// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdnet.h" #include "nel/net/module_gateway.h" #include "nel/net/module.h" #include "nel/net/module_manager.h" #include "nel/net/module_socket.h" #include "nel/net/module_message.h" #include "nel/net/unified_network.h" #include "nel/net/service.h" #include "nel/net/net_log.h" using namespace std; using namespace NLMISC; namespace NLNET { typedef uint8 TL5TransportId; struct TTransportDesc { TL5TransportId TransportId; string SubNetName; bool InResponse; void serial(NLMISC::IStream &s) { s.serial(TransportId); s.serial(SubNetName); s.serial(InResponse); } }; /** the specialized route for l5 transport */ class CL5Route : public CGatewayRoute { public: /// the service ID of the outbound service TServiceId ServiceId; /// The transport ID at the outbound TL5TransportId ForeignTransportId; CL5Route(IGatewayTransport *transport) : CGatewayRoute(transport) { } void sendMessage(const CMessage &message) const; }; /** Utility class that generate 8bits unique transport id. * The total L5 transport instance is limited to 256. * This really should be enough or you have a problem in * your design ! * The allocator keep released ID as long as possible * and reallocated them only when all other ids * have been used/allocated. */ class CTransportIdAllocator { NLMISC_SAFE_SINGLETON_DECL(CTransportIdAllocator); private: deque _FreeIds; set _UsedIds; CTransportIdAllocator() { // fill the list of free ids; for (TL5TransportId i=0; i TRouteMap; /// The table that keep track of all routes TRouteMap _Routes; typedef std::map TTransportDispatcher; /// Global index of transport use to dispatch received message static TTransportDispatcher _TransportDispatcher; /// Constructor CGatewayL5Transport(const IGatewayTransport::TCtorParam ¶m) : IGatewayTransport(param), _Open(false) { // allocate a transport unique ID _TransportId = CTransportIdAllocator::getInstance().allocateId(); // store the transport in the dispatcher _TransportDispatcher.insert(make_pair(_TransportId, this)); // L5 transport is always peer invisible PeerInvisible = true; } ~CGatewayL5Transport() { if (_Open) { // the transport is still open, close it before destruction close(); } // remove the transport from the dispatcher nlassert(_TransportDispatcher.find(_TransportId) != _TransportDispatcher.end()); _TransportDispatcher.erase(_TransportId); // release the unique id CTransportIdAllocator::getInstance().releaseId(_TransportId); } const std::string &getClassName() const { static string className(LAYER5_CLASS_NAME); return className; } virtual void update() { } virtual uint32 getRouteCount() const { return (uint32)_Routes.size(); } void dump(NLMISC::CLog &log) const { IModuleManager &mm = IModuleManager::getInstance(); log.displayNL(" NeL Net layer 5 transport"); if (!_Open) { log.displayNL(" The transport is currently closed."); } else { log.displayNL(" The transport is open and support %u routes :", _Routes.size()); TRouteMap::const_iterator first(_Routes.begin()), last(_Routes.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { TServiceId sid = first->first; CL5Route *route = first->second; log.displayNL(" + route to service %hu('%s'), %u entries in the proxy translation table :", sid.get(), CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getServiceName(sid).c_str(), route->ForeignToLocalIdx.getAToBMap().size()); { CGatewayRoute::TForeignToLocalIdx::TAToBMap::const_iterator first(route->ForeignToLocalIdx.getAToBMap().begin()), last(route->ForeignToLocalIdx.getAToBMap().end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { IModuleProxy *modProx = mm.getModuleProxy(first->second); log.displayNL(" - Proxy '%s' : local proxy id %u => foreign module id %u", modProx != NULL ? modProx->getModuleName().c_str() : "ERROR, invalid module", first->second, first->first); } } } } } void onCommand(const CMessage &/* command */) throw (EInvalidCommand) { // nothing done for now throw EInvalidCommand(); } /// The gateway send a textual command to the transport bool onCommand(const TParsedCommandLine &command) throw (EInvalidCommand) { if (command.SubParams.size() < 1) throw EInvalidCommand(); const std::string &commandName = command.SubParams[0]->ParamName; if (commandName == "open") { string subNetName; /// look for an optional sub network name const TParsedCommandLine *netName = command.SubParams[0]->getParam("SubNet"); if (netName != NULL) { subNetName = netName->ParamValue; } open(subNetName); } else if (commandName == "close") { close(); } else return false; return true; } /// Open the server by establishing route with all known services void open(const std::string &subNetName) throw (ETransportError) { H_AUTO(L5_open); static TUnifiedCallbackItem L5TransportCallback[] = { {"GW_L5_MSG", CGatewayL5Transport::cbDispatchL5Message }, {"GW_L5_ADDTP", CGatewayL5Transport::cbL5AddTransport }, {"GW_L5_REMTP", CGatewayL5Transport::cbL5RemoveTransport }, }; if (_Open == true) throw ETransportError("Transport already open"); _SubNetName = subNetName; CUnifiedNetwork *un = CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance(); static bool callbackRegistered = false; if (!callbackRegistered) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport open : registering callbacks"); // set the service con/disconnect callback un->setServiceUpCallback("*", CGatewayL5Transport::cbOnServiceUp); un->setServiceDownCallback("*", CGatewayL5Transport::cbOnServiceDown); // set the message callback un->addCallbackArray(L5TransportCallback, sizeof(L5TransportCallback) / sizeof(TUnifiedCallbackItem)); callbackRegistered = true; } // create route and open route for each existing service const vector &connList = un->getConnectionList(); set uniqueService(connList.begin(), connList.end()); while (!uniqueService.empty()) { TServiceId sid = *(uniqueService.begin()); uniqueService.erase(uniqueService.begin()); if ( un->isConnectionConnected(sid)) { // send transport descriptor to other service onServiceUp(un->getServiceName(sid), sid); } else { // the Connection is not established right now. We wait for the ServiceUp callback } } _Open = true; } /// Close the server, this will close all route void close() { H_AUTO(L5_close); if (_Open == false) throw ETransportError("closeServer : The server is not open"); // close all client connections while (!_Routes.empty()) { CL5Route *route = _Routes.begin()->second; TServiceId sid = route->ServiceId; onServiceDown(CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->getServiceName(sid), sid); } _Open = false; } /***************************************************/ /** Event management **/ /***************************************************/ void onServiceUp(const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid) { H_AUTO(L5_onServiceUp); LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onServiceUp('%s')", serviceName.c_str()); // send the transport descriptor to the new service TTransportDesc desc; desc.SubNetName = _SubNetName; desc.TransportId = _TransportId; desc.InResponse = false; CMessage msg("GW_L5_ADDTP"); msg.serial(desc); CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(sid, msg); // the route will be created by receiving this message } void onServiceDown(const std::string &/* serviceName */, TServiceId sid) { H_AUTO(L5_onServicedown); LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onServiceDown('%hu')", sid.get()); // retrieve the route TRouteMap::iterator it(_Routes.find(sid)); if (it == _Routes.end()) { nlinfo("Transport L5 : service down, can't find a route for the service"); return; } CL5Route *route = it->second; // warn the gateway _Gateway->onRouteRemoved(route); // release the route _Routes.erase(it); delete route; } // Called to dispatch an incoming message to the gateway void onDispatchMessage(const CMessage &msgin, TServiceId sid) { H_AUTO(L5_onDispatchMessage); LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onDispatchMessage from service %hu", sid.get()); /// retrieve the route for dispatching TRouteMap::iterator it(_Routes.find(sid)); if (it == _Routes.end()) { nlwarning("Gateway '%s' : Can't find route for service %hu for dispatching, message is discarded", _Gateway->getGatewayName().c_str(), sid.get()); return; } // read the message size uint32 msgLen; nlRead(msgin, serial, msgLen); // lock the sub message msgin.lockSubMessage(msgLen); _Gateway->onReceiveMessage(it->second, msgin); // unlock the sub message msgin.unlockSubMessage(); } void onAddTransport(TServiceId sid, TTransportDesc &desc) { H_AUTO(L5_onAddTransport); LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onAddTransport from service %hu", sid.get()); // we need to create a route for this transport // create a new route and send the route open message if (_Routes.find(sid) != _Routes.end()) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onAddTransport a route for this service alredy exist"); return; } CL5Route *route = new CL5Route(this); route->ServiceId = sid; route->ForeignTransportId = desc.TransportId; // store the route infos _Routes.insert(make_pair(sid, route)); // notify the gateway about the new route _Gateway->onRouteAdded(route); if (desc.InResponse == false) { // we need to send back this transport info to this service TTransportDesc desc; desc.InResponse = true; desc.SubNetName = _SubNetName; desc.TransportId = _TransportId; CMessage msg("GW_L5_ADDTP"); msg.serial(desc); CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(sid, msg); } } void onRemoveTransport(TServiceId sid, TTransportDesc &desc) { H_AUTO(L5_onRemoveTransport); LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport onRemoveTransport from service %hu", sid.get()); // Remove