// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdmisc.h" #include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h" #include "nel/misc/common.h" #include "nel/misc/debug.h" #include "nel/misc/command.h" #include "nel/misc/system_info.h" #ifdef NL_CPU_INTEL #include "nel/misc/time_nl.h" #endif #include namespace NLMISC { bool CSimpleClock::_InitDone = false; uint64 CSimpleClock::_StartStopNumTicks = 0; // root node for all execution paths CHTimer::CNode CHTimer::_RootNode; CHTimer::CNode *CHTimer::_CurrNode = &_RootNode; CSimpleClock CHTimer::_PreambuleClock; CHTimer CHTimer::_RootTimer("root", true); bool CHTimer::_Benching = false; bool CHTimer::_BenchStartedOnce = false; double CHTimer::_MsPerTick; bool CHTimer::_WantStandardDeviation = false; CHTimer *CHTimer::_CurrTimer = &_RootTimer; sint64 CHTimer::_AfterStopEstimateTime= 0; bool CHTimer::_AfterStopEstimateTimeDone= false; //================================================================= void CSimpleClock::init() { if (_InitDone) return; const uint numSamples = 10000; CSimpleClock observedClock; CSimpleClock measuringClock; measuringClock.start(); for(uint l = 0; l < numSamples; ++l) { observedClock.start(); observedClock.stop(); } measuringClock.stop(); _StartStopNumTicks = (measuringClock.getNumTicks() >> 1) / numSamples; _InitDone = true; } //================================================================= /** Do simple statistics on a list of values (mean value, standard deviation) */ /*static void PerformStatistics(const std::vector &values, double &standardDeviation) { nlassert(!values.empty()); double total = 0; double variance = 0; uint k; for(k = 0; k < values.size(); ++k) { total += (double) values[k]; } meanValue = total / values.size(); if (values.size() <= 1) { standardDeviation = 0.f; return; } for(k = 0; k < values.size(); ++k) { variance += NLMISC::sqr((values[k] - meanValue)); } standardDeviation = ::sqrt(variance / values.size() - 1); }*/ //================================================================= CHTimer::CNode::~CNode() { releaseSons(); for(uint k = 0; k < Sons.size(); ++k) delete Sons[k]; } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CNode::releaseSons() { for(uint k = 0; k < Sons.size(); ++k) delete Sons[k]; Sons.clear(); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CNode::displayPath(CLog *log) const { std::string path; getPath(path); log->displayRawNL(("HTIMER: " + path).c_str()); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CNode::getPath(std::string &path) const { path.clear(); const CNode *currNode = this; do { path = path.empty() ? currNode->Owner->getName() : currNode->Owner->getName() + std::string("::") + path; currNode = currNode->Parent; } while (currNode); } //================================================================= uint CHTimer::CNode::getNumNodes() const { uint sum = 1; for(uint k = 0; k < Sons.size(); ++k) { sum += Sons[k]->getNumNodes(); } return sum; } //================================================================= void CHTimer::walkTreeToCurrent() { if (_IsRoot) return; bool found = false; for(uint k = 0; k < _CurrNode->Sons.size(); ++k) { if (_CurrNode->Sons[k]->Owner == this) { _CurrNode = _CurrNode->Sons[k]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { // no node for this execution path : create a new one _CurrNode->Sons.push_back(new CNode(this, _CurrNode)); _CurrNode->Sons.back()->Parent = _CurrNode; _CurrNode = _CurrNode->Sons.back(); } } //================================================================= void CHTimer::estimateAfterStopTime() { if(_AfterStopEstimateTimeDone) return; const uint numSamples = 1000; // Do as in startBench, reset and init clear(); { #ifdef NL_CPU_INTEL double freq = (double) CSystemInfo::getProcessorFrequency(false); _MsPerTick = 1000 / (double) freq; #else _MsPerTick = CTime::ticksToSecond(1000); #endif