflf3 [Killer Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckflf4 [Great Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe1 [Nettled Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe2 [Incensed Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe3 [Mighty Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe4 [Awesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf1 [Gruesome Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf2 [Lacerating Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf3 [Killer Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf4 [Great Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgde1 [Nettled Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgde2 [Incensed Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgde3 [Mighty Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgde4 [Awesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgdf1 [Gruesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgdf2 [Lacerating Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgdf3 [Killer Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgdf4 [Great Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgfe1 [Nettled Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgfe2 [Incensed Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgfe3 [Mighty Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgfe4 [Awesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgff1 [Gruesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgff2 [Lacerating Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgff3 [Killer Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgff4 [Great Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggb1 [Nauseous Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggb2 [Stinking Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggb3 [Morbid Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggb4 [Poisoned Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggc1 [Plagued Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggc2 [Sickly Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggc3 [Putrescent Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggc4 [Virulent Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggd1 [Ravaged Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggd2 [Festering Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggd3 [Pestiferous Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggd4 [Raving Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgge1 [Pustulous Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgge2 [Seeping Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgge3 [Foaming Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgge4 [Revolting Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggf1 [Demented Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggf2 [Frenzied Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggf3 [Fiendish Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckggf4 [Lethal Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgje1 [Nettled Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgje2 [Incensed Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgje3 [Mighty Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgje4 [Awesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgjf1 [Gruesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgjf2 [Lacerating Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgjf3 [Killer Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgjf4 [Great Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgle1 [Nettled Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgle2 [Incensed Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgle3 [Mighty Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgle4 [Awesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf1 [Gruesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf2 [Lacerating Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf3 [Killer Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf4 [Great Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpe1 [Nettled Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpe2 [Incensed Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpe3 [Mighty Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpe4 [Awesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf1 [Gruesome Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf2 [Lacerating Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf3 [Killer Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf4 [Great Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdb1 [Vigorous Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdb2 [Vulgar Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdb3 [Moderate Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdb4 [Hard Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdc1 [Vigilant Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdc2 [Strong Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdc3 [Mean Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdc4 [Vicious Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd1 [Dreaded Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd2 [Master Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd3 [Veteran Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd4 [Hungry Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhde1 [Nettled Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhde2 [Incensed Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhde3 [Mighty Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhde4 [Awesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdf1 [Gruesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdf2 [Lacerating Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdf3 [Killer Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdf4 [Great Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfb1 [Vigorous Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfb2 [Vulgar Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfb3 [Moderate Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfb4 [Hard Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfc1 [Vigilant Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfc2 [Strong Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfc3 [Mean Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfc4 [Vicious Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfd1 [Dreaded Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfd2 [Master Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfd3 [Veteran Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfd4 [Hungry Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfe1 [Nettled Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfe2 [Incensed Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfe3 [Mighty Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfe4 [Awesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhff1 [Gruesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhff2 [Lacerating Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhff3 [Killer Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhff4 [Great Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjb1 [Vigorous Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjb2 [Vulgar Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjb3 [Moderate Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjb4 [Hard Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjc1 [Vigilant Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjc2 [Strong Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjc3 [Mean Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjc4 [Vicious Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjd1 [Dreaded Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjd2 [Master Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjd3 [Veteran Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjd4 [Hungry Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhje1 [Nettled Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhje2 [Incensed Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhje3 [Mighty Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhje4 [Awesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjf1 [Gruesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjf2 [Lacerating Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjf3 [Killer Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhjf4 [Great Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlb1 [Vigorous Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlb2 [Vulgar Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlb3 [Moderate Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlb4 [Hard Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlc1 [Vigilant Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlc2 [Strong Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlc3 [Mean Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlc4 [Vicious Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhld1 [Dreaded Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhld2 [Master Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhld3 [Veteran Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhld4 [Hungry Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhle1 [Nettled Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhle2 [Incensed Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhle3 [Mighty Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhle4 [Awesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlf1 [Gruesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlf2 [Lacerating Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlf3 [Killer Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhlf4 [Great Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpd1 [Dreaded Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpd2 [Master Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpd3 [Veteran Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpd4 [Hungry Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpe1 [Nettled Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpe2 [Incensed Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpe3 [Mighty Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpe4 [Awesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpf1 [Gruesome Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpf2 [Lacerating Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpf3 [Killer Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpf4 [Great Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidc1 [Vigilant Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidc2 [Strong Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidc3 [Mean Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidc4 [Vicious Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidd1 [Dreaded Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidd2 [Master Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidd3 [Veteran Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidd4 [Hungry Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckide1 [Nettled Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckide2 [Incensed Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckide3 [Mighty Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckide4 [Awesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidf1 [Gruesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidf2 [Lacerating Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidf3 [Killer Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckidf4 [Great Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifc1 [Vigilant Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifc2 [Strong Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifc3 [Mean Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifc4 [Vicious Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifd1 [Dreaded Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifd2 [Master Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifd3 [Veteran Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckifd4 [Hungry Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckife1 [Nettled Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckife2 [Incensed Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckife3 [Mighty Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckife4 [Awesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiff1 [Gruesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiff2 [Lacerating Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiff3 [Killer Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiff4 [Great Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigb1 [Nauseous Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigb2 [Stinking Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigb3 [Morbid Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigb4 [Poisoned Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigc1 [Plagued Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigc2 [Sickly Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigc3 [Putrescent Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigc4 [Virulent Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigd1 [Ravaged Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigd2 [Festering Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigd3 [Pestiferous Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigd4 [Raving Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckige1 [Pustulous Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckige2 [Seeping Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckige3 [Foaming Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckige4 [Revolting Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigf1 [Demented Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigf2 [Frenzied Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigf3 [Fiendish Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckigf4 [Lethal Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijc1 [Vigilant Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijc2 [Strong Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijc3 [Mean Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijc4 [Vicious Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijd1 [Dreaded Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijd2 [Master Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijd3 [Veteran Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijd4 [Hungry Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckije1 [Nettled Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckije2 [Incensed Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckije3 [Mighty Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckije4 [Awesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijf1 [Gruesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijf2 [Lacerating Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijf3 [Killer Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijf4 [Great Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilc1 [Vigilant Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilc2 [Strong Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilc3 [Mean Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilc4 [Vicious Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckild1 [Dreaded Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckild2 [Master Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckild3 [Veteran Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckild4 [Hungry Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckile1 [Nettled Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckile2 [Incensed Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckile3 [Mighty Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckile4 [Awesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilf1 [Gruesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilf2 [Lacerating Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilf3 [Killer Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckilf4 [Great Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipd1 [Dreaded Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipd2 [Master Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipd3 [Veteran Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipd4 [Hungry Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipe1 [Nettled Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipe2 [Incensed Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipe3 [Mighty Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipe4 [Awesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf1 [Gruesome Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf2 [Lacerating Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf3 [Killer Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf4 [Great Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdd1 [Dreaded Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdd2 [Master Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdd3 [Veteran Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdd4 [Hungry Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjde1 [Nettled Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjde2 [Incensed Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjde3 [Mighty Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjde4 [Awesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdf1 [Gruesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdf2 [Lacerating Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdf3 [Killer Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjdf4 [Great Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfd1 [Dreaded Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfd2 [Master Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfd3 [Veteran Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfd4 [Hungry Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfe1 [Nettled Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfe2 [Incensed Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfe3 [Mighty Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfe4 [Awesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjff1 [Gruesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjff2 [Lacerating Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjff3 [Killer Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjff4 [Great Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgb1 [Nauseous Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgb2 [Stinking Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgb3 [Morbid Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgb4 [Poisoned Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgc1 [Plagued Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgc2 [Sickly Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgc3 [Putrescent Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgc4 [Virulent Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgd1 [Ravaged Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgd2 [Festering Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgd3 [Pestiferous Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgd4 [Raving Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjge1 [Pustulous Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjge2 [Seeping Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjge3 [Foaming Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjge4 [Revolting Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgf1 [Demented Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgf2 [Frenzied Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgf3 [Fiendish Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjgf4 [Lethal Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjd1 [Dreaded Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjd2 [Master Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjd3 [Veteran Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjd4 [Hungry Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjje1 [Nettled Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjje2 [Incensed Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjje3 [Mighty Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjje4 [Awesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjf1 [Gruesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjf2 [Lacerating Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjf3 [Killer Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjjf4 [Great Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjld1 [Dreaded Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjld2 [Master Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjld3 [Veteran Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjld4 [Hungry Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjle1 [Nettled Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjle2 [Incensed Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjle3 [Mighty Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjle4 [Awesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjlf1 [Gruesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjlf2 [Lacerating Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjlf3 [Killer Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjlf4 [Great Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpd1 [Dreaded Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpd2 [Master Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpd3 [Veteran Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpd4 [Hungry Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpe1 [Nettled Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpe2 [Incensed Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpe3 [Mighty Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpe4 [Awesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf1 [Gruesome Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf2 [Lacerating Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf3 [Killer Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf4 [Great Kipesta]
// named passives
uiR2EDcreatures_named_passives [Herbivore Mini-Bosses]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajf5 [Kim-kol]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbpe7 [Izakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbde5 [Dylion]
uiR2EDcreature_cbbdd7 [Izaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_cbcld5 [Corrah]
uiR2EDcreature_cbclc7 [Yberkan]
uiR2EDcreature_cbajb7 [Igakya]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf7 [Yelketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf7 [Shalaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chwff7 [Aranakin]
uiR2EDcreature_chxjf7 [Gubakya]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf7 [Plodekya]
uiR2EDcreature_chulf7 [Womkan]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf7 [Lumkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf7 [Yelkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf7 [Mekoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chvpf7 [Madakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chldf5 [Minyon]
uiR2EDcreature_chsdf5 [Utasha]
uiR2EDcreature_chlff5 [Sadichi]
uiR2EDcreature_chvff5 [Muncham]
uiR2EDcreature_chajf5 [Manda]
uiR2EDcreature_chtjf5 [Dolak]
uiR2EDcreature_chrlf5 [Niobi]
uiR2EDcreature_chhpf5 [Bukah]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpf5 [Weebil]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpf5 [Budai]
uiR2EDcreature_chtde7 [Plodeketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde7 [Aranaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chpde7 [Rendoketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe7 [Yelkin]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe7 [Gnookin]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe7 [Bolkin]
uiR2EDcreature_chvfe7 [Madakin]
uiR2EDcreature_chvje7 [Madakya]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje7 [Wombakya]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle7 [Shakan]
uiR2EDcreature_chale7 [Arkan]
uiR2EDcreature_chele7 [Craykan]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe7 [Yelkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe7 [Gubakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chape7 [Armkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chgde5 [Godgin]
uiR2EDcreature_chkde5 [Fimpon]
uiR2EDcreature_chwde5 [Tarron]
uiR2EDcreature_chafe5 [Raktol]
uiR2EDcreature_chlfe5 [Thompor]
uiR2EDcreature_chqfe5 [Filoop]
uiR2EDcreature_chrfe5 [Lobbin]
uiR2EDcreature_cheje5 [Tin-bok-hai]
uiR2EDcreature_chuje5 [Mombi]
uiR2EDcreature_chale5 [Tron]
uiR2EDcreature_chsle5 [Shinkah]
uiR2EDcreature_chhle5 [Norse]
uiR2EDcreature_chlpe5 [Mukah]
uiR2EDcreature_chxpe5 [Harini]
uiR2EDcreature_chape5 [Smyler]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpe5 [Glump]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd7 [Raspaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chpfd7 [Rendokin]
uiR2EDcreature_chkjd7 [Timkya]
uiR2EDcreature_chcld7 [Caprykan]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd7 [Lumpkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdd5 [Buntah]
uiR2EDcreature_chmdd5 [Rucca]
uiR2EDcreature_chnfd5 [Quadon]
uiR2EDcreature_chcjd5 [Ferryni]
uiR2EDcreature_cheld5 [Crimp]
uiR2EDcreature_chgpd5 [Spyker]
uiR2EDcreature_chbpd5 [Gormac]
uiR2EDcreature_chnjc7 [Bawakya]
uiR2EDcreature_chhdc5 [Kussok]
uiR2EDcreature_chpdc5 [Bingle]
uiR2EDcreature_chafc5 [Hisserto]
uiR2EDcreature_chclc5 [Runroy]
uiR2EDcreature_chblc5 [Dabbin]
uiR2EDcreature_chcdb7 [Capryketh]
uiR2EDcreature_chbfb7 [Bodokin]
uiR2EDcreature_chflb7 [Messakan]
uiR2EDcreature_chgdb5 [Ibakus]
uiR2EDcreature_chdfb5 [Ora]
uiR2EDcreature_chfjb5 [Zoann]
// named predators
uiR2EDcreatures_named_predators [Predator Mini-Bosses]
uiR2EDcreature_cckdf7 [Cuttleketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmff7 [Jukin]
uiR2EDcreature_cceff7 [Ragukin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijf7 [Zerkya]
uiR2EDcreature_ccpjf7 [Yetikya]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnlf7 [Hornkan]
uiR2EDcreature_ccclf7 [Goakan]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf7 [Vorkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf7 [Jugukoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf7 [Tyrakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccepf7 [Rakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidf5 [Poncha]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdff5 [Vispa]
uiR2EDcreature_cckff5 [Zatchel]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjf5 [Bajam]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdlf5 [Slucer]
uiR2EDcreature_ccflf5 [Fijoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccmpf5 [Vulca]
uiR2EDcreature_ccopf5 [Ryx]
uiR2EDcreature_ccgpf5 [Raj]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde7 [Varyketh]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde7 [Ocyketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe7 [Torkin]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe7 [Cuttlekin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafe7 [Ginkin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle7 [Torkan]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope7 [Tyrakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfpe7 [Najakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe7 [Varykoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbde5 [Nekothus]
uiR2EDcreature_cchde5 [Tennyx]
uiR2EDcreature_cclde5 [Skellop]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdfe5 [Wyac]
uiR2EDcreature_cckfe5 [Spurlah]
uiR2EDcreature_ccaje5 [Maniah]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdje5 [Fylish]
uiR2EDcreature_ccele5 [Toler]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdle5 [Zaber]
uiR2EDcreature_ccope5 [Dhar-teeh]
uiR2EDcreature_cchpe5 [Slyk]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd7 [Zerketh]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdd7 [Goaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd7 [Javkin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfjd7 [Najakya]
uiR2EDcreature_ccnpd7 [Hornkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd7 [Zerkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cchdd5 [Blacosis]
uiR2EDcreature_ccidd5 [Gullie]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafd5 [Torrius]
uiR2EDcreature_ccjfd5 [Lerang]
uiR2EDcreature_ccijd5 [Gar-Lo]
uiR2EDcreature_ccajd5 [Freneq]
uiR2EDcreature_ccfld5 [Dgambi]
uiR2EDcreature_ccipd5 [Wylin]
uiR2EDcreature_ccbdc7 [Clopperketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ccelc7 [Rakan]
uiR2EDcreature_ccafc5 [Skoff]
uiR2EDcreature_ccdjc5 [Spinah]
uiR2EDcreature_cccdb7 [Goaketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ccejb7 [Rakya]
// named plants
uiR2EDcreatures_named_plants [Plant Mini-Bosses]
uiR2EDcreature_cpfdf7 [Shooketh]
uiR2EDcreature_cpblf7 [Stinkan]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapf7 [Jukoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcpf7 [Psykokoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cpefe7 [Cratchakin]
uiR2EDcreature_cpdje7 [Slavekya]
uiR2EDcreature_cpapd7 [Jukoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cpcfc7 [Psykokin]
// named degens
uiR2EDcreatures_named_degens [Primitive Mini-Bosses]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe7 [Gibbakin]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje7 [Gibbakya]
uiR2EDcreature_cdale7 [Cukan]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcde5 [Heffah]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbfe5 [Mahi]
uiR2EDcreature_cdbje5 [Jinbai]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd7 [Fraketh]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd7 [Cukoo]
uiR2EDcreature_cdcdd5 [Scythe]
uiR2EDcreature_cdapd5 [Bodlin]
uiR2EDcreature_cdalc5 [Doren]
// named kitins
uiR2EDcreatures_named_kitins [Kitin Mini-Bosses]
uiR2EDcreature_ckddf7 [Kincherketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdf7 [Kipeeketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiff7 [Kizokin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfjf7 [Kirokya]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf7 [Kibakan]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf7 [Kincherkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf7 [Kirokoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf7 [Kizokoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf7 [kipukoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf7 [Kibakoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbpf7 [Kinkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf7 [Kipekoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfdf5 [Nymton]
uiR2EDcreature_ckedf5 [Pakuh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgff5 [Naka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjf5 [Daï-den]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdlf5 [Gerder]
uiR2EDcreature_ckglf5 [Tooroy]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpf5 [Cetra]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpf5 [Lector]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepf5 [Pulpin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpf5 [Zinch]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipf5 [Scaver]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpf5 [Wikkah]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpf5 [Rippa]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede7 [Kipucketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjde7 [Kipesketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe7 [Kincherkin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje7 [Kincherkya]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje7 [Kipuckya]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje7 [Kirokya]
uiR2EDcreature_ckele7 [Kipukan]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpe7 [Kipeekoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe7 [Kirokoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckape7 [Kidikoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhde5 [Klops]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdde5 [Cherkin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckede5 [Punka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckide5 [Zorak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckefe5 [Kinagor]
uiR2EDcreature_ckffe5 [Tramo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdfe5 [Kinitch]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgfe5 [Bakin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfe5 [Kethaa]
uiR2EDcreature_ckife5 [Razoa]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjfe5 [Stapika]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeje5 [Pankom]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfje5 [Staro]
uiR2EDcreature_ckije5 [Razing]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdje5 [Named Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgle5 [Lerching]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhle5 [Kritter]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdle5 [Chaghan]
uiR2EDcreature_ckepe5 [Korzin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpe5 [Edna]
uiR2EDcreature_ckipe5 [Rayler]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfpe5 [Roner]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgpe5 [Zoonen]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd7 [Kipeeketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhfd7 [Kipeekin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdjd7 [Kincherkya]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdld7 [Kincherkan]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjld7 [Kipeskan]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdpd7 [Kincherkoo]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhdd5 [Peeketh]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjpd5 [Voole]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhpd5 [Dunka]
uiR2EDcreature_ckijc5 [Tang-Ka]
// invasion kitins
uiR2EDcreatures_invasion_kitins [Invasion Kitin]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgif4 [Elite Overlord Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaif4 [Elite Overlord Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdif4 [Elite Overlord Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbif4 [Elite Overlord Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhif4 [Elite Overlord Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjif4 [Elite Overlord Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeif4 [Elite Overlord Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfif4 [Elite Overlord Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcif4 [Elite Overlord Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiif4 [Elite Overlord Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrf4 [Elite Commander Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgif3 [Great Overlord Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaif3 [Great Overlord Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdif3 [Great Overlord Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbif3 [Great Overlord Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhif3 [Great Overlord Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjif3 [Great Overlord Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeif3 [Great Overlord Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfif3 [Great Overlord Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcif3 [Great Overlord Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiif3 [Great Overlord Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrf3 [Great Commander Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgif2 [Power Overlord Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaif2 [Power Overlord Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdif2 [Power Overlord Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbif2 [Power Overlord Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhif2 [Power Overlord Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjif2 [Power Overlord Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeif2 [Power Overlord Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfif2 [Power Overlord Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcif2 [Power Overlord Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiif2 [Power Overlord Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrf2 [Power Commander Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgif1 [Overlord Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaif1 [Overlord Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdif1 [Overlord Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbif1 [Overlord Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhif1 [Overlord Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjif1 [Overlord Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeif1 [Overlord Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfif1 [Overlord Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcif1 [Overlord Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiif1 [Overlord Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrf1 [Commander Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgie4 [Elite Reaper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaie4 [Elite Reaper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdie4 [Elite Reaper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbie4 [Elite Reaper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhie4 [Elite Reaper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjie4 [Elite Reaper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeie4 [Elite Reaper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfie4 [Elite Reaper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcie4 [Elite Reaper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiie4 [Elite Reaper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfre4 [Elite Crusader Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgie3 [Great Reaper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaie3 [Great Reaper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdie3 [Great Reaper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbie3 [Great Reaper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhie3 [Great Reaper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjie3 [Great Reaper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeie3 [Great Reaper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfie3 [Great Reaper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcie3 [Great Reaper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiie3 [Great Reaper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfre3 [Great Crusader Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgie2 [Power Reaper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaie2 [Power Reaper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdie2 [Power Reaper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbie2 [Power Reaper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhie2 [Power Reaper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjie2 [Power Reaper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeie2 [Power Reaper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfie2 [Power Reaper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcie2 [Power Reaper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiie2 [Power Reaper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfre2 [Power Crusader Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgie1 [Reaper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaie1 [Reaper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdie1 [Reaper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbie1 [Reaper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhie1 [Reaper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjie1 [Reaper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeie1 [Reaper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfie1 [Reaper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcie1 [Reaper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiie1 [Reaper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfre1 [Crusader Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgid4 [Elite Warrior Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaid4 [Elite Warrior Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdid4 [Elite Warrior Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbid4 [Elite Warrior Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhid4 [Elite Warrior Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjid4 [Elite Warrior Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeid4 [Elite Warrior Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfid4 [Elite Warrior Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcid4 [Elite Warrior Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiid4 [Elite Warrior Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrd4 [Elite Targeter Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgid3 [Great Warrior Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaid3 [Great Warrior Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdid3 [Great Warrior Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbid3 [Great Warrior Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhid3 [Great Warrior Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjid3 [Great Warrior Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeid3 [Great Warrior Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfid3 [Great Warrior Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcid3 [Great Warrior Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiid3 [Great Warrior Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrd3 [Great Targeter Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgid2 [Power Warrior Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaid2 [Power Warrior Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdid2 [Power Warrior Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbid2 [Power Warrior Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhid2 [Power Warrior Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjid2 [Power Warrior Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeid2 [Power Warrior Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfid2 [Power Warrior Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcid2 [Power Warrior Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiid2 [Power Warrior Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrd2 [Power Targeter Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgid1 [Warrior Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaid1 [Warrior Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdid1 [Warrior Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbid1 [Warrior Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhid1 [Warrior Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjid1 [Warrior Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeid1 [Warrior Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfid1 [Warrior Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcid1 [Warrior Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiid1 [Warrior Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrd1 [Targeter Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgic4 [Elite Raider Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaic4 [Elite Raider Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdic4 [Elite Raider Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbic4 [Elite Raider Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhic4 [Elite Raider Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjic4 [Elite Raider Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeic4 [Elite Raider Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfic4 [Elite Raider Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcic4 [Elite Raider Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiic4 [Elite Raider Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrc4 [Elite Strike Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgic3 [Great Raider Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaic3 [Great Raider Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdic3 [Great Raider Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbic3 [Great Raider Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhic3 [Great Raider Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjic3 [Great Raider Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeic3 [Great Raider Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfic3 [Great Raider Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcic3 [Great Raider Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiic3 [Great Raider Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrc3 [Great Strike Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgic2 [Power Raider Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaic2 [Power Raider Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdic2 [Power Raider Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbic2 [Power Raider Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhic2 [Power Raider Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjic2 [Power Raider Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeic2 [Power Raider Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfic2 [Power Raider Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcic2 [Power Raider Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiic2 [Power Raider Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrc2 [Power Strike Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgic1 [Raider Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaic1 [Raider Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdic1 [Raider Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbic1 [Raider Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhic1 [Raider Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjic1 [Raider Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeic1 [Raider Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfic1 [Raider Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcic1 [Raider Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiic1 [Raider Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrc1 [Strike Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgib4 [Elite Trooper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaib4 [Elite Trooper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdib4 [Elite Trooper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbib4 [Elite Trooper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhib4 [Elite Trooper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjib4 [Elite Trooper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeib4 [Elite Trooper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfib4 [Elite Trooper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcib4 [Elite Trooper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiib4 [Elite Trooper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrb4 [Elite Assault Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgib3 [Great Trooper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaib3 [Great Trooper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdib3 [Great Trooper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbib3 [Great Trooper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhib3 [Great Trooper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjib3 [Great Trooper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeib3 [Great Trooper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfib3 [Great Trooper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcib3 [Great Trooper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiib3 [Great Trooper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrb3 [Great Assault Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgib2 [Power Trooper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaib2 [Power Trooper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdib2 [Power Trooper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbib2 [Power Trooper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhib2 [Power Trooper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjib2 [Power Trooper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeib2 [Power Trooper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfib2 [Power Trooper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcib2 [Power Trooper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiib2 [Power Trooper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrb2 [Power Assault Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckgib1 [Trooper Kiban]
uiR2EDcreature_ckaib1 [Trooper Kidinak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckdib1 [Trooper Kincher]
uiR2EDcreature_ckbib1 [Trooper Kinrey]
uiR2EDcreature_ckhib1 [Trooper Kipee]
uiR2EDcreature_ckjib1 [Trooper Kipesta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckeib1 [Trooper Kipucker]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfib1 [Trooper Kirosta]
uiR2EDcreature_ckcib1 [Trooper Kizarak]
uiR2EDcreature_ckiib1 [Trooper Kizoar]
uiR2EDcreature_ckfrb1 [Assault Kirosta]
// tmp
uiR2EDTableTest [TABLE TEST]
// active windows bar
uiR2EDPaletteWindow [palette]
uiR2EDScenarioWindow [scenario]
uiR2EDPropertiesWindow [properties]
uiR2EDDebugConsoleWindow [debug console]
uiR2EDChatWindow [chat window]
// widget
uiR2EDTrue [True]
uiR2EDFalse [False]
// misc
uiR2EDRefresh [Refresh]
uiR2EDAutoRefresh [Auto-Refresh]
uiR2DNoSelectedInstance [No selected instance]
uiR2DNoProperties [No properties]
uiR2EDForm [Form]
uiR2EDShowHidePrims [Toggle prims]
uiR2EDplayers_fyros [Generic Fyros]
uiR2EDplayers_matis [Generic Matis]
uiR2EDplayers_tryker [Generic Tryker]
uiR2EDplayers_zorai [Generic Zoraï]
uiR2EDEcosystem [Ecosystem:]
uiR2EDLevel [Level:]
uiR2EDBack [BACK]
uiR2EDZoomOn [Map: ]
uiR2EDChooseIsland [Choose an island from ecosystem: ]
uiR2EDEcosystemPackage [Current package]
uiR2EDEcosystemAll [All]
uiR2EDLevelsAll [All levels]
uiR2EDEcosystemDesert [Desert]
uiR2EDEcosystemForest [Forest]
uiR2EDEcosystemJungle [Jungle]
uiR2EDEcosystemLacustre [Sub Tropics]
uiR2EDEcosystemPrimeRoots [Prime Roots]
uiR2EDEcosystemGoo [Goo]
uiR2EDselection_test [Selection test (tmp)]
uiR2EDBBoxEdit [BBox edit]
uiR2EDBBoxXMin [x min]
uiR2EDBBoxXMax [x max]
uiR2EDBBoxYMin [y min]
uiR2EDBBoxYMax [y max]
uiR2EDBBoxZMin [z min]
uiR2EDBBoxZMax [z max]
uiR2EDCustomSelectBBox [Custom selection bounding box]
uiR2DNoCustomBBox [No custom bbox for selection]
uiR2EDCustomBBox [Custom bbox]
uiR2EDSave [Save all custom selection boxes]
uimR2EDCut [CUT]
uimR2EDPaste [PASTE]
uiR2EDPlaces [Places]
uiR2EDRoutes [Routes]
uiR2EDNoName [<No name>]
// Properties
uiR2EDBanditsCount [Number of bandits]
uiR2EDBanditsLevel [Level]
uiR2EDSitDuration [Sit Duration]
uiR2EDWanderDuration [Wander Duration]
// Scenario window
uiR2EDGeo [Scene]
uiR2EDContent [Permanent]
uiR2EDCurrentAct [Act :]
uiR2EDAct [Act]
uiR2EDNoAct [- Permanent content only -]
uiR2EDDeleteAct [Delete current]
uiR2EDActTitle [Title of act ]
uiR2EDEntryPoint [Entry Point]
uiR2EDconfirmDeleteAct [Do you want do delete this act ?]
