// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef __SCRIPT_VM__ #define __SCRIPT_VM__ #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" //#include "ai_grp.h" #include namespace AIVM { /****************************************************************************/ /* Compiler classes */ /****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper classes // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// A helper class seperating a string in substrings seperated by a pattern. /** Be carefull, this objet keeps a reference to the string. */ class CStringSeparator { public: CStringSeparator(std::string const& str, std::string const& pattern); virtual ~CStringSeparator(); void reset() const; std::string get() const; bool hasNext() const; protected: void calcNext() const; private: mutable size_t _Index; mutable size_t _NewIndex; mutable size_t _Delta; mutable size_t _StartIndex; std::string const& _Str; std::string const _Motif; }; /****************************************************************************/ /* Script Virtual Machine classes */ /****************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ByteCode interpretation // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CByteCode : public NLMISC::CRefCount { public: CByteCode(std::string const& sourceName); std::vector _opcodes; std::string const _sourceName; }; class CByteCodeEntry { public: CByteCodeEntry() : _Index(std::numeric_limits::max()) { } CByteCodeEntry(NLMISC::CSmartPtr code, size_t index) : _Code(code) , _Index(index) { } bool isValid()const { return _Index != std::numeric_limits::max(); } NLMISC::CSmartPtr& code() { return _Code; } size_t& index() { return _Index; } NLMISC::CSmartPtr const& code() const { return _Code; } size_t const& index() const { return _Index; } private: NLMISC::CSmartPtr _Code; size_t _Index; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class IScriptContext; class CScriptStack { public: enum TStackTypes { ENone, EOther, EString, EFloat, EContext }; class CStackEntry { public: CStackEntry(); ~CStackEntry(); void clean(); CStackEntry& operator=(float const& f); CStackEntry& operator=(int const& i); CStackEntry& operator=(std::string const& str); CStackEntry& operator=(IScriptContext* si); bool operator==(CStackEntry const& other) const; bool operator!=(CStackEntry const& other) const; bool operator<=(CStackEntry const& other) const; bool operator>=(CStackEntry const& other) const; bool operator<(CStackEntry const& other) const; bool operator>(CStackEntry const& other) const; operator float&(); operator int&(); operator std::string&(); operator IScriptContext*(); TStackTypes type() const; protected: std::string& getString(); std::string const& getString() const; IScriptContext* getIScriptContext(); int& getInt(); int const& getInt() const; float& getFloat(); float const& getFloat() const; union { int _vali; uintptr_t _valp; }; TStackTypes _type; }; void push(float const& val); void push(std::string const& val); void push(IScriptContext* val); void push(int val); CStackEntry& top(); // is this an optimisation of the method below ? CStackEntry& top(int index); void pop(); #if !FINAL_VERSION size_t size() { return _Stack.size(); } #endif private: std::deque _Stack; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class IScriptContext { public: virtual std::string getContextName() = 0; virtual void interpretCodeOnChildren(CByteCodeEntry const& codeScriptEntry) = 0; virtual float getLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId) = 0; virtual void setLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId, float value) = 0; virtual std::string getStrLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId) = 0; virtual void setStrLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId, std::string const& value) = 0; virtual IScriptContext* getCtxLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId) = 0; virtual void setCtxLogicVar(NLMISC::TStringId varId, IScriptContext* value) = 0; virtual IScriptContext* findContext(NLMISC::TStringId const strId) = 0; virtual void setScriptCallBack(NLMISC::TStringId const& eventName, CByteCodeEntry const& codeScriptEntry) = 0; virtual CByteCodeEntry const* getScriptCallBackPtr(NLMISC::TStringId const& eventName) const = 0; virtual void callScriptCallBack(IScriptContext* caller, NLMISC::TStringId const& funcName, int mode = 0, std::string const& inParamsSig = "", std::string const& outParamsSig = "", CScriptStack* stack = NULL) = 0; virtual void callNativeCallBack(IScriptContext* caller, std::string const& funcName, int mode = 0, std::string const& inParamsSig = "", std::string const& outParamsSig = "", CScriptStack* stack = NULL) = 0; }; class CScriptVM { public: // Operations behave on stack elems. enum EOpcode { /*00*/ INVALID_OPCODE=0, /*01*/ EOP, // End Of Program // Need: - After: - // Need: FuncName, NbParams, Params .. After: ReturnValue (1) /*02*/ EQ, // == StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1==Value2 (Boolean as float) /*03*/ NEQ, // != StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1!