CSimpleClock::init(); } // start _Benching = true; _BenchStartedOnce = true; _RootNode.Owner = &_RootTimer; _WantStandardDeviation = false; _RootTimer.before(); for(uint i=0;iSonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); return; } log->displayNL("HTIMER: ========================================================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Bench cumuled results"); typedef std::map TNodeMap; TNodeMap nodeMap; TNodeVect nodeLeft; nodeLeft.push_back(&_RootNode); /// 1 ) walk the tree to build the node map (well, in a not very optimal way..) while (!nodeLeft.empty()) { CNode *currNode = nodeLeft.back(); nodeMap[currNode->Owner].push_back(currNode); nodeLeft.pop_back(); nodeLeft.insert(nodeLeft.end(), currNode->Sons.begin(), currNode->Sons.end()); } // 2 ) build statistics typedef std::vector TTimerStatVect; typedef std::vector TTimerStatPtrVect; TTimerStatVect stats(nodeMap.size()); TTimerStatPtrVect statsPtr(stats.size()); // uint k = 0; for(TNodeMap::iterator it = nodeMap.begin(); it != nodeMap.end(); ++it) { statsPtr[k] = &stats[k]; stats[k].Timer = it->first; stats[k].buildFromNodes(&(it->second[0]), (uint)it->second.size(), _MsPerTick); ++k; } // 3 ) sort statistics if (criterion != NoSort) { CStatSorter sorter(criterion); std::sort(statsPtr.begin(), statsPtr.end(), sorter); } // 4 ) get root total time. CStats rootStats; rootStats.buildFromNode( &_RootNode, _MsPerTick); // 5 ) display statistics uint maxNodeLenght = 0; std::string format; if (displayInline) { for(TTimerStatPtrVect::iterator statIt = statsPtr.begin(); statIt != statsPtr.end(); ++statIt) { maxNodeLenght = std::max(maxNodeLenght, (uint)strlen((*statIt)->Timer->_Name)); } format = "HTIMER: %-" + NLMISC::toString(maxNodeLenght + 1) + "s %s"; } std::string statsInline; log->displayRawNL(format.c_str(), "", " | total | local | visits | loc%/ glb% | sessn max | min | max | mean"); for(TTimerStatPtrVect::iterator statIt = statsPtr.begin(); statIt != statsPtr.end(); ++statIt) { if (!displayInline) { log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: ================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Node %s", (*statIt)->Timer->_Name); (*statIt)->display(log, displayEx, _WantStandardDeviation); } else { (*statIt)->getStats(statsInline, displayEx, rootStats.TotalTime, _WantStandardDeviation); char out[4096]; NLMISC::smprintf(out, 2048, format.c_str(), (*statIt)->Timer->_Name, statsInline.c_str()); log->displayRawNL(out); } } benchClock.stop(); _CurrNode->SonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); } //================================================================================================ void CHTimer::displayByExecutionPath(CLog *log, TSortCriterion criterion, bool displayInline, bool alignPaths, bool displayEx) { CSimpleClock benchClock; benchClock.start(); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: ========================================================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Bench by execution path"); nlassert(_BenchStartedOnce); // should have done at least one bench // typedef std::vector TNodeStatVect; typedef std::vector TNodeStatPtrVect; TNodeStatVect nodeStats; nodeStats.reserve(_RootNode.getNumNodes()); TNodeVect nodeLeft; nodeLeft.push_back(&_RootNode); /// 1 ) walk the tree to build the node map (well, in a not very optimal way..) while (!nodeLeft.empty()) { CNode *currNode = nodeLeft.back(); nodeStats.push_back(CNodeStat()); nodeStats.back().buildFromNode(currNode, _MsPerTick); nodeStats.back().Node = currNode; nodeLeft.pop_back(); nodeLeft.insert(nodeLeft.end(), currNode->Sons.begin(), currNode->Sons.end()); } /// 2 ) sort statistics // create a pointer list TNodeStatPtrVect nodeStatsPtrs(nodeStats.size()); for(uint k = 0; k < nodeStats.size(); ++k) { nodeStatsPtrs[k] = &nodeStats[k]; } // 3 ) sort statistics if (criterion != NoSort) { CStatSorter sorter(criterion); std::sort(nodeStatsPtrs.begin(), nodeStatsPtrs.end(), sorter); } // 4 ) get root total time. CStats rootStats; rootStats.buildFromNode(&_RootNode, _MsPerTick); // 5 ) display statistics std::string statsInline; std::string nodePath; std::string format; if (displayInline) { if (alignPaths) { uint maxSize = 0; std::string np; for(TNodeStatPtrVect::iterator it = nodeStatsPtrs.begin(); it != nodeStatsPtrs.end(); ++it) { (*it)->Node->getPath(np); maxSize = std::max(maxSize, (uint)np.size()); } format = "HTIMER: %-" + NLMISC::toString(maxSize) +"s %s"; } else { format = "HTIMER: %s %s"; } } log->displayRawNL(format.c_str(), "", " | total | local | visits | loc%/ glb% | sessn max | min | max | mean"); for(TNodeStatPtrVect::iterator it = nodeStatsPtrs.begin(); it != nodeStatsPtrs.end(); ++it) { if (!displayInline) { log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: ================================="); (*it)->Node->displayPath(log); (*it)->display(log, displayEx, _WantStandardDeviation); } else { (*it)->getStats(statsInline, displayEx, rootStats.TotalTime, _WantStandardDeviation); (*it)->Node->getPath(nodePath); char out[2048]; NLMISC::smprintf(out, 2048, format.c_str(), nodePath.c_str(), statsInline.c_str()); log->displayRawNL(out); } } benchClock.stop(); _CurrNode->SonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); } //================================================================= /*static*/ void CHTimer::displayHierarchical(CLog *log, bool displayEx /*=true*/,uint labelNumChar /*=32*/, uint indentationStep /*= 2*/) { CSimpleClock benchClock; benchClock.start(); log->displayNL("HTIMER: ========================================================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Hierarchical display of bench"); nlassert(_BenchStartedOnce); // should have done at least one bench typedef std::map TNodeMap; TNodeMap nodeMap; TNodeVect nodeLeft; nodeLeft.push_back(&_RootNode); /// 1 ) walk the execution tree to build the node map (well, in a not very optimal way..) while (!nodeLeft.empty()) { CNode *currNode = nodeLeft.back(); nodeMap[currNode->Owner].push_back(currNode); nodeLeft.pop_back(); nodeLeft.insert(nodeLeft.end(), currNode->Sons.begin(), currNode->Sons.end()); } log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %*s | total | local | visits | loc%%/ glb%% | sessn max | min | max | mean", labelNumChar, ""); /// 2 ) get root total time. CStats rootStats; rootStats.buildFromNode(&_RootNode, _MsPerTick); /// 3 ) walk the timers tree and display infos (cumulate infos of nodes of each execution path) CStats currNodeStats; std::vector sonsIndex; uint depth = 0; CHTimer *currTimer = &_RootTimer; sonsIndex.push_back(0); bool displayStat = true; std::string resultName; std::string resultStats; while (!sonsIndex.empty()) { if (displayStat) { resultName.resize(labelNumChar); std::fill(resultName.begin(), resultName.end(), '.'); uint startIndex = depth * indentationStep; uint endIndex = std::min(startIndex + (uint)::strlen(currTimer->_Name), labelNumChar); if ((sint) (endIndex - startIndex) >= 1) { std::copy(currTimer->_Name, currTimer->_Name + (endIndex - startIndex), resultName.begin() + startIndex); } TNodeVect &execNodes = nodeMap[currTimer]; if (execNodes.size() > 0) { currNodeStats.buildFromNodes(&execNodes[0], (uint)execNodes.size(), _MsPerTick); currNodeStats.getStats(resultStats, displayEx, rootStats.TotalTime, _WantStandardDeviation); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %s", (resultName + resultStats).c_str()); } } if (sonsIndex.back() == currTimer->_Sons.size()) { sonsIndex.pop_back(); currTimer = currTimer->_Parent; displayStat = false; -- depth; } else { currTimer = currTimer->_Sons[sonsIndex.back()]; ++ sonsIndex.back(); sonsIndex.push_back(0); displayStat = true; ++ depth; } } benchClock.stop(); _CurrNode->SonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); } //================================================================= /*static*/ void CHTimer::displayHierarchicalByExecutionPath(CLog *log, bool displayEx, uint labelNumChar, uint indentationStep) { displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted(log, NoSort, displayEx, labelNumChar, indentationStep); } //================================================================= /*static*/ void CHTimer::displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted(CLog *log, TSortCriterion criterion, bool displayEx, uint labelNumChar, uint indentationStep) { CSimpleClock benchClock; benchClock.start(); nlassert(_BenchStartedOnce); // should have done at least one bench // get root total time. CStats rootStats; rootStats.buildFromNode(&_RootNode, _MsPerTick); // display header. CLog::TDisplayInfo dummyDspInfo; log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: ========================================================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Hierarchical display of bench by execution path"); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %*s | total | local | visits | loc%%/ glb%% | sessn max | min | max | mean", labelNumChar, ""); // use list because vector of vector is bad. std::list< CExamStackEntry > examStack; // Add the root to the stack. examStack.push_back( CExamStackEntry( &_RootNode ) ); CStats currNodeStats; std::string resultName; std::string resultStats; while (!examStack.empty()) { CNode *node = examStack.back().Node; std::vector &children= examStack.back().Children; uint child = examStack.back().CurrentChild; // If child 0, then must first build children info and display me. if (child == 0) { // Build Sons Infos. // ============== // resize array children.resize(node->Sons.size()); // If no sort, easy. if(criterion == NoSort) { children= node->Sons; } // else, Sort them with criterion. else { std::vector stats; std::vector ptrStats; stats.resize(children.size()); ptrStats.resize(children.size()); // build stats. uint i; for(i=0; iSons[i]; stats[i].buildFromNode(childNode, _MsPerTick); stats[i].Node = childNode; ptrStats[i]= &stats[i]; } // sort. CStatSorter sorter; sorter.Criterion= criterion; std::sort(ptrStats.begin(), ptrStats.end(), sorter); // fill children. for(i=0; iNode; } } // Display our infos // ============== // build the indented node name. resultName.resize(labelNumChar); std::fill(resultName.begin(), resultName.end(), '.'); uint startIndex = (uint)(examStack.size()-1) * indentationStep; uint endIndex = std::min(startIndex + (uint)::strlen(node->Owner->_Name), labelNumChar); if ((sint) (endIndex - startIndex) >= 1) { std::copy(node->Owner->_Name, node->Owner->_Name + (endIndex - startIndex), resultName.begin() + startIndex); } // build the stats string. currNodeStats.buildFromNode(node, _MsPerTick); currNodeStats.getStats(resultStats, displayEx, rootStats.TotalTime, _WantStandardDeviation); // display log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %s", (resultName + resultStats).c_str()); } // End of sons?? stop. if (child >= children.size()) { examStack.pop_back(); continue; } // next son. ++(examStack.back().CurrentChild); // process the current son. examStack.push_back( CExamStackEntry( children[child] ) ); } // benchClock.stop(); _CurrNode->SonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); } //================================================================= /*static*/ void CHTimer::displaySummary(CLog *log, TSortCriterion criterion, bool displayEx, uint labelNumChar, uint indentationStep, uint maxDepth) { CSimpleClock benchClock; benchClock.start(); nlassert(_BenchStartedOnce); // should have done at least one bench // get root total time. CStats rootStats; rootStats.buildFromNode(&_RootNode, _MsPerTick); // display header. CLog::TDisplayInfo