NeL World Editor History

v0.47 : new age

Fixed: crash when deleting primitive
Fixed: crash in MOS
Fixed: infinite loop at the startup


CHANGED : Better looking for 'search and replace' dialog box


FIXED : collapse tree don't work.


FIXED : ramdom crash and weird behavior of property editro dialof after a move of primitive in 
		the tree fdollowed by an edition of properties with ALT+enter


CHANGED : edition node properties (hidden, selected and expanded) are all stored as XML comment
			int the primitive files. This allow more efficient comparison of real content in
			primitive files.


FIXED : when reloading a primitive, the tree view is correctly updated.
FIXED : since new stable alias system, WE crash when relading an externaly modified primitive.


ADDED : In property dialog, if closing or changing primitive selection without commiting the
		changed property, the application will warn the user and propose to save
		or discard it's modification.

ADDED : Keyboard control of the tree view while editing in property dialog.
		Just press ALT and arrows keys to change the selection in the tree view.


CHANGED : reworked 'properties' dialog, now support keyboard shurtcuts to update/cancel 
		  or validate the dialog.
		  The dialog also support 'tab' to move between controls

ADDED : plugin interface to replace the standard primitive drawing code. Each plugin
		can claim to be called to draw a liste of primitive types.


FIXED : Multiple primitive file open dialog work with more than a few primitives selected.


FIXED : load, save edit unicode primitives.


FIXED : multiple assert when error detected in the tree structure


ADDED : copy / paste in new combo boxes


FIXED : Const string keybord selection work fine now


FIXED : Select by category is no more case sensitive
FIXED : Can't move root tree nodes anymore. "nouveau projet, ajouter au moins deux landscapes, essayer de changer leur ordre en faisant ctrl + fl�che, kaboum rq : pas la peine de sp�cifier les settings, suffit qu'il y ait deux lands, �a marche aussi avec des primitves, visiblement avec tous les trucs root."
FIXED : Log are flooded using "primitive configurations"
FIXED : "lorsque l'on copie-colle une instance, la premi�re ainsi coll�e porte le m�me nom que l'original alors que toutes les autres apr�s ont un num�ro bien incr�ment�."
FIXED : Copy works when several primitives are selected
ADDED : Button to show / hide collision
ADDED : Meter point grid
FIXED : Properties window get larger when JC's scrollbar is used
ADDED : JC's scrollbar track message handled
ADDED : JC's scrollbar works with the mouse wheel


ADDED : Display PACS surfaces, just copy PACS .lr, .rbank and .gr in your "data directory"/pacs.


CHANGED : Can read binary and xml .land files


FIXED : error and continue when loading prb


FIXED : Renommer le fichier apr�s la sauvegarde
FIXED : charge tout de meme le continent, meme si une transition utilise des mat�riels inconnus.


FIXED : Values in const_string_array was always by default.
FIXED : Default values in const_string_array work now.
CHANGED : Autoname for string_array and const_string_array copy all the content of the array and not only the first line.


ADDED : ALT + LEFT click to drag the view
FIXED : Si selectionne une primitive dans l'arbre (zone, point ou path), tu fait 'locate' et zoom arriere et paf, ca plante.
FIXED : Peut pas charger 2 .land
FIXED : Lorsque l'on efface des zones dans un .land, la boite englobante du continent est recalcul�e.
FIXED : Salut on crash le world editor des que l'on zoom peux tu voir ca please merci !
FIXED : Le bouton View � droite des boites const_string_array crashe. Maintenant il fonctionne.
FIXED : On ne peut pas ajouter autant d'�l�ments qu'on veut dans un const_string_array car la boite n'a pas d'ascenseur. On peut ajouter des lignes avec "INSERT".
KNOWN BUG : Crash when paint several continent at a time : ask Trap