=Value2 (Boolean as float) /*04*/ INF, // < StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1 StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1>Value2 (Boolean as float) /*07*/ SUPEQ, // >= StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1>=Value2 (Boolean as float) /*08*/ ADD, // + StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1+Value2 /*09*/ SUB, // - StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1-Value2 /*0a*/ MUL, // * StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1/Value2 /*0b*/ DIV, // / StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1/Value2 !Exception Gestion. /*0c*/ AND, // && StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1&&Value2 /*0d*/ OR, // || StackBef: Value1,Value2 StackAft: Value1||Value2 /*0e*/ NOT, // ! StackBef: Value StackAft: !Value /*0f*/ PUSH_ON_STACK, // Set a Value (Float,TStringId .. etc) StackBef: - StackAft: Value /*10*/ POP, // Pop StackBef: Value StackAft: - /*11*/ SET_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a float variable. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*12*/ SET_STR_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a string variable. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*13*/ SET_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a context variable. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*14*/ PUSH_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a float variable. Code: VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*15*/ PUSH_STR_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a string variable. Code: VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*16*/ PUSH_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a context variable. Code: VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*17*/ // SET_OTHER_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a float variable in another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*18*/ // SET_OTHER_STR_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a string variable in another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*19*/ // SET_OTHER_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a context variable in another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: VarValue StackAft: - /*1a*/ // PUSH_OTHER_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a float variable of another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*1b*/ // PUSH_OTHER_STR_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a string variable of another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*1c*/ // PUSH_OTHER_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a context variable of another group. Code: GroupName,VarName StackBef: - StackAft: VarValue /*1d*/ SET_CONTEXT_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a float variable in another group. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue,Group StackAft: - /*1e*/ SET_CONTEXT_STR_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a float variable in another group. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue,Group StackAft: - /*1f*/ SET_CONTEXT_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Set a value to a float variable in another group. Code: VarName StackBef: VarValue,Group StackAft: - /*20*/ PUSH_CONTEXT_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a float variable of another group. Code: VarName StackBef: Group StackAft: VarValue /*21*/ PUSH_CONTEXT_STR_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a float variable of another group. Code: VarName StackBef: Group StackAft: VarValue /*22*/ PUSH_CONTEXT_CTX_VAR_VAL, // Push the value of a float variable of another group. Code: VarName StackBef: Group StackAft: VarValue /*23*/ JUMP, // Jump + nb size_t to jump (relative). Code: JumpOffset StackBef: - StackAft: - //< May be innaccurate /*24*/ JE, // Jump if last stack value is FALSE(==0). Code: JumpOffset StackBef: Bool(float) StackAft: - //< May be innaccurate /*25*/ JNE, // Jump if last stack value is TRUE(==1). Code: JumpOffset StackBef: Bool(float) StackAft: - //< May be innaccurate /*26*/ PUSH_PRINT_STRING, /*27*/ PUSH_PRINT_VAR, /*28*/ PUSH_PRINT_STR_VAR, /*29*/ PRINT_STRING, /*2a*/ LOG_STRING, /*2b*/ FUNCTION, /*2c*/ CALL, /*2d*/ PUSH_THIS, /*2e*/ PUSH_GROUP, /*2f*/ PUSH_STRING, /*30*/ ASSIGN_FUNC_FROM, /*31*/ NATIVE_CALL, /*32*/ RAND, /*33*/ RANDEND, /*34*/ RET, // Get the value on the pile to retrieve the good IP (absolute). /*35*/ ONCHILDREN, /*36*/ SWITCH, /*37*/ INCR, /*38*/ DECR, /*39*/ CONCAT, /*3a*/ FTOS, }; public: void interpretCode( IScriptContext* thisContext, IScriptContext* parentContext, IScriptContext* callerContext, CByteCodeEntry const& codeScriptEntry); static CScriptVM* getInstance(); static void destroyInstance(); private: uint32 rand32(uint32 mod) { if (mod==0) return 0; return ((((uint32)_Random.rand())<<16) + (uint32)_Random.rand()) % mod; } static CScriptVM* _Instance; NLMISC::CRandom _Random; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CLibrary { public: static CLibrary& getInstance(); static void destroyInstance(); void addLib(std::string const& name, std::string const& code); void addLib(std::string const& name, std::vector const& code); void addLib(std::string const& name, NLMISC::CSmartPtr const& byteCode); NLMISC::CSmartPtr getLib(std::string const& name); protected: CLibrary() { } private: typedef std::map > TLibContainer; static CLibrary* _instance; static TLibContainer _libs; }; /****************************************************************************/ /* Inlined functions */ /****************************************************************************/ inline CByteCode::CByteCode(std::string const& sourceName) : _sourceName(sourceName) { } inline CLibrary& CLibrary::getInstance() { if (_instance==NULL) _instance = new CLibrary(); return *_instance; } inline void CLibrary::destroyInstance() { if (_instance!