// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/> // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "common.h" #include "browser_model.h" using namespace std; using namespace NL3D; using namespace NLMISC; extern CTileBank tileBankBrowser; static const char* comp[]={"Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha", ""}; static bool loadPic(const string &path, std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> &tampon, uint &width, uint &height) { try { NLMISC::CIFile file; if (file.open(path.c_str())) { NLMISC::CBitmap bitmap; bitmap.load(file); width = bitmap.getWidth(); height = bitmap.getHeight(); tampon.resize(width * height); bitmap.convertToType(NLMISC::CBitmap::RGBA); for (uint y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (uint x = 0; x < width; ++x) { NLMISC::CRGBA c = bitmap.getPixelColor(x, y, 0); c.R = (c.R * c.A) / 255; c.G = (c.G * c.A) / 255; c.B = (c.B * c.A) / 255; tampon[(y * width) + x] = c; } } return true; } } catch (NLMISC::Exception& ) { } return false; } bool RemovePath (std::string& path, const char* absolutePathToRemplace); // Rotate a buffer void rotateBuffer (std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> &Buffer, uint &Width, uint &Height) { // Make a copy std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> copy = Buffer; // Rotate for (uint y=0; y<Width; y++) { // Line offset uint tmp=y*Width; for (uint x=0; x<Width; x++) { Buffer[y+(Width-x-1)*Height]=copy[x+tmp]; } } // New size uint tmp=Width; Width=Height; Height=tmp; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load a Pic and apply Alpha & Rotation int loadPixmapBuffer(const std::string& path, std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA>& Buffer, std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA>* Alpha, int rot) { uint Width; uint Height; if (loadPic(path, Buffer, Width, Height)) { while (rot) { // Rotate the buffer rotateBuffer (Buffer, Width, Height); rot--; } if ( (Alpha) && (Alpha->size()==Buffer.size()) ) { // Pre mul RGB componates by Alpha one int nPixelCount=(int)(Width*Height); for (int p=0; p<nPixelCount; p++) { // Invert alpha ? int alpha=(*Alpha)[p].A; Buffer[p].R=(uint8)(((int)Buffer[p].R*alpha)>>8); Buffer[p].G=(uint8)(((int)Buffer[p].G*alpha)>>8); Buffer[p].B=(uint8)(((int)Buffer[p].B*alpha)>>8); } } return 1; } else return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TileInfo TileInfo::TileInfo():tileType(UnSet) { this->loaded = 0; this->nightLoaded = 0; this->alphaLoaded = 0; } TileInfo::TileInfo(int id, TileType tileType):id(id), tileType(tileType) { this->loaded = 0; this->nightLoaded = 0; this->alphaLoaded = 0; } void TileInfo::Init(int id, TileType tileType) { this->id = id; this->tileType = tileType; this->loaded = 0; this->nightLoaded = 0; this->alphaLoaded = 0; } bool TileInfo::Load (int index, std::vector<NLMISC::CBGRA>* Alpha) { bool bRes=true; if (!loaded && getRelativeFileName (Diffuse, index)!="") { path = fixPath(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (Diffuse, index)); if ( !loadPixmapBuffer( path, Bits, Alpha, 0)) { bRes=false; QMessageBox::information( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load Diffuse file"), QString( (path.c_str()) )); } else loaded=1; } if (!nightLoaded && getRelativeFileName (Additive, index)!="") { nightPath = fixPath(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (Additive, index)); if (!loadPixmapBuffer( nightPath, nightBits, Alpha, 0)) { bRes=false; QMessageBox::information( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load Additive file"), QString( nightPath.c_str() ) ); } else nightLoaded=1; } if (!alphaLoaded && getRelativeFileName (::Alpha, index)!="") { alphaPath = fixPath(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath() + getRelativeFileName (::Alpha, index)); if (!loadPixmapBuffer( alphaPath, alphaBits, NULL, tileBankBrowser.getTile (index)->getRotAlpha ())) { bRes=false; QMessageBox::information( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load Alpha file"), QString( alphaPath.c_str() ) ); } else alphaLoaded=1; } return bRes; } std::string TileInfo::fixPath(const std::string &path) { // Fix the Windows path issues for subpaths. std::string searchStr("\\"); std::string replaceStr("/"); string::size_type pos = 0; std::string pathStr = path; while( (pos = pathStr.find(searchStr, pos)) != std::string::npos) { pathStr.replace(pos, searchStr.size(), replaceStr); pos++; } return pathStr; } void TileInfo::Delete () { loaded=0; Bits.resize(0); nightLoaded=0; nightBits.resize(0); alphaLoaded=0; alphaBits.resize(0); } const std::string TileInfo::getRelativeFileName (TileTexture texture, int index) { nlassert(this->tileType != UnSet); std::string currentPath; if (tileType != Displace) { currentPath = tileBankBrowser.getTile(index)->getRelativeFileName ((CTile::TBitmap)texture); } else { if (texture == Diffuse) { currentPath = tileBankBrowser.getDisplacementMap(index); //TODO titegus: remove MAGIC STRING "EmptyDisplacementMap" in Nel \tile_bank.cpp\void CTileNoise::setEmpty () or add an IsEmpty() method !!!! if (currentPath == "EmptyDisplacementMap") currentPath = ""; } } return currentPath; } //TileList TileList::TileList() { _tileSet = -1; // Add 48 transitions int i; for (i=0; i<CTileSet::count; i++) { TileInfo info(i, Transition); theListTransition.push_back (info); } // Add 16 displacements for (i=0; i<CTileSet::CountDisplace; i++) { TileInfo info(i, Displace); theListDisplacement.push_back (info); } } int TileList::addTile128 () { int index; tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->addTile128 (index, tileBankBrowser); nlassert (index==(sint)theList128.size()); TileInfo info(index, _128x128); theList128.push_back (info); return index; } int TileList::addTile256 () { int index; tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->addTile256 (index, tileBankBrowser); nlassert (index==(sint)theList256.size()); TileInfo info(index, _256x256); theList256.push_back (info); return index; } bool TileList::setTile128 (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated = name; if (RemovePath(troncated, tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load bitmap."), QString( ((tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile128 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)&&(error!