mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 03:55:34 +00:00
About Shared Library (shared) and Module Library (module) type of cmake target INSTALL command has different behaviour for ARCHIVE LIBRARY RUNTIME depending on the platform
1717 lines
68 KiB
1717 lines
68 KiB
#include "common.cfg"
StartCommands +=
// L5 connect to the shard unifier
"unifiedNetwork.addService ShardUnifier ( address="+SUAddress+" sendId external autoRetry )",
// Create a gateway for global interconnection
// modules from different shard are visible to each other if they connect to
// this gateway. SU Local module have no interest to be plugged here.
"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway glob_gw",
// add a layer 3 server transport
"glob_gw.transportAdd L3Client l3c",
// open the transport
"glob_gw.transportCmd l3c(connect addr="+SUHost+":"+SUGlobalPort+")",
// Create a gateway for logger service connection
"moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway lgs_gw",
// add a layer 3 server transport for master logger service
"lgs_gw.transportAdd L3Client masterL3c",
// open the transport
"lgs_gw.transportCmd masterL3c(connect addr="+MasterLGSHost+":"+L3MasterLGSPort+")",
StartCommands +=
// add a layer 3 server transport for slave logger service
"lgs_gw.transportAdd L3Client slaveL3c",
// open the transport
"lgs_gw.transportCmd slaveL3c(connect addr="+SlaveLGSHost+":"+L3SlaveLGSPort+")",
StartCommands +=
// Create a shard unifier client module
"moduleManager.createModule ShardUnifierClient suc",
// Create a client commands forwader module
"moduleManager.createModule ClientCommandForwader ccf",
// Create a characer control module
"moduleManager.createModule CharacterControl cc",
// Create a guild unifier module
"moduleManager.createModule GuildUnifier gu",
//Create a shard unifier name mapper
"moduleManager.createModule CharNameMapperClient cnmc",
// Create the logger service client module
"moduleManager.createModule LoggerServiceClient lsc",
"suc.plug gw",
"ccf.plug gw",
"cc.plug gw",
"gu.plug glob_gw",
"cnmc.plug gw",
"lsc.plug lgs_gw",
/// A list of vars to graph for EGS
GraphVars +=
"TotalNbItemForSale", "60000", // every minutes
"NbPlayers", "60000", // every minutes
//min fraction of the total damage done on a creature that a group/player must do to be attributed a kill
KillAttribMinFactor = 1.0;
//max bulk the player can transport * 1000 (*1000 to avoid float operations)
MaxPlayerBulk = 100000;
//max weight in grammes a player can have on him if his strength is 0
BaseMaxCarriedWeight = 100000;
// base bulk of player room
BasePlayerRoomBulk = 1000000;
// if true, every player that was saved with an invalid position will be corrected the next times he logs in.
CorrectInvalidPlayerPositions = 1;
// Create Character Start skills value
//CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue = "SCMM1BS:220:SMLOEFA:235:SFM1BMM:215:SKILL_POINTS:200:MONEY:1000";
//CreateCharacterStartSkillsValue = "SM:20:SMA:50:SMAP:51:SMAE:51:SMT:50:SMTC:51:SMTM:51:SMTO:51:SKILL_POINTS:2550:MONEY:50000";
// Enable caching of ligo primitive in binary files
CachePrims = 1;
// Log to see which primitives where loaded from cache
CachePrimsLog = 0;
// variable for stop area effect of a gameplay system
FightAreaEffectOn = 1;
MagicAreaEffectOn = 1;
HarvestAreaEffectOn = 1;
// save period time (ticks).
GuildSavePeriod = 100;
GuildChargeSavePeriod = 99;
GuildMaxMemberCount = 255;
TickFrequencyPCSave = 4800;
// minimum period between 2 consecutive saves of the same character
MinPlayerSavePeriod = 600;
StoreSavePeriod = 10;
// Max duration of death panalty (when you death several times and only style one point in your characteristics due to death penalty
DeathPenaltyMaxDuration = 1000; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 30 for 30 minutes // No more used.
