// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010  Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by georges_plugin_sound.rc
#define IDC_MESSAGE                     1000
#define IDD_TEST_GLOBAL                 1001
#define IDD_TEST_LOCAL                  1002
#define IDC_FILEINFO                    1003
#define IDC_FILENAME                    1004
#define IDC_FILEFORMAT                  1005
#define IDC_SOUNDFORMAT                 1006
#define IDC_NAME                        1007
#define IDB_START                       1008
#define IDC_CONTROL                     1009
#define IDB_STOP                        1010
#define IDC_NEW                         1011
#define IDC_FORMAT_LABEL                1012
#define IDC_SIZE_LABEL                  1013
#define IDB_DESACTIVATED                1014
#define IDC_FILE_LABEL                  1015
#define IDD_PAGE_CONTEXT                1015
#define IDC_AUDIOFORMAT                 1016
#define IDD_PAGE_COMPLEX                1016
#define IDB_NEW                         1017
#define IDD_PAGE_POSITION               1017
#define IDC_FILESIZE                    1018
#define IDD_PAGE_SIMPLE                 1018
#define IDC_NAME_LABEL                  1019
#define IDD_PAGE_BG_FADES               1019
#define IDC_TIME                        1020
#define IDD_DIALOG_LOADING              1021
#define IDC_DURATION                    1022
#define IDD_CONTEXT_SOUND_PARAM         1023
#define IDC_DIVIDER                     1024
#define IDB_CONTEXT                     1025
#define IDD_DIALOG_BG_FLAGS_2           1026
#define IDD_PAGE_BG_FLAGS               1026
#define IDC_SPIN1                       1027
#define IDC_ZOOM                        1028
#define IDC_EDIT_SEQ_SIZE               1029
#define IDC_SPIN2                       1030
#define IDC_BTN_RANDOM_SOUND            1031
#define IDC_SPIN3                       1032
#define IDC_EDIT_MIN_DELAY              1033
#define IDC_SPIN4                       1034
#define IDC_EDIT_MAX_DELAY              1035
#define IDC_SPIN5                       1036
#define IDC_BTN_RANDOM_DELAY            1037
#define IDC_SPIN6                       1038
#define IDC_FILTER_00                   1039
#define IDC_SPIN7                       1040
#define IDC_FILTER_16                   1040
#define IDC_FILTER_01                   1041
#define IDC_SPIN8                       1042
#define IDC_FILTER_17                   1042
#define IDC_FILTER_02                   1043
#define IDC_SPIN9                       1044
#define IDC_FILTER_18                   1044
#define IDC_FILTER_03                   1045
#define IDC_SPIN10                      1046
#define IDC_FILTER_19                   1046
#define IDC_FILTER_04                   1047
#define IDC_FILTER_20                   1048
#define IDC_FILTER_05                   1049
#define IDC_FILTER_06                   1050
#define IDC_FILTER_07                   1051
#define IDC_FILTER_08                   1052
#define IDC_FILTER_09                   1053
#define IDC_FILTER_10                   1054
#define IDC_FILTER_11                   1055
#define IDC_FILTER_12                   1056
#define IDC_FILTER_13                   1057
#define IDC_FILTER_14                   1058
#define IDC_FILTER_15                   1059
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_00                 1060
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_01                 1061
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_02                 1062
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_03                 1063
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_04                 1064
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_05                 1065
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_06                 1066
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_07                 1067
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_08                 1068
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_09                 1069
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_10                 1070
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_11                 1071
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_12                 1072
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_13                 1073
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_14                 1074
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_15                 1075
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_00              1076
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_01              1077
#define IDC_STATIC_MESSAGE              1078
#define IDC_FILTER_21                   1078
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_02              1079
#define IDC_BUTTON_RELOAD_SAMPLES       1080
#define IDC_FILTER_22                   1080
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_03              1081
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_04              1082
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_05              1083
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_06              1084
#define IDC_FILTER_23                   1085
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_07              1086
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_08              1087
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_09              1088
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_10              1089
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_11              1090
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_12              1091
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_13              1092
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_14              1093
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_15              1094
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_00                 1095
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_01                 1096
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_02                 1097
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_03                 1098
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_04                 1099
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_05                 1100
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_06                 1101
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_07                 1102
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_08                 1103
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_09                 1104
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_10                 1105
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_11                 1106
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_12                 1107
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_13                 1108
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_14                 1109
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_15                 1110
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_6                  1110
#define IDC_STATIC_SOUND_FILTER         1111
#define IDC_FILTER_24                   1111
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_0                  1112
#define IDC_FILTER_25                   1112
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_1                  1113
#define IDC_FILTER_26                   1113
#define IDC_CHECK_CONTEXT_ARG           1114
#define IDC_FILTER_27                   1114
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_2                  1115
#define IDC_FILTER_28                   1115
#define IDC_TAB1                        1116
#define IDC_FILTER_29                   1116
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_3                  1117
#define IDC_FILTER_30                   1117
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_4                  1118
#define IDC_FILTER_31                   1118
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_5                  1119
