// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "stdpch.h" #include "login_progress_post_thread.h" #include "game_share/login_registry.h" #include "nel/misc/system_info.h" using namespace NLMISC; /////////////////////// // Utility functions // /////////////////////// //=========================================================================================== static std::string uint64ToHex(uint64 size) { char data[256]; sprintf(data, "%llX", size); return std::string(data); } //=========================================================================================== static std::string sizeToHumanStd(uint64 size) { double total = (double) size; std::string unit; if (total >= 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) { total /= 1024.0*1024*1024; unit = "GB"; } else if (total >= 1024*1024.0) { total /= 1024.0*1024; unit = "MB"; } else if (total >= 1024.0) { total = int(total/1024.0); unit = "KB"; } else { unit = "B"; } static char buffer[256]; if ( total > 100.0) { sprintf(buffer, "%0.0f", (double)total); } else if (total > 10.0) { sprintf(buffer, "%0.1f", (double)total); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%0.2f", (double)total); } std::string ret(buffer); ret+=unit; return ret; } //=========================================================================================== static std::string getVideoInfoDeviceName() { uint64 version; std::string ret = ""; bool ok = CSystemInfo::getVideoInfo(ret, version); if (ok) { return ret.c_str(); } return ""; } //=========================================================================================== static uint64 getVideoDriverVersion() { static std::string ret; uint64 version=0; ret = ""; bool ok = CSystemInfo::getVideoInfo(ret, version); if (ok) { return version; } return 0; } //=========================================================================================== static std::string extractToken(const std::string& res, const std::string& token) { std::string ret(""); std::string tokenBegin = std::string("<") + token + ">"; std::string::size_type tokenBeginLen = tokenBegin.size(); std::string tokenEnd = std::string(""; std::string::size_type tokenEndLen = tokenBegin.size(); std::string::size_type begin = res.find(tokenBegin); std::string::size_type end = begin != std::string::npos && res.size() > tokenBeginLen + tokenEndLen ? res.find(tokenEnd, begin+tokenBeginLen) : std::string::npos; if (begin != std::string::npos && end != std::string::npos) { ret = res.substr(begin+tokenBeginLen, end - (begin+tokenBeginLen)); } return ret; } ///////////////////////// // login progress task // ///////////////////////// typedef std::deque TStepQueue; class CLoginProgressTask : public NLMISC::IRunnable { public: std::string StartupHost; std::string StartupPage; CSynchronized StepQueue; bool StopWanted; public: //============================================================================================ CLoginProgressTask() : StepQueue("") { StopWanted = false; } //============================================================================================ void clearQueue() { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&StepQueue); access.value().clear(); } //============================================================================================ virtual void run() { try { // init and send hardware info if first time std::string productInstallId = CLoginRegistry::getProductInstallId(); if (productInstallId.empty()) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Couldn't retrieve product install id"); } std::string res = sendMsg(std::string("login") + "&install_id=" + productInstallId); std::string userId = extractToken(res, "user_id"); if (userId.empty()) { res = sendMsg(std::string("init") + "&install_id=" + productInstallId + buildSysInfoString()); userId = extractToken(res, "user_id"); } if (userId.empty()) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Couldn't retrieve user id"); } // from now, wait each step from the client for (;;) { CLoginStep loginStep; bool newStep = false; { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&StepQueue); if (!access.value().empty()) { loginStep = access.value().front(); access.value().pop_front(); newStep = true; } if (newStep) { if (loginStep.Step == (uint)LoginStep_Stop) { break; } uint currentStep = CLoginRegistry::getLoginStep(); // during install program some messages can be launch multiple times (eg "install_update&percent=17" that indicates that 17 percent of the installation is already done) bool isInInstallation = InstallStep_StartDownload <= loginStep.Step && loginStep.Step <= InstallStep_StopInstall; bool hasBeenInstalled = currentStep > InstallStep_StopInstall; if ((isInInstallation&&!hasBeenInstalled) || (loginStep.Step > CLoginRegistry::getLoginStep()) ) { std::string ret= sendMsg(loginStep.PostString + "&user_id=" + userId); // If we reached this point, server has correctly received the step -> commit current progress in registry // Only send msg for player that have never installed the software CLoginRegistry::setLoginStep(loginStep.Step); // Async Ret enable the player to Know via pulling the return of the sendMsg if (loginStep.AsyncRet && loginStep.AsyncSent) { (*loginStep.AsyncRet) = ret; (*loginStep.AsyncSent) = true; } } } } nlSleep(1000); if (StopWanted) break; } } catch (std::exception &e) { nlwarning(e.what()); } catch(...) { clearQueue(); throw; } clearQueue(); } //============================================================================================ std::string sendMsg(const std::string &msg) { CHttpClient httpClient; std::string ret; if (!httpClient.connect("http://" + StartupHost)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Can't connect to http server"); } //std::string postString = "http://" + StartupHost + StartupPage + "?cmd=log&msg=" + msg; //nlwarning("POST STRING = %s", postString.c_str()); if (!httpClient.sendPost("http://" + StartupHost + StartupPage, "cmd=log&msg=" + msg)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Post failed"); } if (!httpClient.receive(ret)) { throw NLMISC::Exception("Receive failed"); } httpClient.disconnect(); return ret; } //============================================================================================ std::string buildSysInfoString() { std::string sis; sis = "&os=" + CSystemInfo::getOS(); sis += "&proc=" + CSystemInfo::getProc(); sis += "&memory=" + sizeToHumanStd(CSystemInfo::totalPhysicalMemory()); sis += "&video_card=" + getVideoInfoDeviceName(); sis += "&driver_version=" + uint64ToHex(getVideoDriverVersion()); /* sis = "&os=win2k"; sis += "&proc=p4"; sis += "&memory=1024"; sis += "&video_card=ati"; sis += "&driver_version=1"; */ return sis; } }; //=========================================================================================== CLoginProgressPostThread::CLoginProgressPostThread() { // Construct _Thread = NULL; _Task = NULL; } //=========================================================================================== CLoginProgressPostThread::~CLoginProgressPostThread() { release(); } //=========================================================================================== void CLoginProgressPostThread::init(const std::string &startupHost, const std::string &startupPage) { nlassert(!_Thread); CLoginProgressTask *lpt = new CLoginProgressTask; // Its not the real Startup Host this values comes from the InstallStatsUrl value of the config file lpt->StartupHost = startupHost; lpt->StartupPage = startupPage; _Task = lpt; _Thread = IThread::create(lpt); if (!_Thread) { release(); return; } _Thread->start(); } //=========================================================================================== void CLoginProgressPostThread::release() { if (_Task) { safe_cast(_Task)->StopWanted = true; } if (_Thread && _Thread->isRunning()) _Thread->wait(); delete _Task; delete _Thread; _Task = NULL; _Thread = NULL; } //=========================================================================================== void CLoginProgressPostThread::step(const CLoginStep &ls) { if (!_Task) return; if (!_Thread->isRunning()) return; CLoginProgressTask *lpt = safe_cast(_Task); { CSynchronized::CAccessor access(&lpt->StepQueue); access.value().push_back(ls); } } //=========================================================================================== void CLoginProgressPostThread::init(NLMISC::CConfigFile &configFile) { std::string installStartupPage; std::string installStartupHost; static std::string httpStr = "http://"; // The url where the stats system are has changed from // http://r2linux03:80/login2/client_install.php (using InstallStartupPage and StartupPage ) // http://r2linux03:80/stats/stats.php (using InstallStatsUrl if (configFile.getVarPtr("InstallStatsUrl") ) { static std::string httpStr = "http://"; static std::string::size_type httpStrSize = httpStr.size(); std::string tmp = configFile.getVarPtr("InstallStatsUrl")->asString(0); std::string::size_type it= tmp.find(httpStr); if (it != std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type hostPageSeparator = tmp.find("/", httpStrSize); if (hostPageSeparator != std::string::npos) { installStartupPage = tmp.substr(hostPageSeparator); //keep the leading slash installStartupHost = tmp.substr(httpStrSize, hostPageSeparator - httpStrSize); // dont keep the last slah } } } else { nlwarning("Error the InstallStatsUrl is not in the client_default.cfg."); } init(installStartupHost, installStartupPage); }