uiR2EDPeople [People]
uiR2EDCreatures [Creatures]
uiR2EDcreature [Creatures]
uiR2EDNpcCreature [Creatures]
uiR2EDNpcPlant [Plants]
uiR2EDMacroComponents [Macro components]
uiR2EDMacroComponentsInAct [Entities budget in ]
uiR2EDEntitiesInAct [Entities budget in ]
uiR2EDActTitleEmpty [Act Title must not be empty.]
uiR2EDMaxActCountReached [Maximum number of acts has been reached, please delete an unused one.]
uiR2EDActTitleDuplicated [This act title already exist, please choose another one.]
uiR2EDLocationNameDuplicated [This location name already exist, please choose another one.]
uiR2EDDefaultActTitle [Act]
uiR2EDNewActParameters [Parameters for new act]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioDescription [Change scenario description]
uiR2EDChangeActDescription [Change act description]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioLevel [Change scenario level]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioRules [Change scenario rules]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioLanguage [Change scenario language]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioType [Change scenario type]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioEditionLock [Change scenario right access]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioTitle [Change scenario title]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioTimeScoring [Enable/Disable Time Scoring]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioScoring [Enable/Disable Scoring]
uiR2EDChangeScenarioAutostartScoring [Enable/Disable Autostart scoring]
uiR2EDChangeActWeather [Change act weather]
uiR2EDChangeActWeatherManual [Change act weather mode]
uiR2EDPermanentSceneryObjects [Scenery objects budget]
uiR2EDScenarioNameProperty [Scenario name : ]
uiR2EDLocationProperty [Location : ]
uiR2EDSeasonProperty [Season : ]
uiR2EDGoToAct [GO]
uiR2EDCurrentActComboBox [Current act]
uiR2EDstrict [Mastered]
uiR2EDliberal [Masterless]
uiR2EDAct1 [Act 1]
uiR2EDCustomizeLook [Customize Look ...]
// NPC Editor window
uiR2EDChangeView [CHANGE VIEW]
uiR2EdProfile [Profile]
uiR2EdEquipment [Equipment]
uiR2EdBody [Body]
uiR2EdGroup [Group]
uiR2EdName [Name]
uiR2EdFunction [Function]
uiR2EdRace [Race]
uiR2EdSex [Sex]
uiR2EdLevel [Level]
uiR2EdNotes [Notes]
uiR2EdPiece [Piece]
uiR2EdColor [Color]
uiR2EdLink [Link]
uiR2EdHelmet [Helmet]
uiR2EdChestPlate [Chest plate]
uiR2EdLegs [Legs]
uiR2EdBoots [Boots]
uiR2EdGloves [Gloves]
uiR2EdArmsGuard [Arms guard]
uiR2EdRandomEquipment [ RANDOM EQUIPMENT ]
uiR2EdRandomColor [RANDOM COLOR]
uiR2EdSets [SETS]
uiR2EdManageSetsShort [Manage Sets]
uiR2EdManageSets [ MANAGE SETS ]
uiR2EdRightHand [Right hand]
uiR2EdLeftHand [Left hand]
uiR2EdBodySets [Body sets]
uiR2EdHeight [Height]
uiR2EdTorso [Torso]
uiR2EdArms [Arms]
uiR2EdBreast [Breast]
uiR2EdFaceSets [Face sets]
uiR2EdEyeColor [Eye color]
uiR2EdTattoos [Tattoos]
uiR2EdHaircut [Haircut]
uiR2EdHairColor [Hair color]
uiR2EdFaceMorph [Face morph]
uiR2EdAggroRange [Aggro range]
uiR2EdBotAttackable [Fights with NPCs]
uiR2EdPlayerAttackable [Fights with players]
uiR2EdPreview [ PREVIEW ]
uiR2EdAdd [ ADD ]
uiR2EdRandomSet [ RANDOM SET ]
uiR2EdUpdate [ UPDATE ]
uiR2EdRemove [ REMOVE ]
uiR2EdRandom [ Random ]
uiR2EdChatParameters [Chat parameters]
uiR2EdCreateNew [CREATE NEW]
uiR2EdCombatMode [ COMBAT MODE ]
uiR2EdExistingLootableObjects [Existing lootable objects]
uiR2EdInBag [In bag (lootable)]
uiR2EdMelee [Melee]
uiR2EdRange [Range]
uiR2EdNuke [Nuke]
uiR2EdHeal [Heal]
uiR2EdActionSets [Action sets]
uiR2EdActions [Actions]
uiR2EdWeight [Weight]
uiR2EdAddList [Add list]
uiR2EdNoPiece [none]
uiR2EdSpecialization [Specialization]
// Acts/Location window
uiR2EDLocation [Location]
uiR2EDNewLocation [NEW LOCATION]
uiR2EDNewAct [New act]
uiR2EDActDescription [Act informations]
uiR2EDPreActDescription [Pre-Act description]
uiR2EDPreActDescriptionTooltip [@{6F6F}Pre-Act Description\n@{FFFF}Defines the text that will be displayed few seconds before the act change. This message can be use to indicates why players will be teleported...]
uiR2EDActDescriptionTooltip [@{6F6F}Act Description\n@{FFFF}Defines the text that will be displayed at act change. This messages can be used to give backgrounds informations, specific gameplay informations, or just to warn player that something important would happend.]
uiR2EDLocationDescription [Location description]
uiR2EDChooseOne [Choose one]
uiR2EDScenarioName [Scenario name]
uiR2EDActName [Act name]
uiR2EDLocationName [Location name]
uiR2EDPreviousLocations [PREVIOUS LOCATIONS]
uiR2EDChoosePreviousLocations [Choose in previous locations]
uiR2EDLocationNameEmpty [Location name empty]
uiR2EDScenarioNameEmpty [Scenario name empty]
uiR2EDCreateLocation [Create new location]
uiR2EDNoPreviousLocation [No previous location]
// Triggers window
uiR2EDActivitySequenceEditor [Activity sequence editor : ]
uiR2EDChatSequenceEditor [Dialog editor : ]
uiR2EDDialogList [Dialogs List]
uiR2EDChatSequence [Dialog]
uiR2EDOpen [Open]
uiR2EDActivityStepEditor [Activity step editor]
uiR2EDChatStepEditor [Chat step editor]
uiR2EDActivitySequence [Activity sequences ...]
uiR2EDActivitySequenceProp [Activity sequence properties]
uiR2EDChatSequenceProp [Dialog properties]
uiR2EdSequenceName [Sequence name]
uiR2EdActivity [Activity]
uiR2EdTimeLimit [Time limit]
uiR2EdChat [Chat]
uiR2EdSequChat [DIALOG]
uiR2EdRepeat [Repeat]
uiR2EdRepeatSequence [Repeat sequence]
uiR2EdAfterHowLong [After]
uiR2EdAfter [after]
uiR2EdWho [Who]
uiR2EdSaysWhat [Says what]
uiR2EdSaysTo [to]
uiR2EdSays [says]
uiR2EdToWho [To who]
uiR2EdEmote [Emote]
uiR2EdBreakChat [Pause at end]
uiR2EdWhatTriggers [What triggers]
uiR2EdWhichEvent [On which event]
uiR2EdExtraConditions [EXTRA CONDITIONS]
uiR2EdActionsList [ACTIONS]
uiR2EdNewAction [NEW EVENT]
uiR2EdNewReaction [NEW TRIGGER]
uiR2EdNewActivity [NEW ACTIVITY]
uiR2EdNewChat [NEW CHAT]
uiR2EdNoTimeLimit [Without time limit]
uiR2EdForCertainTime [For a certain time]
uiR2EdWhileChat [While dialog]
uiR2EdActivityOrder [Activity order]
uiR2EdChatOrder [Chat order]
uiR2EdInactive [Inactive]
uiR2EdStandStill [Stand Still]
uiR2EdFollowRoad [Follow Route]
uiR2EdPatrol [Patrol]
uiR2EdRepeatRoad [Repeat Route]
uiR2EdWander [Wander]
uiR2EdWanders [wanders]
uiR2EdDeploy [Deploy]
uiR2EdChoose [Choose]
uiR2EdMore [More...]
uiR2EdNobody [Nobody]
uiR2EdSystem [Broadcast]
uiR2EdDonjonMaster [Message to Adventure Master]
uiR2EdAction [Event]
uiR2EdReaction [Trigger]
uiR2EdEvents [Events]
uiR2EdTriggers [Triggers]
uiR2EdSequenceStart [Start sequence]
uiR2EdSequenceStarts [starts sequence]
uiR2EdSequenceEnd [Sequence Ends]
uiR2EdActionStepList [Actions list : ]
uiR2EdOtherActionStepList [Other actions : ]
uiR2EdNoElt [None]
uiR2EdImpossible [- Impossible -]
uiR2EdShortSeconds [sec]
uiR2EdSeconds [seconds]
uiR2EdShortMinutes [min]
uiR2EdShortHours [h]
uiR2EdFor [for]
uiR2EdFaces [faces]
uiR2EdSeq [SEQ]
uiR2EdNoChat [No chat]
uiR2EdOn [ON]
uiR2EdIf [AND]
uiR2EdThen []
uiR2EdEventOf [event of]
uiR2EdNoActivity [No activity]
uiR2EdNoSequence [No sequence]
uiR2EdSitDown [Sit down]
uiR2EdSitsDown [sits down]
uiR2EdStandUp [Stand up]
uiR2EdStandsUp [stands up]
uiR2EdStart [start]
uiR2EdStops [stops]
uiR2EdStarts [starts]
uiR2EdCreateZone [Before create an activity, you must create a ]
uiR2EdRoad [road]
uiR2EdRegion [region]
uiR2EdOr [or]
uiR2EDMaxChatStepsNb [You can't create more than 50 chats in a dialog.]
// Logic entities window
uiR2EDEventsTriggersEditor [Events and Triggers editor : ]
uiR2EdTexts [Texts]
uiR2EdGroups [NPC groups]
uiR2EDNpcGrpFeature [NPC groups]
uiR2EDActionEditor [Event Editor]
uiR2EDReactionEditor [Trigger Editor]
uiR2EDBanditCampFeature [Bandit Camps]
uiR2EdNPCs [NPCs]
uiR2EdNoSelelection [N/A]
uiR2EdActivate [Activates]
uiR2EdActivates [Activates]
uiR2EdDesactivate [Deactivates]
uiR2EdDeactivate [Deactivates]
uiR2EdDeactivates [Deactivates]
uiR2EdActivation [Activation]
uiR2EdDesactivation [Deactivation]
uiR2EdDeactivation [Deactivation]
uiR2EdTargetedByplayer [Targeted by player]
uiR2EdSit [Sit]
uiR2EdRespawn [Respawn]
uiR2EdRespawns [respawns]
uiR2EdSpawned [Spawned]
uiR2EdSpawn [spawn]
uiR2EdKill [Die]
uiR2EdKills [dies]
uiR2EdBeginChatSequ [Begin dialog]
uiR2EdStopChatSequ [Stop dialog]
uiR2EdAMemberDeath [A member death]
uiR2EdMemberDeath [Member death]
uiR2EdGroupDeath [Group death]
uiR2EdHeadWanderZone [Head to wander zone]
uiR2EdArriveWanderZone [Arrive at wander zone]
uiR2EdHeadCamp [Head to camp]
uiR2EdArriveCamp [Arrive at camp]
uiR2EdDeath [Death]
uiR2EdEndActivityStep [End of activity]
uiR2EdEndActivitySequ [End of sequence]
uiR2EdBeginActivityStep [Begin of activity]
uiR2EdBeginActivitySequ [Start sequence]
uiR2EdBeginOfActivitySequ [Start of sequence]
uiR2EdEndSequ [end of sequence]
uiR2EdInSequence [is in sequence]
uiR2EdEndChatStep [End of chat]
uiR2EdEndChatSequ [End of dialog]
uiR2EdStartChatStep [start of chat]
uiR2EdStartChatSequ [start of dialog]
uiR2EdIsActive [Is active]
uiR2EdIsInactive [Is inactive]
uiR2EdIsDead [Is dead]
uiR2EdIsAlive [Is alive]
uiR2EdIsWandering [Is wandering]
uiR2EdIsSitting [Is sitting]
uiR2EdIsHeadingWanderZone [Is heading to wander zone]
uiR2EdIsHeadingCamp [Is heading to camp]
uiR2EdIsInActivitySequ [Is in activity sequence]
uiR2EdIsInActivityStep [Is in activity step]
uiR2EdIsInActivity [is in activity]
uiR2EdIsInChatSequ [Is in dialog]
uiR2EdIsNotInChatSequ [Is not in dialog]
uiR2EdIsInChatStep [Is in chat step]
uiR2EdIsInChat [Is in chat]
uiR2EdIsInProgress [Is in progress]
uiR2EdIsNotInProgress [Is not in progress]
uiR2EdEnd [end]
uiR2EDScenarioParameters [Scenario parameters]
uiR2EDLoadingScenario [Please wait the scenario is loading]
uiR2EDLoadScenario [Load scenario]
uiR2EDSaveScenario [Save scenario]
uiR2EDConnectAdventure [Connect to an adventure]
uiR2EDMainMenu [MAIN MENU ]
uimR2EDQuit [QUIT]
uimR2EDStopTest [STOP TEST]
uiR2EDKeys [KEYS]
uiR2EDPreferences [PREFERENCES]
uiR2EDScenarioFilters [Scenario filters]
uiR2EDPick [Pick]
uiR2EDClear [Clear]
uiR2EDNone [NONE ]
uimR2EDContextualCommand [Command]
uimR2EDCommandName [Command name]
uiR2EDResetWindows [Reset Windows]
uiR2EDAnimTestMode [Go to test mode]
uiR2EDAnimDMMode [Go to Adventure Master mode]
uiR2EDAnimAct1 [Act1]
uiR2EDAnimAct2 [Act2]
uiR2EDAnimAct3 [Act3]
uiR2EDAnimAct4 [Act4]
uiR2EDAnimAct5 [Act5]
uiR2EDAnimStopActs [Stop acts]
uiR2EDAnimSpeakAs [Speak]
uiR2EDAnimStopSpeak [Stop speak]
uiR2EDAnimControl [Control]
uiR2EDAnimStopControl [Stop Control]
uiR2EDAnimAddHP [Add HP]
uiR2EDAnimKill [Kill]
uiR2EDAnimGrpHeal [Heal group]
uiR2EDAnimGrpKill [Kill group]
uiR2EDAnimDespawn [Despawn]
uiR2EDWebAdminWindow [Ring]
uiR2EDRingWindow [Ring]
uiR2EDOwner [Owner]
uiR2EDGenre [Genre]
uiR2EDAny [Any]
uiR2EDRolePlay [Role play]
uiR2EDHashSlash [Hash slash]
uiR2EDMailBox [Mailbox]
uiR2EDGuildForum [Guild Forum]
uiR2EDWebAdminWindowName [Ring window]
uiR2EDconfirmStopLive [Do you want do stop this Ring session ?]
uiR2EDEditingKeys [Keys for editing]
uiR2EDTestOrDMKeys [Keys for Test / Aventure master mode]
uiR2EDEmpty [ - Empty - ]
uiR2EDCreateDialog [Dialog]
uiR2EDDialog [Dialog]
uiR2EDEditDialogs [Edit dialogs...]
uiR2EDEditActions [Edit events...]
uiR2EDEditReactions [Edit triggers...]
uiR2EDEditEventsTriggers [Edit events ...]
uiR2EDAnimTriggers [Triggers]
uiR2EDTriggering [Triggering : ]
uiR2EDSequences [Sequences]
uiR2EDNewSequence [New sequence ...]
uiR2EDCurrentActNotify [Current act now is : ]
uiR2EDSelectSubObject [ - SELECT - ]
uiR2EDInvalidEvent [Invalid event : event start, actions and conditions are not in the same act]
uiR2EDEventNotInCurrentAct [This event is not in current act but in act : ]
uiR2EDEventInAct [This event is in act : ]
uiR2EDAddAction [add action]
uiR2EDAddCondition [add condition]
uiR2EDEventFilter [FILTER]
uiR2EDRefreshEvents [Refresh]
uiR2EDNoEventCreation [You can't create event with this entity. It can only been implied in an action.]