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_16              1119
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_17              1120
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_7                  1121
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_18              1121
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_8                  1122
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_19              1122
#define IDC_EDIT_ARG_9                  1123
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_20              1123
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_21              1124
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_22              1125
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_23              1126
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_24              1127
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_25              1128
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_26              1129
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_27              1130
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_28              1131
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_29              1132
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_30              1133
#define IDC_FILTER_NAME_31              1134
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_16                 1135
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_17                 1136
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_18                 1137
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_19                 1138
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_20                 1139
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_21                 1140
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_22                 1141
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_23                 1142
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_24                 1143
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_25                 1144
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_26                 1145
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_27                 1146
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_28                 1147
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_29                 1148
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_30                 1149
#define IDC_ENV_FLAG_31                 1150
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_16                 1151
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_17                 1152
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_18                 1153
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_19                 1154
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_20                 1155
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_21                 1156
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_22                 1157
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_23                 1158
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_24                 1159
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_25                 1160
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_26                 1161
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_27                 1162
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_28                 1163
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_29                 1164
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_30                 1165
#define IDC_ENV_NAME_31                 1166
#define IDC_BTN_EDIT_ALL_ON             1167
#define IDC_BTN_EDIT_ALL_OFF            1168
#define IDC_BTN_ENV_ALL_ON              1169
#define IDC_BTN_ENV_ALL_OFF             1170
#define IDC_SHEET_POS                   1170
#define IDC_FADE_IN_00                  1171
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_00                 1172
#define IDC_FADE_IN_08                  1173
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_08                 1174
#define IDC_FADE_IN_16                  1175
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_16                 1176
#define IDC_FADE_IN_01                  1177
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_01                 1178
#define IDC_FADE_IN_17                  1179
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_17                 1180
#define IDC_FADE_IN_02                  1181
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_02                 1182
#define IDC_FADE_IN_18                  1183
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_18                 1184
#define IDC_FADE_IN_03                  1185
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_03                 1186
#define IDC_FADE_IN_19                  1187
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_19                 1188
#define IDC_FADE_IN_04                  1189
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_04                 1190
#define IDC_FADE_IN_20                  1191
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_20                 1192
#define IDC_FADE_IN_05                  1193
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_05                 1194
#define IDC_FADE_IN_21                  1195
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_21                 1196
#define IDC_FADE_IN_06                  1197
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_06                 1198
#define IDC_FADE_IN_22                  1199
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_22                 1200
#define IDC_FADE_IN_07                  1201
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_07                 1202
#define IDC_FADE_IN_23                  1203
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_23                 1204
#define IDC_FADE_IN_24                  1205
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_24                 1206
#define IDC_FADE_IN_09                  1207
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_09                 1208
#define IDC_FADE_IN_25                  1209
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_25                 1210
#define IDC_FADE_IN_10                  1211
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_10                 1212
#define IDC_FADE_IN_26                  1213
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_26                 1214
#define IDC_FADE_IN_11                  1215
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_11                 1216
#define IDC_FADE_IN_27                  1217
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_27                 1218
#define IDC_FADE_IN_12                  1219
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_12                 1220
#define IDC_FADE_IN_28                  1221
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_28                 1222
#define IDC_FADE_IN_13                  1223
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_13                 1224
#define IDC_FADE_IN_29                  1225
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_29                 1226
#define IDC_FADE_IN_14                  1227
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_14                 1228
#define IDC_FADE_IN_30                  1229
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_30                 1230
#define IDC_FADE_IN_15                  1231
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_15                 1232
#define IDC_FADE_IN_31                  1233
#define IDC_FADE_OUT_31                 1234
#define IDC_PSEUDO_PICTURE              1244
#define IDC_SUB_SOUND_NAME              1245

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        1021
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32773
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1246
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           1000