// NeL - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdnet.h" #include "nel/misc/hierarchical_timer.h" #include "nel/misc/variable.h" #include "nel/net/buf_sock.h" #include "nel/net/buf_server.h" #include "nel/net/net_log.h" #ifdef NL_OS_WINDOWS # define NOMINMAX # include #elif defined NL_OS_UNIX # include #endif using namespace NLMISC; using namespace std; NLMISC::CVariable MaxTCPPacketSize("nel", "MaxTCPPacketSize", "Maximum size of TCP packets created by cumulating small packets", 10240, 0, true); namespace NLNET { NLMISC::CMutex nettrace_mutex("nettrace_mutex"); /* * Constructor */ CBufSock::CBufSock( CTcpSock *sock ) : Sock( sock ), _KnowConnected( false ), _LastFlushTime( 0 ), _TriggerTime( 20 ), _TriggerSize( -1 ), _RTSBIndex( 0 ), _AppId( 0 ), _ConnectedState( false ) { nlnettrace( "CBufSock::CBufSock" ); // don't define a global object if ( Sock == NULL ) { Sock = new CTcpSock(); } #ifdef NL_DEBUG _FlushTrigger = FTManual; #endif _LastFlushTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); } /* * Destructor */ CBufSock::~CBufSock() { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock nlnettrace( "CBufSock::~CBufSock" ); delete Sock; // the socket disconnects automatically if needed // destroy the structur to be sure that other people will not access to this anymore AuthorizedCallback = ""; Sock = NULL; _KnowConnected = false; _LastFlushTime = 0; _TriggerTime = 0; _TriggerSize = 0; _ReadyToSendBuffer.clear (); _RTSBIndex = 0; _AppId = 0; _ConnectedState = false; } /* * Returns a readable string from a vector of bytes, beginning from pos, limited to 'len' characters. '\0' are replaced by ' ' */ string stringFromVectorPart( const vector& v, uint32 pos, uint32 len ) { nlassertex( pos+len <= v.size(), ("pos=%u len=%u size=%u", pos, len, v.size()) ); string s; if ( (! v.empty()) && (len!=0) ) { // Copy contents s.resize( len ); memcpy( &*s.begin(), &*v.begin()+pos, len ); // Replace '\0' characters string::iterator is; for ( is=s.begin(); is!=s.end(); ++is ) { if ( ! isprint((uint8)(*is)) || (*is) == '%' ) { (*is) = '?'; } } } return s; } /* * Force to send data pending in the send queue now. In the case of a non-blocking socket * (see CNonBlockingBufSock), if all the data could not be sent immediately, * the returned nbBytesRemaining value is non-zero. * \param nbBytesRemaining If the pointer is not NULL, the method sets the number of bytes still pending after the flush attempt. * \returns False if an error has occured (e.g. the remote host is disconnected). * To retrieve the reason of the error, call CSock::getLastError() and/or CSock::errorString() * * Note: this method works with both blocking and non-blocking sockets * Precond: the send queue should not contain an empty block */ bool CBufSock::flush( uint *nbBytesRemaining ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock //nlnettrace( "CBufSock::flush" ); // Copy data from the send queue to _ReadyToSendBuffer TBlockSize netlen; // vector tmpbuffer; do { // Process each element in the send queue uint8 *tmpbuffer = NULL; uint32 size = 0; if (! SendFifo.empty()) { SendFifo.front( tmpbuffer, size ); } while ( ! SendFifo.empty() && ( (_ReadyToSendBuffer.size()==0) || (_ReadyToSendBuffer.size() +size < MaxTCPPacketSize) ) ) { // Compute the size and add it into the beginning of the buffer netlen = htonl( (TBlockSize)size ); uint32 oldBufferSize = _ReadyToSendBuffer.size(); _ReadyToSendBuffer.resize (oldBufferSize+sizeof(TBlockSize)+size); *(TBlockSize*)&(_ReadyToSendBuffer[oldBufferSize])=netlen; //nldebug( "O-%u %u+L%u (0x%x)", Sock->descriptor(), oldBufferSize, size, size ); // Append the temporary buffer to the global buffer CFastMem::memcpy (&_ReadyToSendBuffer[oldBufferSize+sizeof(TBlockSize)], tmpbuffer, size); SendFifo.pop(); if (! SendFifo.empty()) { SendFifo.front( tmpbuffer, size ); } } // Actual sending of _ReadyToSendBuffer //if ( ! _ReadyToSendBuffer.empty() ) if ( _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() != 0 ) { // Send CSock::TSockResult res; TBlockSize len = _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() - _RTSBIndex; res = Sock->send( _ReadyToSendBuffer.getPtr()+_RTSBIndex, len, false ); if ( res == CSock::Ok ) { /* // Debug display switch ( _FlushTrigger ) { case FTTime : LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Time triggered flush for %s:", asString().c_str() ); break; case FTSize : LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Size triggered flush for %s:", asString().c_str() ); break; default: LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Manual flush for %s:", asString().c_str() ); } _FlushTrigger = FTManual; LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: %s sent effectively a buffer (%d on %d B)", asString().c_str(), len, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() ); */ // TODO OPTIM remove the nldebug for speed //commented for optimisation LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: %s sent effectively %u/%u bytes (pos %u wantedsend %u)", asString().c_str(), len, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size(), _RTSBIndex, realLen/*, stringFromVectorPart(_ReadyToSendBuffer,_RTSBIndex,len).c_str()*/ ); if ( _RTSBIndex+len == _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() ) // for non-blocking mode { // If sending is ok, clear the global buffer //nldebug( "O-%u all %u bytes (%u to %u) sent", Sock->descriptor(), len, _RTSBIndex, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() ); _ReadyToSendBuffer.clear(); _RTSBIndex = 0; if ( nbBytesRemaining ) *nbBytesRemaining = 0; } else { // Or clear only the data that was actually sent nlassertex( _RTSBIndex+len < _ReadyToSendBuffer.size(), ("index=%u len=%u size=%u", _RTSBIndex, len, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size()) ); //nldebug( "O-%u only %u B on %u (%u to %u) sent", Sock->descriptor(), len, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size()-_RTSBIndex, _RTSBIndex, _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() ); _RTSBIndex += len; if ( nbBytesRemaining ) *nbBytesRemaining = _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() - _RTSBIndex; if ( _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() > 20480 ) // if big, clear data already sent { uint nbcpy = _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() - _RTSBIndex; for (uint i = 0; i < nbcpy; i++) { _ReadyToSendBuffer[i] = _ReadyToSendBuffer[i+_RTSBIndex]; } _ReadyToSendBuffer.resize(nbcpy); //_ReadyToSendBuffer.erase( _ReadyToSendBuffer.begin(), _ReadyToSendBuffer.begin()+_RTSBIndex ); _RTSBIndex = 0; //nldebug( "O-%u Cleared data already sent, %u B remain", Sock->descriptor(), nbcpy ); } } } else { #ifdef NL_DEBUG // Can happen in a normal behavior if, for example, the other side is not connected anymore LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: %s failed to send effectively a buffer of %d bytes", asString().c_str(), _ReadyToSendBuffer.size() ); #endif // NEW: Clearing (loosing) the buffer if the sending can't be performed at all _ReadyToSendBuffer.clear(); _RTSBIndex = 0; if ( nbBytesRemaining ) *nbBytesRemaining = 0; return false; } } else { if ( nbBytesRemaining ) *nbBytesRemaining = 0; } } while ( !SendFifo.empty() && _ReadyToSendBuffer.size()==0 ); return true; } /* Sets the time flush trigger (in millisecond). When this time is elapsed, * all data in the send queue is automatically sent (-1 to disable this trigger) */ void CBufSock::setTimeFlushTrigger( sint32 ms ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock _TriggerTime = ms; _LastFlushTime = CTime::getLocalTime(); } /* * Update the network sending (call this method evenly). Returns false if an error occured. */ bool CBufSock::update() { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock // nlnettrace( "CBufSock::update-BEGIN" ); // Time trigger if ( _TriggerTime != -1 ) { TTime now = CTime::getLocalTime(); if ( (sint32)(now-_LastFlushTime) >= _TriggerTime ) { #ifdef NL_DEBUG _FlushTrigger = FTTime; #endif if ( flush() ) { _LastFlushTime = now; // nlnettrace ( "CBufSock::update-END time 1" ); return true; } else { // nlnettrace ( "CBufSock::update-END time 0" ); return false; } } } // Size trigger if ( _TriggerSize != -1 ) { if ( (sint32)SendFifo.size() > _TriggerSize ) { #ifdef NL_DEBUG _FlushTrigger = FTSize; #endif // nlnettrace( "CBufSock::update-END