#!/usr/bin/python # # \file d1_client_patch.py # \brief Install to client patch # \date 2009-02-18 16:19GMT # \author Jan Boon (Kaetemi) # Python port of game data build pipeline. # Install to client patch # # NeL - MMORPG Framework # Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import time, sys, os, shutil, subprocess, distutils.dir_util, argparse sys.path.append("configuration") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ryzom Core - Build Gamedata - Client Patch') parser.add_argument('--bnponly', '-bo', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.isfile("log.log"): os.remove("log.log") log = open("log.log", "w") from scripts import * from buildsite import * from tools import * sys.path.append(WorkspaceDirectory) from projects import * # Log error printLog(log, "") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, "--- Install to client patch") printLog(log, "-------") printLog(log, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%MGMT", time.gmtime(time.time()))) printLog(log, "") # Find tools BnpMake = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, BnpMakeTool, ToolSuffix) PatchGen = findTool(log, ToolDirectories, PatchGenTool, ToolSuffix) printLog(log, "") # Find **** HARDCODED **** WINDOWS **** tools ... TODO: fix patch_gen tool !!! Lzma = findFileMultiDir(log, ToolDirectories + WindowsExeDllCfgDirectories, "lzma.exe") printLog(log, "LZMA " + Lzma) XDelta = findFileMultiDir(log, ToolDirectories + WindowsExeDllCfgDirectories, "xdelta.exe") printLog(log, "XDELTA " + XDelta) printLog(log, "") if BnpMake == "": toolLogFail(log, BnpMakeTool, ToolSuffix) elif PatchGen == "" and not args.bnponly: toolLogFail(log, PatchGenTool, ToolSuffix) elif Lzma == "" and not args.bnponly: toolLogFail(log, "LZMA", ToolSuffix) elif XDelta == "" and not args.bnponly: toolLogFail(log, "XDELTA", ToolSuffix) elif os.path.dirname(Lzma) != os.path.dirname(XDelta): printLog(log, "FAIL lzma.exe and xdelta.exe must be in the same directory") else: mkPath(log, ClientPatchDirectory) if not args.bnponly: productXml = ClientPatchDirectory + "/" + ProductName + ".xml" if not os.path.isfile(productXml): printLog(log, ">>> Create new product <<<") subprocess.call([ PatchGen, "createNewProduct", productXml ]) printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Rewrite " + ProductName + ".xml <<<") # because we know better. shutil.move(productXml, productXml + ".old") oldCfg = open(productXml + ".old", "r") cfg = open(productXml, "w") inCategories = 0 for line in oldCfg: if not inCategories: if line.strip() == "<_Categories>": inCategories = 1 cfg.write("\t<_Categories>\n") for category in InstallClientData: cfg.write("\t\t<_Category>\n") cfg.write("\t\t\t<_Name type=\"STRING\" value=\"" + category["Name"] + "\"/>\n") if category["UnpackTo"] != None: if category["UnpackTo"] != "": cfg.write("\t\t\t<_UnpackTo type=\"STRING\" value=\"./" + category["UnpackTo"] + "/\"/>\n") else: cfg.write("\t\t\t<_UnpackTo type=\"SINT32\" value=\"./\"/>\n") cfg.write("\t\t\t<_IsOptional type=\"SINT32\" value=\"" + str(category["IsOptional"]) + "\"/>\n") cfg.write("\t\t\t<_IsIncremental type=\"SINT32\" value=\"" + str(category["IsIncremental"]) + "\"/>\n") for package in category["Packages"]: if (len(package[1]) > 0): cfg.write("\t\t\t<_Files type=\"STRING\" value=\"" + package[1][0] + "\"/>\n") else: cfg.write("\t\t\t<_Files type=\"STRING\" value=\"" + package[0] + ".bnp\"/>\n") for ref in category["Refs"]: cfg.write("\t\t\t<_Files type=\"STRING\" value=\"" + ref + "_.ref\"/>\n") cfg.write("\t\t\n") cfg.write("\t\n") else: cfg.write(line) else: if line.strip() == "": inCategories = 0 oldCfg.close() cfg.close() os.remove(productXml + ".old") printLog(log, "") printLog(log, ">>> Make bnp <<<") targetPath = ClientPatchDirectory + "/bnp" mkPath(log, targetPath) for category in InstallClientData: for package in category["Packages"]: printLog(log, "PACKAGE " + package[0]) sourcePath = InstallDirectory + "/" + package[0] mkPath(log, sourcePath) targetBnp = targetPath + "/" + package[0] + ".bnp" if (len(package[1]) > 0): targetBnp = targetPath + "/" + package[1][0] printLog(log, "TARGET " + package[1][0]) needUpdateBnp = 1 if (len(package) > 2): needUpdateBnp = needUpdate(log, sourcePath + "/" + package[2], targetBnp) else: needUpdateBnp = needUpdateDirNoSubdirFile(log, sourcePath, targetBnp) if (needUpdateBnp): printLog(log, "BNP " + targetBnp) subprocess.call([ BnpMake, "/p", sourcePath, targetPath ] + package[1]) else: printLog(log, "SKIP " + targetBnp) printLog(log, "") if not args.bnponly: printLog(log, ">>> Update product <<<") cwDir = os.getcwd().replace("\\", "/") toolDir = os.path.dirname(Lzma).replace("\\", "/") os.chdir(toolDir) subprocess.call([ PatchGen, "updateProduct", productXml ]) os.chdir(cwDir) printLog(log, "") log.close() if os.path.isfile("6_client_patch.log"): os.remove("6_client_patch.log") shutil.copy("log.log", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-GMT", time.gmtime(time.time())) + "_client_patch.log") shutil.move("log.log", "6_client_patch.log")