//Islands (pre-translation)
//uiR2GooEtBambous [Goo et bambous]
//uiR2MiniGoo [Mini-goo]
//uiR2JungleNoire [Jungle noire]
//uiR2LAnneau [L'anneau]
//uiR2PlateauChauve [Plateau chauve]
//uiR2MiroirDeGoo [Miroir de goo]
//uiR2DiversiteVegetale [Diversite vegetale]
//uiR2PlaineContaminee [Plaine contaminee]
//uiR2CoeurDeLaJungle [Coeur de la jungle]
//uiR2JungleAquatique [Jungle aquatique]
//uiR2CouloirTropical [Couloir tropical]
//uiR2FlancDeMontagne [Flanc de montagne]
//uiR2AvanceeDansLaGoo [Avancee dans la goo]
//uiR2ValleeDeserte [Vallee deserte]
//uiR2PetiteSource [Petite source]
//uiR2FlaquesDeGoo [Flaques de goo]
//uiR2LaGrotte [La grotte]
//uiR2LaLarmeDuBaobab [La larme du baobab]
//uiR2LeReposDuBodoc [Le repos du bodoc]
//uiR2PlaineAuxDeuxLacs [Plaine aux deux lacs]
//uiR2OasisBleu [Oasis bleu]
//uiR2DunesDeLaTemperance [Dunes de la temperance]
//uiR2LagonVert [Lagon vert]
//uiR2ArchipelCache [Archipel cache]
//uiR2DeuxIles [Deux-iles]
//uiR2LeBainDuClopper [Le Bain du clopper]
//uiR2ValleeAuxTroisPics [Vallee aux trois pics]
//uiR2CouloirDesCutes [Couloir des cutes]
//uiR2DunesDeLAube [Dunes de l'aube]
//uiR2TriangleDuMessab [Triangle du messab]
//uiR2LacDeWaterdell [Lac de Waterdell]
//uiR2BassinMystique [Bassin mystique]
//uiR2Trident [Trident]
//uiR2ValleeAuxFlaques [Vallee-aux flaques]
//uiR2EcumeDAtys [Ecume d'Atys]
//uiR2Arche [Arche]
uiR2EDInvalidName [Invalid name]
uiR2EDInvalidScenario [Invalid scenario]
uiR2EDEditorReseted [Editor reseted]
uiR2EDBotAttackable [Fights with NPCs]
uiR2EDPlayerAttackable [Fights with players]
uiR2EDMakeRoom [There's no more room in the scenario, please make some before creating new objects]
uiR2EDMakeRoomAi [There's no more room in the scenario, delete some entites if you want to add more entities.]
uiR2EDMakeRoomStaticObject [There's no more room in the scenario, delete some objects if you want to add more objects.]
uiR2EDCantGoTest [There are too many objects in the scenario, please remove some. To see the left quota, open the scenario window.]
uiR2EDNewScenario [New scenario]
uiR2EDScenarioEditorTitle [New scenario : first act in]
uiR2EDActEditorTitle [New act in]
uiR2EDIsland [island]
//Empty Feature
uiR2EdEmptyFeature [Empty Component]
uiR2EdEmptyParameters [Empty Component params]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureEmpty [Empty Component]
//Fauna Feature
uiR2EdFauna [Fauna system]
uiR2EDFauna [Fauna system]
uiR2EdFaunaFeature [Fauna System]
uiR2EdCreatureComponent [Creatures]
uiR2EDNameFoodRegion [Food Zone]
uiR2EDNameSleepRegion [Sleep Zone]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureFauna [Fauna system]
uiR2EdHerbivores [Herbivores]
uiR2EdCarnivores [Carnivores]
//Counter Feature
uiR2EdCounterParameters [Define the trigger value]
uiR2EdIncrement [Increment]
uiR2EdDecrement [Decrement]
uiR2EdOnDeactivation [On Deactivation]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureCounter [Create a counter]
//GiveItem Feature
uiR2EDGiveItem [Give Item Mission]
uiR2EdGiveItemFeature [Give Item Component]
uiR2EdOnPlayerAccept [On Player Accept]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureGiveItem [GiveItem]
//RequestItem Feature
uiR2EdRequestItemFeature [Request Item Component]
uiR2EDRequestItemFeature [Request Item Mission]
uiR2EdOnPlayerGive [When Player Gives]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureRequestItem [RequestItem]
uiR2EdBossSpawner [Boss Spawner]
uiR2EDBossSpawner [Boss Spawner]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateFeatureBossSpawner [Boss spawner]
uiR2EdLootSpawner [Reward Chest]
uiR2EDLootSpawner [Reward Chest]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureLootSpawner [Reward Chest]
//Zone trigger
uiR2EdZoneTrigger [Zone Trigger]
uiR2EDZoneTrigger [Zone trigger]
//Timer Component
uiR2EdTimer [Timer]
uiR2EDTimerFeature [Timer]
uiR2EdNameTimerFeature [Timer]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureTimer [Timer]
uiR2EdAdd10Seconds [Add 10 Seconds]
uiR2EdAdds10Seconds [Adds 10 Seconds]
uiR2EdAdd1Minute [Add 1 Minute]
uiR2EdAdds1Minute [Adds 1 Minute]
uiR2EdSub10Seconds [Subtract 10 Seconds]
uiR2EdSubs10Seconds [Subtracts 10 Seconds]
uiR2EdSub1Minute [Subtract 1 Minute]
uiR2EdSubs1Minute [Subtracts 1 Minute]
uiR2EdAddSeconds [Add seconds]
uiR2EdSubSeconds [Subtract seconds]
uiR2EdAddNSeconds [Adds %1 seconds]
uiR2EdSubNSeconds [Subtracts %1 seconds]
uiR2EdPause [Pause]
uiR2EdPauses [Pauses]
uiR2EdResume [Resume]
uiR2EdResumes [Resumes]
uiR2EdTrigger [Trigger]
uiR2EdOnTrigger [On Trigger]
uiR2EdOnActivation [On Activation]
uiR2EdOnDesactivation [On Deactivation]
uiR2EdOnPause [On Pause]
uiR2EdOnResume [On Resume]
uiR2EdIsPaused [is paused]
uiR2EdIsRunning [is running]
uiR2EdIsFinished [is finished]
//Time Trigger Component
uiR2EDTimeTriggerFeature [Time Trigger]
uiR2EdNameTimeTriggerFeature [Time Trigger]
uiR2EdTimeTriggerParameters [Ryzom Time]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureTimeTrigger [Time Trigger]
//Act Component
uiR2EdAct [Act]
uiR2EdStartAct [Start Act]
uiR2EdOnActStarted [On Start of Act]
uiR2EdOnScenarioStarted [On Scenario Start]
uiR2EdScenarioStart [scenario start]
//Zone Trigger Component
uiR2EdOnPlayerArrived [On Player Entry]
uiR2EdPlayerArrive [player entry]
uiR2EdOnPlayerLeft [On Player Exit]
uiR2EdPlayerLeft [player exit]
// item chest
uiR2EdUserTrigger [User Trigger]
uiR2EDUserTrigger [UserTrigger]
uiR2EdEasterEgg [Chest]
uiR2EDEasterEgg [Chest]
uiR2EdAmbush [Ambush]
uiR2EDAmbush [Ambush]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureAmbush [Create an ambush]
uiR2EdCreateFeatureAmbush [Ambush]
uiR2EdProp_Mob1Id [Mob 1]
uiR2EdProp_Mob2Id [Mob 2]
uiR2EdProp_Mob3Id [Mob 3]
uiR2EdProp_Mob4Id [Mob 4]
uiR2EdProp_Mob5Id [Mob 5]
uiR2EdProp_TriggerOn [Triggers when the player]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureTimedSpawner [Create a Timed Spawner]
uiR2EdTimedSpawner [Timed Spawner]
uiR2EDTimedSpawner [Timed Spawner]
uiR2EdCreateFeatureTimedSpawner [Timed Spawner]
uiR2EdManHunt [Hunt Trigger]
uiR2EDManHunt [Hunt Trigger]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureManHunt [Create a Hunt Trigger]
uiR2EdCreateFeatureManHunt [Hunt Trigger]
uiR2EdHiddenChest [Hidden Chest]
uiR2EDHiddenChest [Hidden Chest]
uiR2EdTooltipCreateFeatureHiddenChest [Create a Man Hunt]
uiR2EdCreateFeatureHiddenChest [Man Hunt]
uiR2EDProp_TaskStep1Id [Task 1]
uiR2EDProp_TaskStep2Id [Task 2]
uiR2EDProp_TaskStep3Id [Task 3]
uiR2EDProp_TaskStep4Id [Task 4]
uiR2EDProp_TaskStep5Id [Task 5]
uiR2EDProp_TaskNumber [Task References]
uiR2EDProp_QuestCompletedText [Quest Completed Text]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep [Scenery Object Interaction Task Step]
uiR2EDSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep [Scenery Object Interaction Task Step]
uiR2EDSceneryObjectRemover [Scenery Object Remover]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectRemover [Scenery Object Remover]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteraction [Scenery Object Interaction]
uiR2EDSceneryObjectInteraction [Scenery Object Interaction]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject [Scenery Object]
uiR2EdRewardProvider [Reward Provider]
uiR2EDRewardProvider [Reward Provider]
uiR2EDProp_RewardGiver [Reward Giver]
uiR2EDProp_OnTargetText [On Target Text]
uiR2EDProp_RewardText [Reward Given Text]
uiR2EDProp_RareRewardText [Rare Reward Given Text]
uiR2EDProp_InventoryFullText [Inventory Full Text]
uiR2EDProp_NotEnoughPointsText [Not Enough Points Text]
//Islands (translated)
uiR2_Deserts01 [The Botoga's Drop (Desert )]
uiR2_Deserts02 [Mektoub Passage (Desert 04)]
uiR2_Deserts03 [The Sleeping Bodoc (Desert 01)]
uiR2_Deserts04 [Windy Loop (Desert 16)]
uiR2_Deserts05 [The Baking Cliffs (Desert 11)]
uiR2_Deserts06 [Valley of Fire (Desert 26)]
uiR2_Deserts07 [Dunes of forgetfulness (Desert Outland 01)]
uiR2_Deserts08 [Arid Pass (Desert 27)]
uiR2_Deserts09 [Twin Lakes (Desert 21)]
uiR2_Deserts10 [Ancient Hollow (Desert 05)]
uiR2_Deserts11 [Blue Oasis (Desert 17)]
uiR2_Deserts12 [Dragon Valley (Desert Outland 02)]
uiR2_Deserts13 [Dunes of Temperance (Desert 12)]
uiR2_Deserts14 [Wooded Canyon (Desert 22)]
uiR2_Deserts15 [The Trail of Initiation (Desert 23)]
uiR2_Deserts16 [Lair in the Heights (Desert 18)]
uiR2_Deserts17 [Three Branches (Desert 13)]
uiR2_Deserts18 [The Crown (Desert 19)]
uiR2_Deserts19 [Struggle for Power (Desert 20)]
uiR2_Deserts20 [The Labyrinth (Desert 28)]
uiR2_Deserts21 [The Ambush (Desert 02)]
uiR2_Deserts22 [Sands of Solitude (Desert 06)]
uiR2_Deserts23 [Connected Paths (Desert 07)]
uiR2_Deserts24 [Height of Serenity (Desert 14)]
uiR2_Deserts25 [The Great Circuit (Desert 29)]
uiR2_Deserts26 [The Hive (Desert 30)]
uiR2_Deserts27 [Hidden Reserves (Desert 15)]
uiR2_Deserts28 [Treacherous Passage (Desert 08)]
uiR2_Deserts29 [The Dark Pathway (Desert 09)]
uiR2_Deserts30 [The Two Halls (Desert 24)]
uiR2_Deserts31 [The Furrow (Desert 10)]
uiR2_Deserts32 [Shalah Footprints (Desert 03)]
uiR2_Deserts33 [Meditations of the Mace Master (Desert 25)]
uiR2_Lakes01 [Green Lagoon (Sub Tropics 01)]
uiR2_Lakes02 [Hidden Archipelago (Sub Tropics 26)]
uiR2_Lakes03 [Two-Isles (Sub Tropics 11)]
uiR2_Lakes04 [Clopper Bath (Sub Tropics 21)]
uiR2_Lakes05 [Three Peaks Valley (Sub Tropics 27)]
uiR2_Lakes06 [Twilight Pass (Sub Tropics 22)]
uiR2_Lakes07 [Dunes of Dawn (Sub Tropics 02)]
uiR2_Lakes08 [Messab Triangle (Sub Tropics 12)]
uiR2_Lakes09 [Waterdell Lake (Sub Tropics 23)]
uiR2_Lakes10 [Mystic Mere (Sub Tropics 16)]
uiR2_Lakes11 [The Trident (Sub Tropics 17)]
uiR2_Lakes12 [Vale of Ponds (Sub Tropics 28)]
uiR2_Lakes13 [Sea-Foam of Atys (Sub Tropics )]
uiR2_Lakes14 [The Archway (Sub Tropics 18)]
uiR2_Lakes15 [The Inland Sea (Sub Tropics 04)]
uiR2_Lakes16 [Reclaimed Dunes (Sub Tropics 13)]
uiR2_Lakes17 [Through the Cliff (Sub Tropics 05)]
uiR2_Lakes18 [Liberty Land (Sub Tropics 06)]
uiR2_Lakes19 [Hidden Valley (Sub Tropics 14)]
uiR2_Lakes20 [Hundred Ways (Sub Tropics 24)]
uiR2_Lakes21 [Voyage of Dreams (Sub Tropics 19)]
uiR2_Lakes22 [Hidden crannies (Sub Tropics 03)]
uiR2_Lakes23 [The Yubo Cave (Sub Tropics 15)]
uiR2_Lakes24 [The Neck (Sub Tropics 29)]
uiR2_Lakes25 [Gorges of Sitra (Sub Tropics Outland 01)]
uiR2_Lakes26 [The Hike (Sub Tropics 07)]
uiR2_Lakes27 [Dacoco Beach (Sub Tropics 08)]
uiR2_Lakes28 [Tears of Sky (Sub Tropics Outland 02)]
uiR2_Lakes29 [Clopper's claw (Sub Tropics Outland 03)]
uiR2_Lakes30 [The K (Sub Tropics Outland 04)]
uiR2_Lakes31 [The Clash (Sub Tropics 20)]
uiR2_Lakes32 [Sunny Path (Sub Tropics Outland 05)]
uiR2_Lakes33 [The Narrow staircase (Sub Tropics 25)]
uiR2_Lakes34 [The winding maze (Sub Tropics 30)]
uiR2_Lakes35 [The Two Caches (Sub Tropics Outland 06)]
uiR2_Lakes36 [Raskous Corner (Sub Tropics Outland 07)]
uiR2_Lakes37 [The Excavations (Sub Tropics Oultand 08)]
uiR2_Lakes38 [The Niches (Sub Tropics 09)]
uiR2_Lakes39 [The Bolas (Sub Tropics 10)]
uiR2_Lakes40 [The High Plains (Sub Tropics Outland 09)]
uiR2_Lakes41 [GM Island (Sub Tropics )]
uiR2_Forest01 [Matis Balcony (Forest 26)]
uiR2_Forest02 [Cliff of Conflict (Forest 21)]
uiR2_Forest03 [Remnants of Verdure (Forest 06)]
uiR2_Forest04 [Cynical Marshes (Forest 01)]
uiR2_Forest05 [Severed-Stump (Forest 02)]
uiR2_Forest06 [Four-Waterfalls (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest07 [Well of Secrets (Forest 22)]
uiR2_Forest08 [Raspals Ridge (Forest 16)]
uiR2_Forest09 [The White Hills (Forest Outland 01)]
uiR2_Forest10 [Roots of Memory (Forest 27)]
uiR2_Forest11 [Madakam Ridge (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest12 [Confined Clearing (Forest 17)]
uiR2_Forest13 [The Winter Pier (Forest Outland 02)]
uiR2_Forest14 [Great Arena (Forest 03)]
uiR2_Forest15 [Kitins Ridge (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest16 [Whirlmount (Forest 23)]
uiR2_Forest17 [Bawaab Ridge (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest18 [Plain of Spines (Forest 24)]
uiR2_Forest19 [Haunted Corridor (Forest 07)]
uiR2_Forest20 [Darkpass (Forest 11)]
uiR2_Forest21 [Passage of the Pit (Forest Outland 03)]
uiR2_Forest22 [Fang-Island (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest23 [Empty Passage (Forest 08)]
uiR2_Forest24 [Northern Island (Forest 28)]
uiR2_Forest25 [Gorge of the Dance (Forest 25)]
uiR2_Forest26 [Long-Island (Forest Outland 04)]
uiR2_Forest27 [Forgotten Plateau (Forest 04)]
uiR2_Forest28 [Cliff of Clouds (Forest Outland 05)]
uiR2_Forest29 [Woods of wonder (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest30 [Crag of chaos (Forest 29)]
uiR2_Forest31 [Mere of dreams (Forest 12)]
uiR2_Forest32 [Dried-up Springs (Forest 05)]
uiR2_Forest33 [Chasm of the Kincher (Forest 18)]
uiR2_Forest34 [Jaws of the Tobak (Forest 13)]
uiR2_Forest35 [Wall of Bark (Forest 14)]
uiR2_Forest36 [The Last Well (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest37 [Beyond the Jungle (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest38 [Garden of Reward (Forest 19)]
uiR2_Forest39 [Three Clearings (Forest 09)]
uiR2_Forest40 [Madakam Track (Forest 30)]
uiR2_Forest41 [Mage Tower (Forest 10)]
uiR2_Forest42 [Lush Forest (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest43 [Serene Forest (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest44 [Grove of Jen-Mawk (Forest )]
uiR2_Forest45 [Barkcleft (Forest 15)]
uiR2_Forest46 [The Wild Ravine (Forest 20)]
uiR2_Jungle01 [Forest of Waves (Jungle 11)]
uiR2_Jungle02 [Lakes (Jungle 16)]
uiR2_Jungle03 [Goo and Bamboos (Jungle 21)]
uiR2_Jungle04 [Mini-Goo (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle05 [Taste of Paradise (Jungle 17)]
uiR2_Jungle06 [Steepsided Valley (Jungle 04)]
uiR2_Jungle07 [Hand (Jungle 05)]
uiR2_Jungle08 [Mound of Spirits (Jungle 26)]
uiR2_Jungle09 [Underground Pathways (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle10 [The Ring (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle11 [Bald Plateau (Jungle Outland 01)]
uiR2_Jungle12 [Ways of the Maze (Jungle 27)]
uiR2_Jungle13 [Mirror of Goo (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle14 [Vegetable Diversity (Jungle 01)]
uiR2_Jungle15 [Soiled Plain (Jungle 06)]
uiR2_Jungle16 [High-Plateau (Jungle 28)]
uiR2_Jungle17 [Promontories and Ridges (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle18 [Heart of the Jungle (Jungle 07)]
uiR2_Jungle19 [Aquatic Jungle (Jungle Outland 02)]
uiR2_Jungle20 [The Stump (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle21 [Uneven and Variety (Jungle Outland 03)]
uiR2_Jungle22 [Tropical Corridor (Jungle 29)]
uiR2_Jungle23 [Mountain Bamboos (Jungle 02)]
uiR2_Jungle24 [Mountainside (Jungle 22)]
uiR2_Jungle25 [The Circle (Jungle 23)]
uiR2_Jungle26 [Further Goes the Goo (Jungle Outland 04)]
uiR2_Jungle27 [Empty Valley (Jungle 03)]
uiR2_Jungle28 [Small Spring (Jungle 12)]
uiR2_Jungle29 [Waterside (Jungle 24)]
uiR2_Jungle30 [Great Dale (Jungle Outland 05)]
uiR2_Jungle31 [Small Circle (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle32 [Goo Patches (Jungle 13)]
uiR2_Jungle33 [The Cave (Jungle Outland 06)]
uiR2_Jungle34 [Plateau of Goo (Jungle 14)]
uiR2_Jungle35 [Plain of Desolation (Jungle Outland 07)]
uiR2_Jungle36 [The Forgotten Lagoon (Jungle 08)]
uiR2_Jungle37 [The Lost Timari (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle38 [Twin Ponds (Jungle 18)]
uiR2_Jungle39 [Wombaï's passage (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle40 [The High Perch (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle41 [Great Kami Plain (Jungle 09)]
uiR2_Jungle42 [The Enclave (Jungle 30)]
uiR2_Jungle43 [The Mysterious Forest (Jungle )]
uiR2_Jungle44 [Rock of Tears (Jungle Outland 08)]
uiR2_Jungle45 [Homin's Plain (Jungle Outland 09)]
uiR2_Jungle46 [The Fall (Jungle Outland 10)]
uiR2_Jungle47 [Range of the Brave (Jungle Outland 11)]
uiR2_Jungle48 [Rock of Flowers (Jungle Outland 12)]
uiR2_Jungle49 [The Chain (Jungle 19)]
uiR2_Jungle50 [Spoiled Spring (Jungle 25)]
uiR2_Jungle51 [Green Spirit (Jungle 15)]
uiR2_Jungle52 [The Tears of Atys (Jungle 20)]
uiR2_Jungle53 [Mask of the Zoraï (Jungle 10)]
uiR2_Primes01 [Hall of Destiny (Prime Roots 06)]
uiR2_Primes02 [The Haunted Barrow (Prime Roots Outland 01)]
uiR2_Primes03 [Green-cave (Prime Roots 11)]
uiR2_Primes04 [Plain of Torments (Prime Roots 01)]
uiR2_Primes05 [The Bath of Sap (Prime Roots 07)]
uiR2_Primes06 [The Pillars (Prime Roots 02)]
uiR2_Primes07 [Ruins of the Past (Prime Roots 12)]
uiR2_Primes08 [The Nest (Prime Roots 16)]
uiR2_Primes09 [River of Doubts (Prime Roots 04)]
uiR2_Primes10 [Kitins Lair (Prime Roots 17)]
uiR2_Primes11 [Valley of Spores (Prime Roots 18)]
uiR2_Primes12 [The Hive (Prime Roots 21)]
uiR2_Primes13 [The Arena (Prime Roots 13)]
uiR2_Primes14 [Sanctuary (Prime Roots 22)]
uiR2_Primes15 [Stalagmites of Quietude (Prime Roots 19)]
uiR2_Primes16 [Eye of Ma-Duk (Prime Roots 08)]
uiR2_Primes17 [Abandoned Cave (Prime Roots 23)]
uiR2_Primes18 [To the End of the Nightmare (Prime Roots 09)]
uiR2_Primes19 [Tunnels of Oblvion (Prime Roots 14)]
uiR2_Primes20 [Valley of Death (Prime Roots )]
uiR2_Primes21 [Springs of Life (Prime Roots 24)]
uiR2_Primes22 [Mount of Curses (Prime Roots 03)]
uiR2_Primes23 [Unknown Mound (Prime Roots )]
uiR2_Primes24 [Kitin Desolation (Prime Roots )]
uiR2_Primes25 [Maro's Steps (Prime Roots 10)]
uiR2_Primes26 [Neverending Walk (Prime Roots 15)]
uiR2_Primes27 [Fallen Stump (Prime Roots 25)]
uiR2_Primes28 [Forest of Light (Prime Roots Outland 02)]
uiR2_Primes29 [The Shining Cave (Prime Roots 05)]
uiR2_Primes30 [An Ancient Hide (Prime Roots 20)]
uiR2EntryPoint01 [Entry Point 01]
uiR2EntryPoint02 [Entry Point 02]
uiR2EntryPoint03 [Entry Point 03]
uiR2EntryPoint04 [Entry Point 04]
uiR2EntryPoint05 [Entry Point 05]
uiR2EntryPoint06 [Entry Point 06]
uiR2EntryPoint07 [Entry Point 07]
uiR2EntryPoint08 [Entry Point 08]
uiR2EntryPoint09 [Entry Point 09]
uiR2EntryPoint10 [Entry Point 10]
uimR2EDCancelTool [Cancel tool]
uiR2EDManualWeather [Manual weather]
uiR2EDWeatherValue [Weather]
uiR2EDChangeWeather [Change weather]
uiR2EDWeatherInfo [Manual weather is only a preview. Real weather will be updated when the 'ok' button is pressed.]
