2016-01-24 17:08:32 +01:00

80 lines
2.9 KiB

// What to do with characters coming from another mainland shard?
// 0: teleport to the stored session id
// 1: let the character play anyway, but leave the stored session id unchanged
// 2: assign the stored session id with FixedSessionId and let play
AllowCharsFromAllSessions = 0;
// Use Shard Unifier or not
DontUseSU = 0;
// the domain's set of useful addresses
LSHost = SUHost;
RSMHost = SUHost;
// MFS config
WebSrvUsersDirectory = "";
HoFHDTDirectory = "/srv/core/www/hof/hdt";
// BS Specifics --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BS - set to 1 if a BS is not part of a naming service group (then BS not disclosed
// to other services by the Layer 5, i.e. the services sending requests to BS have
// to know its/their address(es) by another mean)
BSDontUseNS = 1;
// BS - set the host of the naming service where the BS register
BSNSHost = "localhost";
UseBS = 1;
XMLSave = 0;
// Where to save specific shard data (ie: player backup), relatively to SaveShardRoot
SaveFilesDirectory = "";
// where to save generic shard data (ie: packed_sheet)
WriteFilesDirectory = "r2_shard/data_shard";
// Will SaveFilesDirectory will be converted to a full path?
ConvertSaveFilesDirectoryToFullPath = 0;
// BS - Root directory where data are backuped to
IncrementalBackupDirectory = "../incremental_backup";
// IOS - Directory to store ios.string_cache file
StringManagerCacheDirectory = "../data_shard_local";
// IOS - Directory to log chat into
LogChatDirectory = "../data_shard_local";
// MFS - Directories
WebRootDirectory = "../www";
// Root directory where data from shards are stored into
SaveShardRoot = "../save_shard/";
// SU Specifics --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SU - set to 1 if SU didn't use a naming service
SUDontUseNS = 1;
// SU - host for the NS used by SU
SUNSHost = "localhost";
// SU - listen address of the SU service (for L5 connections)
SUAddress = SUHost+":"+SUPort;
// SU - nel and ring database names
DBNelName = "nel";
DBRingName = "ring_mini01";
// Nel DB user
DBNelUser = "su_agent";
// Ring DB user
DBRingUser = "su_agent";
// SU - password to access to the nel database with DBNelUseruser (default is no password)
DBNelPass = "p4ssw0rd";
// SU - password to access to the ring database with DBRingUser (default is no password)
DBRingPass = "p4ssw0rd";
// WS Specifics --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WS - use or not the legacy WelcomeService from nel ns (only for backward compatibility during transition to ring)
DontUseLSService = 1;
// Global config --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// set to 0 if you want to use the admin system
DontUseAES = 1;
// Dissable generation / display of nldebug messages
DissableNLDebug = 1;