=CTileSet::addFirstA128128)) { QString pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1\nPixel: %2(%3).\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)).arg(pixel).arg(comp[composante]); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't set Bitmap"), pixelMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { if (error==CTileSet::addFirstA128128) tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setBorder (type, border); tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTile128 (tile, troncated, type, tileBankBrowser); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theList128[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theList128[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theList128[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; default: break; } Reload(tile, tile + 1, _128x128); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. QString notInAbsolutePathMessage = QObject::tr("The bitmap %1 is not in the absolute path %2.\nContinue ?").arg(name.c_str()).arg(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Load error"), notInAbsolutePathMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)); } return true; } bool TileList::setTile256 (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load bitmap."), QString( ((tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile256 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)) { QString pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1\nPixel: %2(%3).\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)).arg(pixel).arg(comp[composante]); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't set Bitmap"), pixelMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTile256 (tile, troncated, type, tileBankBrowser); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theList256[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theList256[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theList256[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; default: break; } Reload(tile, tile + 1, _256x256); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. QString notInAbsolutePathMessage = QObject::tr("The bitmap %1 is not in the absolute path %2.\nContinue ?").arg(name.c_str()).arg(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Load error"), notInAbsolutePathMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No)); } return true; } bool TileList::setTileTransition (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { // No alpha, use setTileTransitionAlpha nlassert (CTile::alpha!=type); vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load bitmap."), QString( ((tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); CTileSet::TError error; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (type == CTile::additive) error=CTileSet::ok; else error=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTile128 (type, border, pixel, composante); if ((error!=CTileSet::ok)&&(error!=CTileSet::addFirstA128128)) { QString pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1\nPixel: %2(%3).\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)).arg(pixel).arg(comp[composante]); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't set Bitmap"), pixelMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { if (error==CTileSet::addFirstA128128) tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setBorder (type, border); tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTileTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, troncated, type, tileBankBrowser, border); switch (type) { case CTile::diffuse: theListTransition[tile].loaded=0; break; case CTile::additive: theListTransition[tile].nightLoaded=0; break; case CTile::alpha: theListTransition[tile].alphaLoaded=0; break; default: break; } Reload(tile, tile + 1, Transition); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. QString notInAbsolutePathMessage = QObject::tr("The bitmap %1 is not in the absolute path %2.\nContinue ?").arg(name.c_str()).arg(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Load error"), notInAbsolutePathMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } return true; } bool TileList::setDisplacement (int tile, const std::string& name, NL3D::CTile::TBitmap type) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load bitmap"), QString( ((tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { // Check the size if ( (Width!=32) || (Height!=32) ) { // Error message return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't set Bitmap"), QString( (troncated+"\nInvalid size: displacement map must be 32x32 8 bits.\nContinue ?").c_str()), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { // change the file name of the displacement map tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setDisplacement ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)tile, troncated, tileBankBrowser); // Loaded theListDisplacement[tile].loaded=0; Reload(tile, tile + 1, Displace); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. QString notInAbsolutePathMessage = QObject::tr("The bitmap %1 is not in the absolute path %2.