uiR2EDSeason [Season]
uiR2EDManualSeason [Manual season]
uiR2EDSeasonAuto [Automatic]
uiR2EDSpring [Spring]
uiR2EDSummer [Summer]
uiR2EDAutumn [Autumn]
uiR2EDWinter [Winter]
uiR2EDTooltipChooseIsland [Choose an ecosystem and an island]
uiR2EDTooltipIslandZoom [Zoom on the chosed island and choose your startpoint on]
uiR2EDTooltipSeason [Choose the season of your island]
uiR2EDRefreshButton [Refresh]
uiR2EDTurnLightOff [Back to default time of day]
uiR2EDTurnLightOn [Force day light]
uiR2EDMap [Map]
uiR2EDDesc [Description]
uiR2EDComment [Comment]
uiR2EDScene [Entities]
uiR2EDPlotItems [Items]
uiR2EDCreateNewItem [<- Create a new item ]
uiR2EDPlotItemDefaultName [Plot item]
uiR2EDDuplicatedPlotItemName [Duplicated plot item]
uiR2EDChooseItem [<- Choose an item ]
uiR2EDNoMorePlotItems [There is no more room for plot item in the scenario, please delete some]
uiR2EDPlotItemAdded [New item has been added to the @{F00F}plot item tab@{FFFF} in the @{F00F}Scenario window@{FFFF}]
uiR2EDNewPlotItem [New]
uiR2EDEditPlotItem [Edit]
uiR2EDDeletePlotItem [Delete]
uiR2EDDPlotProperties [Properties]
uiR2EDActProperties [Act]
uiR2EDScenarioProperties [Scenario]
uiR2EDDMGift [Adventure Master Gift]
uiR2EDOk [OK]
uiR2EDNoPlotItemDefined [No plot items were defined, please go into the 'item' tab of the scenario window in the editor to define some of them]
uiR2EDPlotItemNamePrefix [Plot item : ]
uimR2EDTooltipCopy [Copy]
uimR2EDTooltipPaste [Paste]
uiR2EDCantCopyEmptySelection [Can't copy selection as it is empty]
uiR2EDEmptyClipBoard [Can't paste, the clipboard is empty]
uiR2EDSelectionDoNotSupportCopy [The selection can't be copied]
uiR2EDSelectionCopied [ has been copied into the clipboard]
uiR2EDToolCreateEntity [Click in scene or in map to add, hold SHIFT down to add multiple times]
uiR2EDToolCreateEntityAutoGroup [Click to auto-group, hold CTRL down to create standalone]
uiR2EDToolSelectMove [Click to select, drag to move, SHIFT-drag to create a copy]
uiR2EDToolDrawPrim [Double-click or press right button to finish]
uiR2EDAnimActs [Scenario acts]
uiR2EDActChangeWarning [Changing the current act will cause a teleport, due to different location or season. Proceed ?]
uiR2EDNoTriggersDefined [- NO TRIGGERS WERE DEFINED -]
uimR2EDMenuPickFeedZone [FEED]
uimR2EDMenuPickRestZone [REST]
uimR2EDMenuPickHuntZone [HUNT]
uimR2EDMenuPickWorkZone [WORK]
uimR2EDMenuPickGuardZone [GUARD]
uimR2EDMenuPickAddEntity [Add entities to user component]
uimR2EDMenuPickRemoveEntity [Remove entites from user component]
uimR2EDMenuPickExport [Save]
uiR2EDRest [Rest]
uiR2EDFeed [Feed]
uiR2EDHunt [Hunt]
uiR2EDWork [Hunt]
uiR2EDGuard [Guard]
uiR2EDActivityNotRegistered [Activity not registered : ]
uiR2EDSupport [Support]
uiR2EDImportUserComponent [Import User Component]
uiR2EDCreateUserComponent [Create User Component]
uiR2EDProp_Name [Name]
uiR2EDProp_InstanceId [Instance Id]
uiR2EDProp_Angle [Angle]
uiR2EDProp_PlayerAttackable [Fights with players]
uiR2EDProp_BotAttackable [Fights with NPCs]
uiR2EDProp_AutoSpawn [Auto-spawn]
uiR2EDProp_NoRespawn [No respawn]
uiR2EDProp_Aggro [Aggro]
uiR2EDProp_Speed [Speed]
uiR2EDProp_TypeNPC [Type]
uiR2EDProp_Level [Level]
uiR2EDProp_FoodDuration [Feed duration]
uiR2EDProp_SleepDuration [Sleep duration]
uiR2EDProp_CrittersCount [Number of creatures]
uiR2EDProp_RaceBase [Base race]
uiR2EDProp_RaceName [Race name]
uiR2EDProp_SleepZone [Sleep zone]
uiR2EDProp_FoodZone [Food zone]
uiR2EDProp_Count [Count]
uiR2EDProp_Ecosystem [Ecosystem]
uiR2EDProp_FileName [File Name]
uiR2EDProp_ComponentName [User Component Name]
uiR2EDProp_LogicEntityAction [Logic entity action]
uiR2EDProp_ActionStep [Action step]
uiR2EDProp_IslandName [Island name]
uiR2EDProp_ShortDescription [Short description]
uiR2EDProp_Time [Time]
uiR2EDProp_EntryPoint [Entry point]
uiR2EDProp_Season [Season]
uiR2EDProp_Title [Title]
uiR2EDProp_ManualWeather [Manual weather]
uiR2EDProp_WeatherValue [Weather value]
uiR2EDProp_Who [Who]
uiR2EDProp_Says [Says]
uiR2EDProp_Emote [Emote]
uiR2EDProp_Facing [Facing]
uiR2EDProp_Value [Value]
uiR2EDProp_TriggerValue [Trigger value]
uiR2EDProp_Type [Type]
uiR2EDProp_Description [Description]
uiR2EDProp_BanditsCount [Bandits count]
uiR2EDProp_Race [Race]
uiR2EDProp_BanditsLevel [Bandits level]
uiR2EDProp_Cycle [Cycle]
uiR2EDProp_ItemQty [Item quantity]
//uiR2EDProp_ItemId [Item id]
uiR2EDProp_RequestHeldItem [Request held item]
uiR2EDProp_RequestNotHeldItem [Request not held item]
uiR2EDProp_Received [Received]
//uiR2EDProp_NpcId [NPC Id]
uiR2EDProp_Desc [Description]
uiR2EDProp_Comment [Comment]
uiR2EDProp_Entity [Entity]
uiR2EDProp_Giving [Giving]
uiR2EDProp_Player_Accepts [Player accepts]
uiR2EDProp_Player_Declines [Player declines]
uiR2EDProp_AccessRules [Access rules]
uiR2EDProp_Minutes [Minutes]
uiR2EDProp_Secondes [Seconds]
uiR2EDProp_Cyclic [Cyclic]
//uiR2EDProp_ZoneId [Zone Id]
//uiR2EDProp_LevelId [Level Id]
uiR2EDProp_OptimalNumberOfPlayer [Optimal number of players]
uiR2EDProp_Object [Object]
//uiR2EDProp_BaseCounterId [Base counter Id]
//uiR2EDProp_NpcGrpId [NPC group id]
uiR2EDProp_x [x]
uiR2EDProp_y [y]
uiR2EDProp_z [z]
uiR2EDProp_Radius [Radius]
uiR2EDProp_Npc [NPC]
uiR2EDProp_AtWhichHour [At Which Hour (0..23)]
uiR2EDProp_AtWhichMinute [At which Minute (0..59)]
uiR2EDProp_MissionGiver [Mission giver]
uiR2EDProp_MissionTarget [Mission target]
uiR2EDProp_Active [Active]
uiR2EDProp_Repeatable [Repeatable]
uiR2EDProp_ContextualText [Contextual text]
uiR2EDProp_MissionText [Mission text]
uiR2EDProp_WaitValidationText [Wait Validation text]
uiR2EDProp_BroadcastText [Broadcast text]
uiR2EDProp_NotValidatedText [Wait Validation text]
uiR2EDProp_MissionSucceedText [Mission succeeded text]
uiR2EDProp_Item1Qty [Item 1 Quantity]
uiR2EDProp_Item2Qty [Item 2 Quantity]
uiR2EDProp_Item3Qty [Item 3 Quantity]
uiR2EDProp_Item1Id [Item 1]
uiR2EDProp_Item2Id [Item 2]
uiR2EDProp_Item3Id [Item 3]
uiR2EDProp_ItemNumber [Item number]
uiR2EDProp_Item1Weight [Item 1 Weight]
uiR2EDProp_Item2Weight [Item 2 Weight]
uiR2EDProp_Item3Weight [Item 3 Weight]
uiR2EDProp_Guard1Id [Guard 1]
uiR2EDProp_Guard2Id [Guard 2]
uiR2EDProp_Guard3Id [Guard 3]
uiR2EDProp_Guard4Id [Guard 4]
uiR2EDProp_Guard5Id [Guard 5]
uiR2EDProp_BossId [Boss]
uiR2EDProp_Npc1Id [NPC 1]
uiR2EDProp_Npc2Id [NPC 2]
uiR2EDProp_Npc3Id [NPC 3]
uiR2EDProp_Npc4Id [NPC 4]
uiR2EDProp_Npc5Id [NPC 5]
uiR2EDProp_ValidationNeeded [Validation needed]
uiR2EDProp_IdNumber [Target references]
uiR2EDProp_GuardNumber [Guard references]
uiR2EDProp_MobNumber [Mob references]
uiR2EDProp_NpcNumber [NPC references]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObjectNumber [Scenery Object references]
uiR2EDProp_ComponentFileName [File name]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject1Id [Scenery Object 1]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject2Id [Scenery Object 2]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject3Id [Scenery Object 3]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject4Id [Scenery Object 4]
uiR2EDProp_SceneryObject5Id [Scenery Object 5]
uiR2EDProp_AutoStart [Auto Start]
uiR2EDProp_EasterEgg [Chest]
uiR2EDTimer [Timer]
uiR2EDBanditCamp [Bandits camp]
uiR2EDProp_CopyEvents [ Copy events]
uiR2EDProp_CopyActivities [ Copy activities]
uiR2EDProp_CopyChatSequences [ Copy chat sequences]
uiR2EDProp_DuplicateGroup [ Duplicate the current group of this leader NPC]
uiR2EdProximityDialog [Proximity Dialog]
uiR2EDProximityDialog [Proximity Dialog]
uiR2EDProp_DisplayMode [Display Mode]
uiR2EdVisitZone [Visit Zone]
uiR2EDVisitZone [Visit Zone]
uiR2EDNewHuntTaskFeatureAction [Create a hunt mission]
uiR2EDHuntTask [Hunt Task]
uiR2EdHuntTask [Hunt Task]
uiR2EDProp_Target1Id [Target 1]
uiR2EDProp_Target2Id [Target 2]
uiR2EDProp_Target3Id [Target 3]
uiR2EDProp_Target4Id [Target 4]
uiR2EDProp_TargetNumber [Number of targets]
uiR2EdSucceeds [succeeds]
uiR2EdSucceedStep [succeeds step]
uiR2EDDeliveryTask [Delivery Task]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask [Delivery Task]
uiR2EdDelivered [delivered]
uiR2EDNewGetItemFromSceneryObjectFeature [Create a Concealed Item component]
uiR2EDGetItemFromSceneryObject [Concealed Item]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObject [Concealed Item]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectNode [Concealed Item]
uiR2EDNewGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep [Create a Get Concealed Item Task Step component]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep [Get Concealed Item Task Step]
uiR2EDGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep [Get Concealed Item Task Step]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStepNode [Get Concealed Item Task Step]
uiR2EDNewQuestAction [Create a new Quest]
uiR2EdQuest [Quest]
uiR2EDQuest [Quest]
uiR2EdQuestNode [Quest]
uiR2EDNewBossSpawnerAction [Create a new Boss Spawner]
uiR2EDNewTimedSpawnerFeatureAction [Create a new Timed Spawner]
uiR2EDNewSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStepAction [Create a new Scenery Object Interaction task step]
ui2REDNewVisitZoneFeatureAction [Create a new Visit Zone task]
uiR2EDNewTargetMobFeatureAction [Create a new Target NPC task]
uiR2EDNewKillNpcFeatureAction [Create a new Kill NPC task]
uiR2EDNewManHuntAction [Create a new Hunt trigger]
uiR2EDNewHiddenChestFeatureAction [Create a new Hidden Chest]
uiR2EDNewProximityDialogAction [Create a new Proximity Dialog]
uiR2EDNewFaunaCreatureAction [Create a new fauna system creature component]
uiR2EDRollout_Default [Basics]
uiR2EDRollout_Aventure [Aventure]
uiR2EDRollout_TimeTrigger [Time trigger]
uiR2EDRollout_NpcCustom [Custom NPC]
uiR2EDRollout_LifeCyclesInSeconds [Life cycles in seconds]
uiR2EDRollout_Critters [Critters]
uiR2EDRollout_LifeZones [Life zones]
uiR2EDRollout_UISubsection [UI Subsection]
uiR2EDRollout_Herbivores [Herbivores]
uiR2EDRollout_Carnivores [Carnivores]
uiR2EDRollout_Description [Description]
uiR2EDRollout_ItemsToRequest [Item(s) to request]
uiR2EDRollout_TextToSay [Text to say]
uiR2EDRollout_ItemRequesterNPC [NPC who should request the item(s)]
uiR2EDRollout_ItemsToGive [Item(s) to give]
uiR2EDRollout_ItemGiverNPC [NPC who should give the item]
uiR2EDRollout_Guards [Guards]
uiR2EDRollout_SpawningBoss [Spawning Boss]
uiR2EDRollout_Timer [Timer]
uiR2EDRollout_Scenario [Scenario]
uiR2EDRollout_ZoneTrigger [Zone trigger]
uiR2EDRollout_Items [Items]
uiR2EDRollout_Targets [Targets]
uiR2EDRollout_ItemsToDeliver [Item(s) to deliver]
uiR2EDRollout_Npc [NPC]
uiR2EDRollout_Npcs [NPCs]
uiR2EDRollout_SpawningEgg [Spawning Egg]
uiR2EDRollout_LootSpawner [Reward Chest]
uiR2EDRollout_RewardChest [Reward Chest]
uiR2EDRollout_SceneryObjectRemover [Scenery Object Remover]
uiR2EDRollout_RewardProvider [Reward Provider]
uiR2EDRollout_Save [Save]
uiR2EDRollout_CounterFeature [Counter]
uiR2EDRollout_Unload [Unload]
uiR2EDRollout_BanditsCamp [Bandits camp]
uiR2EDRollout_Test [Test]
uiR2EDRollout_EditBoxesTest [Edit boxes test]
uiR2EDRollout_Mobs [Mobs]
uiR2EDRollout_MissionGiver [Mission's Giver]
uiR2EDRollout_MissionTarget [Mission's Target]
uiR2EDRollout_Scenery_Objects [Scenery Objects]
// ** entries moved to WK.UXT
//uiR2EDRollout_Load [Load]
//uiR2EDRollout_ScenarioInfo [Scenario Information]
uiR2EdTalkTo [Mission: Talk to]
uiR2EDTalkTo [Mission: Talk to]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateTalkTo [Create talk to Mission]
uiR2EdGiveItem [Mission: Give Item]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateGiveItem [Create a "give item" Mission]
uiR2EdRequestItem [Mission: Request Item]
uiR2EDRequestItem [Mission: Request Item]
uiR2EDtooltipCreateRequestItem [Create a "request item" Mission]
uiR2EDTargetMob [Target NPC]
uiR2EdTargetMob [Target NPC]
uiR2EDKillNpc [Kill NPC]
uiR2EdKillNpc [Kill NPC]
uiR2EDTooltipCreateTalkTo [Create "talk to" Mission]
uiR2EDSucceeded [Succeeded]
uiR2EDMissionAsked [Mission Asked]
uiR2EdIsSucceeded [Mission Succeeded]
uiR2EDWaitValidation [Wait User Validation]
uiR2EdRandomChest [Random Chest]
uiR2EDRandomChest [Random Chest]
uiR2EdUserParameters [User Component - description]
uiR2EdUserComponentDescription [This component comes from some previously exported component.]
uiR2EdUserComponent [User Component]
uiR2EDNoMoreRoomInPrimStart [Maximum number of vertices has been reached, please delete some using the @{6F6F}']
uiR2EDNoMoreRoomInPrimEnd ['@{FFFF} key, then finish by double clicking or right clicking.]
uimR2EDAddNewVertices [ADD NEW VERTICES]
uiR2EDExtendRoad [EXTEND ROAD]
uiR2EdOpened [Opened]
uiR2EdTargetedByPlayer [Targeted by player]
uiR2EdTriggered [Triggered]
uiR2EDSimulateOnEnter [Simulate on enter]
uiR2EDSimulateOnLeave [Simulate on leave]
uiR2EDExport [Export]
uiR2EDExportAdd [Add selection]
uiR2EDExportClear [Clear all]
uiR2EDExportDoIt [Export]
uiR2EDExportOf [Export of ]
uiR2EDExportOfDeleted [Export of : deleted]
uimR2EDAddToExportList [Add to export list]
uimR2EDRemoveFromUserComponent [Remove from User Component]
uiR2EDSaveSuccessFull [Scenario was saved successfully in file : ]
uiR2EDSaveFailure [@{F00F} Error occured while trying to save scenario in file : ]
uiR2EDConfirmOverWrite [ already exists, overwrite ?]
uiR2EDResetButton [RESET]
uiR2showMessageAgain [Show this message at startup]
uiR2EdTTBossSpawner1 [Select a guard]
uiR2EdHelp [Help]
// UNDO / REDO //
uiR2EDUndoing [Undoing : @{888F}]
uiR2EDRedoing [Redoing : @{888F}]
uiR2EDCantUndo [@{F00F} There are no actions that can be undone.]
uiR2EDCantRedo [@{F00F} There are no actions that can be redone.]
uiR2EDUnamedAction [Unnamed action]
uiR2EDCreateAction [Create @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDMoveAction [Move @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDRotateAction [Rotate @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDCopyAction [Create duplicate @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDPasteAction [Paste @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDDeleteAction [Delete @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDChangePropertyAction [Changing @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDChangePropertyOf [@{FFFF} of @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDCreateNewPlotItemAction [Create new plot item]
uiR2EDChangePlotItem [Change plot item]
uiR2EDChangeIconAction [Change plot item icon]
uiR2EDCreateBanditCampAction [Create bandit camp]
uiR2EDGroupAction [Group]
uiR2EDUngroupAction [Ungroup]
uiR2EDSetAsLeaderAction [Set as leader]
uiR2EDCreateRouteAction [Create route]
uiR2EDCreateZoneAction [Create zone]
uiR2EDExtendRouteAction [Extend route]
uiR2EDExtendZoneAction [Extend zone]
uiR2EDInsertNewWayPointAction [Insert new waypoint]
uiR2EDInsertNewZoneVertexAction [Insert new zone vertex]
uiR2EDSetSequenceNameAction [Set sequence name]
uiR2EDNewSequenceListAction [New sequence list]
uiR2EDRemoveSequenceListAction [Remove sequence list]
uiR2EDSetSequenceRepeatFlagAction [Set sequence repeat flag]
uiR2EDNewSequenceElementAction [New sequence element action]
uiR2EDSetActivityTypeAction [Set activity type]
uiR2EDSetActivityTimeLimitAction [Set activity time limit]
uiR2EDSetActivityTimeLimitValueAction [Set activity time limit value]
uiR2EDNewChatSequenceAction [New chat sequence]
uiR2EDNewChatStepAction [New chat step]
uiR2EDSetDialogTime [Set dialog time]
uiR2EDChatSetWhoAction [Chat set who]
uiR2EDChatSetToWhoAction [Chat set to who]
uiR2EDSetDialogChatBreak [Chat set pause at end]
uiR2EDChatSetSayWhatAction [Chat set say what]
uiR2EDChatSetEmoteAction [Chat set emote]
uiR2EDChatRepeatSequenceAction [Chat repeat sequence]
uiR2EDNewEventAction [New event]
uiR2EDSetEventAction [Set event]
uiR2EDSetEventActionAction [Set event action]
uiR2EDSetEventConditionAction [Set event condition]
uiR2EDRemoveEventConditionAction [Remove event condition]
uiR2EDRemoveEventActionAction [Remove event action]
uiR2EDAddToExportListAction [Add to export list]
uiR2EDClearExportListAction [Clear export list]
uiR2EDCreateCounterFeatureAction [Create counter component]
uiR2EDNewEasterEggAction [Create chest]
uiR2EDNewRandomChestAction [Create Random Chest]
uiR2EDNewEmptyFeatureAction [Create empty component]
uiR2EDNewFaunaFeatureAction [Create fauna system]
uiR2EDNewGiveItemFeature [Create give item component]
uiR2EDNewLootSpawnerFeatureAction [Create Reward Chest component]
uiR2EDNewRequestItemFeatureAction [Create request item component]
uiR2EDNewTalkToFeatureAction [Create talk to component]
uiR2EDNewRewardProviderFeatureAction [Create Reward Provider component]
uiR2EDNewSceneryObjectRemoverFeatureAction [Create Scenery Object Remover component]
uiR2EDNewSceneryObjectInteractionFeatureAction [Create Scenery Object Interaction component]
uiR2EDNewTimeTriggerFeatureAction [Create time trigger component]
uiR2EDNewTimerFeatureAction [Create timer component]
uiR2EDNewUserItemFeatureAction [Create user item component]
uiR2EDNewUserTriggerFeatureAction [Create user trigger component]
uiR2EDNewZoneTriggersFeatureAction [Create zone triggers component]
uiR2EDNewAmbushFeatureAction [Create ambush component]
uiR2EDNewDeliveryTaskFeature [Create Delivery Task component]
uiR2EDRemoveLogicElementAction [Remove logic element]
uiR2EDMoveLogicElementUpAction [Move logic element up]
uiR2EDMoveLogicElementDownAction [Move logic element down]
uiR2EDCreatePlotItemActio [Create plot item]
uiR2EDRemoveTextAction [Remove text]
uiR2EDCreateActAction [Create act]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcNameAction [Set npc name]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcNotesAction [Set npc notes]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcRaceAction [Set npc race]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcSexAction [Set npc sex]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcTypeAction [Set npc type]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcFunctionAction [Set npc function]
uiR2EDUpdateNpcLevelAction [Set npc level]
uiR2EDChangeNpcBodyAttributeAction [Set npc body attribute]
uiR2EDRandomNpcBodyAction [Random npc body]
uiR2EDRandomNpcEquipmentAction [Random npc equipment]
uiR2EDSelectNpcBodySetsAction [Select npc body sets]
uiR2EDRandomNpcFaceAction [Random npc face]
uiR2EDSelectNpcFaceSetsAction [Select npc face sets]
uiR2EDRandomNPCFaceMorphAction [Random npc face morph]
uiR2EDSelectNPCMorphSetsAction [Select npc morph sets]
uiR2EDUpdateNPCProfileAction [Set npc profile]
uiR2EDUpdateEquipmentPieceAction [Set npc equipment piece]
uiR2EDUpdateNPCWeaponsAction [Set npc weapons]
uiR2EDSelectNPCEquipmentSetsAction [Select npc equipment sets]
uiR2EDUpdateNPCColorAction [Set npc color]
uiR2EDUpdateLinkedNPCColorAction [Select linked npc color]
uiR2EDLinkColorEquipment [Link color equipment]
uiR2EDSetwhichEntityAction [Set which entity]
uiR2EDSetWhichEntityConditionAction [Set which entity condition]
uiR2EDSetWhatTriggersWhichEntityAction [Set what triggers which entity]
uiR2EDSetReactionActionWhichEntityAction [Set reaction action which entity]
uiR2EDSetReactionConditionWhichEntityAction [Set reaction condition which entity]
uiR2EDSetActionWhichEventAction [Set action which event]
uiR2EDSetActionWhatActionAction [Set action what action]
uiR2EDSetActionWhatConditionAction [Set action what condition]
uiR2EDSetReactionWhichEventAction [Set reaction which event]
uiR2EDSetReactionWhatActionAction [Set reaction what action]
uiR2EDSetReactionWhatMainActionAction [Set reaction what main action]
uiR2EDSetReactionWhatConditionAction [Set reaction what condition]
uiR2EDNewActionAction [New action]
uiR2EDRemoveActionStepAction [Remove action step]
uiR2EDRemoveActionConditionStepAction [Remove action condition step]
uiR2EDRemoveReactionConditionStepAction [Remove reaction condition step]
uiR2EDRemoveReactionAction [Remove reaction]
uiR2EDNewActAction [New act]
uiR2EDRepeatActivitySequenceAction [Repeat activity sequence]
uiR2EDChangeDisplayAction [Change display mode]
uiR2EDRemoveActAction [Remove act]
uiR2EDPermanentEntityAction [Permanent entity action]
uiR2EDCurrentActEntityAction [Current act entity action]
uiR2EDAddActivityAction [Add activity]
uiR2EDAddingReferenceAction [Setting @{888F}]
uiR2EDAddingReferenceSeparator [ : ]
uiR2EDAddingReferenceToAction [@{FFFF} to reference @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDRemovingTargetAction [Removing target of @{888F}]
uiR2EDDeleteRoad [Delete road @{6F6F}]
uiR2EDRingAccessDenied [You don't have enough Ring Points to load this scenario. Please select another one.]