dummyDspInfo; log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: ========================================================================="); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Hierarchical display of bench by execution path"); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %*s | total | local | visits | loc%%/ glb%% | sessn max | min | max | mean", labelNumChar, ""); // use list because vector of vector is bad. std::list< CExamStackEntry > examStack; // Add the root to the stack. examStack.push_back( CExamStackEntry( &_RootNode ) ); CStats currNodeStats; std::string resultName; std::string resultStats; while (!examStack.empty()) { CNode *node = examStack.back().Node; std::vector &children= examStack.back().Children; uint child = examStack.back().CurrentChild; uint depth = examStack.back().Depth; // If child 0, then must first build children info and display me. if (child == 0) { // Build Sons Infos. // ============== // resize array children.resize(node->Sons.size()); // If no sort, easy. if(criterion == NoSort) { children= node->Sons; } // else, Sort them with criterion. else { std::vector stats; std::vector ptrStats; stats.resize(children.size()); ptrStats.resize(children.size()); // build stats. uint i; for(i=0; iSons[i]; stats[i].buildFromNode(childNode, _MsPerTick); stats[i].Node = childNode; ptrStats[i]= &stats[i]; } // sort. CStatSorter sorter; sorter.Criterion= criterion; std::sort(ptrStats.begin(), ptrStats.end(), sorter); // fill children. for(i=0; iNode; } } // Display our infos // ============== // build the indented node name. resultName.resize(labelNumChar); std::fill(resultName.begin(), resultName.end(), '.'); uint startIndex = (uint)(examStack.size()-1) * indentationStep; uint endIndex = std::min(startIndex + (uint)::strlen(node->Owner->_Name), labelNumChar); if ((sint) (endIndex - startIndex) >= 1) { std::copy(node->Owner->_Name, node->Owner->_Name + (endIndex - startIndex), resultName.begin() + startIndex); } // build the stats string. currNodeStats.buildFromNode(node, _MsPerTick); currNodeStats.getStats(resultStats, displayEx, rootStats.TotalTime, _WantStandardDeviation); // display log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: %s", (resultName + resultStats).c_str()); } // End of sons?? stop. if (child >= children.size()) { examStack.pop_back(); continue; } // next son. ++(examStack.back().CurrentChild); // process the current son. if (depth+1 < maxDepth) examStack.push_back( CExamStackEntry( children[child], depth+1 ) ); } // benchClock.stop(); _CurrNode->SonsPreambule += benchClock.getNumTicks(); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::clear() { // should not be benching ! nlassert(_CurrNode == &_RootNode); _RootNode.releaseSons(); _CurrNode = &_RootNode; _RootNode.reset(); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CStats::buildFromNode(CNode *node, double msPerTick) { buildFromNodes(&node, 1, msPerTick); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CStats::buildFromNodes(CNode **nodes, uint numNodes, double msPerTick) { TotalTime = 0; TotalTimeWithoutSons = 0; NumVisits = 0; uint64 minTime = (uint64) -1; uint64 maxTime = 0; uint64 sessionMaxTime = 0; uint k, l; for(k = 0; k < numNodes; ++k) { TotalTime += nodes[k]->TotalTime * msPerTick; TotalTimeWithoutSons += (nodes[k]->TotalTime - nodes[k]->LastSonsTotalTime) * msPerTick; NumVisits += nodes[k]->NumVisits; minTime = std::min(minTime, nodes[k]->MinTime); maxTime = std::max(maxTime, nodes[k]->MaxTime); sessionMaxTime = std::max(sessionMaxTime, nodes[k]->SessionMax); } if (minTime == (uint64) -1) { minTime = 0; } MinTime = minTime * msPerTick; MaxTime = maxTime * msPerTick; SessionMaxTime = sessionMaxTime * msPerTick; if (NumVisits > 0) MeanTime = TotalTime / NumVisits; else MeanTime = 0.0; // compute standard deviation double varianceSum = 0; uint numMeasures = 0; for(k = 0; k < numNodes; ++k) { numMeasures += (uint)nodes[k]->Measures.size(); for(l = 0; l < nodes[k]->Measures.size(); ++l) { varianceSum += NLMISC::sqr(nodes[k]->Measures[l] - MeanTime); } } TimeStandardDeviation = numMeasures == 0 ? 