=NULL) { delete _instance; _instance = NULL; } } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::CStackEntry() : _type(ENone) { } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::~CStackEntry() { clean(); } inline void CScriptStack::CStackEntry::clean() { if (_type==EString) delete &getString(); } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator=(float const& f) { clean(); _vali = *((int*)&f); _type = EFloat; return *this; } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator=(int const& i) { clean(); _vali = i; _type = EOther; return *this; } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator=(std::string const& str) { clean(); std::string* const strPt = new std::string(str); _valp = *((int*)&strPt); _type = EString; return *this; } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator=(IScriptContext* sc) { clean(); _valp = *((int*)&sc); _type = EContext; return *this; } inline bool CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator==(CStackEntry const& other) const { nlassert(_type==other._type); switch (_type) { case EString: return getString()==other.getString(); case EFloat: return getFloat()==other.getFloat(); case EContext: return _valp==other._valp; case EOther: default: return _vali==other._vali; } } inline bool CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator!=(CStackEntry const& other) const { return !(*this == other); } inline bool CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator<=(CStackEntry const& other) const { return !(*this > other); } inline bool CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator>=(CStackEntry const& other) const { return !(*this < other); } inline bool CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator<(CStackEntry const& other) const { nlassert(_type==other._type); switch (_type) { case EString: return getString()(CStackEntry const& other) const { nlassert(_type==other._type); switch (_type) { case EString: return getString()>other.getString(); case EFloat: return getFloat()>other.getFloat(); case EContext: return _valp>other._valp; case EOther: default: return _vali>other._vali; } } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator float&() { return getFloat(); } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator int&() { return getInt(); } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator std::string&() { return getString(); } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry::operator IScriptContext*() { return getIScriptContext(); } inline CScriptStack::TStackTypes CScriptStack::CStackEntry::type() const { return _type; } inline std::string& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getString() { nlassert(_type==EString); return *(*((std::string**)&_valp)); } inline std::string const& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getString() const { nlassert(_type==EString); return *(*((std::string**)&_valp)); } inline IScriptContext* CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getIScriptContext() { nlassert(_type==EContext); return *((IScriptContext**)&_valp); } inline int& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getInt() { nlassert(_type==EOther); return _vali; } inline int const& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getInt() const { nlassert(_type==EOther); return _vali; } inline float& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getFloat() { nlassert(_type==EFloat); return *((float*)&_vali); } inline float const& CScriptStack::CStackEntry::getFloat() const { nlassert(_type==EFloat); return *((float const*)&_vali); } inline void CScriptStack::push(float const& val) { _Stack.push_back(CStackEntry()); _Stack.back() = val; } inline void CScriptStack::push(std::string const& val) { _Stack.push_back(CStackEntry()); _Stack.back() = val; } inline void CScriptStack::push(IScriptContext* val) { _Stack.push_back(CStackEntry()); _Stack.back() = val; } inline void CScriptStack::push(int val) { _Stack.push_back(CStackEntry()); _Stack.back() = val; } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::top() // is this an optimisation of the method below ? { return _Stack.back(); } inline CScriptStack::CStackEntry& CScriptStack::top(int index) { return *(_Stack.rbegin()+index); } inline void CScriptStack::pop() { _Stack.pop_back(); } inline CStringSeparator::CStringSeparator(const std::string &str, const std::string &motif) :_Index(0) ,_NewIndex(0) ,_Delta(0) ,_StartIndex(0) ,_Str(str) ,_Motif(motif) { } inline CStringSeparator::~CStringSeparator() { } inline void CStringSeparator::reset() const { _Index=0; _NewIndex=0; _Delta=0; _StartIndex=0; } inline std::string CStringSeparator::get() const { #if !FINAL_VERSION nlassert(_Delta>0); #endif return _Str.substr(_StartIndex, _Delta); } inline bool CStringSeparator::hasNext() const { calcNext(); return _Delta>0; } inline void CStringSeparator::calcNext() const { _Delta = 0; while ( _Index!=std::string::npos && _Delta==0) { _NewIndex = _Str.find_first_of(_Motif, _Index); _StartIndex = _Index; _Delta = ((_NewIndex==std::string::npos)?_Str.size():_NewIndex)-_Index; if (_NewIndex==std::string::npos) { _Index = std::string::npos; break; } _Index = _Str.find_first_not_of(_Motif, _NewIndex); } } } // namespace #endif