uiR2EDEnglish [English]
uiR2EDLoadAuthorized [Authorized]
uiR2EDLoadDenied [Denied]
uiR2EDEditionLocked [Access]
uiR2EDFull [Run and Edit]
uiR2EDRunOnly [Run only]
uiR2EDRoSOnly [RoS only]
uiR2EDTrialAllowedScenario [Enable for FreeTrial]
uiR2EDTrialAllowedScenarioTooltip [Indicates if the scenario can be launch by Free-Trial clients.]
uiR2EDScenarioMissionTag [Mission Tag]
uiR2EDScenarioMissionTagTooltip [Tag use by EGS for ring <=> ryzom missions.]
uiR2EDNevraxScenario [Nevrax Scenario]
uiR2EDNevraxScenarioTooltip [Change the owner of the scenario has ryzom.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Scenario_AccessRules [@{6F6F}AccessRules\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ProximityDialog_TriggerOn [@{6F6F}Trigger On\n@{FFFF}Define whether the dialog should start when the player leaves the zone or when he enters the zone.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HiddenChest_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}The name of the hidden chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HiddenChest_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the chest will appear on player entering/leaving the zone. If not, nothing will happen. You can manually activate the hidden chest anytime by using a UserTrigger, or any trigger components.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HiddenChest_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{FFFF}Orientation of the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HiddenChest_TriggerOn [@{6F6F}Trigger On\n@{FFFF}Define whether the chest should appear when the player leaves the zone or when he enters the zone.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}The name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}Mission giver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 the mission giver will give the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 the mission giver will give the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 the mission giver will give the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceedText\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind given by the mission giver.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItem_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
// Component not inserted yet
uiR2EdTeleportNear_ContextualText [Teleport]
uiR2EdTeleportNear [Teleporter]
uiR2EDNewTeleportNearFeatureAction [Teleport]
uiR2EDNewTeleportNearFeatureNode [Teleporter]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_TeleportNear [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF} The player will be able to interact with this scenery object in order to teleport himself to this component. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the player will be teleported when he will selects the Scenery Object.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Teleporter .]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Reapeatable\n@{FFFF}If the Teleporter is repeatable, the player will always be able to use the scenery object as teleporter. If not repeatable, the teleporter will be disable. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the scenery object with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TeleportNear_SceneryObject [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario. This object will be used to teleport the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventType_Type [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventType_Value [@{6F6F}Value\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TextManagerEntry_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TextManagerEntry_Text [@{6F6F}Text\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TextManagerEntry_Count [@{6F6F}Count\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_AiActivity [@{6F6F}AiActivity\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_AiMovement [@{6F6F}AiMovement\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_AiProfileParams [@{6F6F}AiProfileParams\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_Keywords [@{6F6F}Keywords\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAiState_VerticalPos [@{6F6F}VerticalPos\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LogicEntityReaction_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LogicEntityReaction_LogicEntityAction [@{6F6F}LogicEntityAction\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LogicEntityReaction_ActionStep [@{6F6F}ActionStep\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_IslandName [@{6F6F}IslandName\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_ShortDescription [@{6F6F}ShortDescription\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_Time [@{6F6F}Time\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_EntryPoint [@{6F6F}EntryPoint\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_Season [@{6F6F}Season\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Location_ManualSeason [@{6F6F}ManualSeason\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Act_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Act_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Act_ManualWeather [@{6F6F}ManualWeather\n@{FFFF}When checked, weather is not the current weather of Atys, but a weather of your choice.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Act_WeatherValue [@{6F6F}WeatherValue\n@{FFFF}The weather that will be seen when entering this act]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandlerAction_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandlerAction_Action [@{6F6F}Action\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandlerAction_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandlerAction_Parameters [@{6F6F}Parameters\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandlerAction_Weight [@{6F6F}Weight\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatAction_Who [@{6F6F}Who\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatAction_Says [@{6F6F}Says\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatAction_Emote [@{6F6F}Emote\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatAction_Facing [@{6F6F}Facing\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TextManager_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LogicEntityAction_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFauna_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFauna_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtUserTrigger_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtUserTrigger_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtUserTrigger_Grp [@{6F6F}Grp\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtUserTrigger_TriggerId [@{6F6F}TriggerId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_State_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_State_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_PlayerAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with players\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_BotAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with NPCs\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_AutoSpawn [@{6F6F}AutoSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcPlant_NoRespawn [@{6F6F}NoRespawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_AutoSpawn [@{6F6F}AutoSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_BotChat_parameters [@{6F6F}BotChat_parameters\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_BotEquipment [@{6F6F}BotEquipment\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_BotSheetClient [@{6F6F}BotSheetClient\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_BotVerticalPos [@{6F6F}BotVerticalPos\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_Count [@{6F6F}Count\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_GrpKeywords [@{6F6F}GrpKeywords\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_AiProfilParams [@{6F6F}AiProfilParams\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcGrp_GrpParameters [@{6F6F}GrpParameters\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Timer_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the timer. Use an explicit name.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Timer_Minutes [@{6F6F}Minutes\n@{FFFF}The duration in minutes the timer will wait before triggering.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Timer_Secondes [@{6F6F}Seconds\n@{FFFF}The duration in seconds the timer will wait before triggering.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Timer_Cyclic [@{6F6F}Cyclic\n@{FFFF}If cyclic, the timer will start counting again after having triggered.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Timer_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the timer will start counting on the beginning of the scenario. If not, it can be started manually by using a UserTrigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_PlayerAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with players\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_BotAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with NPCs\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_AutoSpawn [@{6F6F}AutoSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_NoRespawn [@{6F6F}NoRespawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivitySequence_Repeating [@{6F6F}Repeating\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivitySequence_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_UserTrigger_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}The name of the UserTrigger. Use an explicit name so that at runtime you'll be able to trigger the right event.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_UserTrigger_Description [@{6F6F}Description\n@{FFFF}Describes what does this User Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatStep_Time [@{6F6F}Time\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatStep_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the reward chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_TriggerValue [@{6F6F}TriggerValue\n@{FFFF}Number of NPCs that must remain before spawning the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Npc1Id [@{6F6F}NPC 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the chest spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Npc2Id [@{6F6F}NPC 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the chest spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Npc3Id [@{6F6F}NPC 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the chest spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Npc4Id [@{6F6F}NPC 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the chest spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Npc5Id [@{6F6F}NPC 5\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the chest spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_EasterEggId [@{6F6F}Chest\n@{FFFF}A chest is created on the reward chest creation. But you can select a chest already present in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the reward chest will make the chest spawn. If not active, it will do nothing. You can manually activate the reward chest with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawner_NpcNumber [@{6F6F}NPC References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of NPCs or groups of NPCs you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 NPCs or groups of NPCs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the herd.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_CrittersCount [@{6F6F}CrittersCount\n@{FFFF}Number of creatures in the herd.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_RaceName [@{6F6F}RaceName\n@{FFFF}Race of the creatures.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_SleepZone [@{6F6F}SleepZone\n@{FFFF}The creatures will sleep in that zone. A zone is created on the fauna system creation, but you can select another one. To do so, click on the "pick" button and select any zone of the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_FoodZone [@{6F6F}FoodZone\n@{FFFF}The creatures will wander in that zone. For the carnivores, that zone corresponds to the herbivores sleep zone and they will prey on any herbivores they encounter. A zone is created on the fauna system creation, but you can select another one. To do so, click on the "pick" button and select any zone of the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_FoodDuration [@{6F6F}FoodDuration\n@{FFFF}Time the creatures will spend wandering in their food zone (in seconds)]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Creature_SleepDuration [@{6F6F}SleepDuration\n@{FFFF}Time the creatures will spend sleeping (in seconds)]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_PlotItem_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the plot item]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_PlotItem_Desc [@{6F6F}Description\n@{FFFF}A description of the plot item. When retrieving the item, the player will have access to that description : It can be used for plot purpose.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_PlotItem_Comment [@{6F6F}Comment\n@{FFFF}A comment about the plot item. This comment is only accessible to the Adventure Master.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_FlagFood [@{6F6F}FlagFood\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_FlagRest [@{6F6F}FlagRest\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_FlagSpawn [@{6F6F}FlagSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtFaunaGenericPlace_Index [@{6F6F}Index\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}MissionGiver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_MissionTarget [@{6F6F}MissionTarget\n@{FFFF}This NPC must be found by the player to accomplish the mission. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_MissionText [@{6F6F}MissionText\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidationText\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission target when the player talks to it.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceedText\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkTo_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF} indicates whether the player has to come back to talk to the mission giver to complete successfully the task, or if it is completed when the player enters/exits the zone.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}MissionGiver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidation Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player will talk to him without having visited the target zone.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceed Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the giver when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_VisitZone_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}MissionGiver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_MissionTarget [@{6F6F}MissionTarget\n@{FFFF}This NPC must be found by the player to accomplish the mission. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidation Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player will talk to him without having targeted the mission target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceed Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the giver when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF} indicates whether the player has to come back to talk to the mission giver to complete successfully the task, or if it is completed when the player targets the NPC.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TargetMob_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}MissionGiver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_MissionTarget [@{6F6F}MissionTarget\n@{FFFF}This NPC must be found by the player to accomplish the mission. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group: in that case, the player will have to kill the whole group to validate the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidation Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player will talk to him after having taken the mission, but without having killed the target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceed Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the giver when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF} indicates whether the player has to come back to talk to the mission giver to complete successfully the task, or if it is completed when the player kills the NPC.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_KillNpc_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_PlayerAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with players\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_BotAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with NPCs\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_TypeNPC [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_AutoSpawn [@{6F6F}AutoSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_NoRespawn [@{6F6F}NoRespawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Npc_Aggro [@{6F6F}Aggro\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcGrpFeature_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active the chest will appear on the beginning of the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 contained by the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 contained by the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 contained by the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind contained in the chest. You may use up to 3 different kinds of item.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEgg_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{FFFF}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPopulation_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPopulation_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandler_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandler_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandler_Event [@{6F6F}Event\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandler_StatesByName [@{6F6F}StatesByName\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpcEventHandler_GroupsByName [@{6F6F}GroupsByName\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtTextManager_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ConditionStep_Entity [@{6F6F}Entity\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the boss spawner.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_TriggerValue [@{6F6F}Trigger Value\n@{FFFF}Number of guards that must remain before spawning the boss. This value can't equal or exceed the number of picked guards (or picked groups).]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Guard1Id [@{6F6F}Guard 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the boss spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Guard2Id [@{6F6F}Guard 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the boss spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Guard3Id [@{6F6F}Guard 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the boss spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Guard4Id [@{6F6F}Guard 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the boss spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Guard5Id [@{6F6F}Guard 5\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will trigger the boss spawning. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_BossId [@{6F6F}Boss\n@{FFFF}This is the boss that will spawn. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected, and the whole group will spawn together.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the boss spawner will make the boss spawn. If not active, it will do nothing. You can manually activate the boss spawner with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawner_GuardNumber [@{6F6F}Guard References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of guards or groups of guards you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 guards or groups of guards.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the hunt task.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}Mission giver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_TargetNumber [@{6F6F}Number of targets\n@{FFFF}Number of targets that must be killed by the player to succeed the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Target1Id [@{6F6F}Target 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will count for the hunt. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Target2Id [@{6F6F}Target 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will count for the hunt. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Target3Id [@{6F6F}Target 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will count for the hunt. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Target4Id [@{6F6F}Target 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs whose death will count for the hunt. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_MissionText [@{6F6F}MissionText\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidation text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player will talk to him after having taken the mission, but without having killed enough target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceed text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the giver when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_IdNumber [@{6F6F}Target references\n@{FFFF}Define the number of targets or groups of targets you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 4 targets or groups of targets.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF}If checked, the task will be successful when the player goes back to talk to the mission giver (who will say MissionSucceed text). If not checked, the mission will be successful when the player have killed enough targets.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_HuntTask_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}The name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}Mission giver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the player the items to deliver to the mission target when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the items to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 the player must deliver to the mission target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 the player must deliver to the mission target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 the player must deliver to the mission target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceedText\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind that must be delivered by the player to the mission target.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF}If checked, the task will be successful when the player goes back to talk to the mission giver (who will say MissionSucceed text). If not checked, the mission will be successful when the player have delivered the items.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_MissionTarget [@{6F6F}MissionTarget\n@{FFFF}The player must find this NPC and deliver it the items to complete the mission. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}Validation text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission target to validate the task. If ValidationNeeded is checked, then the player will have to go back to the mission giver to validate fully the task.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_DeliveryTask_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_CarnivoresCount [@{6F6F}Count\n@{FFFF}Number of creatures in the carnivore pack.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_CarnivoreRace [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the carnivores.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the whole fauna system.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_HerbivoresCount [@{6F6F}Count\n@{FFFF}Number of creatures in the herbivore herd.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_HerbivoreRace [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the herbivores.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If the fauna is active, the creatures will spawn on the beginning of the scenario. If inactive, the fauna system can be activated manually by using a UserTrigger or any other triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Behavior_Type [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Behavior_ZoneId [@{6F6F}ZoneId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtGroupFaunaEx_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtGroupFaunaEx_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtGroupFaunaEx_FaunaType [@{6F6F}FaunaType\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatSequence_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the dialog. Use an explicit name.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatSequence_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the dialog is able to start. If not active, the dialog can be activated by a UserTrigger or by using any other triggering component. The dialog must be active to be started.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChatSequence_AutoStart [@{6F6F}AutoStart\n@{FFFF}If AutoStart is checked, the dialog will start upon activation. If AutoStart is not checked, you'll have to start the dialog manually with a triggering component such as UserTrigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_MapDescription_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_MapDescription_LevelId [@{6F6F}LevelId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_MapDescription_ShortDescription [@{6F6F}ShortDescription\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_MapDescription_OptimalNumberOfPlayer [@{6F6F}OptimalNumberOfPlayer\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandlerEntry_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandlerEntry_Who [@{6F6F}Who\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandlerEntry_States [@{6F6F}States\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandlerEntry_Event [@{6F6F}Event\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandlerEntry_Actions [@{6F6F}Actions\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActionStep_Entity [@{6F6F}Entity\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Bandit Camp]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_BanditsCount [@{6F6F}BanditsCount\n@{FFFF}Number of bandits in the camp]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Race [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the bandits]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_BanditsLevel [@{6F6F}BanditsLevel\n@{FFFF}Level of the bandits]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Cycle [@{6F6F}Cycle\n@{FFFF}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the bandits will spawn at the beginning of the act. If not, the campfire will appear alone]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_SitDuration [@{6F6F}Sit duration\n@{FFFF}The bandits will sit down for that amount of time]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_WanderDuration [@{6F6F}Wander duration\n@{FFFF}The bandits will wander for that amount of time]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_NoRespawn [@{6F6F}No Respawn\n@{FFFF}Defines wether the bandits should repop after they died.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_ChatParameters [@{6F6F}ChatParameters\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_IsStuck [@{6F6F}IsStuck\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_Keywords [@{6F6F}Keywords\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_Sheet [@{6F6F}Sheet\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_SheetClient [@{6F6F}SheetClient\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_BotVerticalPos [@{6F6F}BotVerticalPos\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtNpc_DmProperty [@{6F6F}DmProperty\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_Aggro [@{6F6F}Aggro\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_Speed [@{6F6F}Speed\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_Level [@{6F6F}Level\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_Angle [@{6F6F}Angle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_PlayerAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with players\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_BotAttackable [@{6F6F}Fights with NPCs\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_AutoSpawn [@{6F6F}AutoSpawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCustom_NoRespawn [@{6F6F}NoRespawn\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NpcCreature_Speed [@{6F6F}Speed\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActionType_Type [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActionType_Value [@{6F6F}Value\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtLocation_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtLocation_Island [@{6F6F}Island\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtLocation_EntryPoint [@{6F6F}EntryPoint\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtLocation_Season [@{6F6F}Season\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Counter_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Counter_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Counter_Value [@{6F6F}Value\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Counter_TriggerValue [@{6F6F}TriggerValue\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Position_x [@{6F6F}x\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Position_y [@{6F6F}y\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Position_z [@{6F6F}z\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ConditionType_Type [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ConditionType_Value [@{6F6F}Value\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_ActivityZoneId [@{6F6F}ActivityZoneId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_TimeLimit [@{6F6F}TimeLimit\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_TimeLimitValue [@{6F6F}TimeLimitValue\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_Activity [@{6F6F}Activity\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_Chat [@{6F6F}Chat\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_Type [@{6F6F}Type\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ActivityStep_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Region_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Road_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Place_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Place_Radius [@{6F6F}Radius\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandler_InstanceId [@{6F6F}InstanceId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EventHandler_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPlotItem_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPlotItem_SheetId [@{6F6F}SheetId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPlotItem_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPlotItem_Description [@{6F6F}Description\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPlotItem_Comment [@{6F6F}Comment\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPosition_x [@{6F6F}x\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPosition_y [@{6F6F}y\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPosition_z [@{6F6F}z\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the mission.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}MissionGiver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, he won't. You can manually activate the mission with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the mission is repeatable, the mission giver will always give the mission to any player talking with him. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 the mission giver will ask from the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 the mission giver will ask from the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 the mission giver will ask from the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the mission giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_MissionText [@{6F6F}MissionText\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_WaitValidationText [@{6F6F}WaitValidationText\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player will talk to him with the requested items.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceedText\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind asked by the mission giver.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItem_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ZoneTrigger_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the zone trigger. Use an explicit name.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ZoneTrigger_Cyclic [@{6F6F}Cyclic\n@{FFFF}If cyclic, the zone trigger will always trigger any associated event. If not, the events will be triggered once.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ZoneTrigger_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the zone trigger will be able to trigger any associated event. If not, nothing will happen. It can be activated manually using a UserTrigger or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtEntryText_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtEntryText_Text [@{6F6F}Text\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPeople_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPeople_Count [@{6F6F}Count\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtPeople_CreatureCode [@{6F6F}CreatureCode\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_Id [@{6F6F}Id\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_WeatherValue [@{6F6F}WeatherValue\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_IslandName [@{6F6F}IslandName\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_Season [@{6F6F}Season\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RtAct_LocationId [@{6F6F}LocationId\n@{F00F}]
// display mode (inherited)
//uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_WorldObject_DisplayMode [@{6F6F}Display Mode\n@{FFFF}Display mode affect how this object is visualised / manipulated : \n\n@{0FFF}- Visible @{FFFF} : The object is visible, and can be moved / rotated. \n This is the default\n@{0FFF}- Hidden @{FFFF} : The object can't be seen in the 3D scene / in the minimap.\n It can be selected from the scenario window, however\n@{0FFF}- Frozen @{FFFF} : The object is visible but can't be selected in the 3D scene / in the minimap.\n This prevent unwanted move of the object (useful for big objects like regions, towers ...).\n It can be selected from the scenario window.\n@{0FFF}- Locked @{FFFF} : The object is visible, it can be selected, but not moved / rotated.\n It can be selected from the scenario window.\n]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_WorldObject_DisplayMode [Display of routes and zones]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Mob1Id [@{6F6F}Mob 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the ambush is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Mob2Id [@{6F6F}Mob 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the ambush is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Mob3Id [@{6F6F}Mob 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the ambush is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Mob4Id [@{6F6F}Mob 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the ambush is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Mob5Id [@{6F6F}Mob 5\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the ambush is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_TriggerOn [@{6F6F}Trigger On\n@{FFFF}Define whether the ambush should be launched when the player leaves the zone or when he enters the zone.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the ambush will spawn the selected NPC on player entering/leaving the zone. If not, nothing will happen. You can manually activate the ambush anytime by using a UserTrigger, or any trigger components.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the ambush.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Ambush_MobNumber [@{6F6F}Mob References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of mobs or groups of mobs you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 mobs or groups of mobs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Mob1Id [@{6F6F}Mob 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the timed spawner is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Mob2Id [@{6F6F}Mob 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the timed spawner is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Mob3Id [@{6F6F}Mob 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the timed spawner is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Mob4Id [@{6F6F}Mob 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the timed spawner is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Mob5Id [@{6F6F}Mob 5\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who will appear when the timed spawner is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the timed spawner will spawn the selected NPC when time is up. If not, nothing will happen. You can manually activate the timed spawner anytime by using a UserTrigger, or any trigger components.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the timed spawner.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Minutes [@{6F6F}Minutes\n@{FFFF}Number of minutes waited before spawning the selected NPCs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_Secondes [@{6F6F}Seconds\n@{FFFF}Number of seconds waited before spawning the selected NPCs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimedSpawner_MobNumber [@{6F6F}Mob References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of mobs or groups of mobs you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 mobs or groups of mobs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Mob1Id [@{6F6F}Mob 1\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who must die to trigger the Hunt trigger. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group must die entirely to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Mob2Id [@{6F6F}Mob 2\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who must die to trigger the Hunt trigger. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group must die entirely to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Mob3Id [@{6F6F}Mob 3\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who must die to trigger the Hunt trigger. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group must die entirely to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Mob4Id [@{6F6F}Mob 4\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who must die to trigger the Hunt trigger. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group must die entirely to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Mob5Id [@{6F6F}Mob 5\n@{FFFF}NPC or group of NPCs who must die to trigger the Hunt trigger. Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. You can pick an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the group must die entirely to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the Hunt Trigger will trigger any associated event when all selected NPCs are dead. If not, nothing will happen. You can manually activate the Hunt Trigger anytime by using a UserTrigger, or any trigger components.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_TriggerValue [@{6F6F}Trigger value\n@{FFFF}Number of NPC that must remain alive to trigger the Hunt Trigger.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ManHunt_MobNumber [@{6F6F}Mob References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of mobs or groups of mobs you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 mobs or groups of mobs.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObject1Id [@{6F6F}Scenery Object 1\n@{FFFF}Scenery Object that will be removed when the Scenery Object Remover is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObject2Id [@{6F6F}Scenery Object 2\n@{FFFF}Scenery Object that will be removed when the Scenery Object Remover is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObject3Id [@{6F6F}Scenery Object 3\n@{FFFF}Scenery Object that will be removed when the Scenery Object Remover is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObject4Id [@{6F6F}Scenery Object 4\n@{FFFF}Scenery Object that will be removed when the Scenery Object Remover is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObject5Id [@{6F6F}Scenery Object 5\n@{FFFF}Scenery Object that will be removed when the Scenery Object Remover is triggered. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, you'll be able to remove all picked objects by triggering the 'remove' action.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Scenery Object Remover.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectRemover_SceneryObjectNumber [@{6F6F}Scenery Object References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of scenery objects you may pick in the scenario. You may pick up to 5 scenery objects.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteraction_SceneryObject [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF} The player will be able to interact with this scenery object. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteraction_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the Scenery Object Interaction will trigger any associated event when the player selects it.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteraction_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Scenery Object Interaction.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteraction_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Reapeatable\n@{FFFF}If the Scenery Object Interaction is repeatable, the player will always be able to interact with the selected scenery object. If not repeatable, the interaction will trigger only once. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteraction_ContextualText [@{6F6F}ContextualText\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the scenery object with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the reward giver with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_OnTargetText [@{6F6F}On Target Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the reward giver to tell the player he's going to give him some reward.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_RewardText [@{6F6F}Reward Given Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the reward giver when some reward is given to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_RareRewardText [@{6F6F}Rare Reward Given Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the reward giver when some rare reward is given to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_InventoryFullText [@{6F6F}Inventory Full Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the reward giver when the player's inventory cannot receive more items.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_NotEnoughPointsText [@{6F6F}Not Enough Points Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the reward giver if the player doesn't have enough points to receive a reward.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_RewardGiver [@{6F6F}Reward Giver\n@{FFFF} Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the reward to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the reward giver will give some reward to the player when being selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RewardProvider_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Reward Provider.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the picked scenery object with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Concealed Item component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_SceneryObject [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario. This object will give the defined items to the player when selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the scenery object will give the defined items to the player. If not, it won't. You can manually activate the Concealed Item component with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the Concealed Item component is repeatable, the scenery object will always give the items to any player selecting it. If not repeatable, the items will be given only once. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObject_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind given by the scenery object.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_SceneryObject [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF} The player will have to find this scenery object to complete the mission. Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}Mission Giver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the Scenery Object Interaction Task Step will allow the player to take the mission from the mission giver.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Scenery Object Interaction Task Step.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Reapeatable\n@{FFFF}If the Scenery Object Interaction is repeatable, the mission giver will always propose the mission to the player. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the scenery object with the mouse cursor after having talked with the mission giver.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_NotValidatedText [@{6F6F}Wait Validation Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player talks to him without having completed the task.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_ValidationNeeded [@{6F6F}Validation needed\n@{FFFF}If checked, the task will be successful when the player goes back to talk to the mission giver (who will say MissionSucceed text). If not checked, the mission will be successful when the player have interacted with the picked scenery object.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_MissionSucceedText [@{6F6F}MissionSucceedText\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_ContextualText [@{6F6F}Contextual Text\n@{FFFF}This text will appear in the contextual menu when the player selects the picked scenery object with the mouse cursor.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_MissionText [@{6F6F}Mission Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when proposing the mission to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_NotValidatedText [@{6F6F}Wait Validation Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be said by the mission giver when the player talks to him without having found the scenery object.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the Get Concealed Item Task Step.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_SceneryObject [@{6F6F}Scenery Object\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select a scenery object in the scenario. This object will give the defined items to the player when selected.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_MissionGiver [@{6F6F}Mission Giver\n@{FFFF}Click on the "pick" button and select an NPC in the scenario. This NPC will give the mission to the player when selected. You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the mission giver will give the mission to the player. If not, it won't. You can manually activate the Get Concealed Item Task Step with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Repeatable\n@{FFFF}If the Get Concealed Item Task Step is repeatable, the picked NPC will always give the mission to any player selecting it. If not repeatable, the mission will be given only once. ]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 2 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 3 the scenery object will give to the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind given by the scenery object.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_BroadcastText [@{6F6F}Broadcast Text\n@{FFFF}This text will be displayed when the mission has been accomplished by the player.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the random chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the chest will spawn directly at the beginning of the scenario. If not, it won't. You can spawn manually the chest with a UserTrigger, or by using another triggering component.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item1Qty [@{6F6F}Item 1 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 contained by the chest if it contains Item1.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item1Id [@{6F6F}Item 1 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item1Weight [@{6F6F}Item 1 Weight\n@{FFFF} Percentage used to define whether Item 1 will be in the chest or not. See Help window for more information.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item2Qty [@{6F6F}Item 2 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 contained by the chest if it contains Item2.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item2Id [@{6F6F}Item 2 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item2Weight [@{6F6F}Item 2 Weight\n@{FFFF}Percentage used to define whether Item2 will be in the chest or not. See Help window for more information.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item3Qty [@{6F6F}Item 3 Quantity\n@{FFFF}Quantity of Item 1 contained by the chest if it contains Item3.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item3Id [@{6F6F}Item 3 Id\n@{FFFF}Click on the "Choose an item" frame and select an item. If no plot items have been previously defined, click on the "new" button or go in the Scenario window and then in the Items panel.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_Item3Weight [@{6F6F}Item 3 Weight\n@{FFFF}Percentage used to define whether Item3 will be in the chest or not. See Help window for more information.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RandomChest_ItemNumber [@{6F6F}Item Number\n@{FFFF}Define the number of item kind that may be present in the chest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskStep1Id [@{6F6F}Task 1\n@{FFFF}Task or task step that must be completed in order to complete the quest. Click on the "pick" button and select a task or a task step in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskStep2Id [@{6F6F}Task 2\n@{FFFF}Task or task step that must be completed in order to complete the quest. Click on the "pick" button and select a task or a task step in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskStep3Id [@{6F6F}Task 3\n@{FFFF}Task or task step that must be completed in order to complete the quest. Click on the "pick" button and select a task or a task step in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskStep4Id [@{6F6F}Task 4\n@{FFFF}Task or task step that must be completed in order to complete the quest. Click on the "pick" button and select a task or a task step in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskStep5Id [@{6F6F}Task 5\n@{FFFF}Task or task step that must be completed in order to complete the quest. Click on the "pick" button and select a task or a task step in the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_TaskNumber [@{6F6F}Task References\n@{FFFF}Define the number of tasks or task steps that will compose the quest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}Name of the quest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_QuestCompletedText [@{6F6F}Quest Completed Text\n@{FFFF}Text that will be broadcasted when the player successfully completes the whole quest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_Active [@{6F6F}Active\n@{FFFF}If active, the quest will activate its first task at the beginning of the scenario so that players can begin the quest.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Quest_Repeatable [@{6F6F}Reapeatable\n@{FFFF}If the quest is repeatable, it will reset its steps upon completion so that players can do the quest again.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_NewActForm_ActTitle [@{6F6F}Act title\n@{F00F} The name of the new act that will be created.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BossSpawnerForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ZoneForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_RequestItemForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureActDescription_ActName [@{6F6F}ActName\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureActDescription_Location [@{6F6F}Location\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureActDescription_EntryPoint [@{6F6F}EntryPoint\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChangeWeatherForm_ManualWeather [@{6F6F}ManualWeather\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ChangeWeatherForm_WeatherValue [@{6F6F}WeatherValue\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LootSpawnerForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SaveScenario_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}The scenario will be saved with this filename. \n You may add the '.r2' extension, if you don't it will be added automativally.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SaveUserComponent_ComponentFileName [@{6F6F}File Name\n@{FFFF}The exported component will be saved in this file.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SaveUserComponent_ComponentName [@{6F6F}User Component Name\n@{FFFF}The exported component will have this name.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_GiveItemForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureStep1_Level [@{6F6F}Level\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureStep1_Rule [@{6F6F}Rule\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureStep1_MaxEntities [@{6F6F}MaxEntities\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CounterFeatureForm_TriggerValue [@{6F6F}TriggerValue\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CounterFeatureForm_Value [@{6F6F}Value\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_ConnectAdventure_AdventureId [@{6F6F}AdventureId\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadUserComponent_FileName [@{6F6F}File name\n@{FFFF}The user component defined in this file will be loaded in the interface (in the component panel)]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadUserComponent_ComponentName [@{6F6F}User Component Name\n@{FFFF}The name of the user component defined in the selected file.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_UnloadUserComponent_FeatureName [@{6F6F}User Component Name\n@{FFFF}This component will be unloaded and removed from the interface.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Form_BanditsCount [@{6F6F}Bandits Count\n@{FFFF}Number of bandits. You can insert between 1 and 12 bandits in the camp.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Form_Race [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the bandits]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Form_BanditsLevel [@{6F6F}Bandits Level\n@{FFFF}Level of the bandits]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_BanditCamp_Form_Cycle [@{6F6F}Cycle\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_HerbivoresCount [@{6F6F}Count\n@{FFFF}Number of animals in the herd. You can insert between 1 and 12 animals in the fauna system.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_HerbivoreRace [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the animals.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_HerbivoreEcosystem [@{6F6F}Ecosystem\n@{FFFF}Ecosystem that the animals are from.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_HerbivoreLevel [@{6F6F}Level\n@{FFFF}Level of the animals.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_CarnivoresCount [@{6F6F}Count\n@{FFFF}Number of beasts in the pack.You can insert between 1 and 12 beasts in the fauna system.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_CarnivoreRace [@{6F6F}Race\n@{FFFF}Race of the beasts.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_CarnivoreEcosystem [@{6F6F}Ecosystem\n@{FFFF}Ecosystem that the beasts are from.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_Fauna_Form_CarnivoreLevel [@{6F6F}Level\n@{FFFF}Level of the beasts.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TalkToForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_UserTriggerForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TimerForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_PVP [@{6F6F}PVP\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_Slider1 [@{6F6F}Slider1\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_Slider2 [@{6F6F}Slider2\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_ComboBox1 [@{6F6F}ComboBox1\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_ComboBox2 [@{6F6F}ComboBox2\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_Text1 [@{6F6F}Text1\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_TestForm_Text2 [@{6F6F}Text2\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureStep2_Location [@{6F6F}Location\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureStep2_EntryPoint [@{6F6F}EntryPoint\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureScenarioDescription_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureScenarioDescription_Category [@{6F6F}Category\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_CreateNewAdventureScenarioDescription_Description [@{6F6F}Description\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_EasterEggForm_Display [@{6F6F}Display\n@{F00F}]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SpecialPaste_CopyEvents [@{6F6F}Copy events\n@{FFFF}When checked, events are copied, too.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SpecialPaste_CopyActivities [@{6F6F}Copy events\n@{FFFF}When checked, activities are copied, too.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SpecialPaste_CopyChatSequences [@{6F6F}Copy events\n@{FFFF}When checked, chat sequences are copied, too.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_SpecialPaste_DuplicateGroup [@{6F6F}Copy orignal group\n@{FFFF}When checked, the original group for this group leader will be copied, not only the leader.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_TreeInfo [@{6F6F}Nevrax Examples\n@{FFFF}Example scenarios supplied by Nevrax. These scenarios demonstrate some of the things that can be done with Ryzom Ring.\n@{6F6F}Pioneer Scenarios\n@{FFFF}Scenarios provided by other players and the event team. These scenarios are not vetted by Nevrax. Contact your shard's events team for more details.\n@{6F6F}My Scenarios\n@{FFFF}The files that are in the 'My Scenarios' folder on your computer.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Name [@{6F6F}Name\n@{FFFF}File name of the scenario to load\nYou may type it or choose if from the list above.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Title [@{6F6F}Title\n@{FFFF} Title of the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Author [@{6F6F}Author\n@{FFFF} Author of the selected scenario. Between brackets is the rating given by the author to its own scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Description [@{6F6F}Description\n@{FFFF} Description of the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Rules [@{6F6F}Rules\n@{FFFF} Rules of the selected scenario. Mastered means an AM can control the scenario, Masterless means no AM controls the scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Level [@{6F6F}Level\n@{FFFF} Level of the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Language [@{6F6F}Language\n@{FFFF} Language of the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_RingPointsLevel [@{6F6F}Ring access\n@{FFFF} Indicates whether you have enough Ring Points to load this scenario or not.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_NewbieTreeInfo [@{6F6F}newbieLand Scenarios \n@{FFFF} WRITE ME]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Fun [@{6F6F}Fun Rating \n@{FFFF} Fun rating for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Difficulty [@{6F6F}Difficulty Rating \n@{FFFF} Difficulty rating for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Accessibility [@{6F6F}Accessibility Rating \n@{FFFF} Accessibility rating for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Originality [@{6F6F}Originality Rating \n@{FFFF} Originality rating for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_Direction [@{6F6F}Direction Rating \n@{FFFF} Direction rating for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EdPropertyToolTip_LoadScenario_LoadScenario_RRPTotal [@{6F6F}Ryzom Ring Points Total \n@{FFFF} Ryzom Ring Points Total for the selected scenario.]
uiR2EDLoadScenarioWindow [Load scenario]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Title [Title]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Description [Description]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Author [Author]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Rules [Rules]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Level [Level]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Language [Language]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_RingPointsLevel [Ring access]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_Name [File name]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_FunRating [Fun]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_DifficultyRating [Difficulty]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_AccessibilityRating [Accessibility]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_OriginalityRating [Originality]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_DirectionRating [Direction]
uiR2EDProp_LoadScenario_RRPTotal [Ryzom Ring Points]
uiR2EDRollout_ScenarioInfo [Scenario informations]
uiR2EDRollout_Load [Load]
uiR2EDRollout_Ratings [Ratings]
uiR2EDValidateForm [OK]
uiR2EDCancelForm [Cancel]
uiR2EDLoadScenario_LoadScenarioWithoutHeader [Load Scenario without Header]
uiR2EdFauna_HelpTitle [Fauna System - Description]
uiR2EdFauna_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create an autonomous fauna system.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations :\n @{FFFF}-It contains 2 herds of creatures (herbivores and carnivores).\n - You can choose the number of creatures in each herd: be careful, too many carnivores would easily destroy the herbivores.\n - You can choose the race of the creatures, depending on their ecosystem and their level.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-Each herd will wander between a sleep zone and a food zone.\n - The carnivores will prey on any herbivores they will encounter on their food zone.\n - By default, the food zone of the carnivores is the herbivores' sleep zone, but any zone can be picked with the mouse cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select a zone in the scenario.\n - Default feed and sleep duration are 30 seconds. You can redefine them, but do not forget to considerate the time needed by the creatures to go from a zone to the other.\n - You can redefine the name of the whole system, the pack of carnivores and the herd of herbivores.\n]
uiR2EdGiveItem_HelpTitle [Give Item Subtask - Description]
uiR2EdGiveItem_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. It will make an NPC give some item(s) to the player. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You have to choose the NPC who will give the items to the player. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n - The NPC must give at least one item. To add an item, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items the NPC will give the player. \n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeds the task.\n - You can redefine the texts said by the task giver. To do this, you can use <qt1> and <item1> to dynamically insert the quantity and name of the first item, and <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver names in the texts. \n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver to indicate the task is successful. \n - You can also redefine the task name.\n]
uiR2EdBossSpawner_HelpTitle [Boss Spawner - Description]
uiR2EdBossSpawner_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to spawn a boss after the death of a chosen number of guards.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operation :\n@{FFFF}-You will have to pick at least the boss and one guard with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-If you select an NPC belonging to a group, the group will be automatically selected and it's the group's death that will trigger the boss spawning.\n - You can redefine the number of guards that must remain before spawning the boss. Default is 0 (all guards must die to spawn the boss).\n This value can't equal or exceed the number of picked guards (or picked groups).\n - You can also redefine the boss spawner's name.\n - Events can be added to the boss spawner. For example, you can add a "on Boss Spawner Trigger" event and make something happen when the boss spawns.\n]
uiR2EdRequestItem_HelpTitle [Request Item Subtask - Description]
uiR2EdRequestItem_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The player must give some item(s) to an NPC. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You have to choose the NPC to whom the players must give the items. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n - The NPC must ask for at least one item. To add an item, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items the NPC will request from the players. \n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeds the task.\n - You can redefine the texts said by the mission's giver. To do this, you can use <qt1> and <item1> to dynamically insert the quantity and name of the first item, and <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver name in the texts. \n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver to indicate the task is successful. \n - You can also redefine the task name.\n]
uiR2EdChatSequence_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create dialogs for NPCs. A single dialogue can contain a series of paragraphs of texts for one or more NPCs to say.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations : \n @{FFFF}-To create a dialog, right-click on the Dialog component and select "edit dialogs".\n - A dialog can be composed of several 'chats', separated by time intervals. A 'chat' is a text said by an NPC and may be accompanied by an 'emote'.\n - To add a chat to a dialog, click on the "new chat" button.\n - You'll need to click in the "Who" field to select the NPC who will speak or select 'broadcast' to have a message broadcast to all players in the scenario or 'Message to Adventure Master' to display a message for the adventure master.\n - Each chat has a time delay associated with it. This defines the delay after the speaker of the previous chat has spoken.\n - The field "Says what" contains the text to be spoken.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-You can make the talking NPC turn towards another NPC to simulate a discussion. To do so, select another NPC in the "To who" field.\n - You can also add an emote on the talking NPC.\n - You can control the dialog and each of its chats with events that can be added to the component. By default, the dialog is active and will start at the beginning of the act. You can turn AutoStart off to avoid this, un which case you will need to create an 'event' to start the dislogue manually in response to the event of your choosing.\n - One can modify the name of the dialogs to make them easier to manage in the editor. The name has no impact once the scenario is running.\n]
uiR2EdChatSequence_HelpTitle [Dialog - Description]
uiR2EdLootSpawner_HelpTitle [Reward Chest - Description]
uiR2EdLootSpawner_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to define an item chest and its content. This item chest will spawn after the death of a chosen number of npc.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operation :\n @{FFFF}-You will have to pick at least one NPC with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - The chest must contain at least one item. To add an item in the chest, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items you want the chest to contain.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-If you select an NPC belonging to a group, the group will be selected and it's the group's death that will trigger the chest spawning.\n - You can also redefine the reward chest's name.\n - An empty chest is created, but you can select another one.\n - If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n - Events can be added to the item chest. For example, you can add a "on Item Chest opened" event and make something happen when the chest is opened by a player.\n]
uiR2EdTimer_HelpTitle [Timer - Description]
uiR2EdTimer_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component can trigger some events after a certain amount of time.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations: \n @{FFFF}-You can define a duration in minutes and/or in seconds. The timer will trigger any associated event after this duration.\n - You can make the timer cyclic or not: this means that the timer will start again after the specified duration, and will do so indefinitely.\n - You will have to plug some events on the timer. To do so, right-click on the timer and selec edit events. Click on "new event", then add some events "on timer triggered".\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}-You can control the timer during playtime by using a usertrigger and put some control actions upon the timer. For example, you can pause, resume or trigger manually the timer. You can also add or remove 10 seconds or 1 minute to the timer.\n - You can also redefine the timer name.\n]
uiR2EdEasterEgg_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to define a chest and its content. \n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operation :\n @{FFFF}-The chest must contain at least one item. To add an item in the chest, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items you want the chest to contain.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components: \n @{FFFF}-If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n - Events can be added to the chest. For example, you can add a "on Chest opened" event and make something happen when the chest is opened by a player.\n - You can also redefine the chest's name.\n ]
uiR2EdEasterEgg_HelpTitle [Chest - Description]
uiR2EdTalkTo_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to find an NPC and talk to it. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You can choose the NPC who will give the task to the player, and the NPC who must be found by the player. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You can use this task without a giver. In that case, the target will directly talk to the player when the player targets it with the mouse cursor.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components : \n @{FFFF}-You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_target> and <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver and the mission target names in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player select the mission target with the mouse cursor after having talked to the mission giver.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission target when the player found it.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission target to indicate the task is successful.\n - You can also redefine the task name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdTalkTo_HelpTitle [Talk To Subtask - Description]