DeathXPFactor = 1;
DeathXPResorptionTime = 60;
// Duration of comma
CommaDelayBeforeDeath = 100; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 5 for 5 minutes
// Duration of dead mektoub stay spawned
SpawnedDeadMektoubDelay = 1000; // 10 ticks per second * 60 for minutes * 60 for hours * 24 for days
// Progression
SkillProgressionFactor = 1.0;
SkillFightValueLimiter = 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillMagicValueLimiter = 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillCraftValueLimiter = 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
SkillHarvestValueLimiter = 250; //skill value temporary limited for beta
NBMeanCraftRawMaterials = 1; //Mean of raw material used for craft an item, it's used for scale xp win when crafting an item with effective raw material used
// when in a team value of each member above one for XP division among team members
XPTeamMemberDivisorValue = 0.5;
// distance max for an action to be taken into account when in a team
MaxDistanceForXpGain = 10;
// Max XP gain by any one player on any creature (each team member can gain up to this value)
MaxXPGainPerPlayer = 10.0;
// Characteristics parameters
//characteristic brick progression step
CharacteristicBrickStep = 1;
// Maximum value for characteristics (260 because characters begin with 10)
MaxCharacteristicValue = 250;
// Magic parameters
DefaultCastingTime = 1.0;
RechargeMoneyFactor = 1.0;
CristalMoneyFactor = 1.0;
// int in ticks for following values
NoLinkSurvivalAddTime = 100;
NoLinkTimeFear = 100;
NoLinkTimeSleep = 100;
NoLinkTimeStun = 100;
NoLinkTimeRoot = 100;
NoLinkTimeSnare = 100;
NoLinkTimeSlow = 100;
NoLinkTimeBlind = 100;
NoLinkTimeMadness = 100;
NoLinkTimeDot = 100;
PostCastLatency = 100; // in ticks
TickFrequencyCompassUpdate = 32;
// update period of link spell in ticks
UpdatePeriodFear = 40;
UpdatePeriodSleep = 40;
UpdatePeriodStun = 40;
UpdatePeriodRoot = 40;
UpdatePeriodSnare = 40;
UpdatePeriodSlow = 40;
UpdatePeriodBlind = 40;
UpdatePeriodMadness = 40;
UpdatePeriodDot = 40;
DefaultUpdatePeriod = 40;
// bonus on resist for each received spell
ResistIncreaseFear = 10;
ResistIncreaseSleep = 10;
ResistIncreaseStun = 10;
ResistIncreaseRoot = 10;
ResistIncreaseSnare = 10;
ResistIncreaseSlow = 10;
ResistIncreaseBlind = 10;
ResistIncreaseMadness = 10;
ResistIncreaseAcid = 0;
ResistIncreaseCold = 0;
ResistIncreaseElectricity= 0;
ResistIncreaseFire = 0;
ResistIncreasePoison = 0;
ResistIncreaseRot = 0;
ResistIncreaseShockwave = 0;
// Craft parameters
// DURABILITY // some kind of HP
// melee weapons
DaggerDurability = 100.0;
SwordDurability = 100.0;
MaceDurability = 100.0;
AxeDurability = 100.0;
SpearDurability = 100.0;
StaffDurability = 100.0;
MagicianStaffDurability = 100.0;
TwoHandSwordDurability = 100.0;
TwoHandAxeDurability = 100.0;
PikeDurability = 100.0;
TwoHandMaceDurability = 100.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchDurability = 100.0;
BowrifleDurability = 100.0;
LauncherDurability = 100.0;
PistolDurability = 100.0;
BowpistolDurability = 100.0;
RifleDurability = 100.0;
HarpoonDurability = 100.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoDurability = 100.0;
BowrifleAmmoDurability = 100.0;
GrenadeAmmoDurability = 100.0;
LauncherAmmoDurability = 100.0;
PistolAmmoDurability = 100.0;
BowpistolAmmoDurability = 100.0;
RifleAmmoDurability = 100.0;
HarpoonAmmoDurability = 100.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldDurability = 100.0;
BucklerDurability = 100.0;
LightBootsDurability = 100.0;
LightGlovesDurability = 100.0;
LightPantsDurability = 100.0;
LightSleevesDurability = 100.0;
LightVestDurability = 100.0;
MediumBootsDurability = 100.0;
MediumGlovesDurability = 100.0;
MediumPantsDurability = 100.0;
MediumSleevesDurability = 100.0;
MediumVestDurability = 100.0;
HeavyBootsDurability = 100.0;
HeavyGlovesDurability = 100.0;
HeavyPantsDurability = 100.0;
HeavySleevesDurability = 100.0;
HeavyVestDurability = 100.0;
HeavyHelmetDurability = 100.0;
// jewel
AnkletDurability = 100.0;
BraceletDurability = 100.0;
DiademDurability = 100.0;
EaringDurability = 100.0;
PendantDurability = 100.0;
RingDurability = 100.0;
// tool
ForageToolDurability = 100.0;
AmmoCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
ArmorCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
JewelryCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
RangeWeaponCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
MeleeWeaponCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
ToolCraftingToolDurability = 100.0;
// WEIGHT // (Max is *2)
// melee weapons
DaggerWeight = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
SwordWeight = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceWeight = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeWeight = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearWeight = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
StaffWeight = 1.0; // 1H Type
MagicianStaffWeight = 1.0; // 2H type
TwoHandSwordWeight = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeWeight = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeWeight = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceWeight = 1.0; // 2H Type
// range weapon
PistolWeight = 1.0;
BowpistolWeight = 1.0;
RifleWeight = 1.0;
BowrifleWeight = 1.0;
AutolauchWeight = 1.0;
LauncherWeight = 1.0;
HarpoonWeight = 1.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoWeight = 1.0;
BowpistolAmmoWeight = 1.0;
RifleAmmoWeight = 1.0;
BowrifleAmmoWeight = 1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoWeight = 1.0;
LauncherAmmoWeight = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoWeight = 1.0;
GrenadeAmmoWeight = 1.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldWeight = 1.0;
BucklerWeight = 1.0;
// Light
LightBootsWeight = 1.0;
LightGlovesWeight = 1.0;
LightPantsWeight = 1.0;
LightSleevesWeight = 1.0;
LightVestWeight = 1.0;
// Medium
MediumBootsWeight = 1.0;
MediumGlovesWeight = 1.0;
MediumPantsWeight = 1.0;
MediumSleevesWeight = 1.0;
MediumVestWeight = 1.0;
// Heavy
HeavyBootsWeight = 1.0;
HeavyGlovesWeight = 1.0;
HeavyPantsWeight = 1.0;
HeavySleevesWeight = 1.0;
HeavyVestWeight = 1.0;
HeavyHelmetWeight = 1.0;
// jewel
AnkletWeight = 1.0;
BraceletWeight = 1.0;
DiademWeight = 1.0;
EaringWeight = 1.0;
PendantWeight = 1.0;
RingWeight = 1.0;
// SAP LOAD //
// MIN
// melee weapons
DaggerSapLoad = 0.0;
SwordSapLoad = 0.0;
MaceSapLoad = 0.0;
AxeSapLoad = 0.0;
SpearSapLoad = 0.0;
StaffSapLoad = 0.0;
MagicianStaffSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeSapLoad = 0.0;
PikeSapLoad = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceSapLoad = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchSapLoad = 0.0;
BowrifleSapLoad = 0.0;
LauncherSapLoad = 0.0;
PistolSapLoad = 0.0;
BowpistolSapLoad = 0.0;
RifleSapLoad = 0.0;
HarpoonSapLoad = 0.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
PistolAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
RifleAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoSapLoad = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldSapLoad = 0.0;
BucklerSapLoad = 0.0;
LightBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
LightGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
LightPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
LightSleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
LightVestSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumSleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
MediumVestSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyBootsSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyPantsSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavySleevesSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyVestSapLoad = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetSapLoad = 0.0;
// jewel
AnkletSapLoad = 0.0;
BraceletSapLoad = 0.0;
DiademSapLoad = 0.0;
EaringSapLoad = 0.0;
PendantSapLoad = 0.0;
RingSapLoad = 0.0;
// MAX
// melee weapons
DaggerSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
SwordSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MaceSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
AxeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
SpearSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
StaffSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MagicianStaffSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandSwordSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandAxeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PikeSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
TwoHandMaceSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowrifleSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LauncherSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PistolSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowpistolSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RifleSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HarpoonSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowrifleAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
GrenadeAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LauncherAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PistolAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BowpistolAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RifleAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HarpoonAmmoSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BucklerSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightSleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
LightVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumSleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
MediumVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyBootsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyGlovesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyPantsSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavySleevesSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyVestSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
HeavyHelmetSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// jewel
AnkletSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
BraceletSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
DiademSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
EaringSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
PendantSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
RingSapLoadMax = 1000.0;
// melee weapons
DaggerDmg = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffDmg = 1.0; // 1H Type
SwordDmg = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceDmg = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeDmg = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearDmg = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordDmg = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeDmg = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeDmg = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceDmg = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffDmg = 1.0; // 2H Type
// range weapon (modifier)
PistolDmg = 0.0;
BowpistolDmg = 0.0;
RifleDmg = 0.0;
BowrifleDmg = 0.0;
AutolauchDmg = 0.0;
LauncherDmg = 0.0;
HarpoonDmg = 0.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoDmg = 1.0;
BowpistolAmmoDmg = 1.0;
RifleAmmoDmg = 1.0;
BowrifleAmmoDmg = 1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoDmg = 1.0;
LauncherAmmoDmg = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoDmg = 1.0;
GrenadeAmmoDmg = 1.0;
// melee weapons
DaggerDmgMax = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffDmgMax = 1.0; // 1H Type
SwordDmgMax = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceDmgMax = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeDmgMax = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearDmgMax = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordDmgMax = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeDmgMax = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeDmgMax = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceDmgMax = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffDmgMax = 1.0;
// range weapon (modifier)
AutolauchDmgMax = 0.0;
BowrifleDmgMax = 0.0;
LauncherDmgMax = 0.0;
PistolDmgMax = 0.0;
BowpistolDmgMax = 0.0;
RifleDmgMax = 0.0;
HarpoonDmgMax = 0.0;
// ammo
PistolAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
BowpistolAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
RifleAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
BowrifleAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
AutolaunchAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
LauncherAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
HarpoonAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
GrenadeAmmoDmgMax = 1.0;
// HIT RATE // Hits for 10 sec
// melee weapons
DaggerHitRate = 1.0; // Dg Type (Pierce)
StaffHitRate = 1.0; // 1H Type (blunt)
SwordHitRate = 1.0; // 1H Type
MaceHitRate = 1.0; // 1H Type
AxeHitRate = 1.0; // 1H Type
SpearHitRate = 1.0; // 1H Type (pierce)
TwoHandSwordHitRate = 1.0; // 2H Type
TwoHandAxeHitRate = 1.0; // 2H Type
PikeHitRate = 1.0; // 2H Type (pierce)
TwoHandMaceHitRate = 1.0; // 2H Type
MagicianStaffHitRate = 1.0; //
// range weapon
PistolHitRate = 1.0;
BowpistolHitRate = 1.0;
RifleHitRate = 1.0;
BowrifleHitRate = 1.0;
AutolauchHitRate = 1.0;
LauncherHitRate = 1.0;
HarpoonHitRate = 1.0;
// ammo (modifier)
AutolaunchAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
PistolAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
RifleAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoHitRate = 0.0;
// Maximum hit rate ( after crafted item parameters applications )
// melee weapons
DaggerHitRateMax = 10.0;
StaffHitRateMax = 10.0; // 1H Type (blunt)
SwordHitRateMax = 10.0;
MaceHitRateMax = 10.0;
AxeHitRateMax = 10.0;
SpearHitRateMax = 10.0;
TwoHandSwordHitRateMax = 10.0;
TwoHandAxeHitRateMax = 10.0;
PikeHitRateMax = 10.0;
TwoHandMaceHitRateMax = 10.0;
MagicianStaffHitRateMax = 10.0;
// range weapon
PistolHitRateMax = 1.0;
BowpistolHitRateMax = 1.0;
RifleHitRateMax = 1.0;
BowrifleHitRateMax = 1.0;
AutolauchHitRateMax = 1.0;
LauncherHitRateMax = 1.0;
HarpoonHitRateMax = 1.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
PistolAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
RifleAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoHitRateMax = 0.0;
// Range // for ammo, range weapon (modifier) (max = *2)
// range weapon
AutolauchRange = 10000.0; // Gat
BowrifleRange = 10000.0;
LauncherRange = 10000.0; // Rocket Launcher
PistolRange = 10000.0;
BowpistolRange = 10000.0;
RifleRange = 10000.0;
HarpoonRange = 10000.0;
// ammo
AutolaunchAmmoRange = 0.0;
BowrifleAmmoRange = 0.0;
GrenadeAmmoRange = 0.0;
LauncherAmmoRange = 0.0;
PistolAmmoRange = 0.0;
BowpistolAmmoRange = 0.0;
RifleAmmoRange = 0.0;
HarpoonAmmoRange = 0.0;
// DODGE MODIFIER // not for ammo and jewel, but for armor too
// melee weapons & armor
DaggerDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
DaggerDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
SwordDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
SwordDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MaceDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MaceDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
AxeDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
AxeDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
SpearDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
SpearDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
StaffDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
StaffDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
PikeDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
PikeDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
AutolauchDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LauncherDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LauncherDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
PistolDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
PistolDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
RifleDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
RifleDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
ShieldDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
BucklerDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
BucklerDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightBootsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LightBootsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightGlovesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LightGlovesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightPantsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LightPantsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightSleevesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LightSleevesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightVestDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LightVestDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumBootsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumBootsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumGlovesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumGlovesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumPantsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumPantsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumSleevesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumSleevesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumVestDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumVestDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyBootsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyBootsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyPantsDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyPantsDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavySleevesDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavySleevesDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyVestDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyVestDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// PARRY MODIFIER // not for ammo and jewel, but for armor too
// melee weapons
DaggerParryMinModifier = 0.0;
DaggerParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
SwordParryMinModifier = 0.0;
SwordParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MaceParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MaceParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
AxeParryMinModifier = 0.0;
AxeParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
SpearParryMinModifier = 0.0;
SpearParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
StaffParryMinModifier = 0.0;
StaffParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
PikeParryMinModifier = 0.0;
PikeParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchParryMinModifier = 0.0;
AutolauchParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleParryMinModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LauncherParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LauncherParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
PistolParryMinModifier = 0.0;
PistolParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolParryMinModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
RifleParryMinModifier = 0.0;
RifleParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// armor and shield
ShieldParryMinModifier = 0.0;
ShieldParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
BucklerParryMinModifier = 0.0;
BucklerParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightBootsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LightBootsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightGlovesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LightGlovesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightPantsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LightPantsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightSleevesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LightSleevesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LightVestParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LightVestParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumBootsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumBootsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumGlovesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumGlovesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumPantsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumPantsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumSleevesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumSleevesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MediumVestParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MediumVestParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyBootsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyBootsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyGlovesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyPantsParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyPantsParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavySleevesParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavySleevesParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyVestParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyVestParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HeavyHelmetParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// ADVERSARY DODGE MODIFIER // not for ammo, jewel and armor
// melee weapons
DaggerAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
DaggerAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
AutolauchAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryDodgeMinModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryDodgeMaxModifier = 0.0;
// ADVERSARY PARRY MODIFIER // not for ammo, jewel and armor
// melee weapons
DaggerAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
DaggerAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
SwordAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MaceAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
AxeAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
SpearAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
StaffAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
PikeAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
MagicianStaffAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// range weapon
AutolauchAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
AutolauchAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
BowrifleAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
LauncherAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
PistolAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
BowpistolAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
RifleAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryParryMinModifier = 0.0;
HarpoonAdversaryParryMaxModifier = 0.0;
// Cast Modifiers // for melee weapons
//Elemental casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SwordElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
AxeElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MaceElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SpearElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
StaffElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
PikeElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
// max
DaggerElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
//Elemental power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
SwordElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
AxeElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
MaceElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
SpearElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
StaffElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffElementalPowerFactor = 0.2;
TwoHandAxeElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
PikeElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalPowerFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceElementalPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
//OffensiveAffliction casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.2;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
//OffensiveAffliction power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceOffensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
//Heal casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SwordHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
AxeHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MaceHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SpearHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
StaffHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
PikeHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceHealCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceHealCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
//Heal power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
SwordHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
AxeHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
MaceHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
SpearHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
StaffHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
PikeHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceHealPowerFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceHealPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
//DefensiveAffliction casting time factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionCastingTimeFactorMax = 1.0;
//DefensiveAffliction power factor (melee weapon only)
// Min
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactor = 0.0;
// Max
DaggerDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
AxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
SpearDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
StaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
MagicianStaffDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandAxeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandSwordDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
PikeDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
TwoHandMaceDefensiveAfflictionPowerFactorMax = 1.0;
// armor and shield
// Min
BucklerProtectionFactor = 0.10;
ShieldProtectionFactor = 0.10;
LightBootsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
LightGlovesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
LightPantsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
LightSleevesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
LightVestProtectionFactor = 0.10;
MediumBootsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
MediumGlovesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
MediumPantsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
MediumSleevesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
MediumVestProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavyBootsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavyPantsProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavySleevesProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavyVestProtectionFactor = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetProtectionFactor = 0.10;
// Max
BucklerProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
ShieldProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
LightBootsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
LightGlovesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
LightPantsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
LightSleevesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
LightVestProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
MediumBootsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
MediumGlovesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
MediumPantsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
MediumSleevesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
MediumVestProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavyBootsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavyPantsProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavySleevesProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavyVestProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetProtectionFactorMax = 0.10;
// MAX SLASHING PROTECTION // value to multiply with the item level.
