// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework // Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef RZ_INTERFACE_PARSER_H #define RZ_INTERFACE_PARSER_H #include "nel/misc/types_nl.h" #include "nel/3d/u_texture.h" #include "ctrl_sheet_selection.h" #include "interface_link.h" #include "nel/misc/smart_ptr.h" #include "game_share/brick_types.h" #include "lua_helper.h" // *************************************************************************** class CInterfaceElement; class CInterfaceGroup; class CGroupContainer; class CGroupList; class CInterfaceOptions; class CInterfaceAnim; class CViewPointer; class CInterfaceLink; class CBrickJob; class CCtrlBase; // *************************************************************************** #define WIN_PRIORITY_MAX 8 #define WIN_PRIORITY_WORLD_SPACE 0 #define WIN_PRIORITY_LOWEST 1 #define WIN_PRIORITY_LOW 2 #define WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL 3 #define WIN_PRIORITY_HIGH 4 #define WIN_PRIORITY_HIGHEST 5 // *************************************************************************** /** * class managing the interface parsing * \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson * \author Nevrax France * \date 2002 */ // this is the base class for CInterfaceManager class CInterfaceParser { public: CInterfaceParser(); virtual ~CInterfaceParser(); struct SMasterGroup { SMasterGroup() { Group= NULL; LastTopWindowPriority= WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } CInterfaceGroup *Group; std::list PrioritizedWindows[WIN_PRIORITY_MAX]; void addWindow(CInterfaceGroup *pIG, uint8 nPrio = WIN_PRIORITY_NORMAL); void delWindow(CInterfaceGroup *pIG); CInterfaceGroup *getWindowFromId(const std::string &winID); bool isWindowPresent(CInterfaceGroup *pIG); // Set a window top in its priority queue void setTopWindow(CInterfaceGroup *pIG); void setBackWindow(CInterfaceGroup *pIG); void deactiveAllContainers(); void centerAllContainers(); void unlockAllContainers(); // Sort the world space group void sortWorldSpaceGroup (); uint8 LastTopWindowPriority; }; public: /** * Parsing methods */ /** Load a set of xml files * \param isFilename true if xmlFileNames array contains the names of the xml file, false, if each * array is a script itself */ bool parseInterface (const std::vector &xmlFileNames, bool reload, bool isFilename = true); bool parseXMLDocument (xmlNodePtr root, bool reload); bool parseTemplateNode (xmlNodePtr node,xmlNodePtr instance,xmlNodePtr templ); bool parseInstance(xmlNodePtr cur); // bool parseDynamicList (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseVector (xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseObserver (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseVariable (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseOptions (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseGroup (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload); bool parseGroupChildren(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload); bool parseControl (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload); bool parseLink (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseView (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup, bool reload); bool parseTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer *parentGroup); bool parseTree (xmlNodePtr cur, SMasterGroup *parentGroup); bool parseDefine(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseProcedure(xmlNodePtr cur, bool reload); bool parseSheetSelection(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseCareerGenerator(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseAnim(xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseScene3D (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseActionCategory (xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseKey(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseMacro(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseCommand(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseBrickCareerGenerator(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseBrickSuffixGenerator(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseStyle(xmlNodePtr cur); bool parseDDX (xmlNodePtr cur, CInterfaceGroup * parentGroup); bool parseLUAScript (xmlNodePtr cur); bool setupTree (xmlNodePtr cur, SMasterGroup *parentGroup); bool setupTreeNode (xmlNodePtr cur, CGroupContainer *parentGroup); // Called by each parse in parseXMLDocument bool solveDefine(xmlNodePtr cur); bool solveStyle(xmlNodePtr cur); // Solve All define in a string. return false if some define not founs (defError contains this define) bool solveDefine(const std::string &propVal, std::string &newPropVal, std::string &defError); // Called after template & options parsing virtual void setupOptions() { } /** * Initializer */ bool initCoordsAndLuaScript (); /// Association builders : associate an element of the interface with the string ID of /// another element used as reference for position values void addParentPositionAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID); void addParentSizeAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID); void addParentSizeMaxAssociation (CInterfaceElement *element, const std::string &parentID); /// LUA Class Association builder : associate a lua script to a group (called for each group after every document parsed) void addLuaClassAssociation(CInterfaceGroup *group, const std::string &luaScript); /** * Accessors */ CInterfaceGroup* getMasterGroupFromId (const std::string &MasterGroupName); const std::vector &getAllMasterGroup() { return _MasterGroups; } SMasterGroup& getMasterGroup(uint8 i) { return _MasterGroups[i]; } CInterfaceGroup* getWindowFromId (const std::string & groupId); void addWindowToMasterGroup (const std::string &sMasterGroupName, CInterfaceGroup *pIG); void removeWindowFromMasterGroup (const std::string &sMasterGroupName, CInterfaceGroup *pIG); // access to control sheet selection CCtrlSheetSelection &getCtrlSheetSelection() { return _CtrlSheetSelection; } /// \name Parameter variable // @{ const std::string &getDefine(const std::string &id) const; bool isDefineExist(const std::string &id) const; void setDefine(const std::string &id, const std::string &value); // @} /** From