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2010-09-11 17:26:22 +00:00
Ligoscape maxscript new functions:
NeLLigoExportMaterial node "Filename.ligomat" only_check error_in_dialog
Export a ligo material file from a max NeL patch mesh.
node is a MaxNode. It must be a max NeL patch mesh.
Filename is the file name to export the material
only_check is true to export the file, false to only check it
error_in_dialog is true to display the errors message in a dialog, false in the listener
NeLLigoExportTransition node_array "Filename.ligotrans" firstMaterial secondMaterial only_check error_in_dialog
Export a ligo transition file from 9 max NeL patch mesh and two ligo material files
node_array is an array of 9 nodes. Cell can be undefined to check some transitions.
Filename is the file name to export the material
firstMaterial is the file name of the first material used in this transition
secondMaterial is the file name of the second material used in this transition
only_check is true to export the file, false to only check it
error_in_dialog is true to display the errors message in a dialog, false in the listener
NeLLigoExportMaterial node "Filename.ligomt" only_check error_in_dialog
Export a ligo material file from a max NeL patch mesh.
node is a MaxNode. It must be a max NeL patch mesh.
Filename is the file name to export the material
only_check is true to export the file, false to only check it
error_in_dialog is true to display the errors message in a dialog, false in the listener
NeLLigoGetErrorZoneTemplate code_array vertex_id_array message_array error_index
Get the export errors after a call to NeLLigoExportZoneTemplate.
code_array is an integer array with the error code. (2 for OpenedEdge, 4 for InvalidVertexList, 5 for NotInserted)
vertex_id_array is an integer array with the id of the vertex where an error occured.
message_array is a string array with the error message for the vertices
error_index is the id of the error buffer (1 ~ 9)
All thoses arraies have the same size.
The function return a global error code undex a string. (0 for noerror, 1 for NoBoundaryVertices, 2 for opened edge, 3 for MulitpleEdge, 4 for InvalidVertexList)
Return the snap defined in the config file, else return undefined
Return the cell size defined in the config file, else return undefined
NeLLigoCheckZoneWithTemplate node templateFileName error_in_dialog
Check a ligo zone with a ligo zone template.
node is a MaxNode to check. It must be a max NeL patch mesh.
Filename is the file name to import the template used to test the ligo zone.
error_in_dialog is true to display the errors message in a dialog, false in the listener
NeLLigoSetDirectory path_name
Set the current directory
path_name is the new directory
Return true if success, false else.
NeLLigoGetErrorString error_code
Return an error message with an error code
error_code is the error code
Return an error message (string)