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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "nel/misc/ucstring.h"
#include "nel/misc/matrix.h"
namespace NL3D {
class UDriver;
class UMaterial;
class CFrustum;
// ***************************************************************************
/** Abstract Class to render string into a temporary buffer
class URenderStringBuffer
URenderStringBuffer() {}
virtual ~URenderStringBuffer() {}
class ULetterColors
ULetterColors() {}
virtual ~ULetterColors() {}
virtual bool isSameLetterColors(ULetterColors * letterColors) = 0;
virtual void pushLetterColor(uint index, const NLMISC::CRGBA & color) = 0;
// ***************************************************************************
* A game interface to render string.
* \author Lionel Berenguier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class UTextContext
/// \name Object
// @{
UTextContext() {}
virtual ~UTextContext() {}
// @}
enum THotSpot
/// The render size of a string.
struct CStringInfo
/// The width of the string, in pixels (eg: 30)
float StringWidth;
/// The height of the string, in pixels (eg: 10)
float StringHeight;
/** StringLine is the size from bottom of the whole string image to the hotspot in pixels.
* for instance if the hotspot is bottomLeft the imaginary line of the string "bpc"
* is under the b, under the loop of the p but over the leg of the p. So StringLine
* is a positive value in this case. It may be a negative value for the string "^" for example.
float StringLine;
CStringInfo() {StringWidth= StringHeight= StringLine= 0;}
CStringInfo(float w, float h, float l) {StringWidth= w; StringHeight= h; StringLine = l;}
* Get the string's origin
* \param hotspot the origin of the string
NLMISC::CVector getHotSpotVector(THotSpot hotspot);
/// convert size in pixels to size in 0-1 relative coordinates, according to Driver current size
void convertTo01Size(UDriver *drv);
/// convert back to pixels size, according to Driver current size
void convertToPixelSize(UDriver *drv);
/// \name Text look.
// @{
* set the font color
* \param color the font color
virtual void setColor (NLMISC::CRGBA color) = 0;
* set the font size. Should be called before the first print
* \param fonSize the font size
virtual void setFontSize (uint32 fontSize) = 0;
* get the font size
* \return the font size
virtual uint32 getFontSize () const = 0;
* set the hot spot
* \param fonSize the font size
virtual void setHotSpot (THotSpot hotSpot) = 0;
* get the hot spot
* \return the hot spot
virtual THotSpot getHotSpot () const = 0;
* set the X scale
* \param scaleX the X scale
virtual void setScaleX (float scaleX) = 0;
* set the Y scale
* \param scaleY the Y scale
virtual void setScaleY (float scaleY) = 0;
* \return the X scale
virtual float getScaleX () const = 0;
* \return the Y scale
virtual float getScaleY () const = 0;
* set the shade states
* \param the shade state
virtual void setShaded (bool b) = 0;
* \return the shade state
virtual bool getShaded () const = 0;
* set the shadow's size
* \param the shade extent
virtual void setShadeExtent (float shext) = 0;
* set the shadow's color
* The alpha of the shade is multiplied at each draw with the alpha of the color. Default: (0,0,0,255)
* \param the shadow color
virtual void setShadeColor (NLMISC::CRGBA sc) = 0;
* get the shadow's color
* \returb the shadow color
virtual NLMISC::CRGBA getShadeColor () const = 0;
/** set to true if you want that the font manager look at Driver window size, and resize
* fontSize so it keeps same size than if it was in 800x600...
virtual void setKeep800x600Ratio (bool keep) = 0;
/** return keep800x600Ratio state.
virtual bool getKeep800x600Ratio () const = 0;
// @}
/// \name Rendering.
/** All rendering are done in proprietary matrix context for UTextContext:
* - UTextContext use the setuped viewport of UDriver Matrix context.
* - UTextContext use its own Matrix2D setup (own Frustum and own ViewAMtrix/ ModelMatrix).
* Exception: render3D() use UDriver Matrix context for Frustum/ViewMatrix, but use its own modelmatrix.
