mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 15:26:16 +00:00
256 lines
7.6 KiB
256 lines
7.6 KiB
#include "nel/misc/i18n.h"
#include "mission_compiler.h"
#include "nel/misc/config_file.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLLIGO;
class CMissionData;
class IStep;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
new NLMISC::CApplicationContext;
CPath::addSearchPath("L:\\primitives\\", true, false);
bool test = false;
if (argc == 4 && string(argv[3]) == "-test")
test = true;
else if ( argc != 3)
printf("%s <world_edit_class> <primitive_file> [-test]", argv[0]);
return -1;
string sourceDocName;
if (!test)
sourceDocName = argv[2];
sourceDocName = "test_compilateur.primitive";
// remove the path
sourceDocName = CFile::getFilename(sourceDocName);
// init ligo
NLLIGO::CLigoConfig LigoConfig;
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = &LigoConfig;
nlinfo("Reading ligo configuration file...");
if (!LigoConfig.readPrimitiveClass (argv[1], false))
nlwarning("Can't read '%s' !", argv[1]);
return -1;
nlinfo("Reading primitive file...");
CPrimitives primDoc;
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentPrimitive = &primDoc;
loadXmlPrimitiveFile(primDoc, sourceDocName, LigoConfig);
CMissionCompiler mc;
if (test)
nlinfo("Compiling test mission");
mc.compileMissions(primDoc.RootNode, sourceDocName);
TMissionDataPtr testMission = mc.getMission(0);
CSString script = testMission->generateMissionScript(sourceDocName);
script += "======================================================"+NL;
script += testMission->generatePhraseFile();
script += "======================================================"+NL;
script += testMission->generateDotScript();
script = script.replace(NL.c_str(), "\n");
char *tmp = ::getenv("TEMP");
FILE *fp = ::fopen((string(tmp)+"/compiled_mission.script").c_str(), "w");
::fwrite(script.data(), script.size(), 1, fp);
system((string("\"C:\\Program Files\\Beyond Compare 2\\bc2.exe\" ")+string(tmp)+"/compiled_mission.script test_compilateur.script").c_str());
catch(EParseException e)
return -1;
return 0;
nlinfo("Compiling missions...");
mc.compileMissions(primDoc.RootNode, sourceDocName);
mc.installCompiledMission(LigoConfig, sourceDocName);
/* std::vector <TMissionDataPtr> &missions = mc.getMissions();
// generate the mission script into the npcs...
map<string, TLoadedPrimitive > loadedPrimitives;
// First loop to remove any mission that belong to the compiled primitive file
for (uint i=0; i<missions.size(); ++i)
CMissionData &mission = *(missions[i]);
// first, look for the primitive file to load
string fileName = mission.getGiverPrimitive();
if (fileName.empty())
// use mission primitive instead
fileName = sourceDocName;
if (loadedPrimitives.find(fileName) == loadedPrimitives.end())
string fullFileName = CPath::lookup(fileName);
if (fullFileName.empty())
nlwarning("Can't find primitive file '%s' in path", fileName.c_str());
throw EParseException(NULL, "Destination primitive file not found");
// we need to load this primitive file.
CPrimitives *primDoc = new CPrimitives;
if (loadXmlPrimitiveFile(*primDoc, fullFileName, LigoConfig))
// the primitive file is loaded correctly
loadedPrimitives.insert(make_pair(fileName, TLoadedPrimitive(primDoc, fullFileName)));
throw EParseException(NULL, "Can't read primitive file");
TLoadedPrimitive &loadedPrim = loadedPrimitives[fileName];
CPrimitives *primDoc = loadedPrim.PrimDoc;
TPrimitiveSet scripts;
CPrimitiveSet<TPrimitiveClassPredicate> filter;
filter.buildSet(primDoc->RootNode, TPrimitiveClassPredicate("mission"), scripts);
// for each script, check if it was generated, and if so, check the name
// of the source primitive file.
for (uint i=0; i<scripts.size(); ++i)
vector<string> *script;
if (scripts[i]->getPropertyByName("script", script) && !script->empty())
// Format should be : #compiled from <source_primitive_name>
if (script->front().find("compiled from"))
// we have a compiled mission
if (script->front().find(sourceDocName))
// ok, this mission is compiled from the same primitive, remove it
// second loop to assign compiled mission to giver npc
for (uint i=0; i<missions.size(); ++i)
CMissionData &mission = *(missions[i]);
string fileName = mission.getGiverPrimitive();
if (fileName.empty())
// no giver primitive file specified in the mission, use the mission primitive instead
fileName = sourceDocName;
TLoadedPrimitive &loadedPrim = loadedPrimitives[fileName];
CPrimitives *primDoc = loadedPrim.PrimDoc;
TPrimitiveSet bots;
CPrimitiveSet<TPrimitiveClassAndNamePredicate> filter;
filter.buildSet(primDoc->RootNode, TPrimitiveClassAndNamePredicate("npc_bot", mission.getGiverName()), bots);
if (bots.empty())
nlwarning("Can't find bot '%s' in primitive '%s' !",
throw EParseException(NULL, "Can't find giver in primitive");
else if (bots.size() > 1)
nlwarning("Found more than one bot named '%s' in primitive '%s' !",
throw EParseException(NULL, "More than one bot with giver name in primitive");
// ok, all is good, we can add the mission node to the giver
IPrimitive *giver = bots.front();
// create a new node for the mission
IPrimitive *script = new CPrimNode;
// set the class
script->addPropertyByName("class", new CPropertyString("mission"));
// set the name
script->addPropertyByName("name", new CPropertyString(mission.getMissionName()));
// string alias(toString("%u", makeHash32(mission.getMissionName())));
script->addPropertyByName("alias", new CPropertyString(mission.getAlias()));
string scriptLines = mission.generateMissionScript();
vector<string> lines;
explode(scriptLines, NL, lines, false);
script->addPropertyByName("script", new CPropertyStringArray(lines));
// insert the script into the giver
// Save the modified primitive files
while (!loadedPrimitives.empty())
TLoadedPrimitive &loadedPrim = loadedPrimitives.begin()->second;
saveXmlPrimitiveFile(*(loadedPrim.PrimDoc), loadedPrim.FullFileName);
// Free the memory
delete loadedPrim.PrimDoc;
// generate the phrase file (in any)
string phraseFileName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(sourceDocName) + "_en.txt";
CSString content;
for (uint i=0; i<missions.size(); ++i)
content += missions[i]->generatePhraseFile();
// transform NL (\n\r) into single \n
content = content.replace(NL.c_str(), "\n");
ucstring ucs;
CI18N::writeTextFile(phraseFileName, ucs, true);
catch (EParseException e)
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = NULL;
nlerror("Compilation error : '%s'", e.Why.c_str());
CPrimitiveContext::instance().CurrentLigoConfig = NULL;