size" ); return flush(); } } // nlnettrace( "CBufSock::update-END nosend" ); return true; } /* * Connects to the specified addr; set connectedstate to true if no connection advertising is needed * Precond: not connected */ void CBufSock::connect( const CInetAddress& addr, bool nodelay, bool connectedstate ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock nlassert( ! Sock->connected() ); Sock->connect( addr ); _ConnectedState = connectedstate; _KnowConnected = connectedstate; if ( nodelay ) { Sock->setNoDelay( true ); } _ReadyToSendBuffer.clear(); _RTSBIndex = 0; } /* * Disconnects; set connectedstate to false if no disconnection advertising is needed */ void CBufSock::disconnect( bool connectedstate ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock Sock->disconnect(); _ConnectedState = connectedstate; _KnowConnected = connectedstate; } /* * Returns a string with the characteristics of the object */ string CBufSock::asString() const { // stringstream ss; string str; if (this == InvalidSockId) // tricky str = ""; else { // if it crashs here, it means that the CBufSock was deleted and you try to access to the virtual table that is empty // because the object is destroyed. str += typeStr(); str += NLMISC::toStringPtr(this) + " (socket "; if (Sock == NULL) str += ""; else str += NLMISC::toString(Sock->descriptor()); str += ")"; } return str; } /* * Constructor */ CNonBlockingBufSock::CNonBlockingBufSock( CTcpSock *sock, uint32 maxExpectedBlockSize ) : CBufSock( sock ), _MaxExpectedBlockSize( maxExpectedBlockSize ), _NowReadingBuffer( false ), _BytesRead( 0 ), _Length( 0 ) { nlnettrace( "CNonBlockingBufSock::CNonBlockingBufSock" ); } /* * Constructor with an existing socket (created by an accept()) */ CServerBufSock::CServerBufSock( CTcpSock *sock ) : CNonBlockingBufSock( sock ), _Advertised( false ), _OwnerTask( NULL ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock nlnettrace( "CServerBufSock::CServerBufSock" ); } // In Receive Threads: /* * Receives a part of a message (nonblocking socket only) */ bool CNonBlockingBufSock::receivePart( uint32 nbExtraBytes ) { nlassert (this != InvalidSockId); // invalid bufsock nlnettrace( "CNonBlockingBufSock::receivePart" ); TBlockSize actuallen; if ( ! _NowReadingBuffer ) { // Receiving length prefix actuallen = sizeof(_Length)-_BytesRead; CSock :: TSockResult ret = Sock->receive( (uint8*)(&_Length)+_BytesRead, actuallen, false ); if (ret == CSock::ConnectionClosed) { LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Connection %s closed", asString().c_str() ); return false; } else if (ret == CSock::Error) { LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: Socket error for %s", asString().c_str() ); Sock->disconnect(); return false; } _BytesRead += actuallen; if ( _BytesRead == sizeof(_Length ) ) { if ( _Length != 0 ) { _Length = ntohl( _Length ); //nldebug( "I-%u L%u (0x%x) a%u", Sock->descriptor(), _Length, _Length, actuallen ); // Test size limit if ( _Length > _MaxExpectedBlockSize ) { nlwarning( "LNETL1: Socket %s received header length %u exceeding max expected %u... Disconnecting", asString().c_str(), _Length, _MaxExpectedBlockSize ); throw ESocket( toString( "Received length %u exceeding max expected %u from %s", _Length, _MaxExpectedBlockSize, Sock->remoteAddr().asString().c_str() ).c_str(), false ); } _NowReadingBuffer = true; _ReceiveBuffer.resize( _Length + nbExtraBytes ); } else { nlwarning( "LNETL1: Socket %s received null length in block header", asString().c_str() ); } _BytesRead = 0; } } if ( _NowReadingBuffer ) { // Receiving payload buffer actuallen = _Length-_BytesRead; Sock->receive( &*_ReceiveBuffer.begin()+_BytesRead, actuallen ); _BytesRead += actuallen; if ( _BytesRead == _Length ) { #ifdef NL_DEBUG LNETL1_DEBUG( "LNETL1: %s received buffer (%u bytes): [%s]", asString().c_str(), _ReceiveBuffer.size(), stringFromVector(_ReceiveBuffer).c_str() ); #endif _NowReadingBuffer = false; //nldebug( "I-%u all %u B on %u", Sock->descriptor(), actuallen ); _BytesRead = 0; return true; } //else //{ // nldebug( "I-%u only %u B on %u", actuallen, Sock->descriptor(), _Length-(_BytesRead-actuallen) ); //} } return false; } } // NLNET