2017-03-15 19:29:34 +00:00
< ? php
Ryzom Core Web - Based Translation Tool
Copyright ( C ) 2011 Piotr Kaczmarek < p . kaczmarek @ openlink . pl >
This program is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program . If not , see < http :// www . gnu . org / licenses />.
< ? php
class PhraseParser
var $debug = false ;
function removeComments ( $str )
//As a pertinent note, there's an issue with this function where parsing any string longer than 94326 characters long will silently return null. So be careful where you use it at.
ini_set ( 'pcre.backtrack_limit' , 10000000 );
//$returnString = preg_replace('!/\*.*?\*/!s', '', $str); // /* .*? */ s
// added [^/] because there was //******* in translation file
$returnString = preg_replace ( '![^/]/\*.*?\*/!s' , '' , $str ); // /* .*? */ s
// PHP 5.2.0
// if (PREG_NO_ERROR !== preg_last_error())
if ( $returnString === null )
$returnStr = $str ;
var_dump ( " PREG ERROR " );
// exception
return $returnString ;
function removeBOM ( $str )
if (( $bom = substr ( $str , 0 , 3 )) == pack ( " CCC " , 0xef , 0xbb , 0xbf ))
$bla = substr ( $str , 3 );
return $bla ;
return $str ;
function addBOM ( $str )
if (( $bom = substr ( $str , 0 , 3 )) != pack ( " CCC " , 0xef , 0xbb , 0xbf ))
return pack ( " CCC " , 0xef , 0xbb , 0xbf ) . $str ;
return $str ;
function parseLine ( $str )
$arr = array ();
if ( mb_substr ( $str , 0 , 2 ) == " // " )
if ( mb_substr ( $str , 0 , 7 ) == " // DIFF " )
$tmp = explode ( " " , $str );
$type = 'diff' ;
$command = mb_strtolower ( $tmp [ 2 ]);
$args = isset ( $tmp [ 3 ]) ? $tmp [ 3 ] : null ;
if ( $command == " add " || $command == " changed " )
if ( isset ( $args ))
$index = intval ( $args );
$index = null ;
$command = mb_substr ( $str , 3 );
unset ( $type );
else if ( mb_substr ( $str , 0 , 8 ) == " // INDEX " )
list ( $j , $type , $index ) = explode ( " " , $str );
$type = " internal_index " ;
else if ( mb_substr ( $str , 0 , 13 ) == " // HASH_VALUE " )
list ( $j , $type , $hash_value ) = explode ( " " , $str );
$type = " hash_value " ;
/* if ( ! isset ( $type ))
var_dump ( isset ( $type ));
debug_print_backtrace ();
var_dump ( $type ); */
if ( isset ( $type ))
$type = mb_strtolower ( $type );
$arr = compact ( " type " , " command " , " index " , " hash_value " );
else if ( ! ( mb_substr ( $str , 0 , 2 ) == " // " ) && mb_strlen ( $str ))
$type = " string " ;
$string = " " ;
$identifier = " " ;
$arguments = " " ;
$body = " " ;
if ( preg_match ( '|^([0-9A-Za-z@_]*) \((.*?)\).*$|' , $str , $matches ))
$identifier = $matches [ 1 ];
$arguments = $matches [ 2 ];
else if ( $str == " { " )
$body = " begin " ;
else if ( $str == " } " )
$body = " end " ;
$string = $str ;
$arr = compact ( " type " , " identifier " , " arguments " , " string " , " body " );
/* echo " <pre>################################ \n " ;
var_dump ( $str );
var_dump ( $arr );
echo " </pre> \n " ; */
return $arr ;
function addEnt ( & $parsedEnt , & $entities , & $newEnt )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " \t %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \n " ;
echo " \t %%%% newEnt %%%%%%%%% newEnt %%%%%%%%% newEnt %%%%%%%%% newEnt %%%%% \n " ;
echo " \t %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \n \n " ;
var_dump ( $parsedEnt );
if ( ! isset ( $parsedEnt [ " diff " ]) && ! isset ( $parsedEnt [ " index " ]))
$parsedEnt [ " index " ] = $parsedEnt [ " internal_index " ];
$parsedEnt [ " type " ] = " phrase " ;
$entities [] = $parsedEnt ;
$parsedEnt = array ();
$newEnt = false ;