// @{
* compute and add a string to the stack
* \param a string
* \return the index where string has been inserted
virtual uint32 textPush (const char *format, ...) = 0;
* computes an ucstring and adds the result to the stack
* \param an ucstring
* \return the index where computed string has been inserted
virtual uint32 textPush (const ucstring &str) = 0;
* set the color of a string.
virtual void setStringColor(uint32 i, NLMISC::CRGBA newCol)= 0;
* set the letter selection of a string. Only letters in the range given are displayed. Default is 0/0xFFFFFFFF
virtual void setStringSelection(uint32 i, uint32 selectStart, uint32 selectSize)= 0;
* reset the letter selection of a string to 0/0xFFFFFFFF (all displayed)
virtual void resetStringSelection(uint32 i)= 0;
* remove a string from the list
virtual void erase (uint32 i) = 0;
* Get a string information from the list. return CStringInfo(0,0) if not found.
* The returned string info is in pixel size per default.
virtual CStringInfo getStringInfo (uint32 i) = 0;
* Get a string information from the ucstring
* The returned string info is in pixel size per default.
virtual CStringInfo getStringInfo (const ucstring &ucstr) = 0;
* empty the map
virtual void clear () = 0;
* print a string of the list (2D method). x/y E [0,1]
* (rq : it leaves the string in the stack)
* z : if the hotspot is bottom z is the position of the line of the string, not the bottom of the string bounding box !
virtual void printAt (float x, float y, uint32 i) = 0;
/** Same as printAt but special version for interface: clip and insert in a temp buffer.
* z : if the hotspot is bottom z is the position of the line of the string, not the bottom of the string bounding box !
virtual void printClipAt (URenderStringBuffer &renderBuffer, float x, float y, uint32 i, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) = 0;
/** Same as printClipAt but special version for planar 3d interface: the final vertices are unproject using a frustum.
* depth is the positive depth to used to unproject the string
* worldSpaceMatrix is used to mul each vertex (when in 0..1 coordinate for x/y and in meter for z coordinate)
virtual void printClipAtUnProjected (URenderStringBuffer &renderBuffer, class NL3D::CFrustum &frustum, const NLMISC::CMatrix &worldSpaceMatrix, float x, float y, float depth, uint32 i, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) = 0;
virtual void printClipAtOld (float x, float y, uint32 i, float xmin, float ymin, float xmax, float ymax) = 0;
* compute and print a ucstring at the location (2D method) x/y E [0,1]
virtual void printAt (float x, float y, const ucstring &ucstr) = 0;
* compute and print a string at the location (2D method) x/y E [0,1]
virtual void printfAt (float x, float y, const char *format, ...) = 0;
* compute and render a ucstring at the location (3D method)
* render3D() use UDriver Matrix context for Frustum/ViewMatrix, but use its own modelmatrix (mat).
virtual void render3D (const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat, const ucstring &ucstr) = 0;
* compute and render a string at the location (3D method)
* render3D() use UDriver Matrix context for Frustum/ViewMatrix, but use its own modelmatrix (mat).
virtual void render3D (const NLMISC::CMatrix &mat, const char *format, ...) = 0;
* Return max x coordinate of last string printed. Useful to know if a string
* goes out of the screen (screen limit is supposed at x==4/3, should actually
* depend on driver's frustum).
* \return x coordinate
virtual float getLastXBound () const = 0;
// @}
/// Used for debug
virtual void dumpCacheTexture (const char *filename) = 0;
/// create a renderBuffer for printClipAt(). Must delete it with deleteRenderBuffer()
virtual URenderStringBuffer *createRenderBuffer() = 0;
virtual void deleteRenderBuffer(URenderStringBuffer *buffer) = 0;
/// Flush the rendered string buffer. This method sets the driver matrix to a 2d11 matrix and sets ztest to always and disable z write.
virtual void flushRenderBuffer(URenderStringBuffer *buffer) = 0;
/// Flush the rendered string buffer. This method doesn't change the current matrices nor the material properties.
virtual void flushRenderBufferUnProjected(URenderStringBuffer *buffer, bool zwrite) = 0;
/// In single line mode you can assign several color to letters
virtual void setLetterColors(ULetterColors * letterColors, uint index) = 0;
virtual bool isSameLetterColors(ULetterColors * letterColors, uint index) = 0;
virtual ULetterColors * createLetterColors() = 0;
} // NL3D
/* End of u_text_context.h */