2012-07-02 20:49:24 +00:00
// StatePage.cpp : implementation file
# include "stdafx.h"
# include "logic_editor.h"
# include "StatePage.h"
# include "ChildFrm.h"
# include "MainFrm.h"
# include "LogicTreeView.h"
# include "StatesView.h"
# include "EditorFormView.h"
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE [ ] = __FILE__ ;
# endif
// CStatePage property page
IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE ( CStatePage , CPropertyPage )
CStatePage : : CStatePage ( ) : CPropertyPage ( CStatePage : : IDD )
m_nEventMessage = 0 ;
m_sConditionName = _T ( " " ) ;
m_sNextStateName = _T ( " " ) ;
m_sStateName = _T ( " " ) ;
m_sMessageID = _T ( " " ) ;
m_sArgument = _T ( " " ) ;
m_sDestination = _T ( " " ) ;
CStatePage : : ~ CStatePage ( )
void CStatePage : : DoDataExchange ( CDataExchange * pDX )
CPropertyPage : : DoDataExchange ( pDX ) ;
DDX_Radio ( pDX , IDC_RADIO_STATE_EVENT_MSG , m_nEventMessage ) ;
DDX_CBString ( pDX , IDC_COMBO_STATE_COND_NAMES , m_sConditionName ) ;
DDX_CBString ( pDX , IDC_COMBO_STATE_CHANGE , m_sNextStateName ) ;
DDX_Text ( pDX , IDC_EDIT_STATE_NAME , m_sStateName ) ;
DDX_CBString ( pDX , IDC_COMBO_STATE_MSG_ID , m_sMessageID ) ;
DDX_Text ( pDX , IDC_EDIT_STATE_ARGUMENT , m_sArgument ) ;
DDX_Text ( pDX , IDC_EDIT_STATE_MSG_DEST , m_sDestination ) ;
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP ( CStatePage , CPropertyPage )
void CStatePage : : Update ( )
if ( m_pSelectedState ! = NULL )
m_sStateName = m_pSelectedState - > m_sName ;
if ( m_pSelectedEvent ! = NULL )
this - > m_sConditionName = m_pSelectedEvent - > m_sConditionName ;
if ( m_pSelectedEvent - > m_bActionIsMessage = = TRUE )
OnRadioStateEventMsg ( ) ;
this - > m_nEventMessage = 0 ;
this - > m_sArgument = m_pSelectedEvent - > m_sArguments ;
this - > m_sDestination = m_pSelectedEvent - > m_sMessageDestination ;
this - > m_sMessageID = m_pSelectedEvent - > m_sMessageID ;
this - > m_sNextStateName . Empty ( ) ;
OnRadioStateChange ( ) ;
this - > m_nEventMessage = 1 ;
this - > m_sArgument . Empty ( ) ;
this - > m_sDestination . Empty ( ) ;
this - > m_sMessageID . Empty ( ) ;
this - > m_sNextStateName = m_pSelectedEvent - > m_sStateChange ;
m_sConditionName . Empty ( ) ;
m_sArgument . Empty ( ) ;
m_sDestination . Empty ( ) ;
m_sMessageID . Empty ( ) ;
m_sNextStateName . Empty ( ) ;
m_sStateName . Empty ( ) ;
// get the document
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
// list of conditions
CComboBox * comboBox = static_cast < CComboBox * > ( GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_COND_NAMES ) ) ;
comboBox - > ResetContent ( ) ;
POSITION pos = pDoc - > m_conditions . GetStartPosition ( ) ;
void * pointer ;
CString name ;
while ( pos ! = NULL )
pDoc - > m_conditions . GetNextAssoc ( pos , name , pointer ) ;
comboBox - > AddString ( name ) ;
// list of states
comboBox = static_cast < CComboBox * > ( GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_CHANGE ) ) ;
comboBox - > ResetContent ( ) ;
pos = pDoc - > m_states . GetStartPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = NULL )
pDoc - > m_states . GetNextAssoc ( pos , name , pointer ) ;
comboBox - > AddString ( name ) ;
UpdateData ( FALSE ) ;
// CStatePage message handlers
BOOL CStatePage : : OnInitDialog ( )
CPropertyPage : : OnInitDialog ( ) ;
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
m_pSelectedState = NULL ;
m_pSelectedEvent = NULL ;
// select the State Change radio button
if ( m_nEventMessage = = 0 )
OnRadioStateEventMsg ( ) ;
else if ( m_nEventMessage = = 1 )
OnRadioStateChange ( ) ;
return TRUE ; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CStatePage : : OnRadioStateChange ( )
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_CHANGE ) - > EnableWindow ( ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_CHANGE ) - > EnableWindow ( ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG1 ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG2 ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG3 ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_MSG_ID ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_EDIT_STATE_ARGUMENT ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_EDIT_STATE_MSG_DEST ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
void CStatePage : : OnRadioStateEventMsg ( )
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_CHANGE ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_CHANGE ) - > EnableWindow ( FALSE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG1 ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG2 ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_STATIC_STATE_MSG3 ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_MSG_ID ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_EDIT_STATE_ARGUMENT ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
GetDlgItem ( IDC_EDIT_STATE_MSG_DEST ) - > EnableWindow ( TRUE ) ;
// addState
void CStatePage : : addState ( CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc , CState * state )
// check whether this state is already in the combo box
CComboBox * comboBox = static_cast < CComboBox * > ( GetDlgItem ( IDC_COMBO_STATE_CHANGE ) ) ;
if ( comboBox - > FindStringExact ( 0 , state - > m_sName ) = = LB_ERR )
// add the state in the combo box
comboBox - > AddString ( state - > m_sName ) ;
// check whether this state already exists
void * pState ;
if ( pDoc - > m_states . Lookup ( state - > m_sName , pState ) = = FALSE )
// add the new state to the states tree, and to the vector of states in the document
pDoc - > m_states . SetAt ( state - > m_sName , state ) ;
// update views
pDoc - > UpdateAllViews ( ( CView * ) this - > GetParent ( ) ) ;
UpdateData ( FALSE ) ;
} // addState //
// OnButtonAddState
void CStatePage : : OnButtonAddState ( )
UpdateData ( ) ;
if ( m_sStateName . IsEmpty ( ) )
AfxMessageBox ( " State name cannot be empty, please enter a valid name " ) ;
return ;
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
// Get the active MDI child window.