\nContinue ?").arg(name.c_str()).arg(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Load error"), notInAbsolutePathMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } return true; } bool TileList::setTileTransitionAlpha (int tile, const std::string& name, int rot) { // Remove the absolute path from the path name std::string troncated=name; if (RemovePath (troncated, tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str())) { vector<NLMISC::CBGRA> tampon; uint Width; uint Height; if (!loadPic(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated, tampon, Width, Height)) { return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't load bitmap"), QString( ((tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ()+troncated)+"\nContinue ?").c_str() ), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { CTileBorder border; border.set (Width, Height, tampon); // rotate the border int rotBis=rot; while (rotBis) { border.rotate (); rotBis--; } CTileSet::TError error; int indexError; int pixel=-1; int composante=4; if (((error=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->checkTileTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, CTile::alpha, border, indexError, pixel, composante))!=CTileSet::ok)) { QString pixelMessage; if ((error==CTileSet::topInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::bottomInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::leftInterfaceProblem) ||(error==CTileSet::rightInterfaceProblem)||(error==CTileSet::topBottomNotTheSame)||(error==CTileSet::rightLeftNotTheSame) ||(error==CTileSet::topInterfaceProblem)) { if (indexError!=-1) pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1.\nIncompatible with tile nb %4.\nPixel: %2(%3).\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)).arg(pixel).arg(comp[composante]).arg(indexError); else pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1.\nIncompatible with the 128x128 tile.\nPixel: %2(%3).\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)).arg(pixel).arg(comp[composante]); } else pixelMessage = QObject::tr("%1.\nIncompatible filled tile.\nContinue ?").arg(CTileSet::getErrorMessage (error)); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Can't set Bitmap"), pixelMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } else { tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->setTileTransitionAlpha ((CTileSet::TTransition)tile, troncated, tileBankBrowser, border, rot); theListTransition[tile].alphaLoaded=0; theListTransition[tile].Load (tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTransition(tile)->getTile(), NULL); } } } else { // Error: bitmap not in the absolute path.. QString notInAbsolutePathMessage = QObject::tr("The bitmap %1 is not in the absolute path %2.\nContinue ?").arg(name.c_str()).arg(tileBankBrowser.getAbsPath ().c_str()); return ( QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( NULL, QObject::tr("Load error"), notInAbsolutePathMessage, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No) ); } return true; } void TileList::removeTile128 (int index) { tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->removeTile128 (index, tileBankBrowser); theList[0].erase (theList[0].begin()+index); for (int i=0; i<(sint)theList[0].size(); i++) { theList[0][i].setId(i); } } void TileList::removeTile256 (int index) { tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->removeTile256 (index, tileBankBrowser); theList[1].erase (theList[1].begin()+index); for (int i=0; i<(sint)theList[1].size(); i++) { theList[1][i].setId(i); } } void TileList::clearTile128 (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theList128[index].loaded=0; theList128[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theList128[index].nightLoaded=0; theList128[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: nlassert(0); break; default: break; } tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTile128 (index, bitmap, tileBankBrowser); } void TileList::clearTile256 (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theList256[index].loaded=0; theList256[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theList256[index].nightLoaded=0; theList256[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: nlassert(0); break; default: break; } tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTile256 (index, bitmap, tileBankBrowser); } void TileList::clearTransition (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theListTransition[index].loaded=0; theListTransition[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: theListTransition[index].nightLoaded=0; theListTransition[index].nightBits.resize(0); break; case CTile::alpha: theListTransition[index].alphaLoaded=0; theListTransition[index].alphaBits.resize(0); break; default: break; } tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearTransition ((CTileSet::TTransition)index, bitmap, tileBankBrowser); } void TileList::clearDisplacement (int index, CTile::TBitmap bitmap) { switch (bitmap) { case CTile::diffuse: theListDisplacement[index].loaded=0; theListDisplacement[index].Bits.resize(0); break; case CTile::additive: nlassert(0); break; case CTile::alpha: nlassert(0); break; default: break; } tileBankBrowser.getTileSet (_tileSet)->clearDisplacement ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)index, tileBankBrowser); } tilelist::iterator TileList::GetFirst(int n) { return theList[n].begin(); } tilelist::iterator TileList::GetLast(int n) { return theList[n].end(); } tilelist::iterator TileList::Get(int i, int n) { return theList[n].begin()+i; } int TileList::GetSize(int n) { return (int)theList[n].size(); } void TileList::Reload(int first, int last, TileType n) //recharge en memoire une tranche de tiles { for (int i=first; i<last; i++) { switch (n) { case _128x128: { theList[n][i].Load (tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTile128 (i), NULL); break; } case _256x256: { theList[n][i].Load (tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTile256 (i), NULL); break; } case Transition: { int index=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getTransition (i)->getTile(); if (index!=-1) theList[n][i].Load (index, &theListTransition[i].alphaBits); break; } case Displace: { int index=tileBankBrowser.getTileSet(_tileSet)->getDisplacementTile ((CTileSet::TDisplacement)i); if (index!=-1) theList[n][i].Load (index, NULL); break; } default: break; } } }