function parseFile ( $file )
$parsedEnt = array ();
$newEnt = false ;
$prevStringLine = false ;
$entities = array ();
$file = $this -> removeBOM ( $file );
// var_dump($file);
$file = $this -> removeComments ( $file );
// var_dump($file);
$lines = explode ( " \n " , $file );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <pre> \n \n " ;
$line_no = 1 ;
foreach ( $lines as $line )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " \n \t #################### LINE NUMBER " . $line_no ++ . " \n \n " ;
var_dump ( $line );
$line = rtrim ( $line , " \r \n " );
$parsedLine = $this -> parseLine ( $line );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " %%%% parsedLine \n " ;
var_dump ( $parsedLine );
echo " \n " ;
echo " %%%% prevStringLine \n " ;
var_dump ( $prevStringLine );
echo " \n " ;
if ( ! $parsedLine )
continue ;
// if line start with diff (diff files) or hash_value (translated files) and before was line with translation, then we start new ent
if ( $prevStringLine && (
( $parsedLine [ " type " ] == " diff " && $parsedEnt ) || ( $parsedLine [ " type " ] == " hash_value " && $parsedEnt )
/* echo " %%%% prevStringLine %%%%% \n " ;
var_dump ( $parsedEnt ); */
$newEnt = true ;
if ( $newEnt )
$this -> addEnt ( $parsedEnt , $entities , $newEnt );
if ( $parsedLine [ " type " ] == " internal_index " )
$parsedEnt [ " internal_index " ] = $parsedLine [ " index " ];
if ( $parsedLine [ " type " ] == " string " )
$prevStringLine = true ;
if ( $parsedLine [ " body " ] == " begin " || $parsedLine [ " body " ] == " end " )
continue ;
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " %%%% parsedEnt before %%%%% \n " ;
var_dump ( $parsedEnt );
// echo "%%%% parsedLine %%%%%\n";
// var_dump($parsedLine);
if ( ! $parsedLine [ 'identifier' ])
if ( $this -> debug ) echo " %%%% parsedEnt ZLACZENIE \n " ;
if ( $this -> debug && ! isset ( $parsedEnt [ 'string' ]))
echo " !isset parsedEnt['string'] \n " ;
var_dump ( $line );
var_dump ( $parsedEnt );
var_dump ( $parsedLine );
$parsedEnt [ 'string' ] .= $parsedLine [ 'string' ] . " \n " ;
if ( $this -> debug ) echo " DODANIE \n " ;
$parsedEnt += $parsedLine ;
// $parsedEnt['string'] .= "\n";
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " %%%% parsedEnt after %%%%% \n " ;
var_dump ( $parsedEnt );
$prevStringLine = false ;
if ( $parsedLine [ " type " ] == " diff " )
$parsedEnt [ " diff " ] = $parsedEnt [ " command " ] = $parsedLine [ " command " ];
$parsedEnt [ " index " ] = $parsedLine [ " index " ];
if ( $parsedEnt )
$this -> addEnt ( $parsedEnt , $entities , $newEnt );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo " <pre> " ;
var_dump ( $entities );
echo " </pre> \n " ;
return $entities ;
function CRLF ( $s )
$s = str_replace ( " \r \n " , " \n " , $s );
$s = str_replace ( " \n " , " \r \n " , $s );
return $s ;
function buildFile ( $entities )
$content = '// DIFF_VERSION 2' . " \n " ;
foreach ( $entities as $ent )
if ( isset ( $ent [ 'command' ]))
$content .= '// ' . $ent [ 'command' ] . " \n " ;
if ( isset ( $ent [ 'hash_value' ]))
$content .= '// HASH_VALUE ' . $ent [ 'hash_value' ];
/* if ( isset ( $ent [ 'command' ]))
$content .= '// INDEX ' . $ent [ 'internal_index' ] . " \n " ;
$content .= '// INDEX ' . $ent [ 'index' ] . " \n " ; */
$content .= $ent [ 'identifier' ] . ' (' . $ent [ 'arguments' ] . ')' . " \n " . '{' . " \n " . $ent [ 'string' ] . " \n " . '}' . " \n " ;
$content .= " \n " ;
return $this -> addBOM ( $this -> CRLF ( $content ));
2011-06-09 16:23:29 +00:00