0 : ::sqrt(varianceSum / (numMeasures +1)); } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CStats::display(CLog *log, bool displayEx, bool wantStandardDeviation /* = false*/) { log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Total time = %.3f ms", (float) TotalTime); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Total time without sons = %.3f ms", (float) TotalTimeWithoutSons); log->displayRawNL(("HTIMER: Num visits = " + NLMISC::toString(NumVisits)).c_str()); if (displayEx) { log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Min time = %.3f ms", (float) MinTime); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Max time = %.3f ms", (float) MaxTime); log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Mean time = %.3f ms", (float) MeanTime); if (wantStandardDeviation) { log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Standard deviation = %.3f ms", (float) TimeStandardDeviation); } log->displayRawNL("HTIMER: Session Max time = %.3f ms", (float) SessionMaxTime); //log->displayRawNL("Time standard deviation = %.3f ms", (float) TimeStandardDeviation); } } //================================================================= void CHTimer::CStats::getStats(std::string &dest, bool statEx, double rootTotalTime, bool wantStandardDeviation /*= false*/) { char buf[1024]; if (!wantStandardDeviation) { if (!statEx) { NLMISC::smprintf(buf, 1024, " | %10.3f | %10.3f | %12s ", (float) TotalTime, (float) TotalTimeWithoutSons, toString(NumVisits).c_str()); } else { NLMISC::smprintf(buf, 1024, " | %10.3f | %10.3f | %12s | %5.1f/%5.1f | %9.3f | %9.3f | %9.3f | %9.3f", (float) TotalTime, (float) TotalTimeWithoutSons, toString(NumVisits).c_str(), float(100*TotalTimeWithoutSons/rootTotalTime), float(100*TotalTime/rootTotalTime), (float) SessionMaxTime, (float) MinTime, (float) MaxTime, (float) MeanTime ); } } else { if (!statEx) { NLMISC::smprintf(buf, 1024, " | %10.3f | %10.3f | %12s | std deviation %9.3f", (float) TotalTime, (float) TotalTimeWithoutSons, toString(NumVisits).c_str(), (float) TimeStandardDeviation); } else { NLMISC::smprintf(buf, 1024, " | %10.3f | %10.3f | %12s | %5.1f/%5.1f | %9.3f | %9.3f | %9.3f | %9.3f | std deviation %9.3f", (float) TotalTime, (float) TotalTimeWithoutSons, toString(NumVisits).c_str(), float(100*TotalTimeWithoutSons/rootTotalTime), float(100*TotalTime/rootTotalTime), (float) SessionMaxTime, (float) MinTime, (float) MaxTime, (float) MeanTime, (float) TimeStandardDeviation ); } } dest = buf; } //================================================================= bool CHTimer::CStatSorter::operator()(const CHTimer::CStats *lhs, const CHTimer::CStats *rhs) { switch(Criterion) { case CHTimer::TotalTime: return lhs->TotalTime >= rhs->TotalTime; case CHTimer::TotalTimeWithoutSons: return lhs->TotalTimeWithoutSons >= rhs->TotalTimeWithoutSons; case CHTimer::MeanTime: return lhs->MeanTime >= rhs->MeanTime; case CHTimer::NumVisits: return lhs->NumVisits >= rhs->NumVisits; case CHTimer::MaxTime: return lhs->MaxTime >= rhs->MaxTime; case CHTimer::MinTime: return lhs->MinTime < rhs->MinTime; case CHTimer::MaxSession: return lhs->SessionMaxTime > rhs->SessionMaxTime; default: nlassert(0); // not a valid criterion break; } return false; } //=============================================== void CHTimer::doBefore() { _PreambuleClock.start(); walkTreeToCurrent(); ++ _CurrNode->NumVisits; _CurrNode->SonsPreambule = 0; if (!