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
/// \toto Malkav : check if a state with this name does not already exist in the document
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
// create the new state
CState * state = new CState ( m_sStateName ) ;
// add the state
addState ( pDoc , state ) ;
} // OnButtonAddState //
void CStatePage : : OnButtonAddEvent ( )
UpdateData ( ) ;
// do nothing is no state is selected
if ( m_pSelectedState = = NULL )
return ;
CEvent * pEvent = new CEvent ( ) ;
pEvent - > m_sConditionName = this - > m_sConditionName ;
if ( this - > m_nEventMessage = = 0 )
pEvent - > m_bActionIsMessage = TRUE ;
pEvent - > m_sStateChange . Empty ( ) ;
pEvent - > m_sArguments = this - > m_sArgument ;
pEvent - > m_sMessageDestination = this - > m_sDestination ;
pEvent - > m_sMessageID = this - > m_sMessageID ;
else // state change
pEvent - > m_bActionIsMessage = FALSE ;
pEvent - > m_sStateChange = this - > m_sNextStateName ;
pEvent - > m_sArguments . Empty ( ) ;
pEvent - > m_sMessageDestination . Empty ( ) ;
pEvent - > m_sMessageID . Empty ( ) ;
// add the event to the selected state
m_pSelectedState - > addEvent ( pEvent ) ;
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
pDoc - > UpdateAllViews ( ( CView * ) this - > GetParent ( ) ) ;
// OnSetActive
BOOL CStatePage : : OnSetActive ( )
// get the child frame
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > MDIGetActive ( ) ;
// get the form view
CEditorFormView * pFormView = static_cast < CEditorFormView * > ( pChild - > m_wndSplitter . GetPane ( 0 , 1 ) ) ;
ASSERT_VALID ( pFormView ) ;
// get the document
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = ( CLogic_editorDoc * ) pFormView - > GetDocument ( ) ;
if ( pDoc - > InitStatePage )
// init the states
CString eltName ;
for ( pos = pDoc - > m_states . GetStartPosition ( ) ; pos ! = NULL ; )
CState * pState = new CState ( ) ;
pDoc - > m_states . GetNextAssoc ( pos , eltName , ( void * & ) pState ) ;
addState ( pDoc , pState ) ;
pDoc - > InitStatePage = FALSE ;
Update ( ) ;
return CPropertyPage : : OnSetActive ( ) ;
} // OnSetActive //
void CStatePage : : OnButtonStateRemove ( )
// get selected state
if ( m_pSelectedState ! = NULL )
if ( AfxMessageBox ( " Your are about to permanently delete this state. \n Doing so will invalidate all references to this state. \n Do you want to continue anyway ? " , MB_OKCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = = IDOK )
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
pDoc - > deleteState ( m_pSelectedState - > m_sName ) ;
m_pSelectedState = NULL ;
m_pSelectedEvent = NULL ;
Update ( ) ;
pDoc - > UpdateAllViews ( ( CView * ) this - > GetParent ( ) ) ;
AfxMessageBox ( " No state selected ! Choose a state first " ) ;
void CStatePage : : OnButtonStateApply ( )
UpdateData ( ) ;
if ( m_pSelectedState ! = NULL )
if ( m_sStateName . IsEmpty ( ) )
AfxMessageBox ( " State name cannot be empty, please enter a valid name " ) ;
return ;
if ( AfxMessageBox ( " Your are about to change this state name. \n Doing so will change all occurence of the old name to the new one. \n Do you want to continue anyway ? " , MB_OKCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = = IDOK )
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
pDoc - > changeStateName ( m_pSelectedState - > m_sName , m_sStateName ) ;
Update ( ) ;
pDoc - > UpdateAllViews ( ( CView * ) this - > GetParent ( ) ) ;
AfxMessageBox ( " No state selected ! Choose a state first " ) ;
void CStatePage : : OnButtonEventApply ( )
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
AfxMessageBox ( " Features not implemented " ) ;
void CStatePage : : OnButtonEventRemove ( )
// get selected state
if ( m_pSelectedEvent ! = NULL & & m_pSelectedState ! = NULL )
CMainFrame * pFrame = ( CMainFrame * ) AfxGetApp ( ) - > m_pMainWnd ;
CChildFrame * pChild = ( CChildFrame * ) pFrame - > GetActiveFrame ( ) ;
CLogic_editorDoc * pDoc = static_cast < CLogic_editorDoc * > ( pChild - > GetActiveDocument ( ) ) ;
m_pSelectedState - > removeEvent ( m_pSelectedEvent ) ;
m_pSelectedEvent = NULL ;
// Update();
pDoc - > UpdateAllViews ( ( CView * ) this - > GetParent ( ) ) ;
AfxMessageBox ( " No event selected ! Choose a event first " ) ;