uiR2EdZoneTrigger_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component can trigger some event(s) when a player enters or exits an attached zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations : \n @{FFFF}-You must add at least one event on the zone trigger. To do so, right-click on the zone trigger and select "add event" then click on the "new event" button.\n - You can make something happen when the player enters or exits the zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-Any associated event will be triggered only if the zone trigger is active. By default, it is active but you can deactivate it and activate it at runtime trough a user trigger.\n - Once the associated event has been triggered, the components is deactivated. The Cyclic property allows the component to stay active even after the event has been triggered. This allows to trigger this event each time the player enters or exits the zone (depending on what triggers the event).\n - The component can be triggered manually by simulating a player entering/leaving the zone.\n - You can redefine the component's name.\n]
uiR2EdZoneTrigger_HelpTitle [Zone Trigger - Description]
uiR2EdUserTrigger_HelpTitle [User Trigger - Description]
uiR2EdUserTrigger_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows the Adventure Master to trigger any associated event at runtime. All triggers are available through the game interface, and give the Adventure Master more control on the scenario. For example, a UserTrigger can be used to trigger a dialog, to spawn some creatures or to activate a component.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF}-To add an event, rightclick on the UserTrigger and select "Edit events", then click on the "new event" button.\n - To trigger the associated event, you must be in AM mode. Click on the "Triggers" button, and select the desired trigger.\n\n@{FF0F} Additional components:\n @{FFFF}-You can add more than one event on a single UserTrigger, but they will all be triggered at once.\n - You can redefine the UserTrigger name. Giving an explicit name to the UserTrigger will help you trigger the right event.\n]
uiR2EdBanditCamp_HelpTitle [Bandits Camp - Description]
uiR2EdBanditCamp_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component contains several cutthroats wandering and sitting around a campfire.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF}-You can choose the number of bandits you want to spawn.\n - You can choose the bandit's race and level.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}-You can make the bandits sit down or go wandering, for example by linking the camp with a UserTrigger.\n - You can redefine the activities duration of the bandits in seconds.\n - WanderDuration is the time the bandits will spend wandering before going back around the fire.\n - Sit Duration is the time the bandits will spend sitting around the fire before standing up and wandering in their zone. If the duration is 0, the bandits will sit indefinitely\n - You can redefine the name of the bandits camp.\n - Events can be added to the bandits camp. For example, you can make something happen when one of the bandits dies or when the bandits are back in their camp.\n]
uiR2EdAmbush_HelpTitle [Ambush - Description]
uiR2EdAmbush_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component spawns several NPCs when the player enters or exits an attached zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF}-You have to pick at least one NPC.\n - For each mob, you can pick a single NPC or a grouped NPC. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.\n - You can define whether you want the ambush triggered when the player leaves or enters the zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}\n - The ambush is active by default. If inactive, the mob won't spawn. You can activate/deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n - You can also trigger the ambush anytime by linking a User Trigger on the Trigger action.\n ]
uiR2EdTimedSpawner_HelpTitle [Timed Spawner - Description]
uiR2EdTimedSpawner_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component spawns several NPCs after a certain amount of time.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF}-You have to pick at least one NPC.\n - For each mob, you can pick a single NPC or a grouped NPC. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.\n - You can define the time waited by the Timed Spawner before triggering.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}\n - The timed spawner is active by default. If inactive, the mob won't spawn. You can activate/deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n - You can also trigger the spawner anytime by linking a User Trigger on the Trigger action.\n]
uiR2EdManHunt_HelpTitle [Hunt Trigger - Description]
uiR2EdManHunt_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows to trigger any associated event when all selected NPCs die.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF} -You have to pick at least one NPC.\n - For each mob, you can pick a single NPC or a grouped NPC. In that case, the group will be automatically selected.\n - To plug an event on the Hunt Trigger, click on the "edit events" in the property panel. You can add any event on the Hunt Trigger "trigger". \n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}\n - The Hunt Trigger is active by default. If inactive, the mob's death won't trigger any event. You can activate/deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n - You can also trigger the Hunt Trigger anytime by linking a User Trigger on the Trigger action.\n - You can define a trigger value. Default is 0, which means 0 NPC must remain alive to trigger the Hunt Trigger. \n]
uiR2EdVisitZone_HelpTitle [Visit Zone Task - Description]
uiR2EdVisitZone_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to find a zone and wander into it. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You must choose the NPC who will give the task to the player. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components : \n @{FFFF}-With the ValidationNeeded checkbox, you can decide whether the task is completed when the player enters/exits the zone or if he'll have to go back to the mission giver to validate the task.\n -You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver name in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having found the zone.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver when the player talks to him after having found the zone.\n - You can also redefine the mission name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdKillNpc_HelpTitle [Kill NPC Task - Description]
uiR2EdKillNpc_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to find and kill an NPC. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You must choose the NPC who will give the task to the player. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n - You also have to choose the target of the task. You can select a single NPC or an NPC belonging to a group. In that case, the player will have to kill the whole group to validate the task.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components : \n @{FFFF}-You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_giver> and <mission_target> to insert the mission giver (respectively target) name in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having killed the target.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver when the player talks to him after having killed the target.\n - You can also redefine the task name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdHuntTask_HelpTitle [Hunt Task - Description]
uiR2EdHuntTask_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows to create a task where the player must kill a certain number of targets among those defined in the task's properties panel. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n@{FF0F}Basic operations:\n@{FFFF}-You have to pick the NPC that will give the task to the player with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You will have to pick at least one target or one group of target with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC or a group of NPC in the scenario.\n - You also must define how much targets the player will have to take down. Default is 1.\n\n@{FF0F}Additional operations:\n@{FFFF}-You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver name in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having killed the target.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver when the player talks to him after having killed enough targets.\n - You can also redefine the task name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_HelpTitle [Delivery Task - Description]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows to create a task where the player must take some items from an NPC and bring them to another. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n@{FF0F}Basic operations:\n@{FFFF}-You have to pick the NPC that will give the task to the player with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You have to pick the NPC that will receive the items from the player with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You will have to pick at least one target or one group of target with the cursor. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC or a group of NPC in the scenario.\n - You must define at least one item to deliver. To add an item, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items you want the player to deliver.\n - If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n\n@{FF0F}Additional operations:\n@{FFFF}-You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver name in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having killed the target.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission giver when the player talks to him after having killed enough targets.\n - You can redefine the task name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdTargetMob_HelpTitle [Target NPC Task - Description]
uiR2EdTargetMob_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to find an NPC and target it. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations :\n @{FFFF}-You can choose the NPC who will give the task to the player, and the NPC who must be targeted by the player. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You cannot pick an NPC belonging to a group.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components : \n @{FFFF}-With the ValidationNeeded checkbox, you can decide whether the task is completed when the player targets the NPC or if he'll have to go back to the mission giver to validate the task.\n -You can redefine the texts said by the task's actors. To do this, you can use <mission_target> and <mission_giver> to insert the mission giver and the mission target names in the texts.\n - Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the mission giver with the mouse cursor.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n - Validation text: text said by the mission target when the player found it.\n - Mission succeeded text: text said by the mission target to indicate the task is successful.\n - You can also redefine the task name.\n - You can add some event on the task component. For example, you can add an event on "Mission succeeded" and make something happen when the player succeeded the task.\n]
uiR2EdHiddenChest_HelpTitle [Hidden Chest - Description]
uiR2EdHiddenChest_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to define a chest and its content. This chest will appear when the player enters or leaves the attached zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operation :\n @{FFFF} -The chest must contain at least one item. To add an item in the chest, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items you want the chest to contain.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components :\n @{FFFF}-You can redefine the reward chest's name.\n - If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the Items panel of the Scenario window.\n - Events can be added to the chest. For example, you can add a "on Chest opened" event and make something happen when the chest is opened by a player.\n - You can define whether the chest should appear when the player enters or exits the zone. By default it will appear when the player leaves the zone.\n]
uiR2EdRandomChest_HelpTitle [Random Chest - Description]
uiR2EdRandomChest_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a chest that will contain a random item selected from a given list.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF} - The chest must contain at least one item. To add an item in the chest, click on the "Choose an item" frame and define how many items you want the chest to contain.\n - You must define a 'weight' for each item. The higher this number, the higher the chance that the given item will be chosen. For example: if item 1 has a weight of 100, and item 2 has a weight of 1, then the chest has 100 times more chance of containing item 1 than item 2.\n\n@{FF0F}Advanced operations:\n@{FFFF}- You can redefine the random chest name.\n - Events can be added to the chest. For example, you can add a "on Chest opened" event and make something happen when the chest is opened by a player.\n]
uiR2EdUserComponent_HelpTitle [User Component - Description]
uiR2EdUserComponent_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component is used to create a custom User Component. When inserted in the scenario, this component is empty but any object or entity can be added as one of its sub component.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF} - To add an object or an entity into the user component, select the user component and click on the "add entity" button in the contextual toolbar. Then left-click on any entity or object in the scenario. You can select the target in the scenario or in the scenario window. You can add any kind of entity.\n - To remove a sub component from the user component, select the user component and click on the "remove entity" button in the contextual toolbar. Then left-click on a previously added entity. This will remove the entity from the user component's subcomponents and put it back in the scenario as an independant entity. You can select the target in the scenario or in the scenario window.\n - To save the component, select the user component and click on the "save" button. You will have to enter a filename in which the component will be saved and a component name. After having been saved, the component is automatically added in the palette's components panel, in the UserComponents>Loaded Components branch. When a component is loaded, it can be used as any usual component. The file containing the component is saved in the ryzom/examples directory.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n@{FFFF}- To load a component file, put the desired file in the ryzom/examples directory then click on the "load" button in the components panel of the palette. Select the file and click on the "ok" button. The component will be automatically added in the components panel, in the branch UserComponents>Loaded Components branch. Any component which is loaded when the client is shut down will be loaded again when the client is restarted.\n - To unload a component, click on the "unload" button and select the component you want to unload. When unloaded, the component is removed from the interface.\n\n]
uiR2EdNpc_HelpTitle [NPC - Description]
uiR2EdNpc_HelpText [@{FFFF}An NPC or 'non player character' is a person that you can add to and use in your adventure.\n\n @{FF0F}Properties:\n @{FFFF} -Aggro : The distance at which a hostile NPC will decide to spontaneously attack players or other NPCs. One can adjust this score between 0m (meaning the NPC will never attack unprovoked) and 120m, which is about as far as a player can see\n - Speed : The speed at which the NPC will go about their business when not engaging in combat. One can choose between 'Running' and 'Walking' speeds\n - Level : An adjuster for defining the NPC's level. The choice between 'week', 'average', 'strong' and 'very strong' is relative to players of the level range indicated at the top of the palette window. A 'very strong' NPC from one level range may be similar to a 'Weak' NPC from the level range above\n - Fight With Players : If this property is checked, then the NPC can fight with players. The NPCs will continue to respect their own fundamental nature so, for example, a civilian will not attack players unprovoked. If the property is not checked then the NPC will never attack a player, even if they are a bandit\n - Auto-Spawn : If this property is checked then the NPC will appear in the scene as soon as the act they belong to begins. If the property is not checked then the NPC will never appear unless an 'event' makes them do so\n - No Respawn : If this property is checked then the NPC will stay dead if they are killed. Otherwise, they will re-appear automatically a short while after they die\n - Customize Look : It is possible to customize the morphology, dress and equipment of NPCs. The choice of clothing has no effect at all on NPC stats, though the choice of weapon will change the type of damage that they inflict\n\n @{FF0F}Activities:\n@{FFFF}It is possible to give NPCs one or more activities, arranged into sequences. For most of these activities it is possible to set a time duration after which the NPC will move on to the next activity in their sequence\n - Wander : The NPC goes to a designated zone and wanders about until the time limit is reached\n - Follow Route : The NPC goes to the start point of a pre-defined route and follows the route to the end. There is no time limit for this activity\n - Patrol : The NPC goes to the start point of a pre-defined route and then walks up and down the route, turning round at the ends, until the time limit is reached\n - Repeat Route : The NPC goes to the start point of a pre-defined route and keeps following the route until the time limit is reached. Whenever the NPC reaches the end of the route they return directly to the start and keep going\n\n @{FF0F}Events:\n @{FFFF}It is possible to trigger events when different things happen to an NPC\n - Spawn / Despawn : events are triggered when the NPC appears / disappears (and each time they reappear and re-disappear if the 'No Respawn' property isn't checked)\n - Start / End of Activity : events are triggered at the start or end of a particular activity in a particular activity sequence\n - Start / End of Sequence : events are triggered when the NPC starts or ends a particular activity sequence\n - Player Target : events are triggered when the NPC is targeted by a player\n\n @{FF0F}Actions:\n @{FFFF}It is possible to apply a variety of actions to NPCs when different game events are triggered\n - Spawn / Despawn : Make the NPC appear or disappear (you can not despawn a npc while he is appearing or spawn a npc while he is vanishing)\n - Die : Make the NPC die\n - Begin Activity : Begin a new activity sequence\n - Enable / Disable Fight With NPCs : Change the state of the 'Fight With NPCs' property. Note that NPCs who are fighting when this property changes will not take the change into consideration until the fight is over\n - Enable / Disable Fight With Players : Change the state of the 'Fight With Players' property. As with 'Enable / Disable Fight With NPCs', this property is not take effect until fighting NPCs have stopped pursuing their adversaries\n - Walk / Run : Change the state of the 'Sp
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObject_HelpTitle [Concealed Item - Description]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObject_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. It will enable a player to retrieve an item from a scenery object. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF}- You have to choose the scenery object which will contain the item. To do this, click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select a scenery object in the scenario.\n- The scenery object must contain at least one item. To add an item, click on the choose an item frame and define how many items the scenery object will contain.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n @{FFFF}- If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the items panel of the Scenario window.\n- Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the scenery object with the mouse cursor.\n- You can also redefine the task name.\n\n]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_HelpTitle [Get Concealed Item Task Step - Description]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to retrieve items from a scenery object. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF}- You can choose the NPC who will give the task to the player. To do this click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n- You can choose the scenery object which will contain the items. To do this click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select a scenery object in the scenario.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n @{FFFF}- If no plot items have been defined, you can create a new one by clicking on the "new" button, or by going to the items panel of the Scenario window.\n- Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n- Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having retrieved the scenery object's items.\n- Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the scenery object with the mouse cursor.\n- You can define whether the task is repeatable or not.\n- The Get Concealed Item Task Step is active by default. If inactive, you can activate / deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n- You can also redefine the task name.\n\n]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_HelpTitle [Scenery Object Interaction Task Step - Description]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a task for the player. The goal of this task is to find a scenery object and target it. You can combine this component with other task components to create a quest.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF}- You can choose the NPC who will give the task to the player. To do this click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n - You can choose the scenery object which must be targeted by the player. To do this click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select a scenery object in the scenario.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n @{FFFF}- The Scenery Object Interaction Task Step is active by default. If inactive, you can activate / deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n - Mission Text: text said by the mission giver when giving the task to the player.\n- Validation text: text said by the mission giver if the player took the task, but talks again with the giver without having targeted the scenery object.\n- Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the scenery object with the mouse cursor.\n- You can define whether the task is repeatable or not.\n- You can also redefine the task name.\n\n]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteraction_HelpTitle [Scenery Object Interaction - Description]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteraction_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to trigger an event by interacting with a scenery object.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF}- You can choose the scenery object with which player will interact. To do this click on the pick button in the property panel and select a scenery object in the scenario.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n @{FFFF}- Contextual text: text that will appear in the contextual menu when the player will select the scenery object with the mouse cursor.\n- You can define whether the task is repeatable or not.\n - You can also redefine the trigger name.\n\n]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectRemover_HelpTitle [Scenery Object Remover - Description]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectRemover_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to remove a scenery object.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic operations:\n @{FFFF}- You have to pick at least one scenery object.\n\n @{FF0F}Additional components:\n @{FFFF}- The scenery object remover is active by default. If inactive, you can activate / deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n- You can trigger the scenery object remover anytime by linking a User Trigger on the Trigger Action.\n- You can also redefine the removers name.\n\n]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_HelpTitle [Reward Provider - Description]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_HelpText [@{FFFF}This feature allows the player to receive random rewards in a scenario. A reward has a certain cost in Ring Points.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations :\n @{FFFF}-You can choose the NPC who will give the reward to the player. To do this click on the "pick" button in the property panel and select an NPC in the scenario.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations :\n @{FFFF}-You can change the texts that might be said by the reward giver\n -contextual text: text displaying in the contextual menu which allows the player to interact with the reward giver.\n -on target text: text said by the reward giver when selected by the player.\n -reward given text: text said by the reward giver when giving a reward to the player.\n -rare reward given text: text said by the reward giver when giving a rare reward to the player.\n -inventory full text: text said by the reward giver if the player's inventory can't contain more items.\n -Not enough points text: text said by the reward giver if the player doesn't have enough points.\n -You can activate the reward provider using a trigger.\n]
uiR2EdNpcInteraction_HelpTitle [NPC Interaction - Description]
uiR2EdNpcInteraction_HelpText [@{FFFF} @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF} \n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n@{FFFF}- ]
uiR2EdQuest_HelpTitle [Quest - Description]
uiR2EdQuest_HelpText [@{FFFF} @{FF0F}Basic Operations:\n @{FFFF} \n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations:\n@{FFFF}- ]
uiR2EdProximityDialog_HelpTitle [Proximity Dialog - Description]
uiR2EdProximityDialog_HelpText [@{FFFF}This component allows you to create a dialog that will start when the player enters or exits an attached zone.\n\n @{FF0F}Basic Operations :\n @{FFFF}- You can edit chatsteps for the proximity dialog like a standard dialog. To do this click on the "Edit dialogs" in the property panel of the component.\n- You can define wether the dialog should start when the player enters or exits the zone. To do this, use the dropdown box in the property panel.\n\n @{FF0F}Advanced Operations :\n @{FFFF}- The proximity dialog is active by default. If inactive, you can activate / deactivate it at runtime through a user trigger or any other triggering component.\n- You can make the dialog start anytime by linking a User Trigger on the Trigger Action.\n- You can also redefine the proximity dialog name.\n\n\n]
uiR2EdEditDialogButton [Edit dialogs]
uiR2EdEditEventsButton [Edit events]
uimR2EDTooltipPaletteWindow [Show/hide palette window]
uimR2EDTooltipScenarioWindow [Show/hide scenario window]
uimR2EDTooltipMapWindow [Show/hide map window]
uiR2EDHomeButton [HOME]
uiR2EDUnamedAct [Unamed act]
uiR2EDStopDMSpeakAs [Click here to stop talking through this character mouth]
uiR2EDStopDMControl [Click here to stop controlling this entity]
uiR2EDSpeakingAsTooManyEntities [Try to talk as too many entities]
uiR2EDIncarningTooManyEntities [Try to incarnate too many entities]
uiR2EDAlreadyIncarningANpc [You are already incarning an entity. You must stop incarning the previous one.]
uiR2EdNoEmptyString [Empty string are not allowed]
uiR2EdTalkTo_ContextualText [Deliver <mission_giver>'s message to <mission_target>]
uiR2EdTalkTo_MissionText [You must find <mission_target> for me]
uiR2EdTalkTo_WaitValidationText [Have you been sent by <mission_giver>?]
uiR2EdTalkTo_MissionSucceededText [Thank you for the message]
uiR2EdTalkTo_BroadcastText [You have completed the talk to task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdGiveItem_ContextualText [Receive <qt1> <item1> from <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdGiveItem_MissionText [I have some things for you]
uiR2EdGiveItem_MissionSucceededText [I have given you <qt1> <item1>]
uiR2EdGiveItem_BroadcastText [You have completed the give item task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdRequestItem_ContextualText [Give <qt1> <item1> to <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdRequestItem_MissionText [Find <qt1> <item1> for me, please!]
uiR2EdRequestItem_WaitValidationText [Please give me what I need]
uiR2EdRequestItem_MissionSucceededText [Thank you for giving me the <qt1> <item1>]
uiR2EdRequestItem_BroadcastText [You have completed the request item task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdVisitZone_ContextualText [<mission_giver> needs someone to carry out some reconnaissance of the area]
uiR2EdVisitZone_MissionText [Will you do a little exploring for me?]
uiR2EdVisitZone_WaitValidationText [Didn't you explore the territory yet?]
uiR2EdVisitZone_MissionSucceededText [Well done!]
uiR2EdVisitZone_BroadcastText [You have completed the visit zone task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdTargetMob_ContextualText [<mission_giver> needs someone to track down <mission_target>]
uiR2EdTargetMob_MissionText [Could you please locate <mission_target> for me?]
uiR2EdTargetMob_WaitValidationText [Didn't you find <mission_target> yet?]
uiR2EdTargetMob_MissionSucceededText [Well done!]
uiR2EdTargetMob_BroadcastText [You have completed the Target NPC task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdKillNpc_ContextualText [Kill <mission_target> for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdKillNpc_MissionText [I need to get rid of someone... Kill <mission_target> for me]
uiR2EdKillNpc_WaitValidationText [Didn't you find <mission_target> yet?]
uiR2EdKillNpc_MissionSucceededText [Well done! I hope you gave <mission_target> a hard time]
uiR2EdKillNpc_BroadcastText [You have completed the Kill NPC task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdHuntTask_ContextualText [<mission_giver> needs some help to kill <target_number> critters]
uiR2EdHuntTask_MissionText [Find and kill <target_number> critters for me]
uiR2EdHuntTask_WaitValidationText [Didn't you find enough critters to kill yet?]
uiR2EdHuntTask_MissionSucceededText [Thank you]
uiR2EdHuntTask_BroadcastText [You have completed the Hunt task for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_ContextualText [Deliver <qt1> <item1> to <mission_target>]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_MissionText [<mission_target> needs <qt1> <item1>.. You must take them to him]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_WaitValidationText [I see <mission_giver> told you to bring me <qt1> <item1>. Thank you!]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_MissionSucceededText [Many Thanks, I am in your debt.]
uiR2EdDeliveryTask_BroadcastText [You have successfully delivered items for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_ContextualText [Get some reward from <reward_giver>]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_OnTargetText [You deserve a reward for having completed your mission.]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_RewardText [There goes some reward.]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_RareRewardText [There goes some rare reward.]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_InventoryFullText [I can't give you more reward as your inventory is now full.]
uiR2EdRewardProvider_NotEnoughPointsText [Sorry but you don't enough points for me to give you any reward.]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteraction_ContextualText [Make <object_name> trigger something]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObject_ContextualText [Get <qt1> <item1> from <object_name>]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_ContextualText [Interact with <object_name> for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_MissionText [Could you please locate <object_name> for me]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_NotValidatedText [Didn't you find <object_name> yet?]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_BroadcastText [You have successfully interacted with <object_name> for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStep_MissionSucceedTextText [Well done!]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_ContextualText [Obtain <qt1> <item1> from <object_name> for <mission_giver>]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_MissionText [Could you please get <qt1> <item1> for me? I think you may find some in <object_name>...]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_NotValidatedText [Didn't you find <object_name> yet?]
uiR2EdGetItemFromSceneryObjectTaskStep_BroadcastText [You have successfully retrieved concealed items from <object_name> ]
uiR2EdQuest_QuestCompletedText [Congratulations, you have completed the <quest_name> quest ]
uiR2EDSpecialPaste [Special paste]
uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointForIsland [You do not have enough Ring Points in "<Package>". The scenario you are using contains an island "<EntityName>" that needs at least <EntityLevel> ring point in this package but you only have <CharLevel>. You have 30 seconds to choose an other scenario.]
uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointForBot [You do not have enough Ring Points in "<Package>". The scenario you are using contains an entity "<EntityName>" that needs at least <EntityLevel> ring point in this package but you only have <CharLevel>. You have 30 seconds to choose an other scenario.]
uiR2EDErrMessageNoEnoughRingPointForGeneric [You do not have enough Ring Points in "<Package>". The scenario you are using contains a component that needs at least <EntityLevel> ring point in this package but you only have <CharLevel>. You have 30 seconds to choose an other scenario.]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_f [Forest's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_j [Jungle's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_d [Desert's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_l [Lacustre's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_p [Prime Root's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_g [Goo's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_a [General's Package]
// for test use only
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_o [Outland's Package]
uiR2EDRingAccessCategory_t [Test's Package]
uiR2EDDisplayModeVisible [VISIBLE]
uiR2EDDisplayModeHidden [HIDDEN]
uiR2EDDisplayFrozen [FROZEN]
uiR2EDDisplayLocked [LOCKED]
uiR2EDDisplayModeHide [HIDE]
uiR2EDDisplayModeShow [SHOW]
uiR2EDDisplayModeFreeze [FREEZE]
uiR2EDDisplayModeUnfreeze [UNFREEZE]
uiR2EDDisplayModeLock [LOCK]
uiR2EDDisplayModeUnlock [UNLOCK]
uiR2EDScenarioOtherAccessTooltip [@{6F6F}Access\n@{FFFF}Defines what other players are allowed to do with this scenario after you gave them the scenario.\n\n-@{6F6F}Run and Edit@{FFFF} means that anybody can modify it and run it.\n-@{6F6F}Run Only@{FFFF} means that nobody except you can edit this scenario but anybody can launch it.]