ADDED : Primitive configuration check strings in array too
ADDED : Const string array (new property type, TYPE="const_string_array")
ADDED : Zoom on cursor
ADDED : Option to not add number when copy
FIXED : Copy / paste of generated primitives allowed (for ex: .prim children of a .flora_zone)
FIXED : A right click when draging an object followed by a left click lead to an assert. Now a right click cancel the action.
FIXED : Zoom with left click + shift
FIXED : Crash when UNDO/REDO a copy of a primitive with unique ID parameters


FIXED : some bug fixed in configurations selection
ADDED : configurations popup menu with SHOW / HIDE / SELECT options


ADDED : primitive configurations


ADDED : create a new landscape
FIXED : crash when paint a larger landscape
ADDED : export continent snapshot


ADDED : shard monitor plugin for the world editor


FIXED : autorename rework with the new default value system
REMARK : auto rename is not working for the moment. You can replace it by set an empty name string in the primitive you want to rename


FIXED : multi properties edition fixed


CHANGED : edit string array with a multi line text window


FIXED : error structure fixed (the node with the error is now marked with the error icon too)
CHANGED : some shortcuts are available in the properties dialog (help, new, open etc..)
CHANGED : ligo use a class primitive xml to get the default value in the application reading primitive files
CHANGED : set node that doesn't exist or are empty to default
FIXED : checkbox default value fixed
ADDED : add a history file
ADDED : show collisions in world editor


CHANGED : 3 states choeck box for default value
CHANGED : empty string stand for default value


FIXED : Edit string array
ADDED : Search the primitives matching a property value (CTRL+F)


ADDED : Dialog non modale
ADDED : Find items in the tree
FIXED : Debug plant on path
ADDED : Reset unique id function
FIXED : Copy / paste -> unique id updated


FIXED : select update tree bug
FIXED : expand / collapse update tree bug
FIXED : bigger primitive name
FIXED : "new_" removed


FIXED : Bug ctrl + fl�ches dans l'arbre
ADDED : Initialise default value for hidden values
ADDED : Draw arrow in path
FIXED : Modify the document when initialise default values
FIXED : Ligozone name not cropped anymore


CHANGED : The dialog property is always dispayed, even if it is too large.
CHANGED : Empty unique ID properties are initialised when a primitive file is loaded. A message box warn you when properties has been

For the moment, i initialise default values ONLY for properties with unique id. I'm afraid to loose information if i initialise all
the empty properties with their default values.


FIXED :  Delete primitives and the root lead to a crash
FIXED :  Delete a sub primitive and undo -> refresh prb
NOTABUG :  Select by position bug
FIXED :  Click-select and drag bug
ADDED : Default parameter value can be a unique number

Pour initialiser une propri�t� d'une primitive avec un identifiant "unique", ajoutez la ligne
<DEFAULT_VALUE GEN_ID="true"/> dans le noeud XML de la propri�t� en question.


ADDED : Select primitive by location
ADDED : Locate selected primitives
FIXED : Refresh bug when rename a primitive
FIXED : Crash when try to delete a non deletable primitve then delete all the primitive
FIXED : Crash when delete multiple vertices in sub object


FIXED : Select foire un peu..
FIXED : AddPrimitive crash


FIXED : Vegetation
FIXED : Combo parameters can be a list of filename get per extension in a directory context dependent
FIXED : Generate function over a zone or a path primitive
FIXED : Load zones overlapped by generator primitives
FIXED : Test collision with others primitives of class .plant and their radius
FIXED : Radius
FIXED : Mini documentation
FIXED : Relative pathes in .worldeditor


CHANGED : Script updat�
CHANGED : Link des points d'un group_fauna
CHANGED : Copier / couper / coller de primitive
CHANGED : Menu click droit plus intelligent
CHANGED : Icone du programme
CHANGED : On ne peut plus effacer les primitives "cr�es en dure"
CHANGED : Pleins de bugs en moins
CHANGED : Y'avait d'autre truc mais je ne me rappel pas de tout.. :)