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
ShieldMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
LightVestMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxSlashingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxSlashingProtection = 0.33;
HeavyHelmetMaxSlashingProtection = 0.33;
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
ShieldMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
LightVestMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetMaxBluntProtection = 0.10;
// armor and shield
BucklerMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
ShieldMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
LightBootsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
LightGlovesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
LightPantsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
LightSleevesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
LightVestMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
MediumBootsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
MediumGlovesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
MediumPantsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
MediumSleevesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
MediumVestMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyBootsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyGlovesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyPantsMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavySleevesMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyVestMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
HeavyHelmetMaxPiercingProtection = 0.10;
AcidJewelProtection = 0.01001; // de 0 <20> 1.0 (1.0 = 100% de protection)
ColdJewelProtection = 0.01001;
FireJewelProtection = 0.01001;
RotJewelProtection = 0.01001;
ShockWaveJewelProtection = 0.01001;
PoisonJewelProtection = 0.01001;
ElectricityJewelProtection = 0.01001;
MaxMagicProtection = 10; // Maximum protection can be gived by jewelry (clamp value), de 0 <20> 100 (pourcentage)
HominBaseProtection = 10; // Homin base protection in generic magic damage type
HominRacialProtection = 10; // Homin base protection in racial magic damage type
MaxAbsorptionFactor = 10; // Factor used for compute maximum absorption gived by all jewel (100 = 1.0 factor (100%)) (Max absorbtion = sum(equipped jewels recommandeds) * factor)
DesertResistance = 1; // In skill points bonus
ForestResistance = 1;
LacustreResistance = 1;
JungleResistance = 1;
PrimaryRootResistance = 1;
HominRacialResistance = 10;// Homin racial magic resistance to magic racial spell type
MaxMagicResistanceBonus = 10;// clamp value of resistance bonus resistance after all bonus/malus applied
EcosystemResistancePenalty = 10;// ecosystem resistance penalty value
// regen speed parameters
RegenDivisor = 1.0;
RegenReposFactor = 1.0;
RegenOffset = 1.0;
// weapon damage table config
MinDamage = 10;
DamageStep = 1;
ExponentialPower = 1;
SmoothingFactor = 0;
// hand to hand combat config
HandToHandDamageFactor = 0.10;
HandToHandLatency = 25; // 25 ticks = 2.5s
// combat config
BotDamageFactor = 1; // factor applied on npc and creature damage
// special effects when hit to localisation
HitChestStaLossFactor = 0.1;
HitHeadStunDuration = 1;
HitArmsSlowDuration = 1;
HitArmsSlowFactor = 10;
HitLegsSlowDuration = 1;
HitLegsSlowFactor = -10;
HitHandsDebuffDuration = 1;
HitHandsDebuffValue = -10;
HitFeetDebuffDuration = 1;
HitFeetDebuffValue = -10;
NbOpponentsBeforeMalus = 1;
ModPerSupernumeraryOpponent = -1;
MinTwoWeaponsLatency = 10;
ShieldingRadius = 1;
CombatFlagLifetime = 10; // (in ticks) used for openings
DodgeFactorForMagicSkills = 1.0;
DodgeFactorForForageSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistFactorForCombatSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistFactorForMagicSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistFactorForForageSkills = 1.0;
MagicResistSkillDelta = -10;
// Price parameters ( price formula is ItemPriceCoeff2 * x2 + ItemPriceCoeff1 * x + ItemPriceCoeff0 )
// polynom coeff of degree 0 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff0 = 100.0;
// polynom coeff of degree 1 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff1 = 0.1;
// polynom coeff of degree 2 in the price formula
ItemPriceCoeff2 = 0.01;
// factor to apply on non raw maetrial items to compute their price
ItemPriceFactor = 1.0;
// factor to apply on animal price to get the price a user can buy them
AnimalSellFactor = 0.1;
// factor to apply on teleport price to get the price a user can buy them
TeleportSellFactor = 0.1;
// this factor is applied to all faction point prices
GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor = 1.0;
// this factor is applied to all faction point prices
GlobalFactionPointPriceFactor = 1.0;
// Max quality of Raw Material Npc item selled by NPC
MaxNPCRawMaterialQualityInSell = 100;
// Sell store parameters
// an item can stay 7 days in a sale store (total cumulated time in game cycle)
MaxGameCycleSaleStore = 6048000;
NBMaxItemPlayerSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for player item list selled
NBMaxItemNpcSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for npc item list selled
NBMaxItemYoursSellDisplay = 128; //NB max item can be displayed for your item list selled, it's also the max items player can put in sale store
// Factor for apply malus wear equipment to craft ( Recommended max = Recommended - (Recommanded * malus wear * WearMalusCraftFactor )
WearMalusCraftFactor = 0.1;
// Item wear config
//MeleeWeaponWearPerAction = 0.01;
//RangeWeaponWearPerAction = 0.01;
// now we base wear factor for weapons on the ration (WeaponLatency / ReferenceWeaponLatencyForWear)
// MUST be > 0
ReferenceWeaponLatencyForWear = 10;
CraftingToolWearPerAction = 0.01;
ForageToolWearPerAction = 0.01;
ArmorWearPerAction = 0.01;
ShieldWearPerAction = 0.01;
JewelryWearPerAction = 0.01;
// melee weapons
DaggerWearPerAction = 0.01;
SwordWearPerAction = 0.01;
MaceWearPerAction = 0.01;
AxeWearPerAction = 0.01;
SpearWearPerAction = 0.01;
StaffWearPerAction = 0.01;
MagicianStaffWearPerAction = 0.01;
TwoHandSwordWearPerAction = 0.01;
TwoHandAxeWearPerAction = 0.01;
PikeWearPerAction = 0.01;
TwoHandMaceWearPerAction = 0.01;
// range weapon
AutolauchWearPerAction = 0.01;
BowrifleWearPerAction = 0.01;
LauncherWearPerAction = 0.01;
PistolWearPerAction = 0.01;
BowpistolWearPerAction = 0.01;
RifleWearPerAction = 0.01;
// Fame Variables
// Fame memory interpolation periode
FameMemoryInterpolation = 1220000;
// Fame trend reset delay
FameTrendResetDelay = 10000;
// Point of fame lost with the faction of a killed bot
FameByKill = -1000;
// Minimum Fame To Buy a Guild Building
MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding = 0;
// Minimum Fame To Buy a Player Building
MinFameToBuyPlayerBuilding = 0;
// maximum price variation ( in absolute value ) that can be due to fame
MaxFamePriceVariation = 0.1;
// Maximum fame value taken in account in trade
MaxFameToTrade = 600000;
// Minimum fame value taken in account in trade, under this value, the merchant refuse to sell
MinFameToTrade = -600000;
// Guild Variables
//fame to buy a guild building
MinFameToBuyGuildBuilding = 0;
// cost of the guild building in money
MoneyToBuyGuildBuilding = 10;
// base bulk of the guild building
BaseGuildBulk = 10000000;
// cost in money to create a guild
GuildCreationCost = 100000;
// max number of charges a guild can apply for
MaxAppliedChargeCount = 3;
// Animals
AnimalHungerFactor = 0.01;
AnimalStopFollowingDistance = 100;
AllowAnimalInventoryAccessFromAnyStable = 0;
// PVP
DuelQueryDuration = 600;
ChallengeSpawnZones =
PVPMeleeCombatDamageFactor = 1.0;
PVPRangeCombatDamageFactor = 1.0;
PVPMagicDamageFactor = 1.0;
TimeForSetPVPFlag = 1000;
TimeForResetPVPFlag = 1000;
TimeForPVPFlagOff = 1000;
PVPActionTimer = 1000;
TotemBuildTime = 1000;
TotemRebuildWait = 1000;
ResPawnPVPInSameRegionForbiden = 1; // 1 is player character can't respawn in same region of there death in faction PvP.
BuildSpireActive = 1;
// max distance from PvP combat to gain PvP points (faction and HoF points) from team PvP kills (in meters)
MaxDistanceForPVPPointsGain = 5.0;
// minimum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
MinPVPDeltaLevel = -5;
// maximum delta level used to compute the faction points gain
MaxPVPDeltaLevel = 5;
// for team PvP progression add this value to the faction points divisor for each team member above one
PVPTeamMemberDivisorValue = 1.0;
// it is the base used in faction point gain formula
PVPFactionPointBase = 5.0;
// it is the base used in HoF point gain formula
PVPHoFPointBase = 5.0;
// in faction PvP the killed players loses the faction points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
PVPFactionPointLossFactor = 0.5;
// in faction PvP the killed players loses the HoF points gained per killer multiplied by this factor
PVPHoFPointLossFactor = 0.5;
// players will not get any point for the same PvP kill for this time in seconds
TimeWithoutPointForSamePVPKill = 100;
VerboseFactionPoint = 0;
// Outpost
// Global flag to activate outpost challenge system
LoadOutposts = 1;
// Outpost saving period in tick (1 outpost saved at a time)
OutpostSavingPeriod = 10;
// Period in ticks between 2 updates of the same outpost
OutpostUpdatePeriod = 10;
// Set if the outpost drillers generate mps or not
EnableOutpostDrillerMPGeneration = 1;
// Production time of mp in the driller (in seconds)
OutpostDrillerTimeUnit = 10*60*24; // per day
// Delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent
OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay = 10;
// Period in seconds between 2 updates of outpost timers on clients
OutpostClientTimersUpdatePeriod = 10;
// Number of rounds in an outpost fight
OutpostFightRoundCount = 10;
// Time of a round in an outpost fight, in seconds
OutpostFightRoundTime = 1*60;
// Time to decrement an outpost level in seconds (in peace time)
OutpostLevelDecrementTime = 60*60*24*1;
// Delay in ticks used to check if 2 actions for editing an outpost are concurrent
OutpostEditingConcurrencyCheckDelay = 10;
// Time of each outpost state (challenge, beforeAttack, afterAttack, beforeDefense, afterDefense), in seconds. If 0 default computed value is used.
