// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "weather_everywhere.h"
#include "nel/misc/sheet_id.h"
#include "nel/georges/load_form.h"
#include "nel/georges/u_form_elm.h"
#include "zone_manager.h"
#include "egs_sheets/egs_sheets.h"
#include "game_share/time_weather_season/weather_manager.h"
#include "game_share/time_weather_season/weather_setup_sheet_base.h"
#include "game_share/time_weather_season/weather_function_params_sheet_base.h"
#include "game_share/time_weather_season/weather_predict.h"
#include "game_share/season.h"
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLGEORGES;
using namespace std;
/// Singleton instance
CWeatherEverywhere WeatherEverywhere;
/// Number of possible weather setups
const uint NB_WEATHER_SETUPS = 6;
/// Mapping from weather setups to EWeather value
const CRyzomTime::EWeather WeatherSetupsToValue [NB_WEATHER_SETUPS] =
CRyzomTime::good, CRyzomTime::good,
CRyzomTime::bad, CRyzomTime::bad,
* Initialization
void CWeatherEverywhere::init()
// Init weather manager (with weather setup sheets)
std::vector sheetVec;
CSheetId::buildIdVector( sheetVec, "weather_setup" ); // list weather_setup sheets
std::vector weatherSheets;
std::vector weatherSheetNames;
for ( uint k=0; k!=sheetVec.size(); ++k )
const CWeatherSetupSheetBase *sheet = CSheets::getWeatherSetupSheet( sheetVec[k] ); // get static sheet
if ( sheet )
weatherSheetNames.push_back( sheetVec[k].toString() );
weatherSheets.push_back( sheet );
CWeatherManager weatherManager;
weatherManager.init( weatherSheets, weatherSheetNames );
// Load the continents (george forms). The sorted list is found in CStaticWorld.
const CStaticWorld *staticWorld = CSheets::getWorldForm( CSheetId("ryzom.world") );
nlassert( staticWorld );
nlassertex( staticWorld->Continents.size() == CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS, ("ryzom.world should contain exactly the same number of continents as the enum size CONTINENT::TContinent (=%u), not %u", (uint)(CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS), staticWorld->Continents.size()) );
UFormLoader *formLoader = UFormLoader::createLoader();
_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent.resize( staticWorld->Continents.size() );
for ( uint iContinent=0; iContinent!=CONTINENT::NB_CONTINENTS; ++iContinent )
_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[iContinent] = new CWeatherFunction [EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid];
CSmartPtr continentForm = formLoader->loadForm( staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str() ); // load continent form
if ( continentForm == NULL )
nlwarning( "Continent sheet '%s' not found", staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str() );
for ( uint iSeason=0; iSeason!=EGSPD::CSeason::Invalid; ++iSeason )
string seasonStr = EGSPD::CSeason::toString( (EGSPD::CSeason::TSeason) iSeason);
const UFormElm *seasonWFNode = NULL;
if ( continentForm->getRootNode().getNodeByName( &seasonWFNode, (seasonStr + string("WeatherFunction")).c_str() ) && seasonWFNode )
CWeatherFunctionSheet wfs;
wfs.build( *seasonWFNode );
_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[iContinent][iSeason].buildFromSheet( wfs, weatherManager );
// Not a warning because indoor continent does not have any weather function
nlinfo( "%s has no node %s", staticWorld->Continents[iContinent].toString().c_str(), (seasonStr + string("WeatherFunction")).c_str() );
// Use always first weather function param sheet
if ( CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().begin() != CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().end() )
_WeatherFunctionParamsSheet = &(*CSheets::getWeatherFunctionParamsSheets().begin()).second;
* Destructor
for ( uint i=0; i!=_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent.size(); ++i )
delete [] _WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[i];
* Return the weather at the specified position & time.
* In case of failure (such as a position outside a continent), return unknownWeather.
CRyzomTime::EWeather CWeatherEverywhere::getWeather( const NLMISC::CVector& pos, const CRyzomTime& ryzomTime ) const
if ( ! _WeatherFunctionParamsSheet )
return CRyzomTime::unknownWeather;
// Get continent of which the position belongs
CContinent *continent = CZoneManager::getInstance().getContinent( pos );
if ( ! continent )
return CRyzomTime::unknownWeather;
// Predict weather
float weatherFloatValue = CPredictWeather::predictWeather(
_WeatherFunctionsBySeasonByContinent[continent->getId()] );
// Map from weather setup to EWeather value
uint weatherSetupIndex = min( (uint)(weatherFloatValue*((float)NB_WEATHER_SETUPS)), NB_WEATHER_SETUPS-1 );
//nldebug( "Weather setup of position is %u", weatherSetupIndex );
return WeatherSetupsToValue[weatherSetupIndex];