the route TRouteMap::iterator it(_Routes.find(sid)); if (it == _Routes.end()) { nlwarning("onRemoveTransport : can't find a route to the transport %hu on service %u", desc.TransportId, sid.get()); return; } CL5Route *route = it->second; // notify the gateway about the removed route _Gateway->onRouteRemoved(route); // erase the route info and delete the route _Routes.erase(it); delete route; } /***************************************************/ /** static callback forwarder **/ /***************************************************/ /// callback from layer 5 static void cbL5AddTransport(CMessage &msgin, const std::string &/* serviceName */, TServiceId sid) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport cbL5AddTransport from service %hu", sid.get()); // Receive a transport descriptor from another service, create // a route for it TTransportDesc desc; msgin.serial(desc); // for each existing transport here, check if they are in the // same sub net, if so, callback them for route creation TTransportDispatcher::iterator first(_TransportDispatcher.begin()), last(_TransportDispatcher.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { CGatewayL5Transport *transport = first->second; if (transport->_Open && transport->_SubNetName == desc.SubNetName && (sid != IService::getInstance()->getServiceId() || desc.TransportId != transport->_TransportId)) { // this one is on the same subnet transport->onAddTransport(sid, desc); } } } static void cbL5RemoveTransport(CMessage &msgin, const std::string &/* serviceName */, TServiceId sid) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport cbL5RemoveTransport from service %hu", sid.get()); // Receive a transport descriptor from another service, delete // the route for it TTransportDesc desc; msgin.serial(desc); // for each existing transport here, check if they are in the // same sub net, if so, callback them for route creation TTransportDispatcher::iterator first(_TransportDispatcher.begin()), last(_TransportDispatcher.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { CGatewayL5Transport *transport = first->second; if (transport->_Open && transport->_SubNetName == desc.SubNetName && desc.TransportId != transport->_TransportId) { // this one is on the same subnet transport->onRemoveTransport(sid, desc); } } } static void cbDispatchL5Message (CMessage &msgin, const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport cbDispatch called, receiving from %s", serviceName.c_str()); // dispatch the message to the route associated with the service // the first info in the message is the transport id TL5TransportId transportId; msgin.serial(transportId); // look for a corresponding transport TTransportDispatcher::iterator it(_TransportDispatcher.find(transportId)); if (it == _TransportDispatcher.end()) { nlwarning("ReceiveL5Message, can't find transport id %u for dispatching, message is discarded", transportId); return; } CGatewayL5Transport *transport = it->second; transport->onDispatchMessage(msgin, sid); } static void cbOnServiceUp (const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid, void * /* arg */) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport cbOnServiceUp called, service up for %s", serviceName.c_str()); // callback all open transport about the new service TTransportDispatcher::iterator first(_TransportDispatcher.begin()), last(_TransportDispatcher.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { CGatewayL5Transport *transport = first->second; if (transport->_Open) transport->onServiceUp(serviceName, sid); } } static void cbOnServiceDown (const std::string &serviceName, TServiceId sid, void * /* arg */) { LNETL6_DEBUG("LNETL6: L5 transport cbOnServicedown called, service down for %s", serviceName.c_str()); // callback all open transport about the removed service TTransportDispatcher::iterator first(_TransportDispatcher.begin()), last(_TransportDispatcher.end()); for (; first != last; ++first) { CGatewayL5Transport *transport = first->second; if (transport->_Open) transport->onServiceDown(serviceName, sid); } } }; CGatewayL5Transport::TTransportDispatcher CGatewayL5Transport::_TransportDispatcher; // register this class in the transport factory NLMISC_REGISTER_OBJECT(IGatewayTransport, CGatewayL5Transport, std::string, string(LAYER5_CLASS_NAME)); void CL5Route::sendMessage(const CMessage &message) const { NLNET_AUTO_DELTE_ASSERT; H_AUTO(L5Route_sendMessage); CGatewayL5Transport *trpt = static_cast(_Transport); // create a transport message CMessage wrapper("GW_L5_MSG"); // serial the transport identifier wrapper.serial(trpt->_TransportId);; // insert the message in the wrapper nlWrite(wrapper, serialMessage, message); // send the message CUnifiedNetwork::getInstance()->send(ServiceId, wrapper); } void forceGatewayL5TransportLink() { } } // namespace NLNET