_Parent && _CurrTimer != this) { _Parent = _CurrTimer; // register as a son of the parent _Parent->_Sons.push_back(this); } _CurrTimer = this; _PreambuleClock.stop(); if (_CurrNode->Parent) { _CurrNode->Parent->SonsPreambule += _PreambuleClock.getNumTicks(); } _CurrNode->Clock.start(); } //=============================================== void CHTimer::doAfter(bool displayAfter) { _CurrNode->Clock.stop(); _PreambuleClock.start(); /* Remove my Son preambule, and remove only ONE StartStop It is because between the start and the end, only ONE rdtsc time is counted: */ sint64 numTicks = _CurrNode->Clock.getNumTicks() - _CurrNode->SonsPreambule - (CSimpleClock::getStartStopNumTicks()); // Case where the SonPreambule is overestimated, numTicks= std::max((sint64)0, numTicks); // In case where the SonPreambule is overestimated, the TotalTime must not be < of the SonTime if(_CurrNode->TotalTime + numTicks < _CurrNode->SonsTotalTime) numTicks= _CurrNode->SonsTotalTime - _CurrNode->TotalTime; _CurrNode->TotalTime += numTicks; _CurrNode->MinTime = std::min(_CurrNode->MinTime, (uint64)numTicks); _CurrNode->MaxTime = std::max(_CurrNode->MaxTime, (uint64)numTicks); _CurrNode->LastSonsTotalTime = _CurrNode->SonsTotalTime; _CurrNode->SessionCurrent += (uint64)numTicks; if (displayAfter) { nlinfo("HTIMER: %s %.3fms loop number %d", _Name, numTicks * _MsPerTick, _CurrNode->NumVisits); } // if (_WantStandardDeviation) { _CurrNode->Measures.push_back(numTicks * _MsPerTick); } // if (_Parent) { _CurrTimer = _Parent; } // if (_CurrNode->Parent) { CNode *curNode= _CurrNode; CNode *parent= _CurrNode->Parent; parent->SonsTotalTime += numTicks; _PreambuleClock.stop(); /* The SonPreambule of my parent is + my BeforePreambule (counted in doBefore) + my Afterpreambule (see below) + my Sons Preambule + some constant time due to the Start/Stop of the _CurrNode->Clock, the 2* Start/Stop of the PreabmuleClock, the function call time of doBefore and doAfter */ parent->SonsPreambule += _PreambuleClock.getNumTicks() + curNode->SonsPreambule + _AfterStopEstimateTime; // walk to parent _CurrNode= parent; } else { _PreambuleClock.stop(); } } /* * Clears SessionMax current stats (only current value) */ void CHTimer::clearSessionCurrent() { _RootNode.resetSessionCurrent(); } /* * Clears all SessionMax stats (max and current values) */ void CHTimer::clearSessionStats() { _RootNode.resetSessionStats(); } /* * Update session stats */ void CHTimer::updateSessionStats() { if (_RootNode.SessionCurrent > _RootNode.SessionMax) _RootNode.spreadSession(); } // // Commands // #define CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(crit, alternative) \ if (args[0] == #crit || depth == alternative) \ { \ CHTimer::TSortCriterion criterion = CHTimer::crit; \ if (hasDepth && depth != alternative) \ CHTimer::displaySummary(&log, criterion, true, 64, 2, depth); \ else \ CHTimer::display(&log, criterion); \ } \ else NLMISC_CATEGORISED_COMMAND(nel,displayMeasures, "display hierarchical timer", "[TotalTime(=-2)|NoSort(=-3)|TotalTimeWithoutSons(=-4)|MeanTime(=-5)|NumVisits(=-6)|MaxTime(=-7)|MinTime(=-8)|MaxSession(=-9)] [depth]") { if (args.size() < 1) { CHTimer::display(&log); CHTimer::displayHierarchicalByExecutionPathSorted (&log, CHTimer::TotalTime, true, 64); return true; } sint depth = 0; bool hasDepth = (sscanf(args[0].c_str(), "%d", &depth) == 1 || (args.size() > 1 && sscanf(args[1].c_str(), "%d", &depth) == 1)); CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(NoSort, -3) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(TotalTime, -2) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(TotalTimeWithoutSons, -4) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(MeanTime, -5) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(NumVisits, -6) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(MaxTime, -7) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(MinTime, -8) CASE_DISPLAYMEASURES(MaxSession, -9) { if (hasDepth) CHTimer::displaySummary(&log, CHTimer::TotalTime, true, 64, 2, depth); else CHTimer::display(&log, CHTimer::TotalTime); } return true; } } // NLMISC