//uiR2EDNoTargetForDisplayModeChange [There are no objects for which the display mode can be changed.]
uiR2EDResetDisplayMode [RESET ALL]
uiR2EDShow [SHOW]
uiR2EDShowAll [SHOW ALL]
uiR2EDHideAll [HIDE ALL]
uiR2EDLock [LOCK]
uiR2EDLockAll [LOCK ALL]
uiR2EDUnlockAll [UNLOCK ALL]
uiR2EDFreeze [FREEZE]
uiR2EDFreezeAll [FREEZE ALL]
uiR2EDUnfreezeAll [UNFREEZE ALL]
uiR2EDShowContextual [SHOW_CONTEXTUAL]
uiR2EDDisplayModeMenuReminder [Some objects in the scenario are hidden, locked or freeze ! Don't forgot to restaure the normal display accessible by the display mode button if you want to manipulate them!]
uiR2EdProp_Dialog1Id [Dialog 1]
uiR2EdProp_Dialog2Id [Dialog 2]
uiR2EdProp_Dialog3Id [Dialog 3]
uiR2EDTabFeatureTree [Components]
// Categories
uiR2EdMobSpawnersCategory [Spawners/Removers]
uiR2EdDialogsCategory [Dialogs]
uiR2EdTriggersCategory [System Components]
uiR2EdTasksCategory [Tasks]
uiR2EdTaskStepCategory [Task Steps]
uiR2EdTasksSubTasksCategory [Tasks & Task Steps]
uiR2EdChestsCategory [Item Containers]
uiR2EdMacroComponentsCategory [Macro Components]
uiR2EdUserComponentCategory [User Components]
uiR2EdLoadedUserComponentCategory [Loaded Components]
uiR2EdDevCategory [Dev Components]
//Mob spawners
uiR2EdAmbushNode [Ambush]
uiR2EdBossSpawnerFeatureNode [Boss Spawner]
uiR2EdTimedSpawnerNode [Timed Spawner]
uiR2EdRandomChestNode [Random Chest]
uiR2EdEasterEggFeatureNode [Chest]
uiR2EdHiddenChestNode [Hidden Chest]
uiR2EdLootSpawnerFeatureNode [Reward Chest]
uiR2EdDeliveryTaskNode [Delivery Task]
uiR2EdHuntTaskNode [Hunt Task]
uiR2EdKillNpcNode [Kill NPC Task]
uiR2EdVisitZoneNode [Visit Zone Task]
uiR2EdTargetMobNode [Target NPC Task]
uiR2EdGiveItemFeatureNode [Give Item Task Step]
uiR2EdRequestItemFeatureNode [Request Item Task Step]
uiR2EdTalkToFeatureNode [Talk To Task Step]
uiR2EdTimerFeatureNode [Timer]
uiR2EdZoneTriggerNode [Zone Trigger]
uiR2EdUserTriggerFeatureNode [User Trigger]
uiR2EdManHuntFeatureNode [Hunt Trigger]
uiR2EdProximityDialogNode [Proximity Dialog]
uiR2EdChatSequenceNode [Dialog]
//Macro Components
uiR2EdBanditCampFeatureNode [Bandits Camp]
uiR2EdFaunaFeatureNode [Fauna System]
//Dev components (tmp)
uiR2EdSceneryObjectRemoverFeatureNode [Scenery Object Remover]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionFeatureNode [Scenery Object Interaction]
uiR2EdRewardProviderNode [Reward Provider]
uiR2EdSceneryObjectInteractionTaskStepNode [Scenery Object Interaction Task Step]
uiR2EDNpcInteraction [NPC Interaction]
uiR2EdNpcInteraction [NPC Interaction]
uiR2EdNpcInteractionNode [NPC Interaction]
uiR2EdFeatureName [Component Name]
uiR2EDFeatureName [Component Name]
uiR2EDExportRemove [Remove]
uiR2EDExportLoad [Load]
uiR2EDExportUnload [Unload]
uiR2EDFreezeBotObjects [Freeze objects in scene (click to toggle)]
uiR2EDUnfreezeBotObjects [Unfreeze objects in scene (click to toggle)]
uiR2EDPrimDisplayModeChangedToContextual [Display mode for routes and zones has been changed to @{6F6F} CONTEXTUAL]
uiR2EDPrimDisplayModeChangedToShowAll [Display mode for routes and zones has been changed to @{6F6F} SHOW ALL]
uiR2EDTryToTeleportToAnInvalidCharacter [Try to teleport to an invalid character]
uimR2EDMakeCurrentLive [Put this scenario online, making it accessible to players from a @{6F6F}Ring Terminal@{FFFF}. Ring Terminals can be found in cities such as @{6F6F}Pyr@{FFFF}.]
uimR2EDUpdateFiltersCharacters [@{6F6F}Listing Options@{FFFF}\nUpdate description of scenario to be displayed un Ring Terminal filters for invited characters]
uiR2EdFightWithPlayer [Can fight player]
uiR2EdFightWithNpcs [Can fight NPCs]
uimR2EDPlayerControl [@{6F6F}Player Control@{FFFF}\nAllows to change scenario invitation filters, and to manage player in this scenario.]
uiR2EdDontFightWithPlayer [Can't fight player]
uiR2EdDontFightWithNpcs [Can't fight NPCs]
uiR2EdRun [Runs]
uiR2EdDontRun [Doesn't run]
uiR2EdNpcHeader [Check the group leader for properties]
uiRingToolbar [R2]
uimR2EDStopLive [Stop this scenario. All present players will be kicked.]
uiR2EDDeletingRegionVertex [Deleting region vertex]
uiR2EDDeletingWayPoint [Deleting waypoint]
uiR2EDLive [Listing Options]
uiR2EDStopLive [End Scenario]
uiR2EDPlayerAdmin [Player Control]
uiR2EdInvalidTriggerValue [@{F00F} Invalid trigger value]
uiR2EDScenarioTitle [Title]
uiR2EDScenarioTitleTooltip [Title of the current scenario. This title will be displayed in the @{6F6F}Ring Terminal@{FFFF} when your scenario is online.]
uiR2EDScenarioFilename [Filename :]
uiR2EDScenarioFilenameTooltip [File name for the current scenario. You can save your scenario using the @{6F6F}MAIN MENU@{FFFF}.]
uiR2EDTimeLimitTooltip [Time limit for the current scenario. 0 means no time limit.]
uiR2EdUserEventEmitted [user event emitted]
uiR2EdEmitsUserEvent [emits user event]
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event text
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// R2AA* = applicable action text
// R2Event* = event text
// R2Text* = condition text
// R2<TYPE>0* = menu entry text
// R2<TYPE>1* = natural language text
// generic actions
uiR2AA0Activate [Activate]
uiR2AA1Activate [is activated]
uiR2AA0Deactivate [Deactivate]
uiR2AA1Deactivate [is deactivated]
uiR2AA0Spawn [Spawn]
uiR2AA1Spawn [spawns (appears)]
uiR2AA0Despawn [Despawn]
uiR2AA1Despawn [is despawned (vanishes)]
uiR2AA0Trigger [Trigger]
uiR2AA1Trigger [is triggered]
uiR2AA0Kill [Die]
uiR2AA1Kill [dies]
uiR2AA0BeginSeq [Begin Activity]
uiR2AA1BeginSeq [begins activity sequence]
uiR2AA0SucceedTask [Simulate Task Success]
uiR2AA1SucceedTask [skips forward to the end as if the players had succeeded]
uiR2AA0SucceedStep [Simulate Step Success]
uiR2AA1SucceedStep [step is validated]
uiR2AA0ScenarioStartTiming [Start Timing]
uiR2AA1ScenarioStartTiming [starts to be timed]
uiR2AA0ScenarioStopTiming [Stop Timing]
uiR2AA1ScenarioStopTiming [stops being timed]
uiR2AA0ScenarioAddPoints [Add Points]
uiR2AA1ScenarioAddPoints [scores up]
uiR2AA0ScenarioSucceed [Succeeds]
uiR2AA1ScenarioSucceed [is successfully completed]
uiR2AA0ScenarioFail [Fails]
uiR2AA1ScenarioFail [is failed]
uiR2AA0RemoveObject [Remove scenery objects]
uiR2AA1RemoveObject [removes scenery objects]
uiR2AA0ValidateCurrentTask [Validate current quest step]
uiR2AA1ValidateCurrentTask [validates current step]
uiR2AA0CompleteQuest [Complete quest]
uiR2AA1CompleteQuest [is completed]
// generic flag/ unflag actions
uiR2AA0FlagFightPlayersOn [Enable Fight Players]
uiR2AA1FlagFightPlayersOn [is allowed to fight with players]
uiR2AA0FlagFightPlayersOff [Disable Fight Players]
uiR2AA1FlagFightPlayersOff [is prevented from fighting with players]
uiR2AA0FlagFightNpcsOn [Enable Fight NPCs]
uiR2AA1FlagFightNpcsOn [is allowed to fight with non player characters]
uiR2AA0FlagFightNpcsOff [Disable Fight NPCs]
uiR2AA1FlagFightNpcsOff [is prevented from fight with non player characters]
uiR2AA0FlagRunOn [Run]
uiR2AA1FlagRunOn [will RUN from place to place when not in combat]
uiR2AA0FlagRunOff [Walk]
uiR2AA1FlagRunOff [will WALK from place to place when not in combat]
// generic events
uiR2Event0Trigger [Trigger]
uiR2Event1Trigger [is triggered]
uiR2Event0Activation [Activation]
uiR2Event1Activation [is activated]
uiR2Event0Deactivation [Deactivation]
uiR2Event1Deactivation [is deactivated]
uiR2Event0Spawn [Spawn]
uiR2Event1Spawn [spawns (appears)]
uiR2Event0Despawn [Despawn]
uiR2Event1Despawn [is despawned (vanishes)]
uiR2Event0Death [Death]
uiR2Event1Death [dies]
uiR2Event0MemberDeath [Member Death]
uiR2Event1MemberDeath [group member dies]
uiR2Event0GroupDeath [Group Death]
uiR2Event1GroupDeath [last living group member dies]
uiR2Event0EndActivityStep [End of Activity]
uiR2Event1EndActivityStep [reaches end of activity]
uiR2Event0EndActivitySeq [End of Sequence]
uiR2Event1EndActivitySeq [reaches end of activity sequence]
uiR2Event0BeginActivityStep [Start of Activity]
uiR2Event1BeginActivityStep [starts activity]
uiR2Event0BeginOfActivitySeq [Start of Sequence]
uiR2Event1BeginOfActivitySeq [starts activity sequence]
uiR2Event0TargetedByPlayer [Player Target]
uiR2Event1TargetedByPlayer [is targeted by a player]
uiR2Event0MissionGiven [Mission Given]
uiR2Event1MissionGiven [mission is given to the players]
uiR2Event0TaskWaitValidation [Target Mission Giver]
uiR2Event1TaskWaitValidation [mission giver NPC is targeted by a player before mission is completed]
uiR2Event0TaskSuccess [Success]
uiR2Event1TaskSuccess [is successfully completed]
//reward provider
uiR2Event0RewardGiven [Reward Given]
uiR2Event1RewardGiven [gives some reward to the players]
//scenery object remover
uiR2Event0RemovedObjects [Removed Objects]
uiR2Event1RemovedObjects [removes scenery objects]
uiR2Event0Delivered [Items Delivered]
uiR2Event1Delivered [items have been delivered]
uiR2Event0ScenarioSucceed [Success]
uiR2Event1ScenarioSucceed [is successfully completed]
uiR2Event0ScenarioFailed [Failure]
uiR2Event1ScenarioFailed [is failed]
// generic conditions
uiR2Test0Active [Active]
uiR2Test1Active [is active]
uiR2Test0Inactive [Inactive]
uiR2Test1Inactive [is inactive]
uiR2Test0Spawned [Spawned]
uiR2Test1Spawned [is spawned]
uiR2Test0Despawned [Not Spawned]
uiR2Test1Despawned [is not spawned]
uiR2Test0Dead [Dead]
uiR2Test1Dead [is dead]
uiR2Test0Alive [Alive]
uiR2Test1Alive [is alive]
uiR2Test0Seq [Activity Sequence]
uiR2Test1Seq [current activity sequence is]
uiR2Test0Step [Activity Step]
uiR2Test1Step [current activity is]
uiR2Test0TaskSuccess [Success]
uiR2Test1TaskSuccess [has been successfully completed]
uiR2Test0Trigger [Triggered]
uiR2Test1Trigger [has triggered]
uiR2Test0NotTrigger [Not triggered]
uiR2Test1NotTrigger [has not triggered]
uiR2Test0InProgress [In progress]
uiR2Test1InProgress [is in progress]
//scenery object remover
uiR2Test0HasRemoved [Removed objects]
uiR2Test1HasRemoved [has removed objects]
uiR2Test0HasNotRemoved [Not removed objects]
uiR2Test1HasNotRemoved [has not removed objects]
// scenario
uiR2Event0ScenarioStart [Start of Scenario]
uiR2Event1ScenarioStart [scenario is started]
// acts
uiR2AA0ActStart [Start act]
uiR2AA1ActStart [starts]
uiR2Event0ActStart [Start of Act]
uiR2Event1ActStart [starts]
// bandit camps
uiR2AA0BanditWander [Patrol]
uiR2AA1BanditWander [bandits go out to Patrol]
uiR2AA0BanditSitDown [Return To Camp]
uiR2AA1BanditSitDown [bandits return to camp]
uiR2AA0BanditKill [Kill Bandits]
uiR2AA1BanditKill [bandits all Dies]
uiR2AA0BanditSpawn [Spawn]
uiR2AA1BanditSpawn [spawns (bandits appear)]
uiR2AA0BanditDespawn [Despawn]
uiR2AA1BanditDespawn [is despawned (bandits vanish)]
uiR2Event0BanditHeadWander [Head Out]
uiR2Event1BanditHeadWander [bandits head out to the patrol zone]
uiR2Event0BanditArriveWander [Start Patrol]
uiR2Event1BanditArriveWander [bandits reach the patrol zone]
uiR2Event0BanditHeadCamp [Head Home]
uiR2Event1BanditHeadCamp [bandits stop patroling and head for camp]
uiR2Event0BanditArriveCamp [Reach Camp]
uiR2Event1BanditArriveCamp [bandits reach the camp]
uiR2Test0BanditDead [All Dead]
uiR2Test1BanditDead [bandits are all dead]
uiR2Test0BanditPatrolZone [Patroling]
uiR2Test1BanditPatrolZone [bandits have reached the patrol zone]
uiR2Test0BanditAtCamp [Camped]
uiR2Test1BanditAtCamp [bandits are resting at the camp]
uiR2Test0BanditHeadPatrolZone [Heading Out]
uiR2Test1BanditHeadPatrolZone [bandits are on the way to the patrol zone]
uiR2Test0BanditHeadCamp [Heading Home]
uiR2Test1BanditHeadCamp [bandits are on the way back to camp]
// counter
uiR2AA0CounterIncrement [Increment]
uiR2AA1CounterIncrement [count increases by 1]
uiR2AA0CounterDecrement [Descrement]
uiR2AA1CounterDecrement [count decreases by 1]
// npc
uiR2AA0NpcSit [Sit]
uiR2AA1NpcSit [sits down]
uiR2AA0NpcStand [Stand]
uiR2AA1NpcStand [stands up]
// delivery task
uiR2Event0DelivertyTaskAdvanced [Items Delivered]
uiR2Event1DelivertyTaskAdvanced [mission items are delivered to mission giver]
// Chest
uiR2Event0ChestOpened [Opened]
uiR2Event1ChestOpened [is opened]
// Timer
uiR2AA0TimerPause [Pause]
uiR2AA1TimerPause [is paused]
uiR2AA0TimerResume [Resume]
uiR2AA1TimerResume [resumes from pause]
uiR2AA0TimerAdd10s [Add 10s]
uiR2AA1TimerAdds10s [gains by 10 seconds]
uiR2AA0TimerAdd1m [Add 1m]
uiR2AA1TimerAdds1m [gains 1 minute]
uiR2AA0TimerSub10s [Reduce by 10s]
uiR2AA1TimerSubs10s [loses 10 seconds]
uiR2AA0TimerSub1m [Reduce by 1m]
uiR2AA1TimerSubs1m [loses 1 minute]
uiR2AA0TimerAddNSeconds [Add Time]
uiR2AA1TimerAddNSeconds [is prolonged by]
uiR2AA0TimerSubNSeconds [Reduce Time]
uiR2AA1TimerSubNSeconds [is reduced by]
uiR2Event0TimerPause [Paused]
uiR2Event1TimerPause [is paused]
uiR2Event0TimerResume [Resumed]
uiR2Event1TimerResume [is resumed after a pause]
uiR2Test0TimerPaused [Paused]
uiR2Test1TimerPaused [is paused]
uiR2Test0TimerRunning [Running]
uiR2Test1TimerRunning [is running]
uiR2Test0TimerFinished [Finished]
uiR2Test1TimerFinished [is finished]
// Zone Trigger
uiR2AA0ZoneTriggerSimEnter [Simulate Entry]
uiR2AA1ZoneTriggerSimEnter [reacts as if a player had entered]
uiR2AA0ZoneTriggerSimExit [Simulate Exit]
uiR2AA1ZoneTriggerSimExit [reacts as if a player had left]
uiR2Event0ZoneTriggerEntry [Player Enters]
uiR2Event1ZoneTriggerEntry [triggered by player entering zone]
uiR2Event0ZoneTriggerExit [Player Leavs]
uiR2Event1ZoneTriggerExit [triggered by player leaving zone]
uiR2Test0ZoneTriggerEmpty [Empty]
uiR2Test1ZoneTriggerEmpty [is empty]
uiR2Test0ZoneTriggerFull [Full]
uiR2Test1ZoneTriggerFull [is full]
// dialogues
uiR2AA0ChatSeqStart [Start Script]
uiR2AA1ChatSeqStart [starts from the beginning]
uiR2AA0ChatSeqStop [Stop Script]
uiR2AA1ChatSeqStop [stops]
uiR2AA0ChatStepStart [Goto Step]
uiR2AA1ChatStepStart [starts at step]
uiR2AA0ChatStepContinue [Continue Script]
uiR2AA1ChatStepContinue [continues Script if paused]
uiR2Event0ChatSeqStart [Start of Script]
uiR2Event1ChatSeqStart [script starts from the beginning]
uiR2Event0ChatSeqEnd [End of Script]
uiR2Event1ChatSeqEnd [reaches end of script]
uiR2Event0ChatStepStart [Before Step]
uiR2Event1ChatStepStart [reaches script step]
uiR2Event0ChatStepEnd [After Step]
uiR2Event1ChatStepEnd [finishes script step]
uiR2Test0ChatSeq [Is Running]
uiR2Test1ChatSeq [script is running]
uiR2Test0ChatNotSeq [Is Not Running]
uiR2Test1ChatNotSeq [script is not running]
uiR2Test0ChatStep [Is At Step]
uiR2Test1ChatStep [is at script step]
// glue words used in plain language phrase construction
uiR2EdEventTxtPreEvent [WHEN]
uiR2EdEventTxtPreCondition [AND]
uiR2EdEventTxtPreActions [-]
// end of event text
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uiR2EDTPContextCancelMainland [Return to Mainland]
uiR2EDTPContextCancelIslandOwner [Stop Scenario]
uiR2EDTPContextCancelEdit [Return to Editor]
uiR2EDTPContextTeleport [Teleporting]
uiR2EDTPContextTeleportToAct [Going to act %1]
uiR2EDTPContextStartScenario [Starting scenario]
uiR2EDTPEscapeToInteruptLoading [SHIFT+ESCAPE to interupt loading]
uiDelayedTPCancel [This will take a few seconds.]
uiR2EDLoadingLockedScenario [You can not load this scenario because its creator has chosen to disable the possibility for other pioneers to edit this file. You still can lauch it in Animation mode from the Ring Access Point.]
uiR2EDLoadingLockedScenarioOverride [Your are not supposed to load this scenario because its creator has chosen to disable the possibility for other pioneers to edit this file.]
uiR2EdNoRoadCountLimit [No repetition limit]
uiR2EDSetActivityRoadCountAction [Change maximum Road repeatition]
uiR2EdRoadCountLimit [Repetition]
uiR2EdRoadCountLimitTooltip [For certain activity we can indicates the maximum time a npc is allowed to repeat an activity]
uiR2EDServerRefuseToSave [The current scenario can not be saved]
uiR2EDErrorRefuseToSaveRoS [You are trying to save a scenario reseverd to Ruins of Silan. Your are not allowed to do this yet.\nThis scenario will be updated to a scenario with normal access.]
uiR2EDUpdatingScenarioToDefaultAccess [Updating current scenario to default access.]
uiR2EDTooManyElmements [Can not start scenario because your scenario contains too many entities]
uiR2EDThenPause [then pause the dialog]
uiR2EDDrawArray [Draw array]
uiR2EDDrawArrayContextHelp [Move the mouse around then click to create an array of objects]
uiR2EDDrawArrayTooltip [Help to draw an array of objects. Useful to draw a succession of barriers. Click to select origin of the array, then move the mouse and click again to select the end of the array.]