2014-02-08 18:39:39 -08:00

299 lines
6.6 KiB

// Functions
class CMemStream
var $Buffer;
var $InputStream;
var $Pos;
function CMemStream ()
$this->InputStream = false;
$this->Pos = 0;
function setBuffer ($buffer)
$this->InputStream = true;
$this->Buffer = $buffer;
$this->Pos = 0;
function isReading () { return $this->InputStream; }
function serialuint8 (&$val)
if ($this->isReading())
if ($this->Pos+1 > strlen($this->Buffer))
return false;
$val = ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++});
//printf ("read uint8 '%d'<br>", $val);
$this->Buffer .= chr($val & 0xFF);
//printf ("write uint8 '%d' %d<br>", $val, $this->Pos);
return true;
function serialuint32 (&$val)
if ($this->isReading())
if ($this->Pos+4 > strlen($this->Buffer))
return false;
$val = ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++});
$val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})<<8;
$val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})<<16;
$val += ord($this->Buffer{$this->Pos++})<<32;
//printf ("read uint32 '%d'<br>", $val);
$this->Buffer .= chr($val & 0xFF);
$this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>8) & 0xFF);
$this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>16) & 0xFF);
$this->Buffer .= chr(($val>>24) & 0xFF);
$this->Pos += 4;
//printf ("write uint32 '%d' %d<br>", $val, $this->Pos);
return true;
function serialstring (&$val)
if ($this->isReading())
if (!$this->serialuint32($size))
return false;
if ($this->Pos+$size > strlen($this->Buffer))
return false;
$val = substr ($this->Buffer, $this->Pos, $size);
//printf ("read string '%s'<br>", $val);
$this->Pos += strlen($val);
$this->Buffer .= $val;
$this->Pos += strlen($val);
//printf ("write string '%s' %d<br>", $val, $this->Pos);
return true;
// This function connect to the LS, ask it if the user uid can connect
// to shard shardid and return a bool that say it s ok or not.
// If true, $res contains the url to connect.
// If false, $res contains the reason why it s not okay.
function connectToLS(&$fp, &$res)
global $LSHost, $LSPort;
// connect to the login service
$fp = fsockopen ($LSHost, $LSPort, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp)
$res = "Can't connect to the login service '$LSHost:$LSPort' ($errno: $errstr) (error code 41)";
$res = "";
function sendMessage ($fp, $msgout)
$size = $msgout->Pos;
$buffer = chr(($size>>24)&0xFF);
$buffer .= chr(($size>>16)&0xFF);
$buffer .= chr(($size>>8)&0xFF);
$buffer .= chr($size&0xFF);
$buffer .= $msgout->Buffer;
if (!fwrite ($fp, $buffer))
return false;
//printf ("sent packet size '%d'<br>", strlen($buffer));
// strange but flush returns false even if it s ok
fflush ($fp);
return true;
function waitMessage ($fp, &$msgin)
//echo "waiting a message";
$size = 0;
$val = fread ($fp, 1);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$size = ord($val) << 24;
$val = fread ($fp, 1);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$size = ord($val) << 16;
$val = fread ($fp, 1);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$size += ord($val) << 8;
$val = fread ($fp, 1);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$size += ord($val);
//printf ("receive packet size '%d'<br>", $size);
$fake = fread ($fp, 4);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$size -= 4; // remove the fake
$buffer = fread ($fp, $size);
if (feof ($fp)) return false;
$msgin = new CMemStream;
$msgin->setBuffer ($buffer);
return true;
function askClientConnection ($shardid, $uid, $name, $priv, $extended, &$res, &$patchURLS)
$ok = false;
connectToLS($fp, $res);
return $ok;
// send the message that say that we want to add a user
$msgout = new CMemStream;
$fake = 0;
$msgout->serialuint32 ($fake); // fake used to number the packet
$messageType = 0;
$msgout->serialuint8 ($messageType);
$msgout->serialuint32 ($shardid);
$msgout->serialuint32 ($uid);
$msgout->serialstring ($name);
$msgout->serialstring ($priv);
$msgout->serialstring ($extended);
if (!sendMessage ($fp, $msgout))
$res = "Can't send message connection to the Login Service (error code 42)";
return $ok;
if (!waitMessage ($fp, $msgin))
$res = "Can't receive the answer from the Login Service (error code 43)";
return $ok;
if (!$msgin->serialstring($reason))
$res = "Can't read the reason (error code 44)";
return $ok;
//printf("reason size %d", strlen($reason));
if(strlen($reason) == 0)
// it s ok, let's connect
if (!$msgin->serialstring($cookie))
$res = "Can't read the cookie (error code 45)";
return $ok;
if (!$msgin->serialstring($addr))
$res = "Can't read the addr (error code 46)";
return $ok;
$patchURLS = '';
if (!$msgin->serialstring($patchURLS))
$patchURLS = '';
$res = $cookie.' '.$addr;
$ok = true;
// can't accept it, display the error
// echo "Can't connect to the shard: $reason";
$res = $reason;
//printf("receive response '$reason' '$cookie' '$addr'<br>");
fclose ($fp);
//echo "sent OK.<br><br>";
return $ok;
// This function connect to the LS, ask the LS to disconnect the user
function disconnectClient($shardid, $uid, &$res)
$ok = false;
connectToLS($fp, $res);
if(strlen($res) != 0)
return $ok;
// send the message that say that we want to add a user
$msgout = new CMemStream;
$fake = 0;
$msgout->serialuint32 ($fake); // fake used to number the packet
$messageType = 1;
$msgout->serialuint8 ($messageType);
$msgout->serialuint32 ($shardid);
$msgout->serialuint32 ($uid);
if (!sendMessage ($fp, $msgout))
$res = "Can't send message disconnect to the Login Service (error code 47)";
return $ok;
if (!waitMessage ($fp, $msgin))
$res = "Can't receive the answer from the Login Service (error code 48)";
return $ok;
if (!$msgin->serialstring($res))
$res = "Can't read the string (error code 49)";
return $ok;
//printf("reason size %d", strlen($res));
//if(strlen($res) == 0)
$ok = true;
//printf("receive response '$reason' '$cookie' '$addr'<br>");
fclose ($fp);
//echo "sent OK.<br><br>";
return $ok;