OutpostStateTimeOverride = 0;
// Max time the player has to answer the JoinPvp Window, in seconds
OutpostJoinPvpTimer = 10;
// Time range before next attack period in which a service reboot will cancel the challenge, in seconds
OutpostRangeForCancelOnReset = 60*60*1;
// Max number of outposts per guild (DO NOT exceed outpost count in database.xml)
GuildMaxOutpostCount = 10;
MonoMissionTimout = 144000;
VerboseMissions = 0;
MissionLogFile = "egs_missions.log";
MissionPrerequisitsEnabled = 1;
CheckCharacterVisitPlacePeriodGC = 64;
// This icon will be used for missions with an invalid mission icon. If
// default icon is invalid too mission will not be displayed at all on client.
DefaultMissionIcon = "generic_rite";
// Mission states is read from file mission_validation.cfg. The EGS will load
// only the files which state is in ValidMissionStates list. If that list
// contains the keyword "All" all missions will be loaded.
ValidMissionStates = {
// "Disabled",
// "Test",
// "Valid",
StoreBotNames = 1;
Tocking = 1;
// unlimited death pact for internal testing
UnlimitedDeathPact = 1;
//ignore race prerequisits for missions
IgnoreMissionRacePrerequisits = 1;
// Max distance allowed for bot chat & dyn chat
MaxBotChatDistanceM = 5;
//zone types that must be set as triggers
TriggerZoneTypes = { "place","region" };
// PeopleAutorized 1:fyros 2:matis 4:tryker 8:zorai
StartCommandsWhenMirrorReady =
"PeopleAutorized 255",
// set the world instance activity verbosity
VerboseWorldInstance = 0;
// set the shop category parser verbosity
VerboseShopParsing = 0;
// Checking coherency between saved players and CEntityIdTranslator map, may be slow, so put to 0 if you want
CheckEntityIdTranslatorCoherency = 0;
// Filename that contains the list of invalid entity names
InvalidEntityNamesFilename = "invalid_entity_names.txt";
ForageKamiAngerThreshold1 = 10000;
ForageKamiAngerThreshold2 = 10000;
ForageKamiAngerDecreasePerHour = 900.0;
ForageKamiAngerPunishDamage = 5000;
ForageValidateSourcesSpawnPos = 1;
AutoSpawnForageSourcePeriodOverride = 0;
ForageKamiAngerOverride = 0;
ForageSiteStock = 100;
ForageSiteNbUpdatesToLive = 10;
ForageSiteRadius = 10.0;
ForageExtractionTimeMinGC = 230.0;
ForageExtractionTimeSlopeGC = 2.0;
ForageQuantityBaseRate = 0;
ForageQuantityBrick1 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick2 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick3 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick4 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick5 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick6 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick7 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick8 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick9 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick10 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick11 = 0.5;
ForageQuantityBrick12 = 0.5;
ForageQuantitySlowFactor = 0.5;
ForageQualitySlowFactor = 1.50;
ForageQualitySlowFactorQualityLevelRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualitySlowFactorDeltaLevelRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualitySlowFactorMatSpecRatio = 0.1;
ForageQualityCeilingFactor = 1.0;
ForageQualityCeilingClamp = 1;
ForageQuantityImpactFactor = 20.0;
ForageQualityImpactFactor = 1.5;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecFactor = 5.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionMatSpecMax = 1.0;
ForageExtractionCareMatSpecFactor = 1.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecFactor = 5.0;
ForageExtractionAbsorptionEcoSpecMax = 1.0;
ForageExtractionCareEcoSpecFactor = 1.0;
ForageExtractionNaturalDDeltaPerTick = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNaturalEDeltaPerTick = 0.1;
ForageCareFactor = 5.0;
ForageCareBeginZone = 5.0;
ForageHPRatioPerSourceLifeImpact = 0.005;
ForageExplosionDamage = 5000.0;
ToxicCloudDamage = 500.0;
ForageCareSpeed = 0.05;
ForageKamiOfferingSpeed = 0.01;
ForageDebug = 0;
ForageSourceSpawnDelay = 50;
ForageFocusRatioOfLocateDeposit = 10;
ForageFocusAutoRegenRatio = 1.0;
ForageReduceDamageTimeWindow = 50;
ForageExtractionXPFactor = 10.0;
ForageQuantityXPDeltaLevelBonusRate = 1.0;
ForageProspectionXPBonusRatio = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNbParticipantsXPBonusRatio = 0.1;
ForageExtractionNastyEventXPMalusRatio = 0.1;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftHerbivore = 2.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForCraftCarnivore = 5.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForMissions = 1.0;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss5 = 10;
QuarteringQuantityAverageForBoss7 = 50;
QuarteringQuantityForInvasion5 = 50;
QuarteringQuantityForInvasion7 = 100;
LootMoneyAmountPerXPLevel = 10.0;
VerboseQuartering = 0;
// Shutdown handling
// Time to shutdown server in minutes
ShutdownCounter = 5;
// Time between to shutdown messages in seconds
BroadcastShutdownMessageRate = 30;
// Time to shutdown to close access to welcome service, in seconds
CloseShardAccessAt = 300;
// Persistent Logging
DatabaseId = 0;
// delay during character stay in game after disconnection
TimeBeforeDisconnection = 300;
// File that contains the privileges for client commands
ClientCommandsPrivilegesFile = "client_commands_privileges.txt";
// File that contains the info on the current event on the server
GameEventFile = "game_event.txt";
// Privilege needed for banner
BannerPriv = ":G:SG:GM:SGM:";
// Privilege that never aggro the bots
NeverAggroPriv = ":OBSERVER:G:SG:GM:SGM:EM:";
// Privilege always invisible
AlwaysInvisiblePriv = ":OBSERVER:EM:";
// Privilege to teleport with a mektoub
TeleportWithMektoubPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:";
// Privilege that forbid action execution
NoActionAllowedPriv = ":OBSERVER";
// Privilege that bypass value and score checking
NoValueCheckingPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:EM:EG:";
// Privilege that prevent being disconnected in case of shard closing for technical problem
NoForceDisconnectPriv = ":GM:SGM:DEV:";
// File used to save position flags
PositionFlagsFile = "position_flags.xml";
// load PVP zones from primitives?
