2016-01-24 17:08:32 +01:00

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LogQueryLanguageHelp =
"Log Query Language Quick Reference",
"A query is constitued of a series of predicates combined by 'or' and 'and' logical operator.",
"Each predicate is applied on each log, then the result combined to obtain a list of 'selected' log.",
"General query format :",
" (options) predicate (logicalCombiner predicate)*",
"options format :",
" option*",
" Available option :",
" - 'full_context' : extract all the log that are in the context of a ",
" selected log",
" - 'output_prefix='<prefix> : set a prefix for the result file of the query",
"logicalCombiner format :",
" Supported logical combiner are 'or' and 'and'.",
" The 'and' combiner have the hightest priority over 'or'.",
" You can also manually force the priority of combiner by",
" grouping predicate with parenthesis.",
" e.g : '(' predicate1 'or' predicate2 ')' 'and' predicate3'",
" In this case, the 'or' between predicate1 and predicate2 is avaluated ",
" before the 'and' with predicated3",
"Predicate format :",
" <paramName | paramType> <operator> <constant>",
"ParamName format :",
" Any parameter name that exist in a log. Any log that use this param name will",
" be tested againts the predicate.",
" e.g : userId",
"ParamType format:",
" You can test a predicate against any parameter of a given type, whatever it's name.",
" '{' typeName '}'",
" The available type names are :",
" uint32, uint64, sint32, float, string, entityId, itemId, sheetId.",
" Clearly, the entityId, itemId and sheetId are the most interesting.",
"Operator format :",
" All classicle operators are available:",
" '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '=' (or '=='), '!=' and 'like'.",
" The 'like' operator try to find the constant as a substring of the parameter.",
"Constant format :",
" Right part of a predicate are always constant.",
" You can write constant of different type :",
" uint32 : any decimal or hexacimal (prefixed with '0x')",
" sint32 : any decimal prefixed with the minus sign '-'",
" string : any list of characters surrounded by double quote",
" entityId : an entity id as formated by NeL '(0x1234:12:34:56)'",
" sheeId : any characters that can be considered as a sheet name (e.g 'foo.sitem')",
" itemId : an item id as printed by the ryzom tool : '[123:0x123456:1234]'",
"Special param name :",
" There are threee hardcoded parameter name :",
" 'LogName', 'LogDate' and 'ShardId'.",
" 'LogName' is used to build query based on the name of the log instead of",
" on the value of the parameters. e.g : 'LogName = '''Item_Create''' will select",
" all logs of item creation.",
" 'LogDate' is used to restrict the scope of the query on a limited time frame.",
" LogDate accept date of the following format :",
" - literal date : YYYY-MM-DD",
" - literal date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
" - literal date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
" - yesterday : 'yesterday'",
" - some time ago : <count> secs|mins|hours|days|weeks|months|years",
" e.g : 'LogDate > yesterday' -> any log from yesterday to now",
" 'LogDate > 2 days' -> any log from 2 days ago to now",
" 'LogDate < 3 weeks' -> any log older than 3 weeks",
" 'ShardId' is used to select log from a specific shard. You must",
" give a numeric shard id as predicate parameter. ",