a target name of a link, retrieve the target element and its target target property * \return true if the target is valid */ static bool splitLinkTarget(const std::string &target, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::string &propertyName, CInterfaceElement *&targetElm); /** From several target names of a link (seprated by ','), retrieve the target elements and their target properties * \return true if all targets are valid */ static bool splitLinkTargets(const std::string &targets, CInterfaceGroup *parentGroup, std::vector &targetsVect); /// \name Dynamic links mgt // @{ /** Associate the given dynamic link with an ID * \return true if succesful */ bool addLink(CInterfaceLink *link, const std::string &id); /** remove the given link from its ID * \return true if succesful */ bool removeLink(const std::string &id); // @} /** create a template from an instance consisting of a single group * \param templateName name of the template in the xml * \param templateParams array containing each template parameter and its name * \param number of template parameters in the array */ CInterfaceGroup *createGroupInstance(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks = true); CInterfaceGroup *createGroupInstance(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true) { if (templateParams.size() > 0) return createGroupInstance(templateName, parentID, &templateParams[0], (uint)templateParams.size(), updateLinks); else return createGroupInstance(templateName, parentID, NULL, 0, updateLinks); } /** create a template from an instance consisting of a single control or group * \param templateName name of the template in the xml * \param templateParams array containing each template parameter and its name * \param number of template parameters in the array */ CInterfaceElement *createUIElement(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, const std::pair *templateParams, uint numParams, bool updateLinks /* = true */); CInterfaceElement *createUIElement(const std::string &templateName, const std::string &parentID, std::vector > &templateParams, bool updateLinks = true) { if (templateParams.size() > 0) return createUIElement(templateName, parentID, &templateParams[0], (uint)templateParams.size(), updateLinks); else return createUIElement(templateName, parentID, NULL, 0, updateLinks); } static void freeXMLNodeAndSibblings(xmlNodePtr node); // search a "tree" node in the hierarchy that match node. may return root! NULL if not found static xmlNodePtr searchTreeNodeInHierarchy(xmlNodePtr root, const char *node); /// \name Clearing mgt // @{ void removeAllLinks(); void removeAllOptions(); void removeAllProcedures(); void removeAllDefines(); void removeAllTemplates(); void removeAllAnims(); void removeAllMasterGroups(); void removeAll(); // @} protected: /** * Temporary data for init */ /// vector storing parsed templates during init. At the end of init, only used template are kept std::vector _Templates; // map linking an element to its parent position used during init only std::map _ParentPositionsMap; std::map _ParentSizesMap; std::map _ParentSizesMaxMap; // map linking a group to its lua script. used during init only std::map _LuaClassAssociation; /** * Data of initialized interface */ CViewPointer *_Pointer; // Master groups encapsulate all windows std::vector _MasterGroups; // Options description std::map > _OptionsMap; /// Define Variable list typedef std::map TVarMap; typedef TVarMap::iterator ItVarMap; typedef TVarMap::const_iterator CstItVarMap; TVarMap _DefineMap; bool validDefineChar(char c) const; /// Procedure def class CParamBlock { public: // -1 if not a param id, but a string sint32 NumParam; std::string String; CParamBlock() { NumParam= -1; } }; class CAction { public: // a condition to launch this action handler (is an expression) std::vector CondBlocks; // the action handler (may be proc!!) std::string Action; // A list of string/or param number => to build the final params at execution std::vector ParamBlocks; // build a paramBlock from a string void buildParamBlock (const std::string ¶ms); // from ParamBlock, and a paramList (skip the 0th), build params. void buildParams (const std::vector ¶mList, std::string ¶ms) const; void buildCondBlock (const std::string ¶ms); void buildCond (const std::vector ¶mList, std::string &cond) const; static void buildBlocks (const std::string &in, std::vector &out); static void eval (const std::vector &inArgs, const std::vector &inBlocks, std::string &out); }; class CProcedure { public: // List of the actions std::vector Actions; }; class CStyleProperty { public: std::string Name; std::string Value; }; class CStyle { public: std::vector Properties; }; /// Procedure list typedef std::map TProcedureMap; typedef TProcedureMap::iterator ItProcedureMap; typedef TProcedureMap::const_iterator CstItProcedureMap; TProcedureMap _ProcedureMap; // mgt of sheet selections (inventory, buy, sell..) CCtrlSheetSelection _CtrlSheetSelection; // Map of dynamic links typedef std::map > TLinkMap; TLinkMap _LinkMap; // Map of anims typedef std::map TAnimMap; TAnimMap _AnimMap; // Map of styles. typedef std::map TStyleMap; TStyleMap _StyleMap; protected: bool parseCareerGeneratorParams(xmlNodePtr cur, std::string &templateCareer, std::string &templateJob, std::string &careerWindow, std::string &jobWindow, xmlNodePtr &rootTreeNode, bool &brickTypeFilter, BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType &brickType ); void createJobBricks(BRICK_TYPE::EBrickType brickType, xmlNodePtr &nextSibling, xmlNodePtr parentTreeNode, const CBrickJob &job, const std::string &templateBrick, const std::string &baseWindowId, sint32 xstart); bool parseGeneratorRootContainer(xmlNodePtr cur, xmlNodePtr &rootTreeNode); protected: // LUA // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LUA Interface State. NB: The LUA environnement is not shared between Login/OutGame/InGame NLMISC::CSmartPtr _LuaState; void initLUA(); void uninitLUA(); // List of script loaded (for reloadLua command) std::set _LuaFileScripts; // Load A .lua. false if parse error. string 'error' contains the eventual error desc (but warning still displayed) bool loadLUA(const std::string &luaFile, std::string &error); }; #endif // RZ_INTERFACE_PARSER_H