LoadPVPFreeZones = 1;
LoadPVPVersusZones = 1;
LoadPVPGuildZones = 1;
// buffer time in ticks used when entering/leaving a PVP zone
PVPZoneEnterBufferTime = 300;
PVPZoneLeaveBufferTime = 1200;
PVPZoneWarningRepeatTime = 50;
PVPZoneWarningRepeatTimeL = 3000;
// If 1, use the Death Penalty factor from the PVPZone primitive, else no death penalty
PVPZoneWithDeathPenalty = 1;
// if 1, pvp duel/challenge will be disabled
DisablePVPDuel = 0;
DisablePVPChallenge = 1;
// Fame Variables
// All values are multiplied by 6000 compared to values displayed on the client.
FameMinToDeclare = 600000;
FameWarningLevel = 60000;
FameMinToRemain = 0;
FameMinToTrade = -600000;
FameMinToKOS = -600000;
FameMaxDefault = 600000;
FameAbsoluteMin = -600000;
FameAbsoluteMax = 600000;
FameStartFyrosvFyros = 600000;
FameStartFyrosvMatis = -600000;
FameStartFyrosvTryker = -60000;
FameStartFyrosvZorai = 60000;
FameStartMatisvFyros = -600000;
FameStartMatisvMatis = 600000;
FameStartMatisvTryker = 60000;
FameStartMatisvZorai = -60000;
FameStartTrykervFyros = -60000;
FameStartTrykervMatis = 60000;
FameStartTrykervTryker = 600000;
FameStartTrykervZorai = -600000;
FameStartZoraivFyros = 60000;
FameStartZoraivMatis = -60000;
FameStartZoraivTryker = -600000;
FameStartZoraivZorai = 600000;
FameStartFyrosvKami = 60000;
FameStartFyrosvKaravan = -60000;
FameStartMatisvKami = -600000;
FameStartMatisvKaravan = 600000;
FameStartTrykervKami = -60000;
FameStartTrykervKaravan = 60000;
FameStartZoraivKami = 600000;
FameStartZoraivKaravan = -600000;
FameMaxNeutralvFyros = 600000;
FameMaxNeutralvMatis = 600000;
FameMaxNeutralvTryker = 600000;
FameMaxNeutralvZorai = 600000;
FameMaxFyrosvFyros = 600000;
FameMaxFyrosvMatis = 0;
FameMaxFyrosvTryker = 600000;
FameMaxFyrosvZorai = 600000;
FameMaxMatisvFyros = 0;
FameMaxMatisvMatis = 600000;
FameMaxMatisvTryker = 600000;
FameMaxMatisvZorai = 600000;
FameMaxTrykervFyros = 600000;
FameMaxTrykervMatis = 600000;
FameMaxTrykervTryker = 600000;
FameMaxTrykervZorai = 0;
FameMaxZoraivFyros = 600000;
FameMaxZoraivMatis = 600000;
FameMaxZoraivTryker = 0000;
FameMaxZoraivZorai = 600000;
FameMaxNeutralvKami = 600000;
FameMaxNeutralvKaravan = 600000;
FameMaxKamivKami = 600000;
FameMaxKamivKaravan = -600000;
FameMaxKaravanvKami = -600000;
FameMaxKaravanvKaravan = 600000;
// Log switches, turns nlinfo on/off
NameManagerLogEnabled = 1;
GameItemLogEnabled = 1;
EntityCallbacksLogEnabled = 1;
EntityManagerLogEnabled = 1;
GuildManagerLogEnabled = 1;
ForageExtractionLogEnabled = 0;
PhraseManagerLogEnabled = 1;
CharacterLogEnabled = 1;
PlayerLogEnabled = 1;
ShoppingLogEnabled = 0;
PVPLogEnabled = 1;
PersistentPlayerDataLogEnabled = 0;
DailyShutdownSequenceTime = "";
DailyShutdownBroadcastMessage = "The shard will be shut down in 1 minute";
DailyShutdownCounterMinutes = 1;
CheckShutdownPeriodGC = 50;
PlayerChannelHistoricSize = 50;
FlushSendingQueuesOnExit = 1;
NamesOfOnlyServiceToFlushSending = "BS";
// stat database save period in ticks
StatDBSavePeriod = 20;
// New Newbieland
UseNewNewbieLandStartingPoint= 1;
// The domain mainlands configuration
Mainlands = {
"302", "Open", "(Open Developer Community)", "en",